Touring Jakarta - Semarang Bersama Istri Eps 2 | Subah - Candi Gedong Songo | Nmax | Go Pro Hero 11
So the view at Pakis Village is towards Temple Yes, Eh, now 12:43 Mas Ben, that's it in the second temple ya asalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, welcome back to my chanel mas ben and mbak ayu now , 08:14 am , my position in Gas stasion subah , Pertamina Subah gas station, we continue where to travel to Gedong Songo Temple i inform to you , i will go to gedong songo temple Oke my route will inform to you first we go to lebo and then kendal truns right to kaliwungu and then truns left to bandungan , it place near ungaran mountain gunung Ungaran yes lets go ya Bismillahirrahmanirrahim ya good morning from Subah, yes clouldy now but i hopely does not rain The roads here are bumpy, aren't they? So you have to be careful OK, later if there's anything more interesting i will record again oke i will inform you , vibes morning in kendal , central java , indonesia today weekday but it's slowly . it's nice. What does it mean, is it quiet? Is it quiet? It's too noisy like Jakarta Oh yes, it's just called the capital city, capital city the business center too, that's for sure nah this is trafic light usualy If you're red in Jakarta, that's OK seradakukadakuk this is just relaxing Mas Ben's journey from the gas station Sabah, eh Subah Sorry, Sabah is in Aceh i have to go to aceh , insyaallah i will ya from subah gas stasion to gedong songo temple the journey to gedong songo abouth 1 hours 16 minutes , slowly bro i will record again if there is interesthing again okay mountain fence nature reserve famous for its collection of tree plants teak that is tens of years old years old and has the same size This is largely supported by conditions geographically located in the area lowlands with intermediate heights 150 to 175 meters above sea level and has a type of soil latosol My position is on the road Limbangan to Gedong Songo temple So the track is really uphill like this, so you have to prepare-prepare the motorbike settings The incline is due to Gedong Songo Temple It's at the foot of Mount Ungaran. I'm trying to race an Avanza the one in front of Mr Ben But just relax Well, it's going up like this the track is crazy nice i report to you , this is sumber rahayu vilage amazing this view It's really top so this time it's not the view It's not just the street, so it's the view Village Mountain rice fields Wow, how beautiful it is Sumber Rahayu village i'm trying race the avanza ...alhamdulilah susces race the avanza
The Avanza is definitely fast because of its incline This is extreme because it is at the foot of Mount Ungaran The Avanza is definitely fast because of its incline This is extreme because it is at the foot of Mount Ungaran If you remember, this is like in the Dieng mountains, yes, indeed at the foot of the mountain please enjoy the view Welcome to Desa Pakis village,so this is view from desa pakis road to gedong songo temple . waw amazing this view Wih , cool pakis village this is like pasuruan road to mt bromo cool , from here truns left truns left or go straight i mean go to straight 19 minutes to temple from here we truns left we record again if i have truns left yes, this route is good. the path now smooth because it's a two-way track. Semarang, OK? Well, there will be, right? benchmark direction to the left we go left ya follow the route The maps are good if you want to go to Semarang Go straight. So, let's go left to the temple Well, if you find it Omah Kopi means you're right You guys just go straight along this path here it is extreme In case of incline, yes for setting Make sure it's correct, don't top speed because it will happen later Accelerating uphill is pretty crazy This is called Mount Ungaran Our elevation will be 1000 meters above sea level You have to adjust the setting because it keeps climbing Basically, there are lots of them here too Tours You can just search on Google , i "m focusing on gedong songo temple this is spesial episode for gedong songo temple What is Mas Ben Spill's accommodation like? how much does it cost and what are the facilities? what a crazy uphill it's cloudy there. hopefully it doesn't rain. because this is a mountain because the Mountain sucks up the CLOUDS crazy getting steeper MAS BEN'S NMAX IS A LITTLE AWESOME Well, there's no bonus bromo I think it's worse than this bromo Look, this route is similar to the Bromo route the sand rises above it to Wonokirti Yes Yes, that's not bad the incline but it looks like it's really bad on our left Yes, that's how it is, it's beautiful, you have beautiful coffee here Well, it's getting better now. Already not as extreme as before
Well, this is the gate in front of us oke nih Alhamdulillah Mas udah nyampai mana ya sini ya banget oh ya teman-teman di sini juga ada kafe gitu ala-ala Bandung ya namanya apa ya A ayanas ayanas masuk bayar lagi Iya jadi di luar dari tiket masuknya ya oh tiket masuk tadi Rp1.000 kali du jadi Rp2.000 domestik itu domestik Emang kita kalau yang ini r5.000 k aja ada Bule kan yang nonton YouTube kamu jadi bule berapa 75 untuk turis e wisata mancanegara r5.000 r5.000 untuk
domestik r.000 lanjut gua start pendakian di jam 11. Entar kita kita cek sampai candinya Sampai jam berapa yuk Hah gu k jadi wisataak diu Halo Madam Ho Sir ini adalah trknya ya ini Kang blok itu jalan di pos satu kayaknya ya dari jam 11.00 Nyampai sini jam 1105 berarti dari situ situ ke sini itu hanya 5 menit hanya 5 menit sudah nyampai J candiang sat I Iya e sekarang 1243 Mas Ben udah di di Candi yang kedua di komplek Candi gedung songong jadi K paknya seperti ini nanti di atas udah kelihatan adaandi yang ketiga insyaah nanti ketig masih kuatemang bangah diiemang jadi iniang kayak diingtin di kaki gunungangan dari Ya seperti ini tadi kan di tiketnya 1200 nanti mas ben e hitung lagi ketinggian berapa sekarang di Candi tapasnya ya alhamdulillah di jam 1259 Mas Ben udah di Candi gedung di ketinggian 1380-an jadi itu candi yang keempat cuman Mas gak akan ke situ kayaknya ku udah mulaiing kemanten belum tidur jadi putuskan di sini aja untuk staystay-nya enjoy-enjoynya di3 akan menuskan di sini terus baru turun sekitar jam .30 turun terus makan-man di pos terakhir terus turun ya jadi di sini ada pembandan air panas Jadi di situ pembanden air panasnya ee kawan-kawan nanti kalau misalkan mau berendam di kolam Rendam air panas tinggal belok kanan dari sini pertigaan ke Candi saja entar ke bawah nah itu panas Sekarang saatnya turun ya dari sini jam 337 makin mau turun jadi jalanannya itu kayak Gunung Bromo bisa lihatunan cantik panannya tuh Wah wangannya cantik tu sini juga banyak apa ya kafe-kafe kecil tapi bagus semang kan emangini pemandangannya bagus Tuh lihat tuh kayak Bromo tuh jalan tuh I kan ke Bromo ya sekarang jam 1641 Mas Ben sama Mbak Ayu udah di Kabupaten Semarang dikit lagi nyampai kota Semarang nah penginapannya Mas Ben sama Bayu ada di Kota Semarang namanya Hotel checkin ya kalian bisa cari di Agoda itu murah nanti mas Ben SP oke lanjut ya kita ke kota Semarang kunci setang sih baju baju kunci tang aja dia kan bisa m sat 11 nih di kamar yang ini asalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh kamera ini jadi kamarnya kayak gini harganya berapa ya harga berapa luu amat harganya ber 100 34 eh 35 135 lumayan sih 3 dekat jajanan dekat Kota jadi kamar mandinya seperti ini kaan-kaan harganya R5 di boda namanya hotel cheekin ya lumayan buat tidur jajan di kota Ya lumayan enak asalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Eh teman-teman mas Ben sekarang e udah di hotel checkin di Kota Semarang Mas Ben mau jajan sama Mbak aayu nih di Kota Semarang lebih tepatnya sih di Panglima ya Mas Ben juga pengin tahu kan e gimana si Panglima n oh ini gangnya nih ini gangnya nanti kita belok kiri gitu masin kan belum pernah ke Semarang ya eksor Semarang Jadi Mas Ben excited banget buat expor Semarang ini gimana Simpang Lima gimana vaps-nya Semarang kalau malam-malam ya Jadi kita lanjutin aja ya ke Simpang Lima ya oke jadi jajanan di sini banyak banget ya ya makanan Mas udah siap nih namanya tahu gimbal rege kali ya tahu grege sama joket dan rawon Raun plus nasi Ayo lap B Jadi pakai nasi Oke satakan dari Semarang nah tuh tuh Itu tuh namanya Simpang Lima ya jadi di sini banyak kopi tu tu kopi kopi kalian bisa nongkrong di sini juga selain di tempat tadi ya Kalau itu mas Ben rekomendasiin buat makan Kalau ngopi enakan sini sih nongkrong gitu di ini sih Panglima Nah mas Ben mau penutupan di episode yang kedua Nah nanti ada episode yang ketiga ya saksiin aja Mas Ben mau ke mana lagi oke
2024-02-26 09:08