Touring Haunted WWII Hospital

Touring Haunted WWII Hospital

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paranormal just got haunted where are you [Music] but hey culturally was that [Applause] [Music] in the town of Keeley in Yorkshire there stands a royal arcade that offers all sorts of Pleasures to its visitors [Music] but it's journey in time about What Lies Beneath was secretly forgotten a whole host of Victorian streets lay underneath its flaws no one knew about the underground streets until recently when the floor caved in and workers found a basement that housed victorian-style streets below [Music] no one could believe their eyes when he stepped into this time capsule but what was more surprising was the location appeared to be haunted [Music] visitors have reported voices banging and objects moving but what is more surprising is something sinister seems to have made its home here dark strange entities disembodied growling and spiritual attacks of all taken place here and nobody dares to spend the night alone it comes to no surprise to us that after being untouched for over 100 years with people entering it's now rediscovered premises something has been Disturbed and goes to mention will uncover and seek out these entities tonight as we investigate the underground streaks [Music] hi um so we are here in the underground Street I have to start recording fastly because the K2 was going off uh it stopped at the minute but we will come back to it I just want to show you which rooms I have um in this Underground street now instantly as soon as the others left me um like cigarette smoke as soon as the others left me I felt a big big um sort of presence on my shoulders I can only describe this place as um just literally a stop in time when you look at it and you look at look this is this the original wood we come here and this is a the door now this was all covered up and it was all boarded up and then a shop um a whole arcade sort of place was built on top cigarette smoke right here I'm gonna move that I have the air pressure center you see down here I'm gonna move this right there because I do believe there's a man standing there watching what I'm doing wow so Lee is investigating Bex is investigating I can tell you this place feels freaky we're in the middle actually of a heat wave and down here is icy cold you can see there's all of these rooms that are around here if I go in here PRC look at them right I thought do you know what it feels like somebody is watching you it does is so creepy do you know what I'm gonna do I'm just feel drawn Lee set up earlier in one of the rooms the Ouija board and I'm going to take the camera in there now it's a field drawn into it was in here there we go oh it just feels crazy in here look I'm just gonna set this down here okay okay let's see what happens it won't be a second so I am in the streets alone at the moment I've got all the old shops behind me you see those there it's extremely dark so we're gonna walk into one of the one of this now is anyone here with me can you make a noise please can you tap on something behind me if that was you can you make that noise again talking I have got a um Rim pod positioned just in that door there as well if you don't hear with me you hear them there's a crown from in this room Lee was completely alone and was here in Taps and Banks all around him but what he didn't hear was this voice [Music] you don't hear with me replaying it back it sounds towards like um a creepy hello you don't hear with me maybe Lee had instantaneously got the attention of his spirit um I chose down here because well do what the honest truth I wanted down there I wanted right down there because as we did a little walk around before um also have a cross as well as we did her walk around before I was drawn to it and Lee said came up behind my shoulder and he said um there's an ominous presence in here and I was instantly drawn to that room however Lee said I wasn't able to do it on my own I needed a male with me because of what I was picking up and he said it's dangerous basically for me to do it on my own so I'm going to do that later on hopefully hopefully we'll see how this one pans out anyway it's not going to start babbling anymore I'm gonna start calling out footsteps I'm standing still is there anybody there can you give me a sign that you're here can you give me a sign that you walk among us [Music] prop Me Later but I'm also going to but it's okay too oh that's my shadow my name's Bex and I'm a paranormal investigator I'm here to seek out some sort of Truth is this where you used to work wow I'll tell you what looking forward to this investigation tonight well I'm doing this if anybody's here with me now you'd like to communicate come close to me speak to me tell me your name I switched this is a sensor so if you move around I'll be able to see you this is a pressure sensor and this is a K2 oh my God I felt like that I heard somebody I heard somebody then I hope I caught that on camera moments of being here something's moving and then boom thank you I could not believe my ears when I played this audio back I could hear a voice with my own ears but I couldn't make out at the time what it said and this is okay too oh my God I felt like that I heard somebody to me this sounds dark like the entity was saying what do you want followed by a bang it was clear to me that something sinister was in my presence thank you very much K2 is going mad here are you here with me now can you make that noise that I just heard outside there thank you I know you're reacting to on the K2 thank you so much can you come close to me speak to me and tell me your name are you a mischievous one hello Anakin do you want me to come into this room all the old objects original objects are in here can you make that noise again please tell me your name my name's Lee walking so you're walking in the corridor my hair colors are gonna are you here [Applause] I feel like some touch my hands okay too never enough that's not going off another one I'll be coming for you guys to see can you come close to this cross we've placed the cross here it just feels bizarre in here can't put my finger on it just counts there's definitely somebody hello I felt something touched my hand and there was a noise right before it foreign [Applause] but what I never expected to hear was the banging in the room and the footsteps they were all around me definitely somebody hello this is one of the scariest moments I have ever encountered somebody took on me somebody's talking me can you do that again can you talk on my stuff again I know he's just there can you do that again can you tug on me if I stand here do you want me to move can you tell me your name like I said before my name is Bex oh wow I have just heard somebody say no and it was through there let me just go and take this because I really want to do this place Justice and I want to walk around and show you guys turn the camera come around oh [Music] no it's not I have what did I just say to you guys felt like somebody was looking at me that right heckles have gone up machine just went off and I heard somebody down there going no now this is where I saw somebody it felt like somebody was standing locking in the window listen oh my God oh I don't feel safe in here really down smooth oh my God the wall you are too it was moving and boom exit literally just been hearing unexplainable noises and now it appeared they were also happening to me the wall I go back to my original thoughts you know we were in the presence in my mind of something you know sinistered dark demonic whatever you want to call it but one thing was for sure it did not want us to stick around [Music] thank you is it because of the Ouija board can you move it on its own I'm gonna put it on number five can you move it [Applause] I'll turn away I'm gonna take the torch I'm still on number five he's still here I heard you make a noise thinking of a noise make it over noise come on in five four thank you three do it again two one oh my God it doesn't feel safe anywhere you're here aren't you you're just watching me move around here come on my name is Sean I'm a Paranormal Investigator I'm only here to make contact you blow these candles out stands in that room where the bike is right there she's often around this area I believe her deemed to be Alice so Alice if you're here can you come forward please can you come into the doorway another knock I feel like I've been watched from behind now so Alice can you come into the doorway I know you like to watch from here so if anything goes through that door the rim should activate can you set the machine off and you do after three one two three did you hear that that was a very faint talking [Music] the activity in the streets was crazy noises all around and playing it back louder you can actually hear the talking can you set the machine off and you do after three one two three did you hear that that was a very faint talking sounded like to me it said it feels like perhaps this was a group of spirits plotting their next move [Music] somebody's just said it feels like it feels like what [Music] what was what are you in here [Music] are you there oh thank you you give me the run around don't you you are definitely giving me the run around now that's just gone off again can you do it on command please are you a male spirit are you a female spirit don't worry I'm not here to harm you please do not harm me [Music] I'm gonna go again I'm gonna go oh my God thank you I can't believe that's just happened when I'm in the room it doesn't go off it's just green it literally it's just green when I leave the room but I had the camera on it it went off and you all saw it is anyone else with me like dolls nice a very creepy one oh I feel so dizzy now it's like pressure becoming worse around the head I almost feel like I'm spinning really that does not feel nice now it feels like the energy is shifting get this pressure again to the Head which usually indicates a head trauma something to do with a head trauma I just did a full step right there hello this candle come on foreign this experience was pretty intense and actually I was starting to feel a little bit worried I mean I was in the room there was no exit there was no way out and the sounds were starting to get closer I said listen oh for a spirit's energy to be this strong it had to be something powerful and you could actually feel its energy all around in the atmosphere who Jesus thank you thank you very much stop oh my God oh Jesus freaking out here I don't want to go there I don't want to be here if that makes sense somebody was in there making some noises do that again I'm here now okay somebody grabbed me and this this precious sensor went off was that you is that what you did come on do it again oh I'm so scared foreign this is one fantastic place to investigate my God no way that is moving that is moving why shut off shut up no oh my God right okay that's moving and I've just heard top tap no don't like it don't like it don't like it don't like it hello please don't hurt me I'm not here to oh God oh my God but he was talking almost my year Hood you gotta be that quiet because you can hear it full stop do it again do it again oh my God I got pulled again meter tugged here oh my God Jesus no way and look look something definitely was here yeah that was you I heard you the Ouija board has moved and there was a knock as if somebody just ran out of room what are we on nothing we were on five and we moved oh my God this is incredible Demeter reacted at the same time that something happened in here I can't believe it this is freaking weird unbelievable thank you though thank you so much but can you do it so I can see it happening do as I can see it happening move it move the whole table in five four three two [Music] four steps again stay this side one I wanna see that what do you think move that plunger go on you've also made the K2 light up before make it light up again come on make it light up free Are you standing in front of me right now thank you why have you made my legs go really warm and my top go really cold what's that what what what are you doing are you doing something to me can you make it go off again can you make the cake thank you so much thank you are you a male spirit are you stuck here you are thank you this is amazing I'll take the camera away just in case it's that can you tell me something else are you the person that's touching me this experience with the K2 meter was like no other and it wasn't until Sean played it back in edit that we realized its significance the K2 meter reacts to EMF and on this occasion you can actually hear something interfering with the camera it started to affect the Audio I mean this for me we've never experienced anything so powerful with the reading so high as well that can affect our equipment but not only did it affect the audio it started to affect the video the thoughts around EMF are man-made EMF for example is it creates a steady flow of energy so the reading if it was man-made would be constant but this was very erratic it was up it was down it was affecting the camera it wasn't affecting your camera it was all over the place and that suggests to us that Bex had just come into direct contact with a very powerful entity can you touch me again can you pull on my hood did you just pull on my hood let me just take the light away in case it's the light did you pull on my hood just before you did did you knock on the door twice wow um uh did you use the work here it is not stopping us oh so you worked here but you also used the facilities here Jesus Christ that's going off and that's going off but I don't want to miss this oh my God is the what is the more than one person here oh would you say you're trapped you're trapped here you are and are you um yeah no way somebody's just grunted was that you making a noise I'm gonna move the can too is that we're gonna move it over here and we're gonna see if you still make it God why is it still going off I have never had this level of activity before ever I really don't want to go out there because it's dark uh wow you're like totally with me then yeah you surrounding me are you the dark Spirit you don't feel dark you don't I'm gonna put you down again because I can because you're with that you don't feel like a dark Spirit you don't feel like you're going to harm me is that uh oh well that's not good I say I can only say about this location is somebody's talking me on the back you took me again I'm okay too stopped there was so much happening all around myself Sean and Lee and it was getting stronger so we decided to regroup together as a team and delve even deeper underground to see what was causing the activity family apprehensive going in here because of what I felt before yeah can you close that door [Music] could you imagine if we capture anything on that camera tonight has been proper active and I'm pretty sure this area isn't going to disappoint it's pretty good where do you want to start I think we should start yeah yeah this area we've always had great results around here okay listen I'm gonna put pressure sensors everything they've always gone off okay I'm just gonna leave this torch here let's give you that second I'm gonna set off the um okay here we go let's just move this way because that sort of our lights there I'm gonna see before we do oh my God already that is crazy thank you so much it's where it comes from usually this area is there anybody here [Music] the Spirit Box is a radio device and it sweeps frequencies constantly it goes hit hit that's am it's FM radio and it's believed that Spirits can manipulate those frequencies and select words that they want to communicate through the device okay here we go okay to it is there anybody here with us oh you did you did oh my God thank you Come Close tell us your name yeah every time you speak it never is you got the you are the dark one aren't you from the Next Room you remember me oh we had a response totally I heard that all across please and boys yeah you're the dark one aren't you you remember me can you tell us who you are with your name [Music] are you the mail in the top part [Music] of this with this I think so yeah oh somebody just walks in there then can I ask a question have you did that cross was that cross left swinging I've just put it up there yeah but that was like ages he's back again K2 is going mud and across the swing again he's back why no this is your space am I getting the name Frank Frank literally all in my head it's just a massive F and Frank and ever since we've been here it's just some of this screaming Frank whoa was there a Frank here can you make an audible noise are you the one that was summoned here I've spoken to you before you were summoned here you don't belong here do you think there's somebody you've spoken to before Lee who's this this is the mail that was actually uh we believe some kind of ritual or something was performed down here oh sorry Lee somebody just touched my leg at the same time what could be the boy and there's a little mischievous buyer will took on your claws and the difference you'll feel with the boy and the male is the male will come in and he will touch your hair whereas the boy talks lower down um and he runs around earlier you're in the investigation both Bex and I experienced the exact same feelings that Lee was describing [Music] he was talking about my hood could this be the male Spirit the child spirit that was the main cause of the activity in the streaks it's almost like a 1960s vampire movie he lays over ladies and he gets right over their neck and he literally he plays with their hair but he he lays right over them and the last time I came down here with another group he was layering over one of the the ladies I'm just watching the pressure sensor there but I feel like he's he's listening to us is he in there do you think uh this is usually where he is um he does feel like I feel his residual energy around I feel like he's been in this area very recently um I think he's still around and he's he's listening to us yes you are k2's going off thank you yes she's still here can you can you throw something at us make a noise why were you so angry can you tell us why you were so angry were you hurt in this life while we're doing it just to see if anything this male as well he was um I get something to do with him taking body parts um he was what would be classed back in the day as a body Snatcher so he would have taken organs and sold them but he's not from here originally he's been conjured he I don't know why or who's done this and but he's definitely not from this time period he's not from this place that he should not be here I think we should try something you know all right I know the case is going off let's just go dark for one second completely dark it is when they can't see you they're doing stuff yeah yeah I agree yeah because we're dark okay we can't see anything now if there's somebody here in the corner where was it either footsteps yeah yeah five do something in four yeah yeah yeah yeah it's Rosalind Rosalind wrestling uh Rosalyn oh Rosalyn yeah and then there was a noise behind you can you make a noise we heard you before were you a lady of the night and five you're not strong enough are you three two something yes feel it can you one although nothing audible was caught when Sean called out we did however catch some strange lights caught on our camera two years the area was dirty and normally we would agree that it could be dust however the way in which the lights move together appears strange two years it looks to us like there was something starting to manifest and we have no explanation other than paranormal as to what it could be and it changes there we go look so as soon as you come in he's gotten flat yeah you okay oh sugar are you okay all right yeah let's have a look at you oh my God and then me is going off that's just happened did you find that funny it was yeah we forgot oh oh here we go again are you in here with us lights off lights off as well here you are come on that's it see if you can make it go all the way to the red use our energy all the way to the red no way no way and there was another are you touching my back what was the light on there there's no light to finish the lights did you touch my back right can you throw this back ready you wanna throw it in there I think I am oh you see it sounds like pitch black I can't pick anything just share my torch yeah here we go right here we go ready throwback five come on four oh I gotta switch your headache in here this location was getting crazy it was hit after hit I mean we threw the stone it threw one back it was mental oh I got such an headache yeah it was clear that something menacing was with us down here and we just pray that our spiritual protection kept us safe K2 oh yeah yeah yeah I just don't want to move right do it again find the snow and do it on again there you go yeah yeah look at the look at the cross [Applause] oh the cross is going no way it was still it's on you that was still when we came through he's talking oh my God no throw some away throw some in there because that just that came back and the K2 yeah that that was the wait hold on one minute oh was that did you just missed it again just so people can see it it's affecting the kettle as well yeah right here we go I'm gonna throw this I'm gonna throw it back [Applause] [Music] we got that on what I'll do it for sure come on again holy was a light then maybe it was dust but it was a light flashing light throw it back a day does anybody feeling sick I've got a really full of dizziness I feel like I'm sweating dizzy yeah yeah I feel like a human pendulum like yeah just being like yeah me too right on her head as well you know okay wait till you get the pressure have you got the crush on the head as soon as I said the crushing that's the mail wasn't he um to get you out of here what he'll do is he'll either make you sick or he'll put this crushing pressure into the head and you'll feel like you want to vomit with him as well um you'll also get blasted with the smell of cigar smoke well I can smell it before that's right I said it's smelling it didn't I oh watch out for as well with this one you will smell like rotten eggs which is associated with negativity you will smell what shhh Kebab did you wear the bun yeah he's he's been summoned here as this one he should not be here he's he's definitely negative that was I'm not being funny yeah that was something we've been thrown in there yeah yeah he has no good intentions whatsoever throw somewhere else throw something else I've never come across activity where it's been thrown I've not right let's do it again they got a big one yeah long chip come on all right lights off let's be quiet for 10 seconds [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my God [Music]

2023-06-15 02:36

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