Touring Columbia, NYU, Yale, and Harvard Law (vlog) | Journey to Law School

Touring Columbia, NYU, Yale, and Harvard Law (vlog) | Journey to Law School

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hey what up everyone tyler here welcome back to  my channel or welcome for the first time if you're   new today's video we're gonna be looking at a vlog  that i shot when i went to the east coast looking   at four different schools it's a continuation of  the last vlog so i'll link that up here um which   looked at uva in georgetown and this one we're  going to be looking at columbia nyu harvard and   yale but yeah and so we're going to give hopefully  some overviews of the campuses and then at the end   per usual i'll give a review on the vibe the area  and the campus there are chapters if there's a   school you want to skip to but yeah be sure to  like and subscribe if you enjoy comment if you   have any questions about the schools or with  your favorite school and let's get into it all right good morning it's 5 30. it's  5 30 in the morning i woke up early i'm   gonna get dropped off of the train we're gonna  leave it at six so i can get the 6 30 train   and then i'm taking the train from here from  richmond all the way up to new york like a   seven hour train ride and yeah and then we'll  be in our next city checking out more schools   right and you did right brother   missing someone all right so just got off the metro in brooklyn   staying at the front here and i'm going to shower  eat because i've only eaten some almonds today   and then do some work and i think we're  just watching rupaul's drag race today so   it's a chill day um and we'll likely be doing  some school tours coming up probably tomorrow what up everyone so it's friday morning i  just finished most of my work so i think   i'm gonna shower run up to columbia to try  and see if i can see around their campus   um and then i know i'm going to be meeting up with  some friends for drinks tonight so that's the plan   i'm going to try and see colombia today before  it's like raining this weekend it's about an hour   away from where i'm at and then nyu probably  depending on the weather maybe sunday morning   or monday morning should be fine either way  it's not too far or even honestly if i do it   monday i train out monday evening um i should  be able to see it and just pop out see it and   then get back on the train and go so those  are the schools we're gonna be checking out   while we're here but it's been really great so  far the weather is wild definitely the vibes   are so different from virginia um but yeah so  i'm gonna do that get ready and we'll head out all right time to head out but  always bring your headphones okay this is a dramatic change of events  it was not supposed to start raining until   like nine tonight it's so it's like porn so  um i don't know what we're gonna do i mean   you can see the school a little bit from here so  that's cool uh area's nice like what the [ __ ]   i'll show you what's going on okay so this  is what is happening right now but here's   we made it so um it says it's supposed to  stop in like 30 minutes so i might just stand   under this little archway for 30 minutes and  then hope it stops and uh get to go walk around   but kind of funny i don't know it is what it is  it's just rain so at least it's not super hot there's not much you can do about it okay  yeah so it's done it was like 10 minutes   uh and like now the rain is now the  rain is gone so here we are we made it   and uh i'll show you all around a little  bit so this is like the big dome building   i think they have their like orientation or  commencement or something going on right now   but look at how nice the sky is down  here and that's where it was raining i'm pretty sure that's an orientation group   for the 1l law students lol so kind  of funny that i'm here right now   all right so i made it to out front of the law  library um yeah i mean this part of campus is   really really cool it's obviously very in the  city which i think similar to any of the schools   in new york would be except i mean new york city  not um like necessarily cornell or something but   yeah i mean it's really really cool i like  the vibe it's definitely a little loud but   i'm assuming all the windows are like double paned  and stuff and i don't know there's something like   really electric about this campus that's kind  of cool but in a different way than georgetown   with um all the political stuff going on there so  yeah i mean it just feels a lot more hustle bustle   but really really cool so i kind of like that look  at all these pigeons look at all those chickens all right so can't go inside um  because i don't have a student id   so that's whatever it's totally  fine you know we say virtual tours so all right but we're gonna head back to brooklyn  right now and get a drink of some friends   uh yeah so that's columbia for the day i'll do   a little review somewhere it's a little  quieter when i'm back home tomorrow okay so we went to a bar up on a roof and  apparently it's the first day it opened   but then their credit card machine was  down and we didn't have to pay for anything   so make sure to uh what was this place called  yeah tippy martin no i don't know what it was   called i'll put the link in the description if  you're in new york go here all right you guys   it was called clinton hall go to clinton  hall sorry thank you for the free drinks i'm at a bar in brooklyn what up  everyone it's been amazing i love it   12 seconds later i'm so hungover i  haven't been out drinking in a minute all right so i showered i also realized i never  really did a little like thoughts on columbia   um i mean colombia's campus was crazy i have never  been to a school like that um so it was like just   really stunning and i talked to a few people that  are just like friends of friends down here they're   talking about how it kind of feels like you get  away from the hustle and bustle of like manhattan   there just because it is like it's on its own  separate campus and i mean there's like these   big gates you walk through which is also kind  of nice because i feel like if i'm going to or   leaving class i'll be able to like step off campus  you know and kind of leave whatever i'm working on   there so just for like mental health and like life  balance that is very appealing that's just initial   thoughts i'll do like the i'll do the ratings at  the end about the vibe the area and the campus   in more detail i really want to  get into the new york schools i mean i want to get into like  all my schools but i'm going to um   let my phone charge a little bit  so i can record get on the train   and then get a coffee and walk around  nyu's law school so let's go do that we made it got some coffee thank god so we're just  walking around the area i also forgot my glasses all right it's probably not the best place to  film because there's a bus but just like the   other schools i can't really go in or see anything  right now but yeah i mean it's like essentially   just popped into the city next to uh washington  square park um so hung out there had some coffee okay so it's time for me to get some pizza get  on the train to head to the amtrak so i need to   get in to manhattan from brooklyn um yeah and  then we're heading up to connecticut so it's   probably gonna be dark most that train so uh i  might not really film anything but um yeah if   not and then tomorrow we're gonna be in new haven  just for a little bit and then train up to boston   and yeah we just keep it pushing so we're going  to connecticut tonight y'all let's go to yale so so all right so i just got to the hotel i'm  staying at a marriott so you know the   vibes yeah it's nine o'clock gonna facetime  i facetime my boyfriend this is the bathroom   this is the bed one king that big freaking chair  let's see if i can show you the view it's pretty   dark okay oh popeyes um that's all you can see  maybe we'll see something else in the morning   yeah so i just got here got to connecticut  we officially made it we'll see you all in   the morning check to make some snickers because  why not and also um i think there's breakfast in   the morning before 9 30. so as long as i get up  before then so as long as i set my alarms for am   and not pm like i accidentally did today it should  be good but i'm gonna clock out for the night   see you tomorrow also if you've been enjoying the  vlog so far be sure to like and subscribe and also   comment what's been your favorite place um so  far in your opinion yeah see you at breakfast   okay good morning everyone so i just showered um  i'm going to go eat some breakfast even though   my stomach hurts a little bit that is what it is  um but yeah so we'll see yale it should be just   like a little bit that way from the hotel and then  and then i'll do some work and then we take the   train to boston tonight yeah you can see um the  lighting's a little weird in here but you can see   out of the window now so i'll show you the view  it's like nothing crazy but it's supposed to be   somewhere over there so i've essentially finished  uh most of my work for today i'm gonna have like   another call or something um i'm just gonna work  on my personal statement because applications open   uh tomorrow or something i don't know holy [ __ ]  so i want everything to be i think it's in like a   much better place than it was even just a week ago  i'm gonna keep working on my personal statement um   i think my resume is pretty much good additional  essays and stuff i'll have to see once they get   posted live because i won't know until they're  there yeah i think i've done most of what i can do   but i'm gonna work from the lobby a little  bit and then head out to the law school   this afternoon and then get some lunch uh  because my training's not till seven so   you know we got some time all right so we're  walking to the law school it's kind of funny   because like this whole town is just like a little  like college yale town but we'll head over um and   then go get some lunch and work on my application  materials more and that's what we'll do today all right so we're sitting out front i'm not gonna  lie it's really weird to be here especially not   as a student or anything to just like look around  yeah the imposter syndrome just like hits so fast   and it's like why would i even apply here i would  never get in i don't know but yeah it's really   interesting it's definitely it feels like a campus  i mean the whole city feels like a campus so   so different from new york i don't know not bad  right it's the best law school in the country   so all right so my train is in like two hours to  boston got a recommendation to go to donut crazy   and i [ __ ] with donuts so we're going to do that  kill some time at the hotel and go to the train pretty good but uh i also feel like i might be  sick it's a lot of sugar but it was really good   all right so i made it to the train station in  new haven not gonna lie in new haven it was weird   especially i think just being here by myself like  i don't know anyone here i don't know what to do   and it's quite literally the best law school in  the country so i'm like what am i doing here you   know not that i couldn't get in i don't know i  think everyone should try if they have a really   good chance but it's just numbers at the end of  the day right it's like it's whatever yeah i don't   know just a much different vibe very very weird  but yeah i'm excited to go to boston i'm staying   with a friend there that'll be a nice way to end  the trip i've been gone for like two weeks so i'm   like ready i think i'm ready for it to wind down  um but it has been really really good i'll give   some more insight on uh just my thoughts about  the different schools and the locations because   obviously what vibes with me might not vibe with  you but i'm just gonna get on the train i'll get   in the boss around 10 i'll probably get to my  friends around 10 30 11. yeah it's been so crazy   so all right so we made it to boston i'm walking  from the metro to my friend's house um so that's   probably it for today it's about ten o'clock um  yeah but we'll be checking out harvard while we're   here possibly boston university which fun fact is  one this goes out i mean last year um so if you're   just joining on this journey i am reapplying so  yeah have a good night see you in the morning   all right good morning i'm on my way to pick up  breakfast and then gonna do some work applications   are officially open today it's september 1st so  i guess that's exciting but it's probably going   to be raining later today sorry it's like  the loudest street on the planet right now   there's like a large car and a leaf blower  probably gonna be raining later so i'm not   sure how much i'll actually be able to show you  but i'll give you as much of a rundown as i can   and obviously show you what i can so crazy all  right so as you can see it's really raining like   very hard um but we've we've ubered to  the law school and i'll show you what i   can but don't expect much so this feels right  i feel uh spiritually attached to this place all right i'm on the hunt to find the tree  that elle woods ran outside to class to   if we find that tree we'll  count this as a successful tour not that it matters so so all right we could not find the tree but that's  fine we're now under this cover uh because it   smells it smells like fish sticks here though  so um we're gonna go get food and drinks and   i'll give you guys thoughts later um but that  essentially is all the schools we're gonna see   so we did it uh yeah and i'll give you guys  just thoughts when i'm back in san diego so   and don't forget to like and subscribe  all right so we are heading to   the subway to head back to the airport  to go back to san diego now so bye boston   all right so that was all the schools i'm  obviously back in san diego so i'm gonna do   a quick run through of the overview because i did  talk a fair amount you saw i think a good amount   of footage of each of the schools but first let's  start with columbia so colombia's vibe i really   love the vibe of columbia i thought it was great  probably one of the most gorgeous campuses i've   been to um just in general so yeah i really love  that school really like the way it's set up in the   city it just has a very scholarly vibe to it so i  think it would be really really easy to focus on   courses and then also it's um you know in  new york which brings me to the area and the   area is just like awesome you know if you like  large cities i think new york has something for   everyone it could be a little overwhelming if  that's not um what you're looking for but also   new york is the largest legal market in the  us so um that's definitely a bonus yeah i   mean the campus i would honestly give it like a  nine or ten out of ten like even though it was   like pouring rain and maybe that had something  to do with it the nostalgia and like bromance   of the campus but um really loved it so uh vibe  overall i'd give it like like a nine out of ten   and then the area i really love new york i'd  give it a nine out of ten and i think job   wise um there's a ton of great options yeah on  campus we'll give it a nine out of ten which so   columbia is like the highest rated school i think  right now but it also could be a little bias take   everything i say with a grain of salt just because  i really enjoyed my time in new york on this trip   so you know that is what it is and then nyu is  next so nyu the vibe similar you know the area   is obviously like kind of similar because it's  situated in new york but it is in a different part   it's near washington square park um which is kind  of nice you know you can go out into the park but   it is a little overwhelming sometimes when you  step right out of class and um there's just like a   bunch of people at the park whereas columbia was a  little separated but the vibe of nyu i definitely   give it like an eight out of ten really liked it  seems you know like a great place to go to school   love all the brick seems like i don't know like  there's a lot of other students too so it's kind   of a nice mix because a lot of nyu's campus is  in that whole like washington square park area   and then the area is going to be similar to  colombia i'm going to give it a 9 out of 10.  

like new york i think is just great even though  it is in a different part of new york and you   could probably live in brooklyn if you're going  to nyu where you most likely would have to live   in manhattan for colombia so that is a difference  depending on what type of commute you're down to   deal with especially when it's like cold and the  trains are breaking down and all that type of   stuff and then campus-wise i mean i like that it  does open up into a park but it is a public park   so it does have a little um it feels a little more  integrated in the city so i'm just going to give   an 8 out of 10 for that reason just because i do  really like the campuses that have felt a little   separate so i can leave the campus leave all  of my legal studies there at the end of the day   and focus on my personal life when i  go home and my relationship so those   are just personal preferences though you know  like i said comment below if you agree or not   and then heading to yale so yale was definitely  a weird one for me because i was there by myself   and it is the best law school in the country you  know so um like i said i just felt a little out   of place just because i don't know if anyone  assumes they'll get in or deserves to be there   and like and deserves to be there right it's a  school as far as the vibe goes i mean if you're   really into college towns i think it's great like  in new haven it feels like the only thing that   really matters there is yale um and not much else  so for me i would give it a seven out of ten like   um that's not super the experience i am looking  for but you know the education you would get   there and the people you'd meet is amazing area  i mean it's kind of similar to vibe it does feel   very scholastic and the campus itself is like  it looks like a castle and like you can't even   see the common area courtyard lawn unless you're a  current student who has access to that so that was   a little weird because i almost felt like i was  just outside the citadel like trying to scope out   what i could so for area i'll give it um  i mean i'll give it a 7 out of 10 as well   because you could take a train to a larger city  if you wanted but you know it's not immediately   accessible so that's something to keep in mind  the campus i mean the campus is stunning like   the school itself was so so cool and like very  old-timey and like you could just feel like the   history of the school there um so i'll give that  an eight out of ten like i love the campus it was   really cool and then finally harvard so harvard  was really fun honestly i thought it was a good   mix in between new york the vibe so i mean i was  in cambridge not necessarily in boston when i   stayed to visit because that's where my friend  lives and that's where harvard is so you know i   liked it it was kind of rainy which also was kind  of nice like it made it feel similar to columbia   like a little romantic and like it's like i was  in a movie except there was a lot of construction   but that is what it is um but there was a lot of  really good food it seemed like a nice atmosphere   at least for me so i'll give it an 8 out of 10.  and then the area i mean boston seems great um   it is also close to new york and other cities  but it seems like there's a lot of things to   do there there's a lot of places to eat there's  a lot of things to explore which matters to me   because at the end of the day i'm moving with  my partner there and i want them to feel like   the city is just as much theirs it is as it is  mine and i feel like that can totally happen   in boston so i'm giving the area an 8 out of  10 as well and the campus was awesome like   honestly i it could be because of the rain  again but it felt almost like a mix between   colombia and nyu like it felt separate enough  but still integrated in to the city if that   makes sense like you could just walk off and go  somewhere if you wanted but when you're on campus   it feels like you're on a campus you know so yeah  so i give the campus an 8 out of 10 as well very   solid great school you know all the schools i'm  seeing are awesome and i'd be happy to go to any   of them so yeah if you have other schools too that  you're checking out comment them down below thank   you so much for watching this video yeah but like  and subscribe it's been super fun seeing your dms   and responding to people and good luck to everyone  who's taking the lsat in november wishing everyone   the best of luck this process can kind of suck  so i made this channel to one i didn't see a lot   of queer representation on you know legal youtube  and also as a non-traditional student just wanted   to give you know different perspective on things  and i'm a reapplicant so i don't know like i feel   like there's a lot of things i was looking for on  youtube that i wasn't finding so hopefully these   videos are helpful whether you're a reapplicant or  kjd or non-traditional whatever hopefully they're   just like down to earth and chill and don't stress  you out because i know the process is stressful so   yeah i hope you enjoyed and thank you so  much and i'll see you in the next video

2021-10-07 12:03

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