Touring a Houston Texas area CUSTOM NEW CONSTRUCTION Home on ACREAGE!

Touring a Houston Texas area CUSTOM NEW CONSTRUCTION Home on ACREAGE!

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[Music] n [Music] hello everyone welcome to my channel my name is Lance basil and this is inside Houston real estate today we have something very exciting for you because we have actually stepped outside of Houston about an hour north of the city and we are filming in Willis Texas in an amazing master plan Community called Republic Grand Ranch where you can actually buy Lots huge Lots acreage and we're excited today because we've never done this on the channel but we are touring Black Oak Custom Homes and we have the co-founder and co-owner ma Davis who is going to give us an amazing tour normally I'm the one presenting the home but who better to present the home than the actual owner of the company so we're very excited to show you this home so follow me let's [Music] go great so now that we're inside I want to introduce you to ma Davis he is one of the founders and co-owners of Black Oak homes and we're in for a really special treat because folks as you know I've been doing this for two decades but Mac is the expert on his product so as opposed to me going through and pointing out things I don't want to mislead anybody I want you to hear the full story and get a true tour of this amazing home so Mac thank you for having us I really appreciate your time today my pleasure Lance thanks for being here great so this company has an amazing story and it's different from a lot of other builders that is true that is true the uh first thing that people ask when they come in our front door is what makes black ooms different than all the other builders and it's really a pretty simple answer we're a very simple uncomplicated company uh it's by Design uh the first thing that really makes us Stand Out is when you walk into our model home any model home from black Hoke homes almost everything that you see Lance that you fall in love with it's cool that it's beautiful is a standard feature and that that is not the normal business model for most Builders usually when you come into a builder's model granted they're all beautiful but when you ask the question how much is it the way I see it the typical answer is the base price is down here but if you want it to look like the model it's way up here we believe when you come in you should see all the cool standard features that's awesome yeah yeah so you know when people come in and and we have a lot of folks that are very detailed they do their homework they do their due diligence self-confessed spread sheeet nerds and they they shop everything and when they compare feature to feature Builder Builder dollar for dooll the next question that they come back to me they say Matt how do you guys stay in business and it's a it's a valid question and and the answer to that is tied up in our business model and our business model is stupidly simple uh it's rather unique in the industry we founded black Co comes by the way I've been doing this for 45 years here in Houston wow our core team members there's there's eight of us in the company that are actually Builders right we know how to swing a hammer and we haven't killed each other yet so it's a beautiful thing but the beautiful thing is is that we've been together for a long long time more than 30 years which is you know kind of unique in and of itself right well you all are family in your own right we we are bunch of brothers from another mother that is that is true but and I know most of the builders in town I used to work with the Greater Houston Builders Association came to know a lot of the builders over over the years but the one thing that we realize that we could control that most of the other builders cannot control is our overhead so we made a conscious business decision to keep our overhead as low as possible how do we do that well we don't have big fancy design centers and and Office Buildings we actually office out of our model homes okay big savings right there absolutely we do not have multiple layers of staff and management there's 10 of us in the company eight of us are Builders three of us co-founded the company wow big savings no HR departments I wouldn't know what to do with an HR department if I had one so uh but that's a big big savings the third thing we do not advertise everything every customer that comes to us is a referral a word of mouth and we prefer it that way your business model is polar opposite totally you know like I mentioned I've been doing this for a long time I've worked for several Builders over the years and as Max said there so many layers that have to be built into the pricing structure for most Builders from Design Center to multiple layers of management advertising and so on so I'm really excited to meet you cuz doing this for a long time I've never come across a company set up the way yours is well just keep that a secret Lance we don't want this this getting out to everybody so but yeah we're very different in that regard and again every home we build is unique we don't build the exact same PL plan twice right I do have some plans on my website that customers can get some inspiration from but we have two plan designers that work with every Black Oak customer okay by the time they're finished every plane comes out unique to that customer which is a beautiful thing well good so what I want to talk about cuz today we're out at Republic Grand Ranch Republic Grand Ranch and you build pretty much all over the entire Houston area or no good that's that's a good point we've build all over Montgomery County parts of Grimes County and parts of Walker County okay and the reason that we're somewhat limited geographically is because we've had many of our trades the key trades our trim Carpenters our framers our painters our drywall guys have been with us for many many years we do pay them top dollar but we expect and we achieve a higher level of quality in the finished product and because of that you know if I was greedy I could hire a bunch of Chucks in a truck and go after business cuz I have people that are begging us to go to the Hill Country to go into other areas we're happy with what we do we stay very busy in this area and our goal every single day is to be the most transparent Builder we can possibly be and deliver the highest quality product and when you don't advertise you better pour your heart and soul into every single home you build that's what we're about that's amazing and what I'd like to piggy back back on is that throughout my career selling in the Houston area or even in Las Vegas I'd have a lot of prospects or potential buyers walk in the door and they'd say what makes you different from the other builders that in here and the reality is there isn't a huge difference because for the most part your normal production Builders are using the same trades the same companies so other than how you market and what your incentives are there's not a whole lot separates you in the normal production world so this is this is very exciting yeah and again I like to make it a point to stress that all the other builders here in this neighborhood are all great Builders right the differences are how they present their product and their process and again our business model is a little bit different it's by design it works for us and uh that's really like I said who we are and what makes us kind of unique great well let's take a look yeah let's take a [Music] look this is one of the largest refrigerators I've ever seen in a model home Lance this is usually when when folks come in that front door this is something that every customer gravitates toward uh and again this is a standard feature my short list of upgrades in this model are mainly attributed to our interior designer Wendy km who's been with us for 27 years okay she is amazing she is the owner of Woodlands Designer warehouse and Wendy wanted to do a few extra little accent things here and there and so we said okay we're we're we're softies we said okay you can do that but the the short list is just mainly decorator stuff but let me point out some of the standard features because I could talk for about it but the full appliance package the commercial 66 in uh refrigerator freezer the Thor 48 in range in oven the beautiful beautiful high-end Zephyr Vin hoods we do clad them different ways this has the the sanded Pine finish right all our cab cabinets are Custom jobuilt Cabinets our trim guys they're amazing they've been with us for years and years um just amazing quality work and I'll mention the fact that my wife and I actually live in our Black Oak home out here in Republic Grand Ranch okay and I have the exact same features I have the same appliances and everything so it's not like I upgraded a bunch of stuff for my personal right and it's good you can give your own testimony because not only you are what's that old commercial for the Hair Club for Men not only am I uh the president but I'm also a c but the the the and you know and a lot of the the other builders kid me about the fact that I violated the cardinal sin of Home Building you know I'm actually building my personal home in an area where I build customers homes I've actually building Black Oak homes literally across the street from me in our cesac okay around the corner my neighbor at the back of my property so yeah it's not something we're afraid of we're proud of what we do and uh again it's what makes us stand out yeah and that's funny you say that because I've had over the years managers say don't let people know I live in the neighborhood cuz they always afraid if the customer service goes you know crazy sometimes there's a reason for that exact but again you know it's but it's what we do and and that's the thing that makes us stand out but other things that we do things like the U the woodcase windows throughout the home those are standard features this beautiful three panel sliding glass door huge upgrade other places other builders this is a standard feature um when you guys film the outside of the exterior of the home we have black frame windows they're black on the outside white on the inside some Builders charge anywhere from 20 to 40,000 extra for that window package standard feature with us amazing quartz countertops hard surface flooring throughout we don't do any carpet throughout the home um but the fireplace treatment all that uh the the barn doors here standard feature again you can see the beams and the tall ceilings another standard feature that's the list goes on and on and I haven't even begun talking about our Energy Efficiency um we use upgraded train heating and air conditioning systems we're one of the builders that uses open cell foam insulation right our homes literally are like Yeti Coolers so once you cool them down they stay cool you know we have about 11 and A2 months of Summer around here you're right and uh but you if once you cool them down it stays cool you go into our attics if you set the thermostat on 72 go into our attic it's 100 outside or higher right it'll be about 80 to 81° in the Attic that's incredible it's a real deal it's a real deal really nice I actually keep my utility bills in my office so I can show customers my average utility bill on my 2700t black C com run between $70 and about $95 a month you got to be kidding me I'm serious I'll to that's unbelievable think about our our home and oh my God that's unbelievable there's so much I can talk to you for hours about that but there's a lot to cover here I want to make sure that you guys have a chance to see the entire model okay so question I have for you when you're working with a new buyer and they want to select countertops and Cabinetry colors and things like that is all that done right here or great great question remember I talked about the overhead Factor okay we don't have a big fancy Design Center that costs a lot of overhead so Wendy Camp again has been our interior designer for decades she actually does it the old school way she takes you to the individual vendors uh and and assist them in picking out their countertops their flooring their lighting their Plumbing their appliances it's the way it's done if you're building a five or a $10 million custom home we don't cram everything into a little design and say you have to select from this so to us it's a it's a huge benefit yeah so from a customization standpoint the sky is really the limit they're not limited even at a design C I tell folks truthfully you're limited only by your imagination and your checkbook that's the honest truth well that's awesome so this particular plan that we're in today what is the square footage square footage of this plan is 3295 Square ft three bedroomroom 2 and half bath uh does have an oversized two-car garage uh we have an optional Cita or garage apartment out there we do all kinds of custom outbuildings and things like that um some of the little standard features that do add up like our garage doors our standard garage door is 18 ft wide instead of 16 ft wide oh wow big difference on that the header height the clearance on top most Builders at 7 ft ours is 8 ft okay you can actually get an F250 into our right I was just thinking that yeah and that's usually an upgrade too cuz build work for like you said 7 ft but if you want it 8 ft it's an upgrade it's an upgrade these are all the things that become upgrades and it starts adding up right and before you look at it the bill has gone from here to here and it's big difference most neighborhoods we build in customers are going to put in a water softener after they move in right a lot of Builders will charge you extra for a water softener Loop that's also another standard feature in every black go wow there's a lot of little things like that why is that it's because we live in our homes we actually say okay what's the average customer going to expect in a home of this caliber right and and that was really what kind of guided our decision about what standard features to to put into our house right it's interesting cuz I worked for a builder in the past and they were a package product and what the standard was or let's put it this way what the second package upgrade was should have been the standard but they went through well we're giving them x amount of dollars towards upgrading I'm like well that's all fine and dandy but if they have to take the money we're giving them to get it to where it should be Baseline to begin with it's not a good thing exactly and and that kind of leads into something I talk to every customer about it's like I always tell people the custom homeb building world is a fairly Level Playing Field Beware of the word free that four-letter word it anything that is free in this business well we all know about that at this stage in life right so there's no magic money fairy dropping money on all the Builders out here the bottom line is is that if something is being offered for free it's built into the price somewhere they've either raised the price to cover it decreased features or done a little bit of both absolutely I believe in being very transparent with customers when they come in here I'm the first one that talks to them I want to make sure they get all the information I give them everything they're going to need to know right on the first visit and I try to teach them how to use the tools that I give them and uh including a budget worksheet so they will understand how to create their own budget right after we finish visiting I've also been realtor for more than 30 years so i' I've been involved in every aspect of our industry over the years but uh we try to raise the bar really high for other builders like I said I love them all they're wonderful Builders but I try to make sure that we set that bar really high for everybody else right well I'm I'm so happy to even meet Mac here because I think I do a good job forette in the homes but like I said I can't do what he does for his particular company so let's continue you touring throughout the home the living area here is Magnificent the fireplace the mantle um the beams as you mentioned earlier the wood beams those are standard those are all standard features we have three series of features we have the signature features I've got a brand new model that's going to be having a grand opening soon uh little bit lower price point and some of these features would be extra in that series we have some customers that dearly want a black o home they'd like a little bit lower price point still a beautiful custom home right but this is called The Farmhouse series and we have another level called the estate series they're priced the same okay and now that we're talking about price so this home you said it's 3,295 3295 and as our viewers see this home if they were to build it identical to this right what are we looking at this home as we walk through it with the everything that you see is about 7 14 that's okay now there that what that does not include is your land cost because we don't get involved on the land side of it that does not include site development because site development are all the costs that go into prepping the lot preparing the lot so that we can actually build on it site preparation site development Land Development that number can vary from here to here it can vary a great deal it depends on the actual lot itself how much slope there is the topography it can vary based on the neighborhood cuz every neighborhood's different in what they require of the Builder correct uh and then also decisions the customer makes are going to impact the cost of that so that's one of the things that I want everyone to contact me I sit down at the desk I like to spend about 2 hours on the initial visit and go over all the details I don't like to just give you a peak into our world I like to throw the curtain wide open and say come on in welcome to my world I tell them all about custom home building that's the best way to do it and I think customers at the end of the day truly appreciate that cuz that's what we found I think a lot of buyers my experience walking into when they're going around to different models is they're expecting someone to put a hard sell on them and they're expecting someone to maybe not be truthful to them so I appreciate your transparency and your honesty and I'm sure your customers do as well um here Republic Grant Ranch what is the smallest size home site do you have information on that typically about 1 acre I there are 1 acre tracks available around here but you can get up into three four and 5 Acres I'm on a 3 Acre CAC I love it but we also have customers that are combining multiple Lots buying contiguous lots and then doing a lot consolidation right and so I can instruct the customer and talk to them more about that kind of thing it really depends on what the customer wants that's what I try to focus on what's your vision what's your dream what can we do to help you right so this particular lot you explained to me this is over 2 Acres this is a 2 acre typical 2 acre lot here in rep public Grand Ranch we've cleared about 2/3 of it this had a lot of slope from back to front right uh this lot here if you go and kind of pan out toward the the entrance from the front of the house to the property line which is where the fence is is right at 180 ft that's it's a huge it's a big big line and you've got room to still do an optional Cita swimming pool fire pit things of that nature and we do all of that TurnKey wow great yeah well let's continue this way I had a chance to peek in that master bedroom in primary bath it was spectacular so we're known for our bathrooms and our kitchens that's one of the things that really you another thing that really makes us stand out so let's go in and take a look great Morgan as we're walking and talking what are your thoughts as we go through this is exceptional I was just telling him you know we're both from the city but you know I'm younger so moving out to the country wouldn't really be ideal for me but I can definitely oh yeah I can see myself here for sure fast forward a few years and yeah when you're now this is funny I wouldn't mind at all before we get to the um primary bedroom and in the primary bath this is a study here and I want to point out some of the detail Morgan if you could pan up to the ceiling if you look at that beautiful wood beam the the trim work around the windows all wood encased that Lance is all standard the only thing Wendy our interior designer did was added an accent color in the the tray ceiling up there but the woodwork and everything is standard right and I have every little tiny de operator upgrade priced and marked on a sheet that we give to every customer again full transparency that's our goal right and what are the height of the ceilings um they're going to vary this the the lowest ceiling height is going to be 10 ft okay in any of our homes that's just a standard for us they're going to vary to 12 ft 14 ft this home here the family room is 20 ft okay here at the peak so yeah and the beauty of it when you do foam insulation we foam all the exterior walls all the rafters in the Attic So the attic is completely enclosed right and has a fresh air exchange every hour as well as the home it's incredible uh so so yeah we can do all this crazy huge volume on the ceilings and everything and not have our Energy Efficiency suffer it's an amazing amazing technology that we use yeah those those price of your power bills is that's blowing me away still I love to show that's why um have an unfair Advantage I bring them and show here's I live right here so right they they can't deny [Music] it great so moving come on let's take a Le of the master so the wall the headboard wall here it's decorative it's obviously has nice trim work going around it that's that's a decorative item that's on my little list of upgrades so we're this is not going to be a $50,000 upgrade like You' see this is a very minor deal but that is one of the little things little acent items but again we we referen that on a sheet you have the pricing and everything right yeah your designer did a great job I was taking a look at this it's like antlers right see it is I mean it really fits the home in the area that we're in Wendy is super super talented and we're just you know very blessed to be be able to work with her all these years she's great yeah and as we head into the bathroom I do notice a panel here yes this is that security lighting full security system with two two keypads in the home all right uh that's just part of our low voltage package that we put in okay but I also want to call your attention to the 8T solid core interior doors these are a standard feature American made Hardware the trim packages you see you can hear that yeah it's not Hollow it's it's not Hollow it's not Hollow uh and again you know people ask me they go how do you guys stay in business I keep pointing out the fact it's the overhead thing we can do some amazing stuff if we're smart about our overhead okay makes a big difference and also the framing around the doorways that's exceptional because you don't see this thank you thank you I'm I'm noticing all of the details That You Don't See in a typical production build and even in a somewhat higher end spec builders in the city right may not take it to this level right right that's impressive let's go in the master bath and have a look around Morgan if you would like to take a look our showers are works of art showers we uh we have so many different variations that we can do on our Master showers if you don't like to have to worry about cleaning glass we have lots of showers that uh you don't have to have any glass they're designed in such a way that you can enjoy them that's the way my particular home is right but we use the beams this is a standard feature this is solid solid cater and we actually tried these out in our personal homes for several years before we made it a standard feature last thing any Builder wants to do is to put in something standard that's going to become a warranty problem exactly but um but yeah we're uh very proud of what we do and uh again it's surprisingly affordable we have too many people that drive by our model and go oh gee we can't afford that please come on in and visit with us cuz a lot of people are shocked right yeah they're uh I do have a question yes how does the wood um does it do well with the Steam and the water absolutely we that's why we tried it out for several years to make sure that we weren't going to have any problems with it this is actual Cedar so it weathers well you see it used in exterior situations quite a bit we also stain it and seal it so again virtually no maintenance yeah it's beautiful yeah thank you thank you the flooring I noticed I haven't seen a stitch of carpet I we haven't entered the other side of the home but I'm I'm going to assume there isn't carpet over there there is no carpet in this series and the estate series hard surface throughout this is just one of many many selection okay there is no additional charge that's all part of your flooring budget you can do wood look porcelain tile you can do ceramic tile you can do the lvp the luxury vinyl plank that's all part of the standard budget amazing it really is sometimes I amaze myself I look at this go how did we do that right I love the Standalone tub I love the you know once again that's decorator feature going at the back this is standard oh that's standard this is this treatment here is standard yes oh my goodness yeah the dark colored cabinets and this level of features that's a standard look the built-ins in the master closet again standard I'll let you go okay all [Music] right and we allow the customer to choose how they want to configure this okay like these built-ins are standard with the door with the drawers here but if the customer wants to reconfigure this unless they adding drawers or doors there's no additional charge they can reconfigure this all they want at no charge this is unbelievable and I also do safe rooms we have Panic rooms safe rooms people have you know gun areas that they want to do false walls like this is a good area to do that we can design in shelving and everything here you push on it opens up into a secret room we've done true Panic rooms and and safe rooms where they're concrete insulated with I mean they're bulletproof so this stuff you hear about in the movies yeah yeah we we do that we do wow that's awesome okay really really well done well thank you thank you thank you all right so I'm going to let you take the lead what other areas do you think are we'll take you to the way we Des design many of our homes of course the customer drives the bus right the the customer is going to get the plan that they've always dreamed about but when we design a plan for ourselves or for a model home we like this flow we like to have the master wing on one side The Living Spaces in the center and then the guest Wing come on right take a look that provides for great separation but while we're here I want to show you our pantry I don't think we've gotten a shot of that yet we do have a standard pocket door which is here to close off the pantry but Morgan if you want to take a look we have the uh the uh microwave and a coffee bar set up in there nice so you can have all your appliances your toaster coffee what whatever you want my wife would love this because I moved into her house yeah yeah which he had owned at that point for you know over 20 years and most days I'll have toast with breakfast yeah so I'm like where's the toaster at and she's it's in in the the cabinet right and I was like okay so I took it out one day and I I put on the counter and I left it there cuz I'm going to use it the next day yeah she's like oh you got to put the toaster away but we use it every day this is why we do this [Music] all right Lance let me take you through to the guest wing of the home pass by the utility room follow me so this is our utility room laundry room and again these areas can be as large or as small as the customer wants um I I may have mentioned earlier too we do some amazing dog washes for those customers out there that have pets we've done some over-the-top dog washes that would rival any custom builder master bathroom just some amazing stuff so keep that in mind yeah when I was growing up the first dog we had I think it was a pound dog or a dog we got off the street somewhere yeah yeah they certainly weren't getting a pet B there's some pamper pamper pets around our our customers home so follow me I'd like to take take you over to the guest Wing side of the home come on through I like how this guest Wing is truly it's a wing it's it's completely opposite end of the home from the primary right and even this home here uh talking about the hbac the heating and air conditioning side uh this home here is got three separate zones so you have a a thermostat for the master okay you have a thermostat for all the living areas and you have a thermostat for the guest side over here wow and that's unusual a single have three separate zones I literally could talk to you for hours about our Energy Efficiency I wouldn't do that to you you're a nice guy but we'll say that for your custom exactly have a look this is our Powder Room very nice Y and flowing through here this is a three-bedroom 2 and a half bath you've got two bedrooms over here um and note there is no carpet in here no carpet in the closets hard surface throughout right and both bedrooms have generous walk-in closets with built-in shelving right and this is really nicely done because it's not your typical configuration for a Jack and Gill correct correct I'll let you take a look through here as you pass through even the way this area is set up normally the tub is right next to the toilet right right yeah usually not this much space separating the two [Music] so we're going to take a look at the rear cover patio and we're so used to on this channel of seeing a wood fence exactly in the backyard but folks if you're looking for some land and some acreage and you don't want to feel too Urban this is where you need to come this is this is spectacular this is why if you notice on all of our designs all this glass all these beautiful windows are standard with blacko Combs we don't charge you extra for that these black frame Windows believe it or not many Builders are charging anywhere from 20 to 40,000 for a black window frame package stand with us you know what's interesting this is the first time I have seen where you have black framing on the outside but on the inside it's white right right and I know over the years Builders allowed the standard color was typically this almond color exactly which just clash with any type of decorating you're going to do but I always recommended my buyers not to upsell and I say look if you want your home to look clean and and consistent have white window frames but the black window frame contrast against the white is really nice thank you thank you we and again you know this is our typical porch configuration uh we will paint the uh paint the the the area up underneath the porch area a different color uh but it gives it a nice contrast you've got Cedar beams wrapped beams here um just there's so many different things that we can do um really the sky is the limit as much brick or as much stone or if you want to do stucco if you want to do metal roof or a u you know a slate roof or the sky is the limit we can get you a price if it's not a standard feature we can get it get a price for it and off the top of your head not to put you on the spot do you happen to know the dimensions of this patio this is about 16 by about 31 wow so I asked them that because most Builders your typical patio is going to be 8 ft in depth and you're lucky if it goes 10 ft wide right and we have actually a budget for garage space and we have a budget for porch space and then the customer creates the porches as big or as small as they want right same thing with garages you can do the standard garage which is 5115 Square ft you can take it up to 2,000 square feet it just depends on the customer yeah but everything is complete custom porches everything you name it Sky limit right yeah this is awesome and then Morgan if you pan around we do have a garage apartment uh this is the Cita the garage apartment out here again this we use this as to keep our overhead down uh does double duty as our Construction office but we can go in and take a look if you'd like this is 700 Square ft of living space it's a one-bedroom one bath full kitchen two-car garage as you see that is about 200,000 right okay yeah it's a tiny home uh and I tell people there's an inverse relationship between size and price the smaller the home gets the price per square foot tends to rise you don't have the square footage to support all the expensive components correct that go into it let's go take a look okay I like to point out this is our standard landscape package instead of gutters in heavily wooded neighborhoods we will do like the along the drip line we'll do the gravel or the Bull rock along here to disperse some of the water and the energy right that's nice now does out here and this varies per development does Republic Grand dictate any type of landscaping requirements when you build custom they do but it's limited I can usually meet the HOA requirements for about 5,000 okay there's some neighborhoods it's 20 to 25,000 it just depends on the development right okay yeah and we but we handle all that for the customer come on in oh this is nice this is a 700t Cita so this is perfect if you have mother-in-law like it's almost like a mother-in-law Suite if you have kids home from college and know you go stay back there you don't need to be in the main house if you have if you have guests over you know husband's out there you get yourself in hot water you can always come out here and hang out for a day or two the Mother-in-law Suite or the Dog House The Dog House exactly exactly but this is just indicates gives you a sample of what we can do right we've done some amazing detached right uh sweets out here so again Sky limit this is pretty incredible wow all right I know they us this thank you so much been an absolute pleasure really enjoyed meeting everybody very thorough and very well done I'm excited I I hope I can send some people your way please do and I would like to invite any of you out there if you have any questions I try to be a One-Stop shop for all things real estate related I checked my ego at the door many many years ago if I don't know the answer I will find out for you great well thank you once again it's been an absolute pleasure thank you Morgan nice meeting you all right great folks we're going to continue touring uh the grounds and get you some good drone shots of the home but uh I hope you're enjoying this as much as we are definitely leave a comment down below of what you like and uh we love having you tore our channnel and view with us thank you [Music] thank you for watching Lance basil here with the basil Real Estate Group if you'd enjoyed this tour please hit the like button definitely consider subscribing hit that Bell so you get notified when we have new videos dropping which we do every single week it's been a pleasure touring this home especially doing it with the co-founder of the company if you'd like more information on this particular Builder please leave me a message below as I can facilitate getting that information for you and once again we appreciate your time and thanks for watching [Music]

2024-05-11 13:14

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