Touring a Billionaire's $80,000,000 Hidden Colorado Ranch

Touring a Billionaire's $80,000,000 Hidden Colorado Ranch

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[Music] The Ranch at Al Creek is an exclusive  Mountainside Oasis with 60 Acres of   landscaped Beauty Exquisite architectural  design and most importantly extreme privacy intelligently designed by Hansen  construction with views of all four ski   mountains this Ranch comes with a workout Pavilion  movie theater heated pool and even a stocked trout   fishing pond now as far as stats on the house it  has eight bedrooms 11 bathrooms just over 12,500   ft of interior living space House was built in  2005 and we're going to break down what makes   this house so special aside from the fact that it  cost $80 million and you more oress have to be a   billionaire to purchase this place so making  our way into the main entryway of this home   we got this huge metal pivot door here leading  into your formal entryway and your foyer we'll   keep this shut cuz it's a little cold today I  love that too there's a very uh banese style   theme here in this house which you'll see as we  go throughout this is your cat closet right as   you walk in feel like showing that because it  feels really nice to open two big sturdy doors   talking about some of the materials we have a  lot of stone Venetian plaster on the ceilings   the walls lots of metal and also lots of cool  unique architectural details like if you look   up here there's a hole in the ceiling where  we have a skylight letting light into through   the back and the front here and all the Windows  another thing you'll notice is all the amazing   art throughout the house and I actually haven't  met the owner yet so I don't know the names of   the individual artists as we go throughout the  space so if you know any of the artists who have   created these paintings or the sculptures comment  down below but with that said the whole house is   a work of art in the architecture and you're  going to see that in a moment as we enter into   this great room welcome to the great room where  we have 20t high ceilings in here with Walnut on   the ceilings on the floors and the first thing  you notice is the whole Southern Wall is glass   which is directs your eye to the mountain range  you've got a 10-ft pane of glass on a swivel as   your front door where we have snow melt on the  pavers here so you never have to shovel snow ever   and just get a look at this and more importantly  just listen to this it is so silent here you get   a view of your 60 Acres of land you got the  mountain range off in the distance here you   can even see elk running through the property  this part of the Aspen area is specifically   known for ranches this is Al Creek it's like a  private residential area so if you notice just   the pure land here which you'll see later in some  of the other properties We Tour in Aspen the the   lots are much smaller and here you just have all  this expansive nature we've then got another lower   level patio here with a fire pit some benches and  this you You' got your expanse of all 60 acres of   land the entire Mountain rage here we even have  a nice little pond in front of the property with   the creek flowing down to the pond the beauty of  this property is you have a true Panorama going   all the way from Aspen Mountain buttermilk and  snow Mass which are three of the best mountains   in all of America and I want to point out now from  this perspective here we can actually get a proper   look at the architecture of the house where you  see all that stone the metal and the glass and   also how the house is only one floor and that's  done to utilize the views here so every single   room in this house has a view of the mountain  range and another reason that's done is so that   you can walk out into nature from any single room  when you have 60 acres of land there isn't really   a line between indoor and outdoor space it's kind  of blurred right and the biggest theme about this   house is the serenity in nature really utilizing  the Aspens the land and the materials here and   creating a piece of architecture that is truly  special for this area [Music] if you'll notice   even right by the front door there's two chairs  here with a set of binoculars literally when you   walk in the house you have a lounge chair so you  can just I'm I'm going to do it I'm going to sit   here and I'm going to look so you can sit put  your feet up and get a view of the mountain see   how busy it is see what the conditions are like  wow like I don't even want to get up it's so nice   I don't want to get up but there's more house to  see yet I love this shag carpet you've got a day   bed right here on the far side we have a table for  five a nice little Nook here you could have your   coffee the view is one thing but you really can't  have an aspen Lodge without a proper wood burning   fireplace I have to say when I see these uh these  luxury listings out here in Aspen when they don't   have wood burning fireplaces it's just like it's  a missed opportunity so I'm actually going to get   this thing lit so we can actually come back and  show you what this place this looks like at night   again going back to the art beautiful piece above  the fireplace sitting area right here and if we   look back up look at this light fixture on the  ceiling it has that same metal that surrounds   the windows and a lot of the doorframe Accents  in the house with almost like a soft box effect   on these three different lights in the center  of the room here with almost like a soft box   effect on these three different lights in the  center of the room here I can't really convey   the sheer volume of this space it's absolutely  beautiful then we've got our Steinway and Sun's   piano here in the corner and then in the far back  a little bit more of a formal sitting area here   and I also want to point out how low the furniture  is which is done to utilize and really drive home   how large the mountains are in that front view  there very specific choices that really make you   feel something in this house so out of the great  room we've got this metal door frame again like   I mentioned with a 12T door frame here which leads  in to your gallery here where you have all the art   collection displayed off and if you look up above  me this has created a softbox effect with frosted   glass so if you remember from the entrance way  I said look up and you can see the Skylight it's   diffused with this frosted glass to give a very  calming feeling here in this Gallery just look   at all these pieces of art again if you're looking  at any of these paintings and you know the artist   comment down below because the artwork in here is  pretty stunning the beauty of the gallery as well   is it actually is a connecting room or more so  like an Atrium so you have two doors on that side   two on this side we're going to continue on off of  your gallery welcome to the den Library where the   focal point here is this gas fireplace and this  beautiful American flag piece of art this is this   is incredible I love that if you look up in here  again we have 20t high ceilings in the library   beautiful views of the mountain range we have the  TV built in here with your custom bookshelf there   continuing the theme from the gr room all the  furniture is rather low to utilize the views of   the mountain I love this copper coffee table here  in the front the agent told me that this room was   technically The State Room so we have pocket doors  to close it off for privacy because typically when   you have these high net worth individuals you  know when they have a house like this this is   probably their second or third home believe it  or not even at $80 million and when they're here   they're here with their whole family their friends  so there are those moments when they want to close   off from the rest of the family come in here and  really talk business politics I mean we're not   going to get into that right now but talk things  that are more so private and this is the room that   can be totally sectioned off with those pocket  doors which then again over here you can see   utiliz covering the bookshelves going up with all  that custom mill work this is the main guest room   which serves as its own second Suite of the house  so this is technically like another house within   a house just check out this room I want to drive  home the proportions the proportion of this home   are rather old world they're huge they are massive  and this guest Suite is no exception to the rest   of the house with those views you have two huge  panes of glass making this corner moment here   giving you views of the mountain range and off  into the Aspens in the corner here KingSize bed   front and center then it has an on Suite bathroom  connected by the closet to the bathroom which has   a very minimal design dual vanity here and the  thing is it's minimal but it's not cold it's very   welcoming huge soaking tub so making your way back  out out just take another look at that view there   immersed in nature in any room you go in with the  Aspens the snow this might be my favorite room   it's just so presidential so Regal here so now for  reference we're back into the art gallery which   serves as the Hub of the home and we're going to  go now into the kitchen area but first I want to   show you this powder room so all the doors in  the house have those 12T High door frames so   for reference look how big that door is the door  in my house is maybe like that high probably your   house as well but this is a 12ft door which leads  into one of the coolest pow rooms on Earth with   a solid chunk of granite as a trough sink here  cut right out of the earth like I just want to   pick this thing up it's so it it really grounds  you to the feeling that you are out here in the   Colorado Rockies the back mirror runs the entire  length of this wall I mean this is I could just   spend all day in here in the powder my might in a  second actually more beautiful art we have Audrey   Hein on the wall here with a youth tribe member  behind Blake there again more youth tribe members   here with this art if you know the artist comment  down below because the art in this house is just   beautiful through these two massive double doors  we now enter the more informal part of the house   the fun part of the house this is the family room  area SL Chef's Kitchen check out the kitchen first   and one of the best things about the design in  this home is that even in some something like   an island you have the entire ethos of the house  with the stone the metal and the wood and speaking   of the Granite look how long this countertop runs  this is just two pieces of graned for this entire   countertop that runs at least like 20 ft you  can tell that they actually cook in this kitchen   because look at the pad below here you can tell  that the chef is standing here for a long time   let's just pop open the refrigerator I bet it's  full yeah someone's living in here they're eating   well and you can just see the beautiful kitchen  here I also want to mention the cabinets another   theme throughout the house is that frosted glass  which we have here on these floating cabinets   which run the entire length all the way up to the  ceiling so you would need a step ladder to access   those here there's still more in the kitchen yet  a lot of times people want to see the pantry so   check this out I can guarantee you you've never  seen a pantry like this keeping with the theme   of the barns SL pocket door look at this Pantry  like come on now you got 12T ceilings in your   pantry industrial refrigerator freezer here that  is stocked full I mean let's just look it's like   we're at the 7-Eleven right now any drink you  want right there and there's a secret in this   pantry you ready for this we've got a hidden door  down below which leads to uh no we we can't let   them see that that no not a chance I am just  kidding that's a crawl space there's actually   nothing down there at all but how crazy is that  I also love how they use this wall of appliances   to divide the kitchen space from the family room  area we've got a gas fireplace here off of your   gas fireplace you have this nice little sitting  area here with this corner glass and of course   this opens up because at the start of the video I  mentioned one of the biggest themes of this house   is blurring the lines of nature with the indoor  outdoor living here so both these walls fully open   up and even during the winter we've got heaters  over top so you can come on outside and enjoy the   outdoors just as much as the indoors with this  oversized outdoor fireplace like look how big   this fireplace is it's massive the proportions  in the house that's something I can't drive home   enough it's a huge house outdoor kitchen here and  then just the serenity of the land like look at   the snow and the Aspens and the blue skies this is  that Serenity that I was talking about where this   place is just it's a compound and it's in nature  even hearing the sounds of the snow melting it's   a sensory overload out here it's beautiful but we  still have so much more house to see so let's head   on back inside I will shut these you can just  keep it rolling I guess I think sometimes the   more raw the better so I'd like to take a moment  to thank the sponsor of this week week's episode   better help now this brand integration is going to  be a little different than most so when you watch   these home tours you're seeing maybe like 10% of  who I actually am as a person you're seeing such   a narrow sliver or like the tip of the iceberg  as they say of who I am and the things that make   me me and it's interesting because I recently  did did a play here in New York City it was my   stage acting debut and it was interesting because  afterwards my cousin Lisa came up to me and cousin   Lisa is extremely honest in the best way possible  so Lisa says to me that's the first time in my   entire life where I feel I actually got to know  who you are she then went on to say that she does   not watch my YouTube videos these videos because  she knows what she's seeing is not me it's it's   a host it's a very small part of who I am and it  hit me so hard to hear her say that and I'll be   totally honest I have to attribute my uh how do I  even say this I wouldn't have been able to do the   play if I wasn't in therapy for the past 2 years  because therapy is holding a mirror up to you you   are looking it deeply at who you are in every  aspect if you're lucky if you find a therapist   who you can share everything with and you can  grow and you can get a better understanding of   your own emotions and what makes you you and What  Makes You tick what makes you angry happy sad all   these emotions it's even interesting editing this  video I could tell that I was in an off mood when   I filmed this Colorado Mansion Tour which is crazy  because it does translate through the camera and   with that better help is bringing therapy to  the masses it's all done online or over the   phone it's discreet it's affordable they even  have this uh it's like a questionnaire you fill   out so you really can identify what you want  to work on what you're looking to achieve from   therapy it has an algorithm that matches you with  potential therapists and again therapy I I said   this before it's a lot like dating you're going  to go through a few therapists before you find   that one person who you feel comfortable enough  to share the Deep Emotions that you want to work   through they're offering 10% off when you sign up  with code Eric it's linked down below here in the   description with that better help thank you for  sponsoring this week's episode and let's head   back and check out the rest of that $80 million  Colorado Ranch so continuing on the tour back into   your family room again you've got this 20ft High  seal throughout the majority of this house it's   just the pure scale again another powder room  here off to my right this room is absolutely   nothing this is a storage room huge storage room  though and now we are in the mud room a staple   in an aspen house is the mud room which we have a  bunch of our gear here right now but you can get   a good feel of it and I do want to show you the  garage look how beautiful this garage is you have   your workstation here wor all your industrial  storage for your cabinets the FJ Cruiser fully   decked out with survival gear on the top you are  not getting stuck on any pass in that thing your   ski rack and then of course motorcycles and your  snow blowers we're going to make a sharp right   up this staircase really quick because there is  an in-law suite here and I do I think it's worth   showing off and even a detail as small as the  Venetian plaster if you look at the edging of   the plaster to the stair risers even in something  like the in-law suite they don't cut any Corners I   flew in from New York this morning and it gets  me every time the first like 4 hours I get to   Colorado I go up one staircase and I'm a pretty  fit guy deep breaths welcome to the in-law suite   again same materials as the rest of the house here  this is a mini version of that kitchen we saw all   the stainless steel the frosted glass the Walnut  on the Cabinetry and this is pretty sick here you   actually see the beam of the house going with  that industrial feeling so you have again like   the metal the wood and the stone so off of your  kitchen here we have your living room bathroom   off to my left then we have two guest bedrooms  here which both have outdoor space every single   bedroom has that outdoor space in the house even  your your guest tucked way away here in the in-law   suite it's a great space onone again the beams  I love how you can see the actual beams of the   house at the bottom of the staircase back through  your mud room and that connecting hallway which   leads to your family room we're going to make our  way actually back to the kitchen to connect with   the rest of the house so that's where the  art gallery is we have the kitchen I love   this kitchen it's so functional and then off the  kitchen for practicality again behind two massive   double doors we have your formal dining space here  with seating for 10 a gas burning fireplace at the   far end here and a prime view of your property  with your art pieces on the land and just look   at the Aspens for a frame of reference your art  gallery is off to my right at the far end another   enormous pocket door which leads into your Lounge  so it's like a proper Lounge here you could have   a party it's almost set up like a club where you  have the little table here for your drinks then   you have your wet bar not one but two wet bars  here and a fully stocked bar and again you can   go outside from this Lounge here but off of  the great room now we're going to head to the   living quarters down this long hallway which has  custom mill work with Douglas fur where you have   hidden hidden do so these are all hidden rooms  as we head down the hallway which we're going   to show you in a second but before that this  is the owner's wing of the house check this out this entire Wing is dedicated to whoever  buys this house and just look at the light   flooding into this space here and with that  sunlight you've got the views and your two   chairs propped right up to get that Prime View  binocular is ready for you I can't help myself   got another pivot glass door which opens  up to your very own private little patio here where you can just breathe in that  mountain and air and admire your land I   want to also mention that a big reason that  drives up the price of this property is the   fact that your land is pretty flat now typically  in Aspen you don't have that that's not the case   but here you have all the Flats on this nice  little Bluff with these open expansive views   of everything around you here if you did live here  you probably wouldn't be watching too much TV and   the owners have taken that into consideration  hiding away the TV into this beautiful display   right here automated pops right up at night  another one of those real estate terms is   spa-like bathroom I feel like that term is  just devalued totally now from real estate   agents but this is a SP SP like bathroom totally  separate from the sleeping quarters look at this   I'm just going to walk all the way to the good  stuff this is a spa-like bathroom I mean this   is basically a swimming pool in your bathroom  like look how big that soaking tub is we even   have a couch in the bathroom dual vanity  with a walk-in travertine shower keeping   with the Barnyard door sliding theme if  you want privacy or if you want a little showof like the rest of the House Grand  proportions even in the shower and really   blending indoor living with the outdoor living  this isn't just an indoor Spa check this out so   this is the main outdoor Courtyard which we  haven't toured yet that's the pool which is   open year round heated with this substantial then  metal gate which closes off the public space to   the private space if you really wanted you could  put a lock on this but now the entire owner's   Wing is sectioned off from the public space you  go that way I'm going to go this way wait till   you see this following these heated pavers up this  little Hill your spa now goes out doors where you   have a built-in hot tub overlooking all of your  land the mountain range in the distance like this   this really is indor Outdoor Living that's another  phrase that agents overuse in a abew but like come   on now year round into our out living like it gets  pretty cold in Aspen and we haven't seen the rest   of the bathroom wait until you see this look at  this closet it's what you would expect actually   before the closet you have two vanities out there  but you also have a private water closet with a   automatic Toto toilet with automatic everything  sprayer warmer cooler all that so you can really   section yourself off in here and then then across  from the bathroom I'll let you go first look at   this walk-in closet this is like double the size  of my first apartment in New York City it has   12T High ceilings in this part and then 18t High  ceilings the sun just Blinded Me 18t High ceilings   in this part so even the closet is thoughtfully  done and then again the closet even has a huge   window frame to look at the land so whatever room  you're in you're going to get that peace and the   serenity from nature I'm thinking to myself like  I have clothing enough to to fill like one section   here crazy it's the next level but making our way  back through your owner's bedroom again just look   at the light flooding into the space I'm now going  to show you a few of the guest bedrooms which is   hidden with the Douglas fur paneling so here is  just one of the guest bedrooms your whole wall is   your view how stunning is that and like all the  rooms it opens up so you can actually go indoor   outdoor live in the space they all have onsuite  bathrooms just a quick little look into this one   you've got blue Subway tiling making me feel like  I'm back home in New York there's also a lot of   little details that I haven't mentioned like all  the floors are radiate heating so every bathroom   is heated floors which is typically only in the  owner's bathroom then this is a fun room where   you have another pane of glass where you can  actually view into this room this is the kids   room/ the game room arcade air hockey table little  kitchen built in here and then this opens up to   the whole backyard which we're going to tour in a  bit and a cool feature in this room look at this   Skylight beautiful metal skylight with frosted  glass there just letting in that nice soft light   here into this room the Symmetry in this home is  incredible how the pool is perfectly symmetrical   in this main pane of glass here and then again  that Skylight lets enlight to this hallway through   this large pan of glass here so this hallway isn't  cavernous and you really feel that light even in   this hallway where they were using the Douglas  fur paneling for that effect of the hidden doors   which we have another one right here another  guest bedroom little larger than the last one   spectacular views all them have onsweet bathrooms  actually I want to point this out here really   quick per expectations this is a fully automated  smart home so everything is controlled from an   iPad in every single room and that's pretty  typical at this price point to have the entire   house smart and automated for reference we're  back to the main great room with that beautiful   Ved ceiling and the walnut wood on the ceiling but  downstairs I did say it was only one floor I was   kidding there is a downstairs so heading way down  now with welcome to your home theater which is a   fully soundproof state-of-the-art top-of-the-line  projector which drops out from your Venetian   plaster ceilings where you can come down watch  your favorite YouTube video your favorite movie   you could have a screening down here the comfiest  couches in the world and uh speaking of stainless   steel this could be your Panic Room it could be  your little safe or could be your wine storage   where we have room for at least 1,000 bottles  here this is temperature humidity controlled as   you would expect when I first saw this you imagine  like ah help let me out this is crazy though the   whole house just feels very sturdy sturdy is  the word I'm going to use for it and then you   can even look here at all the sound paneling  and then if you want to move in here Blake I'll   even show this again pockets in here so this all  shuts off for when you are showing your movie or   your show your favorite YouTube channel whatever  you want far end of the theater you have another   pocket door to fully just have this place be like  an actual theater lock out the outside world if   you would say and then down here as well you have  your laundry room four washer and dryers and a TV   down here just to really make it enjoyable but  now I'm going to head back upstairs and I will   meet you in the back Courtyard to show you a few  structures on the property so just for a frame   of reference this is that outdoor fireplace from  the start of the video here and there's actually   a few structures on the property like I mentioned  it's more or less a compound so let's follow this   pathway here and kind of Dodge the melting snow  which again all the pavers are snow melt which   is pretty awesome you never have to shovel this so  now we're going to get a little view at the garage   area where you have a three-car garage here you  even have your EV hookup so if you have a Tesla   any EV you can charge right at home and I just  love even now you can really see the architecture   with the use of the wood and that metal giving it  that sturdy feeling and off of your garage this   is the guest house so aside from your in-law  suite above the garage you have an entirely   separate guest house here so if you're fighting  with your wife or your husband or whatnot you   have a little house on your property to escape to  and just kind of get away from the the main house   here if you would say where again you just have  the same finishes the sunlight coming in and the views and a nons sweet bathroom and shower  then across from the guest house we'll head   back down these pavers here and just get a  real feel for the property because with this   price point of $80 million the land I mean  the house you've seen the house the house   is insanely impressive but the land is really  what does it for me I mean look at this Aspen   Forest we're walking through right here sound  of the snow melting actually let's talk about   the art again the art is wild here and again  I I wish I knew the name of the sculptures but   look at this this is mean something some more  Modern Art here and this in the summertime I   believe we do have some shots we can put in to  show this in the summer but the pool is almost   in the center of this Oasis of these Aspens here  this is a fully heated pool yeah another jacuzzi   another fire pit another Grill let's make our  way through the snow bank here and this is your   Fitness Pavilion with more badass American flag  art M look at that thing for the summer months   you actually have a screen outside the glass  to keep the bugs out around to the side door   check out this gym you've got 20ft ceilings in  your gym Venetian plaster even in your gym if   you look up transom Windows to let in sunlight the  entire year around and just look at the equipment   alone everything in here is pretty much ball  Flex you got a TV on a stand so you can move   around watch your favorite workout instructor  you've got your assault bike your pelaton and   this is clutch having a kitchen in your gym  so you can get done a killer workout have a   smoothie you could even cook right in here even  a ski urg keeping fit for the slopes even in the   off seon stationary bike then you've got your  board form concrete here which leads into the   bathroom which is attached to the gym so you  don't have to leave your gym you would never   have to go to gym with other people and that's  the thing when you're living at this price point   at this level as you've seen this is essentially  a compound this has every single thing you could   need to have the best Mountain experience in the  Aspen area got to put the sunglasses on there's a   nice reflection on the snow we're going to trudge  up on the property and this is the kind of place   where you could have horses you would have a fleet  of ATVs snowmobiles so there's a little staircase   which is going to take us up to something I  haven't seen this yet so I'm like telling you   where I'm taking you but I have yet to see it you  can see we're making the path right now blazing   the trail this is the creek that runs to the lake  in the front of the property not sure if that's Al   Creek but it's a creek it's at the top of this  little Hill the property [Music] has its own Lake look how picturesque this is a proper  Sunset over your Lake your 60 acres of   land here in Aspen Colorado I want you to  comment down below what was your favorite   part of this house what was the feature that  really hit you as something that was just so   unique that you haven't seen before I want to  thank the listing agent for letting us film   this property more information about the  house is down below in the description I   hope you're well watching this and with  that I will see you in the next episode

2024-03-31 15:06

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