Touring a 400 Year Old Gothic Mansion in NEW YORK CITY | Landmarked EP 4

Touring a 400 Year Old Gothic Mansion in NEW YORK CITY | Landmarked EP 4

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[Music] [Music] this is the first time in over 50 years the has  had a glimpse inside this home this Mansion is   one of the last architecturally significant tow  houses that's currently available for private   ownership in New York City with a history  rivaling any notable residents in the United States now as The Story Goes the home was  originally built by wealthy Dutch owners in   Amsterdam in the 17th century over 400 years ago  then if you can believe this the home was then   dismantled and shipped across the Atlantic Ocean  to the Upper West Side in 1845 so while this is   extremely rare I've actually heard of this before  with freestanding Stone masonary structures being   built and then disassembled only to be moved and  reassembled but to ship this across the Atlantic   Ocean in [Music] 1845 as if this story wasn't  uh a tall T enough then apparently in 1910 it   was relocated again from the Upper West Side to  grar park the neighborhood where we're currently   standing very interesting with a lot of these  older houses in the city the true history is   extremely hard to find and this is what I was  able to dig up from the internet but also from the   listing agent himself very peculiar history this  home so from the street this is one of the most   imposing houses on the Block as far as the feeling  the facade like I mentioned is that Flemish theme   as far as the uh actual architectural style it  is gothic as far as the area in the neighborhood   we're in gry park very quiet it is very high-end  but if you look at the architecture the homes in   the neighborhood they are all old world and this  I believe is one of the oldest even if you look at   some of the details on the Lim stoning you can see  how weathered away it is yeah this is a one of one   let's head inside and right from the sidewalk this  is the first unique element so typically you would   walk up into a townhouse we're walking down so  right from the street you have those Gothic themes   look at this Limestone Arch here check this out  rod iron front door gate they have a ring camera   but you'll see later in the tour there's a uh  1980s old telephone video camera that I'll show   you later one theme throughout the house is the  use of the carings on the mahogany here we have   a coat of arms with two stars with a stripe  dividing it there's actually a wasp on either   side as well I'm not sure the significance of that  again comment down below if you are a historian or   an architect and you can add some uh info in the  comments here oh this has got some weight to him   welcome into the gothic townhouse if you walk  forward we'll give you a quick peek of what's   to come very quick that's all you're going to  see I wanted to start this tour in detail with   the entry here you get another look at the other  side of the door this whole entryway is limestone   and you can see that it is very very weathered  and aged and in my opinion that's a cool thing   if you are buying this house you are a history  buff you're an old soul you're not looking for   a white box and details like the cracks in the  limestone in my opinion that just gives it that   that rooting in history if you know what I mean  in the entry wave right off to my side here this   is a powder room have a little peek in here  and even if you look down below the tiling you   can tell just by the tiling how smooth are that  they are so weathered by feet walking over them   for hundreds of years at this point from the  foyer this is where it gets very interesting   so there's a separate entrance for the staff and  I'll actually show you back out on the street view   here so again it's a sunken entrance going below  street level which back in the day I'll head on   inside this will be the entrance for the team  maintaining your home and for a home like this   in that time period you would have 5 to 10 people  living in your house with you sign simultaneously   and this is the stairwell for the staff there's  actually no light in this stairwell we'll go   up there in a second but before that I want to  show you the dumb waiter for the kitchen which   is actually on the top floor watch till the end  because the kitchen in my opinion I mean you'll   see when we get there but we are going to start  the tour in a bit of a different way heading down   to the basement first we'll have to navigate  this very carefully the stairs are slippery   I actually always say we walk down here the  first time Blake so watch out on the bottom one   so here we have all of the HVAC the water tanks  and at the very end here of the mechanical look   at this room welcome to your wine seller and  I actually we need lighting down here because   actually look at that no more phone flashlight  but this is the wine seller and it is pretty   ridiculous because you can see the actual beams  holding up the house look how thick these beams   are so yeah I do believe that this was actually  built deconstructed and shipped across the   Atlantic just based on like look how old this is  and then again you have the red brick everywhere   a little fireplace with a religious Motif over  top actually what that's a guy holding a head   is that not yes that's that's a that's a woman  holding a head we've got what looks like a monk   here with a cross on the far wall the wine racks  there's actually a back exit from the wine Celler   look at this staircase uh this is definitely  not the original staircase this might be the   steepest stairwell in the city which then leads  to this salarium at the back of the house look how   beautiful this is look at the metal work here  you have this huge seashell gargoyle Fountain   front and center here with a little pool at the  bottom and then this beautiful glass glass work   here built into the Limestone which leads us check  this out the barrel vaated ceiling great room in   this Gothic townhouse so we have 20t ceilings  in here and if you look up at these ceilings   you have the most intricate beautiful working of  these patterns which I would guess represent the   flower of life this is all sacred geometry it's  very aesthetic to the eye at the very end of this   gray room we have a coat of arms on the walls  you have mahogany mill work going at least I'd   say I don't know off the top of my head that's at  least probably 16 ft and then at the bottom here   look at this original radiator running the entire  length of this great room built right in here and   this you can't not mention the fact that there is  like an 8ft tall fireplace in this home like look   how large this is and then again carved in here  you have the Flower of Life all that again this   is a wood burning fireplace it's actually working  and then at the far end end of the great room more   than mahogany we have two doors which lead right  to where we started the tour in the main entry   area and uh now for the the cool stuff not that  what we just showed you wasn't cool but look at   the staircase first off look at the door and the  woodwork here look how ornate that is so I want   to thank the sponsor of this week's episode  better help and in doing so I wanted to share   something for my own personal Journey working  with a therapist so the thing about therapy a   lot of times when someone hears the word therapist  they think oh something's wrong I need to see a   therapist because this is wrong or that's wrong  but that's the farthest from the truth knowing   thyself is the ultimate power one can achieve  in this life knowing why you react to certain   things how you do knowing things that set you off  the incredible thing about therapy is that if you   do find that right person that right therapist  you can unlock man you can unlock your greatest   superpowers and that's where better help comes  in better help is the largest online platform   for tella Health Therapy meaning it's all virtual  none of it's in person it's through the phone   therapy like I've mentioned is a lot like dating  you're going to try out a few therapists before   you find the right one and that can sometimes be  discouraging but you just have to know that when   you do find that person that person that you feel  comfortable who has the wisdom the development and   knowledge who aligns with what you're looking to  achieve the results can be quite astounding better   help's given us a code for Discount which I've  linked Down Below in the description again again   betterhelp thank you for sponsoring this episode  and if you are watching this see a therapist even   if there's nothing wrong in your life there's  always value in talking to someone who's not   going to judge you that's better ik now  back to the tour and then the staircase here this   is how you can tell the age really is by the wood  not that age is a bad thing in my opinion but you   can really feel that this house has some some  weight to it and here even in the mill work you   have all of these unique carvings which I wish  the original owner was alive to actually tell   us the meaning behind most of these because they  actually are quite faded some of them but just so   intricate here and the staircase actually has a  landing with a balcony overlooking the great room   now so you can get the perspective of how large  the great room is from up here you could have a   string quartet up here back in the day while your  guests are down there dancing there's really uh   pretty Endless Possibilities with this place so  back in here this is actually now the dining room   and I want to take a moment to really look at the  details in the mill work so these are actually BS   carved in uh at the very top of the mill work and  the boar was actually the most ferocious animal   in the Roman Pantheon symbolic of hard hunt the  boar was a very hard animal to get so here in the   dining room you have bores all along you also have  more sacred geometry Flower of Life right there   says symbolic of the fabric of the universe what  else here then at the very end again you have have   more of that beautiful Limestone with now you can  really get close-ups on the Coats of Arms here on   the stained glass windows and then here look you  even have Isaac it says it feels like we're in a   church doesn't it it feels um there's a reverence  and a weight to this structure that I hope we're   can bang in the camera based off of all that we're  we're speaking about with the symbolism I want to   note that it definitely appears that people back  in the day I hate that term it's kind of very   general back in the day but it seems like they  were closer with God and God isn't something you   really talk about in a home tour on YouTube or on  social media in general but just based off of all   the symbolism specifically the Flower of Life uh  that's everywhere anything pre-war will have those   symbols of flower of life so off of the dining  room this would be I guess like the little service   kitchen so you wouldn't prepare the full meal in  here because you have your dumb waiter which again   like I mentioned the kitchen is at the very top  floor but this is just a service kitchen off of   this dining room which is again it has a cathedral  like quality cuz then even from here look the coat   of arms line up through the windows here over  that balcony and I just noticed this this is   the double-headed Eagle which is the symbol of the  Holy Roman Empire in Germany and don't ask me why   I know all this it's like one of my interests just  looking up like uh symbols and occult things one   of my guilty pleasures is actually really looking  into the history of these homes that were touring   hence why nowadays I'm only filming homes like  this I don't think I could look at another white   box unless it's architecturally significant  halfway up on the landing check this out this   is actually a connector to the service stairwell  like we mentioned at the very start of the tour   there are two stairwells and this is a connecting  door to the main stairwell that runs up the entire   length of this house now up on the third floor  this entire floor is technically the owner's   floor and this would be the owner's bedroom in  this Gothic townhouse and your eye goes right   back to this far wall that is entire glass here  again with more of those painted coat of arms here   on the Windows you actually have a nice balance  here we're facing north but the bounce off of that   brick wall across is giving us a lot of light in  the space what else more Coats of Arms and all the   plastering here it has a wood fireplace actually  look at this I've never seen bricks stacked like   that look how pretty that is and it was at this  exact moment that the audio cut out for a bit and   for my my own personal experience filming in these  older homes and from some research freestanding   Mason stone structures they tend to actually  heavily interfere with wireless transmission and   in the owner's bathroom the light was actually  out and I was actually showing off some of the   original finishes Here original soaking tub  original faucets what does all this say about   the room no lights no audio as soon as we left  audio came back uh this is what I was talking   about the start of the video this is an intercom  from I'm guessing the80s comment below if you   know the exact date but this is FaceTime before  FaceTime whereas there's no camera but you can   see them they can't see you I love that they have  that in here behind Blake off of the owner Suite   this is staged as what would be the den or the  library and in here you just have this mahogany   everywhere on the walls you have the woodwork  on the ceiling and just look at the it's just   so well done it's so well done even the hinges  here are ornate at the far end you've got the   water closet here and then wait till you see this  so we're actually getting some nice sunlight now   so we are facing south so this room gets Sun the  entire day here but I want to show you this check   this out this is essentially uh a bath house  in this Gothic townhouse so you have a sunken   deep set tub here even look at the ornateness on  the radiator uh you could turn this into a steam   I actually see a little uh you see that Blake is  that for the dumb waiter or for the uh yeah that's   for the dumb waiter so you could have someone  cook you a meal send it up in the dumb waiter   be sitting in this tub right here getting a a  sweat going on it's pretty crazy that they kept   this I've never seen a a tub like this in a house  another look at that Den here with that woodwork I   have to say the agent did a pretty solid job with  the staging even look at that they left a pair of   products right here they gave it a little bit of  a modern touch because it is such a a historic   home where you would need again like I mentioned  you would have to be such a specific buyer who was   obsessed with history to want this place someone  like myself if I had the cash woo so now we're   going up to the fourth floor and again another  look into the second stairwell and actually we   have some light now you'll see in a second there's  a skylight above us but we're not quite there yet   this is technically floor number four which is  the guest floor so you have a landing off that   stairwell first guest bedroom and just take a  peek at this again more of that beautiful mill   work more of that beautiful window work and the  view out of this window is very important for a   specific reason so if you look out that window  that is a 17t wide vacant lot in front of us so   if there was a home here your sunlight would be  blocked but because there isn't a home and I'm   guessing it's grandfather's in you have all this  sunlight on a northern facing exposure which is   super rare and you can see even just from the  natural light how bright it is in the space so   we were chatting off camera and this home given  its age you'd think oh is it sturdy this home is   so sturdy that even the closets there's a piece  of paneling missing here the closets have brick   supporting the closet when I say they don't build  homes like this anymore they truly don't and I   think it's a combination of cutting costs saving  time maybe a lack of patience who knows but that's   why I love filming homes like this because they're  so wellb built and they're so full of character I   mean this this is just a little walk-in closet  here back out into the landing get a look at   this bathroom so this is the shared bathroom on  this floor look how stunning this is look at this   like metallic original wallpapering Here original  faucet there back when this was built there were   no fans so a little uh draft for you if you're  doing some serious business in this bathroom into   the hallway again we've got a closet right here  just for storage nothing too crazy another one of   those 1980s FaceTime devices I if I bought this  I would keep that just to have that cuz it's so   unique and this is the second bedroom here on the  fourth floor and the first thing I noticed in this   room are these double wide planks below our feet  that's another sign to show that this is indeed   an original home you can hear those beautiful  creaking sounds you've got a water closet separate   in the back of the room here and then you have the  bathroom off to the side here with that sunlight   coming in now we are facing south interestingly  enough the radiator is in the shower above it   it's kind of unique the thing about a home like  this that I love is the person who does buy this   is most likely going to keep all the original  woodwork the finishings just because that's what   gives it its Soul yeah you can modernize it add  in and you know central air update the heating but   it's really the details in the craftsmanship in my  opinion that give it the sole of the house house   and speaking of Soul at the very top of the home  look at this huge Skylight that is flooding in   light down the staircase here so now for the first  time because of this Skylight it runs the entire   length of the stairwell you can now see into the  service stairwell and uh you know back in the day   I was thinking you would have to be pretty pretty  fit to be serving in this house because this is   what six stories and there's no elevator but most  likely whoever does buy this would probably rip   this out and put in a pretty sizable elevator in  this uh stairwell shaft cuz it is pretty large   and you could probably put a decent elevator in  here but now we are at the top floor where we have   once again the mic getting major interference from  something in this house and at this point we're at   the top so it can't be the stones holding up the  house this is actually the dumb waiter I mentioned   to bring the food down to the lower levels of the  house but again this is the kitchen at the top of   the house typically this would be in the lower  level in the basement out of sight I'm probably   talking about the sunlight coming in I also love  the floors with the Terracotta with these little   symbols inlaid between them then I believe the  backsplash is all original tiling you can see this   has all been modernized this is stainless steel  here on the countertop then again very out of the   usual to have such high ceiling Heights on the  top floor let alone it being in the kitchen this   is the kind of kitchen you would find in a country  home rather than a townhouse in New York City off   of the kitchen this is where we have the laundry  room all modern appliances countertop space here   to do your wash pretty standard business in this  room then back out to the hallway this is again   the service floor so this is where the staff of  the house would live this is a shot of one of   the bedrooms here and then in the other one I'll  actually jump in give a bit of perspective on the   size of the space which in my opinion pretty large  room we have a window facing north again getting   that bounce off that vacant lot down below us  and then heading back into the hallway because   this is the staff floor there's only one bathroom  but check out this wallpaper look how cool this   is this is the complete opposite of that shift  towards the millennial gray that you find in a   lot of the houses that are built today I mean I  just think this is so cool I just think this is   so beautiful again having the Flower of Life in  the bathroom and in the center of the hallway the   ladder to the attic was left down so of course  I had to test it out make sure we could hold   my weight and as I made my way up to the top the  audio magically look at this we do have rooftop access this was a pleasant surprise for us we  actually didn't know we could access the rooftop   check out the crest on the very top of the house  I can't see that I know it's there I saw from the   street but now you can get a proper view of the  architecture of this Gothic Flemish home that was   shipped from Amsterdam to New York City I want  you to comment down below what did you think of   this tour what do you think of the landmark series  series if you have any specific old homes you want   me to film with that I hope you're well watching  this and I will see you in the next episode

2024-11-10 14:31

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