Touring a $12,995,000 LOS ANGELES MODERN MANSION

Touring a $12,995,000 LOS ANGELES MODERN MANSION

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What's up everybody, it's ennis here welcome to another episode. This week we're in brentwood neighborhood of los angeles, and about to tour this newly constructed, monitor home, right behind me, this house has six bedrooms. Six full baths, two half baths, approximately. 8 700, square feet of interior space. Built, on a 20, 359. Square foot lot, and this property is currently on the market for 12 million, 995. 000. And before we start our tour, i want to thank the listing agent, bjorn farujia, for allowing us a tourist, amazing, listing. Now let's. Begin. From the street level gates open up to this private driveway, that is hedged on the east side, and that driveway, brings you up right here where we have the motor court of this property. This is where we have the garage. And as i go this way, this is the front lawn area. Again nicely, hedged. Very private. And from here we can get a really good look at the overall, exterior, architecture. Of this property. Starting from the left we have the garage of this property, nicely clad with cedar siding, and if you look closely. The lines from the cedar siding actually continues, onto the garage door where we have the same clad as well so lines are perfectly, matching, i thought that was a really cool detail. And as we look at the overall exterior, architecture, of this home we see smooth stucco finish throughout. Floor-to-ceiling. Glass doors and windows. And and very aggressive, overhang, design throughout the property. I personally, love overhang, designs. Because it protects the house from harsh sunlight, as well as water which is the biggest enemy of any home, and another detail that i like is that they use the same cedar siding. Underneath, the overhangs. And before we start talking, about the walkway, here that takes us up to the front entry, let's take this little, walkway here. Which takes us up. To the guest suite we have right here. So i say guest suite because, this is the only way to access to this bedroom right here, good size room we have the best situated, right here, plenty of storage. Gets a little, kitchenette, right here with open shelving. And of course has its own bathroom, floating vanity design with marble countertops.

Walk-in, Shower, and a glazed, tile design, with an awning window. And that's it for the guest suite of this house again you can only access the suite, from the doors right here, you cannot access it through the house, now, let's talk about this walkway, right here that takes us up to the entry of this property. This is a cool detail i really like, they have a water feature here, and what's nice about it is that architects, put features like this at the entry of the homes to change people's moods. As they walk into the property, you take this walkway, right here you have landscaping, on your right hand side, water on your left, you leave the day behind you, and you go into this, space. And now let's walk inside. All right everyone here we are at the entry, of this property. Beautiful glass front door, we have picture windows on the east side, and clear story windows, right above the entry on my right hand side we have floating steel staircase. And as we pan up we can see that, overhang, design and the cedar clad, continues, all the way inside of the home, and even the recessed lights on the outside, are aligned with the lights on the inside, we will see more of that as we tour the second floor of this property and more at night. Now going this way as soon as you walk in you go straight into your formal living room area. Beautiful limestone, wall on this side, linear, gas fireplace. And as i go this way this is where we have the fleetwood, glass doors, stacking on this side opening up to the patio of this home but more on that later. Again good size room. Right off the entry. And, on my right hand side we have the kitchen formal living room area, bedroom and access to the garage and on my left hand side we kind of have the entertainment, section of this home so let's go take a look. You go through this opening. This is where we have the pool table. And on this room we have a bit of a bar set up here, dual elevation. Beautiful countertops. We get a sink setup right here, and we have all this open shelving right here for you to store your drinks, and this is really a good area to entertain, have friends over, you have your bar seating on the other side as well. We have a seating area right here and the fleetwood, doors, tuck all the way into the wall, opening up to the patio, area. Now, i say the entertainment, section of this house because in case you want to seal this opening. Well you have pocket doors on the east side. That way, you can close this off, have people over right here. Now. This section gets a powder room which is right here, we have the same limestone, that we saw at the living room wall, also here as a floor tile as well as the back wall. Black marble, floating vanity, setup with a vessel sink. Timeless wall chrome fixtures. And wall mount toilet, and we have an exterior, door right here because this door opens up to the side of the property, and you can use this bathroom, as your pool bathroom as well, and as we walk out of this powder room and go to this room right here.

Is Where we have, the theater, carpet, floors. Walls are clouds with cloth. And, once you close the, entry door right here, since this room doesn't have any windows you get the full movie theater effect. And my personal favorite detail in this room are these recessed, in vertical. Led, lighting that really gives it a nice ambiance, to this room, so you can sit down, and enjoy a movie right here and i hope everybody else is enjoying this video and if you do, just make sure to hit that like button, and subscribe to our channel, so you can tour these incredible, mentions with us we sure would appreciate, it we would, we sure would let's move on all right. That, covers our tour on this section of the house, now let's go back to the entry. Of this property. Now, off of the entry, we have the formal. Dining room area, which is right here, good space, we have this divider, wall right here, collide with the same limestone, that we saw. Good size room we have a picture window right here floor to ceiling. And we have a table for 10 here, obviously you can go for a bigger table. Again off of the entry. Now, we have a mini hallway, right here. On the right hand side we have the kitchen and family room before we go there we're going to take this hallway right here. As we go all the way. To the end of this hallway. This is where we have. The wine cellar, mikey can you come in for a second, oh it's nice and cold in here i know temperature, controlled, obviously. Nice glass back wall. Check this out so. These are the racks for your wines. But they're a little bit offset, right, to get your bottles perfectly, level imagine, the nightmare, the person had to go through, installing, these, and getting the measurements, just right so all the bottles look level that's crazy that's a lot of work yeah that's a lot, all right, back to the hallway, can we pan out for a second, i forgot to mention this we have a skylight, on this hallway.

Nice To have nice to have right. This room right here. Currently, stays, as an office. Good size room. Floor to ceiling picture window this house gets a lot of natural light and we saw a lot of these window details on the exterior. On this side we have a casement window, a lot of built-ins. I even like, the staging here i feel like, going with an office was an appropriate, choice, for this room, and we're back to the hallway. Right here. We have another small hallway. Kind of like your mud room area and this door opens up to the garage of this property. This is a two-car garage, with polished concrete, floors, but if you look at this section right here you can probably, squeeze in three cars here, no problem. Back to this little hallway. As we continue, this way this is where we have the second. Bedroom, on this level of the house, good sized room gets a lot of natural light, and we have a door leading to the side of the property right here, and as we go this way, this is the bathroom. For this room. We have a floating vanity, design right here beautiful marble countertops. Also used as a backsplash. Nicely, recessed, in, and as we look this way the floor tiles continue, into the walk-in, shower. And walk-in shower has a one-third, offset. Glass tile. Installed. With an awning window, and a rain hat. Good size, walk-in shower. Now let's go back to the hallway. So we can continue our tour. All right everyone, we're back, at the hallway. Now. The next door. Is the powder room this is the second powder room we have on this level. Wall mounted toilet. Glass back wall, and a fabricated. Beautiful, marble. Vanity, setup right here with a hidden drain mikey can you show this for a second. I love these hidden drain design with the wall faucets, so elegant. Yeah yeah and i guess. People are going to ask if you want to clean this you just have to lift this tile up see how it moves a little bit exactly. And you can clean it enos will you center that for me again. You got it there you go okay. All right now. Going back to the hallway. We have a little opening right here right, a pocket door that seals it off, this is like your, service, area, for your formal dining room. Italian quartz countertops. You get a small sink, plenty of storage, and check this out. Always nice to have, yep. Bifold. Automatic, doors. So it's a nice area to have overall this is a great addition to the formal dining room area as well as the kitchen, which is, where we're gonna tour. Next. I love this kitchen there are so many details i want to talk but i just love the overall palette the colors, the marbles. It's just beautiful. So, we have the island set up here. And island is connected to this little. Dining area right here off of the kitchen this is great, if you have a family. Your kids can sit out here. And. We have the cabinetry. Starting here. Italian quartz countertops. And we have a marble back wall right here with open shelving and i'm glad they went this direction, because you can see all the veins, and all the details on the marble as well, looks beautiful. And the italian, quartz countertops, continue here and actually mikey can you come closer for a second i want to show this detail. All right as we pull out this drawer. You see how they trimmed, the countertop, a little bit when you close the drawer. It sits perfectly, flush, normally countertops, have a little bit of overhang, but since this is a modern home they went with this direction. It looks very sleek and beautiful. And over here we have oversized, subway tiles there's backsplash. These automatic doors are also here as well, you gotta love them gotta have them gotta have them right, and. This is where you have your two. Paneled. Dishwashers. Here this is where we have the main sink. And now let's talk about this island setup for a second. Secondary, sink on this corner. This one has a little bit of reveal. So you can actually really appreciate, all that marble, around. And. Colocado, marble continues, on this island. This is where we have the melee gas stove. There's no vent because it has one of these built-in vents but i don't think it's hooked up right now so it won't pop up but as soon as you click here, that will automatically, will pop up that way you don't have anything coming down from the ceiling, again another modern, beautiful detail. Cabinetry, continues, here more of these automatic, doors. Your built-in, ovens are right here as well, and this is where we have the pantry set up. For this house. Now before we leave the kitchen. Last detail. You push. There you go your paneled. Melee, refrigerator. And freezer, is right here, i didn't really get a good shot of that share that one more time for the people.

There You go. Fancy stuff fancy, stuff. All right. Overall. I love this kitchen the color palette i always love marble, and the contrast, between the darker cabinets, and the marble just looks beautiful. And this kitchen, looks towards this, family room right here. This is probably where you will have your future tv, nice couch setup, looking towards this incredible, patio that this property, has, and i feel like this is the room that's going to get the most use because, it's off the kitchen. The whole family is going to hang out here, and of course why wouldn't you hang out here because you have all these fleetwood doors pocketing, into the walls, for you to enjoy this backyard space in fact, let's do that next. Let's start up by, tucking these glass doors into the. Walls. Like i mentioned in the video. This one. Has a floating, corner glass detail. Now we have the whole living room opened up to the outdoor space, as soon as you walk out from the living room, you land right here where we have the same limestone, they also use this limestone throughout the hardscape, of this property, and this walkway, right here, takes us here where we have the outdoor dining, area. And following. This route, this is where we have the barbecue, set up. Beautiful countertops, they have the same stucco, finish, also on the barbic setup. Dual elevation. You get your sink. You get a small fridge right here and of course let's not forget the gas bbq, right here. Now going back. And following this hallway, this is where we have the kitchen another set of sliding doors. This is where we have the family room. And right here patio extends out a little bit this is where you get your gas firepit, perfectly situated, for the view, and this is the opening, for the formal living room area. Now, as we continue. This is the next, set of pocket doors which is where we have the billard room. Bar area, again, the whole house opens up to the patio space which is incredible. Following this way, we have a unique situation, here so this pool is a little bit elevated, from the ground level, so i want to say maybe it's a little bit above ground. And the elevation, picks up here again, same limestone, is also here. And they use it around the pool parameter. Perfect area to lounge, hang out, and looking at this pool, i mean it's just so simple and elegant we have light blue plaster, throughout the pool, with glass tiles around underneath the coping. And as we come this way, this pool is really inviting also. As we come this way we have the race spa here, that overflows. Into the main pool, and right here we have all this fencing. That covers the pool equipment, on all that good stuff lastly i want to mention, again super, private, this property is nicely hedged on both sides, so you get incredible, privacy, here, and it's summer and these pools are so inviting, i personally, really like this one and something about the light blue plaster. And the contrast with the light, limestone, floors, just makes it really inviting. And let's come this way. And we have a little. Stairs going down to the main grass area, so, here's another unique, quality of this property, this property, gets, front lawn, gets a huge backyard. Gets the privacy, and gets the views, those are very difficult, qualities, to find in single home, that's honestly the other reason what makes this home so special, obviously it's a beautiful modern architecture. But i just wanted to mention that as well. It's a huge lot i mean we're just walking around you really get everything. And from here we can get a really good look at the backside of the property, again beautiful smooth stuck of finish. Floor to ceiling glass doors they're currently tucked in right now, i personally like the corner details. And i love how there's different elevations, and kick outs throughout the property. Lastly. I have to talk about that cedar siding underneath the overhang. And they use that on the left wing of the house here as well, but this time instead of using it horizontally. They used it vertically, to give it a little bit of a different texture. And we have all these recessed lights, at night this property just glows, and it looks incredible. Now, this is a bit of a unique area i'm going to kind of circle around this tree right here we have a beautiful mature. Here. And this area slopes down here a little bit, and i'm sure they tapered, it down to make it more smooth, but obviously you have this mature tree, you have a swing here again talking about having families.

What A great area to hang out, just chill. And, grass section kind of extends out all the way to this corner where we can get a really good look, at the brentwood hills and kind of the views of this property. Obviously, it's not a view that we are used to seeing every day, but it's a peaceful, and tranquil view, and that wraps our tour for the backyard of this property, now why don't we go inside. Take the stairs so we can tour the second. Floor. This is where we have the staircase, leading us up to the second floor. This is a steel floating staircase. It is open riser goes to the model line of this property, and i like how each step, is a big slab. And we have the glass railing bolted, on the sides right here, overall a beautiful, staircase, design, that matches this house's architecture, now let's go through the second floor. All right everyone now we're coming up to the second floor landing. Right here before i talk about the landing. Let's cover the ceiling detail for a second. I mean the cedar continues, from the outside, overhangs, comes all the way into the ceiling, it continuous, it's seamless. And, the attention to detail, look at those exterior, recessed, lights, coming all the way in perfect straight line. I love that, and it really simplifies, the look of the house goes with the modern lines, and clear story window right here just it's massive and it brings so much natural light in to the whole property, as well as the landing of the second floor, so now, we have a bit of a seating area right here off of the landing area, it's like a little hangout area, and we have the fleetwood, doors right here opening up to this balcony. Right here so let's stack the doors for a second. All the way till the end. And now this is a good size balcony, again. Same limestone. Is also used here as floor tiles. Good sized balcony, this one on the overhang, gets a little bit of opening so you get some natural light again brings it to the landing, brings it to this, bedroom right here, and instead of having a glass railing here they extend out the wall into the short glass railing, which accomplishes, two things number one, keeps the privacy, here, number two, this glass railing kicks out just enough, for this railing to meet the code. And from here, you get incredible views of brentwood. As well as your backyard, pool area. Just a great space and you can leave these doors open all the time if you want. Now. On my right hand side we have the gym and the master bedroom before we go there, let's take this hallway here. And let's go all the way till the end. We have an additional. Floor to ceiling picture windows here looking to the walkway. You can see the overhangs, from here. And this is where we have the first bedroom. On this level. Good size room, this one, gets a balcony, here.

This Is the balcony, we saw up front, and this balcony, is directly, over the guest suite that we saw on the first floor. And this is a good sized room gets a lot of natural light. And, right here is where we have the bathroom. For this, bedroom. Same finishes, floating vanity, design marble countertops, again even here beautifully, recessed. You have a casement, window for some ventilation. And this one gets a walk-in shower set up, floor tiles, continue, in, and this wall tile right here has a little bit of texture, it's really unique. Your rain head and before we leave this bathroom. Let's cover this section right here. Walk-in closet. Hangers. Shelves, drawers, everything you need, now, let's go back to that main hallway. And. Let's go toward the bedroom, next door. Second bedroom. Closets, are right here. Little subtle touches i like it i like this corner they put a, desk here with casement windows. It's a little cozy corner space. Good sized room this is where we have the bed, more built-ins. And, wall mount shelves right here. And going in, we have the same finishes. Same floor tiles floating vanities, casement, windows. And mikey can you come inside, i know it's a little tight but we got the same tile design huh. Well we kind of do it's the same texture but it's a different color. And, top setup. Rain head. You have it all you get it all. All right now let's get out. And go back to the hallway. And from here. We have the laundry, room. This one has the motion lights. You walk in. Turns on, you're going to be carrying laundry so you don't want to turn on that light you know, there you go i like it okay. Plenty of storage, right a lot of cabinetry, a lot of built-ins. Two washers and two dryers. Because why not. You have a house like this you have a lot of rooms you have a lot of people over your family. You can make good use out of these. Gets a sink gets a casement window. And now let's go back, to the hallway. This one is the third bedroom. And the last bedroom, on this wing of the house. This is a little bit bigger gets more natural, light. This is the set of fleetwood doors that opens up to that balcony, here. More casement, windows because not only you can have the ventilation. Obviously, you get the views so you want to benefit from that, from your bed right here, you get perfect views of the hills. And. Right there, we have the walk-in closet. Another motion light, there you go. And. Here's the bathroom. Floating vanity, design marble countertops. I love that each bathroom, gets a casement, window. They really value their ventilation, over here and they realized that. Whoever, lives here. Could use. Opening up some windows, all right, good walking shower, rain head. Pretty straight forward. Now. Let's go back to the hallway. We flew through these bedrooms, but we got we got another big one coming up yeah we have a really good one coming up. And. Honestly, we flew through them because. They're so nicely designed and they're so uniformed. And i feel like everybody, get a good understanding, of the house. But yet we don't have to spend. Minutes. Standing, in each room no wasted time, that's right, now. This is currently staged. As the gym, it has the same oak hardwood floors, like the first floor and the second floor of this property. Here's why i like this space number one let's show this real quick. These are my favorites. I know pocket doors are fancy but how about accordion doors. Especially, when they, open up this easily, this smoothly. You have the accordion, set up here, opens up to the balcony. You almost have the same elevation. Same line, stone, this one is obviously, front facing here, and i love how they use the same limestone. Also as a balcony, coping, right here. Right on top for waterproofing. But it matches, and mikey i want you to come here because we're going to show a really unique detail. I bet you're 99.9. Of the people would skip this. So this is the overhang, design we have at the entry, that's your entry walkway, right. They use the same limestone, on top, as roofing. For this, overhang, yeah, which is great. Because it matches you know the colors look uniform, here's here's the detail, can you point out that corner, right there. So you see, this may look like a flat roof but it's not, there's a very gentle slope there you can see the peak right at the center, and it gently slopes down, because the developer. Wanted to make sure, that this lasted, and didn't leak over time. All right. Again, the walls continue, up here we don't have a glass railing, we they wanted to provide some privacy, here, but even the front of the home gets so much privacy, beautiful landscaping. And it's nice that once you open up these pocket doors i mean accordion, doors. You get the space flowing in and out, perfect place to hang out, work out, do some yoga on the balcony. You get it here. Now. Before we start touring master bedroom.

This Is the staircase, from family room in the kitchen area. Coming, up, to the second floor of this property so you don't have to go through the main staircase. You can just take this if you need to. And. This massive door opens up, this hallway takes us to the master bedroom i hate to kill your float enos but can you just close that door to show people how big that is. Wow that door is huge that's like two doors thick, yeah i know this thing is pretty massive. So come on in we have a bit of a hallway here. Skylight. To lighten up this, section. And as we come in we have another hallway here, right hand side goes to the master bathroom where we have the master closet and all that but let's go this way, let's talk about. This spacious. Airy. Incredible. Master bedroom now this is proper. Why i say that many things number one, good size room, you have your cool seating area here with this unique couch setup. Linear gas fireplace. Some built-ins. Some open shelving here. And this is where you have your king size why it's positioned that way because. You get to look at these incredible, views of the hillside. Greenery. It's so peaceful. And i mean these are serious, size. Glass windows. Obviously, they're not from floor to ceiling but they're almost there, and you just get incredible, peaceful views, it's so private, you probably don't even need to have shades unless you want to black out this room. Same hardwood floors continue, here, this house overall just has a very minimalist, and good energy. Now, these fleetwood, doors open up to this balcony, specifically, for the master bedroom but we're gonna go there through the master bathroom. So, let's go back to the hallway. This is the main entry, and right here is where we have the wet bar, you get a sink. You get a little bit of a, a fridge setup i can see an espresso, machine here with a couple drinks, late night sips. This is where you have it late night sips i like that there you go. Okay. So, this is where we have the bathroom set up before we do that, let's just go this way. Toilet room number one. Water closet. And this is, i would say the her side of master, closet. It's very light and bright. We have the glass shelving here. Huge island setup. With marble countertops. Plenty, of storage, obviously. Some closed, storage, here more open shelving. Hanger space, but even here, light was a priority. Why do i say that. Look at that, window right above they managed to squeeze in one, because they wanted to make sure every room in this house gets natural light. Now going to the room next. Door. Is his side of the closet. A little bit smaller. Has the darker, tones. And i don't think i mentioned it yet, but these darker cabinetry. That we saw throughout the house, whether it's the interior, doors, kitchen cabinets, or even, your master closet doors or paneling, they're exactly the same color, so it's totally uniformed. Which is great.

And. This one also gets island set up here with the black marble countertops. Water closet number two. You gotta love it they even have a casement window right here. And. Now, let's talk about this, master, bathroom. Double vanity setup we have storage on the east side of the floating vanity, design. Marble countertops. Even here we have the recessed backsplash. And the timeless, chrome wall, fixtures. Mirror setup you have your recessed lights throughout. And you have another set of floating vanity, right here. Kicks out a little bit more as a makeup area on this side, before i start talking about the tub, mikey let's focus on this side, look at this gorgeous, marble. Walk-in shower it's marble everywhere. Marble on the floor is. Single slabs. On each side, your shampoo niche. Even here what did i say natural light was a priority. You get a fixed window. Massive rain ahead above, and this adjustable. Shower head right here. Massive walk-in shower, bench set up drain tucked underneath it they even have a little curved molding, detail, on the bottom. To add a little, special touch, all right, now. What's, left in this master, bathroom. Is the freestanding, tub which is right here. Beautiful. Tough filler here, this one has more of a flat tone. And. I love these, all right so. You release it there you open it here, you push it out a little bit. And here we go. Pull accordion. That's right, i, love these. There you go. And now. From this side you have the pocket doors opening up to this balcony, from here your master bathroom opens up, again, the same detail, no glass railing. You have the walls kick out a little bit you have a shallow glass railing here to give some privacy, to this master bathroom. It's an incredible space i see incredible, because this is kind of the corner peak of the house, where you get. Almost the best views here and actually on a clear day if you look up a little bit you can even see a peak of the ocean view. Which is great. Beautiful backyard. Great space, i mean what can i say i love this house yeah i really like this property i like all the wood i like the architectural, details all the overhangs and all the skylights. Uh and it's just it's like a really. Simple house we've kind of had some complicated, houses lately it's nice to get back to basics. I agree it has very simple lines, the whole house is very nicely uniform. It's just so subtle, i love the modern details of this house. It's, it's got to be one of my favorites, yeah i almost wish we could uh spend a little bit more time and teach the people a little bit more about the house. Well i think i have the right person in mind why don't we go downstairs, talk to bjorn who is the listing agent of this property, and asking a few questions. All right everyone so we have bjorn here bjorn what's happening mate how are things um things are amazing thanks for coming out and spending time with your crew out here today i appreciate it no worries. So i used to be an international. Student so do you, i used to be a professional, athlete so to you so tell us a little bit about yourself the company you work for. You're positioning, in real estate market. My name is bjorn farouja, i'm from melbourne australia. Came here when i was 21, got a tennis scholarship, went to school in georgia. Started four companies, worked in finance, at a tennis academy. Now i'm here in real estate on the west side, i have a team i've been doing real estate for about seven eight years. Sold 50 homes last year. Work with the amazing brand, of hilton and highland. Live breathe eat sleep dream real estate, always trying to make a deal and, excited to have you guys here today, i love it i love it so mate, obviously this house is in brentwood but tell us a little bit about the neighborhood, who lives here, what is the differentiating, values of brentwood. Brentwood's an amazing location, west of 405, i think there's a lot of. Space, and big pieces of land especially during this covert, time there's been great people coming out here, people want more. Land, and more safety, for their family there's amazing schools in this location, as well. Brentwood, palisades, santa monica is definitely changing a lot, during this covert, period. There's a lot of pept up demand, there's a lot of o.j simpson, used to live in brentwood for example.

Lebron James. He has a house up in brentwood, russell westbrook, on selling russell's house, in beverly hills he has a house in brentwood, so it's a very sought after location. Very pedigree, clients. North of sunset, is also very special, we feel fortunate to be here, selling this house i agree i mean it's a great location, and i wanted to ask us obviously this house is located in brentwood. But there are a lot of options for 13 million dollars around la, tell me some of the differentiating. Points of this house why do you think this house is special, and sets itself apart, from the other ones. It's a great question, you know i think. The biggest, factor, during the covert, time, was, privacy. And our community. Is the number one priority, at this time, and our clients. People that have wealth, they want, privacy, and safety. And i think one of the strengths of this house. Is how it's it's a flag lot which some people like, some people don't like but during this time we're seeing a lot of demand. For privacy. You can't really tell where the house is from the street exactly i think it's a huge strength of the house it has views, it's built by a pedigree, builder, he's done about 50 homes west side. Um. It's it's kind of a balanced, james purse, home. There's not a lot to buy between 10 and 15 million west side i have a lot of clients looking. We're pricing it at 12 995. So i feel like, um it's a potent combination, for our success coming out here the next couple days, i agree i i mentioned this as, we were walking around the property that, it was really unique to see a big lot. Kind of tucked back privacy. Views, modern home all within the same compound. So i think that really helps this property differentiate, itself from the others. Now, a lot of people assumed all around the world that once this pandemic, happened, that california, market would kind of take a downturn. But if anything. Everything got fired up again now property is selling left and right. Why do you think california, took that kind of a direction rather than prices going down, you know i think people want to be. In great weather. And i think a lot of people are moving from san francisco. And from new york and boston and then moving, to la, i think the weather's great, i think there's land, i think the quality of life is amazing. I think, you know, there's great schools here, and i think you can get to enjoy the beach the sun. The the the surf, the the. The snow, even if you wanted to, so i think. Those things are really important, i also feel. During covert there was not a lot of inventory. And normally there's 60, to 100 homes that come on the market every single day, in l.a, during covert there was between, 10 and 20.. Over the past, two months there's between, 50, and 60, and 40 and there was a lot of pepped up demand on the sidelines.

People Were wanting to buy but they couldn't because they couldn't go out people were, you know very apprehensive. Because of what was going on in the world. And i think, with the low interest rates, and. Not a lot of inventory, on the market, and the pept up demand. Together it's been the perfect storm, for the la market to just be, really, on fire. I think, there's a lot of opportunity, right now here in la, i agree, definitely, a lot of opportunity. And i mean bjorn i want to thank you this property is incredible, i want to congratulate, the developers, they did a phenomenal, job. Any of your final thoughts. Before we end this interview. Thank you and your team for coming out here i know you guys are doing an amazing, job, what you do i'm really impressed. Appreciate, you guys coming and see this beautiful home and sharing it with all your clients around the world, i think, anyone that sees it as soon as they come they resonate, with our specialities. It's a great builder who built it he's really a passion project, his passion, oozes, out through the property i'm glad you guys are here i'm glad you're getting to share it with everyone. Please make yourself at home it is amazing, here. In the evening. You and your crew, make yourself at home my house my custody is your casa, i love it. Hang out let me know if you need anything well thank you for having us here and i agree i think we should wait and see this property at. Dusk. All right everyone, so it's 9 p.m right now we stayed late to show this house to you guys at night. We have all the exterior lights turned on right now all the recessed lights are perfectly aligned going from the outside all the way inside. And the same lights are also glowing all the overhang designs of this property. As we continue. This is where we have the front door, as soon as we walk in this house really comes to life. At night. On my right hand side we have the entertainment, area opened up to the patio space, here where we have the formal living room area, and as we walked around this, hallway here. Let's go check out that kitchen and the family room area. Everything is lit up, kitchen looks beautiful, just imagine, sitting down here, watching your tv while you have all these corner glass doors tucked away. Looking towards your patio space. And when you buy a property like this you're just not getting a land, and a house, you're getting a sculpture, you're, you're buying a piece of art that you get to live in it, experience, it every single day, and that's what you're paying for. And at night, the architecture, of this property, just looks. Magnificent. I mean the recessed, lights. All the cantilever, designs, all the pocket doors, this whole house glows. And. It's just a really cool piece of modern architecture. And that pretty much wraps our tour for this video. I hope everybody enjoyed it if you did make sure to give us a like. If you haven't already subscribe to our channel we tour incredible, properties, every single week. Lastly. I want to congratulate. The developers, of this property for doing such an incredible, job, and i want to thank our good friend bjorn farrugia, for allowing us to his amazing listing, and allowing, us to share it with you guys. And, we'll see you guys, next. Week. You.

2020-08-06 01:32

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