Touring 2 Guanacaste 3BR Homes | Costa Rica Open House 6

Touring 2 Guanacaste 3BR Homes | Costa Rica Open House 6

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e e please pardon that delay welcome to Friday's Costa  Rica open house our live show here about Costa   Rica real estate every Friday live at noon today  we have two different three bedroom homes that   we are going to be exploring and as always we're  going going to be exploring them using our amazing   matterport tours here so that everyone out there  can get a feeling of these properties and we'll   be discussing today the different pros and cons  of these two three-bedroom houses as always here   on my show I want to talk about uh some of the  nuances and today we'll specifically be discussing   the question how much land do you need to feel  private in Costa Rico or really what size of lot   do you need if you want to feel like you have a  private property we'll talk a little bit about lot   subdivision law and how things get segregated here  and of course at the end of our show we will give   you our loyal following the opportunity to engage  in these matterport tours yourselves by giving   you the link to those 360 degree tours for those  of you who have virtual reality headgear you can   strap those on and take a virtual trip to these  uh houses them yourselves the two listings we're   going to be looking at today just to give you a  quick overview are going to be Rancho golondrinas   and compo deenos two three-bedroom homes here in  Guanacaste Costa Rica I want to First give a quick   uh overview of their basic information so that you  get an idea of what listings we're looking at and   and then we'll delve into our topic about the land  specifically here we're looking at compo De suenos   a $460,000 home that is about a 10minute uh let's  say 10-minute bike ride really just a five minute   drive down to Playa kones this is a three-bedroom  with a really nice pool and it is on a 3/4 acre   lot or 3,000 square meters so we'll be discussing  that lot size in particular we'll also be looking   at Rancho golondrinas the listing of my colleague  maram uh asking price is very similar to compo   deenos $465,000 it's a home with a completely  different feel whereas at compo deenos you have   that clean modern fresh sort of Airy look here  at compo is here at Rancho gandras you have those   Richwood ceilings you've got that sort of  Guanacaste charm that's more integrated   into the property and really a design that is a  lot different than that bright new cheery kind   of feel that you get over at compo deenos let's  first talk a little bit about land in Costa Rica   and how much property you will need for privacy  down here you'll see a large number of parcels   that are segregated that have a size of 5,000  square m or what turns out to be 1.25 Acres the   reason that you see so many properties that are  1.25 Acres uh that 5,000 meter size and up is   simply that it's easier legally to segregate those  Parcels using private accesses that the government   created sort of as ways for really people to be  able to hand down their land to their children   easily so you see tons of developments where  the developers wanted to avoid the difficulty   of creating a condominium which is necessary  to create private lots that are smaller than   that 5,000 square meter size and to be short  5,000 square meters here or anywhere above it   is going to give you a ton of opportunity to have  a private forested existence and the nice thing   about those communities when you've got 5,000  square meter Lots is that everybody is going to   have the same size parcel and you can assume that  people will naturally space their homes out on   their 5,000 square meters so as not to be directly  on top of their neighbors uh you know really   as close as possible realizing I need to switch  hopefully the audio quality just improved slightly   be below that 5,000 square meter lot you will  find obviously properties of every size I have   a new home listed that's a one-bedroom home  right by the beach on 230 square meters or   only about 3,000 square feet of property and  then obviously you go up to acreages Farms Etc   the two properties we're looking at have 3/4  of an acre and just over an acre of property   and one of the things that I wanted to mention  that's important to consider here in Costa Rica   is that if you're buying uh a lot on a public road  and somebody is allowed to use their property as   they see fit with no homeowners association if  there is no rule from preventing them from do   so doing so here in Costa Rica you can build  a privacy wall or any structure that doesn't   have a window on the first story all the way up to  the immediate property line and you see that more   commonly here in Guanacaste people are opting for  building these perimeter walls all the way around   their property specifically to create privacy and  security on these smaller properties I see a ton   of lots that are segregated at about 1,000 square  m that's a quarter acre you could find a quarter   acre in hour our area for sale at maybe 880 to  $90,000 if it was close to the beach and sort of   one of those Beach rental property opportunities  a th000 square meters and a quarter acre when   you lay it out and when you put a perimeter wall  around it still can feel absolutely like you have   some space and you can fit not only a pool but a  bit of Lawn and Garden area your little Zen pagota   if you want to do that now this is obviously  if you have a house that's in that two to three   bedroom range but really I would say about a  th000 square met is that point at which or a   quarter acre is really where you can start to feel  that if everybody builds walls around me I'm going   to be a little bit closed in and you might want to  look for a larger property one of the properties   we're going to look at today um here for Rancho  gandras is actually on two lots each each of them   are a half acre and it's a great example that  I feel that 2,000 square met or just a little   bit right in that Halfacre range really is where  you start to feel like you have plenty of space   for yourself and where if your neighbors decided  to build perimeter walls around their properties   as well uh that you would see you could still  not feel very closed in so when buying property   here do keep in mind that people can build up to  that property line if they don't have a window on   their first story and that can definitely create  a closed in small feeling on your property if you   own those lots that are less than an a quarter  acre or less than a th square meters let's delve   in now with our first property here that I want  to discuss uh actually this is not the first one   I wanted to discuss here is compo deenos we're  starting out in the middle here and when we share   these matterport tours here I highly encourage you  to click around you can use wsad to move around   like you're playing a video game um it' be so cool  if we could add some lasers to this or something   to sort of Dodge around or to make this an actual  game but here at compo De suenos you're on 34 of   an acre and and I wanted to show um what that 3/4  of an acre looks like when you're actually walking   around it so let's take a ver a little stroll  here stepping out the front door of the house   hopefully this is what you're seeing great um  here as we step away from the pool and move past   the house you're going to get an idea of what 34  of an acre feels like and frankly at compo deeno   you can see that 3,000 square met the size of this  property leaves you a ton of space the public road   is out there at the gate past Demitri's motorcycle  there and here's exactly what I'm talking about   with privacy walls along one edge of Ceno's 3,000  square meters the neighbor has gone right up to   their property line with a privacy wall for um  as a little development that's over there with   um five total homes and you can imagine if this  were a very small piece of property surrounded by   that kind of privacy wall wh now you can you can  see all my suggested videos there uh here's the   three4 of the acre looking towards your neighbor  in that closest Direction so you actually own   almost until let's say this Guanacaste here that  I'm uh showing with the cursor and that 3/4 of an   acre even is going to provide the buyer of this  property the opportunity to um build additional   structures really you'd have you know you could do  some cabins out there and still have the Privacy   here in your main home compo deenos is a great  example of how people you know when the owners   purchased this I think four or five years ago it  was just the bones of a normal Guanacaste you know   sort of concrete house they did a ton of work to  create this fresh cool aesthetic here in the open   kitchen you know living and dining space here they  added on the pool which was critical to boosting   their rental interest and their rental income and  they also converted what previously was a garage   over here into a third bedroom really adding a  third bedroom onto a property here creates a lot   of opportunity for your occupancy to expand on a  rental property um there are countless two-bedroom   condominiums in Guanacaste Costa Rica that  are for rent and therefore uh your two-bedroom   rental market typically has an enormous amount  of inventory um next let's hop over to our other   three-bedroom home here with a completely  different feel than Rancho goand I'm sorry   than Campo deenos here we're looking at Rancho  golondrinas as I was saying you know you have   a Guanacaste feel the wood ceilings um you know  sort of Darker richer colors definitely this is   one of it was perfect we had a showing during an  absolute downpour um a week ago and this has got   to be one of the most cozy homes I've ever been  in it was perfect timing for it to be raining   outside and be indoors in this sort of um warm  sort of space now Rancho golondrinas we're going   to look here they have a full acre of property  and here we're looking Outdoors at what that   looks like hopefully we can get this video started  here uh for some reason okay let me go back here and just a moment here we'll switch back to  this tab I will try to reload the tour in just a moment and I'm realizing I I don't have the link  easily accessible while we take this short break   for me to bring it back up here I wanted to thank  all of my clients the people out there who decide   to pick up the phone and call me to either buy or  sell real estate here in Guanacaste Costa Rica uh   definitely here's a cheers to a happy Friday with  some responsible uh water consumption man and my   computer is just taking its sweet time here  as we pull up the tour again there we go all   right now hopefully we'll be able to get this  loaded and get back into our tour in just a moment everything's doing funny stuff here that  is the wonderful thing of working Live on YouTube here well and oh well sometimes things  just don't go as you planned we have a   video walking around okay here we go now we're  going to go outside and take a look hopefully   at what this acre looks like I'll also send a  huge choose to Christopher worth thanks very   much for joining us today glad you're enjoying  things uh and now okay so we are trying to walk   outdoors and take a look at this acre here  at Rancho golondrinas as I mentioned here   the property is actually separated into two lots  so you only have a half acre over on this side   of the Hedge closest to the house and then you  have another half acre over here in this green   space on our right you can see that really 4500  square meters of property which is what you get   here is plenty of land to be private for yourself  you could have an entirely separate property here   Over the Hedge to our right hand side outside of  the frame and still you know have 2 000 square   meters or a half acre of property for yourself  and feel pretty darn private um in this place   Rancho golondrinas and Campo deenos are both  homes that are not located in gated communities   um so they're very similar in that regard Rancho  golondrinas is about a 10-minute drive out to the   beach whereas compo deenos is a bit closer  here one of the amazing things that they've   got on the property at Rancho gandras and so  now we're stepping out into the backyard and   this is again just on half of the property um  we're going to see if we can take a look if we   get this to load here absolutely we're going  to see from the sky just how big the property looks slowly but surely we Ascend uh r go andras is a large uh home by the  way I think we've got something like 2400 Square   fet in there 2500 square feet interior space and  here really you can get an idea on the left side   of the property you've got the home and backyard  and driveway on just a half acre and then you   have an entirely open lot here to the right side  of that driveway that is another half half acre   of land if someone were so inclined they could  potentially acquire Rancho golondrinas and uh sell   that property uh it would be totally possible this  home the current owners also did some improvements   of their own they changed this uh former bedroom  into an office over here it's a lockout um so   you've got a really nice separate perfect place  for digital Nomads here you they added this   um roof over the space between sort of the uh  horseshoe layout of the house and they've also   really done a nice job Furnishing the home with  some new stuff um this was definitely I big shout   out to the former own of this house owner of  this house John loved the look that you had   for it but it was a little bit worn and sort of  just you know more comfortable for you John this   new house has a bit or you know the new furniture  just has some great curb appeal like I said this   is a three-bedroom home one of those bedrooms  is currently an office um but on either side   of this living space here you've got your your  inside bedrooms the primary Suite is huge you   also have a utility room um this is a house that  originally had four Beday in it I can't remember   if the current owners have removed any of them  you come through the kitchen here they've updated   the appliances um added some really nice stuff  in here and then you have one of the biggest   primary bedrooms that I have recently seen um  you know this is actually I think a California   king bed in the middle of the room and you can  see there's just massive space on every side of   it the home has these gorgeous wood floors in  the bedrooms they've got uh the wood ceilings   again and you even have your subscriptions set up  on the TV here so Rancho gandras again is offered   at 465,000 comp deenos the house that we were  looking at previously is asked oh man did I is   asking 460,000 if you would like to delve into uh  either of those matterport tours here we go with   those links you can hold up your phone right now  and use the F the camera function to scan this QR   code I believe for compo deos and if you would  like to review our other listing hopefully this   one is for Rancho golondrinas these are two  different QR codes I just changed it uh you   have let's go back here first of all I should  have mentioned if you want to find out more   about these listings or any others be sure to  send me an email to Matt coaster again   here is listing number one the the 3D matterport  tour use your camera function on your phone to   pull it up and explore away here is matterport  tour number two thanks very much for joining   me folks it's been a great time I look forward  to you joining me next Friday here have a good one for

2024-09-21 21:16

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