Top Places to Visit in Albania

Top Places to Visit in Albania

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Welcome. To all lists. If. You, enjoy our videos please, make sure to subscribe and, don't miss any new videos by clicking the, Bell button. Have. You thought of visiting, Albania, and get, a taste of its amazing food art, and music great, places to go and socialize. Today. We're counting down the top places. To visit in Albania. But. Before, moving on to that we think it's useful to know a few things about visiting, it, whether. In. Albania. The climate, is Mediterranean on, the coast with, mild rainy, winters, and hot sunny. Summers, while, it becomes slightly more continental, in the interior, though, it becomes really cold only in mountain, areas, along. The coast the climate, is milder, with, less chance of, cold nights in winter and more, effective, afternoon, breezes in summer in the. Cities located, in the plains bit, further from the see all, those sheltered, by mountain, ranges such, as kata the, climate, becomes slightly more continental, that. Is a bit, colder, in winter with, January averages, around 5 degrees Celsius or. 41. Degrees, Fahrenheit and hotter, and summer with, highs often, around 35. Degrees Celsius or. 95. Degrees Fahrenheit. Moving. Inland and with, increasing altitude. The climate, becomes much harsher with, cold and snowy winters, and progressively. Cooler summers. For. Instance, in courser. Located. In the east 900. Meters. 2950. Feet above. Sea level, the average, temperature goes, from 0.5. Degrees, Celsius, or. 33. Degrees Fahrenheit, in January. To, 21, degrees Celsius, or. 70. Degrees fahrenheit in August. The. Temperature, of the sea is still a little cool for swimming. In June while, it becomes acceptable. Or Pleasant from July to September. When. To visit. The. Best time to visit the Albanian. Coast for. Swimming and sunbathing, is summer, in July and August the Sun always shines and, the Adriatic, Sea is warm, to. Visit the cities in the plains such. As Tirana, or Skoda, considering. That they can be hot in summer you, can choose the months of May June. And September, October. Has. Pleasant temperatures too but, it can be quite rainy, especially. In the second part. September. A month, in which the sea is slightly warmer than in June may, therefore be an interesting choice, to visit, all over the country, and at the same time take some rest at the beach. Safety. Avoid. Non-essential. Travel to the city of Nazareth where. Albanians. State Police and armed marijuana, growers, have in the past engaged, in violent, altercations. And where police assistance, and protection are limited. Until. 2014. The city of Lazarus, and its surrounding, areas was a major marijuana, producing. Region, where violent, clashes between police, and marijuana, producers, occurred, regularly. Although. The situation has, recently, improved police. Assistance, and protection remains, limited, and, response. Times are often delayed. Women. Should exercise caution when, traveling alone. Avoid. Secluded, areas parks. Bars, and restaurants, in remote areas, especially. After dark. Crime. Petty. Crime, such. As pickpocketing. And bag snatching, occurs. Particularly. On public, transportation, and in taurus areas. Theft. From vehicles, is common, never. Leave personal belongings. Unattended in, a vehicle and. Use secured parking facilities. Especially. Overnight. Be. Vigilant, in the northern districts, of has caucus. Entropica. Criminal. Gangs operate, along roads in remote areas, especially. In areas bordering Kosovo. Macedonia, and, Montenegro. Use. Caution in areas bordering Macedonia. Where, security is very poor. Economic. Hardship, and easy availability of, firearms increase. The risk of violent, incidents looting. And carjacking. Particularly. In the tropical, district, and its largest, town bedroom. Curry, however. These, actions, do not typically, involve, tourists. Violent. Confrontations. Between rival, organized, criminal, gangs can also occur. Small. Explosive, devices have been used in targeted, attacks, including. In Tirana as recently, as February. 2015. These. Incidents, are normally attributed to internal, disputes, other personal. Business. Or political nature. Terrorism. There. Is a threat of terrorism, in, Europe. Terrorist. Attacks have occurred in a number of European cities. And there is a potential, for other violent, incidents. Which could target areas, frequented by, expatriates.

And Foreign travelers. Continue. To exercise normal. Security, precautions. Demonstrations. Demonstrations. Occur in many Albanian, centers often with little or no advance, warning and, have, the potential, to suddenly turn violent. They. Can led to significant. Disruptions. To traffic, and public transportation. Avoid. All demonstrations and, large gatherings, follow. The advice of local, authorities. And monitor local media. Road Safety. Traveled. By road can be hazardous in difficult. Road. Signage in road safety our poor throughout the country. Drivers. Are aggressive, and reckless and pedestrians. Are often found walking along the sides of roads, including. On major highways. Major. Roads are passable but. Secondary, roads are often poorly maintained. Use, a four-wheel, drive vehicle, even. In urban centers in, winter. You may encounter dangerous, snow and ice conditions and, poorly maintained, mountainous. Roads in northern and southeastern. Albania. Power. Outages. Can also affect street lighting and traffic, signals, wait. For police to arrive if you are involved in a road accident even. A minor one, car. Rental, companies, are available, in the main cities, and offer a variety of services and vehicles, if. Possible. Hire, local, drivers, or taxes. Approved. Privately. Owned vehicles, with, drivers, can, be hired for travel throughout the country. Pre-negotiate. Fares and schedules. Travel. Outside the capital, should be carefully, planned and undertaken, with the assistance, of a reputable, guide interpreter. Or driver public. Transportation. Use. Only yellow, taxes, which, are normally, parked at street corners and specific, areas taxes. Only accept, cash payment. Buses. Mini, buses and trains operate between most major cities 'but, are unreliable. Uncomfortable. And safety, standards at, poor land, mines. Land. Mines and unexploded, ordnance, from the 1999. Kosovo. War remain. Particularly. In hill towns along Albania's, northeastern, border with kosovo. These. Areas are clearly identified, in albanian, as danger, zones or are surrounded, by visible, tape, remain. On paved roads and avoid ditches, open. Fields, and the shoulders, of roads general. Safety information. Exercise. Normal, safety, precautions. Ensure. That your personal, belongings including. Passports. And travel documents are, secure, at all times. Avoid. Showing signs of affluence, and carrying, large sums of cash on you, power. Cuts occur, frequently throughout, Albania. In remote, areas as well as in main cities. For. Your safety always, carry, a flashlight while, walking on the streets. Make. Arrangements. For your well-being during, outages and, verify, the schedule, of power cuts with local authorities. Tourist. Facilities are, not well developed and many, goods and services, are not available routine. Vaccines. Be. Sure that your routine vaccines. As per, your territory, are up to date regardless. Of your travel, destination. Some. Of these vaccines include. Measles. Mumps rubella MMR. Diphtheria. Tetanus. Pertussis. Polio. Varicella. Chickenpox. Influenza. And others, vaccines. To consider. You. May be at risk for these vaccine, preventable, diseases while traveling, in this country, talk, to your travel health provider, about which ones are right for you in. Albania. You are at risk for hepatitis, A. Hepatitis, B. Influenza. Measles. Rabies. Tick-borne, and Cathal itis yellow. Fever food. And water borne diseases. Travelers. To any destination in, the world can, develop travelers diarrhea from, consuming, contaminated, water. Or food in, some. Areas, in southern Europe, food, and water can also carry, diseases, like hepatitis a. Practice. Safe food and water precautions. While traveling, in southern Europe, when. In doubt remember. Boil, it cook, it peel, it or leave, it in sex and illness. In. Some, areas, in southern Europe, certain. Insects, carry and spread diseases, like crimean-congo, hemorrhagic. Fever. Leishman. Are, Lyme disease, tick-borne. Encephalitis and. West Nile virus, animals. And illness. Travelers. Are cautioned to avoid contact, with animals including. Dogs snakes. Rodents. Birds, and bats. Some. Infections. Found in southern Europe, like rabies can. Be shared between humans. And animals person-to-person. Infections. Crowded. Conditions, can increase, your risk of certain illnesses. Remember. To wash your hands often and practice, proper, cough and sneeze etiquette. To avoid colds, the, flu and other illnesses. Medical. Services, and facilities. It. Is best to avoid government. Hospitals, which, often lack basic drugs, and equipment, and have poor hygiene standards. Dental. Facilities, are available but. Standards, of dental care may differ from those in Western countries. Evacuation. Which, is very expensive, may. Be necessary in, the event of serious, illness, or injury, make. Sure you have travel insurance that, covers, all medical, expenses in case of illness or injury including.

Hospitalization. Abroad and medical evacuation. Keep. In mind. The. Decision to travel is the sole responsibility, of the traveler, the, traveler. Is also responsible. For his or her own personal. Safety, be. Prepared. Do. Not expect, medical, services, to be the same as in Western, countries. PACA. Travel health kit, especially. If you will be traveling away, from major city, centers, illegal. Drugs. Penalties. For possession use, or trafficking, of illegal drugs, are strict. Convicted. Offenders, can expect, jail sentences, and heavy fines, illegal. Activities. Do. Not photograph military. Installations. Or personnel, without proper, permission as it is illegal charges. May be laid or cameras, may be confiscated. LGBTQ. Travelers. Although. The laws of albania, don't prohibit sexual acts between individuals. Of the same sex. Homosexuality. Is, not socially, tolerated. Same-sex. Marriages, are not recognized, in albania, driving. An, international. Driving, permit is required as a supplement, to a valid driver's, license. Laws. Against, drinking and driving are strictly enforced. The. Legal alcohol limit is. 0.05. Percent. The. Use of cellular phones while driving is prohibited. Police. Have taken drastic measures, to decrease the number of accidents. Respect. Speed limits and the rules of the road to avoid heavy fines and confiscation. Of your driver's, license, money. The. Currency, of Albania, is elec all. The. Euro is used as a benchmark for, the currency, the. Economy, is primarily cash. Based, you. Should carry some cash. Because, traveler's, checks and credit cards, are not widely accepted. International. Hotels, in Tirana accept, American Express, Visa. Diners. Club and, MasterCard. Automated. Banking machines, are widely available in, Tirana. Traveler's. Checks and euro chicks can be exchanged, at the National Bank of Albania, in Tirana. US. Dollars and Swiss francs, are also accepted, natural. Disasters. And climate. Flooding. Floods. May occur during winter. Particularly. In northern Albania. Exercise. Caution, monitor. Media and follow the advice of local, authorities. Seismic. Activity. Albania. Is located, in an active seismic zone, and experience, he is an average of one earthquake per, year, 3.2. To 4.0. On the rich to scale. If. You. Still want to visit Albania, the, top places, to visit are. One. Juara. Castro. A UNESCO. City Jurek, Astra's without to doubt one of the best places to visit in Albania. Unis, quarterman, period, architecture. With, houses, designed like small castles, can, be found all over Jura, castra, which, is a Military Museum and, Art Gallery in, it's amazing castle that dominates, the skyline a. Folklore. Festival. So takes place in Jarek Astra's, Castle every five years the last one was in 2015. Visiting. The old Ottoman, bazaar and jarric Astra should be on the agenda for anyone, visiting this part of the country. Jurek. Astra is famous, as the birthplace of, world-renowned. Author Asma, al qadir and albania's former, dictator ampair, hodza, today. Their old homes are museums. To. Death. Away. From albania's, biggest, cities in the, north of the country his faith. Located. High in the Albanian. Alps theth is a designated, area of outstanding natural, beauty, and, it is easy to see why, faiths. National, Park is perhaps the, most beautiful. Place in all of Albania. With, its Kronus waterfall, and the lock in tower both extremely, popular with visitors. The. Mountain, peaks off FA, Boger, rasma, and ver Moshe provide, an unforgettable, experience of. Albania, in its most natural, state. Hikers. And nature lovers will find theth to be one of the best places to visit during a trip to Albania. Three. Does. Albania's. Main port ders, is also, one of the nation's oldest, cities. Does. Is most famous, for being home to the biggest amphitheater. In the Balkans, while, the unspoiled, northern, coastal, stretch of Laos at bay is one of Albania's, most beautiful, places to visit. Tourists. Should consider, taking time out of their schedules, to visit the des Archaeological. Museum the. Alexander, Theatre in the Royal Villa after's during their time in the second largest city in Albania. Many. Cultural, events and feastings, are held in der's throughout the year while, the city is also the birthplace of beauty initially, the, current president, of Albania. For. Lake. C'mon. For. The most breathtaking scenery. In the entire, Balkans. Visiting. Lake command, in Albania, should be on anyone's, bucket, list, often.

Described, As one of the world's, great boat trips the, journey takes visitors from, the hydroelectric. Dam that come on to the port of fizzer while. The locals that use the boat regularly, may now take the rugged beauty of the Albanian mountings, feel granted, any first-time, visitor. Will find the sights from the lake command ferry to be truly jaw-dropping. The. Trip on the ferry is also a great opportunity to, see what life is like for many, Albanians. And remote areas. Five. Para. Deck. One. Of the most up-and-coming, places, to visit in Albania, is pabre deck which, can be found on the shores of Lake horrid in the east of the nation, lake. Or it is the deepest lake in the balkan region and, while the macedonian, side of the lake is more popular. Albania's. Sure is definitely, on the app poor. Gradec is famous, for its rich folklore while. It's puppet theater festival is one of the most interesting events, on Albania's, tourism. Calendar, the. Stunning shamanic, jabronis, national park is around 30 45. Minutes away from pokhara, deck as well while, the springs are drilling are also closed. 6. There. At. The. City of Barret is located, at the river Azam in the middle of the country, in the past it was built as the castle and it is erected, at a hill at this. Hill there can be found the original Castle, named, Khalid sure, the. Castle contains, a district, with numerous churches and mosques and is well worth seeing. Murat. Is also called the city of thousand, windows because the typical houses, have large windows frontages. These. Windows, design the skyline, of the city the. White houses, are listed, buildings, to keep the original, appearance of the city. In. 1961. Bharat was elected, city of museums, and therefore is a great destination. For those loving, history and culture, the. Surrounding, of the city offers, some small villages in typical, countryside. That, can also be visited, on a trip. Seven. Apollonia. Next. To the city of Thor in the middle of Albania, one can find the ruins of an ancient town, named. After the god Apollo on, apollonia. Was the biggest and most important, city in the ancient world the.

Ruins Are still impressing, and show a little piece of the original glory. Libraries. Temples. Theaters. And other buildings, can be visited, as well, as a triumphal. Arch and rotted mansions. The. Historical. Place is very impressing, the, view from the hills to the country, is worth it as well. Eight. Cobra. Squadra. Is a city in the north of albania and the fifth largest city of the country it. Is located at the lakes puter ii at the border to montenegro. Squadra. Is affected, by many battles, and conquests, from. The romans as well as from different, eras to critique families, after. Recovering. From the hard battles, the city rises to an important, trading center and, has a distinctive, culture, till today, the. Town's landmark is, the ruin of castle rasa fur, recording. To a tragic, legend the castle, was built by three brothers. Every. Night the walls of the castle came, tumbling, down, one. Day an old man told them to Muir a woman into the walls then. They would never collapse, and resist all enemies. The. Brothers agreed to sacrifice, the wife that would bring food for them the next day, two. Of the brothers told their women, so the third arrived, alone the next day, she. Therefore was mute but, asked if they could keep out one arm leg, and breast to keep on feeding and hugging her child, the. Castle, can be visited, as well as a museum, about the past of the city. 9. Sam'l. Sam'l. 17. Kilometers. South of Saranda. Has, three small dreamy. Islands, within swimming, distance, offshore and dozens of beachside bars, and restaurants. That open in the summer. 10. But. Rent. But. Rent is a unesco world heritage site, that rightfully deserves, the honor it's. Been ruled by Romans, Venetians. Byzantines. And Ottomans. All of whom have left their mark on Bertrand, the. Ancient, ruins of but rent 18, kilometers. South of Saranda. Are famed, for their size beauty. And tranquility. They're, in a fantastic. Natural setting and are part of a 29 square, kilometres national. Park the, remains. Albania's, finest, after, mavar ayat e of periods, span, in, 2500. Years, set, aside at least two hours to explore. The. Fortifications. Bear testimony, to the different, stages of their construction. From the time of the Greek colony, until the Middle Ages the. Most interesting, ancient, Greek monument, is the theater which is fairly well preserved. The. Major ruin, from the Palio Christian, era is the baptistry an ancient, Roman monument adapted, to the cultural, needs of Christianity. Its floor, has a beautiful, mosaic decoration. The. Palio Christian, Basilica, was rebuilt in the ninth century, and the ruins are sufficiently, well-preserved to permit analysis, of the structure three.

Naves Were the transept, and an exterior polygonal, apse. 11. Val. Bona a. Wild. High, mountainous. Region, inhabited by strong, and fiercely, independent people, the, Malheur Sia's for the history of Albania, being the region which was never really conquered, or subdued by the various, waves of invaders during, the last two thousand years of Bulacan history. The, name Valbuena, is used to refer to the vanil Bona River which, in turn flows through the valley bearing, its name and a small village in the valley as well the general area informally. Twelve. Gipe. Beach. Beautiful. Beach but, better than the beach itself, is a canyon, behind it. Little. Hike inside, and you can feel like you are in Indiana, Jones movie. You. Can also camp, there tents. Can be rented, from the beach, there. Is a lady asking, money for parking but she is not actually, allowed to do that it's, not much but, if you don't want to pay for extra you. Can ask her for coupon, if she, can't get that you, don't have to pay. Check. Out new videos and subscribe, below.

2018-06-22 20:55

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