Top 8 Countries to Visit in 2023 (for Adventure)

Top 8 Countries to Visit in 2023 (for Adventure)

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this video is brought to you by Squarespace the all-in-one platform to build a beautiful online presence and run your business hey guys in today's video I'm going to be showing you my favorite countries I recommend you to go to in 2023 we have some incredible countries I've been very grateful to travel all around the world and I can now show you places that I recommend you go to let's get straight into the video first country is the Philippines I absolutely love my time in the Philippines I spent around three weeks there starting in Manila and then traveling all around the islands they have over 7 000 Islands there and the thing I remember most about the Philippines is not actually the islands although they are the most beautiful place I've ever been it is the people the people are so friendly and they are so happy and those things just make my your experience and my experience so much better I got some clips just to show you guys what the Filipino people are like they're so jolly and it's just a really good atmosphere the food in the Philippines is is great lots of lechon there's you can party you can go to the beach there's so much to do it's very adventurous but you also can chill if you want to it's got everything you drink oh yeah okay what is your name my name is okay what are you drinking um The Gift of the Philippines [Music] [Music] oh nice it's got a kick to it it's good oh we got more coming oh you guys are too kind not too much because we're driving one's fine I'm gonna go and speak to our machans over here hey we're gonna it's the building site to get there he's just having a party in the middle of a building so and it's like not even it's like 5 p.m hey down boy [Music] hello hello [Music] you finished work yeah here oh hey hey welcome to Philippines [Music] drink I'm driving driving [Music] yeah yeah I gotta be careful nice to meet you nice to meet you so these guys are supposed to be uh they're working on the road but obviously uh you know they've got to enjoy the time I'm just going to talk about today's sponsor which is Squarespace so Squarespace is a way you can create an online presence through either a website or an online store I've been using Squarespace for like roughly six months and I created a website and I'm super happy with it my favorite thing about it is that it's so easy to use you can literally use one of their templates to create your website in a few hours you can also connect to your social media accounts which obviously is helpful for me as a Creator so I can display all my social media posts on my website and you can present your work using squarespace's professional portfolio designs and also one of my favorite features is that you can monetize your website you can create a member area which can unlock a new Revenue stream for you and free up time in your schedule by selling access to gated content like online courses check out for a free trial and when you're ready to launch go to harryjyguard to save 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain the next country is India India is an absolutely incredible country because it feels like every single state in India is a separate country so you feel like you're going to multiple different countries it's got a population of over a billion people so it just shows you the sheer size of this place is a huge place I started in Mumbai made my way down the South uh in Kerala and then headed up back to Delhi and then around udupa and Jaipur in Rajasthan I recommend to go to all of these places get ready for it to be crazy intense in the cities but then peaceful and absolutely beautiful in the countryside you can see everything of course we all know Indian food is one of the best in the world if not the best and so this is where you get to find the Indian food namaskar let's go [Music] oh yeah [Music] yeah we're getting attacked from uh from the window from the windows oh oh [Applause] wow we're getting bombarded hey there it is the thing that I find funny is that like uh people are just going about their normal day like driving around walking around doing jobs and they've got they're just covered in pain so it just must be like part of their day that's so funny though like yeah the guy was right is more better it was just covered in pain fully orange okay guys we found ourselves some uh some party people oh this looks like an absolute Vibe over here wait till you see this [Music] it's just gone crazy [Applause] [Music] actually [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what the hell oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah [Music] go ahead they're like asking for money already [Music] so you saw your way of dancing [Music] well that was crazy next up we have Thailand's Thailand is one of the more mainstream destinations that I'm going to be telling you guys about it's very popular it's going to be very touristy unlike the other countries that I'm talking about however it's got so much to offer there's a reason why it's so touristy and that's because it's got great facilities great logistics for tourism it's got great beaches incredible beaches it's got so many islands and I love Thai food so you you're really going to have a great time here but it's not going to be off the beaten path you're going to be seeing lots of tourists however it's still good it's got home to one of the most incredible beaches in the world which is Maya Bay and it's if you're looking for somewhere to go for your first ever trip solo I would still say Thailand is number one because you can meet so many new people there yeah we're here guys oh my God that's got to be the best beach I've ever seen in my life welcome to Maya Bay oh no ticket well all right Jesus oh my God this is heaven on Earth it is like it's so much better in person but a little bit Bittersweet that you can't you can't go in where's the life card to stop you hey who's gonna stop me guys I'm not sure if you can see there we've got a little baby shark it's just so close to me like a meter away from me because just nibble at my feet I'd love to swim out there right now oh whoa seemed like some fish I dare you oh here we go we have the uh Baywatch Danny saved me from the water Baywatch it's James Bonds man what are your what are your impressions bro oh honestly when I came in I was the first I was like mixed feelings because the beach is super super nice but it's not as big as you kind of Might believe like sometimes you see the Drone shots hopefully maybe also in one of these videos here yeah man and the place looks humongous but it's actually kind of like nice and small and cute but just the aesthetic of it yeah yeah it's like you look at it and you're just like wow it's like I mean it is busy Beach is busy but any other Beach is busy I'd say the beach mentality here is all about that photo yeah yeah you can see just people hundreds of people just lining up with photos a bit like we were doing as well so I can't really talk but uh yeah oh we're the worst set up like 10 minutes photo shoot um but yeah I was saying to Danny like it looks fake honestly it looks fake oh there's a shirt oh yeah yes baby shark doo doo doo doo baby shark you are experts are we not allowed to go into the world you work here yeah ah you stay here they come here oh yeah yes really yeah do they ever ever bites uh no no but they go big like two meters two meters only bite if you look like Leo dicabriel yeah we got one of those he was very proud really what's his name Michael Michael oh yeah hey Mikey did he tell you hey boy my favorite thing about this beach is that like there's no buildings here every single Beach you go to usually is like restaurants hotels here just nothing obviously there's a lot of people and it is early but you can't complain about everything just if you look that way it's just incredible like just clear water easily the best beach I've ever been to in the world I'm just enjoying my time here in Thailand PP is probably my favorite island although we've only been here for one day but yeah still so much to do and uh yeah hopefully get a few more videos for you guys I haven't really been filming too much but just enjoying life as you can see guys obviously it's uh it's got a little bit busier since we've arrived well when I say a little bit probably double or triple this year because that's when the the main boats arrived we came on a private boat but at the same time like I'm not really I'm not really fussed by it like it's uh everyone's pretty quiet you can hear it's still very very fairly quiet um so it's like not really usually I'd get annoyed by tourists but it's not even bad and if you most the tourists come down here if you just walk a little bit further there's absolutely no one down there so yeah just incredible I have to say guys this is absolutely crazy I've gone absolutely crazy your Australian accent is way better than mine yeah because this water is crazy just absolutely wild guys like I can't believe this like I just want to play cricket on the sand but that was probably just want to swim in the water and that's really good because there's sharks there's sharks in the water did you see the Sharks what about certificate exclusive sharks in South Africa really next up we have a bit of a wild card some of you won't have heard of this place but I would recommend it it is Lebanon Lebanon is a very small country in the Middle East but it's got so much to offer the people there are incredibly hospitable so the thing I remember most about the Lebanese people is that they are living in the present They Don't Really worry too much about what's happening in the future or the past because they've had a very bad past and so they just live for today and it's great to see they just party they just have fun and that's how life should be there's something called lead and Chase there's a guard that leads and there's a car that chases all right okay each one is gonna ride the leaf or in a car chase okay so you guys choose who wants to write first I'm gonna chase you yeah I'm gonna find you all right we're doing taxi ride so I haven't introduced you are the drift King of the Middle East yes yes that's me I'm the drift King of England oh awesome [Music] here we go you're definitely the king of something yes everyone is okay I can't keep up with that all right now if you want to Vlog right in the first first crazy you can catch me uh attacking him oh nice all right sweet good luck see you on the other side the uh the ground is really dry hello bro here we go how are you bro that would be advised I'm ready born ready and here we go are we chasing or are they chasing this is [Music] okay [Music] see how close we are oh my God foreign [Music] [Music] oh oh my God so talented just flying through it's like his backyard wow yellow bro that was incredible next up we have a very interesting country in South America this is Colombia Colombia is one of the most incredible countries I've been to and one of my favorite countries I still say this today is one of my favorite countries and that's because it's so diverse in terms of the Landscapes you've got mountains you've got the beaches you've got the forest and the jungle it's got so much to offer and um as a tourist it feels like Colombia has not been discovered yet for mainstream tourism so it's still um not very busy with tourists but you can still find new people I remember exploring the North Coast and meeting new people every day staying in hostels and it was just like the time of my life hiking through the forest and yeah did some really cool experiences there I would really recommend it if you're like a young traveler in your 20s or 30s remember they don't they and if possible work in all area so just follow you yeah okay and it's okay film okay gracias I'll follow now we're just walking up to the area where they are we passed quite a few of them and they look very local hola como estas okay hola como estas this is sacred area it is it isn't no okay I was worried for a minute how was yours foreign [Music] so yeah it's just shaking about the Rock in there which has been burning for a while so it's going to be very hot so you must have very very uh you must be very used to this with strong hands and okay so this is the cocoa Leaf dry yeah okay all right this is name for this yeah of the coca leaf okay yeah okay so it's gonna be strong or um okay how much do I take oh okay in in the side okay might as well try it all on estate Hindu mouth right okay how long control Temple do you need illustration all the components on your mouth um doesn't taste too good but we got Doge hello no no no no no okay [Music] they don't never swallow okay it's kind of like not a nice flavor but yeah it's good next up is Indonesia obviously when people think of Indonesia they usually think of Bali however there's so much more to discover in Indonesia of course Bali is popular for a reason it's one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world and that's because it's got everything it's got an incredible way of life as well as the people in Indonesia are just very extremely friendly very kind and very happy what do you think of the hike mate oh my it's one of the most challenging Heights I've ever been on and let me tell you this we're gonna get to the top I don't know how we're walking on Mars that sound like Luke there don't it yeah how was the Aussie accident there okay I'll do my good eye mate I'm just walking through the creek and I'm gonna play some crickets oh [ __ ] here the Brits are coming to invade us again [Music] you know this one bro oh yeah oh yeah this is a classic problem [Music] climbing there the mountain barefoot absolute Legend singing the whole way that is a Vibe I think I'm gonna bring my guitar on the next time no shoes definitely no shoes is this the top this is the kitchen oh yeah that's warm [Music] yes chocolate egg yeah [Music] we made it guys you can kind of just see the start of sunrise it's like orange and you can see the clouds obviously won't show on camera but give it a little bit and you'll be able to see it good team well done well done let's go and one cup of red wine hello oh boy [Laughter] whoa that was that was a cat impression oh there we go we started something hello I'm your Emperor your Emperor has arrived what'd you think of the views guys yeah the views are for the gods yeah give me one cup of red wine with the enemy's blood [ __ ] crazy crazy americanism for somebody young alive Kingdom of Bali Bali Indonesia we are literally high on like dopamine exactly what do you guys think of their views oh my God yeah I'll just say thank you to Mana for arranging this especially with the broken hand commitment such a good idea I know I know it worked out such a good idea like these things like when I woke up I was not wanting to do it the whole time I was like So yeah thank you so much so yeah hello there so yeah it looks like it's pretty busy on the other side of the rock oh so whilst we've been up at the top they've been cooking in these uh steam holes the happiest man in all of it of Bali no I want to do it [Music] thank you oh yeah that's incredible everyone's running so I guess we're gonna have to go for it foreign [Music] I wasn't lying when I said he's singing the whole way [Music] it's crazy oh my God foreign [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] I'm setting up for travel content creators or other people who want to meet whilst traveling if you're traveling solo it's completely free to join you just got to use the link in the description below and sign up on school and yeah we'll just be sharing tips and tricks and great Community for meeting new people and potentially vlogging with them so yeah use the link in description below if you want to join next up we have Sri Lanka although I went in the last year it feels like it was a lifetime ago I was in Sri Lanka it's a very small island just off the coast of India but for me Sri Lanka is one of the most underrated countries there is so much to do there the nature there is incredible the Landscapes are incredible and again people you already know are very friendly very happy if you go going for the first time I'd recommend going to the South Coast because it's very touristy and there's so much to do there but again Sri Lanka is one of those wild cards where you probably won't see them on many places uh to-do lists however I would really recommend it it's something off the beaten path and it's like a great introduction to South Asia because obviously South Asia can be very intense however Sri Lanka is more touristy so it's a perfect mix so right now guys our next stop is to the nine arches Bridge so as soon as I finish finish this sentence there's three of us the last one to get to the place nine arches bridges in their own separate Transportation has to pay for everyone else's bus tickets done go nine out your Bridge okay no no no no no let's go let's go no I know it's Bridge Okay fast fast I will pay you I'll pay you more I'll pay you uh how much how much one thousand two hundred okay I pay you 1 500 if you quick quick we're gonna be so uh basically as you guys saw Max taking the leads I'm not sure where Ali is uh things are looking good so far my drivers are not not the most uh he didn't seem to know where it was but uh anyway we're off I think Max Max is going to win this but uh my only hope is that Ali is behind no idea though unless my guy knows kind of some kind of shortcut but I doubt it cruising along and or either that or it's just hard to get to but uh we seem to be going a little bit off-road now there's no one behind us and there's no one in front of us so uh but I hope that's a good sign it seems to be making progress be good boss we got it that quick okay let's go see my turn [Music] friendly guy yeah this tooth looks pretty dusty huh I got the lead when I when I left but you know just a little bit of traffic got in the way and we uh we took longer than expected to leave but we're making progress now looks like we're making some progress so we're we're going to the Red Dot seems like we're going this uh we're going the back back way so no idea no idea whether the win or not I doubt it I did see it took took a heads but I have no idea whether that's not what other guys here he's going fast I'll give him that this boss oh yeah he's going fast now at least we've got some nice views complain about that and Machan is he's currently effort in I'll give him that he will give him a reward it's a I'm not sure if we got this guys I'm not optimistic we're here but have we have we won a lot so I got 1 500 I give them a little bit extra for being you know he was quick but it was fairly quick but probably not quick enough okay you can see I'm not sure if you can see guys you can see the bridge in the distance oh there's a lot of people there all right let's see that's it okay we're here okay it's Duty okay thank you boss now we find out what we want oh I can see Mac yeah okay okay hello sire oh we have last place right here bro dude uh he took a secret route I took took the long one yeah I had a feeling that someone was gonna come out the other side right here [Music] pretty cool pretty cool that was a good timing guys I wonder how easy it would be to just grab on it's not even going that bad oh they got the photo very clever birthday Machan I know the best what should they charge you five 500 500 yeah wow so he not only paid the least uh he also won and doesn't have to pay we both paid 1500.

I gave my guy two thousand but like wow I think uh basically they they took us the long route so that we had we pay more yeah probably whereas he went the honest you know the honest route yeah you're the honest-tuk driver so actually your guy I would have like paid him double anyways Machan Commodore Hyundai nice to meet you what's your name Fernando oh nice to meet you Fernando you are the officer yes security okay okay I'll behave myself police okay nice to meet you nice to meet you okay we got some music playing over there I think it'd be rude not to go over and have a look at Max already over there so funny how like imagine like you and your friends are just going to like a local spot and playing music [Music] thank you hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey [Applause] [Music] you're gonna dance [Applause] [Applause] hey hey [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] hey bravo bravo very good amazing let's do a little uh wow sure that goes are you guys from here you from here okay nice nice everyone you're here on holiday yeah yeah yeah I was studying what do you study yeah and last but not least is Pakistan Pakistan will always have a very special place in my heart because it's the first country I did well on YouTube in and um of course it has a terrible reputation in the media however that should not put you off I never felt in danger when I've been to Pakistan I've been to Pakistan twice and I never felt in danger when you go to the north of Pakistan you will be completely blown away by the absolute sheer beauty of this place and also it's just completely undiscovered there's you won't see any Western tourists there and it just makes you feel like you're the first one to um explore this area and of course I should mention that the Pakistani people are some of the most hospitable people in the world and I would say if I had to say Pakistan I would say they are the most hospitable people just so kind they're so willing to give you stuff for free and it's just part of their culture they want the guests to receive things for free and it's just unbelievable and I think that is partly because they don't get many tourists so when they do they treat them extremely well it seems the time has come we go for a little bit it's probably like 15 degrees and that is probably very cold but I'm gonna go in just my joggers because there's women around so I don't want to scare anyone so you gotta remember pain is weakness leaving the body enjoy brother foreign all right come on Allah is keeping him warm let's go baby so bad all right just came out put my shirt on and now I feel crazy good like um it feels incredible when you have the hot cold water and then you come out it's like feels electric my whole um my skin has gone red so like look at this and um there's no feeling doesn't it feel incredible I feel warm yeah thank you so much for watching guys a bit of a long one today but yeah if you got this far I really appreciate it um I've had an incredible year in 2022 so yeah let's make 2023 an incredible Year and I hope you guys have a special one thank you [Music] foreign

2023-01-24 14:53

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