Top 6 Beaches of Costa Rica: Pacific Coast Edition

Top 6 Beaches of Costa Rica: Pacific Coast Edition

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we're ryan and abby and this is  lost among locals in 2020 we quit   our jobs to go travel the world here's how it went in our six weeks here in costa rica we've seen  some pretty amazing beaches here are our top   six here we go number six Brasilio BeachNow let  me just warn hyou before you even go look it up.   Brasilito itself is not pretty, but the  reason we put it on this list is the local   vibe brasalito is a small awesome town in the  flamingo bay area which is in guanacaste costa   rica way up here in the northwest corner some  of the most beautiful beaches in the nation are   in that corner yeah Brasilito is not one of them  but it is a place for you to get a cheap stay   in an airbnb or a local hotel there's fabulous  local restaurants there's some that sit right on   the beach that makes the best fruit smoothies  and it's right next door to two of the most   amazing beaches in costa rica so it really is a  good spot to land for the night or two and get   a cheap accommodation have a local meal and meet  some folks yeah especially if you're on a budget   it's a good place because i said right next to it  is pretty expensive absolutely that's the big boy   number five five five cinco cinco folks we are  learning some espanol number cinco uvita beach   uvita beach is famous for its amazing whale's  tail so basically at low tide the water recedes   from uvita beach revealing a shoreline that  looks exactly like the tail of a whale so   it's pretty awesome we see some amazing photos  of it we were dying to get some drone footage   but then we ran into a little catch um  the time yeah we'll show you the video here guys beware of cocoa drills   well unfortunately the ranger has come and  kicked us all out of the park at four o'clock so   and told us that we can't take photos we can't  do anything we can't stay um low tide is not   even till 5 30. so even if you would have gotten  here earlier you couldn't take pictures of it so   we're super disappointed so we debated on whether  to even show you this video of uvita or not um but   we decided to go ahead because this is the truth  of travel sometimes you really build something up   in your mind you're really excited to get there  you're really excited to show it to people and   then it just doesn't happen it doesn't happen  the way you planned for whatever reason yeah   and um it's just sort of part of the game we  were there for the whale's tale and we got some   misinformation that we could go in even though we  were right at closing time that we could stay a   lot later and unfortunately that wasn't the case  we were kicked out right at four o'clock told   to leave we were only there for about 30 minutes  maybe max as soon as we made the long walk out to   the tail ryan was getting out the drone and they  came by on the four-wheeler and kicked us off so   um and they did it rather rudely not just to  us but to several people yeah um and basically   when we asked if we could have five minutes  to film he said you have two minutes to get to   the gate to like get out unfortunately we were  only in this area for a day so thank you thank   you thank you to our beautiful belgian friends  florence and arthur who loaned us their aerial   footage they took some beautiful drone footage and  they we just happened we had been admiring their   pictures on instagram and so we just happened to  text them and say hey can we borrow some footage   explain to them what happened and they were so  so gracious to let us steal some footage for   this video so um we appreciate you guys you are  awesome check them out on instagram on the soul   we'll link them like somewhere down here somewhere  long story short if you go to uvita beach guys   make sure you get there on time yeah i  don't even know how you're going to do that   because low tide's not until like 5 30. check  tag chart there's the uvita beach tide chart oh   and by the way ivita beach is not actually  called uvita beach it is in marino ballena   national park which is a beautiful park it is a  big beautiful stretch of beach even if you can't   get to the whale's tail the jungle is thick  and lovely we saw monkeys there yeah we did   playing around lots of animals and there is  a water slide mirror a natural water slide   nearby to uvita it's a cute cute cute little town  with a great grocery store and a couple of great   restaurants and one of the best airbnbs that  we stayed in in all of costa rica, with a pool so we do recommend at least to stay in  Uvita, maybe just get there in the morning   spend the day in the park stay one night  and and move along number four drake's bay   drake's bay is hard to get to yes it is oh my  goodness but it is worth it yes so to get to   drake's bay you will need a 4x4 vehicle absolutely  it is a dirt road and you're going to cross some   creeks a few times yes they have built a new  bridge so you don't have to actually cross a river   anymore but you will still cross some water  a few times and it's pretty bumpy so yes   yeah i would say no cars i would say yeah  you need an suv at least with some clearance   maybe not four wheel drive but at least with  some clearance so just know that um it is   but the area of drinks bay is absolutely stunning  it's near corcovado national park which is the   wildest and most wonderful part of costa rica it  is still very untamed the whole area is a national   reserve and the wildlife is the scientist oh my  goodness yeah just off our balcony we watched some   uh parrots fight with each other and wow huge  scarlet macaws yeah they were beautiful and there   was a bunch of birds flying around huge iguanas  i mean yeah the wildlife is crazy in that area   so the tours into corcovado park are pretty  expensive i think the big hike was like 190   or something like that don't quote me on that but  it was quite it was quiet it was somewhere around   there yes so we actually took a local tour guide  again you guys are learning that these are our   favorites but our friend paul that was traveling  with us had gone with this guy a couple of years   before and happened to still have his phone  number so we called up gustavo gustavo was   born and raised in corcovado near the drake's  bay area and he knows that for us like the back   of seven his hands he picks you up in the  afternoon you do a day hike to see as many   sloths and monkeys and birds as you can and he  takes you for a lovely dinner at a local farmer's   house that they prepare for you and then you go  back out into the forest at night where we saw   kinkachoos yes we saw um several night birds we  saw of course spiders and lots of mating frogs   lots of frogs yeah in pears and um we got to see  it's hate fairy it's huge they're huge oh they're   massive um and so yeah it was really really cool  you see a lot of wildlife with gustavo plus he   knows everything about the jungle like literally  everything and it is a dense beautiful part of the   course waterfalls and it's just a lovely lovely  life yeah i mean you can go swimming and he is so   much fun to be around because all the knowledge  he has and he makes like all the bird sounds   and everything which again is amazing how good  they are the frog sounds yeah it's so much better   he can imitate like every course he's amazing  definitely check out gustavo his link is found   in the description he's an awesome guy if you  go to football he um charged us like 50 bucks i   think i think so we have a seven-hour tour super  awesome and worth every video yes um there is   also a nice little restaurant in drake's bay it's  a very small town that sits on a beautiful beach   little crescent-shaped beach lovely water  a few restaurants right on the water   our favorite restaurant was called delicious  bahia drake it was right across the street   from our airbnb we stayed in jade mar airbnb  which was fine yes simple accommodations the   air conditioning and a few and lovely kitchen  all we needed um but across was delicious   and oh my goodness i mean there wasn't anything  that we ordered from there that we did not want   we're so impressed it was so good yeah i mean  for this little town in the middle of nowhere   it was one of the best restaurants we made out of  costa rica everything you ordered off the menu us   or our friends was fabulous it was like fabulous  and cheap it was really cheap yeah so one of the   more affordable areas aside from the tours the  tours are accepted yes um all right number three   Conchal beach Conchal beach is special because  again it's up in the flamingo bay area that   northern part of guanacaste conchal beach is one  of the other reasons that we mentioned Brasilito   earlier so you can walk right down brasoliot beach  over a small path really really small lovely walk   and you're on Conchal beach all of a sudden the  most beautiful white beach where it's not really   sand it's made of white seashells for a quite  a ways and then you walk farther down the beach   and it does turn into sand the Conchal beach  is great for families there's always families   out there there are some umbrellas there there  is actually a resort at home beach called the   beach resort and hotel um so you can have a nice  more expensive place to stay if you'd like to or   you can also stay in brasilito for super cheap  and just walk there because it's literally right   outside your door number two which is actually  my personal favorite penca beach penca beach is   the most adorable white sand beach with all these  palm trees and lush forest in the background and   then over on the side there's just huge rocks  and cliffs and tide pools and tons of crabs   and colorful fish and the water's the most lovely  blue green and the waves are perfect it was really   nice it has a view of all the islands out in  the middle there's nowhere to stay on pencabeach   there's like one hotel near but here's the thing  about five minutes down the road from penca you   have flamingo bay which is gonna be a huge  area we'll talk to you about that in a minute   and then you have about 20 minutes down the road  you have brasilito and conchal beach so they're   all in that guanacaste area within a very short  drive of each other so it's a great place to   make your hub yes but penca beach is definitely  a spot where you should go spend the day the best   thing about penca is there's usually one or two  families of locals there and there's nobody else   there yeah it was pretty there's almost no people  have it all to yourself all to yourself number one   number one's a tie number one was hard for us  to tie because one really suits us and one would   really suit a lot of other people so here's our  title first number one flamingo bay flamingo bay   is a haven for expats so there are tons of condos  there's a margaritaville there there's lots of   cute little restaurants it's a great place to  book a tour yeah um when my mom and i were there   a couple years ago we booked a snorkeling tour  with lazy blizzard they were a fabulous company   it took you out around the islands there's  some beautiful snorkeling in the area   it's a great place to watch for whales there's a  marina there so you can take sailboat tours and   all kinds of things like that so it is definitely  a more touristy set up place to be which means it   costs quite a bit more yes because of the  tourist issue and because of the expat issue   it's big bucks to stay in flamingo bay however  it's big bucks on a backpacker budget when i went   there two years ago with my mother on vacation  we were only going to be there for a week we went   into this beautiful two-bedroom apartment i think  it cost 600 or something of that nature on airbnb   it had a balcony that overlooked the marina it  was absolutely on the water it had a private   beach all of the above so 600 bucks for the week  two bedroom perfectly new beautiful apartment so   if you're on vacation flamingo bay is perfectly  doable um and they're in the flamingo bay   resort and all of those airbnbs in that area  actually have a private beach on one side and   the flamingo bay on the other side flamingo  bay is a very large crusher tank white beach white beaches are really rare in costa rica um so  it's one of the only at least on the pacific side   so it's one of the only white beaches and it is  a lovely lovely area so we definitely recommend   that you at least visit flamingo bay and maybe  even make it your home because there's several   beaches within a 20-minute drive it's so basically  you have flamingo bay 20 minutes down brazilito   one minute down walk conical beach so they  are kind of all right in there together so if   you're taking your family if you want a nice quiet  vacation in a place that's lovely and won't give   you any hardship let me go back if you like to  rough it a little bit more and you want something   with a little more personality we personally love  montezuma montezuma is the most glorious coastline   you guys probably saw it on our instagram yeah we  couldn't take enough pictures of this place it has   all these stretches of kind of not white white  but light sand beaches and then rocky coves and   then sandy cove and then rocky outlet and so  it's so much fun there's so many tide pools   animals oh yeah i mean lizards iguanas birds  um and a little hotel that we stayed at was   a very cheap very simple hotel called hotel  montezuma it sits right on the water but the   best part of it was the great big balcony yeah  we had a big balcony that we pretty much spent   a lot of our time now we spent a lot of time  there i got my coffee there yeah each morning   and because it had this beautiful view of  the little cold area that it sat at the beach   and it was just amazing so if you walk down the  coastline you actually get like a state not around   a state park a national resort of some sort yeah  and there's a long stretch of beach playa grande   down there that you can actually learn to go  surfing yes i was really excited about that   sort of kind of ryan better than me but not great  it that was the first time i've ever done that   yeah we made it work yeah we'll definitely try  again sometimes yes um i almost got lost trying   to get there i had no idea where i was going and i  thought you just walked down the beach turns out i   was like climbing over boulders and my flip-flops  going through crevices crossing rivers with all   the camera equipment and then i get there to find  out that there's a trail there's a trail there's   a trail that just goes up and you know walks  flat over all of that would have taken me like   20 minutes instead of the hour and a half that it  took me to get there yeah on my treacherous route   oh you got to be flipping kidding me there's been  a trail this whole time i just came through that trail that i'm gonna kill my husband i was cussing  ryan the whole way because he didn't tell me how   dangerous it was and then i got there and realized  that that's because it wasn't i just chose the   wrong path anywho montezuma has the most local  lovely vibe about it but it really is not a lot of   locals it's a lot of backpackers and travelers yes  um there are some lovely restaurants there there's   an organic restaurant there there's a couple of  local spots there there's a great grocery store   but it's all kind of packed into this one little  corner there's not much to it there's a bunch   of hostels a couple airbnbs and like one or two  recently um down falls to montezuma it's loud   it is loud um there it probably wouldn't be if  you stayed in one of the airbnbs up on the hill   the bad part about the hotel we stayed in was it  was literally the first one ever built and it's   in the center of town so everybody who was there  to party was there to party outside our window   yes all night long much every night yeah or a lot  of nights most of the nights montazuma is the kind   of place that if you want to go build a fire on  the beach just go build a fire on the beach if you   want to play naked on the beach go for it if you'd  like to just sleep out there and not run a room at   all you can do that too um it's just kind of  a free place so we did enjoy parts of it yeah   also the wifi's terrible so really weirdly in  montezuma there's one of the most critically   acclaimed restaurants in all of costa rica  it's called artistas it sits right on one   of the beautiful sandy coves in montezuma and  they serve some weird stuff yep that's fabulous   it's one of those places where  your plate costs too much and   it's really really beautiful but you don't get  enough food so you have to go to the grocery   store afterwards it's one of those places  but it tastes amazing but it tastes amazing   you get some really really interesting stuff  there and it's beautifully presented and it's   such a super great environment so you should  definitely try it at least once yeah montezuma is   at least worth a stop if you don't stay the night  there which if you have your family i wouldn't   um it's still worth a stop just to check out the  area it's it's a really cool area super fun it's   super beautiful and it's worth a day just playing  in the tide pools oh yeah and in the unpredictable   time all right guys that's it those are our top  seven beaches of the pacific coast of costa rica   we hope you found at least one you like let  us know which one sounds the best to you   drop it in the comments and if you haven't  subscribed to our channel yet what are you   even doing with your life yes push the button  click it hit the bell click it hit the bell   hit all the buttons and comment and say hey yeah  and comment and say hey we'd like to hear from you   let us know if you love this video let us know if  you hated it and we'll see you soon not get lost good job around by there number four um so it's actually right next to brasilito guys there is not a quiet place in all of  central america no there is not there just   isn't there's not one single quiet place in all of  central america all right under prepared as usual   why did i get myself into these things   it's just so very impulsive i never take the time  to think about all the things that i might need   on an adventure just sort of go and this is why ladies and gentlemen   it is important to marry someone who is  gifted in all the qualities that you are not like sensibility

2021-03-25 20:04

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