Top 30 Most INTENSE Thrill Rides on Earth - INSANE

Top 30 Most INTENSE Thrill Rides on Earth - INSANE

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the following video contains scenes of gratuitous spinning and flipping viewer discretion is advised and in all seriousness epilepsy warning for flashing lights and colors whether you're at a carnival or a permanent amusement or theme park you can find a myriad of flat rides out there but out of the hundreds of non-coaster thrill rides which ones are the most intense recently I conducted a poll with my viewers to find out and after several rounds and tiebreakers here are the top 30 yes 30 most intense flat rides you can check out today number 30 the super air race made by Italian manufacturer zamperla have you ever wanted to be in the cockpit of an out of control aircraft zamperlus got you covered based on the company's Standard air race model this ride adds a little something extra like the Standard air race passengers are seated in mock airplanes attached to the end of rotating arms these arms are connected to Spokes which stick out from the center column as the center column rotates the arms send the planes Barrel rolling sideways with the super air race the arms can Ascend the center column for Greater Heights and thrills this makes the experience much more notable and dizzying so be sure to ride with an empty stomach this ride has been a hit for samperla so far so expect to see one at a park near you number 29 the Rollo plane built by the irely aircraft company founded in 1930 the irely aircraft company originally got their start making flight simulators for the aircraft industry but their Creations eventually gained steam as thrill rides so they got into the amusement industry one of their earliest rides was the Rollo plane or as you might know it the salt and pepper shakers this ride consists of two gondolas at each end of a rotating arm each side of the gondolas can hold two people allowing up to eight people at a time to ride the ends of the gondolas can also Twist on each side though this prevents Riders from going upside down the added range of motion gives a disorienting and thrilling sensation some versions of the ride can go from a vertical to a horizontal rotation which is actually said to be a more intense experience with heavy the lateral g-forces either way though if you board the roller plane prepare to be delighted by its unique and exhilarating motions number 28 the power surge built by zemperla this same parallel creation is a must do for any adrenaline junkie this 1999 creation delivers non-stop excitement Once In Action the power surge unleashes a sequence of electrifying movements this machine features six robust arms that extend outward each equipped with two seats at right angles as Riders buckle up with over-the-shoulder restraints their legs dangle freely ready to experience the exhilaration that awaits then the arm assembly begins to rotate soon afterwards the main arm Springs into action twirling both sections and causing the attached seat sets to swing and rotate around the central point the power surge guarantees a unique and intense Adventure prepare to be thrown into a world of pure excitement with this mesmerizing ride number 27 the remix built by engl manufacturer Tivoli if you love spinning at steep angles this ride will leave you craving more this attraction closely resembles the classic Orbiter in its design much like its predecessor the ride consists of articulated arms extending from a central vertical axis each arm has a rotating satellite of three double-seater gondolas however while the Orbiter is awesome the remix takes the experience to new heights setting itself apart from the Orbiter the remix introduces floorless seats and the ability to raise the arms to steeper angles Beyond 90 degrees this is quite a ride so if you get on it buckle up hold on tight and surrender to the thrilling forces that await aboard the remix number 26 the Roundup built by various manufacturers this classic attraction is not for the faint of stomach the design features a circular horizontal platform surrounded by a vertical cage-like wall powered by a hydraulic arm the platform begins its spin gradually building up centrifugal force that pushes Riders against the wall but the thrill doesn't stop there because as the excitement reaches its peak the hydraulic arm raises the horizontal platform to a nearly vertical position transforming the spinning experience from a horizontal world to a breathtaking vertical twirl talk about some serious g-forces if you have a weak stomach you may want to stay away but if you're up for the challenge this ride will spin tilt and twirl you in a thrilling display of gravity-defying excitement number 25 the sky Roller built by German manufacturer gershlauer this ride provides an interactive flying experience that puts riders in control the ride consists of a central tower surrounded by up to 24 seats the seats then lift up the tower all while rotating around the central axis passengers become Pilots as they take control of the exhilarating lateral motion of their poreless seats by skillfully maneuvering the wings in the rushing Airstream Riders have the power to swing the Gondola from side to side or even flip repeatedly upside down it may take some practice but once you get the hang of it each flight can be fully customizable whether it's a peaceful panoramic Journey or a wild Barrel rolling Bonanza this captivating attraction puts the thrill in the hands of each passenger number 24 the star shape built by German manufacturer zero described by the manufacturer as the ultimate Adrenaline Rush this attraction lives up to its name by featuring seat carriers mounted in a star-shaped pattern each of the six arms accommodates a group of five seats which can rotate 360 Degrees forwards and backwards positioned at the end of a 92 foot main Mast the arms spin in circles bringing passengers to a breathtaking height of almost 100 feet here Riders are treated to a Scenic bird's eye view of the surrounding landscape but this ride is far from tame as the main Mass takes a nose dive while rotating around its own axis this combined with the flipping groups of seats on each charm delivers a five-star Adrenaline Rush that will leave Riders on cloud nine even if you're not on board simply watching the star shape in action is true eye candy for flat ride enthusiasts another highly recommended attraction number 23 the Looper built by American manufacturer Alan Herschel manufacturing company this vintage creation dates all the way back to 1942. this legendary ride introduced a groundbreaking design that continues to Captivate Thrill Seekers today this fight consists of circular two-person gondolas that each rotate around the center axis at the heart of its Innovation is a rider-activated pedal ingeniously operated by The Writer's feet by pressing the pedal a clutch mechanism is engaged causing the tub to flip this delivers a top-tier topsy-turvy sensation that was way ahead of its time later on a similar ride named The Rock and Roll was built by chance rides which is pretty much the same ride with a few slight differences while operating Herschel Loopers are now rare a handful of these treasure gems can still be found at select amusement parks this ride is a sucker punch of nostalgia and its ingenious mechanics have certainly stood the test of time number 22 the energy storm originally made by Italian manufacturer soriani and Moser and currently built by zamperla this thrilling ride combines Italian craftsmanship with psychotic hang time this attraction consists of several sweep arms each one with a group of six or eight seats as the ride starts the sweep arms begin their rotation around the center axis all while spinning the seats in tight circles eventually The Sweep arms Ascend flipping Riders upside down while maintaining their spinning motion Riders remain upside down for a decent amount of time too making it a true endurance test hang time is one thing but spinning hang time is truly in a league of its own even a few hardcore Thrill Seekers may be intimidated by this ride suffice to say you can expect an electrifying experience aboard the energy storm number 21 the Tango built by Dutch manufacturer kmg it usually takes two to tango but on this ride 24 people at a time can experience a totally Bonkers attraction this ride seats passengers on three limbs connected to a massive mechanical arm each limb has two groups of four floorless seats that face away from each other as the central arm lifts them Skyward a counterclockwise rotation ensues while the three separate limbs spin in a clockwise motion passengers reach a top height of 74 feet in the air all while spinning and flipping upside down the whole ride makes you feel like you're Doctor Strange as reality itself seems to shift around you one thing that can't be denied is how intensely disorienting it is this ride can mainly be found at traveling fairs and you may just find one at a carnival near you all of these rides are extremely promising but before the top 20 here's a quick word about this video's sponsor nordvpn picture this you're trying to buy theme park tickets at a coffee shop while using public Wi-Fi but while doing this your personal data is at risk from hackers I myself was hacked once and I ended up with a 2500 fraudulent charge on my credit card that's where nordvpn comes in nordvpn is the leading virtual private network service trusted by millions worldwide nordvpn encrypts your online traffic and just like a ride restraint system it keeps your information safe from data thieves nordvpn also allows you to bypass Geo restrictions on streaming services with a Global Network of servers for example The Godfather isn't on most streaming services in the US like Netflix but with nordvpn you can use an Australian server and view it to your heart's content talk about an offer you can't refuse plus nordvpn is as easy to use as buckling a seat belt just download the app quick connect to a 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dynamic element to the right EXP experience as passengers are lifted to awe-inspiring Heights from smooth bounces to fiery airtime moments the jump 2 lives up to its name giving a one-of-a-kind experience you won't find anywhere else so if you plan on riding this get ready to make like crisscross and jump number 19 the crazy train built by American manufacturer Larson International from the manufacturer that brought you the super Loop comes in extremely bizarre attraction this is the kind of ride you'd expect to see at the Gathering of the Juggalos or something the rise design consists of an oblong track mounted onto a sturdy frame passengers are seated in five triangular shaped cars each accommodating four Riders once the ride starts the Train embarks on a slow Excursion Around The Oval in a manner not unlike Larson's famous super loop ride however the similarities end there as high roller takes a surreal twist the track rapidly rotates horizontally sending Riders into what feels like an alternate Dimension thrill kills and Chaos are combined in this rather unusual creation and you really have to wonder what kind of brownies the designers were eating number 18 the rocket built by Austrian manufacturer Funtime prepare for an out of this world Adventure on this one this attraction consists of several rocket-shaped gondolas that Ascend and descend a tower each rocket features five rows of two floorless seats once all set and boarded the cable suspended Rockets are lifted into the air rotating repeatedly around the tower soon enough the real spectacle unfolds through the use of an e-motor system the seats start to barrel roll delivering a sensational ride motion that sure to cause some serious vertigo if you have a fear of heights you may want a pass on this one but if you're a thrill seeker how can you stay away this ride is also visually stunning as the Rockets release clouds of smoke illuminated by LED lights if you do decide to give it a whirl you may find yourself getting off with a new found appreciation for space exploration overall this ride is truly out of this world number 17 the speed flip built by moser's rides this ride's design is extremely similar to moser's energy storm but even more intense while you don't get the energy storms Maniac level Hang Time what you do get is a high speed high intensity attraction that can make even the most hardened Thrill Seekers dizzy as hell unlike the energy storm the seats on the speed flip do exactly what the name suggests flip riders uncontrollably those on board will be met with heavy forces in all directions and the flipping gondolas combined with the sweep arms make this a truly memorable experience for those looking for the biggest Thrills simply put the speed flip is absolutely not for Thrill Ride lightweights and if you thought that ride was insane we're not even halfway through this list number 16 the super shot made by American manufacturer arm and Larson International at first glance this may seem like a standard drop tower but don't be fooled because this ride packs a hell of a punch after taking their seats passengers are raised to the top and standard drop tower fashion then with a heart pounding Click The Descent begins propelling Riders to the ground with a practically excessive Rush of adrenaline unlike traditional drop Towers super shot doesn't pause at the top adding an extra element of surprise I can tell you that when I first wrote this the only thing I could say afterwards was oh my God you could easily consider the super shot the ultimate drop tower experience number 15 the gyro swing built by Swiss manufacturer intamin according to intimate this incredible creation boasts the most powerful drive system on the market ensuring a heart-stopping dynamic ride that will leave you all stricken as you soar through the air you'll reach the Pinnacle of weightlessness at the top a true out of your seat sensation plus this ride features a non-restrictive restraint system that allows for maximum torso Freedom this ensures you'll be completely immersed in the adrenaline pumping experience overall the gyro swing takes you on a breathtaking Journey that will leave you begging for more number 14 the speed XXL made by kmg true to its name this extraordinary attraction combines high octane excitement with a captivating visual experience after boarding the gondolas that are at the end of each arm passengers are revolved at an impressive speed of 13 RPM they're propelled over a hundred feet high into a world of intense Sensations where gravity seems to be an absolute afterthought through the main arm's rotations you'll experience a staggering 3.5 G Force immensing you in an Uber intense Whirlwind of exhilaration even better each set of seats is capable of a full 360 degree rotation so up to eight people at a time can experience the Insanity The Rush of the wind in your face and the totally nuts rotation both combined to create a must-right attraction for Adrenaline Junkies number 13 the speed 32 built by kmg this ride is pretty much a beefed up version of the speed XXL while the former is around 118 feet high the speed 32 stands at a staggering 213 feet this makes it one of the world's tallest portable rides in terms of motions it also features a main arm with a flipping seat area at each end but instead of just eight people this bride sits up to 32 people at a time hence its name with the additional height this ride's Insanity gets cranked up to 11 with uncontrolled slipping at hyper coaster Heights this attraction is pure Anarchy and it's sure to be an instant Alistair at any Fairground number 12. the scream and swing built by

American manufacturer s sansei what happens when you take a swing set and pump it full of gamma rays you get this enormous SNS creation perfect for any amusement park the scream and swing has an eye-catching and effective Design This this ride consists of two large swinging arms with a seating area at the bottom of each Once In Motion the ride gradually swings passengers higher into the air this motion allows for impressive air time and positive g-forces and the non-restrictive lap bar restraint system makes it even better it may not go upside down but the sheer intensity of this ride's forces is plain enough to win over Thrill Seekers just recently the tallest one of its kind open at Sea World San Antonio taking guests around 135 feet into the sky if you're looking for a solid entertaining Thrill Ride don't miss out on The Sensational scream and swing number 11 the top scan built by Dutch manufacturer Mong deal this fan favorite attraction is an instant crowd pleaser at both traveling fares and permanent amusement parks this ride is similar to the star shape but instead of a vertical axis the main arm rotates on a tilted axis many also consider this to be faster and more intense this writes Dynamic motion spins Riders both forwards and backwards while the main arm starts its high speed rotation hold on tight as the gondola is freely tilt upside down Defying Gravity and unleashing a surge of adrenaline whether you encounter it at a bustling amusement park or a vibrant Carnival the practically gyroscopic excitement will be the same get ready to embark on this gravity-defying experience number 10 the Top Spin built by hosts and mondeal first premiering in 1990 this ride has become a classic in the amusement park world the Top Spin suspends a massive Gondola between two counterweighted arms these arms are turned repeatedly by the motors unleashing a pulse-pounding experience meanwhile the Gondola's rotation is controlled by a braking system which can be engaged and disengaged repeatedly these rotations can be determined by either a preset program or through manual operator control in the latter case skilled operators can provide some truly unbelievable Thrills in fact a world record was once set in Germany with 100 107 Gondola flips in a single cycle whether it's operator run or a preset though this ride is a beloved attraction that guarantees an astonishing experience number nine the booster built by Hoss this rare attraction is absolutely unmissable based on host's break dance ride the booster is much much more intense like its predecessor this ride features a large spinning disc with rotating gondolas on top but this ride has a unique pivoted car design allowing Riders to roll over sideways the experience is similar to a mondeal shake ride but boosters are known for going upside down much more often because of this it's no wonder why boosters are so highly regarded by enthusiasts and loved by writers however despite its popularity the ride has seen limited sales due to its lower capacity and higher running costs compared to other attractions nonetheless host continues to offer it to the industry this ensures that Adrenaline Junkies can still get their fix on this extraordinary Airy ride number eight the Giga Discovery built by zamperla you've probably seen a giant Discovery at your local park this high capacity pendulum ride takes guests to an almost vertical angle all while rotating them sideways on a giant wheel well in 2018 a one-of-a-kind model of this ride made its Grand debut at California's Six Flags Magic Mountain this park is well known for its record-breaking coaster collection however their flat ride list got a huge boost a few years ago introducing crazy the world's tallest Discovery Ride This attraction stands in an enormous 170 feet giving one of the most insane ride experiences on Earth furthermore its top speed is 75 miles per hour which is faster than most of the Park's roller coasters its motion also gives it more air time than most of the collection as well you really can't go wrong with a strong pendulum ride especially one that's this tall it may not be a roller coaster but the Thrills it gives certainly puts it on that level make sure to get a ride on this Behemoth if you visit the park because it's definitely worth it number seven the capriolo 10p built by mondeal back when I made my impossible Loop video I explained that a flip track Loop would be dangerous because of how it sends the blood rushing to your head however several of my viewers have pointed out the capriolo which can apparently make a similar motion reaching the bottom of its rotation while guests are upside down while the fine folks at mondeal have managed to do the impossible because this ride is terrifyingly stunning carrying up to 10 people at a time this ride sets passengers at the bottom of a large arm not only can passengers rotate around the arm's axis but they can flip back and forth as well of course this ride is not for those with notable health issues but for Thrill Seekers this attraction is a crown jewel of forces it may be number seven on the list but you can certainly make the case for it being higher number six the Gravitron built by American manufacturer wisdom rides this fan favorite ride never fails to Captivate audiences at local fairs and carnivals in fact you've probably seen this ride at some point at a local fair this attraction resembles a UFO but you don't have to break the law and go to Area 51 to check this one out step inside and you'll find yourself surrounded by 48 padded panels lining the inside walls as the ride starts to rotate you'll feel a powerful centrifugal force pulling you outwards from the center each of the panels lifts off the floor from the g-forces thanks to the slant in the walls and the forces at play you'll be fully supported without your feet touching the ground this fast spinning ride is capable of hitting a top speed of 24 RPM in under 20 seconds even better the lighting and music effects on many of these rides controlled by the operator situated in the center it's pretty much a spinning nightclub it's really no wonder why this ride is so popular with its iconic appearance and surreal experience spinaholics will instantly fall in love with the Gravitron number five the inversion 24 built by kmg this right here gives some of the most incredible Hang Time on the planet one look at it can cause even the most seasoned Thrill Seekers to gasp in amazement and it's easily identifiable at a fair towering at the same 213 foot height is the speed 32 the inversion 24 has one major difference this ride seats cannot flip which you think would make it less intense however when the giant arm reaches the top Riders are left hanging upside down over 200 feet off the ground this is pretty much the core definition of vertigo and those with a fear of heights can easily find themselves fainting on it in addition the ride is so intense that German regulations supposedly prevent it from making more than one complete rotation right now this attraction is exclusive to the European Fair circuit and a scale is so massive it actually takes four trucks to transport it kmg really created a monster here in a good way number four time machine England's Adventure Island built in-house by the park Yep this attraction is entirely custom built don't be fooled by its size this ride is a lot more forceful than it looks after taking their seats guests are tilted backwards in a lay down position afterwards the main arm tilts upwards and the central column begins spinning each of the gondolas can also rotate sideways adding another disorienting factor to the ride no on-ride video can accurately portray how insane this ride is the despite its small footprint this attraction is known worldwide for its brute forces in fact its G-Force is even greater than that of the speed XXL pushing down on Riders at almost four times the force of gravity its simple lap bar restraint system with no seat belts only adds to how lunatic-esque the time machine is if you plan on booking a ticket to South End on sea see if you can handle this hardcore Thrill Ride number three the rotor built by Ernst Hofmeister dating all the way back to Oktoberfest 1949 this attraction was first conceived in 1948 by German inventor Ernst Hofmeister though it's relatively rare nowadays there are thankfully still a few in operation the best way to describe the rotor is a phenomenon that slaps gravity in the face and insults its mother this ride is the triple bacon classic of g-forces on the rotor Riders enter a large upright Barrel that rotates at an incredible speed of 33 RPM as the barrel starts spinning Riders are pressed against the wall like in Missy Elliott's lose control video Once the barrel reaches its maximum velocity the floor retracts leaving Riders firmly pressed against the wall of the drum with nothing beneath their feet Riders are left breathless for onlookers most rotors are designed with an observation deck granting guests a mesmerizing view of riders seemingly Defying Gravity and sticking to the wall all that needs to be said is Galileo Eat Your Heart Out number two the flying fury made by Italian manufacturer technical Park flat ride enthusiasts have often labeled this as the most intense flat ride out there this adrenaline pumping attraction consists of a 4C Gondola resembling an airplane the structure consists of a t column and two independent arms each equipped with a mock aircraft with the ability to rotate independently on all three main axes you have the power to control your own flight performance according to the manufacturer as the support arm simulates sudden climbs and Dives the vehicle is free to turn on both the arms axis and its own axis take hold of the joystick and Unleash Your Inner pilot as you navigate the exhilarating movements no license is required for this true pilot experience that puts you in command flying Fury has garnered a claim for its intense nature offering a thrilling combination of multiple axes of rotation and high speeds get ready to soar Twist and Turn as you embark on this Unforgettable flight Tom Cruise you can join Galileo and eat your heart out too number one the zipper built by chance rides the viewers agree you can't have a carnival without the zipper as common as it is its unique intensity is simply impossible to deny this thrilling attraction has an oblong rotating frame this Frame is lined with several two-person compartments shaped like the interlocking teeth on a zipper through the use of a pulley system the flipping cars move around the sides Riders on board will face some serious positive and negative g-forces with each flipping dip and seriously this ride isn't for the faint of heart I remember one time I got eight back-to-back flips on a row in this ride and even I started to get a little nauseous other than a lap bar attached to the door most zippers only have bars on the doors to hold on to newer versions of the ride utilize over the shoulder restraints but let's be honest the classic is way better the way this ride pulls you over the sides of the frame and flips you constantly is just amazing this ride is a hundred shades of awesome and the next time your local carnival comes to town keep an eye out for the zipper now it's time for the comment shout out program this is where I take five random comments from my previous video and read them out these comments are from my video on Disneyland having to rebuild Space Mountain Christopher Horne says the brown paint made Space Mountain look like Jabba's Palace maybe the Star Wars themed at fo says I can't believe they made the train significantly heavier without even thinking about potential problems there wasn't a single engineer or conscious person they consulted about it Tails gaming says Space Mountain is such a good ride I'm glad the ride is still at Disneyland to this day tufab says despite it not matching the rest of the land I think Space Mountain actually looked good in that color scheme kind of reminds me of my favorite indoor coaster Space Mountain mission 2 and Mike Riley says now that Magic Kingdom has drawn open I wonder if they would consider updating Space Mountain it could really use a freshening up with some new tech if you want to see your words in my next video leave a comment down below and it may be selected please note though that inflammatory or spam comments will not be read thank you all so much and if you want to support me on patreon you can do so once again at the link in the description thanks for watching everyone feel free to like share and subscribe you can follow me on social media on Twitter Instagram and Facebook or you can check out my website at theme and I'm on Tick Tock this is theme park crazy and I'll see you all next time thank you [Music]

2023-07-05 10:02

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