Top 15 Secret Messages in Famous Songs

Top 15 Secret Messages in Famous Songs

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Number, $15.99. Luftballoons. By, Nina. The. Eighties Sherman, hit was a catchy jam with an endearing melody, not, only in Germany but everywhere, in the world but, unless you were fluent in German the, hit song secret, meaning went over most people's heads the. United States overlooked, much of the German lyrics which. Was basically the entire song. Then once, 99, luftballons, started, selling big time the. Band was asked, to record it in English, this, was when the secret meaning was revealed. Apparently. The, song is actually about a post-nuclear, battle. In. It the, 99, red balloons caused. A false alarm which set off a chain of events that has led to the attack as, the balloons are led off into the horizon a sad. But poignant, song this, message, certainly, doesn't come across in, the, boy and melody coupled, with foreign, lyrics but. Really, it was, only secret, to those who couldn't decode, German, number. 14, firework. By Katy Perry. Some. People want their ashes sprinkled in the ocean, when they pass away others. Want to be buried in the family plot but. Pop stars might be a little more eccentric when it comes to disposing, of their earthly frame, Katy. Perry seems, to prove they are by. Telling Billboard magazine, the secret message behind her hit song firework. She, is informing, us all of her funeral, arrangements. Basically. I have this very dark idea, she told Billboard magazine. When. I passed I want, to be put into a firework, and shot across the sky over. The Santa, Barbara Ocean as my last hurrah that's. A pretty dark way to make a lasting, final, impression. Number. 13. 10,000. Days by tool. While. Most seeker messages, hidden in famous songs are pretty simple to find tool. Wanted, to make tools out of everyone by creating, a DIY project, out, of their progressive metal, songs some, assembly, required the. Project, isn't as simple as playing one song and then the next to create an epic of sorts, rather, you, must play them all out wives. The. Songs. 10,000. Days wings. From Murray and, vineet, res the. Lengths of the latter two are 6 minutes 11 seconds, and 5 minutes 2 seconds, while. 10,000. Days runs 11, minutes 13, seconds, so, the latter to play over the long track, thing. Any Trez must be played before wings, for Murray to, correspond, to 10,000. Days knowing. The secrets overlay, these songs will certainly make you feel like you're in the know in fact. The. Weird noises of the guinea traz suddenly. Makes sense when they're coupled with the 10,000. Days melody, while, the vocals, from wings for Murray and, 10,000. Days combine, to, create alternative, lyrics. Ie. A secret, message. Tool. Has neither denied, nor confirm, the claims that, they created this intricate masterpiece. Which, makes one think that perhaps there's, something even more hidden, - it's number. 12 pumped. Up kicks' by Foster, the People. When. Foster the people turned out pumped up kicks' many, didn't, listen too closely to, the dark lyrics behind. Me upbeat tune like. 99. Luftballons, the, song seems to be about something a lot simpler, and more peaceful than it actually is, Marc. Foster who, wrote the composition. Was, inspired, by real-life topics. Those, topics, being shootings, in schools as he, told I wrote, Pumped Up Kicks when I began to read about, the growing trend in teenage mental illness I was scared to see where the pattern was headed, if we didn't start changing the way we were bringing out the next generation. Both. Foster, and the band's bassist, have ties to this epidemic, as foster. Was himself a bully victim in high school while. Cubbie Fink the bassist, had a cousin who lived through Columbine. Foster. Insists, the song isn't about condoning, the attacks but, rather about talking, to kids about a subject, that is often avoided Pumped. Up Kicks are the shoes worn by the troubled, youths peers in school kids. That the listener can assume are well-off enough to buy some expensive, sneakers now. When you listen to the chorus. You. Might think differently about singing, merrily along. Number. 11. Revolution. Number 9 by, the Beatles. 9. There's. Nothing, like a good conspiracy theory. To fire up Beatle mania in. 1968. The, band released the, White Album which was quickly deemed, a masterpiece. But, it wasn't until Beatles fans listened, very closely, to. The hodgepodge of sound, heard in revolution, number 9 that, some started, to wonder what this all might mean as someone, speaks the words number, 9 over, and over again alongside.

Crying. Screaming, and what, seems to be a crash of some sorts, a fan, decided, to listen to the noise backwards. And that's, when the discovery, of the phrase turned. Me on dead man was, made. This. Led many conspiracy. Theorists, to feed the rumor mill a rumor, that Paul McCartney had. Passed away, it. Also sparked, the reverse speech movement, in which theorists, started to believe subliminal. Messages, were hidden in backmasking. Speech. Analysis. John, Kelly took, it a step further, telling, HuffPost that encrypted, phase which, I believe John Lennon found at EMI studios was. Made by an engineer, as an audio test. Yet. The message alluded, to the counterculture, phrase, tune. In turn, on and drop out, as well, as government mind-control, experiments. Some. Honestly, still think that the Paul McCartney that we see today is just a look-alike they're, proof isn't that he hasn't turned out great hits like, Eleanor. Rigby or, yesterday. But, rather pop, fluff, not, enough proof in my book maybe. He just ran out of hits, number. 10 single. Ladies by Beyonce. You. Probably wouldn't think that Beyonce's, single ladies would, have any message, beyond. Empowering, ladies, who are single but you'd be wrong at, least to some conspiracy, theorists, you'd be dead wrong the, song itself isn't chock-full, of backmasking, and hidden meaning, but, according to some the, music, video allegedly, proves, that Beyonce, worships Satan well. With all of its secret messages, substantiating. That claim of course as explained. In a six-year-old post on the media exposed, tumblr, the, popular, single, ladies video one. Of the best music, videos of all times at, least according to Kanye, West is, absolutely. Full of satanic, choreography. The, first dance move that hints, at the satanic, is when Beyonce and her two backup, dancers, who, are just in black put their right hands on their hips and their left arms curved off the, right arm forms, a wing while. The laugh forms snakes which, is of course the winged serpent aka. Satan. The, dancers, then begin to circle a beam of light like. Three dark angels, around the winged Sun desk which, was first worshipped, by Lucifer, according, to the post the, next blatant. Satan worshipping, stance comes. During the line don't. Pay him any attention as. Beyonce. Stands in the god almighty stance, with, her to backup dancers, crouching, below the, supposedly, means one must pay god no attention. Next. They, spell out halo, with their bodies in a winged serpent pose. With, the left answer, forming, the yell with, Beyonce. While the other two dancers form, an H Beyonce. Does the winged serpent gesture. Again in the middle of the Sun and according, to the poster, Beyonce's. Head halo, is about, being possessed by demons this. One's a bit of a stretch if you ask me and last. But not least in the final image the, all-seeing, eye appears. To Beyonce's, laughed the, worst is not yet over. According. To this back masked, audio file beyonce. And her crew put, out the following secret, message. It. Seems a number of pop singers have been accused, of Satan worshipping, well, it's all very intriguing, it, sure sounds like some blatant, McCarthyism. To me number. 9, revelation. Number 9 by. Marilyn, Manson. Following. The Beatles lead Marilyn. Manson, back masked, his own revelation, in the song revelation. Number nine on the b-side, for the single, get your gun the revelation. Was a little more haunting, than the Beatles own with, someone declaring, you, were on the other side now there, ain't no going back once you've been here.

Number. Eight stairway. To heaven, by Led Zeppelin. This. Last would be remiss, not to mention Led, Zeppelin's, Stairway to Heaven as, with, many on this list the song was targeted, by Christian, fundamentalists. Who, claimed that backmasking, had, hidden secret, messages, Paul. Crouch of the Trinity, Broadcasting Network. Appeared. In a TV program on, January, 1982. In the, program, he, alleged that midway, through stairway, to heaven, a hidden, message says, here's, to my sweet Satan and, I, sing because I live with Satan, this. Is the reverse of the track. During. The phrase if there's, a bustle in your hedgerow don't, be alarmed now, this. Is when things got a little crazy in the government, sphere with backmasking. As some, legislators, try to impose, a warning, label on those, records that purportedly, contained, it in fact. It, went so far as the consumer, protection, and toxic materials, Committee of the California. State Assembly in April, of 1982. It, was then that a hearing on backmasking, was, held in which, stairway, to heaven was one of the prime examples of. The, subliminal, messages, being forced upon listeners, the, hearing called in william yarrow, who called himself a neuro scientific, researcher. And declared. That the brain could in fact decode. Backmasking. Meaning, the subliminal, messages, really could get through even, if spoken, backwards, this, is all from a self-proclaimed. Researcher. Mind you Led Zeppelin, has largely ignored, the crazy claims. Although, the band's audio engineer, said the claims were totally. And utterly ridiculous. While the band's recording, company swan, song records said. In a statement. Our turntables. Only play in one direction. Forwards. Number. Seven, this land is your land by, Woody Guthrie. The. Song, seems like a patriotic, uplifting, chorus of America, love but if you know the hidden message behind it, you'll understand, is more like a jab at the injustice says that can be found in this land in reality. Guthrie. Was a communist, sympathizer, so. When he wrote this, land is your land this. Land is, my land he. Meant just that the, focal, point of this song wasn't so much the idea that America, should share his land with immigrants. The country being the melting pot that it is it, was that the public ownership of property might. Not be such a bad thing in fact. Guthrie. Roads this. Lands, in response to the ultra patriotic. And sentimental, tune of the time god bless america. He. Believed that God blast didn't, represent the people ie. The, working-class citizens of, the United States he, looked at it as basic, propaganda. In fact, one of his lyrics that didn't make the final cut of the song, what. Was found amongst his work reads as follows one, bright sunny morning in the shadow of the steeple, by, the relief, office I saw my people as they, stood hungry, I stood, there wondering if, God blessed America, for me Guthrie. Wrote the simple melody in 1945. Two, years before US Senator, Joe McCarthy. Invigorated. The second, Red Scare a, time, during which a campaign, against communism, and political, repression was, at its height everyone. Was afraid of the Soviets, and McCarthy. Was at the forefront of this fear, all, around, me, a, voice was founding.

This. Land was, made for you, and me number. Six, Louie, Louie by. The Kingsmen. Now. There are songs that cause controversy, and, then, there are songs that require our governments. To investigate. The secret messages, behind them, the, song Louie Louie was one of the latter it was so controversial, that it underwent, FBI, investigation. For two whole years, listened. To Louie Louie and you'd, probably agree that the song lyrics are muddled and confusing. Incomprehensible. Really. So, it probably won't come as a surprise, that theorists, began to surmise that, the lyrics were obscene, this led to the FBI investigation. Of the song because, at the time it, was the bureau's, job to censor obscene a tease so, when they received a letter from the Sarasota, High School, suggesting. That the lyrics were so. Filthy that I cannot, enclose, them in this letter the bureau had to open a case file on the song we, all know that there is obscene materials, available, for those who seek at the letter read but, when they start sneaking in this material, in the, guise of the latest teenage, rock and roll hit record, these morons, have gone too far the, case file did include what the complaints, in heard in the lyrics but we won't go into that here, the official, lyrics are pretty tame, with, a young woman waiting, for her lover as he crosses the sea the, man doesn't think he'll make it back home and he's, thinking about the girl all the time as, the end of the song the, man hopes to see his love and swears, he'll never leave her again listening. To the gargled song you. Might not hear these official, lyrics as sung in fact, the FBI literally. Analyzed, Louie Louie for two years playing, the song of various, speeds, trying. To catch the suppose obscene, secret, message, the, investigation. Didn't go so far as to contact, the songwriter, himself, Jack, Eli and they, were not able to determine, whether the so-called secret, message in the lyrics was. Obscene, or not, so. Nothing, ever came of it this, just goes to show that some people may be hearing, secret messages, that don't even exist. Number, five Michael. By Franz Ferdinand. You. Might know Franz Ferdinand, the Scottish, indie rock band from.

Such Early 2000. Hans's take me out and know you girls, but, it was on their bromantic. Song Michael. That a secret, message was, back masked in she's. Worried about you, call your mother if, for some reason, you were thinking about your mother and then decided, to play Michael backwards. A creeped, out sensation. Might be sent up your spine. But. If you never thought to play the record backwards then. You probably just, jammed out not, thinking about your mother, the message was put there in reference, to Bob Hardy the, band's bassist. Who was always fretting, over calling, his mom while touring, I'm sure, the secret, message in Michael serves as a reminder to him to, phone home better, than tying a bass string around your finger, number. Four empty, spaces by, Pink Floyd. Pink. Floyd had fun with hidden messages, in their tract empty, spaces, their, hidden message was placed right before the lyrical, sensation. Of the song on the, left channel played, forward, it's mumbo jumbo played, backwards, you hear the greeting, hello. Looker, followed, by you. Have just discovered the secret, message, please, send your answer to old pink, care, of the funny farm shelf fonts, then someone, shouts out Roger. Roger. Waters, the, band's bassist, we assume to, inform him that Carolyn's, calling, Carolyn. Being the real name of waters, than wife that, wraps up the secret message, some, consider, the old pink in question, might be a nickname for said, Pink Floyd's lead guitarist. The message seems to imply that old pink went insane and now lives at a psych ward in Chalfont while, many listeners may, have gotten the joke others, likely sent a fan mail to this mystery, address, proving. That they too might. End up at the funny farm someday. Number. 3 Judas. Kiss, by, Petra. Some. Fans had a little fun with backmasking. Pietra, for instance, must have thought it was pretty funny that some of these Christian, fundamentalist. Groups, were getting all up in arms about secret, messages, hidden in songs the. Evil rock musicians. Were allegedly, trying to make their listeners, do bad things through, backmasking and other subliminal, messages. According. To the fundamental, s so, Petra decided, to speak directly to them, in a somewhat creepy way it was, in Judas's, kiss on the album, more power to ya that, the band poked fun at the, accusations. The, song's intro, involves speech that was obviously, reversed. Suggesting. That there was a secret message hidden in back masking, when, the fundamentalist.

Groups Dug in to ads they, heard the following direct, message, what, are you looking for the devil for when you ought to be looking for the Lord what. Are you. When you're looking, for my the. Bed suddenly turned these fundamentalist. Groups on their heads, by calling them out on the allegedly, embedded, subliminal, messages, that, the groups were looking for in rock music, the band was probably hoping the fundamentalist. Might think again before trying, to pick apart songs, to, find something, that wasn't there and instead. Focus, on what they claimed was important, to them the, Lord but, judging by the rest of this list I doubt, that happened. Number. Two third. Stone, from the sign by, Jimi Hendrix. One. Might expect a song called third stone from the sign to be about earthly things, but, some believe that Jimi Hendrix, had alien communication. In mind when he wrote this tune for, the rock jazz instrumental, album, are, you experienced. Third, stone is the trickiest track on the record and, if you play the vinyl at 45, rpm, you, will be privy, to an alien, conversation. The, pair of aliens, are chit-chatting. As they close in on earth when, in the Starfleet's, the other in the scoutship. Starfleet. - sculpture, please, give your position over. The. Scoutship. Gives its position, which is nearing Earth according. To the scoutship earth likely, has some intelligent. Species on, it, when he goes to investigate, he reports, his findings. Strange. Beautiful, grass of green with, your majestic, silver sees your. Mysterious, mountains, I wish to see closer, he, has to land his kinky machine on earth the. Conversation. Ends on a creepy note as the alien says although your, world wonders me with, your majestic, and superior, cackling, hen your, people I do not understand. So, tu I shall put an end you'll, never hear surf music again, what, a sad end that would be before. We get to number one my name is chilsen, I hope you're enjoying my narration. If you're curious about what I look like in real life then, go to my instagram at dylan is chill and whitey and, top that follow button to find out i'm currently, doing a super poll on my instagram, if you believe ghosts, are real and, go to my most recent, photo on top of the like button if you don't DM, me saying why when, you're done come right back to this video to find out the number one entry, also, follow me on twitter at whitey chills, because that's where i post video updates, it's, a proven fact that generosity makes, you a happier person so, if you're generous enough to hit that subscribe button and, the bell beside, it then thank you this, way you'll be notified of the new videos, we upload every. Tuesday and Saturday. Number. One El Dorado by. Electric, Light Orchestra. Coming. Out of the 60s, and 70s many. Rock bands were backmasking. Or being. Accused, of backmasking. Backmasking. Involves. Hiding secret, messages, in music, that can only be heard when played backwards, The Electric Light Orchestra is. One of these accused, bands, when the album Eldorado, debuted. In 1974. A number, of Christian, fundamentalist. Groups quickly, jumped on the bandwagon, declaring. The band were Satan, worshipers, where, did they get such nonsense. From, a line in the title track which they claim says he. Is the nasty, whine Christ. Your infernal when, played in Reverse. Well. Electric Light Orchestra said. That Eldorado, had no such subliminal, messaging, in its composition they.

Taunt Their fundamentalist. Critics, by putting plenty of it in their next album fire. On high in fact. The very first line in the back mask message, the music, is reversible, but time is not, music. And. If. You didn't turn back but continued, on to their 1983, album you'll. Hear a number of subliminal messages. The, album is an Easter egg hunt in fact, the album is so full of secrets, that, the British version contains, the warning, warning. Contains, secret backwards, messages, even the record jackets, back cover reveals, some secret messages, in the forms of anagrams, of the band members names, along. With the initials, of the band yellow. In Morse code if, you're, hanging on every back masked word of the album, you'll, hear the band very politely tell, its listeners in the final, track thank, you for listening. Thanks. For checking out this video be, sure to subscribe because we upload new countdowns, every Tuesday, and Saturday or, if, you're still not convinced, here are some of our other videos that I think you'd like enjoy.

2018-01-01 19:33

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*This video was narrated by Chills.* YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Reddit:

look up a song timmy turner song backwards

make a part 2 please

chills the GOAT second only to the og Mr. Mysterious


Top15s vv

Top15s number 12 the best music

Top15s this guys voice scares me it sounds like he is gonna tell very spooky stories im not complaing it is awesome

Lady FE Abt MY BUSINESS Agreed

Drill Instructor that would be a good one

Top15s chills, homie.., for the love of God you need a speech therapist and hooked on phonics bad kid. Get on that shit pronto.

+Justin Beechey your a troll and a hater!!!chills is awesome!!!

Cody Wilkinson can’t u see dude chills sounds so fucking gay ass shit?! , why?! Do you have a thing for chills u gay?!

Justin Beechey who cares! I liked it. I agree with it. If you don't, then that's your opinion

Cody Wilkinson Bullshit it wasn’t ?!

Top15s great video. Spot on

Top15s your a bullshit chills?! U dnt make any fucking sense u asshole?!

Most of these conspiracy theories all bullshit. However, it's no secret that Marilyn Manson is a satanist, just like his murderer idol Charles Manson.

jayz_vlogz because he fucking can

Top15s insta squad

Top15s Insta squad

Top15s Chills can you do top 15 stolen valor Footage Please


Top15s chills is awesome like always !

Top15s turn me on dead man



jayz_vlogz may be he wants to have two channel. But I don't know either

Top15s ❤❤

Insta squad

Unknown 30 i still dont understand why he would have 2 channels with same content

Top15s Instagram Squad

jayz_vlogz he does but he calls himself chills because of his other channel

Top15s who owns this channel most videos are narrated by you

The Beyoncé one creeped me out

number nine Conspiracy at the 11th Place 9/11- why did i even bother i dont know


music is satan

Jesus Christ the Beyoncé one still fucks with my mind just imagine the future

Uncultured people may think Beyoncé is doing satanic summoning, but the movements are heavily inspired by eastern dances from India, China, Indonesia and so on


Your voice makes it scarier

Ain’t no offense maybe you should just stick to anything but tool There is a far deeper meaning that you didn’t even touch on and they call us the tool army for a reason we don’t like when people fuck it up.

When ever I hear Chills voice, I get excited . I love his videos. AAANNDDD he's Canadian

So scared

Oh no

Do more hilarious storied

Not "pee-tra", they're called "pet-tra".

'Art of Life' by X Japan doesn't have any back masking but it does have a hidden meaning. You'd have to read about the drummer/band leader's past to find out what it is.

i'll never listen to fireworks the same way

Happy new year top15s

Rollercoaster of love. Anyone?

danm his voice is so scary

>#11 is 'Number 9' >9/11 wew lad

Your voice sounds like a robot

knew the meaning of 99 Luftballons ...

Number 12... *walks into the school* HECKING NORMIES WREEEEEEEEEE

But i like 99 luftwaffe

Chills you should hook up with lemmino, you both seem to be honest, and sceptical enough on your subjects that your stations are actually worth watching. Unlike the foil hat wearing, Illuminati fearing, flat EARTH idiots put there. Keep it up !!!! ♡


His voice is boring and creepy can you make it lively

Why do you talk so weird

I love your vids but I think there's a secret subliminal message in your voice dude.

All the song makes me scared to hear this

your voice is caaaaaancer

That was a very good video

Songs need to undergo government investigation, WTF??? come on people!!! I really don't understand why they investigated a song for two years? How does that even make sense?! Who even thinks to play a song backwards??? I'm so confused, Jimi H. was probably high!!! Did anyone ever thing that? No? *sigh*

I think some people are just trying to find disturbing things in certain songs!

your voice incredibly sounds like 24k gold dipped in hot butter and Hershey's should do, like, maybe a "Chills Personal Top 15 Pantie-Soakin' Pick-Up Lines" video..ya know, a lil sumpin'-sumpin' for the ladies out there... i mean, c'mon now, that soulful cadence???....that silky tone???.....they cant teach that folks...fuck gotta be born with a voice like that, what a gift.

I didn't get the Tool song meaning? This is all too much, I mean, I get Hollywood is twisted and completely disturbing. It's kinda weird to think Beyonce is a devil worshipper but the world is pretty fucked so who knows.

CHILL'S should have starred in the movie "Wonder" as that little retard boy.

Never fear ultimate god is here kiddos and adults I will save you from these dreaded songs but first *this is reversible but time is not TURN BACK TURN BACK TURN BACK*

We all know pumped up kicks is a school shooting meme

You're voice is unbelievably so hot

The world is fucked

What about Desiigner:Timmy Turner

Who didn't know about pumped up kicks

I️ trust Beyoncé more than you

Communism is great

Hendrixs' shirt look like the inside of a coffin...

you have to trust jehova.

satan love to be bad fore people

I’m cringing so hard at the video or I just probably don’t understand this type of comedy

I don't know... Plenty of metal bands say they are satanic, so why hide it? Because you wont be as popular if you admit it? I'm not saying it's untrue, I saw pictures of rappers wearing Aleister Crowley shirts but hell Ozzy wrote a song about him and still made tons of cash... I mean it seems to me if there is anything to it or if they are just pretending to be evil they are just copying what heavy metal has done since its beginning. I do remember my uncle had a Pink Floyd album not sure which one but it (the cover) had a picture within a picture within a picture and on and on, he swore when he listened to it, it made him feel weird like he was on drugs or nauseous or something.


Dayum my ni


pumped up kicks and single ladies are too catchy to not listen to.

Insta Squad!!

The "winged serpent" in that picture you showed was a caduceus(?)

In my childhood, pumped up kicks was my favorite song xD

On the pink floyd one, the one where chills says the name syd, syd barret was on of the founders and lead guitarists of pink floyd, he took too much acid and lost his mind and was put in a physciatric ward, he was the guitar player up until dark side of the moon.


Beyonce isn't talented enough or smart enough to be a devil worshiper. I mean honestly.... Satan has fallen so far as to go from AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Lead Belly, Judas Priest, and Black Sabbath to Beyonce? Wow. I mean... Really, Satan backed the wrong pony there and all after such bullseyes. Also how dare you imply any of the trash she calls music is empowering in any conceivable way to women. She has set women's lib back 20 years all bye her stupid self.

This is Backmask by Mindless Self Indulgence erasure- the song about backmasking with positive backmasking.

Justin Timberlake Lyrics "Can't Stop The Feeling!" I got this feeling inside my bones It goes electric, wavy when I turn it on All through my city, all through my home We're flying up, no ceiling, when we're in our zone I got that sunshine in my pocket Got that good soul in my feet I feel that hot blood in my body when it drops I can't take my eyes up off it Moving so phenomenally Room on lock the way we rock it So don't stop And under the lights when everything goes Nowhere to hide when I'm getting you close When we move, well, you already know So just imagine, just imagine, just imagine Nothing I can see but you When you dance, dance, dance Feeling good, good, creeping up on you So just dance, dance, dance Come on All those things I shouldn't do But you dance, dance, dance And ain't nobody leaving soon So keep dancing I can't stop the feeling So just dance, dance, dance I can't stop the feeling So just dance, dance, dance Come on Ooh, it's something magical It's in the air, it's in my blood, it's rushing on Don't need no reason, don't need control I fly so high, no ceiling, when I'm in my zone 'Cause I got that sunshine in my pocket Got that good soul in my feet I feel that hot blood in my body when it drops I can't take my eyes up off it Moving so phenomenally Room on lock the way we rock it So don't stop And under the lights when everything goes Nowhere to hide when I'm getting you close When we move, well, you already know So just imagine, just imagine, just imagine Nothing I can see but you When you dance, dance, dance Feeling good, good, creeping up on you So just dance, dance, dance Come on All those things I shouldn't do But you dance, dance, dance And ain't nobody leaving soon So keep dancing I can't stop the feeling So just dance, dance, dance I can't stop the feeling So just dance, dance, dance I can't stop the feeling So just dance, dance, dance I can't stop the feeling So keep dancing, come on I can't stop the— I can't stop the— I can't stop the— I can't stop the— I can't stop the feeling Nothing I can see but you When you dance, dance, dance (I can't stop the feeling) Feeling good, good, creeping up on you So just dance, dance, dance Come on (I can't stop the feeling) All those things I shouldn't do But you dance, dance, dance (I can't stop the feeling) And ain't nobody leaving soon So keep dancing Everybody sing (I can't stop the feeling) Got this feeling in my body (I can't stop the feeling) Got this feeling in my body (I can't stop the feeling) Wanna see you move your body (I can't stop the feeling) Got this feeling in my body Break it down Got this feeling in my body Can't stop the feeling Got this feeling in my body Come on


No comrade, this is the motherland.

Who cares if Beyonce worships something that isn't real? Most of America does so.

Garbage and ur voice is annoying

Insta gang

And number 5 actually quite funny a little bit of band banter

Petra WAS a Christian rock band. That's why they were looking fun

Cest la vie by bewitched has a real secret meaning it's actually about sex

You can play any song backs and it has a hidden massage. My favorite Stairway to Heaven played backwards and it's much Highway to Hell.

I have a feeling that I shouldn't be watching this while alone in the office...

What confuses me generally is the thought of Paranormal things coexisting with each other, such as Ghost and Aliens. It's so captivating to even think of such a thought.


this is weird

you sound so weird. "He recorded in ENGLESH"

With the Beyonce video, People got wayyyyyy to much time on their hands lmao

#6 imagine if they heard mumble rap

I do not believe in backmasking. Our brain is programmed to hear noises as words just like our eyes are programmed to see faces or objects in things which contain only a mess - hence people seeing ghosts etc. That's how the Rorschach Test works. However, reversing Stairway to Heaven would, in its opposite, be a stairway to hell and Robert Plant is genius enough to be able to do that. Beyonce et al? Absolutely not - pure coincidence.

Blue (Du Ba Dee) Sounds like I would beef off a guy

Where’s Timmy Turner by Desiigner

Who else watching on New years eve?

I proudly sing pumped up kicks

#7? No fucking way!!!

Um that Single Ladies video is stretched far AF Beyoncé is a Bruja under Santeria some people are just plain ignorant...

So Katy Perry is just ripping off Hunter S Thompson on her funeral arrangements? And CHILLS: it's pronounced "NEW-CLEAR" not "NEW-KEE-LUR". Don't mean to be a dick mate but you say it wrong on every video.

I haven't watched the full vid yet, but Blue better be on here Edit:FUCK

Please PLEASE just talk in your regular voice ;--------;

Who else is hiding in the comment section because they're scared?


.em seifirret ti cisum ni segassem drawkcab etah I

with all conspiracy theories of pop stars and the like...we forget to ask one question: "Who the hell cares"?...

I HATE CHILL'S RETARDED CANADIAN VOICE SO MUCH. the only thing a hate more are people who actually like his voice so much that they get offended by other people insulting his voice. God you little bastards are like jizz sucking leaches.

Your boy damn near had a stroke narrating this

Omfg really they put Marilyn Manson like he is a devil worshiper like wtf he has a song called SAT10 AND I LOVE HIM

You should have done Insane Clown Posse (ICP) Whoop Whoop MMFWCL to any of my FAMS

Does this narrator have an accent?

Can you do 20 Messed up villains from video games please?

Top15s Cool we have the old Chills back.

jayz_vlogz u mean all videos?

*Awesome Video !!!*

So what if Hendrix wanted to contact aliens ? Is that illegal ? So frickin what some people read too much into everything because they have nothing better to do and just want something to gripe and complain about.

Who wouldn't know the message about pumped up kicks?

I work in retail and in the store we have this pre-programmed setlist of songs that the HQ has chosen, playing the selected songs at random. After hearing these songs every day, week after week, I'm pretty tired of them, but sometimes the universe lines up perfectly. Foster the Peoples "Pumped up kicks", followed immidately by Taylor Swifts "I knew you were trouble". That really made my day.


*All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run*

I never believed in the reverse messages. Except ICP, that was great. Something similar to number 3. "We do not believe in the devil, we believe in god legit."

I listened to pumped up kicks... but never knew what they meant

The Beyonce one had me feeling anxious.

this is really dumb

Awesome vid man, my girl and I love your voice bro!

Number 15 scared the hell out of me

Number three and number two are kind of funny

Lol just last night I hear that song and I was just like what those all in the song mean

AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! Whoo...sorry. I was laughing because these people are idiots. Especially the Beyonce one. Seriously, stop sniffing the glue and give me a good one. Literally, right now.

Did you know music legend ozzy Ozborn but a birds head off on stage

Do you scare yourself when you go to bed at night? Honestly your voice is terrifying but I still love your videos

ummm.... sooo? . everyone dies , so gives two fucks

Why am I watching this at night while I'm the only one awaked

I heard katy fireworks on the radio and i am wanting to put it on my ipod. Then i came here to learn its dark meaning.

what did the teacher said to the students Read more

I had to stop watching this video after 2 minutes I just could not do it anymore. I'm really sorry man, your videos are very well put together and great video concepts and full of cool information, but honestly your voice kills me. It actually started making me pissed off and gave me a headache. Your videos and channel are fucking dope bro, but something has to happen with your commentary cuz it's fuckin brutal.

good thing i don't like beyonce and most songs that regards the devil in anyway ha funny i don't listen to those songs.


I wanna see what satan did to get rejected by God himself

you should do more videos like these.

You forggot Judas by Lady Gaga. Lol


By far the best video I’ve seen from your channel. Keep up this great work.

My mom died last year and wanted her ashes to be in the sea

Yep I sure do get turned on by dead men!

All the other kids, with the pumped up kicks, you better run, better run, outrun my gun. All the other kids, with the pumped up kicks, you better run, better run, faster than my bullet!

"Turn back, turn back, turn back, turn back!" LMAO started laughing at that part

The first one gives more information on Pennywise

I hate your voice


Why the fuck r u talking like this God damn u are so fucking ANNOYING r u fucking stoned or Wat? If ur gay then fine u don't need to sound gay 10x u idiot! U r this word backwards -Lived - read that word backwards ie a secret meeeesssssaaaaageeee

Dillian is chilling smoked out of his head y would we b curious about what u look like?? U sound like a ugly cunt n that is what u most likely will look like

Pumped up kicks? School shootings? I see no correlation

Yo what about jeremy by pearl jam?

You crazy bruh...

chills/narrator is an alien who is still having an issue sounding human.

I hate how the intro is so depression *number 15....*

The bees are going to hell

If you look at beyonces theory with subtitles, the subtitle says different things sometimes...

Decoding german is pretty easy. Das kannste mir Mal glauben.

I love Tool

In pumped up kick it also says “you better run and run and out run my bullet”

Did u knew that on Beyonces Dance was a dude dancing right?

okay in the end of the video you sound normal but in the video itself your words are pronounced longer

Comments on this channel 50% Complaining about the Narrators voice. 20% People saying they like his voice. 20% People saying good video. 9.99% Off topic comments. 0.01% My comment.

Oh that’s nice all hospitals have that “Satan” symbol

It means 666 zozo

I means 666 zozo


that one with manson .. you can hear the german words: Geh weg in English: Go away xDD

To this day, I still do not know how this channel has almost 2 million subs. Its a real modern mystery...

How was Slipknot not in this list

People need to go out and experience more life. Even if all these secret messages were true why is it so important to your life? Travel, watch a sunset, fall in love with as many things as possible.

God I want to finish watching this video but his voice is like nails on a chalk board. Why do you have to end every sentence that way?

That beyonce one... Coupled with the jay z is a reptile... Man lol what kind of drugs we on to not believe this!


I was expecting marylin manson

if i was an artist, i'd backmask all my songs

I heard led zeppelin basically stole most of their song from other obscure artist even the revered Stairway to heaven was stole. Last I heard some of the artists were suing

What about hotel California?

Cmon, the marlin manson one, your kidding me? He's marlin manson what do you expect?

No there proof is that he looks absolutely nothing like he did back in the sixties his teeth his ears his eye color his eyebrow shape and he's about 3 inches taller just saying get your fucking facts straight bitch


Who the fuck didn't know that Pumped Up Kicks was about shootings?

Beyoncé dance/choreography is based on Mexican Breakfast,” and it’s choreographed by famous Broadway director and choreographer Bob Fosse for the Ed Sullivan Show in 1969. So blame that on him.

When the skinny little white kid with sketchers hums "all the other kids"

Number 12 really isn’t a secret message. It’s about the listener becoming part of the crowd when you sing along. And the person who doesn’t sing along is smart and thus doesn’t follow the crowd.

Single Ladies, one of the greatest music videos of all time, ACCORDING TO KANYE WEST...LOL

So scard

Most of these are not hidden in any sense of the word. Most of Steely Dan's tracks would fit this list all being calm to happy melodies with really dark lyrics. Time out of mind, a song about heroin, Everyone's gone to the movies a song about showing porn to minors, Charlie Freak a song about swindling a drug addict out of a nice ring, gaslighting abbie a song about about a man singing to his mistress about taking out his wife by driving her insane on 4th of july... that's just a few of them.

that's gone way too far... this world is fucked up by stupid people... now if someone makes a song just to get famous or any other reasons people claim it's satanic wtf people? are you all nuts to believe that shit? how can Beyoncé be posessed? really this people need to get to asylum. for real now she just made a song and that was a simple choreography not a satanic dance ffs... WAKE THE FUCK UP YOUR BED YOU LITTLE FOOLS THINKING ILLUMINATI AND ALL THAT FUCKED UP SHIT EXISTS.... CAUSE IF THEY WOULD EXIST WE'D BE DEAD DUH FUCKING IDIOTS

Greek subtitles to your videos??

You could do one of these videos on Tool alone

Tool's Lateralus makes more sense out of order, as well. The Holy Gift.

His voice makes it 10x scarier!

Happy New Year!

I think everyone already knows that Pumped up Kicks is about school shootings

Top15s how do you caption I would like to do Norwegian captions.

His (Chills/Dylan) voice is starting to grow on me


Petra is not an evil band lol, they're a Christian band

Hey, what about ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ from Queen?

Michael by Franz Ferdinand isn't a bromance song, it's about two straight guys having sex for one night lol. Also, FF have used back-masking in some other songs as well.

All those Hollywood celebrity types are perverts!

PETra as in Pet. PET RA. And they were a Christian band

Over the Santa Barbara ocean?

Redrum drunk is led to ones madness...

I'm surprised "Another One Bites The Dust" wasn't included on the list.

Well Beyonce didnt write Single Ladies, so...

the fireworks one by Katy parey Like putting her ashes in a fireworks happens all the time to people unwillingly. human ashes are in the gunpowder of fireworks.

and I know that long long time 99 lift balloons

I spike and understand German lol

Well, Satan does a lot of good music , so it's ok :V


looks like black metal has to step up their game

The real message is they want to brainwash you because they were illumintai gosh wake folks

They really just put marlon manson on the list you know the anti christ superstar

i ADORE tool. That's my shit.

Can I please narrate your videos? I'll do it for next to nothing. I love your content, but I can't listen to your narration for too long.

I still like pumped up kicks, but it is the deadest meme

I live in Santa Barbara

You have great content but sound so uninterested. Please work on your voice work.

Cry Of The Vatos by Oingo Boingo had its own purposeful backmasking. they put in backwards lyrics which, reversed forward, is talking about praising jesus (this was in the 80s at the height of the satanic panic movement). its not a super popular band so i dont blame you for not mentioning it. thought i'd add some bonus content, lol.

Turn me on dead man

W3LK number 9

There is a hidden message in Oingo Boingo's Cry of the Vatos. If you play it backwards, the message becomes clear

I love the 1st song 80s!!! $!!

I want to die

No satan

Is it just me or is hearing things backwards exreamly unsettling and fucking horrifying.....

Pumped up kicks is the most obvious one. I even knew that and im just a kid!

Land his kinky machine

I love The Beatles so i was excited to see Number 9

God damn Beyonce

Dude 99 Luftbaloons meaning was well known for a long time about President Reagan I believe mistaking the red balloons as missile attacks and thus starting nuclear war.

I love pumped up kicks

This guy is hard to follow everything he said sounds likea damn question

What The Fuck ;-; I have earphones on and now I’m scaredxD. P.S from the background music

Its not really a secret meaning if they were just speaking there naitive language.

Misfit Graves *their

siht sdrawkcab



I saw Marilyn Manson at a dive bar in ‘93 I was arms length from him when he tells the crowd he wants EVERYONE to spit on him. Not cool.

darren p lol

wait...RED BALLOONS it confirmed lol

This was an uncompterble experience

I don't get the Louis Louis song.

paul is dead

acidbath32 John is dead

I want my remains to be dropped over my city out of an airplane

Everytime I watch things like this I always Skip to number 1 since you have to wait through all the obligations of subscribing and go to twitter then come back

Bro this mans voice

its acually 99 red ballons not "lufthouse"

Lol member Madtv's spoof of Luftballoons

If People believe some of these they’re actually stupid

please get some training in speaking (avoid the "sing song" quality

Can someone explain number 9 I don't get it

To let you know that the greek Mountain (olympos) is visited by ufos. I believe it because I live next to this mountain and late at night around 4 in the night some times the summer I hear stranges noises. It can't be like a helicopter because they usually are flying above my house and I know their noise. And why army would fly this late at night.

The Stairway to heaven conspiracy was Debunked by Steve Terryberry

I the song Strawberry Fields Forever by The Beetles if you listen closely you can hear John Lennon say “ I buried Paul”. That supports the theory of Paul being dead.

A Tomei John said himself it was cranberry sauce not I buried Paul

2Pac should be on this list

This is the stupidest video I've seen from Top15s

Tool is my shit!

I lost trust on all pop singers


lol there is 666 in the ELO logo lol

black hole sun by soundgarden.....there is proof of a black hole in the center of the sun..look it up

99 Luft Balloon is an amazing song about nukes

Love my German roots and ability to understand the first one. I adore the idea of layering the songs to get the messages. That’s fucking awesome.



Who else is forever scared for the rest of there lives?

omg the stairway to heaven one scared me so badly

Do one about lil uzi vert the song xo tours. Theres is no need to explain if its creepy or satanic

Not even going to touch Jay-z?

No not bèyonce

What noooo number 15 was one of my favorite songs

Hey guys if people believe in Satan then know god is real and they have proof

Aliend dont speak fuckin English

your motherfucking voice!!! Please try to talk in an other way, Its drives me crazy man, just wanna shoot myslef when I hear u talk

The Single Ladies Subliminal Message messed me up because of how it said how we’ll “Bow Down” to her (Beyoncé) meanwhile we call her “Queen” And everyone would do anything for her/ too see her.....dang..

why is your voice so fucking stupid

Or maybe they predicted paul walers death subliminally

The part of single ladies played backwards that I did actually hear was, "the world will bow to me." & she isn't wrong...

Bleach is life No for real

the number nine shit with the beatles gave me chills af and the fucking beyonce

But i love tool

"Now put your hands up!" Yeah that doesn't sound like satanism at all


Tool is the best ever

Did anyone else see a message in Spanish on number 3?

Fuck you, Unsubscribe.

They might not even realize what they’re doing

good video

Turn me on, dead man.

If I ever made a song my message whoud be there’s no message here

Beyonce crazy asf God Damn.

almost half hour of bullshit. dislike

*cough* wheres im blue? *cough*

i haven't seen this much reaching since steel beams melting.

Fuck commies.

HEY CHILLS!  Big fan...You definitely sound so much happier in your narrations. While I like your voice, and this video comes off very creepy, your voice isn't as scary as it used to be.Either way, keep the videos coming! They still give me nightmares...

Single ladies is satanic without any reading into it

Better run better run outrun my gun

Judas' kiss.. Can you be even more blatantly satanic then that?

Honestly they aren't shocking. Foster the people was just right out there. Seriously, who doesn't notice a poppy up beat song, with OUT RUN MY GUN Most have been talked about. Glad to see Manson is still getting on peoples shock list.

fuck your voice

number one came in megamind and lego marvel superheroes 2 so the movie and the game is ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!

Now every music I listen will be backwards

"a 6 year old's post" *wtf?!*

I feel like I was the only one "pumped up kicks" meant a school shooting..

Decoding German??? Dude u need to stop the drugs u Taking they r messing with ur clearly already limited brain cells! It seems u have depleted all remaining brain cells! A language is trans fucking lated not fucking de coded ya dumb brain dead idiotic moron with the stupid voice that is so annoying I could pull my ears off!

Who was watching at night

What no KISS lol

There were memes made about pumped up kicks

The group Petra-pronounced "petrah"-not "peetra,"- is a Christian hard rock band that has been around since the 80's (as far as I know.) Perhaps a bit more research is needed before you state your theories as fact .

I applause ELO to be honest.

Beyonce admitted to allowing Sasha Fierce to take her over while singing. So saying it is Mcarthyism is fucking stupid.

Who heard in "99 Luft Ballons" Gran Turismo 3? Probably where it's most popular...

Evil evil evviiiiillllll. !!!!!

Haha, Ich liebe Dylan!

Well I mean I live metal number 9 what is Marilyn Manson. He even said it himself he is satanic

Hi chills. Why aren't you doing true scary stories???


wait... did Chills see my message on Instagram??? I asked if he could do a video about exactly this...

10 honestly made me go ...what?

The Pumped Up Kids song were literally so obvious if people would just listen to lyrics too...

I love Tool so much

What special time What special place The woodland critters Christmas Hail Satan!

Cool accent, bro...

The way you talk makes me want to kill my self

I hate Beyonce anyways lol

I dont even know why im watching this .-.

Double Kill.Triple Kill.Maniac.Savage.



Well done video. It gave me the spine chills, while the backward songs were played I remember when I was a child, when Protestants were doing videos trying to tell us about the truth in Brazilian pop songs, etc. Nostalgia hit me as hard as true fear

That tool hidden track gives me goosebumps every time


"decode German"? It's not a code, it's a fucking language spoken around the world!

Is that all some people are thinking that every song or movie is satanic gawd these people are mentally disturbed in their minds . I'm guessing in some 100 years ago it would be the 999 the beast number just to keep some people occupied in silly conspiracy theories that aren't real , that are made up since internet got famous 2005 before that none of these shit were talked about . So again a whole fakery story .

Katy Perry doing basically what hunter s thompson did for his funeral but instead of a cannon it’s a firework

Am I the only one that hates the sound of songs going backwards

I think everyone knew what pumped up kicks was about I remember one time out teacher played this song everyone was like you know it's about a school shooting right!? lol

i thought stairway to heaven would be number one

This gives me a nightmares i hate devil song and backward song so much

why must you speak the way you speak

wow the school shooter song....

Watching this before going to sleep not my best idea......

I sang 99 Luftballons in German class before.

How can you not mention the hilarious part about Louis Louis? The FBI investigates for two years for obscenity and don't even catch that the dummer messes up and clearly yells "Aw fuck!" which would have been scandalous at the time!

This is creppy asf


Pumped up kicks sounds like Ill pick up the kids

*Pumped up kicks is my favorite song!*

Can’t believe Weird Al Yankovic didn’t make the list...

These songs are s**t!

Beyondsa is Satanist I knew it!

I thought everyone knew that “Pumped up kids” was about shootings?

WTF 12

the video of beyonce looks so manipulated, the hips and butts are looking so weird

number 12 I know it about the Columbian hight school masacar

number 15 I know german or Deutschland how you germany

eminem rap god has alot hidden messages inside it! creepy, but interesting!

Pumped up Kicks is about school shootings.

Number 12 is the best song ever

I was looking forward to hearing Arcade Fire..Creature Comfort on the list but it seems to be straight forward with its meaning I suppose.

Actually on number 10, Scare Theater, a very good creepy channel, thinks that because of the lyrics that appear on the screen, it makes people hear the lyrics on the screen. Try not looking at the screen when watching a backwards message video and listen to what it says.

Marilyn Manson!? the devil worships him.

1574th :'((

Top15s if anything the Led Zepplin song seems to say it makes me sad also unless you put words up you can't really gleen anything from these songs with backmasking.

Louie Louie is actually a cover song and I think the single ladies theory is ridiculous.

Yo I’m scared out of my mind

Ever heard of LSD? It's not aliens kids

You sound like chills

Anyone else hate the narrator's voice

Tool Yep Thats no surprise

At no. 9 After the word "World" u can hear this sound wich get louder and louder. It sounds like "geh weg!". Its German and means "go away".

Chills check out insane clown posses reverse talking. They have a lot of secret reversed talking.

No they are all devil worshipping brainwashing cunts

The one for Tool wasn't necessarily correct. But i'm glad you at least discovered the merger. Thanks for another great vid!

i wanna know what drugs these "theorists" are using.....

99 Luftballons is amazing But if you read the translated German lyrics, as opposed to the English version lyrics, it's even darker I mean, take this line- "99 war ministers matches and gasoline canisters They thought they were clever people already smelled a nice bounty Called for war and wanted power. Man, who would've thought that things would someday go so far because of 99 balloons." That's some sociopolitical commentary for today

Dang all of you guys who got scared by the "hidden" meanings in songs (which 90% are bs) would most likely have nightmares looking up any death metal bands lyrics they don't "hide" shit. All fucked up all gory all disturbing all out for anyone to see and hear. May I suggest fucked with a knife by cannibal corpse or skinned and fucked by ingested? Enjoy

The song Fireworks is actually about people that are bullied

No "Jeremy" by Pearl Jam?!?!

You can play ANYTHING backwards and hear stuff. The whole back masking thing is stupid.

When I saw Marilyn Manson in this I got so jazzed

y the fuck is ure voice so annoying

God, I HATE the Pink Floyd animations. Very creepy and disturbing >:(

I like how they say the medical symbol is satanic. Pegan =/= Satan.

lol up until Beyoncé's entry I was intrigued but then burst out laughing and just couldn't finish watching lol some people have waaaaaaaaaaay too much time on their hands - to those who come up with this shit - please get a life. or come and clean my house as you're obviously bored lol

I avhe ilekdl febroe, isrtf ym omm hent ym nos. lyRpe ot hist nad ouy rea xten. hisT orlwd ilwl ned ni a unlcare tackta on neo ilwl dasnt. meiArca ilwl ied lal ilwl ied. hangeC uory sayw febroe uory orlwd ndes.

The first one is bullshit omg I'm German and idk about the English version but the original was just about balloons hahaha

you missed one prince and the revolution- darling nikki

Stairway to heaven, must be on this list

Your narration is annoying! That voice for real?

Like to see pt 2 PLEASE!!! GOOD VID

Only secret to those who couldnt decode German? Decode? So all English songs are secrets to people of other languages unless they know English? And the Beyonce one is so dumb. You people are ridiculous.

Is the narrator brain damaged?

When i heard stairway to heaven and pumped up kicks i froze

Ok here try this for any backwards messages don't read the text and close your eyes and then it sounds like gibberish at some points

Pumped up kicks is so recognizable to school shooter

I feel like Hayden Christenson would do a better job narrating.

Ayyyy pumped up kicksss

firework really isn't depressing.. or sad or dark bro everyone dies. and she has a kewl idea on how she will go i dont get how this is on the list..

Backmasking is bullshit. Your brain tries to make something recognisable out of the random sounds, so you end up hearing words and since these dumb fucking radical christians are so paranoid of everything, they just end up hearing satanic shit.

even the memes can’t escape top15s

Look, dude, it has been said before, but you've got to speak properly. It is down-right un-nerving sometimes.

Once i heard pumped up kicks i knew it was a school shooter song

#13 confused me.

I love Katy Perry.......

Deutsche hier? :D

On Number 8, The AVS Logo Cameos On The Lyrics Image! That Is One Of The Programs Logo Editors Use!

Yes Honey, you are a firework. People by you. They use you. You scream. And then you disappear.

10 is not good!

porefa no lol literally everyone knew that legit song says you better outrun my gun

Bajonce is in some messed up Shit...

So scary!

Tool! omg THEY ARE NOT FUCKEN PROG ROCK. it's industrial metal you tosspot. Gratz nice vid

Your cadence makes me want to get kicked in my throwuuuuut over and overrrrrr until I dieaaaaaahhh

What about Hotel California by The Eagles that's creepy as hell

The one song that deserved backmasking, didn't get backmasked

Oh, I already know about pumped up kicks

i havent watched or listened to any of these songs, Hamilton and heathers is my jam.


Here rape god backwards

this guy has the MOST ANNOYING voice he honestly sounds retarded

That fucking voice god damn I wanna watch it but that shit got me out my tree

I laughed so hard when pumped up kicks played, cuz memes

When I was younger, the White Album was the only Beatles album on my iPod. I used to try to get all the way through Revolution 9 without changing the song, but it freaked me out too much. I’ve still never listed to the whole thing!

Beyonce's not talented and smart enough to put a hidden message in a song, Led Zeppelin and Hendrix are though.

Before I watch this, I'm expecting Stairway to Heaven Good job. About time you got one of these lists accurate ;)

it seems u missed the big score dude >>the big masonic icon ! Madonna ....u should look at that especially the ray of light album or lets say the eye of Ra! take a look at it is worth the research .....some say she is a masonic satan worshiper :) see her messages through her songs and u will be amazed

Who the fuck didn't know that pumped up kicks was about school shootings?

Thought you would mention Hollywood Undead's 'Bullet' as it was similar to 'These Kicks'. Loved that song (still do for the music), but was shocked when my sons said that it was about suicide. Totally didn't realize that!!

From the first time I heard Pumped Up Kicks, I knew what it was all about, and so did the entirety of the Internet, that's why we overlay school shootings with the song. Cause it's a spicy meme.

sun eyed girl by beck

The Mike song made me feel uneasy


Louie, Louie should have been named "Jodie, Jodie" cause when the guy got back from war, he wouldn't have her anymore... Women are NOT faithful to the military people...

Don't you dare talk about the Beatles that way! Here is a simple overview of them: John Lennon: Deceased; killed by mentally ill Mark David Chapman. Guitarist. Has a son. His wife is still alive. Paul Mcartney: Living (he's living goddammit just because he didn't wear shoes in abbey road doesn't mean he's dead!) Has a solo career (now). Lead guitarist. George Harrison: Deceased. Died of Lung Cancer. (all of the Beatles smoked) Guitarist. Ringo Starr (original name Richard Starkey): Drummer. Living. Revolution Nine is just a creepy song, if listened to backwards. Simple Overview of Pink Floyd: Pink Floyd's makes more sense though; They are a psychedelic rock band. the secret message is probably really true; Syd Barrett was a bass guitarist (I think) and he has a whole album dedicated to his loss. (he took to much LSD) Wish you were here and Shine on you Crazy Diamond are songs dedicated to him. Hope you enjoyed these two overviews. Overview of me: I do not listen to pop at all: (you can tell by my avatar) I have a record Player and listen to Yes and The Beatles most of the time, but I do have a million more records to listen to. Its just 90125 I listen to half the time. And I just absolutely love listening to Chills narrate these videos. The videos are really good- And I want to tell him to keep up the good content. *This was a fucking mouthful* :)

I would’ve included Runaway by Real McCoy (US Version) Music video and song is scary as hell.

If you listen to love bites by def leppard at the very end when it fades out you can hear 'jesus christ of Nazareth go to hell' if you turn the volume up real loud. I tried to hear it in the you tube video but it ends right before he says it. My step brother discovered this many years ago while listening to the cassette in his car on full blast. It freaked him out so bad he threw it out his window

it wasn't hard to tell about pumped up kick I knew what it was it about in elementary

A lot of these comments are saying hes a bad narrarator. Personally i don't mind his voice. But the hate comments, the posters of these comments sit threw a video of a narrarator they don't like. And even comment about it. If i didn't like someones nararating i would just click of the video. Yet these people sit threw it despite hating his voice.

K tHeSe ViDeOs ArE sUpEr CrEePy. LiStEn To My VoIcE aNd It WiLl HeLp YoU fEeL bEtTeR- Chills 2018.

LoveisLord Beyonce shyt0nmyf4c3


This video is backwards, number 1 should of had been the first video and 15 last

ugh somehow youtube brought me to this channel again. This guy sounds like he's a valley guy stuck in the 80s.

u guys should all know that heavy metal music usually talks about satan and death. so really no surprise

lol if you're calling Led Zeppelin heavy metal you have no fucking idea what Zeppelin's music is... ignorant pop and modern rap music fans always make me rofl due to their stupidity.

bruh i knew about the pumped up kicks for a long ass time. that's why i can't listen to it anymore, bc it's sad af.

(° °) What did I just

Whilst I HAVE seen plenty of music videos with Satanic/Illuminati symbolism I think that particular Beyonce one was a poor example.

Hunter S Thompson did the same thing Katy perry wanted to do. And johnny depp is the one who did it

In Beyonce song don't forget the black and white imagery it's another satanic image in music

We Know celebrities and singers are worshipers of demons and puppets to the elites


I sense a pattern

I already knew about School shooting message. It's sad because that's why I enjoy. Not because of death, but because it's catchy Af and all goes together.

"alternative lerracks"

Top15s What about Fetty Wap?? Get some research on him

You didn't mention about the robotic glove on Beyoncé's left hand

I'm never gonna listen to "single ladies" by Beyounce

'It's only secret to those who can't decode german.' I lol'd. :D

Bro that whole Beyonce thing is fucking ridiculous like really its a lit song an yall can fuck off how can her song prove that she is a devil worshiper

Number 3 is just plain funny

Number 7 I sang that in music class at school!!!!!!!!

Makes me want to play Motorhead-nightmare the dream time backwards then graduate to some Barry Manilow to see what I come up with

I think with the stupid back-masking conspiracy, it actually made artists do it as a joke, hiding fun or encouraging messages in their song. If I ever make a song or become part of a band, I want to do that and mock the guys trying to find evil in the music.

Hey hey! I play louie louie for my highschool marching band as we march down to city hall

Just watched 15 secret messages in Famous songs. It was very interesting.

Number 12 isnt even hidden

honestly I have always throught pumped up kicks was about school shootings I mean it's super obvious it say u better run better run outrun my gun I remember the first time I heard the song when it come out and I said to mum that it's about a school shootings and she was like yeah I can hear it too

That means OMG I LOVED that video!!!

Fundamental Christians.....hmmm. Maybe they should stop committing the moral crimes they do before judging others.

You know how EVP recordings catch things that arent there? I am convinced these are not all purposefully applied by the artists but those same energies are at work. I can tell you now most of those artists are abducted by society and a frenzy of crazed executives and a shadow underworld which follows them and makes them an excuse for substance abuse sales, trafficing and there is a dark energy that propels them that is more than the sum of its parts. Pied Piperof Hamelin (Hameln), Lower Saxony, Germany: The legend dates back to the Middle Ages, the earliest references describing a piper, dressed in multicolored ("pied") clothing, who was a rat-catcher hired by the town to lure rats away[1] with his magic pipe. When the citizens refuse to pay for this service, he retaliates by using his instrument's magical power on their children, leading them away as he had the rats. Jacob wrestled the angel.


K I love these videos but the background music has got to go, or at least quiet it down it's very distracting

Tbh we all knew Beyonce was queen anyways and rules sooo

Beyonce is a Satan whore, she gets cheated on and still stays

Really put a ring on it

Are kidding me the beatles the beatles theee beatles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm pretty sure led Zeppelin is Christian I'm not buying the one about led Zeppelin

I always thought that pumped up kicks said you better out run them all

damn i'm a big beyonce fan but shit that was scary and kinda real.

a lot of people knew the pumped up kicks- i remember that in like 5th grade because it was everyones favorite song and i was like dude listen to it carefully (im pretty mature mentally) and i knew what it was and tbh made me like it more

Spell love backwards

who else watched this alone

Yes, THE FINAL COUNTDOWN by Europe is pure!!!!!

A backmasking vid would be cool man


Coughcough bullshit coughcough

99 Luftballoons is about 99 red balloons that got released and started a war. They are innocent motives that ended up causing a terrible war.


you scare me

thank goodness epic sax guy wasnt here.

Good bye dreams of being in a band and getting famous!!

Meme songs!!!!!!

Just an FYI.... Woody Guthrie was NOT a Nazi sympathizer....he was Socialist reformist there is a GIGANTIC difference

if you play nickle back backwards you hear a demonic voice if you play it normally you hear something worse, nickle back

Dylan needs to end the neneneee nenenehneeeh

nobody noticed the Beyonce's robotic glove(or arm) in "Single Ladies"?

The voice is annoying! It sounds backwards or reseting your voice

The way he pronounces petra is hilarious, peetra. Lol


"number neIN number neIN number neIN number neIN" Are the Beatles ordering 2 number 9s and a number 9 large?

The single ladies one was pure entertainment. Laughed too much.

After it got rolling, then it was a dank maymay.

Beau Ruse Those school shooting memes are more recent than you think. The song took awhile to get popular.

i got 99 luftballoons intention, and i'm not german... but then again, i'm flemish, which is basically a more difficult german xD

what's wrong with Jesus loving all the little children of the world its true, and it's a Happy fact ( ' ')

Great video Chills!

Beyonce? Satan worshipper?? oh, GROW UP.

I hate that voice. It sounds like you're doing it on purpose because that voice doesn't sound natural at all.

his voice irritates me more than the video

satanists don't worship satan satan is a christian entity

The Beatles created A LOT of songs that have weird lyrics and sounds. There are a lot of them in Sergeant Pepper. John actually did it on purpose.

I knew about the beatels


Backforward song = wtf = bullshit

I was surprised to see Franz Ferdinand on this list! Sweet!

Ok, but who didn't know Guthrie was a commie?

Number 10 is extremely absurd. People try way too hard at these "conspiracies"

Oh no Chills... are you a liberal douche bag??!!?? I hope not... I'm not like sold on Beyonce vid being choreographed satanic worship... but come on... Hollywood in general is evil... that's a fact... its all freakin tainted... its disgusting... and please... you're WAY WAY WAY too young to understand and use the term McCarthyism.... you didn't use it correctly darlin... i love u Chills... don't let me down... keep your politics to yourself.

This list could have been all tool songs... they are all full of screwed up secret meanings! GREAT VIDEO AS ALWAYS DYLAN AKA CHILLS!!

Judas Priest song Better by You, Better Than Me should have made this list, as the video went on I kept waiting for it, thinking it may actually have been number 1 considering the controversy and court case that surrounded the song. According to Wikipedia - "Twelve years after its release, Stained Class was the subject of negative attention due to the infamous 1990 civil action brought against the band by the family of a teenager, James Vance, who entered into a suicide pact with his friend Ray Belknap after allegedly listening to “Better By You, Better Than Me” on 23 December 1985. Belknap succeeded in killing himself, and Vance was left critically injured after surviving a self-inflicted gunshot to the facial area, eventually dying three years later. The suit alleged that Judas Priest recorded subliminal messages on the song that said “do it.” The suit was eventually dismissed. The song was originally written and performed by the band Spooky Tooth. Three weeks after the lawsuit wrapped up, the band kicked off their Painkiller Tour by playing “Better By You, Better Than Me” on the first concert in Burbank, California on 13 September. It constitutes Judas Priest’s only live performance of the song since 1979.

Um the tool song you played was “The Pot” same album though

All the other kids With the pumped up kicks Better run,better run Outrun my gun All the other kids With the pumped up kicks Better run,better run Faster than my bullet

Who the fuck doesnt know what pumped up kicks is about! i swear people are getting so dumb. You only have to listen to the words

Did this dude just say decode german

With 99 luftballons’s english version, I heard “there’s something here from somewhere else” opposed to “from the west”. I think that’s simply misheard. But the rest I can understand it being a post apocalyptic world song.

Of course Tool is on here

The FCC has always tried to find messages in rock music. Plus everyone was a communist in the '60s and '70s. What a joke. I remember when these parents sued Ozzy because they said Suicide Solution had him whispering "get the gun". There was no such thing and the song was about staying sober not killing yourself. I remember that whole thing with Stairway to Heaven and the beatles were so high all of the time I don't think they were quite sure what their own songs meant. I think musicians should sing about anything they chose. That's why we have freedom of speech. At least I think we do. ??

I just can't make it past #9 ,that voice is ridiculous

this is some creepy shit!... Pardon my french

Are you kidding? Beyonce a Satan worshiper. GET REAL!!!. This is a joke. People make up the stupid things. Unreal

"All the other kids better run better outrun my gun"I felt sad

To be fair, Marilyn Manson is part of the church of satan

Where Timmy turner on that list

'numbered onnee, Justin bieberr, babyyy' I fucking loves chills' voice and I thought I was funny I'll leave now

this guy's voice is so whiny...

Some people just have waaaaaay to much time on their hands, I wouldn't think to play three different songs at the same time for some message.

10,000 Days by Tool **plays "The Pot"** BOI FUCK OUTTA HERE

This is some bullshit.





Number 10 is so terrifying because of my mental illness

Pumped up kicks was about columbine i believe

Why do i feel you are reading off of a script? Great findings though

It's 99 luft balloons, not muff balloons lol

The secret in pumped up kicks made me like it more.

such an annoying voice

How many times must I subscribe to lose my depression?

When some one ruins Beyonce

I couldn't make it through the entire video...just got tired of the annoying monotone narration.

Tool is on the list so I give this a huge thumbs up

Love the video

Pumped up kicks isn't really a secret message when it's literally all in the lyrics...

12 is a meme.

I love this vid!!! I learned something new today!

i believe Beyonce sold her soul to the devil along with katy perry. liberal fucks. bc im black your racist. just wait til I shiftchange and eat everybody's neck off.

Dillion is chillin for sure... If u play this backwards, he tells you a new Chillin by Dillion Satanic Story. It's like 30 min in tho, and u can't skip. Lmk if u hear it....

I had no idea that ELO would be #1!!!!

What is with the way this guy speaks?

You see this nuclear bombs they went off like a firework

youre an idiot that symbol is not a symbol of Satan in the Beyonce video. its the medical insignia used by doctors adapted from the staff of Hermes Trismegistus its called a Caduceus, who is researching your videos for these so called hidden messages?

These aren't as much hidden meanings as they are overlooked lyrics

yvan eht nioJ Simpsons, anyone?

Number 10 is really stretching it lmao

The Tool thing in not true. It does not line up. People like you are helping lies spread... Idiotic ones at that.

Anyone notice he always says the last word of a sentence loud long and makes it clear?

I believe Beyonce has already done a death dance to mimic Kali ma a hindu god, so the claim her or even other celebrities are occultists might be true, the word occult actually just means hidden or at least that was the original meaning for the word occult

I don't listen to music anymore. It makes me sad that kids look up to these people. I can't believe how evil all these people are. Just imagine what the elites above these puppets are like. Scary thought

Marilyn Manson had a secret dark message in his song? Who cares, he’s a goth singer.

The beyonce theory was well analyzed. I could not think of anything evil about it, now I am not gonna sleep

Tool's Lateralus is supposed to be played in a certain sequence (I can't remember the order) but it lines up with the Fibonacci sequence, the idea came completely by accident but came to be a concept used to create what's considered a different album known as The Holy Gift


I will do Beyonce' s bidding , I am now under her and jay z,s influence . I heard that record backwards and now I want to buy a Big Mac . FFS ! I am sooooooo gullible in fact that I actually believe that there is an America that is listed as an actual country run by a cartoon

So if somebody worships Satan so what. Who the fuck cares apart from people who worship god . "Worship" fk that , look after yourself and your fellow man . Get over yourself!

This video really opened my eyes it’s so creepy

You have the 10,000 Days sync but you didn't talk about everything that went into the Lateralus as an album? Or at least the title track? That's Tool's masterpiece of depth.

-plays spongebob theme song- It must be *SATAN* !!!!

Can't get enough of your voice and your channel!

His voice ....made me stop watching SMH

That whole symbol of caduceus thing (two snakes around a rod) they use that shit on ambulances and hospitals and etc. And I didnt find anything satanic about that symbol, just that it was seen as a symbol of healing

The most unbelievable things are real life. Your television or tell lies to your vision is not factual.

Truths and proven facts can't be "theories." Beyonce is a generational witch to be exact.


Taylor Swift-Look what you made me do for his enemies Taylor Swift Bad blood-For Katy Perry Katy Perry-Swish Swish Bish for Taylor Swift Swish Swish Bitch he said

She did release an american version of 99 luft ballons. if you look up 99 RED balloons, the entire song is in english and available anywhere.

LOL "only apparent to those who could not DECODE German", the German language is not a secret code man.

I'm annoyed with Beyonce, but that conspiracy is just ridiculous. So when I stand with my right hand on my side I'm worshipping Satan? That's beyond retardation mentality.

Swan song records❤

These videos are so hard to watch because this guy's voice is so goddamn annoying but the videos are interesting

When I watch ur vids,I always feel scared,so I watch something friendly like games

LOL. He said McCartyhism... And used it wrong...

I love pumped up kicks no matter what

Every message backwards sounds to me like German language. German is Hell language, and Hell has 4 letters. 4+2=6 "German" has 6 letters. We end up with 666, I don't know from where I got the last 6 but maybe Illuminati triangles. Conclusion? Every lyrics backwards is Satan's worship gibberish.

His voice makes everything scarier

i still love "pumped up kicks" so much

frank chavez Beatles dumbass

*Watch @ 1.25x speed... you all are welcome*

Louie Louie: Fuck!

The narrator sounds like a high hippy

Jack didn't write Louie Louie. Richard Berry did, I think that was his name.

Nice to see Chills is still churning out bullshit in a gay voice. Keep it up Chills.

"Earth likely has some intelligent species on it". *enters earth* "It's just a bunch of poorly drawn cartoon characters from a place called Uganda asking if I know the way." "Lets move on".

Bro This is some fascinating shit but please work on sounding more like a normal person. . . The anticipation is over the top dude !!

Only thing I really noticed with "Single ladies" is the basic attitude that you can slut around and it's fine unless you're married.......but why would I want to marry someone who can't stay loyal in the dating and whatnot leading up to that?

I hate his voice omg. He extends his words..

Weird how people can make songs with back words messages.

UGH im getting the CHILLS here.

This guy’s voice is just way too creepy. Topped off with sounding like a machine talking accent. Makes any content seem creepy.

"It was only apparent to those that could decode German" You mean speak German?

#12 was pretty obvious

“Before we get to number one, my name is chills “

Isn’t Beyoncé meant to be also a lizard person? It just gets better and better! (Sarcasm)

Ok you should had put on this list hold ya head by notorious big ft. Bob Marley to me this song is when he sold his soul listen to the lyrics trust me it's gonna make sense


Btfrybtcebgvftbybtcdcg hnubfceynuntvecynuh jgjhn mgnnt have jgn for

Pumped up kicks is pretty obvious

and what is the "secret Message" of 99 Luftballons now ??

A lot of the time in backmasking you are hearing the words because you see it wrote on screen if u didnt u wouldnt have a clue whats being said

every songs backward always issued with subliminal messages. Or at least you're the only one who's think of it by just judging the sound heard from the bacward song and assume that the song's lyrics sounds like they're ment to sung that.

Better run better run out run my gun best song

This video made me feel sick, i have no clue why

Dude fuck your voice

Everyone knew pumped up kicks

I wrote a song with a secret message it goes like this, I'm a school shooter coming for you yeah yeah YEAH I'm gonna shoot you all (if you didn't get it I said have a nice weekend everyone)

I'm just a nobody, but a nobody who's been chosen by Jesus..and that makes me bigger than any of these somebodies

God blast america

All these happy songs have changed my mind about these songs

Pink Floyd and ELO are two of my most favorite bands. Saw David Gilmour a couple years ago and going to see Jeff Lynne this summer; wish I could've grown up in a generation with music like that

thank God tupac wasnt on this, in fact pac was against secret societys that the goverment and illuminati killed him because he got people against the government.

*DAMNNN a lot of theories about celebs worshiping Satan* ALSOOO I sang #7 in my school.......EEEEKKK

This is dumb

You sound like such a mong

Dang it, chills. Pumped up kicks used to be my favorite song!

That's why god dosent want you guys listening to these kind of music.

Rhythm grandmother evaluate shake terror fix county then secretary

As a Liberal Christian, number 3 made me laugh out loud! That was an awesome response! I give that group my respect! Music is music and people really need to stop being so paranoid. If you go looking for something with bias, odds are, you'll find it, even if it's not there. Nothing's going to keep me from my music. I live for it!

My boy Ray was put in fireworks

I can't with number 10 anymore

99 Red Balloons is about paranoia in the Cold War or about the two sides of Germany being separated by a wall.

Number 9 (x11). Screams. Crash. 911. Illuminati confirmed. just kidding. don't kill me.

if a person wants to hear filth or wants to hear Satanist commentary then they will listen untli they mentally create exactly what they are searching for. I was a kid when all this began and people were ruining records just to find these messages

That's just TYPICAL Jimi Hendrix..The best musician EVER! He's just incredible!

10 i don't think it is real

I'm sorry but his voice is fucking annoying

The Beyoncé one

I do not hear “Turn me on dead man. Paul is dead.” I just hear jumbled words that could be anything.

Number nine Number nine Number nine Number nine Turn me on dead man Turn me on dead man Turn me on dead man Turn me on dead man Turn me on dead man Turn me on dead man Turn me on dead man

its says out run my bullet not gun.

this is the turn arround MUSIC creepy


I’m here for the chills.



It's funny as fuck how the Christians always blame others of "satan" worship and evil things, considering they do nothing about the catholic church hiding peedo's and the vatican allowing there so called popes to worship satan and sit on demonic throans like the false idols they fool 'em into believing they are. I really can't wait till such arcaic beliefs are gone and humanity can evolve past this caveman mentality of the almighty dictator in the sky.

I wish more people would post songs playing backwards because they make more sense

99 red balloons says expactly what it was. The protagonist let's off 99 balloons which are detected by radar and interpreted as an attack so it causes the president to loose the nukes now everything is fouled. If you want a good one like that listen to Simon and Garfunkels "The sun is burning" where a sweet light tune about kids playing in a city park then a couple is necking on a bench after all the kids go home then the bomb is dropped and the sweet nice town is nuked. There's even a verse about what happened after. Give the song a listen.

This is why I hear Spanish music ❤️

I sang number 7 in my elementary school for my graduation

Everyone moans about his voice put it to 0.75 speed you won't stop laughing

Everyone knows about the pumped up kicks one

I knew about 99 Luftballons. But I’m terrible at german but I speak dutch and that are quite similar languages

Top15s o

I hate his Voice.

The hidden message in Stairway to Heaven sounds like the token drunk uncle over Christmas bemoaning the dry turkey while everybody ignores him.

Number 10 gave me soooooooo much Goosebumps !!!!

Is this chills

PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!! Do these type of videos!!!

Your voice is very Mondane but I like your information is fun


i am eight and im not very scared of anything not too much laughing but when i hear the "turn me on dead man x3" i was feeling like something like a scary demon was watching me i was like stop the word end quick!!

Lets go out on a limb here and say that Beyoncé doesn't have sense enough to have any meaning to her song lyrics or dancing much less hidden meaning.

This land is my land this land ain't your land if you don't get off I'll blow your head off this land is private property

Lord I been listening to Katy Perry since I was little and I never knew that!

Fucking retards

It was funny that radio stations kept playing Pumped up kicks after the Sandy Hook incident while they quickly banned Kesha's song "Die Young" from the radio.

Please do a Top 15 on " Top 15 Recording Artists Who Sold Their Soul For Fame". Trust me, you'll find more than 15 lol. Also, this is a fact!!!

Why is it bad to worship satan

Guess what Read more

I loved how he put the part where katy perry is shooting fireworks out of her boobs


Hey! If Beyonce is down with the Devil.. maybe I should get down with Beyonce. . Marilyn Manson is straight fucking with you.

I love Marilyn Manson

can i get more info on #13

The beateles 9 said give in multiple times it kind of caught me and I went back to listen multiple times

99 Luftballons is supposed to be a funny song. As a native German 8 can tell you that it's also displayed in the text. When you listen to the original it's funny at first and gets a bit sad at the end, but it's in no way eerie or scary.

Really dude, i like your topics but the way you narrate it like the way the stupid computer does is ridiculous. Stop really it takes the focus off the topic and more on how I hate your narrating.

Top15s those are illuminati in top 15 in secret songs

Top15s those are illuminati!

If they true those famous songs are illuminati?

I like his content i just really hate his voice.

I LOVE YOUR VOICE NO HOMO.....Okay maybe a little homp

I love the song pumped up kicks

i mean why isnt the weeknds "the hills" here? that song has hella satanic backmasking. yall should see it. its going to give you chills af.

I know about pump up kick

I will admit I sometimes find the whole playing the song backwards kind of dumb since that's what happens when you do that and what you hear is what your brain picks up/ thinks it says. Just my opinion.

I'm sorry, but if the meaning of pumped up kicks was a secret to you.. you're dumb. It's literally right there

LMAO I'm a single lady.REALLY?

your voice tho...

When the beatles # 9 conspiracy came on i was at 9%

This is why I have trust issues.

I know Franz Ferdinand as the guy who got shot which caused WW1

Alt-j fitzpleasure should be in the list as well

Beyoncé is not that fucking special

Beyonce's "Single Ladies" dance was based on the choreography work of Bob Fosse in the "Mexican Breakfast" from the Ed Sullivan show in 1969. Not sure about all that satanic stuff, but not entirely original.

"10,000 days by tool" *plays the pot*

fixxxxx your voice dude

You talk to weird


why are so many songs to do with satan


Let’s get top 15s to 2 MILLION WE CAN DO IT

As interesting as all this is, if you ever talk to a satanist or read the satanic bible, its not even about torturing ppl or destroying the world or anything. Its moreso just about being your own person.

Lol i been knew about pumped up kicks, still Love the song tho


Top15s you forgot one more song. Timmy turner by designer.

Heavy presidential force potentially gender slope mom recognize late directly dress panel.

His voice is so annoying he's trying to hard!

red, white & blue nations are satan worshippers. A better question would be who isn't satanic in their industries, governments & general population? Another question could be why does this channel narrator talk like a twat?


Seriously... the winged serpent staff, that’s not Satan you idiots, that’s the U.S. medical symbol in the army.

Its scary watching the Beyonce one fast

Petra is not PEEtra. It's PEH-tra.

When I die I want to be cremated with my ashes blew up with a pipe bomb

To headphone users: #4 is in the left side.

That Beyoncé one got me fucked

Even knowing the meaning behind Pumped Up Kicks, I always sing it. Lmao.

Pumped up kicks was obvious to me

just to let you know the all my single ladies dance was a tribute to some singer who also did that on their stage act which is weird you should look up were she get the dance from too so weird

OR Beyoncé and Jay Z and Lady Gaga and whoever else used Satanic/Illuminati/Freemason imagery to stir up controversy and gain publicity, knowing that conspiracy theorists are naive and will find symbolism in ANYTHING. That’s the more likely scenario.

Filmmakers can’t even use owls or goats or chess boards/pieces in movies without having accusations thrown at them lmao.


When has maryln manson ever not done something satanic

I thought Stairway to Heaven would be number one!

Woah number 5

No#10 was made up by Bible bashing brain washed individuals

God will you guys shut up about his voice? It probably makes him feel like shit when you bully him.


What about 515 by Slipknot?

God what's good now days!? It's a scary world out there.

Like dah they all have saintanick messages in them weather played backwards, in there songs or videos it's probably how they got famous in the first place and no matter how good the music sounds were all dumb and stupid to not hear we all going to die eventually.


The "turn me on dead man" thing freaked me out, d00d

Don't read heair it

im in choir and we sang

No shit Marilyn Manson is going to be in this one

6 6 6 6 6 6

I have number 10 it gave me nightmares

i'm muslim,,, English demons have a shit load of symbolism and names and signs and whatever o_o wtf is serpent and bird symbol? I thought that was a pharmacy symbol lol and what the heck is halios? I thought it was helium factory name or something

Your saying marilyn manson is satanic nah thats in possible if you didnt get it its sarcasm that dude one scary guy

10 is creepy

Stop embarrassing yourself Beyonce :D Satan :D :D:D

Louie Louie was one of my dads favorite songs cause his name was Louie

Where is Darude Sandstorm?

Beyonce, Nicki Minaj, Lady GaGa, et al. do worship Lucifer... they are stupid for doing so as well.



I was NOT expecting to hear Tool on these videos

Everyday bro was supposed to summon the dark lord chin chin.

I wish I can watch all your videos but I’m scared that there will be jump scares tbh.

stop fucking talkiing like that

99 Luftballons is a song about people who make profits from war.

I added you to Instagram


my body made the weirdest excited pose when I heard Tool in the countdown

Top15s ain't they all

cos baby you're a firework my titties shoot out sparks

Your voice is so annoying, actually have to smoke a cigarette. And I don't smoke

But I love the song firework

I'm gonna need a gram of what this dude talking is smoking.

That's a good thing to say on number 10 is it I'm a little girl so I don't know it I'm only 8

Don't look up top 15 disturbing songs you will pea on your self please don't look it up if you don't wanna pea on your self

I just mute it when the words get freaky. Font think I will be able to sleep

This list could be completely composed of twenty one pilots songs lol



Top15s kingdom hearts op reversed

Pumped Up kicks Is about Colombia School 1999 Shooting


This is scary AF so I don’t know why I’m watching this


thank you for putting pumped up kicks

Our teacher made us sing "our land is your land" back in elementary, time to sing pumped up kicks one more time.

Why Am I Here

My childhood song single ladies HOW COULD YOU BEYONCE

Am I the only one who can't hear some of these messages when they're played backwards? Like the "You have just discovered the secret message...etc etc" one. Nothing.

This is why I stick to classical

And also, there are too many of these satanic evidence to be deemed coincidental. The only reason for people denying is because of the fact that people dislike having their favourite songs criticised.

This just comes to show how mest up this world is

What is it with Satan to people

final fantasy 6 old kefka

yuna call me back to you girl

not call your mother

not mother


pumped up karks


Damn your voice is so creepy

Jesus this guys voice is annoying as fuck, stop makong videos

*making* oops, the I and O are close together. Sorry you're triggered buttercup, go back to mom's basement now!

THE PROUD TEXAN maybe you should learn how to spell before you hate on someone

Look up “All The Single Furrys” You’re welcome

Did you really need to add Manson???? Like its not already obvious.........

99 red Pennywise balloons

Again intellectual desk excellent curious presidential anxious mm-hmm

No not ledzepline


I love Katy Perry why she say that

probably songs need help like can you help me with these people l’m singing with because l’m confused

I did not know that a song in a foreign language turned the lyrics into a secret message. 99 Luftballons has never been secret.

Pumped up kicks also was about kids getting shot for their nice shoes in poor public areas.

They predicted paul walkers death

I remember knowing what the song pumped up kicks meaning was when I was young

Alexandra Sigurdson I Don’t Know

Top15s i

Who else noticed that scary music in the back round

Dude, PLEASE try to talk like a normal person. Interesting video but the voice-over is like nails on a chalk board. If it helps, listen to other people talking and try to do what they do.

Listening to a song backwards would be the opposite meaning of what the song is really about in my eyes. If you're listening to it backwards you are the one turning it into something evil not the artist in my opinion. "What are you looking for the Devil for when you oughta be looking for the Lord?". God bless ✌

Lol Beyoncé one made me laugh out loud .. had to share it on fb, it was so silly

I already knew about stairway to heaven


So he didnt add 2pac "Bomb 1st"

What the fuck is wrong with the narrators voice?.

Is this still a computer software program reading script aloud!? This is so old

I bet Satan laughs at the idiots who worship him. Because no matter what he will torture if you go to Hell.

Not Marilyn Manson

The one with Led Zeppelin just pisses me off


We all knew about the pumped up kicks one, but I guess it isn't that dark since it was become a really popular meme

Wow, these were so dark, but still really cool!

The Beatles one is right I faintly remember three of the members dying

Everyone knows the controversy about pumped up kicks its why its a meme

I knew about pumped up kicks

your voice

wow that Beyonce one tho

might not finish this I wasn't ready for this much

this not even reversed but scary as heck. well some

kevin brough what if I told you it’s his real voice? Feel bad? You should.

His awesome voice is 50% of why I watch and subscribe. Every video is a home run.

I still love Pumped Up Kicks

all i have to say is good video but the backround music is just creepy and it makes uneasy and barly can finish the vid

Would somebody please tell this guy to stop talking like a little Valley Girl! Like OMG

I’m sorry but you are creepy it’s just your voice


Dude your voice is creepy but cool. It's cool bc it goes with the video theme.

The people will bow to beoncay and she's running for prez in 2024

the audio of the video sounds odd, it's not just me trust me lol music plays perfectly on this computer

This more of the chills.. Good work.

All the singers r there because of Satan but they will have to answer to god in the end everyone will so please repent now and get right with god u never know when your time will come so always b ready to meet him and u don’t have to worrie

clorox bleach who doesn't

Can you switch to another Text-to-Speech voice than Chills? Ivona text to speech has some pretty good voices and they're not that expensive. With 2 million subscribers, you can afford it. You could also consider having an actual human person read the narration. It's a little more work but it'll be worth it for all of us.


No one gives a fuck about your accounts

Once I saw the title, I knew Pumped Up Kicks was gonna be in here. Even though it's about school shootings, it's still an amazing song

The music industry is satanic controlled by the satanic small hats

What is wrong with worshipping Satan? Because Christianity tells you Satanism is bad? Of course one establishment may choose to slander another because it knocks out competition. You see this in business all the time. Coca Cola slanders Pepsi, McDonalds slanders Burger King, etc. and so forth. I love Satanism and never for the rest of eternity do I ever want to go back to Catholicism/Christianity. I was raised Catholic. I was baptized, sent to Catholic school, had my communion, attended church and did all that stuff. My life was miserable and I ended up turning to drugs and crime. Facing a prison sentence I ran away and tried killing myself. Since turning to Satanism I learned to love life, helped me stand on my own two feet and really try to find myself. I quit any and all smoking, drinking, and drugs. I cleaned up my act and stopped commiting crimes, I stopped my pornography habit, got an apartment of my own, found my way into Raw Organic Veganism, Environmentalism, Yoga, Meditation, spirituality, an interest in knowledge, learning, truth, light, and justice, and numerous other things that enriched my life. I owe a tremendous sum of gratitude to Satanism and all their "true" supporters. Gods, Godessess, to all who live for the sake of righteousness, truth, light (yes black is a form of light, just as is white. I believe "darkness" is the absence or corruption of light), and whatever else good in existence, I thank ye. Hail Satan.

Just may never listen to "all the single ladies " again... I hate that bully... Doesn't mean that he's the worst I've seen, though. There are many far worse, and one rival that dug his hole too deep to make it out, ever.

And this proves that people have WAY too much time on their hands. Yes, REAL backmasking has existed for years, and there's plenty of albums out there with it on them. But the majority of it is just noises that sound like words and that's it (Led Zeppelin and Judas Priest are the best examples of that.). It's amazing the stupid shit people comes up with

pumped up kicks is honestly such a good song though

I knew pumped up kicks was gonna be in the video because...well the song is about school shootings, by the way this song is also a meme

When listening to a ”secret message” try not looking on the text and you dont hear enything just jibbarish

That beyonce thing was absolutely stupid, our brains are programmed to hear words especially when lyrics are shown

most of these are stupid

Number 11 is just straight up creepy

Damn it I hate your voice so much

were gonna ignore timy turner by designer?

I know about the pumped up kiks lirics

I thought for sure ELO’s Fire on High would be 1. Was close lmao

Oh my gosh these are spooky

Who else is scrolling thru the comments to not get scared xd

call beyonce' a Satan worshiper again and i will find u and i will poor all the condiments in the world and CEMENT onto your body. k thanks

i hate his voice... imma just turn on subtitles and turn the volume down...

WHAT! No Ozzie? Probably would've shit himself if he heard Ozzie's stuff backwards. But then again its Ozzie so je probably would've just said it all forwards.

Seriously learn how to Fucking speak

Oh Jesus Christ! That's all i can say about that.

People read to much in this crap

His voice makes these videos much creepier

Top15s Chills ALWAYS gives me CHILLS

This narrator is too hard to listen to :(

you would have much more views if your voice wasnt that creepy

No atLeast Katy Perry says the truth and it realy inspire me that music Video

Can you please explain the phrase "Christian Fundamentalist"?

Can you do something about Hip Hop/rap?

okay people that became famous over night aka katy perry the Kardashians and miley and others you can just be famous in one night katy perry has already said on live tv but all tge people that signed a contract is signing your soul over to the devil aka Lucifer

I'm going to listen to Ariana Grande now bye

No fuck marlen mancen is fucking weird

Laughably weak arguments about Satanism STILL aren't enough to make Beyonce interesting. Not even Satan could do that.

Hunter Thompson beat Katy Perry to her funeral idea.

This is not a human voice, folks......Chills is a computer.

Tool is such a badass band.

Lol my teacher told me about the #1 thing. The one where he tells you to turn back? My teacher loved that song and told us about that little funny thing. We didn't beleive him so when he actually played it we all burst out in laughter at the first line

WAAAAA!!! I HATE GENDER EMPOWERMENT! In fact, i hate all inequalities that are disproved by others. And no one is aloud to question satan worship. If we want to bring tourment to man, then we sure as heck can!

That voice tho (not trying to be mean to the narrator your voice is nice)

Ahh so creepy

You rond my 6 favorite songs

The videos are good but your voice is annoying asf

TheAxManCometh indeed

Top15s Dylan why are you freaky kid

Why does he talk like that?

When I heard them say "firework" I was like "WHAT?!?!?!"


His voice is awfull

This vid is creepy cause this has creepy music.

why u. talk like a jerkoff?

who or what is chills

Can you do more videos about the deep web?

Katy is freaking crazy Jesus

This is so poorly narrated. I got tired of listening to the monotone and mis-pronounced words very quickly. I wasted too much time on this dumb video!

I forgot it was this guy. Time to change the speed.

Dude it's Freaking Marilyn Manson, what did you expect? Fluffy Unicorns and Rainbows?

why do u sound like that

Number 15, burger king foot lettuce, the last thing you want in your burger king burger is someone's foot fungus, but that might just be what you get.

If you close your eyes and play scary mosters and nice sprits midi You will see thomas in your vision

Omg ur voice is so fukn annoying

what about the song hotel california

I love these songs 99 red ballons Firework Single ladies Michael Eldorado Until I saw this video Stairway to heaven I already knew about it.

This kids voice pitches are so annoying

name of the song playing for number 1? its not Eldorado

How could it be bad

number 14 that not dark that fucking Cool

alright, you fuck. "Rock Jazz Instrumental album"? Fuck you.

Dude seriously whats with your voice? the content. is pretty cool but. its really hard. to follow. or stay. tuned into when. you pause. every otger second. like why!? Seriously!?!? cool video but come on...

Decode German? Mother fucker it's called a translation.

What a shame I fell bad for this peoples, I STAY WORSHIPPING GOD, BABY WOO I don't FEAR nothing in this world but GOD.

Hendrix song 3 stone,  I've heard a track where Hendrix and re redding (drummer)  what laughing about making the track.    ITS JUST A SONG MAN

Number 9 number 9 Number 9

All the other kids is about a school shooting

Number 15, Burger King foot lettuce. The last thing you want in your hamburger is someone's foot fungus

This dude is the Ben Stein of narrators

The fbi investigated louis louis for TWO YEARS without contacting the songwriter?? Pmsl

Bruh what the fuck

Your Kinda Scareding Me....

You guys realize that Revolution 9 was made for listening to on acid, right? The whole White Album was for tripping. Thats why it's so odd sounding.

Carlos Sanchez you're too far gone

JAY JAY yay I’m not alone xd

Ms. Mushtash here lmaooo

ImADinosour Rawr definitely the biggest stretch of all. Good grief, a dance is a dance!

bK Fangz i've always known what it's about

Haley Nolan that's done on purpose... Continue listening....

They intended for the messages to be there you just have to go out of your way to find it

His voice is fucking horrible

so annoying this guy.

I mean I know we all hate the sound of our own voice, but fuck man..

Holy shit thats a crazy scary shit and i Watch scary vídeos normally

Number 14 i wanna shot her just to see if it is true lol

99 red balloons didn’t bother me because I don’t care about the End.. I regret not living a full life and not being able to spend time with the people I love and making connections with others. Make your life worth something don’t waste it on worthless pursuits.


Voices to scary

Good video, but it's "Peh-tra"

I gotta take a shit so bad but I’m scared to god cause I’m in my dark room

The single ladies one is kinda a srtech.

VIDEO: Pumped Kicks Really Bad Message!!! ME: *turns around* VIDEO: "ALL THE OTHER KID BETTER RUN BETTER RUN OUTRUN MY GUN" ME: o0o!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *for the rest of my life* thx...................

His voice is very creepy and it always draws me in to keep watching

i'm glad that i am not listening beyoncy anymore

Mostly white people are into dark evil shit pray for white people everywhere

I hate his voiiiiiiice

If Beyonce is with Satan, damn sign me up.

this dude needs to learn how to read sentences. he reads sentences like runons. .,!?


Who else is never going to look at these songs normal again

The thing is that when you listen to music backwards without looking at the words, it is gibberish. It doesn’t sound at all like what they are saying

I mean pumped up kicks was kinda obvious

When my dad was younger, he had a record player and played the song at #3 backwards and when he heard them say that he laughed and I told him I would’ve been creep out

Forrest Gump jr ??

everybody knows 12, literally everyone

I mean if I get rich and famous I don't care about worshiping the devil

Ms. Mushtash me

"queen B" I mean come on get real

Beyonce is top paid get real ofc she is!

Chills your voice is annoying af

Is it just me or does this guy have the most disgusting voice ever?! I can't listen anymore....


So the ToP clique isnt the only one who looks this deep into things xD

Someone with too much time on their hands!

he song Louie,louie s about a biracial relationship

Not that voice again!!!!


Omg this dude needs to be shut down

Burger king foot lettuce.

Ok I’m a pyrotechnics enthusiast and literally have always said I want my ashes in a firework...

Now I know why people post using that computer voice

Shit voice spoilt video!

Videos are cool , fucking hate the way you talk , can't you talk normal ??

Pumped up kicks was obvious

The stairway to heaven one made no sense whatsoever.

these whole video could be tool s ongs lol

Beyonce's got me shooketh, I don't know whether to Idek what to do or say

"talks about all the backmasking" "explains it at the END of the video

"Pumped up keeucks"

The narrator's voice is so annoying why do so many of these videos have to have the same voice

I knew the Petra one the gutairist is my buddy's dad!!!

Black Oak Arkansas has one that says Satan He is God

Your voice is annoying why do you talk like that. Talk normal

Hey this is that Burger King foot lettuce guy

Halios is a fucking watch brand not an incarnation of Satan you dickhead

I can't take your voice man

I don’t think that’s dark that’s actually pretty cool to have your ashes shot in the sky

This mans voice is retarded!

Worst narrator ever

number 15 burger king foot lettuce

Your voice is extremely creepy but I love your videos!

Remind me to never, ever watch anything narrated by Chills again. Chills, you have the most annoying speech pattern in human history. You’re like a Californian blonde airhead mixed with a fully retarded surf dude. You end every fucking sentence like you all of a sudden became really disappointed with the last word! AAAARGH!! I want to tear your head clean off.

I came here for the meme

They don’t know that they have dark messages CALM your butts

Its bullshit

Hm. The information is interesting but the narration with the weird emphasis cadence makes it impossible to enjoy. :(

Narrators voice is so off, sounds like he cant read commas and full stops

Put the video on 1.25x speed way better

Katy Perry is Illimunati

this niggas voice is so fucking annoying sounds like a lil bitch

this niggas voice is so annoying

1st one wasn’t bad

Me when Katy perry has a secret $w$ AND THE MEME SONGS THO AND EVERY OTHER SONGS THAT IK

11:the music is creepy

omfg emo kid... just go and DO IT... why u try to talk your darkness into others??? btw u dump kiddow, 99 Luftballons is/was an ANTI WAR song, telling how ridiculous the "cold war" was(one misunderstanding could kill all humans...).... so much secret stuff, just cause u dont understand the language/cannot search for good lyrics....

"Number 15 Burger King foot lettuce, the last thing you want in your burger king burger is somebody's foot fungus but as it turns out that might be just what you get "

The Katy Perry part I can relate cuz' I always talk about going back to my childhood home in the form of ashes in my poems

How is 99 luft ballons have a secret message? Is blatanly obvious in the lyrics.

Great job on the video, but the constant inflection of your voice is nearly intolerable.

Lot of this is sum bullshit jack!!

Ur voice has ruined music for me

Sounds to me like Jimi’s song was more sexual than anything else. It seems (to me) that he’s talking about sexually exploring the naked body of white surfer girls who go to beaches and listen to Beach Boy type music. But that’s just me.......after all, those were the days when Black artists such as Chuck Berry and Little Richard were extremely popular with (young) beach goers.

I watched this at night. :(


The narrator's voice irritated the sh!t out of me that I had to abort the video. Damn...

FLOCK OF SEAGULLS And i about Alien abduction.

I know about "Pumped Up Kicks," being meant to bring the topic of mental health to kids attention. Now, some instances of back-masking may be a load of what the words may vaguely sound like something else in the midst of the drums, bass, and other instruments. For instance if you spell "Yes we can," backwards, you'll get "Nac ew sey." I've studied conspiracies too, for at least 5 years.

Number 15

Why is number nine on the list he’s talking about, Marilyn Manson!!

Number 15 Burger King Foot Lettuce XD

I don't think bey wrote single ladies (put a ring on it), so she shouldn't know it in reverse if she didn't write it, and I don't think she made the dance up either, if she didn't it may have been some illuminati people (ACTUAL ILLUMINATI PEOPLE, SUCH AS POPPY) making her do this dance, and I think this song is about her marriage with JAY-Z it was made in 2008 (the year they got married) "If you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it"?

Number one ruined my life, that was my favorite song!

Foot lettuce

Nooo number 10

I can't watch this. The voice is incredibly annoying!!!! Why can't he talk like a human?

Yea... Remind me to go read my bible...

Every time the fire alarm goes off “I sing all the other kids with the pumped up kicks”

the beyonce one was weird

99 muff balloons?

Duh it's about school shootings.

Your voice is so fucking annoying

You sound so stupid


10,000 days and wings for marie are my favorite songs ever!

Reverse the vid it says he loves Satan

I knew Katy Perry always wants to have the craziest things, and I support her and how she wants to be remembered... now I want to be cremated the same way

Noo byonce

I don't mess with Beyonce anymore

Why do you have this guy narrate

I can't. That voice-

Eric Green Did you poop yet?

loved makes me arouses me just that much more that i have so many fine wick trimming virgins patiently awaiting me...hell, now that im the eternal only self created chosen Un...if u remind me of my comment here, i might reward u by taking from tu, thy ignorant blissfulness and thy name "Chills" as thats what ur level of premeditated injection of "ponderance" in order to capitalize from the stolen rewards of those whom are ultimately hopelessly misled by illogical nonsense and have joined me as i am nearly fully emerged ... btw, unless u know ME personally? leave the judging to the only Un, quite, looking for me as i'll be seeing u soon ... -LC

Dude Beyonce has been ruined for me I'm out

This dude's speech mannerisms make my butthole clinch


I’m scared of his voice

Lol, the narrator's voice distracted me. I kept laughing the whole vid!

Zayn Malik LOL

Omg i scared

Seriously what the fuck is up with this dude's voice?

I really hate IT when people talk LIKe this PLEASE don't talk like THIS at the SAME time as talking monoTONE.

I love 99 lufballons in English

Omg dude your voice is kinda cool LOL

your voice makes me wanna drop kick a priest

You're finna tell me that "This Land is Your Land" has subliminal messages? For God's sake's.

Marilyn Manson is literally satanic. So, why are y'all surprised?

the narrator is so monotone

Stairway to Heaven has many messed up things...why did you assume backmasking was there??

Nah, I always knew the lyrics to pumped up kicks. :}

The beyonce one i mean come on wtf 2015 bullsh*t

I can’t stand his voice


What's wrong with worshiping Satan? He isn't real

#15 Burger King foot lettuce O shit that spoopy af

Top15s burger king foot lettuce

I'm sorry but I just can't do you're voice ever again. I will never watch a video on ur channel again. Hire a narrator or stop whining

Every last word of every sentence you speak the word drags.

korn shoots and ladders.!

HEllyeah tool!

omg soo creepy

your voice is annoying

I honestly think that all these backmasking things are purely coincidental, except Pink Floydd, Jimi Hendrix, and Petra because the quality in their voices were obviously real.

One other thing, I don't understand why all the other Christians do this. Will god blame us for listening to these songs with messages we couldn't possibly hear? Does hearing people say that they worship the devil instantly change our religion? Even when it is back masked, and I'm told it's back masked, I have to listen to some of these multiple times to even hear what they're saying. The only one that actually invoked fear is No. 9 because there was almost a chorus saying that, but I don't believe he's a doppleganger, and from a Christian to a Christian, take a break.

I love pumped up kicks and i knew the secret yet i sing it with pride for some reason

I bet if you dissect damn by Kendrick Lamar you find a lot of subliminals. It really tells two stories, one when you play the album forward and one when you play them backwards. Kendrick also has lots of distribution and backwards lyrics in it.

Seriously I hate the way this mother fucked talks.....


Ughhhh I love the song pumped up kicks all I hear is just like “ all the other kids with the pumped up kicks better run better run around my gun all the other kids better run better run faster then my bullet “

Uhhhg I hate his voice

Oh my...

Beyoncé does not worship Satan and is not Illuminati everybody got to much time and need to stop bullying her

when pumped up kicks played we already know what it mean't

I understood the meaning of 99 Luftballons right away back then, and I'm Dutch.

I just can’t....who else thinks number 11 is super creepy

I stoped after Beyonce’s Single Laddies thats pretty saitanic

Gustav Hund are you having a stroke

I liked it

I remember going down on a theory about pumped up kicks because of the school shooting and now I always sing along

I no longer like Beyonce

Pumped up kids with supposed to be a carrying of the school shooting

Sounds like a Gay valley guy...

Number 7 creeped me the fuck out cuz I sang this in the 4th grade

already knew about the Pumped Up Kicks thing from hearing it a few times on loop. not that hard to figure out tbh.

This guy's voice is really annoying.

I hate your voice with passion you can make Dora scary

I'm kinda disappointed that I'm not seeing any comments about Katy Perry's unoriginal idea for her funeral arrangements, Hunter S Thompson already did that


Did anyone else just roll their eyes when the Beyoncé one came on


The guy narrating this sounds like he has downs syndrome!


I was in my room alone. I had to rush down stairs..

"When you look for him, he finds you"

That is so creepy

Im disgusted with the way you rubbished #10. There's theories there (which you probably didn't try to understand) and yet you have no proof to argue otherwise. And fix your damn voice!

I still love bumped up kicks still

# 15 Burger king foot lettuce

"Mayks yew thank theyers sumthang to et." Lmao

Can't stand his voooice!

Mother fucked lol

Omg why is your voice so annoying??? Also, the tool song is The Pot. Not 10,000 Days. Just, FYI.

Or.. it just that Beyonce says PUT YOUR HANDS UP -________- God have People nothing better to do?

Im sure everyone knows the meaning of Pumped Up kicks as a joke I was gonna suggest it to my teacher as he said suggest what songs you want on. And 2 of my friends were like do it but I refused.

Your voice is so annoying

I knew number 15 at the first 10 seconds cause I saw the nuke in the background (I’ve never heard or seen that song)

I would still smash Beyonce


I'm pretty sure Petra was a Christian band lol the word petra means rock in Greek

*number 15* "Burger King foot lettece" "The last thing you'd want on your Burger king Burger is someone's foot fungus"

My dad backtracked a contry song when he was a kid and it said "I smell the moon in your bum"

Do Houdini by foster the people!!!!! Its weird

Bro, you could be talking about ponies and birthday cakes and I could be in a well lit room with 5 people and I feel like I'm in the basement, in the dark, alone with Buffalo Bill coming after me!!!

My mom loves the 99 red balloons song and she can speak German so she sings it in English and German lol

sounds like he has a problem.... awfully annoying slow weird drawl bless him

If you have watched the animated movie Sahara, then you will agree that the voice sounds like Eva's brother berry or garry

Number 15: Burger King foot lettuce. The last thing you want on your Burger King burger is someone else’s foot fungus

I have to mute this to be able to watch it, cause THE VOICE! Maybe get someone to speak for you then... you know... you can produce?

Burger King Foot Lettuce

Love ur vids. But stop sating eveey sentence as a question. U sound like a dumb blond without saying "like" every 3 wrds

oof, I knew you'd mention stairway to heaven

when i was in high school we played louie louie all the time!! wow lol i cant believe this song was so controversial!!!

I'm from Santa Barbara

How about Overkill's Horroscope?

Beyonce is evil

number 9 large i think black beatles is big smoke

*this comment was said by me*

They’re just songs. Backwards is just edit and Beyonce dance is just a dance! Stop ruining songs with dumb kids theories and Satan

He should have put "#9" by the Beatles as number 9 instead of 11.

That filthy nig nog Beyonce will burn in hell

Ok on number 11....Who the fuck listens to that and immediately hears "turn me on dead man"?

The beetles one scared me the most

Marlin Manson just crazy yea that nigga a devil worshiper

Single lady yea people been saying that for a long time she worships Satan

The Beatles the song backwards mean 6 i don't know that's crazy Paul died of this song..........

Pumped up kids or kicks mean school shooting everyone new that

I mean Pumped up Kicks will still be one of you favorite songs ever

Man ur music is scary itself

If you don't like his voice, put it on 2x

*pumped* up *kicks* RAWR XD

His voice fits the creepy topics

This is the most scariest thing I am still in my life

The man with white robes during the Loue Loue footage is creepy

Conspiracy theory: the song number 9 is number 11 on the list

It's so hard to listen to this voice. The inflection is off somehow... It's weird

Catholics also has many ties to the symbol of the serpent and the upside down cross (which is Satanism and Nazis). Even their head, chest, shoulder shoulder, is an upside down cross.


Pumped up kicks wasn't a secret message lol

Evil rock musicians?? Petra was a christian band and Jesus WAS their message backward and forward

Weird Al should've been put in here. "Satan eats cheez whiz"

really stupid...can not call that music....and Katy perry is awful also...yuck.....

Stairway to heaven. What about a lift for the wheelchair bound.

I hate these computer narrated videos.

I hate seeing your annoying videos.

creepiest was beyonce

I like, I mean I love and will always love Jesus

Pumped up kicks about the columbine shootings

Fucking hate your voice dude

the triangle that beyonceeee did is a pathway and they could only do a triangle cuz theres only 3 peeps

The Tool is Legend Especially The Pot Song is best

the music in the background is so creepy

Top15s .

Number 9 as in they called 999

Stop having this guy narrate your shit. I can't even watch the whole thing

The band Petra (PEH-tra not PEE-tra) was an openly Contemporary Christian band. While the message did poke a little fun at the backward masking craze of the early 80's. It wasn't ever intended to be "secret" message. The message of the song Judas Kiss is how it must feel to Christ when his people turn their backs on him.

The commentators voice for this video is SO ANNOYING. Noted.

Why is your channel so freakin creepy

Number 15 Burger King foot lettuce

This guy narrating is fricking annoying

I have a Question why is this guy voice is scary

99 balloons is awesome.

Thanks ALot

You cursed my favorite song you mother trucker

Not led zepplin I actually like that band

Bruh, thank you for doing some Tool

Beyounce really

No paul is still alive

Gotta confess; after checking you Instagram out I laughed cause I thought you were one of those Africans funny talk like your trying to flirt or some. But after all, you’re cute and surprised that you talk that way lol. It’s a little annoying but if that’s real then I understand. Great video by the way.

One question, how is that possible that you can reverse song in the year different understanding from the song like how is that possible I don’t get it?.


I peed I am dead

This is creepy

THEM VOICE DO!!!!!!!!!

I don't Trust the government anymore don't kill me government

Why does the narrator speak like Forrest Gump

Lisa Parks uhm. I don't think so.

The one about marilyn mason dones't not scare me and i not surprise for he said Satanist

Like if you love marilyn Manson muisc and Style

Beyoncé didn't write single ladies so it's not that she worships the devil it's the person writing the song

Number 10 is a really big stretch, especially with the "all seeing eye" formation, just because of their dance moves does not mean she worships him. It's a big stretch.

ho else just skipped to the BEYONCE part.



Number 15 Burger King Foot Lettice


I have always known about the pumped up kicks and I still think no less of the song

Burgerking foot - letuce

His voices scares me!

Unless it is intentional, back masking is total bullshit

thes vids would be so much shorter if he talked faster

I hid in the comments the whole video because I didn't wanna see the other videos that had horror-like pictures

So.....fame means worshipping the devil? No thanks. No freaking illuminati for me, THANKS *wheeze* I would rather be average and on the hands of god.


When I was like 4 I thought the kid with cancer in the song firework was avatar the last airbender

I’m spooped I had to dance to halo in school

All the single ladies one was dumb

Beyonce single ladies was not written by beyonce it was wrote by someone else

Well now I know where the "turn me on deadman" thing came from

Top15s is aswsome

It's easy to tell whether or not there's subliminal message in a song. Subliminal messages are supposed to be understood subconsciously. In other words, without the conscious mind being aware of it. That can only happen if you can also hear the message consciously, once you become aware of it's existence. If you're told a song has a subliminal message and you listen to it carefully and can't hear it then there's no way you could hear it if you weren't aware of it. Simple. There's a huge difference between a subliminal message and a hidden one and an even bigger difference between a hidden message and paranoid people just hearing things. You gave us two examples that show that clearly. The first was the song that the FBI spent two years investigating. I think any subliminal message that's so hard to hear the whole FBI couldn't find it after two years of looking, probably isn't there. Secondly you showed a couple of bands that admitted to deliberately hiding messages in their songs if played backwards. Those examples were incredibly clear. The other supposed backward messages were incredibly difficult to hear even with the subtitles. If a song is played backwards for you and the subtitles tell you what the message is supposed to say and you still struggle to hear it then how the hell could you hear it when the song is played normally and you didn't know it was there. Even if the message would be clear if you played it backwards the human brain can't decipher messages in reverse.

you are lucky that your content is good because your stilted way of talking makes me want to set my computer on fire

9 was creepy...wth is worng with me I'm watching only creepy stuff

"Numberrr 15 " Me : ohhhh shit I gotta read the comments and hide

Wow in 3rd grade we sang "this land is our land" so i guess were evil

OMG no wonder I like the 99 luftballoons

I don't know why, but whenever I hear a song played backwards, I begin to tear up sometimes even full on cry but I'm not sad, there are tears that literally just pour out of my eyes for no reason.

Your videos are great but your pronunciation needs work. Like pronounce your periods and commas. It'll make ur narrating a lot better

/chills - do yourself and everyone else a favor and SHUT THE FUCK UP . Ask someone who knows how to speak like a human being to do the talking

What is wrong with this guy's voice? Why does he talk so slow and annoying? It's painful.

I once played a country and western song backwards and guess what ? His wife hadn’t left him ,the dogs not dead and the crops did not fail !!

What's with the zombie attack on Russian soldier

Forgot Eminems "My name is"

"Paul is dead" Me : Which one ?

Lol when I heard the tune at the first few sec its was almost the same outro of funneh but idk

WowW no weeeyy omg

:-O no weeeyy omg wow

hi chills

really good info. if you can get past the voice

Of course they won't admit it

They ARE all devil worshipers

Revolution 9 is scary played normally or played backwards

Now, singing the Pumped Up Kicks in my school, everyone will start getting nervous. But that's not the point, what really upset me was the "Single Ladies" by Beyonce. I don't think her song was supposed to mean anything besides empowering single ladies and/or all women around. Like, come on. AND her dancing, to me, personally, doesn't mean anything. Maybe it's just coincidence. This is what I feel, I dunno about you guys.

Why ain't tiny Rick's songs from season two of Rick and Morty??

Sometimes I wonder just what we are supposed to do with this information. I have so much housework to do. Just write down our plan of action as I carry on with my day to day activities, please. Call me when the revolution starts.

Katy Perry's idea seems Hot and Bright. Being buried 6 ft. under is dark and cold.

burger king

This video made me go karaoke stairway to heaven...

People have to much time on there hands....LOL people just leave it alone

this is creepy as

Burger king foot lettuce UR a meme now

yup, not guns. kids with mental illnesses

ELO is one of my Moms FAVORITE band's

Beyounce vedeo: I am not saying the humans wouldn't even know they were doing that but the Humans wouldn"t even know they were doing that. LOL


Have y’all ever thought about how weird it is that the songs people write are based off of how they feel

The 10 is probably not mean to be Satan or anything like that

Said with the inflection that indicates best that the speaker is an airhead: "It all sounds like some blatant McCarthyism to me." I think I know what you're getting at, but you might want to put more consideration, or research into what your saying here, before choosing that precise term. Besides, there are numerous other, better, examples of such videos. This isn't even the best example of a Beyonce video within the substantial subgenre that is YouTube videos exploring the Illuminati/Satanic symbolism, occult symbolism (most lump the occult in with the others, but they tend to be small-minded evangelicals, who truly are paranoid that every liberal value or semi-artistic creation is propaganda is from the anti-christ.). Sadly, most of the people putting out videos about this topic, fail to remain objective enough to be taken seriously. This video is best used as a checklist for songs to lookup within the topic, rather than a reliable source of carefully researched information. This isn't the first video of this YouTuber that I've watched, so I know I'm hardly the first person to criticize things like the "Chills'" voice, but with the large number of "list-this" and "top-that" channels, I can't seem to remember to avoid clicking on this one's content when it turns up. That's when I have to endure this guy's voice. It's nothing personal, of course, but it really ruins the videos. Do we know yet if this is a joke? Is it a conscious choice? It's extraordinarily cliché and so very hard to listen to.

Firework was my song when I was little. My childhood is ruined now.

If you've ever watched the music video for pumped up kicks, you would know it's about a school shooting.

When I was 13 my mate played me stairway 2 heaven backwards. Sounded like the devil i freaked out and ran home crying 2 mum. Kinda wish I listened 2 the whole as apparently the devil had a message if u listened carefully

Why do we think that songs that have subliminal messages make the band or singer evil? I mean why do we play the song in backwards? Dont think what the backward lyrics tell or u hear coz you gonna think that it is a evil words or something. Its just us who think that this songs are evil. Dont think it too much coz it lose your mind. Well for me i dont care its a song what's the bad thing there?


I always loved the song "Judas Kiss", but had no idea what the backward masking term was....thank you, Chills.

Beyonce worshipping Satan... what else is new.

Chill I'm going to uns your channel you said queen bee is a devil worshipper I'm done with you


You are a Dumbass if you think queen bee is worshipping the devil she is a god fearing woman what's wrong with you

Top15s why Timmy Turner by Desiigner wasn't on this list.... We'll never know

Ur gay af

I knew the first song and the lyrics i still like it oh well

Wana make americans open up to the syrian and mexican hoards? Make japan do it to. IN addition, make mexico give americans what america gives mexicans. Then we can talk.

Will pump up kicks most of us know it was about a school shutting

I hate peoples that worship satin their idiots

He's said run better run faster

Katy Perry's death actually sounds cool, her being put into a firework & shot into the sky, creating an awesome light show for her family, friends & relatives.

If that's the true meaning behind Beyonce's crap I'd be in AYyy I like Franz Ferdinand

There is a devil behind every shrub. If the ones who followed Christ spent their time doing what He did, it would make it easier to believe. I am not at all convinced I want to be like you.

Who came to comments to not to get too scared?

I am officially old, Narrator the cadence of your voice is very irritating. I should say that if I'd heard you when I was a teen, a teen mind you, I might have thought you were cool.

I literally could not finish this due to that guy’s voice.

nena steel the song 99 red ballons i know the song i listening that its not german song

Any song played backwards sounds scary lol

Did he just say 'decode' German? Lol you can translate a language.

I do have a hard time listening to his annoying voice also.

Foot lettuce died today

Every one knows number 12 fucking dumb ass

this dude sounds dead inside while talking.

You either know all of these songs or none. No in between.

Justin Beechey he is chills.

The narrator's cadence is annoying as fuck. Does he listen to his own product?

Just think how much time and effort it would take to 'backward mask'... It's just pure BS...People hear what they want to hear...

fuck beyounce she sucks anyway never liked her music or her

Whats so secret about the lyrics of 99 red balloons!


Why does this narrator sound like a complete retard

OMG why cant people deal with his voice. He was born like that JESUS

whats with the weird narrator

Holy shit! Couldn't even watch this cus of how ANNOYING the way he talks...

Finally, a Top15s video where people take their comments seriously, and not just comment "Burger King Foot Lettuce."

paul is dead and i think someone looked like paul, the beatles made him sing and nobody notice that :/

Damn my second grade class sang this land is your land for an elementary school concert

I just think all these hidden messages in the songs are our imagination. I mean everything sounds scary when you play it backwords. but I like your channel so no hate I just don't believe in these 'hidden messages'


Number 9 number 9 number 9 number 9 number 9


Why does he talk like that.

I guess it doesn't occur to people that when you listen to a song backward it will sound distorted and seemingly sound as if there is a secret message when in reality you are just hearing the LYRICS of the song BACKWARDS. Also, why do Christians think that there are subliminal messages about Satan worship in rock n' roll or any music that's not "Christian"? I mean really? Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's linked to the devil. On another note: This video was interestingly awesome. Also, I get it there are some weird songs out there. What is even creepier is when someone hacked a broadcasting station and sent a weird encrypted message. (I don't remember any specific ones but there were a few strange occurrences where a person or group of people hacked a broadcasting station just send a weird, creepy encrypted message about god knows what). Truth be told we live in a weird and sometimes scary world. Also, I think people read into Beyonce's "Single Ladies" music video too much. All I saw were popular dance moves that are seen in different variations in different music videos by different artists. I mean, there was nothing odd about it, however, the symbolism some people caught is intriguing. There some people out there who can see things that others can't. I still think the music video for Beyonce's "Single Ladies" was misinterpreted and read into too deeply than it was supposed to. I mean that entwined serpent is not satanic. In fact, it is the staff of a Greek god named Asclepius, who is a deity known in Greek Mythology for healing and medicine. This was still an interesting video though. I love this channel. Keep up the awesome work. Also, I knew there was something more to 'pumped up kicks" am satisfied that I did indeed hear "the kids with the pumped kicks better outrun my gun". I guess I am still one of the few that still listen to the lyrics of songs.

This German miusic

N U M B E R F I F T H T E E N .

I'm German and I was very shocked because of number 15

Dude advertisements at the worse times.


Boy, they were really reaching when it came to Led Zepplin's Stairway to Heaven!! Wow.

The Beyonce reference was ridiculous, really. To much time on your hands.

what about Another One Bites The Dust?

y miss prince he had one too

t h e w o r l d w i l l n o t h a v e f u n

Please pray to God everybody God bless you all

Never hared of any of them but Beyonce

"Turn me on dead man" fuckin freaks "Out run my gun" fuckin school shooters "All the single ladies" fuckin women


Great video!!!

Well damn. That Beyonce one was the clearest backwards message i've ever heard..

I've got so mad with the creepy music that you're putting in ur channels vids in this vid

this guy has the most annoying voice. I will never watch anything narrated by the idiot chills.

Top15s I'm watching chills... Later that i just let the utube autoplay... When i see the channel, it's not chills channel.. But the voice exactly chills... So this solved my wonder

Bruh! If you dont like his voice then move tf on to another video! Let this man do his job


I like Katy Perry's idea. Might actually use that.

Re. the Beyonce vid., I believe if her dance routine was indeed evil, it says more about the choreograph artist not Beyonce. The artist signs a contract and is often tricked into doing things they don't stand for.

alot of this sounds extremely retarded but hey that's just me.

This is why I never leave youtube on aytoplay because of people like chills.. It sounds like he's whining... His voice us just such hot shit that you couldn't pay me to listen to the man.

OK Google this is interesting facts.

Are u sure Jimmy's one ain't lando from star ears

I knew it

They are so stupid

Number 15

Burger King foot letuce

trippie red uka uka in reverse

on number ten the symbol looks more like caduceus aka not Satan, but the symbol of medicine

i think #2 was about sex

I was expecting pumped up kicks to be on here

I hate your voice and pronouncements. I wish I'd be just a troll but sadly it's first time ever I left this kind of comment. Wish you luck.

I was surprised to see Pee-tra (or Pet-tra as we called them in the 1980s) on this list.

Seriously though, I heard several Christians speaking out against backmasking. One said that he watched someone on Merv Griffin playing a song backwards and asking Merv if he heard the message. After the third time he told Merv what the message was, when he played the song again Merv claimed he heard it. In the digital age. Most will play the song backwards with the so-called message written over the video.

Tool!! Now that’s a great band!!!

I'm watching this at 3am

What about Beyonce's touching her robot arm to turn the lights in the background on and off to resemble war between the demons and angels or something like that probably wrong

Fuck your voive tone man. Worst I've ever heard. I can never continue your videos

Why would wanting your ashes Expelled in a firework be so dark? That sounds beautiful

Decode German?...

Chills needs to read narration at 1.25x speed... its so slow its making me believe this video has backmasking

The only time I go on this part of YouTube is if I watched so many videos or I get bored

Sometimes people think too much like Beyonce

Top15s please don't hire chills again.

How com you..... talk like your high?......drunk....... or mentally changed. It's really...... annoying..... and I...... only made it...... one minute. ahhhhhhhhhhh!

Everyone knows about pumped up kicks

anyone thinking that chills is talking weird, no he’s not. he’s talking monotone...

in some you are looking for things that are not there

On #11 when it said nine the 3rd time i relized it was 999

Top15s he gives me chills

Member 7 I sang it a while ago

I will forever love Pumped Up Kicks. I’ve known the meaning for the longest, this one is a bit easier to understand

Yesterday was probably one the Beatles best songs

His face is ignoring

yo' i was watching this video with the subs on, and then beyonce's song, take a look...

Maybe.. the narrators speech cadence is some sort of secret message... in the video of secret messages. Inception!!

wow.. all the Beyonce choreography bullshit... people are crazy.

if Paul McCartney is really Billy Shears then shouldn't their voice prints be different? they say voices are like fingerprints. so if that is true then the early recordings of Paul before the supposed car accident with his voice now or anytime after 1970? Shouldn't the voice prints be radically different?

I don't even wanna listen to music anymore

When i first heard about the beatles i knew they were acting wreid cause that song that said i killed someone so yeah ..... well bye

Everyone knows about #12 its a meme

*So BeYoNcE hAs An InFiNiTy GaUnTlEt Or No?*

This guys voice is so annoying I can't stand it couldn't even finish the video

Revolution Number 9 is ranked at number 11. What are you doing to me, Chills?

And I said: This voice.. I know that voice...

sounds like the narrator has had a stroke takes way too long to get words out

have to play this at 1.5 speed so he sounds like a normal works try it!

You can get anything when you play anything backwards. And somethings are gonna sound different to different people

At first I was doubting that Beyonce’s video was satanic, but that second pose actually looked obvious

OMG! I listened to Pumped Up Kicks a million times and I still do!!! I always wondered what the lyrics meant and I did know it did sound kind of dark.

His inflection at the end of his sentences bothers me...*OCD triggered*

Beyonce fans.... don't mind me but... I think Beyonce sold her soul to Demon/Satan...

dude you talk as if you're rapping a shitty song.. What is up with your voice ??

this guy is talking like he is defected

I believe it when the actors / actress alike confessed their Satan worshipping. Like if you agree

omg WHAT!?! PUMP UP IS MY FAVE ... u ruind it ;-;...BEETLES...

Oop, Beyoncé is Christian tho

if you play anything backwards and add subtitles thousands of people will believe you smh

burger king foot lettuce. too late? ok

Would believe tool doing that .lateralus was eritten using the fibonacci method.theors a youtube video about it

#2 sorry we aren't the intelligent species the other animals are. At least Americans arent.

stop talking like a fucking weirdo

Bruh Chills lemme get yo voice.

The Illuminate

The first image that came to my mind when I heard "pumped up kicks" was a school shooting. I really didn't know why until now. Creepy.

I think it would be disappointing if there weren't hidden meanings in songs - it makes life more interesting :)

love your research but your voice - every thing you say sounds like the middle of a sentence. I can't explain it in text. I would have to meet you in person

Dawg I hate how you narrate this video smh

Ok his voice is creepy enough

Mate u got a cold in every video or do u just put a peg on Ur nose video tho

Content is fine. Narrator, not so much.

The songs you talked about with Tool, mainly Wings for Marie and 10,000 days, is about Maynard’s mother. I don’t exactly understand how the three are connected, it’s only those two but does that even matter?

This got me so scared

shooting your remains into the sky with fireworks isn't something dark and strange, many people have done this in recent years..

What an annoying voice

Does anyone know if its ture that one of the back up dancers in single ladys was a man. I heard that the girl with the darker hair was a guy. But im not sure. Ps sorry for my bad spelling.


666. He will give perfection.....

Beyonce is a witch. Not Satan worshippers. Witch's or knowledge. Knowledge is not satan

Dead skin mask. Check it out. Now

#15 is my favorite

I hate her


Nop they bad!!!!

I hate all of them

Number 15 Burger King foot letus

oh yeah everyone should still be afraid of the soviets....havent changed ....people should still be leary of russias gov.....

99 luft balloons was about the possible ww3 cold war w mother russia...lots of sings did the post apocalyptic thing in the 80s it was always hanging over everyones heads if usa or russia would push the button...thats wat that song is about. war and it feels alit luke this song is made for these days now. scary. thx for the good post. love ur channel

Seriously?! Firework and Single Ladies? KP and Queen Bey?! Nuh-uh!

Who only came here because of Beyonce

Dont let him Narrate again, holy shit he's annoying

Your making me not like music now WHATS WRONG WITH YOU

Omg but I love firework :(((((((((

why is ur voice so cringey

How the hell is something hidden if it is in another language?? Decode German.. ROFLMAO

Top15s P

Why do you narrate this way? Nice voice. Annoying delivery.

Pumped up kicks was a bad ass song and if you didn't know what it was about the first damn time you heard it, You were a moron~ "Robert's got a quick hand. He'll look around the room, he won't tell you his plan. He's got a rolled cigarette, hanging out his mouth, He's a cowboy kid. Yeah found a six shooter gun. In his dad's closet hidden in a box of fun things, I don't even know what But he's coming for you, yeah he's coming for you All the other kids with the pumped up kicks You'd better run, better run, out run my gun All the other kids with the pumped up kicks You'd better run, better run, faster than my bullet" Pretty goddamned Straight Forward First verse and Chorus...

I don't get 15 . Somebody explain please.

#15 actually scared me.

You’re voice pisses me off you make non scary video sound scary

what about the tupac one you missed that out

Lol tool would be on here

Why do you whine when you are narrating? Annoying

No boo its worshipping our ancestors. Satan came from europe...

I'm sorry his voice

Haters got to hate

Frick satan

Pilipinsn is Illuminati free boi poop those!

The Beyonce one was bs...

Wait staircase to heaven if he likes jesus then why was he saying like satan and 666? That was got me very confused

Could this narrator sound any less lifelike, geez.

Burger king fut letusssssss

what does You better run you better run to outrun my gum supposed to mean?!?!?

Ik why they put pumped up kicks because it what happened in Florida

what kind of saddo actually listens to a grreat song backwards?

*Kinky* ship.

The way you speak it's the reason babies cry. You bastard. Nice content. Great video but even you're closed captioning would be mostly question marks. Ugh.

America. "Saving" the world from aliens and Communism.

most of those lyrics makes no sence when played backwards,,,people are stupid.Seriously, get a job or something

You wouldn't be satanic just by listening to a song or singing a certain song. What matters to God is our good deeds and what is in our hearts and minds.

Bullshit. Any word, lyric or song that would be read backward would have a different sound that may create a sound that is similar to the normal words we use. just similar, notice that it's not clear and it's usually garbled. P.S. the voice over/narrator sounds dork..

later on in Stairway to Heaven, you can clearly hear Robert Plant say, " I wish it would snow". Much clearer than the previous backmasking

pumped up kicks is the best song wth do you mean "rethink singing along"

you're an idiot. stop talking. omg

please stop talking like this - you sound retarded.... errrr wait....

#6 the kingsmen song sounds like he's talking about molesting a Lil girl smfh fucking weirdos

-zoo wee mama-

*Add a public comment*


Fuck stairway to heaven is my favorite song

Try with Prince, Darling Nikki at the end, backwards off course :)

This guys voice tho

Omg do you talk to people in real life like that...??

The narrator's voice is too irritating for me to continue with this video. Thumbs down from me!! UGH!

Sorry to say this, but I cant stand your voice.

Why do I always watch these before bed

The Beatles always wanted to think that Paul McCartney was dead so they wanted to think that they got a cover-up

I also already knew that the Beatles one called number nine was Turn me on dead man I think I haven’t watched it yet so I don’t know if that’s a little bit off

I already knew that that song had to do with shooting up at school

"number 15, burger king foot lettuce" famous last words......

hahaha the voice makes me laugh so hard XD nice video but wont gonna finish it,


I used one of this guy's videos as a prime example of upspeak in my public speaking class. It is funny how every thing has to end in a QUESTION?

This Chills fella has the worst noise for a voice.

this fucking guys narratives makes this video 10x creepier than it already is

Everyone knows 99 Balloons is about nuclear war (even when it was in German). I'm British but I know the lyrics better in German than in English :)

I didn't look through the comments, but I'm sure that someone already said it. But Louie, Louie wasn't discovered to have a secret message. But right around the 50 second mark in the song you can hear the drummer yell because he messed up (and he shouts f**k!).

I hate this guys voiceovers

The beyounce one is the most creepiest, everybody knows her and jay z are part that illuminati thing.


The Beyonce one was dumbest I ever heard

Omg the way this man talks.......

omg, people need to watch the video I watch, how the "fear of the Russians" is all bullshit, its all run by the same people to control the countries especially America.

we know beyonce is in the illuminati, and of course the gov't is gonna want to hide anything that tells their secrets.

katy perry admitted on French radio that she has eaten human.

Gag me with a spoon. Please do not let this guy narrate anymore. Please.

There are none so blind as those who cannot, or will not, see.

99 Luftballons was played here in the Philippines back in the 80's but in German. They played the English version on MTV Asia back in the 90's but in Myx Philippines they played only the German version

What a load of shit !!!!!!

Be careful what you listen to, or watch. You'd be better off out in nature, enjoying its beauty, than being influenced by who knows what. Look for God's greatness in His wonderful creation. Imagine yourselves filled with loving light and pushing out any darkness. Tell anything of a dark nature that you forbid it access to you, and look inside your hearts for Jesus. If you require Angelic help, ask for it directly. Your SOUL is the most important part inside you, DON'T THROW IT AWAY, PLEASE!!

Wasnt the wing ment for hospitals. The town i use to grow up in had those on the ambulances

that narrater........Zzzzzzzzzzzz

Is it really a “secret message” if the song is in a different language?

Where is Prince?

I really hope your using google translate or something cause your voice is fucked up mate. Weird inflections all over the place

so how the hell did people play music backwards? You say backtrack like its a button all steroes have


Guthrie was a known racist, and wrote many songs that excluded people of colour, particularly Native Americans, including several for the government that had to do with pushing us off our land. His son isn't much better. What an asshole Arlo turned out to be!

"Secret message" in 99 Luftbalons...secret if you don't speak German, maybe.

Why such an annoying voice oh it’s draining only watched to see what it was about please stop sounding so dumb

I love this guys videos but he should consider using a different person as narrator.

Number 15 Burger King Foot Lettuce

What are you gonna do when the lights go down? Without you to guide them all to Zion

I'm surprised Chills ommited a big back masking song ...Judas priest " better by you better than me" .Two teens shot themselves after listening to the album and the band was even taken to court over the allegations. Judas Priest were eventually cleared of any wrongdoing

I hate Katy Perry she stole her soul to the devil....not going to put many typing to this chat cause I watch her many videos of Katy Perry but I would give the link but I can't send the link video to here...

Im German and no German knows about the first one. We know the song and we understand it but its just a song to us.

I agree people have to much time on thier hands

this is painful to listen, the explanation and the voice are really annoying. No comma, dot or anything, dayum xD


I mean- Katy Perry has got a good Funeral idea made.

Why? Is? Every? Word? A? Question?

i'm scared

Hast du etwas zeti fur much dann von 99 lulf billions go by Auf iherm weg zum horizoni Dentst du vielle ichi Dentst du Von 99 red balloon go by And dads Sowas von Sowas Kimmt 99 lift bolloons Auf therm zum honizont hilent man far ufas aus dem all datum Schick win general Me fliegerstafell hinterher alarm za geben wenn S si war dabei warn n do am horizont Jeder war fur aeuenwerk dad gab ein grosses krieger hietten sich fur captain Kirk das gab ein grosses aeuenwerk die nach burn habe geleich ungemacht af 99 lulfnbollons 99 kriegsimster 99 sterichholz und benzinkanister hietten sich fur schlaue leute witterten schon fettle brute riefen krieg und wollten macht dass as einmal so weit Kimmt wegen 99 lulf bolloons jahre krieg liteben keinen platz fur siegerkrieges minister gibit hnicht mehr und welt in trimmern liegen hab n lulf bolloons gefunde denk an dich und lassihh fiegen 99 red balloon Nena in Germany

99 red flaring in the summer sky

TV80 music from. 99 red balloon

99 lulfnbollons I love that song I'm from Germany too so don't judge or hate Babe cause 99 red balloon go by

Beyonce is in the Illuminati that's why.

So, who is it that merrily sings 'pumped up kicks' and doesn't get that it's about school shootings?

God bless us and don't let the devil get the best of us all. Please help all the celebrities that worship the illuminati and the devil and help them change their paths and have them to go to church. Please bless us all. Thank you and amen.

99 Luft Balloons was about the Cold War

also, backmasking sucks. hasn't it been debunked?? personally, i've always found the theory ridiculous.

Why does the narrator sound like hes having a stroke while he reads?

Pink Floyd .?!?!?! I never understood why anyone would enjoy their music let alone the TORTUOUS MOVIE OMG SO STUPID

wow I would never figured that out about Beyonce!!! thanks man. also Marilyn Manson, and all the bands that looks like him are Satanic. focus on the none metal bands/singers. thanks. all kinds of metal are satanic!!!

I went to jimmy page and robert plant concert in 95 , Nobody got to worship satan that night because they never played the song lol

its pronounced pet-Tra

Wat 10 000 days by tool and plays the pot


u have wayy to much time on ur hands...

It's not satan worshipping, almost every successful star belogs to the Church of scientology.

They all worship satan thats why they die the worst way ever. Sadly thats why i dont believe in false idols. But damn this is crazy

Queen - Another One Bites the Dust. I believe this one was only on the original 45 single release, but played in reverse...'smoke marijuana'- very clearly. I did it myself, I can attest to that!

Pumped up kicks isn't a hidden meaning, it's right there in front of you. It's the reason I like it, because it's not hiding behind anything. (I don't condone school shootings) It's the weirdest thing with this channel, I absolutely fucking hate this guy. The way he speaks, mispronouncing everything and misinformation he spreads. Yet I still occasionally sometimes watch the videos. Still, fuck this burger king foot lettuce ass

Thanks mane, I love this song! DM back.. 99 Redballoons

That song in despecla me 3 o:o

i still love "pumped up kicks"

The narrator has the most annoying voice and vocal structure ever. I wanna mute the video and beat this clown til he learns how to talk like a normal human being

Done!? Great research...

KKK = Yak yak yak...

Yak yak yak... okety

"This stance says not to pay god any mind." Dude you're so full of shit I feel bad for your audience.

I think the beyoncè one is scary

Big let down Bey

The Beatles have ALOT OF songs with hidden messages

Number 15 Burger king foot lettuce

People also say that Beyoncé is from the Illuminati so that’s scary

OMG jimmy Hendrix predicted aliens stealing California water

I love the way ur voice sounds

Dude the way you speak is kind of annoying and it feels like you're not finishing your sentences. It was specially obvious when you were talking about Beyoncé.

The narrator sounds like Forrest Gump

the spirirt of Lucifer helps them write their songs they have even said this

I'm german and my moms favorite song is 99 red balloons. I haven't heard the song for a while nor have I looked into it for a while but I remember hearing or reading that the song was about world war 2 and Nazi Germany. Correct me if I'm wrong but that's what I remember I believe it is so though. Also Nena's song isn't really a hidden message just the fact that you cant understand it because its in a foreign language. Hidden message would be like what you did with the other songs where you reversed them. Nena's song isn't hiding anything you just needed a translation to understand what it meant.

I always thought you were short...but hey I love short people too! I always thought, that you looked a little like a tape player... too. Then I looked you up, gzzzz your kind of cute.

Oh course Marilyn Manson was on the list

We believe in jesus jesus is strong beautiful Happy he Made us God we worship we love you oh Glory Jesús

not sense

Bro. Fix. Your . Voice. STUPID

Are you mentally retarded

Some people are paranoid.

john lennon is on my english book help

I had heard the English version of the song, 99 red balloons.

No being mean. Your voice sounds someone is annoying you. Not being mean.

Omgosh your reading is horrible! Monotone! Egh

Why put secret messages in songs? Some of us are to lazy and stupid to find it. If you look hard enough you will see things even if its not there. John Nash is a good example.

No 8 the devils real number is 616.... so means shit .. plus plz change your voice lol

can worship any one / thing their choice

When I want to hear the word evil instead of love, I play my songs backwards.

Thank God they have crying booths on campus now for the Foster kids and where can I buy some Katy Perry Roman candles?

Is there a secret message in Bill Clinton's quote "I did not have a sexual relationship with that woman"

The beyonce one is nonsense. Good job creeping me out tho lol but its just a simple music video

Damn Auto correct. Seriously bro stop talking like that LMAO

Damn bro. Your accent is gay as Fuck lol

10 I still like "Single Lady"

14 This may sound awkward, but I want to be cremated & put into my favorite stuffed cat, Kitty-Kitty, that way I'll always be there for my future husband, child, & favorite stuffed cat.

DAMN. CHANGE THE SPEAKER !!!!! Ur Voice is Disgusting to hear !!!

Dude i never knew these msgs thanks chills love your shit btw ❤

Avid on the most horific suicides ever in the U.s.plz chillz

i already knew about pumped up kids

no Hotel California ???

This is silly! If you really believe any of this, you have way too much free time! Everything is evil

honestly what else did you expect from marilyn manson the allmighty goth dad himself

Number 9 number 9 number 9


That is the normal lyrics for the tool song . Any real tool fan will know that .

Is it just me or the thumbnaile looks like an MCU Infinity Gauntlet.

I like the video I just can’t deal with how he’s talking his voice is fine it’s just the way he’s saying everything

U pplwho comment on chills voice dont watch sick of thise dam comments no1 cares

Chills U narrate , cuz u r reverse mentality. The more u narrate, the more listeners hate u . U personally couldn’t verbally convince a hamster to keep running in his ‘hamster’ wheel. But I guess gays r here to stay. I’m not religious , but Jesus doesn’t approve of homo’s.

Ur narration sucks , ur a verbal sadist . Please w the help of Christ And a bible . Exorcise ur verbal demon. ✝️✝️✝️✝️Christ compels u

The Beyoncé one is just convoluted and nonsensical. Anything backmasked sounds like anything, someone should play fundamentalist preacher sermons backwards and show how “satanic” that can be.

I hate how he talkkk .. urghhhh

Some people need to do there research on devil worshiping LOL. It is called the Illuminati.

What's more annoying than a Stephen Hawking's robotic voice? Right, Chills narrating rant! Can't figure out how you get so many must have bought them I guess.

Big fan bro! Awsome and very.Interesting videos, you should do the song from Lil Wayne call I feel like dying, backwards, check it out, creepy msgs msg me wen u see it! Keep da good work g

I'm subscribed and following you

99 balloons is catchy

Lee Hye Seung He has lung cancer

This is wack as fuck, Single Ladies really??? It’s just choreography, I guess all songs are satanic now, I’ve heard and seen it all

Phone home hehe Hi mom...Meow

So creepy

I love all of Tools songs :')

Meow hehehe...

So interesting to see most of this satanic music/propaganda comes from America while they always promote the 'American dream'. What American dream??

Smh people just waste there time on hidden messages in songs. Instead of enjoying there life and family. Which is way more important

Wait wait wait..... So there are no hidden messages or subliminal....messages in music and yet, we have some musical/rock groups doing just that to mock or poke fun at people who believe that there are messages in some of their music. What am I missing here? Is this a “don’t believe your lying eyes” thing? I never bought into that “back-masking” crap, but the fact that these group are using IT to mock what they claim does Not exist! crazy! I guess I was really dumb to believe that back-masking was pure bull crap. The Musicians themselves, in their mockery, just proved it to be a Fact. It’s there. ...oi

Cannot watch the rest of this video thanks to your disturbing voice


I cant stand the way you talk in this and other videos

Yes and Anaconda song has a deeper meaning about what life is

If Beyonce said 'hello' conspiracy theorists would say the H on hello was worshiped by satanists 1000 of years ago. Some of these 'messages' are just people seeing what they want to see.

I like how this dude takes videos but he tells people where the videos came from

Beyoncé is thanos confirmed

Why do you pronounce button like butt tan?

I used to be a Satanist and I can assure you there are plenty of them in Hollywood and in the music industry. Beyonce, Katy perry, and a few others make it blatantly obvious.


11 wasent creepy, why? Search up cat blanket

You're voice is high key creepy and cringe worthy.

I mean no offense but I cannot listen to your voice, it's really irritating, I'd rather listen to a monotone robot

If you look at the cover for the band Electric Light Orchestra toward the bottom of the screen you'll see what looks a skyscraper which has these "shadows". They look like two arms and two hands giving the middle finger. I might just be matrixing that, wanting to see that, so I had to look again and that was pretty much all I could see.

I bet You are to scare to look under you bed

Content is interesting... the voice of the narrator is fuckin annoying.

antony slavin It's ok!

Sophie Drawz I do apologise! As i said, I meant no offence and now that i know he cant help it and it's not because he's a rad, stoner, surfer that was stuck in the 90's... i'd prefer to listen to his voice than annoying robot voices.

antony slavin He has a lung condition that makes him sound like that.


I love god too FUCK THE DEVİL AND 666

it makes me wonder, why it the hell does he talk like that, only a certain number, of syllables at a time, it almost makes me, want to take a gun and blow my brains out, and that inflection, rots my mind like and infection, what in the hell, shut him up

the beyonce one is a reach...

Number 15 burger kin..... OK ill stop

im interested with the video content but sorry i cant stand the narration or watever u call that.. be more natural nxt time pls!! nc vid though

What’s with the weird intonation lol it sounds retard

Jeez your voice is fucking annoying!

My name is smileysadface

No band will admit the true meaning of their songs. Lady Gaga,Beyoncé, and Katy Perry are the most obvious ones when it comes to subliminal messages.

"Yall haters corny with that illuminati mess"

OH..MY...DAYS..THIS GUYS VOICE... makes me want to fight him :/

why would a beautiful woman like Beyonce and her dancers put out some stuff like this I don't think it's true, she's not like that I don't believe. Stupid stuff

IMHO - If you can't clearly hear it and you absolutely HAVE TO put captions to "hear" the hidden messages, then they are not hidden messages.

I absolutely enjoyed this

Awwwww pumped up kicks. Love that song as well...MEP!

also in The song Fabulous By HSM2 In Backwards it Say *Hail Satan,Here me Now Satan,Hail Satan Hail Satan HAILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Satan* Dude add that in a pt2!

I LOVE SATAN I LOVE LUCIFIER AND ALL OF YOU GET CRUSIFIED *btw that's from a song I forgot the name*

I remember singing this land is your land for school to be patriotic... Damn

chills is lovely


#6 they just had haters

fundumbentalist christians

that symbol is the medical caddeuceus

Also the song one kiss has back masking and it was look out for the nazis

Paul McCartney isn't dead

this vid was shit

10 was possibly just coincidental

pumped up kicks is kinda dark do to the fact the song sounds like it would be put for school shootings riots and maby murder but it is a good song.

Heck nooo to the heck heck heck no

Most of this is just a bunch of fabricated horseshit.

I knew about red balloons it's also about her brother dying becuase of it, pumped up kicks, heard about Katy perrys but forgot

Video great . Details about the video playing, great . Voice ending with a question when there should be a period, terrible. Not bashing. We call it contsructive critisisim. Good video though.

I knew about the dark meaning for Pumped Up Kicks. I related to a lot, still do. Love the song though!

That song 99 luftballoons she sounds like she has a really bad speech impediment wtf its soooo cringey

I still love Pumped up kicks, but I'm a little confused bout the lyrics

School shooters

When u get to tool. U play the pot not 10000 days

Sometimes song is just a song...

Paul is dead. They did a good job with the man who won the look a like contest at the same time of when this wreck happened. Good job with Faul. Crazy he’s one of the last still here.

Oh shit I just had a Mandela effect!!!! All this time I swear I thought it was “Pumped up kids” when it’s “Pumped up kicks”

Why doesn't someone just make a song called, "Hey, Satan is pretty cool. But we're gonna make a song that doesn't have any backwards shit, we just love Satan, hail the wing serpent dawg"

1 is scarying me and I love the band plus in the Beyoncé on I’m like oh hell no

Red balloons could be a sigh of pennywise

*Top a billion secret messages In famous songs* Me: *puts all Michael Jackson videos in video*

Top15s fábri levente is hungaryan

For that Beyoncé song that’s fakest thing I ever heard

With pumped up kicks I thought it had said "All the other kids with the pumped up kicks better run better run to outrun my girl"

Aallllll the other players with the diamond swords you better jump you better sprint, FASTER THAN MY ARROWS.

the one about beyonce is crap

Am I the only one who likes his narrations...?

Beonce is a deamon

Backmask by msi has a secret message! and tbh i love it.

I think this spokesman us making a few things up. For instance Beyonce's song, there's no language in there where she is singing backwards to hide a message. There's nothing satanic in the dance moves.


Red scare? Please... communism is real. Maybe you need to read the communist manifesto. Do some research dude.

Of course there are hidden messages.

Some of these school shootings are not provoked by being bullied. Some want their 15 minutes of fame. Young people are easily influenced as well as crave being famous.

you forgot angel of darkness nightcore she says ''we be strong and fight the preachers of the night''

Little does anyone know that one song perfect two if Lucifer when reversed

#10 I don’t care what people say about the songs I will still listen them

alot of times the subliminal messages and backmasking is done during the REMASTERING process without the knowledge or consent of the performers themselves altho not AALL !! This world is absolutely run by evil entities with evil intentions ... y else wld stuff like this even be done ... Find christ God bless !

louie louie is also short for lucifer .. just thaught it might be worth mentioning ?...

Beyonces was scary

Beyonce hot asf for a lightskin

OMG number 7 this land is your land is a song my school sings all the time I never thought it would have secrets

You make no sense. I can outsmart everything you say!

That's right hide in the comments like if u did

99 luftbalons is my life

Pumped Up Kicks isn't secret.

I kept thinking how bad could this get then boom mr blue sky

Project mk ultra CIA sleeper agents

The narrator tho....

The Louie Louie song had the same melody as the song I leaned at Church when I was a kid (pharaoh pharaoh oh baby let my people go huh yeah yeah yeah...)

After the Beyonce bullcrap i left

Ironic backmasking not been forbidden yet in music and also still goes on till this day in holliwood.

Stairway to heaven backmasked? REALLY? That's so fucking dumb, it doesn't even actually sound like anything backwards, it's just people wanting popularity reaching REALLY hard. Also no, backmased lyrics like that cannot be that easily decoded, this self-proclaimed researcher sounds like a crackpot to me.

Beyonce's dance was based off a choreographer from the 60s...

15 anybody die because there were explosions

These videos make me feel like anything is possible.

Idgaf about Kathy Perry. She ain't even Grammys worthy anymore...

Why are you looking for satan " lol well play

Chills !!!!

credibility =0

#1 BETTER BE "Hotel California"

Number 15 the way he say nummmmberrrrr 15teeeeeen

And the Beyonce part didn't shock me at all

I knew that's what #12 was about I still LOVE that song

infinity gauntlet

The narrator is annoying

In the Beyonce video that is a caduceus. Not a satanic symbol. The staff of Hermes. A symbol of negotiation. Also the symbol used for pharmacists. Get it straight before spreading this drivel.

Like ur vid. But hate ur voice. Sorry

I'm gonna have to unsubscribe because I can't take the narrators voice!smh

Beyonce........Why did you make something so evil......?????? Im not happy about it....i loved that song

Number 15 burger king foot lettuce

“One of the greatest music videos of all least accourding to Kanye West.” Pfff, fucking Kanye

"Last Dance With Mary Jane" by Tom Petty is about necrophilia but its obvious if you watch the music video so I guess it's not really hidden, just unnoticed like "Pumped Up Kicks" and "99 Red Balloons"

Ok but y'all know Beyonce doesn't choreograph or write her own music

horrible narration

Oh man I really liked pump up kicks


"This land is you're land this land is my land"

Most annoying narrating voice... quite irritating.

"Decode German", you mean...speak or read or understand German?

Number 10 gave me... the CHILLS


number 4 was surely a wink at Syd Barrett. Syd's real name is Roger Keith Barrett....just wanted to add that. maybe Syd is the empty space?


Its no secret pumped up kicks is about school shooting

what a load of bullshit

dude your voice is annoying

Forest Gump found a new job

I'm truly terrified, on the Beyoncé music video my eyes started to water and I wanted to start crying. THis has not happened to me before with any Beyoncé song or any song for that matter. Now I feel like my mind is starting to go in circles and I feel like going insane. The feeling of going insane is such a hard and powerful anxiety like feeling. I'm sure I'll be fine because the feeling is going away now but that was a scary experience

It’s funny because right before a song plays an ad for musically pops up and completely destroys the build up to the creepy meaning lmao

Webby _Gaming so is you profile picture

Webby _Gaming ok

Deadpoolduck well bitch your profile picture is ugly as fuck nigga and just so you know Chills is amazing af even if he has an annoying voice .

CrazyAztekX3 yeah

Septon the Viking what

Unknown 30 whatttttt

Top15s. I was like this sounds like chills ? I watch chills all the time.

whats a lyrak?

Ayy, my boy Burger King Foot Lettuce is back!

I like these facts but the narrator's voice is fucking annoying..jesus christ!

Beyoncé - nothing going on there!   what a lot of rubbish - you can make anything up but doesn't mean it has any substance or truth to it.

"...better than tying a bass string around your finger" - best narrative comment so far, LOL. :P

I put Pumped up Kicks over war scenes as memes, i knew it was about a school shooting at first i misheard the lyrics 'All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, faster than my bullet' or the 'Outrun my gun' i thought it was 'All the other kids with the pumped up kicks and the pumped up kicks, faster than my car'

Number 10 makes me really sad.

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