Top 10 Most DISTURBING Dark Rides EVER

Top 10 Most DISTURBING Dark Rides EVER

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epilepsy warning for flashing lights and colors we've talked about dark rides a few times on this channel but they're certainly worth having more videos about them the way I see it you can't have a complete theme park experience without at least one Dark Ride some of which are just downright disturbing from dilapidated animatronics to walls covered in chewed gum here are the top 10 disturbing dark rides that's voted on by the fans number 10 the ET Adventure at Universal Studios Orlando and Universal Studios Japan now you may be thinking hang on a moment how can ET be disturbing isn't that a family ride well yes this isn't intended to be a scary ride but that doesn't mean it doesn't have anything disturbing in it at first this ride doesn't seem like anything that unorthodox just going through the story beats of the movie and evading the authorities to get ET to a ship but where the movie ended with ET going back to his home Planet this ride actually takes you there as it turns out there are other types of aliens there and some of them are pretty off-putting now none of this is to knock on the designers these models are extremely creative still though look at this mushroom alien with multiple eyes then there's this one named tickly moot moot is it just me or does it resemble a demonic tumor there were multiple ones of this design they look like what would happen if Carrot Top fell into a nuclear reactor then there's this character named magd doll this looks like something that Sid from Toy Story would create though Charming to many this ride is definitely a trip and others do honestly find it kind of creepy to put it simply if they ever make a sequel to Pineapple Express it should take place on this planet number nine the flooded mine at Missouri Silver Dollar City this is another case where it's not meant to be a horror ride but it's still unsettling in its own way on this interactive Dark Ride you'll head deep into the heart of a prison mind but this isn't an ordinary mine as it's filling up rapidly with water throughout the layout are targets which passengers can take aim at and trigger a number of effects throughout the course this ride is extremely fun though there are a few elements to make it worthy of this list the main thing that's creepy about this ride is the array of animatronics and mannequins these guys are spread out throughout the ride and some of them even move perhaps the most notable one is this guy turning a crank though his design has changed over the years He Still Remains a top tier generator of submechanophobia his Twisted grin and wide-eyed stare combined with his gnarl nasty hand are enough to unsettle even those who don't have sub mechanophobia these animatronics may not have the Polish of Disney or Universal but what they lack in detail they more than make up for In Fear Factor the setting itself is also pretty ominous with the looming thread of a flood adding a layer of danger to the already claustrophobic mind scenario if submerged man-made objects freak you out you may want to think twice before stepping foot on this ride but for those brave enough to take on the challenge the flooded mind is a guest favorite for a reason number eight the mine of lost souls at New Hampshire's Canopy Lake Park this relatively small amusement park is known for its wide variety of attractions the thrill rides Family Rides food and even the architecture are enough to have it stand out as a memorable Experience One attraction you certainly won't forget is a dark ride named the mine of Lost Souls if you think you've seen it all think again this ride is like stepping into the kind of Twisted dream you get after eating a pound of chocolate before bed the backstory centers on two boys named Billy and Bobby Hollander who stumble upon a gold mine in a cavern kickstarting a whole mining operation a few years later the brothers go missing in the mine this Sparks rumors of the Grim Reaper lurking in the depths ready to claim unsuspecting Souls on this ride guests board four person mine carts and are Tak taken down into the mine here the ride takes a Darkly humorous tone first you'll spot a miner named Jasper playing chess with a skeleton named Jake the implication being that Jake died waiting for Jasper to make his move then A demented looking minor accidentally blows himself up with dynamite thinking it's a candle this dark humor serves as a transition to the next part of the ride where things get spooky and weird after passing through a waterfall and through some rocks guests enter the territory of the room Reaper soon you'll find yourself in a crypt where you come face to face with the evil ghosts of the Hollander Brothers then without warning you're suddenly in ancient Egypt with mummies a death mask and two cobras this ride takes a detour into the bizaar turning the corner is perhaps the creepiest visual when guests find the lost souls the rid's title referred to these creepy distorted faces on the wall resemble mummified emojis and it's here that you'll be jump scared by the groom Reaper then there's this disturb iring visual of a headless swordsman who apparently works with the Grim Reaper his story is unknown after narrowly avoiding being blown up and the roof caving in you'll escape the mine unless the implication is that you died either way there's a certain charm to this madness it really is like a bad dream emulator with each scene adding to the Intrigue with solid animatronic and set design overall the imagery and atmosphere as a whole make this ride well worth checking out number seven the big red car ride at Australia's dream world you may be wondering how an Australian children's music group could be associated with anything disturbing well buckle up because you're about to find out why recently closing a few years ago this attraction was a trackless dark ride based on The Wiggles it promised to take guests into the universe of the worldwide sensation but due to budget and Technical constraints the ride was severely flawed over time it became perhaps the most unintentionally disturbing family ride ever built the ride started off with guests boarding The Wiggles big red car they would then be taken through several set pieces inspired by The Wiggles TV show now the ride itself was quite underwhelming at least by today's standards the sets felt big and empty and not only that but the Wiggles only appear on small television screens that you're more likely to find at a Goodwill than in a major theme park what's disturbing about this ride is that over time the ride's effects deteriorated and often times rooms would fail to light up properly even when the lights did function correctly you would still see dark rooms with large empty spaces in the distance just look at this image add a black and white filter some static and some text and you've got a scene straight out of an analog horror then there are these awkward moments that do feature quote unquote animatronics I say quote unquote because they barely move they just have a constant blank expression with only one pose and with the lack of proper lighting they look especially unsettling it also doesn't help the the ride literally moved slower than some species of ants the ride wasn't that bad when it first opened but over time it became less and less appealing eventually the decision was made to close it down in 2020 but if it was still around they could make it into a great horror ride number six horror house at China's Jin Jang Action Park admittedly there's not a whole lot to say about this ride because its Inception development and overall history is pretty much unknown one thing we do know is that notable Co enthusiasts David J Ellis and the late great Cyclone Steve got footage of this ride in 2011 this Dark Ride appears to take place in a haunted house with the sounds of psychotic laughter and terrified screams echoing throughout as for the imagery it's quite demonic and disturbing there's a body hanging from the ceiling a faceless cloaked figure a devil's face on the wall and an Iron Maiden no not that Iron Maiden there we go the most unnerving moment comes when you approach what appears to be a woman with no clothes on the lights flash on and off as you approach adding a sense of uncertainty and Dread what's going to happen what's going to pop out well unfortunately I don't think I can show it on this channel due to YouTube's content policies but it is pretty gruesome I'll put a link in the description if you're interested let's just say that what you see is skinless but not boneless believe it or not though this scare was actually used from an old Dark Ride named fantasmagoria from Tulsa Oklahoma's Bell's Amusement Park either way though it was an extremely effective scare and almost guaranteed to give kids nightmares oh and by the way there's also a witch in a bikini for some reason no comment number five Devil's Den at Pennsylvania's kany Lake Park we've seen dark rides with disturbing imagery and props make the list but what about a dark ride that's just plain gross as of right now I'm not sure what the fate of this ride is however I'm not going to get into the controversy surrounding this park and its most recent owner as that's a whole another can of worms for now I'll just be discussing what made Devil's Den qualify for this list admittedly this ride is a pretty standard pretzel Dark Ride SL debatable roller coaster with hairpin turns and scares scattered throughout so what gave this ride the distinction of being disturbing the walls yes the walls that's not paint you're looking at that's chewed gum as it turns out officials didn't bother scraping people's chewed gum off the walls and even worse they actually encourag people to stick it on there was even a sign that advertised the quote unquote Infamous Gum Wall I understand that there are some people out there who may have fond memories of contributing to this wall and I won't judge still though this is something you would not see at Disney World can you imagine Peter Pan's flight featuring the infamous Gum Wall now I'm not sure how this got past the health inspections but you know I don't know some things just don't have answers number four tales of the Oki phoi at Six Flags Over Georgia believe it or not the the original Splash Mountain wasn't the first water ride based on the works of Joel Chandler Harris back in 1967 Six Flags Over Georgia debuted a dark ride based on the tales of Brer Rabbit initially it was criticized for its underwhelming set designs but the next year it received a makeover from famous Canadian puppeteers Sid and Marty Croft the revitalized version used state-of-the-art animatronics to tell the story of BR Fox and BR bear trying to capture BR rabbit at the time these animatronics were incredibly Advanced but by today's standards many of them are undoubtedly nightmare fuel for some reason these rabbits look like they're about to murder you in your sleep it probably has something to do with the wide-eyed smiling expressions and unnatural movements then you have these yassifieds carrots who look really out of place why do the vegetables in this world wear makeup then there's these BR bear and Bre Fox animatronics who sit in the water as one of the earliest examples of submechanophobia not to mention that be bear eyes could apparently roll into the back of his head I mean who does he think he is the Undertaker here's the thing about this ride from a design standpoint it's clear that a lot of earnest time and effort was put into it with its strong storytelling elaborate set design and immersion with the limits of animatronic technology at the time though these figures look extremely robotic making the footage of it arguably unsettling to watch over the years the attraction's condition deteriorated due to vandalism and overall wear and tear by now 1980 the decision was made to replace it with a new ride this replacement named monster plantation featured a new story involving a world of monsters today this ride continues to operate as Monster Mansion and while it too has disturbing moments it can be argued that the original rid's early technology made it much more unsettling number three Jurassic jungle boat ride at Pigeon Forge Tennessee we've talked about this ride a few times before but I just had to include it here how could I not one thing I haven't brought up before is the queue what they did was Place mannequins outside of the boarding station to make it look like there are always people there close up these rubber figures are extremely disturbing looking it's speculated that these mannequins are there so that people driving by are more likely to visit this process known as social proof likely uses a simulated crowd to create the perception that the attraction is popular and worth visiting as for the ride itself it was in terrible condition in the late 2010s many of the animatronics were worn out and poorly maintained leading to some truly Grizzly visuals in 2018 YouTube user the carpet bagger took a ride on this attraction and gave us one of the most disturbing povs of all time highlights from the time included the following first there's this bizarre naked mole rat thing that's a knockoff of an inflatable maze called the creature right afterwards you'll find submerged tentacles a dilapidated T-Rex head with exposed mechanics a dinosaur with a missing right arm and and a massive worn outl looking parasaur that makes whatever this sound [Music] is truly the perfect imitation of a dollar store toy with low batteries after being left out in the rain afterwards there's this masterpiece of some mechanophobia which has been stagnant in the water ever since it ceased operation about a decade ago now believe it or not we do have some answers as to what this looks like out of the water apparently this is an Allosaurus animatronic from an Ohio based company named the scare Factory Inc according to news outlets this company has been highly criticized for allegedly not delivering products after payment with the Ohio Attorney General's office receiving five complaints for undelivered products totaling $75,000 You could argue that this figure is lucky to even be sitting in the water in the first place but that's not all for this ride you've also got a giant scorpion giant insects and arachnids a giant snake coiling through the wall and to top it all off the famous slack jaw T-Rex who likely caused The Bite of 87 Million BC interestingly enough though since this POV was taken the ride has updated a few of its animatronics with many being freshly made and the more worn out looking ones being removed Honestly though this is actually kind of disappointing to me as the worn out animatronics gave this ride a whole another level of Terror still it definitely looks like it's worth riding so if you're in the area I'd recommend checking it out number two Hollywood tour at Germany's Fantasia land though no longer operational this ride will be forever remembered for its unintentionally horrifying visuals over the years this ride pretty much rotted out from the inside with the animatronics looking more and more diseased towards the start there's another famous submechanophobia scene meant to resemble Jaws this features a fisherman being attacked by sharks that sink his boat sending him under the surface then the Sharks go after the passengers with the water damage clear from just looking at them it's doubtful that these sharks were maintained during the end of the ride's run if at all but these guys were still disturbing when the ride first opened with their unnatural appearance other disturbing visuals included this giant spider with its hairy legs dipping into the water but why the spider is in a western scene I still don't know after this was a middle eastern scene with diseased looking camels that looked like they had some kind of radiation poisoning not to mention the robot IC unnatural movements of the people in this scene things didn't get better with this Tarzan scene where it looks like his arm is about to fall off along with this water skiing ape's face then there was a Wizard of Oz scene where Glenda is apparently possessed by Pazuzu at last there was submechanophobia King Kong who sat in the water attacking a police boat this guy aged perhaps the worst of all with his flesh looking nasty he was also missing patches of hair and his decayed looking hand and fingers were like something straight out of a nightmare this whole ride looked like it stank literally many have stated that this ride smelled horrible apparently because of mold and after years of Decay The Ride was shut down in 2020 interestingly enough photos of its demolition were later leaked online from an unknown source and they really are [Music] something moving on number one BR rabbit's burrow at Wales oak wood theme park much like tales of the Oki phoi this ride was also based on the works of Joel Chandler Harris except not really this ride had about as much to do with the Original Stories as Dragon Ball Evolution had to do with the original anime though unlike that movie this ride was enjoyable albeit unintentionally originally this ride was known as nutty Jake's gold mine but in 1999 it was closed down and replaced with bra rabbit's burrow two years later the new ride went as followed instead of the Laughing place you're invited to BR rabbit's happening place for a quote unquote rap party because how do you do fellow teens fittingly enough after entering the burrow you start off in the bathroom on the left was a rabbit taking a bubble bath while on the right you saw and heard BR rabbit fighting for his life on the toilet bowl interestingly enough this this scene later became a submechanophobia icon yes another one in this video as the bathing rabbit animatronic was apparently not designed to be submerged in water the water itself became filthy looking over time although the uploader of this video said it didn't smell as bad as many people thought that scene aside the ride as a whole had a claustrophobic confined atmosphere with limited lighting its original mind scenario was fitting of this feeling but on something that's supposed to be a Whimsical ride it added an uneasy feeling to the whole thing throughout the course there were several dead-eyed rabbits preparing for and having a house party they had pillow fights break danced and there was even a scene where they got drunk please drink responsibly over time this ride got more and more neglected after a while many of these scenes had no music with only the sounds of the mechanics being heard in several scenes now just imagine getting stuck on this ride during a power outage talk about a real life creepy pasta after years of terrifying the public and getting negative reviews online this ride was closed down in 2013 to make room for a r doll themed area an area they apparently didn't bother getting permission from R doll's estate to open so they were apparently forced to remove all references to the author's work now that's one hell of an epic fail now it's time for the comment shout out program this is where I take five random comments from my previous video and read them out these comments are from my video on Marine World Africa USA Ben Shepard 607 says night crew back at it again what an interesting place 300 ZX Bear 2 says went there a lot when I was a little kid in the mid90s ly s618 says we used to go there every summer in the late '70s early 80s fun place would go to Frontier Village too Jack pigeon 4088 says you know out of all the information here I think I appreciate the period appropriate music you chose for each era the most definitely worth the wait thanks Jack and Pennington I 4th says oh my God I saw the Unicorn at the Ringling brother show as a child I still have the program magazine my mom bought me it comes with a foldout poster of the Unicorn I should get that framed and put in my bathroom if you want to see your words in my next video leave a comment down below and it may be selected please note though that inflammatory or spam comments will not be read thank you all so much and if you want to support me on patreon you can do so once again at the link in the description thanks for watching everyone feel free to like share and subscribe you can follow me on social media on Instagram and Facebook or you can check out my website at theme parkc and I'm on Tik Tok this is theme park crazy and I'll see you all next [Music] time

2024-03-06 20:53

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