Top 100 Amazing Facts About Austria

Top 100 Amazing Facts About Austria

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Top 100 amazing. Facts about Austria. Austria. Officially. The Republic of, Austria is, a country, in Central Europe it. Has an area of 83, thousand. 871. Square km, the. Country's, capital and, largest city, as Vienna, German. Is its official language euro. Is its official currency, it. 8 bordering, countries are, the Czech Republic, Germany Hungary. Italy. Liechtenstein. Slovakia. Slovenia. And Switzerland. Austria. Is a landlocked, country, its. Terrain as highly, mountainous, with. These amazing, facts about Austria, let us learn about its history geography culture. People, and more 1. Austria. Which was once the center of power for the large, austro-hungarian. Empire was reduced to a small Republic, after its defeat in World War 1 the 28th, of July 1914. To the 11th, of November, 1918. -. During. The 17th, and the 18th century. Austria, was a great power of Europe, 3. Austria. Was occupied, by many Celtic, tribes in pre-roman, times, for. Austria. Became independent on, October, 26. 1955. Five. After. The 1918. Collapse of the austro-hungarian, Empire. The, country, experienced. More than 25, years of social and economic turbulence. 6. Austria. Is also the country where first postcards, were issued. Austria. Is slightly smaller than main US state in the area. 7. Vienna. Was involved, in nine major Wars in the 19th century in the, 19th, century the average life expectancy in. Vienna was about 38, years. Eight Mozart. Kugel Austrian. Finest, chocolate, originated. In the birthplace of Mozart. 9, between. 1938. And 1945. Austria, was under Nazi, Germany, from. 1945. Until, 1955. It was under control of the Allied forces, 10. The, Viennese clock museum as the place where more than 1,000, clocks are kept the. Center of attraction of the museum, as the astronomical. Clock which was built in 1679. 11. The Austrian, National Library located, in Vienna completed. In 1726. Is one of the world's major libraries. The. Library, has a collection dating. Back to the 14th, century and today it houses more, than 2.5, million, books, the. Library, was formerly, the court library, to the Hapsburgs, 12. Austria. Has sworn itself, to a neutral position since. The world wars. 13. The, highest point of the country is at, 3,700, 98 metres grosse Glockner first descent the 28th, of July 1800. Corinthian. And Easter, all Austria. 14. A very, small percentage, of the Austrians, as involved, in agriculture. Share, of agricultural. Production as less than 1.5, percent. Of the GDP, the. Average, size of a farm in Austria, is 45, acres. 15. Austria. Is also considered, as Europe's organic. Farming, country number one, Austrians. Give emphasis on quality rather, than quantity, the. Country, promotes the reduction, in the use of chemical, fertilizers, and pesticides. 16. Austrian. Corn yields on average, are higher than in the United, States of America. Austria. Rejects, the use of biotechnology. For, the production, of crops. 17. It is also the first country, in the world to register, the first organic, farm. 1927. And also, the first country, to establish national. Regulations. For organic, farming. 18, Austria. Has nine federal states Vienna, Burgenland. Carinthia. Lower Austria upper. Austria salzburg. Styria. To, roll and vorarlberg. 19. Austria. Extends. 360. Miles from east to west. 20. Lake new cetyl as the largest, natural lake in austria it. Has a surface area of 315. Square kilometers, and it is 36, kilometers, long. 21. The, country, meets over 70 percent of its electricity needs. By means of renewable, energy, sources. 22. The country, lies at the center of the European traffic. Between east and west along the great Danube Ian trade route between north, and south. 23. The, country, shares its longest border with Germany which, is approximately, 800. Kilometers, long. 24. Austria. Switzerland, and, Luxembourg. Are the few landlocked, countries, in Europe. 25. The, port of Vienna as the largest Austrian, river port in one of the largest ports on the Danube River with, a total, annual traffic, capacity, of around 12, million, tons of cargo. 26. Soccer. Volleyball. Basketball, ballet. And dancing, are among the most popular sports activities. In the country, 27. Vienna. As the capital, in the largest city in the country. 28. There, are 26, Schengen, countries Austria. Belgium, Czech. Republic, Denmark Estonia. Finland. France Germany Greece. Hungary. Iceland. Italy Latvia. Liechtenstein. Lithuania. Luxembourg. Malta. The Netherlands, Norway Poland. Portugal, Slovakia. Slovenia. Spain, Sweden. And Switzerland. Passport. And all other types of border control at the mutual, borders of these 26, member, countries, are not implemented. The. Region covers a population. Of over 400. Million people and operates, very much like a single, state for international.

Travel, Purposes. 29, Austria. And Switzerland are, called the winter sports capital, of Europe 30. Austria. Is also famous for historic. Cities villages. And magnificent. Scenery of the Alps. 31. Danube. River as Europe's, second-longest, River, after the Volga River it. Originates. In Germany, and flows through Austria. Slovakia. Hungary, Croatia. Serbia. Romania. Bulgaria. Moldova. And Ukraine, the. River is approximately. 2,800. 80 kilometres, long and it empties into the Black Sea it. Is the only river in the world which flows through 10 countries, 30. To 60%, of Austria, is covered, by woods and meadows. Forests. Account for two fifths of the country, hence. Austria. Is one of the most densely forested countries. In Central, Europe. 33. The, largest, ice cave system, in the world ice reason, wit belongs to Austria, the. System, is located in werfen about 40, kilometers, south of Salzburg, more. Than 200,000. Tourists, visit the ice caves every year. 34. The country, is also home to the world's oldest, zoo the tier garden schonbrunn it is, located, on the grounds of the famous schönbrunn palace in Vienna Austria. It. Was founded, in 1750. - the. Zoo is home to more than 700, animal. Species some, of them threatened, its. Main purpose as to provide a center for species and general nature conservation. 35. Criminal. Falls as the highest waterfall, in Austria. And Central, Europe it, has, a height of 380. Meters and it is a tiered waterfall, there. Are three stages upper, stage 100. Metres middle, stage 140. Metres and the lowest stage, 140. Metres. 36. The, Danube River which, is. 2,860, kilometres long as the chief waterway, of the country. 37. Ibex. As a species, of mountain, goats in Austria, they. Are found in the oops they. Were near extinct, but were restored, in the last few years. 38. Acid. Rain as an issue in Austria. Almost. 37. Percent, of the country's, forests suffered damages, at the hand of acid rain and other forms, of pollution. 39. New, sealers, see as the lowest point in Austria, at 115. Metres above sea level. 40. The two-thirds road of the country, is above 500. Metres. 41. In some, parts of the country it rains a lot almost, more than 200. Times a year for d2, austria. Shares its longest border with Germany, for. D3 Austria. Exports, around 30 percent of the wine produced, in the country, for. D4 Austria. Has the third highest per, capita income. From tourism in, the European, Union, the. Country, attracts, more than 30 million tourists. Every year. 45. Austria. Is one of the richest countries per capita, in the world. Austria's. GDP. Per capita is, 40. $7,700. 46. Austria. Adopted, the Euro on the 1st of January, 1999. However. The currency, existed, his only book money on the. First of January 2002. Euro banknotes, and coins were, introduced, in Austria, the. Shilling, and the euro had a legal tender status which, ended on the 28th, of February, 2002. 47. The, Swinton Dorf nuclear, power plant, situated. Near Vienna Austria is, the only reactor. In the world which has been completely, built but, mothballed, before it was ever put into operation. 48. Due, to the slowdown in the economy after.

World War ii a large number of Austrians, emigrated, to the US canada, and australia. 49. Most, of the taxis, in austria are Mercedes. 50. There, are a total of 21, Nobel, Prize winners, from Austria. Bertha. Von sutnar, as the first woman to be solely awarded, the Nobel Peace Prize. Before. Her Marie Curie had won the prize but she did it jointly with her husband, Pierre Curie in 1903. 51. Austrian. Families, are small and appearance, matters, a lot to them they. Are meticulous, people. 52. German. Is the official, language of Austria. However. There, are some other local official, languages, as well including, Slovene Hungarian. Croatian. And Burgenland, Croatian. 53. Local. People learn to ski when they are in the early years of their lives. 54. Most of the people of Austria speak Austrian, German which, is a dialect, of the German language. 55. Austria. Is ranked at the 24th, spot on the human development index. 56. Austria. Became a member of the European, Union in 1995. Finland. And Sweden also, joined the European, Union in the same year. 57. Austria. Became the 70th, member of the United, Nations Organization on, the 14th, of December, 1955. 58. Austria. Is also the founding member of the Organization. For Economic Cooperation, and. Development the. Organization. Has 35, member, countries, to this day. 59. Austria. Is also a part of borderless, Europe. Students. From various European countries study. As Austria, and vice-versa. 60. Bavaria. South Germany, is a close, cultural relative. Of Austria. 61. Austria. Is also rated as the fifth most patriotic country. In the world many. Austrians, derive, their identity, from the state region, they belong to. 62. Austrians. Are very hospitable, they. Enjoy eating drinking, and chit-chatting, with friends and relatives. Sixty-three, Austrians. Also, have one of the highest standards of living in the world. Sixty-four, the president, of Austria is, elected, by the people for a term of six years. However. The president, is just a representative, the. Federal, Chancellor runs the day-to-day operations. Of the country. Sixty-five. Ethnic. Austrians, constitute. A vast majority, of its population. Sixty-six. Austria. Is the only European Union. Nation that is not a member of NATO. 67, Beethoven. Widely, considered as the greatest pianist and composer of all time was born in Germany on December 16th, 1770. He. Died at the age of 56, in Austria, he. Composed, some of his most important, work during the last ten years of his life, notably. He was unable to hear during his last year's. 68. Hitler. The famous ruler was an Austrian, and not German, he. Was born in austria-hungary, on the 20th, of April 1889. 69. Austria. Is also, home to the world's oldest, still operating, restaurant, st. Peter stiffs Keller it. Was established in 803. And now it is still operational, in more than, 1200. Years old it is, said that Christopher. Columbus Johann. Georg Faust, and Wolfgang. Amadeus, Mozart have, been served here. 70. Vienna, is home to more than 300. Thousand graves in its central Cemetery, Vienna. Has some 52, suburban, cemeteries. The. Vienna's central cemetery, is one of the largest cemeteries. In the world occupies. 2.5. Million square, meters. Contrary. To what the name suggests the. Cemetery, is situated, not in the city of Vienna but on the outskirts. 71. Funerals. Have become an expensive obsession. In the country, and people would set aside money for their special send-off. 72. Vienna, is also amongst the world's most livable, cities it. Ranks, at number two position on the list of world's top 10 most livable, cities placed right after Melbourne which tops the list. 73. The, father of psychoanalysis. Sigmund. Freud the 6th of May 1856. - the 23rd of September, 1939. Is an Austrian. 74. The father of Doppler, effect Christian. Doppler the, 29th, of November 1803. - the 17th, of March 1853. Was, born in Salzburg, Austria. Doppler. Effect states that the observed frequency. Of a wave depends. On the relative speed of the source and the observer. 75. The, father of modern genetics, Gregor, Mendel the 20th, of July 1822. - the 6th of January, 1884. Is also, an Austrian. 76. Wolfgang. Amadeus, Mozart, the 27th. Of January, 1756. -, the 5th of December, 1791, born. In salzburg is also, among the famous Austrians. He. Was widely recognized, as one of the greatest composers, in the history of western music, he. Was gifted with a near-perfect memory. He. Composed, since he was 5 years old. 77. Beethoven. Who lived most of his life in Austria, experienced. Deafness, starting, the age of 26, he, produced. Some of his life's best work Symphony. Number nine in D minor. 78. Ernst, Mach the 18th, of February, 1838. - the 19th, of February, 1916. Introduced. The system of Mach number, in 1887.

The. Speed of sound is measured in Mach numbers, the. Ratio, of one speed to that of sound is named the Mach number in his honor the. Speed of sound when, Mach is equal, to one thousand, two hundred thirty, four point eight kilometer. Per hour. 79. In, 2017. Austria. As the 95th, most populous, country, in the world, eight, million, seven, hundred fifty, four thousand, four hundred thirteen, July 2017. Ad. Freedom. Of religion as a fundamental, right in Austria, ad. One, more, than fifty percent of, men and 20 percent of women in Austria, are overweight, these. Stats are the highest in the European, Union ad. To, the Spanish, Riding School in, Vienna as world famous for lipids on stallions. Here. Horses, are trained using the traditional methods. That are hundreds, of year old the. Lipid Sun is one of europe's oldest, breeds of horses for, hundred years and more, ad3. Austria. Also has one of the top earning chefs, in the world Wolfgang. Puck his. Net worth is estimated to, be one hundred million dollars, ad. For, Austria. Is one of the top recyclers. In Europe the. Country, recycles, almost, sixty three percent of the waste it produces. Eighty-five. Austrians. Work the longest hours forty five hours per week among, the other working, population, of the countries, in the European Union. Eighty-six. Punctuality. As, a valuable, trait in Austria. Eighty-seven. Retail. And grocery shops. Are closed on Sundays, AD, eight one. Can fetch money after returning, beer bottles, to the grocery store this. Is one of the reasons, why they are the leaders in recycling. Waste items. Eighty-nine. Austrians. Prefer river or lake instead, of the pool, ninety. In Austria, people, stay in a relationship longer. Than other countries. Couples. Usually marry, after eight and more years of dating, ninety. One due, to the confusion, between Austria. And Australia. A large number of postage, 'iz were delivered, to Australia, instead of Austria. The Australian, post offices, had to use a special, rubber stamp that read redirected. To Austria, in Europe. 92. Potatoes. Are popular, in the country. Potatoes. Are served sliced, and friend and pan-fried, as well. 93. For, breakfast. The Austrians, like to consume bread and bread roll made from white and wholemeal flour which, is coupled with muesli. 94. The, country, is also famous for sweet, desserts and cakes, Sacre torte which is a chocolate cake and strudel which is a pastry, roll filled with apples and cottage cheese. 95. Gelato. Can be found everywhere in the country. 96. Austrian. Food is influenced, by Hungarian. German, and Italian traditions. 97. Pork. Beef, and veal are the main contents, of some of the most favourite, Austrian, dishes. 98. Austria. Also has one of the oldest flags in the world. 99. Vienna. Austria SCAP, Atal City is home to the world's largest emerald. 100. Since, 100, years downhill. Skiing is the most popular, sport in Austria. Speeds. Of up to 130. Km/h. 81. Miles per hour are common, in international. Competition. The. First handbook, on skiing, was published, in Austria, in 1897. By Matthias, sidarsky. Probably. Austria's, first ski instructor, he was an early ski, pioneer.

2020-05-19 06:55

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