Tokyo’s Hidden Street Food | Shibamata Tokyo Japan

Tokyo’s Hidden Street Food | Shibamata Tokyo Japan

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What's up everybody welcome back to another video today. We have another collaboration. With our good friend I from eyes munchies. Hi everybody, how are you doing so good to see you see. It's been a while it has so this is our first collaboration video, of the year 2020, so we're really excited today where this place cos chiba mata which, is at the edge of tokyo, in fact there's a river nearby, and as soon as you cross that river you're in the next prefecture, that chiba prefecture, today, we're here again to try out a whole bunch of street food and after. Our video, make sure to go over to eyes channel, because we wouldn't be eating even more, street food. So, this place is off the tourist, radar. And the reason why is because most. People never heard of Taurus. On he's a famous actor, most, older, Japanese people come here for that reason this. Is where a few of his movies, were shot, here's. A lot of movies right that's right it's, been I think it's a forty nine, movies. For that yeah, even. Though he's passed away. 50th. Movie. Just, came out Wow. 50. Movies well this is my mother's, favorite, movie. Series, I believe she's, divorced us to watch Taurus on we were younger but that's how much she loves his face so I'm, excited never been here before you guys have you been here before yeah. To. Come over again yeah, have you been here before. All. Right well let's. Get started so when, you get out of the station you can see oh. Oh. Oh. My, think oh my hand there's Gordon, even, here. Maybe. So. So why is it um why is it lucky okay. In. Japanese. Kid. No in control give. Me money and the gold something, in Japanese in Oh luck and put also, some same so shot, King boom I mean, good luck for money it's pray or what playing. Word okay. Can. I just say that your English is like perfect. So. These are some of the golden, poo that, gives, you good luck yes a lot of people had to defend come back here really, lack of business health. Study, yeah, love, no. Really. And then these are like the mini food.

Got. A tiny paw here ah you, can put the pool in your wallet that's good luck good, luck money. So, that's 220. Yen that's actually, pretty good price for a good in pool. You, got like a bigger one that's 385. Yes. Sticker, you got Pooh stickers. Yes. That's. What love is all about this. Caught my attention, here like this um this is a Taurus on guys this is a dog. Yeah. And it looks like Taurus on in yes you, guys make this here yes. It's. Take a lot of time to. Make. Okay. So. That's Paula Sun and that is the little. Done. Go then, go oh I. See, and this is 980, yen yes, yeah okay I'll take this oh it's, almost. Yes. I could. Use some money yeah. Let's get a pool. So. Who, with them it's good in pool yes. It's. A very good for, your money money. Money, yeah you can get much much money. Tempting. Very. Tempting, this, lady, is pretty. Insanely. Talented. She. Can say, golden, poop in a variety of languages in, Dutch how. The poop. Burger. Gordon. Akaka Italian. Go caca Dora Volta. 4934. Tina Francia. Kaki, dog both. Shows awesome, if we have any good thing gets big money please come back soon and let me know I teach, you something okay. I. Tell. You that was so much fun that lady. Hilarious. She is one. Entertainer. You guys if, you come here you have to say hi dear make. Sure you tell her Tommy, eat sent you oh my, god she was hilarious it was to come here to see her yeah just to see her definitely, worth it yeah now finally, we're going to look for some food we're. Walking along this very, quaint and. Old-style. Street, a lot. Of the stores are selling taught, us on goods, because you notice on once, again made. This place popular. And, right. In front of us is this. Old-fashioned. Retro, toy shop on the first floor there's a what gosh op it's an old-fashioned, candy. Shop these, kind of candy shops you don't really see too often these days alright so first place we're at this place called muna, Vasya and they, are famous for their kuzumochi. Which. Is actually one, of our favorite things to eat. Yes. It is actually do you like. Not, my favorite yeah I like it okay, okay. It's interesting because I, just learned from, the lady that. The kuzumochi here, in Kanto is made, with fermented flour, whereas, if you're in Kansai, they actually used a real kudzu. Plant. So that's very interesting to know and so, this is a regular world with kinako, it's, 300. Different. Here, ladies. First, yeah. So fermented, a flower fermented. Flour I didn't actually know yeah. Me neither yeah either. Hmm. How, is it that's. Like pinochle with ku told me to write like, Japanese, black sugar syrup mmm. I thought. It's going to be more like a hard, it. Actually has really chewy. Chewy. Yeah. Which. I didn't actually expect, like. Mmm. That's, different. Maybe, because it's a fermented. Because. It. Is very nice I thought. That. Kind of yeah yeah it's. Not yeah. Moist, it, right chewy. Bouncy. Right. And it's actually kind of thick. But. You know I'm used to eating kuzumochi, that's more like jelly but. This isn't it's a lot more denser, very, very interesting and the combination, of the kinako powder which is ground-up. Soybean with the coulomb itza which is Japanese, black sugar syrup, is really, really good they also have much of favor but we thought we stick with the original one but. It's, delicious so, next, stop is is, she after you see we both become, life and it's good dive good. Usually. It. Has red, beans, I'm. Just wondering what's inside it they, are using real mica. Mica in the mandarin oranges of Japan. We. Won, one hold, hold, me come inside, Wow, around, the Meachem they're using the white, bean paste. Really. Yeah white bean paste and mochi. Sticky, rice around. Please. Write that become. I'm. Not sure what's so funny I don't recommend break before you eat a bite. As it is really, major so it's really fresh, image here, they they made these stuff from the scratch here.

Or, Here, Tommy, come rev up orange. Flavor much. Is which is the, white bean paste so. Good. That. And becomes, really, sweet, and. Sweetness. Level is not, super sweet it's just right everything. In, this street are, just right with sweetness. Not. Sickness. But. Could we also got the Ichigo daifuku which is a strawberry, inside. The dive kimochi and this is 500. Yen and it's, humongous. It's probably, the biggest Ichigo daifuku I've, seen in my entire life. Yeah look, at that it's like it's, like, oh my god it's, like bigger than your nose well you have a very small nose. Okay. And I think use. Strawberry. Inside it I. Bite. It's. Too big. Okay. Goodness. Wow. It's. Like a la wild, I like, this is like, the biggest strawberry. I've seen in, a dive clear my entire, life. I gotta say that it's really, sweet it's super, juicy, you can see the juices, coming up so strawberry or red oh yeah, yeah. And there's just, a very, thin, layer of. On that white bean paste you know just to give it a little bit of sweetness. That's. Very sticky as you can see, and. It's just so soft, right, oh, my. Oh. My. God you, gotta buy it it's amazing. Right. That's. Free, insanely. Amazing this, is like oh my god I. Is. Pretty. Pricey that's why not for, this I don't know, the strawberry no it's mostly, strawberry. Yeah, asteroids, are expensive, here in Japan and, also the, quality of, the strawberry, with, this mochi. Before. I forget where I point out that this shop is also, famous for their dota yaki which are Japanese pancakes, with red beans inside they, have a whole bunch of varieties, here they have like one with butter they, want with them salt they have one with whipped cream and red, beans and you, got a few of them to take back yes. Yeah. I hear they're pretty pretty popular. So you, know they might sell out so if you pass by the shop make sure you stop by if. They have in stock because they're. Pretty popular and. We, found egg. Omelet. It's, very good for sweet. Food, it's. Pretty. Huge type egg, omelet, come away a ki tamaki and this family is from commando. Matsumoto, this, is a lunchbox. Oriental. Shop but, they also sell, these.

Tamagoyaki. And, they actually sell ooh don't you don't. Have yes yes this. Omelet that nice omelet is a plain one and this one is seaweed. Nori nori. Can. You see the green stuff these are nori seaweed inside. Yes. It's. Very hot warm, it's hot hmm. Sweet. Odessa, Maki mmm, sweet, and dashi flavor, is pretty, nice, texture. Is good right, outside they. Say in my mouth, suddenly. Seaweed. Stasis. Immediately. Hmm. This one other very good egg, comrade, sir we have a egg flavor. But. It's nicely. Sweet, success. Hmm. No, TV. Video. Device. Yeah. And the sweetness is it lower than that the plain one this. Is really, sweet I mean especially after, this. Sweetness. This is also almost. A savory stuffing and this is almost a sweet yeah. This. Is just like a pancake. Sweetness. All, right guys so before we go to eat more food I thought I'd show you this beautiful, temple. This, is a Shiba mata Thai Shackleton temple, I I think that's, what it's called but, it's absolutely, beautiful and I think this is definitely, the main attraction, of Shiva. Matzoh I think most people who come here come. To see the temple and the. Street food is just a bonus but. What's. Interesting is all the carvings, that. Makes up this temple, the. Same artists, some of the same artists, who work on Nico's. Tosho-gu. Has. Also, have, also worked, on this, particular temple, the wood carvings, on, the temple now, this is super exciting. We're at this place called Toria. And they, specialize in these kusa tango which are mugwort, dangle, with uzuki, red bean paste on the top but what makes this extra, special is that this is the actual place where they filmed four episodes. Of the, Torah Sun series. So, that's so, cool right. Like I said you know my mother it was her favorite, thing, to watch when we were younger, I'm really looking forward to trying out the dongle that told us on eight, I don't know. Okay. Here Watch have played. Very. Smooth hmm. Very, very smooth I'm. So happy it's not dried out and it's something about dumpling tops the dango is dry, on the outside but, this is really smooth and nice it, was really really good this is really like original. Kind of yeah yeah. Yeah in other words like this is a dango that that we ate we were kids, whereas. The other place it was more like I, don't like they made. Some differences, right well they made some changes to, make it a little bit different and special that's a good works they made it special so. Guys we went back to that place, where they were selling the. Daifuku. Because. They were grilling. Fresh. Dry, yaki pancakes, in front of us of, course, we had to buy them and of course we ate them but we, ate them over on ice munchies, so once, again make sure you go over to her channel, to check out the, remainder of the video after. You watch this one all, right so we're done eating, actually, we want to stop in a warmer place and this place is called hikida yokocho. Which. Means like high-class. Street. There's. Nothing high-class about it but it's very very retro and, it's. Basically a Ducati shop which is a retro. Japanese. Candy, shop that, used to be very common, when my mom was a kid I, personally. Want one more thing and I think I can find it inside, the shop found, this strawberry, milk ichigo's, you knew and had. To get it I don't even remember the last time I had this but. This. Is so, nostalgic, for me you, know I was, in Japan until I was 5 years old and, I really this is one of the memories I have of, when I was really young when I still lived in Japan well, my mother used to take me to the public, baths and, after the bath she would always buy me a bottle of strawberry milk, so.

You. Know this is like. Very traditional, style right, not coffee that, coffee milk, not coffee milk for me it was strawberry but my sister liked coffee mug because she always wanted to, pretend. That she was an adult you know. Hmm. It's. Good for, some reason it, tastes, maybe, when I was younger I think, it tasted sweeter for me or. My. Feel, like my taste buds have changed, it's, not that, sweet yeah. The flavors kind of subtle, it's, not that strong have you ever tried it before no, I like, this color is so pretty color, definitely. Mom. Hmm. Is. It, so. Baby. It's. Strawberry. Flavor. But, fake. That's. A good about in a leaf in 30 the piece that had tasted, different. Changing. But. I like this melt flavor, yeah. Very milky. Yeah. Baby, strawberry. As. Well yeah that's, so good about this yes I missed it it's. Funny how like my, taste buds have changed, I. Remember. Anything better, of, course, how old are you I'm. Uh. What's. The my question mutters all right guys we have come to the end of this street, food video what. Was your favorite, guys sort. Of any type of good it's good. That. Was amazing. I, do. Have to agree that was my favorite. Was. Well. We all agreed that the strawberry daifuku was, her favorite, that was like the bomb that was like the best best one that was I ever, it. Really really was there's, a lot more food that you can try here, which we did try over, on eyes munchies. On her channel, so make sure you go check it out by clicking right, up there and if. You're new to our channel and you enjoy videos, like this one make, sure to subscribe don't, forget to hit that Bell icon so, your modified every time we release a new video thank. You for watching see your next video bye. Bye.

2020-02-25 16:20

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