Tokyo Japan a place you should never go...

Tokyo Japan a place you should never go...

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[Music] I think you should never go Japan and here's why since I was a little kid my biggest dream in life was to goow Japan and I was born in braz brail and thinking about to do a trip like that it was insanely expensive I thought I would never be able to 30 something years later and I had the opportunity to go even though for a short time 3 days want to share with you but before you jumping into conclusions why you should never go here's why once you go I think you set your bar very high everything's so very organized when they go to the Subways they make lines they're very polit people and they take that pride of being polit and clean and 3 days was very very nice to see those good things and I want to share and I want you to come with me come on let's go today was very coming first class but S one f c f [Music] fin that's the ice F actually our slide red look she's so confused oh look at that she got to the stairs because she didn't know what side which one she should [Music] use finally got here and how was your first experience going to the bathroom it was kind of scary we're going to do a tutorial about the bathroom yeah this is a long trip but it wasn't fair cuz my sink wasn't working I thought I didn't know how to work it but it actually wasn't working I felt stupid I know let's figure that out so now we have 1 hour and 11 minutes using the the Subway to to our hotel in [Music] Akihabara What's this called T I guess this thing comes like this 90 cents here's the thing we don't know how to turn on the light everything is different have no idea how this place works and they have a lantern we got to our room we're we're pressing all the button we were like over here all this has to be the light there nothing nothing happens and and then I found this thing looking around looking around I'm just like confused like no no switch anywhere what's the say we stick our fingers in here stuck our fingers and I thought okay it's the key put the key in am I the only one that didn't know you might be like you said is everything looks like a video game this place everything just like press the button now you're closer to your clue to your clue this room right at uh what's the name Aki Aki Hab very small but that's all we need because we're not going to stay here we're just going to stay for a day and then we're also trying to figure out how does this thing works you flush the toilet and it turns on that's very much I don't know how to turn it off and there's no soap anywhere oh how do I turn it off there soap outside here on the corner oh my go and all this butttons we you're going to figure that out when the time comes I wish I knew how maybe just I pressed one of these buttons trying to turn that off and then that thing came out I'm so confused you want eat this my first top was a kabar the epicenter of Japanese Oto culture it's a major shopping district with video games anime manga and [Music] electronics experience of the day I went to the ofuro last night I was really tired it's one of those Japanese bath that you go uh to together like the hot water just like the onion M public bath and you cannot go there dress without or anything just like butt naked what it was different but it was really nice and you shower you clean yourself and then you go into the the the little pool like hot pool stones and it has some SAA was pretty nice and then I went to sleep like so good so good it was it was really nice and today we came here to get some tickets which we're going to show you what store is the big camera you can buy the subway pass like for 48 hours or 3 days one yeah one yeah it's about like $10 each and you can use the subway in the city like just pay one fee and that I think that was a pretty good deal and what else can let it right mhm now we're going to go to another side of Tokyo the city we're going to Shibuya to get the new hotel because this one that we got it was uh uh it was very small but I think that's kind of standard here uh in Tokyo that's fine but for me like yeah we had everything we want like a a bed airing the hot think it was really quiet which we had more yeah time to go in the hot bath yeah the hot bath was very nice yes we could spend more time there in beautiful and then we have free ice cream free drinks and also the the hotel we didn't eat but they have free Ramen that you could get yeah but we don't know if it was good or not but but yeah it looks like I've seen other people other friend of mine they saying that they came to Tokyo and they stay in one of those capsule the the capsule you also have like the bath and free drinks free food and not that [Music] expensive oh nice calling those machines throughout the city all over it are so handy all this fresh juice water and all of this everywhere everywhere AK was an incredible experience from the first side the bean was covered in Japanese signs the small restaurants just like in the Animas that I love yes one piece that's why I'm here at a compl stores with action figures I was in no Taco Paradise fan of that stuff come this this I'm talking about my look at this one look at this Naruto it's like even with with his his guy over there oh his duplicate guy sakur no seriously no no no no sakur look at this go oh so cute you remember the water ofer cute no no no no no no no no for real so I don't know I am one of the my I'm really really really into this onion M since I was 18 years old couple years ago and uh this noise I was all you coming it again okay Ultra Man okay those I like this one yes this is one of that I no no no no no no no I can't believe it no for real that's not right why they have those you I had one of those like super cheap they broke the first time I used to play as a little look at that seya golden seya no no no that's one of the ones I wanted I think I'm going to buy one of [Music] those yeah the chain Sal man don't care about Star Wars I'm sorry not my gem but those I still like I like lost canvas is that it no no this is from the movie aaba is also famous for its made cafes where waiters dress cutely and treaty old like their beloved Master on day two we decide to visit Tokyo Tower and stay in a nicer hotel in minat just few minutes walk from the tower [Music] that's us trying to get to our next hotel in Shibuya and then we are walking through all this luckily sometimes a little bit sketchy Subways but this one is kind of nice but we W some that was that was catching I'm the subway we were ear there I think [Music] so fore for Fore foreign fore [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's her plate what she got rice Curry a bunch of green stuff ma this is I can't remember what this is pickle salmon and avocado I think I should have got a big pile which it was just like I don't know you you made I saw a guy doing it I did it uh they put some water and they started adding the stuff that was around the water and then I put mushrooms dried tofu onions and uh s some seeds and this thing that I don't know what it is but it looks like that gooey Sticky Thing not I don't know was good and also got my rounded egg all the Sal spicy egg which I have no clue what it is I forgot to try my spicy [Music] egg it say spicy egg but it tastes like salmon is it salmon no and Teryaki chicken which I would love to have some rice no and here we go even more down and we got to stay on the left so we leave the right during the day we explore a sakuza known as for historic senoji temple founded in 1628 s soji s soji is to oldest buildest Temple attracting countless pilgrims over the centuries it's a must visit for first time Tokyo [Music] visitors as sakuza also offers a stunning mix of new the Tokyo Sky Tree looms over the district visible from almost anywhere in Asuza the contrast between its futuristic design and charm of asaku Alis creates a scene straight out of a movie or anime [Music] [Music] in their secrets we a ex there conf we a story and we are about to try this barbecue and I got a Coca-Cola which is really nice com with this nice cup and um we were excited about to try this so we're about to leave we haven't eat meat we just like fish fish fish and I thought like today we got have some meat see what's what's about mhm [Music] so it's the restaurant called Sushi Wu oh very good and then we about to try that I think it's going to be delicious Let's see we got that you have salt already how' you like it dip in the salt so the B is really small so that's the whole Space we have don't waste it [Music] rice Sprout Oh the bring Sprout is so good y think it's approved how can I say you look like yeah no no no that's that's the wrong anime I found my place finally even here the only place I found is the little door I got some Kia and some green kosa that evening we headed to Taco Tower the walk there was incredible Pleasant and we took our time stopping in the nearby park snapping shots with the tower in the background and here it is the Tak Tower I don't know I don't think you can have a dimension of in the camera but it's pretty nice and it's about to rain 3,000 yen to get up there and then we're going to try to go up there I think it'll be beautiful at night at the base of the tower there are restaurants and souvenir shoppings [Music] visitors can access two observation decks the true story main deck is at 150 m is about 490 ft while the smaller top deck which is as high as 249 m is about 800 ft getting to the highest floor was an adventure in itself in the elevator they give you an mini tour explain the significance of Tokyo Tower and its role as a symbol of Japan rebirth after World War two inspired by the AEL Tower the view from the top was breathtaking I couldn't help but wonder how it would look during the day I guess that means I will have to come back to TKA Tower and enjoy the amazing view in the daylight [Music] go on day three we visit another must SE in Tokyo the famous Shibuya scramble Crossing it's located at shibui station and it's some of the busiest pedestrian Crossing in the world it is a chaotic yet fascinating place where hundreds of people cross from all directions simultaneously chibuya was definitely one of the most interesting places we visit walking around you can find so many unique spots like subit terranean stores for those into Oto or STI Heroes there are hidden stores on the ground filled with older action figures and manga from the ' 880s and 90s ay treasure throw for collectors never ending [Music] let's go let's go go go let's go go go [Music] go hope you'll see you in another country somewhere else I don't know maybe jump in again Germany whatever Thailand or home Texas bye byebye she gets mad and I get close bye-bye I don't know what to look there [Music]

2024-09-10 03:39

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