Tokyo Cycling Culture

Tokyo Cycling Culture

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Japan. Tokyo. This. City is filled with cars pedestrians and, bicycles. Cycle. Culture, manifest, itself in many different forms. In this country. Sounds. Funny but it's. Real my name I'm doing, a job. Kitchen. But. Sometimes, it takes in other forms. They. Don't collected our actual moon you pissed everyone, get. Ready to park your bike properly. If. You don't want to get a fine. Similar. Stuff civil, ourselves. Cause this. Universe. Technologies, I invite. You to discover cycling, Japan together. We. Will visit ordinary. And not very ordinary shops, for cyclists. We. Will deliver coffee on a bicycle and find out its taste in a cafe for cyclists. How. About a cycling, tour with experience, a guide along, the streets of socks. Ray, snow, hot, or cold outside. You, still need a regular, right then. Go to the cycling gym with your old bike. But. The idea of this is, to make a compact, ride. I'm. The chef that's why I'm not dressed like a cyclist. And, of. Course we cannot get around the topic of production. From. A major manufacturer. With a great history. To. A private, master who, creates real works of cyclic, God. All. These on the classic River and Japanese, road bike not, little surprises. Said. Nicholas arugula, grumbling with your consciousness. You. Sabrina. :, but, British apology sir I do. -. You sir. Now. Many people work on. City. Buddy perfectly chaser. Situation. Um lucious, book. So. Our laboratories kokum mr.. Aeneas Rutherford universals Bedelia not, she need to quit. The. Usual. At Villa. Kali apnea. Proceeding. In ginger new is cooked on, epochs. Chronos pedestrian. Just. Was a condition for magnesium, dominant. An idea. Nia. Mr. Kalmus, products Hospital. Suzaku. Before. We begin our adventure I would, like to tell you the story of a bicycle, manufacturer, who kindly, agreed to provide me a bicycle, while I was in Japan. Be. Familiar, the, gabbai ashram and Satoshi Sun I met, them at the bicycle exhibition. In Moscow these, people not only invited. Me to their office and drank tea but. Also told, the story of the militia cycles, a company, with more than 100. Years of history. It's. All started, in Yokohama, in, 1894. From, a silk factory but. After, six years the, founder, name of Ishikawa began. To import English, and American bicycles, into Japan, this. Continued, until the beginning of the 1920s. Until the, family business was renamed, to bicycles, from Mauritian. Under. This brand the first Japanese, model with the beautiful, French name, Piazza, Sun, began, to be produced it, was troduce it by the way at the Dunlop tire factory. Fells. Group, in addition. To the production of bicycles. The company. Also imported. British drove motorcycles. During. The Great Kanto Earthquake, business. Was seriously, damaging but, was able to restore production, after only 50 days the. Economic, crisis on the 31st. Of the company, took revised, its policy, and released, a number of more budget, models for, stimulate, sales, so. In the city of Tokyo near, the Condor station the historical, headquarters, of marishi was, built and you. Still can find this building at the same place. During. The war production had to be closed but. Immediately, after, its end there, was a huge demand for bicycles, in. 1955. The, marishi cycles, opened its own design bureau and over. The next six years significantly. Expanded. Line up after. 60 years it, turned from an input, of bicycles. Into, a bicycle. Exporter. To the markets in the u.s. in. 1961. Bicycles. From Mauritius, changed, their name to furnish, cycles. Rapid. Economic growth began.

In Japan by the mid-70s. Technology. Began to develop and bicycle. Culture was gaining, to its peak popularity. Every. Young guy in the city with a boombox, wanted, to have a bike with a real gearbox on the frame disc. Brakes and extra, gun design and futuristic. Headlights. But. An economic, prosperity, grows so, does the man the. Boys want to drive cars not, bicycle, and the. Company, is increasingly, focusing. On the models for everyday shopping instinct. Of new interesting, culture, the. Militia cycles, is now recovering from the relocation of production, to China in 2006. The. Buyer prefer, lower price, over, better quality, and quite. Quickly the ones, of the largest bicycle money fraction in Japan turneth. Bandra, however. Marusia, cycles, manages, to maintain tradition. But most importantly, technologies, that only improves, over time. No. Sodium twist. Abortion. What's an austere capture a, substan. Rwathne, smackle. Now is the kim tip, it of my averse Peregrine ash, the same organza voices. Jessie Ibaka a lollipop, ricotta which movie that, it will do the, raucous I Tama, obviously. Joshua a diplomat. Much millimeter butsudan. Micro. Jam whatever was. In. The water the boat. Wasn't, listed cracking is mr., jolly. Post castle Tocqueville, Shabnam, Tonio fitness it necrosha we is. Mariana viiiage, da Western ohmic ambien realization. Okay. Yet accompiish, on your resume. Whoa. Estimate. Pastner. Nisha. Patel for. Motor to clear the matter master unit, led, Brava, as, legislature. That. Dr. classic, rustic suits to customer visa studies. Estimate post on Oliver, Shaw. If. You only watch in traitors Cavendish to deal with the machete of de greffi of a demonic refuse come miss, gem the. Other con your stoppage removable. OC bureaucracy of the graphene upon you cry Huey, DNA. Mr.. Drew Xia what Islam what did you say Tom, in. Liquids internist I'm saying what. Special, I metro. Trains. Minimum booze cash to delete me at the truth Minister Datuk wear your. Speaker specific, skin. Bleaching. In disclosure by net sales it occurred killer. Takapa sake Alan provision, norm. Yet. Salem. Every. Simulation procedure, that machine you have to set out that much the blog, also, Saitama. Is, item, I use monkey, at. Solution. As Vanya, niceties, night at one punch. Monopoly. Status item. Into, Saitama. Where's. The Cheerios Arakawa metruff, Zayed. Nicholas's, rabo de la grande noirceur como es lo Lieh. An. Approach and Patty bull Ellis. Peter Greenaway yeah. Karrueche. Previous, magazine, Wichita. - abou net. Rhoda. Syria. Brief a pious, can snow. Motorcycles. At. Lehman, College close-up, no Bimini. Oh Syd lon knowledge. Slashed cannot support what the cave young come, speech. At the Palace of Justice. Together. Money the. Officials. Grant. Freedom. Electromagnetic. Us. Noise. The new hole starts, to split up knock hello. Sir I think party, killem who knows. Ayesha. Or Tocqueville, said. No -. What no. Nutritionists. Are published. October. See, just my. Question can you say. According. To a study by the University of, Tokyo and Chu University, in 2016. Almost. Every, residence, in Japan have a bike in, 70%. Of, cases people, ride bicycles for, shopping, in either, 23%. Ride, bicycles, for a regular community, the. Average, length of 30%, of all trips is no more than 5 kilometers in. This. Case the, laws of Japan are allowed, to ride a bicycle on sidewalks, this, law appeared, in, 1978. Due, to the large number of death, involved. In cyclists, on the road and. Saw. That cycles in turn didn't. Knock down pedestrians on, the sidewalks, the, decided, clients for cycles, began to appear by. The way another, law prohibits, the use of a bicycle, ring. When. They arrived, in Japan for the first time in 2017. I noticed, with one problem bike. Parking. There. Were not many illegal parking lots and the, fines were not so serious so, the, Japanese through, bicycles, anywhere, of course, I did, it so in. 2020. The situation, changed dramatically, the number of parking lots increased, now. It's easy to park your bike under, bridges at large station, stops and shopping. Center. Bicycle. Patrol strictly. Monitor contents, with parking, gross if you, park your bike in the wrong place I mean, all sidewalks. You, will find a warning, sticker. In, the worst case if you park it your bike in the forbidden, area market. With assignment. Bike, will go to the special parking lot by, important. Truck without anesthesia.

Each. Bike in Japan has an own registration. Number like a car so, wait, for a postcard, indicating. The amount of the fine and wearing. A bike is, but. Believe, me it's. Better and easy to park your bike properly now. General. Presented our actual manifestation 1. The. Atom Nova, magazine, Catherine. Credit Roskilde a too. Treacherous dorado. Astrov. Stymie. Kotoko's, reduced Nixon Academy's video. There, is no tsuita kuznetsova, cooler with this tiny skull italian man. But. What if you don't have a bite and want to buy one let's. Go inside in one of the bicycle stores in Japan cycle. Base our sake is a bicycle, chain store, with more than, 450. Stores, all over the country here. Is a typical store, of this network, on the. Ground floor the, most popular, bikes are sold. Mama, cherry for, bicycles. For everyday use you. Can choose from different wheels diameters. Design, and of course the price the. Company was found in, 1975. In, the, city of Osaka in. 1989. The, first large, bike, store was opened. In. 2010, the, company became. International. By entering, the Chinese market on, the. Second floor there, is a department. For the sale of spare, parts children's. Bicycles and, sports. Model. If. You want something more exclusive, an expensive, let's visit another, bike shop near Osaka. Last night a toy cursed oh boy. We will see phe distal share tray, strap. The. New primary part of your similar stuff civil past. Elvis presley's, a mousse, no pasta dish. No, comparison, is nine years of our net identity. Is there stone. Strapless. Should care near appealing. The. Key wheels is a boutique, of high-end, bicycle and, bikes accessories. The, world concept, is quite interesting. In terms of marketing. And sales, turkey. Wheels is one, of the six Aida boutiques united, by a common love. For fashion, and stylish. Life the. Key is on the blog and blogging. Personal. Communication. And expert. Opinion, this. Concept, has passed the test of time as, recently. A common, brand called Tokyo life celebrated. Its 15th. Anniversary. Yes. And. So on. You. Know Cinco, he here, in. The neighbor by, bicycle. Bicycle. Coffee. Why. Terrible. By. Bicycle, because. The, beans grow, in, the, organic. Environment. The, bicycle, is a. Good. Way for the, environment. Once. In a week. The. Customers, order. Us, and, the. Readers beans, buy order and. The. River. But. Wednesday. Wednesday. Through Friday. Hi. My. Name is Tommy, upper. Field. Sounds, funny but it's. Real my name I'm doing the job. Kitchen. In the, Tokyo, but. I used to living in Canada, for seven years then I met, the mountain, bike then. I was, really, really really like. To do on, the bike so now. I moved. Back to Tokyo, there's, no trail, so. A cat not. To. London, bikes anymore then, I got, the, street, trial. Bike which, is. That. Kind of bike. It. Makes me feel so. Happy. Cause like. Such. A long time I'm, not my, life without without. Bike. A long time then, now, I've. Got a new. Expensive. Bike which, is my friend and my, toy but. Always be always. Was. Hand and right to buy and, now. I. Really. Want to get more skills, and, techniques. And. Yeah. What, I enjoy to ride. Then. Yeah. I'm working at nighttime so I, have a free, time on the night so, after, work every, night it just practice, every. Night midnight. Like after. Midnight. Yeah. A lot, of people have an image of crazy, Tokyo, a lot, of people and a. Lot of things going on a crazy but, this, place is actually a night. Is a super, slow and, quiet, so I just go to the park here. And. Just. Every. Day just, a try if you can get, like techniques, but next day try, it again try again and. Yeah. I'm. Pretty much like always crush, and. Reading. Scratch. Hit, my, shoulders. And body but. It's fine. It's that's everything, yeah. That's, for me. That's. A good thing that whole your, body. Looks. Left easy, then. Looks not, a user muscle, but now it's. Actually. Use a whole, muscle mine everything's. Yeah. Your, herbs legs. Fingers. And. Your. Mind, this. Is a problem, always hahaha. This. Mine is sometimes. They Oh dummy. Don't. Go that fast, don't. Go that to do the crazy, things just like be safe. Yeah. Always Oh which one is then. I crash whoo. Not. Far from my house in Tokyo, there, is a manova station, where are located, the Old Market and the last surviving tram system, in Tokyo, I often. Walking around this place in search of inspiration and, inexpensive.

Products, But, I didn't, think that I would be able to find not only this, here. After. Drinking excellent, local coffee I found, out that there is a second, gym nearby, this. Place is owned by mr. takahashi, Fujita, who, is also a passionate. Lover of Japanese, trains. When. I went inside I was, met by a chief from Australia, named Bradley Bradley. Told me that there is a cafe, on the first floor a japanese-style. Hotel, on the second and saikhan. Gym on the third floor I asked. You to show me what, this gym, is looks like. And. Basically. Just simply. Take. Off the rear wheel and. And. Then. You. Pair, up the Machine. And. Choose Swift or. Whichever. You. Want to ride. There, we go, well. This is the, if. You look at the screen hmm. This, is the. London. Well, it's not satan's, very high, this. Is the London loop. Here. We go. So. You. Have your. I'm, the chef that's why I'm not dressed like a cyclist. Give. You what's. The. What's how much power you're getting there, your. Rpm. And. We're on the London loop. That. All of these people. Are. Cycling, like, me somewhere, in the world mm-hmm. Everybody's, on line one the katandleigh the. United States Sweden. Japan. Oh are you and one from Russia yeah, there's a Russian writing. And. Then as you, add. More power. The. What's. Go. Up. Most. Nights these, these. Machines are all being used hmm. Yeah, almost the points yeah after, they're working, good people finish work and. Come. In yeah. You. Know, we'll. Use hard to tell from the video but it's incredibly, windy. So. You. Know people they they. They. They have a limited amount of time. And. With this, there's. No traffic lights it's. Not affected by weather or wind. And. It's much more compact. Because. The machine isn't moving mm-hmm. Everything is stopped. Still there's no momentum so. It's. A it's, a lot more. You. Burn a lot of little calories and. You you put in a lot more watts, into. The machine in a, shorter space of time hmm. So, of course cycling, outdoors is much more fun but. The idea of this is, to make a compact, ride. And. More compact, training, session, yeah, that's why people like it hmm, these, are which. Have been. Collected. From certain, cycling. Teams and. Races. And they've been signed by famous cyclists. I switched. From road, to mountain bike recently, so, I've been writing. The. The. Mountain biking, situation, in Japan is a little bit complicated mm-hmm. It, depends, on who owns. The. Trails you're writing who, owns the area. It's. Hard to explain who, is, it's. Not it's it's like an unofficial, council, who. Controls that area, of land and. They're responsible for forestry. Safety. Security. All kinds, of things to do with that particular mountain, that particular area and there's usually a. Group. Of people who, make decisions on how that land will be used quite. Quite, often no, badi even knows who owns that land it's. Common mm-hmm. And so. You. Need to get permission to, ride, mountain bikes, in. Forests. Here but. Having said that it's, actually very well-organized, when. You do right when you do find a place, that's available to, ride, you. Usually a very good cooperation, between the people who are writing, there and the people who oversee. That area. Yeah. That's, the mountain biking scene the. Road biking scene is actually pretty good to motorists. Of motorists. Are a lot more respectful, of cyclists, here than, they are in lots of lots, of other countries as, far as cycling in Japan goes I, think. It's probably one of the better places in the world to cycle, yeah. But. Of course there's too many cars, just. Me cars everywhere in the world, yeah. I think Japan is one of the places where the cooperation, with, drivers and cyclists is actually quite good and the. Thing with driving the thing with I mean the thing with cars too is that a lot of those, trips. That people make in their car are completely, unnecessary, mmm. I think people overusing, cars but with bikes I mean, it's just recreation mm-hmm. You're out riding so, of course you might be you, know on your way to work or to visit a relative or something but basically it's recreation, so you, can't really overuse, a bike whereas, overusing cars is very common I think there's. None of these trips are completely unnecessary. Bicycle. Tours what, feelings, did they arouse and me on.

A Big bike your, speed is too high to steal the landscape, around you if, you, are alone, in unfamiliar. Place you, might miss out on, what, is available from, the perspective, of the local resident, there. Seemed to be no flaws in these bike, - I tried you. Write a small bike with a local resident, who shows, and talks about interesting. Places. History. People. Phenomena. This, does not allowed, you a small. Bike does, not develop high speed it's easy to stop and take a walk listen. To a story or understand, the landscape. Bike. Saves energy so, you can effort to visit more places, in one day. My. Wife take a stand spoil at me this. Was not my first visit to Natasha, but. Thanks, to technology of my guide I discovered. Some unfamiliar, places, we. Visited, a classic, Japanese temple, in the shortest, monorail, drunk. Tea in the very old teahouse. Swept. Along the, Sumida River Lupin. Child the narrow streets. Of Tokyo, and visited. Shopping streets. But. The most interesting, thing was waiting. For me at the end my. Guide tacky suddenly. Asked me if I want to visit local bicycle manufacturer. Called a level of, course, I agreed. Master. Bicycle factory also, known as the cycle, studio level was, founded. In 1951. The. Founder, of Toyo, Matsuda, started, his business as a bicycle. Paths retailer, in. 1975. The, son of a company, founder, named Chico, Matsuda, began, making, bicycles, by his own hands, and continued. The work of his father. In, 1982. A bicycle. Factory was opening at about, the same time mr. Shikou Matsuda began, to create custom, frames for Japanese. Bicycle, racing career in, order. To obtain a license, he had to go through strict, control, of the Japan, Korean Association, or NGS. Kiran. Is a race on the stadium with bets on the result speeds. Can go up to 70, km/h, on, the last lap, the. Amount of bets exceeds more than fifty billion dollars, which. Forces, the Association, to strictly, monitor, that all bicycles. Are as indentical. As possible. Now. Cameron, erasin, is an Olympic sport. Surprisingly. The, fashion for fixed-gear bicycles. Came, to us from Kiran racing, in the. 70s, in Japan there's, bicycles outside. The race track, began, to be used by couriers. Because. Of its simplicity, and reliability. I found. Mr. shikou, Matsuda, late, in the studio resting from walk but. He kindly agreed to demonstrate, how, his branded, bicycles, are bein manufactured. The. Level of his concentration, was. Transcendental. It. Seemed that nothing, else existed. At the moment only. He and the, frame. It. Was a pleasure to watch their movements perfected. Over 40, years of experience. No. Storage. The iminium. Chambers. Layer select, the energy, Nia that. Loaded, ydm the aerosol emissions photography. The tower stop by means of esteem subway. Admit, of no alumna. Pircuit it's a poor envy, of the madrasa the worst of believers, last ninja. -. What made the beliefs the. Vehicle. Producer. Pardon domestic, vitamin. Adult. Economical. Solution. -. A death in, cam Tiago. Cattle minnieofoz of Turin. Hi. Are. You. Pre-op. Livanos. Hello. Oh, yeah. Oh good thanks, okay. Thank. You. I. Kept. This one here I'll be showing it to everybody. The. Doctors, on cafe. Epidural. Space yet the. Midget in Shibuya. So. The midget in your energy. Attack. You. Finish new villain. Die. A Rondo, capriccioso energy. At least him a star, is advised him come. Neither. The Jenny pie attitudinal spirit da da da da la Metro.

Give, Me wisdom. That. Was, penis. The. Basic stance exceda romantically. Sh the food occur for the no aggravation. Doris. What. The Cochran exhaust remedy. Get the girl anymore. Deutsch. Tyrion traced do. You not see she's not stupid. As a show of mana. Bellino. Behalf saying you to. Remember. So, much, original. New compassion. That, was good. Oh. Oh. Oh. Ahem. Programmable. Angela, -. A tail of the kite zoom, Virginia. Milana. By. Jim jones rush it. You.

2020-05-15 03:47

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