Tin quốc tế mới nhất 8/7, Trung Quốc muốn điều gì khi cử tàu nghiên cứu lớn nhất đến Hoàng Sa?, FBNC

Tin quốc tế mới nhất 8/7, Trung Quốc muốn điều gì khi cử tàu nghiên cứu lớn nhất đến Hoàng Sa?, FBNC

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Welcome to FBNC's July 7 morning International news Here are today's outstanding news China’s biggest research ship to head to South China Sea on maiden voyage US does not support Taiwan independence: Kurt Campbell Taiwan military to produce anti-tank rounds for new armored vehicle U.S. warship leads drills in Russia's backyard, a message that the Black Sea is "for everybody" Russia hopes to kick off strategic stability talks with US in July US troops left their key Afghanistan base at 3 a.m. without telling their allies, leaving 5,000 Taliban prisoners in their cells Significant concerns’ over Florida condo near collapsed Miami building Sydney locked down for another week as Delta COVID-19 variant spreads China’s biggest research ship to head to South China Sea on maiden voyage the South China Sea in October as part of Beijing’s efforts to boost exploration in the resource-rich waters. China’s newest and biggest research vessel is expected to make its maiden voyage to the South China Sea in October as part of Beijing’s efforts to boost exploration in the resource-rich waters. The vessel was manufactured by Shanghai Jiangnan Shipyard, builder of China’s second and third aircraft carriers and was handed over to researchers at Guangzhou-based Sun Yat-sen University, Professor Yu Weidong, from the university’s school of atmospheric sciences, told the Yangcheng Evening News that the vessel would sail to the Paracel Islands in October to study “the steam of the western boundaries of the South China Sea as well as its neighbouring waters that could provide scientific support for disaster prevention”.

The South China Sea is the main source of moisture for the rain that falls in southern China and every year super typhoons from the waters severely damage ecosystems in China. Yu said the research would address areas such as the oceanic atmosphere, the seabed, marine biology and archaeology. The vessel has been dubbed “a mega mobile lab on the sea”, according to China Ship News. It is 114.3 metres long (374 feet long) and 19.4 metres wide, and weighs 6,880 tonnes (7,580 tons). While Beijing insists that such research will be used for public good, China’s maritime research activities have been greeted with suspicion from its South China Sea neighbours.

China’s claims in 90 per cent of the waters have been contested by Southeast Asian countries, including Vietnam, the Philippines and Malaysia. U.S President Joe Biden's point man on Asia is "astonished" by China's determination to play the leading role on the global stage and will "step up" its engagement in Southeast Asia to hold back such a trend.

But the administration does not support Taiwan independence and understands the sensitivities involved, Indo-Pacific Coordinator Kurt Campbell said Tuesday. Campbell's remarks at the Asia Society, are his first public comments since President Xi Jinping's July 1 speech celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party, in which the Chinese leader called the reunification of Taiwan "a historic mission and an unshakable commitment" of the party. "We support a strong unofficial relationship with Taiwan. We do not support Taiwan independence," Campbell said in response to a question "We fully recognize and understand the sensitivities involved here," he said. "We do believe that Taiwan has a right to live in peace. We want to see its international role, particularly in areas like vaccines and issues associated with the pandemic, they should have a role to play here, they should not be shunned in the international community."

The Biden administration, meanwhile, will "step up our game substantially" with regards to Southeast Asia diplomacy, understanding that engagement with that region is key to successful Indo-Pacific policy, Campbell said. A military munitions factory has won a contract to produce anti-tank rounds for the new variant of Taiwan's locally-developed armored vehicles called the Cloud Leopard, which will be mounted with 105mm mortars. Both armament factories are under the supervision of the Armaments Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense (MND). The contract, worth NT$14.02 million (US$498,000),

involves the production of armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot tracers (APFSDS-Ts). Military officials have told CNA that the new tank guns will have 70 percent less recoil compared with ones of the same caliber currently used in Taiwan, making the Clouded Leopard more stable when firing. Once they are mass produced the new Clouded Leopards with 105mm tank guns will be deployed to various Combined Arms Battalions.

The U.S. Navy destroyer USS Ross left the Ukrainian port of Odessa recently to lead the military drills in the Black Sea, and CBS News' Holly Williams is the only American network correspondent on board the warship. This week, the Ross may have been maneuvering about 5,000 miles away from the east coast of the United States, but as America's relationship with Russia has deteriorated, the Black Sea — in Russia's backyard — has become a potential Williams watched as U.S. sailors opened fire on a hostile craft, took aim at enemy warplanes and came under attack by fighter jets. Four Russian ships took turns shadowing the USS Ross, and Russian fighter jets repeatedly circled nearby. Commander John D. John, a 20-year veteran of the U.S. Navy, told Williams he wasn't concerned. It would take a lot more than the Russians operating close by to provoke a real clash.

"If somebody opens fire on you, that would warrant you taking self-defense measures," he said. "If somebody is aggressive and you feel threatened, you have the right to defend yourself." When the British warship, the HMS Defender, entered the waters off Crimea last month, it was subjected to more hostile tactics in the Black Sea. The training exercise that the USS Ross is participating in is several miles away from that patch of the Black Sea, and the American warship is heavily armed with Tomahawk and Harpoon missiles, and torpedoes. Commander John calls it the Swiss Army knife of U.S. warships — well equipped to fend off aggression from enemy ships,

aircraft or even submarines. During the "Sea Breeze 2021" exercise, the U.S. Navy has put that might on display, in part to reassure American allies. "The message that it sends is that international airspace and waters are for everybody, it doesn't belong to one country," Russia hopes to hold the opening round of nuclear strategic stability talks with the United States this month, RIA news agency quoted deputy foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov as saying on Tuesday.

U.S. President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed at a summit in Geneva last month to embark on an integrated bilateral Strategic Stability Dialogue to lay the groundwork for future arms control and risk reduction measures. Iran has begun the process of producing enriched uranium metal, the U.N. atomic watchdog said on Tuesday, a move that could help it develop a nuclear weapon and that three European powers said threatened talks to revive the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. U.S. and European officials made clear that Iran's decision would complicate, and potentially torpedo, indirect U.S.-Iranian talks seeking to bring both nations back into compliance with the 2015 deal,

Tehran has already produced a small amount of uranium metal this year that was not enriched. That is a breach of the deal, which bans all work on uranium metal since it can be used to make the core of a nuclear bomb. Britain, France and Germany said on Tuesday they had "grave concern" about Iran's decision, "Iran has no credible civilian need for uranium metal R&D and production, which are a key step in the development of a nuclear weapon," U.S. State Department spokesperson Ned Price said Washington was not setting a deadline for the talks, but noted "that as time proceeds Iran's nuclear advances will have a bearing on our view of returning to the JCPOA." North Korea creates new nationwide organization to monitor and crack down on food hoarding and price gouging new organization – officially named the “June 17 Task Force” Branches of the new organization were formed in North Korea’s provinces, cities, Up until this point, North Korean authorities have used Ministry of Social Security officers and disciplinary units made up of local people to monitor and crack down on food-related issues in the country.

However, Ministry of Social Security and disciplinary units have not always been particularly effective in monitoring and cracking down on large-scale including being susceptible to bribes and turning a blind eye to illegal activity for various reasons Gen. Mir Asadullah Kohistani of the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces told the BBC that US forces left Bagram Airfield at 3 a.m. local time on Friday. They also shut off the electricity when they left, Gen. Mir Asadullah Kohistani of the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces told the BBC that US forces left Bagram Airfield at 3 a.m. local time on Friday. "We [heard] some rumor that the Americans had left Bagram ... and finally by seven o'clock in the morning, The BBC said that as many as 5,000 Taliban prisoners remained interned at Bagram's prison. The Department of Defense did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment. Bagram was captured during the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 and had been continuously occupied by US forces since then.

President Joe Biden announced plans in April to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan by September 11, 2021, But the Pentagon said it expects that US troops will be out of the country by the end of August, well ahead of Biden's deadline, About 1,000 troops are to remain to guard the US Embassy in Kabul, CNN reported. Mary Trump, former President Trump’s niece and vocal critic, says that his daughter Ivanka Trump is “much less likely to stay loyal” to her father than Trump Organization chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg, Weisselberg pleaded not guilty last Thursday to 15 charges against him, including tax fraud, conspiracy, grand larceny and falsifying business records. He and the Trump Organization have denied wrongdoing, though prosecutors have indicated that their investigation is ongoing and more charges Weisselberg is accused of avoiding paying taxes on about $1.7 million in income between 2005 and 2017 In an episode of "The New Abnormal" podcast, Mary Trump, an author and psychologist, said that prosecutors might not need to rely on Weisselberg's cooperation because other people may be willing to flip on the former president, potentially including her cousins.

“She’s much less likely to stay loyal than Allen Weisselberg,” Mary Trump said. “I think Ivanka has one, more to lose, and two, more to hang onto. Her husband’s family is legitimately very wealthy,” Florida officials have said they have “significant concerns” regarding the structural integrity of another condominium near the Champlain Towers South building, which collapsed almost two weeks ago, killing at least 36 people. Burkett told reporters Towers North is “essentially the same building, built by the same developer at the same time, with the same plans, probably with the same materials” as the Towers South building. “And given we do not know why the first building fell down we have significant concerns about that building and the residents in there,” The death toll at Towers South rose to 36 on Tuesday, after eight more victims were discovered.

Three children are confirmed to be among the deceased, and 109 people remained unaccounted for. The recovery effort in Surfside, which is not far from Miami, ramped up on Tuesday due to the threat of severe weather, as Tropical Storm Elsa began lashing Florida. Canada has been grappling with the legacy of its treatment of Indigenous people, particularly in recent months.

Since May, hundreds of unmarked graves of children have been discovered at former residential schools, "My appointment comes at an especially reflective and dynamic time in our shared history," Simon told reporters. "I will work every day towards promoting healing and wellness across Canadian society." The COVAX dose-sharing facility expects to have 1.9 billion doses of COVID- 19 vaccines available by year-end,

including 1.5 billion earmarked for the poorest countries, its managing director Aurelia Nguyen said on Tuesday COVAX, which has distributed some 95 million doses to 134 countries since late February, diversifying its portfolio and is negotiating with new suppliers, The GAVI vaccine alliance, which runs COVAX with the World Health Organization, expects a "very strong increase in COVID-19 vaccine availability" towards the fourth quarter, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the head of the World Health Organization (WHO), said that the world is facing a "two-track pandemic" with some countries being hit by waves of hospitalization and deaths, compounded by coronavirus variants, John Ryan, a senior European Commission health official, told a briefing that the bloc hoped to donate a further 100 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines to low- and middle-income countries by year-end, using the COVAX facility as the main channel. Tourists, mainly from Europe and the United States are back in Paris, offering a glimmer of hope for businesses that rely on the influx of travellers to one of the world's most visited cities.

The flow of tourists to Paris, many of them from Asia and the U.S., dried up almost completely last year, Now, with infection rates falling, France is gradually easing restrictions. A mandate requiring people to wear masks outdoors has been dropped, and a night-time curfew was rescinded. Paris Tourism Office director Corinne Menegaux said the City of Light used to welcome 10 million tourists during the summer months. In 2020, the figure dropped to 2 million, but Menegaux said her office hopes it will rise to 5 million A smart foam material developed by researchers at the National University of Singapore allows robots to sense nearby objects and repairs itself when damaged, just like "human skin." To replicate the human sense of touch, the sponge-like AiFoam has been infused with microscopic metal particles with tiny electrodes underneath the surface.

When pressure is applied, the metal particles become closer within the polymer matrix, changing the electrical properties. These changes can be picked up by the electrodes connected through flexible wires to a computer, which then tells the robot what to do. "I think there are many applications for such a material, especially in robotics and prosthetic devices, where robots need to be a lot more intelligent when working around humans. So for example, if you're near a human, the robot won't actually harm you, because they can detect your presence, even before you actually touch them.

The smart foam can also repair itself when damaged. When cut into half, it can fuse back into one piece. They hope the material could be put into practical use within the next five years. At a height of 21.16 meters, 3.5 meters higher than the previous record holder, the world's new tallest sandcastle was unveiled in Denmark last week. Around 4.8 tons of sand were used to build the sculpture The sand is made up of 10% clay for it to stick A coat of glue was also added to hold down the fort over winter These are FBNC's morning International news Thank you for watching See you in the next FBNC's morning International news

2021-07-13 05:57

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