It's a battery thing, you know, how can a motorbike be like that, Pino ? Yes, this is a Yamaha. We're told to turn left, guys. What alternative route is this? If this is the provincial route, we're told to turn left 1 km. Yes, just try it. L. It's still this afternoon. Well, the road is like this , so we don't pass through Banjar City, ahah, through the city, through the hills or something like that, hopefully we'll still have light [Music] Wow, the ringing is really great, wow It's really cool, guys, the River Position is now taking a break in Banjarsari, we just finished from Pangandaran, we just arrived at Banjarsari, now at 14.33.30 in the afternoon after Banjarsari, we'll go straight to Banjar, then Tasikmalaya, straight to Bandung. Hopefully the road
will be smooth, safe, prosperous, healthy, always I see. Mas Luckily he's taking a break. Poor guy, he's tired, he's tired from Jogja and he's been on a roll. Now he's taking a long break, about 30 minutes, okay? Later, we'll continue having coffee for a moment. Okay, thank you, Banjarsari. I've had a ride. It's been a good rest, about 30 minutes, let's cool down the machine, that's a good thing. So now we're going straight to Augi's house, ee. So, Augi,
he used to stay at my house because When I graduated from college, he was a street vendor in my village, so there were lots of his friends, his house was in Garut. Now I'm passing through Garut. It's asak kumaha like that. If you stop by for tea, it's been a long time since we met after the street vendors, right? We never meet again, so we 'll have coffee on Google Map, go straight to Garut, we'll make an appointment in front of BCA Garut, the distance is 109 KM, Google estimates and the time is 2 hours 50 minutes OK , hopefully we'll arrive before dark, and my plans will be honored, just stopping by for a coffee, but there's no agenda. I'm staying overnight because I really want to go home, I really miss my family, my children and my wife always make video calls like that, it makes me miss it. So we don't need to stay overnight,
if possible, now we can go straight to Sukabumi later from Garut, for example in Bandung, we're tired. yes, that means I'm staying again in Bang B. That's all, let's continue our journey to Garut [Music] [Music] [Music] wow first photo dong Banjar City Welcome to the city of Banjar, take a photo Dul OK, let's gas again, sorry for this one, it's lucky if you don't take a photo, the new kid will add to the historical stock of Banjar City Wow, that's great, Banjar City still has beautiful air, yes, we have lots of hills. I'm going to enter the city. What is Banjar City like? Let's check, let's check, Gaspo, we were told to turn left, guys, is this an alternative route? Yes, this is the provincial route, but we were told to turn left. 1 km Yes, try it, it's still daytime, the road is like this , so we don't go through Banjar City, we don't go through the city, we go through the hills or something like that, hopefully we'll still have light for 1 km, it's still light here, I don't want to travel at night again if we enter it to alternatives, hopefully we will hurry until Garut is still bright Amen gas B yoho [Music] we tell you where to go, turn right to Jalan Banjar Mamarijan, we go straight guysbok then turn left Oh, let's go straight, okay, let's go straight, let's go , Tasik, let's go, gas here, right here, right? Wow, 3 km away, Ben 3 km, alternative, yes, this, OK, gas is still in the day, I 've given up at night, really, yesterday it happened Wow, that's amazing, I almost lost my concentration, it's dangerous. maybe because I'm tired and it's already late, it's too late.
I'm sure this is an alternative route, but there are lots of people passing through here. Wow , that's really good, the asphalt is nice on the road, it's good, wow, sliding [Music] because we want to pass through a lot of forest, okay? Let's fill it up first, there's nothing. As long as there's petrol, guys. Even though we've only had two strips, it'll be gone in a moment. Okay, okay, let's fill it up first in the southeast direction of the main road towards Jalan Babakan Baru. Yes, wait,
let's fill it up at Pengandaran, yesterday, yes, yesterday we filled it up OK , Rp. 000 I tea Eh yes yes ouch yes nuun Teh Okay actually it's just reduced by two blocks and two strips just because we directed to an alternative route so that's the way to go. While we have petrol, we'll fill it up first because I don't want to fill it up first. For long distances, I think it's really wasteful. The price is the same as [Music] the petrol engine was hot again yesterday. Fortunately, the first fill isn't annoying. This is a fact. OK. Sip
great Come on, let's gas again, wait, the distance is 1 hour 59 minutes, Eh, 69 kilos. Because we were directed to this alternative route, we were afraid we would run out. It's not funny, OK, let's gas at .00, right now, we're on the road in Rajadu Village, Tasikmalaya, yes, we've entered Tasikmalaya Regency, heading as far as 12 Garut, huhuy gaspol, Tasikmalaya City, Eh, this Regency is still a Regency, right? What is this, Manonjaya Tasikmalaya Square ? This is the Regency. Guys, Tasikmalaya Regency
means we haven't reached the city yet, there's still a long way to go, it's 64 KM, Google Maps estimated time 1 hour 53 seconds left OK, let's gaspol from Tasikmalaya Regency to Garutuhu City, this is the market, yes, the shops, Tasikmalaya Regency, now it's 41 minutes in the afternoon, so today the title is Ngambu Burit di Tasikmalaya [Music] This seems like the city, Tasik City, This is Tasik si Untung, where haven't you photographed it yet? Yes, it's called Tasik City, that's Tasik Malaya. OK, what are we doing with a red light, what's this, what's a roundabout? Guys, are we going straight, isn't this city going out? Roundabout to the road, oh yes, Tasikmalaya City , after 600 meters, turn left onto Jalan Kolon , we are in Tasik Jameng City, in the afternoon, Dr. Sukarjo, Regional General Hospital, Tasikmalaya City, the building looks like a building . No, don't stop, turn left after Al Cake on the left to Jalan Army Student. OK, is there a demonstration? Oh, there's a demo, guys. We can go straight, can we go straight or not? there is a red light, take the south direction on Jalan HZ Jalan Raya Rajay Winning Raj, continue for 1 km, we take the straight one, but Mar first here, what is this roundabout, guys, Orangang Tasik, what is this roundabout, Mitra 10 building materials supermarket, we take the one at the top of Jalan Raya Garut Tasik The condition of the road from Tasik to Garut is almost the same as Jalan Pelabuhan Ratu. You know you must have toured Pelabuhan Ratu but not via Cikidang, but via the main route, it's really the same, the model is like this. from Tasik to Garut Ouch, he was given land squid and then he wasn't given Roads, he's really good, he's got a full motorbike and he's speeding, wow, wow, that's great, wow, Terra sharing is really great, really cool, guys, under the river, but these trucks are speeding ut here, yes, have you memorized the road, are you really being chased by Time? Sorry, sir. I can't get behind it
. 3. 18 minutes until we are 10 kilos away. I've entered the city of Garet, guys, it's still 3 minutes left, 1 kilo3 M, it'll arrive in a minute, 210 m, it'll arrive in a minute, guys, it's there , guys, it says it's at BCA, the house is opposite BCA, it says Where is this, B, this is your destination on the left, Oh, this is OK, it's arrived. So now we just have to tell you that it's ready. Thank God, okay, let's wait, we'll send the photo first. [Music] we'll wait [Music] the reply at Payun BCA is ready, OK. he wants to come here here he is
agugi agugi Dang haluh siagi right guys 17 years I haven't seen this Oh come here okay l [Laughs] [Music] [Applause] take the west direction towards Jalan Cikurai then turn right onto Jalan Cikurai Oh I the main key dianttos di [Laughs] [Music] Sukabumi Asalamualaikum i Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Alhamdulillah it's finally here 17 years, I haven't seen Agugi, I met him in 202, the last time I met him was in 2007, now how many years will it be in 2024? Oh, Agugi, stay healthy, I hope you will be blessed with good health after taking the left lane and staying on Jalan Ahmad, Jalan Ciled, okay, friends, Hah, now we Returning to Bandung here is an estimated time of 1 51 minutes and the distance is 68 KM. What time is it now 1930. on the road, it's smooth, safe, prosperous, always healthy, the main thing is that you are lucky and the rider gives you good health, amen [Music] Hah, I miss my family, guys, dindaran Il second road and stay on Jalan Cimanuk Jalan Raya Bandung Garut OK Jalan Raya Bandung Garut I miss my family I want to go home I want to relax at home , Garut roundabout, what's the name of this roundabout, the road to Jalan Osta Oh, here we go to Jalan Otista, it says there's gasoline, guys. while it's still open, let's fill up petrol first in Garut. I'm in the Regency, but still in the city of Garut. In fact, there's still a lot of it, but I still want it. It's full because I want to travel at night,
OK? Hatur nuhun [Music] 22,000, this is in Garut, Bismillahirrahmanirrahim 1 hour 26 minutes to Bandung, it's safe if you just fill up the jonjon. Instead of having to search for it later, now just gaspol. Good luck, Garut. Hi, we've left Garut, guys. passing through Nagrek at night W Ring Nagrek is said to be busy, even though tomorrow is Friday, okay, continue for 5 km 5 km one way, yes, yes Oh, there should be street lighting, isn't it? It's really dark, take left and right again, the main thing is, don't let him lose momentum, guys, luckily he can't climb for a long time, he has to accelerate and keep swerving.
Wow, the lights are off, ah, the Nagrek tunnel even though it gave lights , but it's not like that. Oh yeah, this one is on, the one that was off earlier, Come on, gas full, gas full, gas full, Come on, huh , Thank God we've reached Bandung, bro, keep going on the national road for 5 km, we 've reached Bandung, friends. now it's just 00, right at 09.00, right, no less, no more , so I decided to just go straight home to Sukabumi. Okay, let's mean we'll continue the video, let's continue, let's gas Sukabumi straight away, so I want to rest so I don't have to be so tired tomorrow. Let's take a break. Okay, friends, I'm going to glide Sukabui
2025-01-15 07:02