Three Days Alone in the Cairngorms National Park

Three Days Alone in the Cairngorms National Park

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so   morning folks the time is half  10 and i'm half an hour in   to my mini section hike of  the scottish national trail plan is to do this over three days and two nights  starting in Blair Atholl and finishing Kingussie. so the plan tonight is to do 27 kilometers  and camping bynack lodge i'm just coming out   for seven kilometers on the clock so i've got a  little bit to go behind me there is marble lodge   after marble lodge another four or five kilometers  up the track is forest lodge then after that   you're pretty much going to remote country and  it should get a little bit more interesting so i'm now approaching the aptly named forest  lodge which is roughly the halfway mark what's the time robin rap o'clock there's been a  wind channeling down the glen all day so i've come   down to this little bridge to see if i can get  a better shower and get a macro wrap on the go it's actually mackerel in the road kind of have  michael raptor who kev i would just be sacrilege   right i'm back on the go i needed that  macro rap i was just a ticket i'm going   to get my head down for a few kilometers and  i'll bring you back follow along the track that's me reached the fork in the track  and i've headed off down to the right   if you head up on the left track that will  wind its way around any mambaland near the   taff hotel buffy so that's been done just  over 19 kilometers and uh it's 27 kilometers   to bainack lodge so that leaves me about  eight to go that kind of ties in with the map you want to head in that direction there  that will take you to glen walk and lock   lock which is a quite original note  i will be going this way though   i'm hoping when i get around that corner we'll  see a bit more of the cairngorm mountains there's been some impressive rockfall here i wonder how many years that's been there  probably hundreds you never know though   right i'm almost at the fawzi turf check this  out by the way this is cracking what a setting well this is fantastic i have to say impressed if only i'd brought my bikini  in really hot i'd be in there   in all seriousness i do wish i was a stronger  swimmer because that did look inviting but   swimming has never been my 40. i've got a  scottish over badge which is half a length   i was back in primary school i think  i can manage about a land for maybe a   length and a half these days i've always  been a walker or a runner in cycling   but i'm going to bring you back when  i find my pitch i shall see you then all right folks i'm not quite there yet  three three clicks on the map and i'm there   but if i just bring you back a little bit early  because what's happened is the glenn has opened up   and it's much more spacious now and there's  some little wild camping spots around here   but we're going to push on i must admit though  i am struggling i've aggravated my right hip   it's a little bit sore and that has slowed me down  so i'm gonna have to get some vitamin eye down my   when i reach camp right folks i  thought i'd bring you back yet again   i just want to point out this massive  lump here this big snowy one that has   been mcdewey the kiringong giants have appeared  right in front of ben mcdeway's kind of aim   kind of blends in a little bit and just to the  right here is derrick and gorm so there you go   this lodge has taken the pass literally half a  kilometer if that still hasn't come out of sight all right folks seven hours  10 minutes i've made that   i'm here thank god for that let's get  set up all right that's the notch pitched   just in front of the lodge all right folks that's  the stove on starving i've got a little starter having that first and then for dinner trying these new meals chicken and ham carbonara so  hopefully that'll be decent it's five past six so got a long night ahead one  by jack jones that's all right i'm quite happy   nice place to pitch nice feeling of remoteness good morning campers it is 20 past six and it's currently minus  two degrees it's looking nice outside so all right folks it's a just gone eight o'clock   and that's me back on the go i've  got a couple of river crossings   to do further on which i'll show you um i can't  imagine there'd been any problems with that well that's river crossing number one  just over here a bit slippy in the frost   but no significant problems right this is  river crossing number two it's managed to   tip two across without getting wet feet so  i'm glad these rippers are not in space right   this is river crossing number  three that i've yet to do i'm thinking some stepping stones here go  over to that big boulder maybe then across   i'm not sure i took the correct line across but  i did go with that big boulder and i kind of   zigzagged my way across but i've got  dry feet and that's exactly what matters right to the red house and beyond so this here is ben voting just over and  beyond kevin and i done this last year got   the mining mirror here and straight ahead we've  got guilty lodge and these remote forest monroes all right that's 11 kilometers since leaving the  campsite this morning and i must say i'm enjoying   this this may be boring tellers but just the  vastness in the wide open of all this is brilliant i was a bit worried they might be  suffering from fomo and what i mean is   on a day like this i should be up in  the summits but i like this it's good   this here looks like a good  place to stop for some lunch tell you that wind there's a stunning  waterfall there i think it's called the the ida so this little bouldin's actually marked on the  map but i don't know how much you should be in   a life or death situation it's a certainly seen  better days so um don't rely on it depending on   the one direction maybe a little bit of shelter  in that corner there bye just in case you're   on the route and you're struggling and don't  think you'll make it to glenn and fishing that off-road vehicle hasn't have ripped  up this terrain it's really bogging places   i don't know how bad it was  before but i kind of wrecked it what all right folks there's a bit of confusion  here uh the lie of the land doesn't agree with my   map this track crosses the fishy there but on the  map it comes around this river but that looks a   bit dodgy there's a path there though and i don't  want to cross that and end up in the wrong side   i don't know if the river's changed course  uh since storm frank you know the damage   happened so i'm going to follow that track  but attentively if the watch comes to the   wash i'll just take my boots off and lead across  but that means i'd have to cross this river twice   so i'm going this way yeah there's  definitely been some erosion   i have to be careful with this little bit  here you can see there the path continues on   right so that's the first obstacle of the way  i must admit the alarm bells are ringing here   i just hope this path isn't a dead end but  there's the track there with the crosses bizarre but anyway let's go well the little path continues on but i'm  just going to pick up the track again here that is so quiet i'm gonna get so much stick  for this look at that magic well folks that's me pretty much solid i've got my  kitchen here gordon ramsay eat your heart root and   i'm just going to use freeze dry efforts  to have shortly chicken fried rice good morning campers   it's just not long gone eight o'clock and  um i do apologize about the lack of footage   but i was just keen to get packed up in a way down  the road last night i was pretty tired as well   so uh this is stage three  and the last day of the hike   i'm going to be following the national sorry i'm  going to be following the scottish national trail   for so far but the route that takes you  to can you say it's kind of meanders away   and it looks a bit of a pain to be honest so  i've worked out there is a little shortcut   that will shave off a good bit of  distance and i'll show you that later on right here folks this area just needs a little  bit of care you see here is a little bit steep   and the road had gone down but mother nature  did this it's quite impressive huge scar ratio that took me exactly one hour to  reach the bridge there so that's not too bad   and now i'm just about to join the minor road  here so i need to watch out for this little   right-of-way shortcut can you see that's  me now on the shortcut i was talking about   uh the same post back there said can you say seven  miles so it's pretty good it doesn't have shave   off a lot of distance but i know what the purists  will be saying oh no i'm sorry old chap you can't   see you've done the scottish national trail you'll  have to go back and do that section it's all gone so came out with that woodland i just  been blasted by cold air it's freezing just tried the door in the buffet behind me there  but it's locked i looked about basic anyway before   i may have been good to grab some shelter in  the bike to eat but the show must go on now if it wasn't for the cloud i think i'd  actually a really nice view you've got   the monroe scooter guy up in the cloud there  somewhere i can just see the path meandering up   not a day for the top so ho ho first glimpse  of can you say i just zoom in and show you there we go should all be downhill from here all right folks i've reached the small hamlet of   drumgoosh and at the crossroads  here i'm going to swing a left all right folks that's the trauma bridge  there and i'm going to join the space sideway hey folks i've got a mile to can you say so it  seems like a good time to wrap up the video so   if you've watched this far thank you very much  and as always i'll catch you next one cheers you

2021-07-18 10:27

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