This Strange Thai Superstition Will Make Us Rich

This Strange Thai Superstition Will Make Us Rich

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may the power of this cock bring  you wealth and happiness my name   is paddy doyle and this is my little honda  dream and welcome to next level adventures   right now we are attempting to visit  every single province in thailand we've had some incredible adventures already but  the best part is we're only just getting started so subscribe and join us as we  discover this incredible country together welcome to a travel day again we're back on the  road we're back on the mainland we're in kanom   in the north part of the province of nakhon si  tamarat and today we've got 99 kilometers to   get to downtown nakhon this is a really local  province and i'm really excited to deep dive   into it so come join us as we travel from top to  bottom in knack on see tamarat let's go banana and   mango juice at frankie's cafe with a full english  breakfast as well perfect way to start the day   one of you guys recommended this actually i just  want to show you something because this is how i   this is kind of like how i plan my days when i'm  doing travel days when i'm exploring destinations   provinces islands i look at this this is my google  maps can you see all of these green flags right   these are a recommendations from you guys in the  descriptions of all my videos i have a google form   and you copy and paste a google map link and  a little description and it loads on my phone   thank you look at this full english well kind  of there's no baked beans or mushrooms or black   pudding but we're getting there yeah when you  leave a recommendation it loads up onto my phone   and uh so for nakansi tamara we have a and this  is how i kind of like plan my videos this is how i   accidentally on purpose find these cool places  during my videos because you guys recommend them   so today we're going to go to sichuan beach  then we're gonna check out a [ __ ] temple   it's on the way and it sounds interesting and then  i think we might we might go up to the mountains   there's a cool dam and then um there's a really  cool food place you recommended so that might be   lunch and then we'll get to nakhon si tamara and  we'll find a place to stay and explore the town   and i have a couple of little like cafe you know  restaurant recommendations but that's basically   how i plan my travels is with the help of you  so thank you i'm gonna enjoy my breakfast and   then we'll get on the road i feel really good i  feel like this is like a new a new chapter in the   channel i don't know if you saw recently but i was  talking about how i kind of had a change of heart   about how i wanted to do the channel in terms  of the business side and not working with brands   and not promoting brands and doing sponsored bits  and things like that and going back to chiang mai   and seeing my friends and seeing my old work  colleagues and just getting a bit of new focus   plus it's been good to get away from the islands  samui kopanyang beautiful as they are they kind of   distract you from the mission you know because  they're so beautiful and life is so good there   but you know we're not really on holiday   we're here on a mission 77 provinces on the  honda and when you get back to the mainland   i just feel like things become clearer i just  feel i have more purpose i have more motivation   and i'm really excited about the next few weeks  on this channel we're going to finish the south   we've taken six or seven weeks to do the  deep south and we've worked our way up and   i really feel like we've got to start hitting  some kilometers we're still gonna travel slow   we're still gonna go province by province and  have a really good time but i'm just going to take   less time off i'm going to work a little  bit harder travel a little bit further   otherwise this is going to take us 10 years look at these beautiful flowers on these  trees i just want to show look at these   oh my gosh we take one for good  luck let's take one for good luck you see these in um the  massage shops they normally   have them in bowls of water they smell  amazing oh my gosh i want to smell   where should we put let's  just put them in the basket   okay next stop is um some beach and then  and then we'll go to the [ __ ] temple okay welcome to si cheon this is the  most non-thai named place i've ever been   s i c h o n c cheon sounds  so spanish to me hola comes pretty sure that was italian kind of a ceremonial place yeah so what you can  see here is the picture of the king and the queen   base down there and a big statue of the prince of  champan and the prince of chimpan is a historical   figure and he's known as the father of the uh  of the thai navy so whenever there's a navy base   you always get a statue of the prince of champan  and this is a lovely little beach and there's a   rocky out out thingy what'd you call them i  don't know what they're called but they stop   the waves smashing the boats and things create  a nice channel for the boats to go out and then   yeah it seems okay you've got still got you can  still see samiri quite clear in the distance   yeah nice i mean not a lot to do here is  there so let's go to the [ __ ] temple this is so typical of what it's like driving in  the south of thailand let me show you what i mean   so on the left beautiful blue skies clouds  palm trees incredible right beautiful day   sun cream on let's get a tan let's have  some good vibes let's get some vitamin d   but then you look to the right and it's just  big dark black clouds and you can see the rain   pounding and you always kind of hope  when you get to a junction like this   that you don't want to turn in  the direction of the weather   but that's what we're doing so we might  get wet on the way to the [ __ ] temple   that's the name of the uh [ __ ] temple and  typical fashion look sunny sunny turn left and you can see it's pissing down up on that  mountain which is the direction we're going   i think we're getting closer look at all  these [ __ ] cockle doodle doo let me get   my waterproof jacket on and when my gopro is  plugged into this microphone it doesn't become   waterproof anymore because the the innards  of the gopro are exposed so let me just um get my waterproof jacket on and   then we'll go to the hot temple i'm really immature i'm sorry i don't actually mind when it rains firstly it's  good for the bike gets rid of all the dust and the   mud and it's also just a nice break from driving  you can just find anywhere like all along the   road you can find millions of places where you  can just hide out there's some boys over there   who do the same thing and you just see  it you just sit it out you wait it out   look it's already stopping rain in thailand in the  south is very uh zonal it can be raining over here   and not raining over there five kilometers  difference two kilometers difference   sometimes if i'm clever i'll kind of like not  listen to google maps and drive around the rain   and then i'll get to the place i need to dry and  other times it's unavoidable like now but i don't   mind it plus it lets me give me it gives me a  chance to to google and uh try and research about   this white chedi this [ __ ] temple and what are  all these [ __ ] about so that when i get there   i can pretend to you like i know what i'm talking  about a little bit like the prince of trump   i bet you were like oh good knowledge paddy i  googled it i googled it and tried to pretend   i knew what i was talking about when it's  raining like this this is actually okay i'll   drive in that no problem when it's proper  raining it's a little bit dangerous because   these things whiz past you and  the gust of the wind and the rain a little bit dangerous okay i've googled  it and it's so tight it's so funny it's so   i'll tell you the story when we get to the temple  but we are going to have to buy a [ __ ] because   there's a very important reason as i'll explain  and i mean you can spend thousands of marks on these golden and silver and colorful ones these  giant ones these are all for sale and i suppose   depending on the the size of your [ __ ] maybe  that kind of increases the likelihood of your your wish to come true um let's go for a big strong  [ __ ] purple's my lucky color hi thank you i'll take this one how much is that  one 50 baht ha sit back perfect thank you now   oi 40 bud ah just 20 oh wow that's cheap  okay thank you i don't worry about the bag   it's okay i'll put it in my thingy thank you  carmen carr cotton car how much is uh this one 5000 baht oh okay and the big one there   the same five thousand and what about that giant  big one yay mac not for sale okay thank you wow i'm so excited we're going to a temple  with a purple [ __ ] now you behave yourself and as you'll find out when we get there this  is quite a timely blessing or or or ornament of   good luck i should say because we recently just  said on the channel that we were never going to   do pay promotions because it doesn't feel  good and we're going to lose out on some   money but with the power of the [ __ ]  we may be able to bring in some extra   let me get there's about another 5k and all the  way down this road are hundreds of these shops so   i can't wait to see how many cops are at this  temple okay nearly there and it's stopped raining okay we're here at watch eddie okay this  place is massive absolutely massive there   is it feels like it's disneyland it feels  like i need a map to get around this place   it's also kind of uh a building site there's  the main temple which we'll go to in a second   and it's surrounded by brand new structures brand  new temples statues of buddha statues of the kid   and everything to do with the story behind this  place and thai people are flocking here and they   they literally can't build it big enough fast  enough because they know they're going to make   a lot of money here because thai people are so  superstitious this is not a religious thing this   is a spiritual superstitious thing so in thailand  you'll see outside every home every business   most of them have spirit houses you've  seen them they're colorful painted wooden   structures and every morning they thai people  give them fruits give them sweet soda drinks   and incense and things like that and that's to  keep the ghosts and spirits happy in the house   and it just brings in good luck thai people  believe majority of thai people believe in spirits   and in ghosts in fact half of the movies that come  out in thailand the thai ones are ghost stories they're setting up fireworks here yeah  half of the thai movies that come out   are based around spirits and ghosts so  they're horror movies generally speaking and   i've been to a few and the thai people scream  and cry and it's really really scary because   they physically believe in the spiritual world  and ghosts anyway the story here is now it's a   bit hard to understand but here's the gist  of it a thousand years ago there was a boy   in ayutia and you know long long time ago and  he he had some paranormal abilities and when he   was nine years old he visited this temple and  something happened i don't know what happened   but they have a statue of this boy here and the  temple has been here for a thousand years and   it was recently renovated in the 50s now that's  not that interesting but recently thai people   because the boy is called uh a guy which means  like chicken boy he had a nickname chicken boy   recently thai people started coming here and  asking you know asking for wishes and their wishes   were monetary-based they were people thai people  were wishing for better luck in their business   they were wishing to win the lottery and some of  these wishes were coming true and word spread and   thai people be as superstitious as they are and  as much as they believe in ghosts as they do they   flocked here so much so that this whole buddhist  and temple structure that's built around this   and the hundreds of businesses in every direction  selling these ornaments are based around the fact   that if you give an ornament and ask a wish to  the boy that um he may grant that wish and so   you know recently we just decided not to work  with brands and things like that so we took a   hit on the business side so why don't we together  make a wish now i'll make my wish but let's just   focus our energy on this little purple [ __ ] here  okay because then we'll go see the little um egg   boy statue and you can make a wish right now  because all of your wishes will come into this   ornament if you believe in that kind of thing make  a wish right now about you know something monetary   maybe you want money maybe you want your business  to do better maybe you want money for someone else   did you put the energy and wish into  this okay let's go see the egg boy   and i'll i'll put the wish down for us  all let me make my wish quickly okay there's just so much to this templar i just  don't understand if you're thai or you understand   thai traditions please let me know because here's  the question that i have okay i understand the   story i understand the superstitious part of it  and i get why you know you come here and you can   see the little boy statues and he's covered  in gold they've got one of him dressed as a   soldier and i can get some of it understand some  of the meaning behind it and why people come here   but why why do they have like thor captain america  iron man everywhere what's that got to do with it   they're everywhere here as well then like there  seems to be three parts to it you you make your   wish at the boy statue and the thai people are  very patient and then when it's their turn they   they sit on the floor and they make their wish  and then they move over to like a fountain um and   there's rocking horses and the kids rocking the  horse and then you take a picture there and then   you move over to the blessing table and you drop  down your statue and you make your blessing to   finalize your wish but what what's with what's  with the marvel they're everywhere i don't get it   is it just for the kids is it to keep the  kids entertained while mum and dad make a wish   is it for photographs or is there a meaning  behind it because there are more statues of   captain america and iron man and everything  than there are chickens or [ __ ] do you know what i thought why are you here   may the power of this [ __ ]  bring you wealth and happiness thank you to the person who recommended this  actually i tell you who recommended me this   because it was a thai person do you remember  when i was in khao sak national park and um there   were those beautiful girls staying in my resort  well the really cool one with the orange bikini   um randomly when she was like oh when you're a  knack on make sure you come to this pizza place   and i was like okay and she was adamant  about it so i saved it on my maps and it was   the you know this is where we are and i've just  been driving for an hour in the countryside and   i was thinking to myself where am i going what  is where you know where am i going basically and   there's a lady there rolling out pizza dough and  she told me that the pizza is made from rice the   dough is made from rice and all of the ingredients  are grown locally so i've gone for a hawaiian   pizza so local ham local pineapple cheese local  green vegetable she mentioned the name but it was   entire and i can't remember and then green chili  and red chili on top so you can basically make   your own i was like give me a hawaiian with chili  and then they have a proper you know pizza oven   and then she popped it in and it's come out and  it looks really good i'm really happy with it   um i'm gonna eat it now and i'll tell you how  it tastes because i've got to try to remember   that it's not the pizza that i've ever eaten  before so i'm not going to compare it to   italian pizza because you know the dough  is made from rice so i'm going to try it's still hot it's still hot you see looks  good all right so yeah let's try to remember   it's not italian pizza so i'm not gonna judge  it against that it's really fresh and um the   dough is quite crispy you can kind of hear it  you know you can imagine how it tastes right it's good the pier the resistance is the local  ipa that they have here it's called jib beer so let's have a little taste smell it oh yeah it's very hoppy very  fruity it's got something funny on   the label it says beard doesn't it says beer  doesn't ask silly questions beer understands cheers oh that's a real beer 140 baht for the beer  and i'm not sure where the pizza is but i'll   put down here with the total beer price the  whole pizza lunch price yummy local thai pizza   made from local thai ingredients in a local  thai farm how random how beautiful thank you thank you okay we're here long day today um 10 o'clock  i left and it's 5 30 now 100 kilometers i mean   we don't go in a straight line we divert to go  to the temple to go to the pizza place and to   just explore the province the town itself nakhon  see tamara town is is a bit of a concrete jungle   i was just driving in and i was like grim you  know when you turn into a town it's just concrete   concrete concrete but what i will do is i will  pop out now we'll go out or try and find one place   kind of fancy some local noodles and a cold beer  then i am going to crash out and watch some tv   this is 590 bar very typical place i just find  a place on google maps normally when i'm driving   into a new place pay cash and uh yeah fifteen  dollars a night that's pretty much the standard   a lot of you guys saying oh you're not living on  a thousand bar budget a day sometimes i am um i'd   say about half of the time i'm staying under  budget and then half the time i'm over budget   i'm definitely over budget yes okay but um i still  live as cheap as i can as comfortably as i can   this is what i want this is literally the  definition of the perfect room for me it's   500 to 600 baht it has air con it has plugs it has  wi-fi i can edit i can get a good night's sleep and um clean i think it's best to just  get some like beer and snacks from seven   and hunker down because uh it's gonna rain  tonight and i'm not gonna be bothered to go   out in the rain searching for food so look  oh oh campervan quite rare that you see them nice brown one anyway um i think it's gonna piss  down yeah look it's a bit of a concrete jungle   it's a bit ugly isn't it  look proper gray day as well so let's hope for a better day tomorrow let's  hope nakanzi tamara flourishes when we hit up   the mountains i've had a fun day today we've gone  from the top to the bottom from canon to the city   but now it's going to piss down with rain and the locals are running around  desperately trying to get cover   um let's park up next to these grab  grab food guys you see these guys   grab food or line man or food panda this is  an industry that was born from covered right   here they are just hanging out waiting for  a wait for a job and uh look i'm gonna get   some beers from 7-eleven and some snacks and  then i'm going to edit this video and watch a   movie thank you dreamy for getting us to nakhon si  tamara safely thank you to you guys for watching and uh no not very good ending paddy  i'm looking for inspiration but i don't   find any least it's half past five so  that means we can buy beer and seven   have a great day wherever you are thanks for  watching and i'll see you in the next one when   i promise we're gonna do this province some more  justice and have some fun another cringy ending

2021-06-16 10:55

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