THIS Is WHY You Should VISIT ANGKOR WAT! + Best Temples To Visit | Cambodia Travel 2023

THIS Is WHY You Should VISIT ANGKOR WAT! + Best Temples To Visit | Cambodia Travel 2023

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oh my gosh I'm like totally fangirling right now [Music] [Music] good morning we're gonna have another exciting day today we're starting early this time we are leaving to go to Angkor Wat very exciting let's go We're gonna do it we're gonna cross it off the list wuhoo Angkor Wat Temple we just crossed the moat on their Floating Bridge and we're about to go through I think this is the East Gate into the courtyard it's very warm and it's a bit crowded Angkor Wat was built on 400 acres It's the largest religious structure in the world originally built in the early 12th century I understand it was built as a funerary Hindu temple and then slowly transitioned its way into a Buddhist Monastery finally got to see this I can't believe we're here we [Music] this is just the gate past this gate we have to walk a few hundred meters just to get to the end oh this is just a gate it's just a gate oh okay [Music] oh my gosh I look so I'm glistening Are you ready? Yes! Woooowwww I see it! Wow this is the famous Courtyard I didn't realize how big it was Oh my gosh I'm like totally fangirling right now Starstruck my sweat is like dripping down everywhere it's hot I'm going to one of these one of these things so it looks like this inside it's a pretty cool View there's a lot of people but I would imagine it's usually a lot lot busier Honey look at the lion butts they look different. The lion butts? Yeah he's always looking at the lion butts i'm just curious like what they imagined a lion butt would look like from behind that's that's what they imagine it to look like wow [Music] wow wow it's huge wow whoa people used to climb that looks like Rapunzel's tower or something if you look you can see the new Stones part of the restoration which is kind of cool oh yeah we're gonna try to go up there are we okay I want some food though I'm really hungry super fun fact for the day each one of these carvings is a little bit unique in it's own right if you if you look at the stumps those are not actually imperfections these are stretch marks for mothers giving birth they were carved in there with intention it's not from wear and tear and if you look at the statues they have them but they're a little bit different it's kind of a super cool little fact you notice they're all just a just a little bit different a little bit off and each statue is a little bit different too it's pretty cool super fun fact for the day number eight it's a bit warm huh that little bit of Shade is pretty pretty necessary It's like a slice of heaven it is it's a really cool wall right yeah let's go to the top let's go that was very steep I was scared for my life It's pretty cool, it's very hot I'm like slowly losing our sanity it's just it's just we're soaking from head to foot But look at that view though totally worth the view though wow you can see everything from here so cool that is a very steep climb down [Music] we were Yep we were just up there okay let's get in the shade What do you think this is? It was a funerary temple probably a few more prayer statues if I had to guess maybe maybe they had little maybe like Tombs here I'm not really sure it's really cool though the ceiling makes me a little bit nervous oh I guess it's been here for a thousand years That's missing a head we're hiding in the outer hallways because the sun has blessed us with its presence today okay let's go let's go just taking a break oh look how red I am oh my goodness We're taking a break Reflections on this day regrets and accomplishments regrets wearing all black this is all I have I have mostly black Accomplishments? We woke up this morning we woke up early make sure for women that you are dressed modestly. men however you can go as you please I figured if she was gonna suffer with pants on that I would suffer as well oh is that why you wore pants I have respect for you what else? bring a fan bring an umbrella bring an umbrella our umbrella was very useful bring a lot of water we went through this bottle plus another bottle probably last like 30 minutes It's super hot bring every device you can for heat I wish I had a hat like a big floppy hat or something and a big flowy dress ummm what else you can get a guide if you would like it's a nice way to I guess bring more business but we just kind of walk by them and listen and we've done our own research too and we don't want to make people wait for us when we take pictures or videos like it takes us a while to get around and we stop a lot so we get kind of pressured whenever we have a guide to like move quicker anyway yeah super cool we're gonna take a couple nice shots yeah and then we're gonna head to the next one let's go into the sun okay let's go oh and just disclaimer I know we sound super whiny but it was definitely worth it we had such a great time we had a really really good time like the heat was just like an after thought we just thought we would warn you guys I thought it was really funny that all the lion statues here they have um very large holes in their butts what I'm assuming for is either incense or torches or some sort of lighting Source or maybe water like a it spouts water that's a very good possibility so cool thing about the temples of Angkor is there's a large amount of butterflies everywhere just absolutely everywhere big beautiful butterflies everywhere it's the craziest thing I've never seen so many butterflies in one place before yeah we went to that butterfly garden an indoor Butterfly Garden in Singapore there's more butterflies here in these temples than in that butterfly garden yeah craziest thing it's really beautiful yeah it's amazing we've still got quite a bit to go save a little bit of our battery for the next place we'll see you at the next place So pretty. Thanks

[Music] all right so we've arrived at our next Temple which is Banteay Kdei Temple hopefully I'm pronouncing that right it's one of the smaller temples here let's go take a look around [Music] looks like there's a small village back there wow So the little band that we just passed on the sign it said umm The man playing one of the men playing is a land mine survivor You can tell because he's completely blind and a lot of his face is not there So apparently there's a lot of unexploded ordnance still in Cambodia from many many years of conflict you can actually go see them that was pretty interesting let's keep looking This is Banteay Kdei or Citadel of Monks I don't know a ton about this but it's very beautiful Woah Look how far back it goes oh my goodness wow [Music] wow now that's a grand exit that was pretty cool huh yeah that place was super cool okay we're finally at our last stop for the day and we saved the best for last we're at Ta Prohm Temple this one we're excited for because this one hasn't been restored at all um it's just as it was left when they found it a long time ago so I'm really really looking forward to this one this is the iconic one you've seen all the movies with Tomb Raider Tomb Raider and a bunch of others too so we're really excited for this one here it's not very big but this is one of the big ones for popularity anyways let's take a look huge tree woooww alright this place is pretty amazing we overheard one of the tour guides that they're eventually gonna have to remove the tree because it's causing severe structural damage to the actual Temple which is a good thing but it's also kind of a shame because it's a 500 year old tree intertwined with the temple itself which is pretty amazing but they're undergoing a huge restoration project it looks like so that's that's a good thing but it's a shame to cut down such a big beautiful and iconic tree so this might not be here the next time we come back or who knows how long this will be here for that's pretty amazing where do we go now you look like you're gonna perform witchcraft or something like voodoo What's it say? So we came in on the east gate We're right here so I think we just walk around do we go in the temple Looks like we came in this way so let's go that way oh well the arrow is pointing this way I guess let's just do a loop around and see what we can find I think that might be the best look at all of these rocks each one is intricately carved look at these giant trees wow giant trees growing over everything it grew on top of the blocks wow it's pretty cool shows you how long these stones have been here for this one you can go inside [Music] woah it's like the lost city of gold the lost city of Cambodia you look like an ant compared to this giant tree wow This is straight out of Indiana Jones it's the craziest thing that's the tree I was looking for Wanna gonna go take a look at that cool tree? Yes oh wow okay look at that That was a cool walk. It's a cool walk yeah closing arguments awesome super cool this is probably my I think this is probably my favorite Temple you can really see the the wear and tear and just how Mother Nature surrounded this these ancient sacred sites which is just it's absolutely amazing it's a little scary because it's literally falling apart because it's so old imagine having trees in Mother Nature go through so there's a ton of workers trying to keep the building up right now which is pretty amazing it's pretty cool how they do it too they're using all original Stones a few modern tools but nothing nothing too crazy I think this one's my favorite this one feels most most special to me super cool super hot we're absolutely dying out here we left at 9am it's almost 3 P.M now we thought we were gonna be back by lunch because we didn't want to stay in this heat but it's really cool but it's a lot of ground to cover there's 71 major temples and there's over 250 buildings in the temples of Angkor there's no way to see all of them in one day or even two days and just a little side note before we go thank you Siem Reap thank you Angkor this place is absolutely amazing we'll do our best to give back what we can while we're here we hope you enjoyed touring around the temples of Angkor with us we're absolutely exhausted so we're gonna go back to the hotel and maybe take a nap and then go for dinner but we had so much fun exploring with you guys and we will see you next time bye was it not recording earlier This is To Prom? Ta Prohm Ta Prohm Ta Prohm Temple Ahh I tripped Action! why do you keep coming here it's really hot I was trying to stand under the umbrella Okay, go! We're lost. This is no access this way no access that way But we can access that way. Oh yeah Oh my gosh look how sweaty I am I think you can go inside. No just kidding

2023-02-17 09:04

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