This Is Why You NEED To Travel Vietnam By Motorbike... | Ep. 7

This Is Why You NEED To Travel Vietnam By Motorbike... | Ep. 7

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Vietnam by motorbike a journey that has no  structure apart from reaching the capital of   Vietnam in just three weeks time and hopefully  in one piece last episode you saw our toughest   stretch of this trip yet pushing ourselves to  the Limit after being caught in very unpleasant   conditions today's episode shows how quickly  that can change as we push further up north in   the most beautiful weather we reach a Seaside  town that has seen better days before enduring   up an ultimate ride on a hectic Highway we visit a  very popular yet outstanding Viewpoint that proves   to us that the way that we travel through this  country was the best decision we could have made good morning we've woken up to a beautiful  sunrise and also the sun is completely shining   it's not blue sky there's not a cloud in the  sky today I can't believe how much like 24   hours difference makes which is partly sad  because the drive yesterday would have been   so nice if it was like this but I think what  we're going to go through today is going to   be just as nice there's a route the highway  that we're on yesterday to get here you could   take that the whole way which will take about  four hours or there's a Inland route that will   take four and a half hours which I think  is what we're gonna do because I I don't   want to be on a straight road for four hours  it'll be so boring we've got the last of our   the lust of our wet clothes on the side  just dry enough and hopefully this will   be the last time and then when we get to Hanoi  we'll be able to hand them over and get them they're so bad yeah the whole of our bag  just smells of damp all of our cloves are   filthy like I don't think we've been clean  for the past four weeks yeah even when you   um shower you put your stinky clothes back  on but I wouldn't change anything so far   it's been really really good yeah it's  all about the adventure and I'm excited   for today's adventure yeah this is the last  thing now so we've got to make the most of it thank you today's ride was something that we didn't  expect to happen after yesterday's dramas   we thought the picturesque writing was over for  us but as always Vietnam poses its beauty in the   most unspecified manner to say we're in good  spirits is a massive understatement foreign we've just stopped over for a  photo shoot because this road   is just incredible just a straight  line with these Martins around it   absolutely incredible we're only we're only like  50 minutes down the road and I don't want it to   end already I'm actually getting a little bit  sad that like this Journey's coming to an end   today I'm thinking about driving slower just so  it lasts longer I was thinking the exact same   thing on the bike I was thinking gosh am I going  to be emotional when this is all that I know I was   getting inside then when that's all the time going  down fast I was thinking like this is going to be   sad when it's over then flush flashback to this  time yesterday I know yeah I'll quickly changes   but this this road so far is beautiful there's  no one on air it's just right now yeah you can't   hit anything there's just some water buffaloes  over there raising away underneath that mountain it's spectacular yeah this is and the weather  just feels so like crisp and fresh I just look   at that road behind you of the bike and  the sun is shining um that is amazing oh thank you foreign I've just been able to find a little pollen spot   and we've been great with this really  good view which is what we're after and   Mitch is now gonna try and get the really tight  knot out of the band me and I think we're gonna   stop here and eat them but this that ride is just  going so quickly there's so much to look at the   sun on your face when you're riding is something  completely different like it's such a good   experience I'm blocking all the wind for you as  well but it's perfect yeah it is the wind chill is   still a little bit there but it's a it's durable  yeah it's not the warmest still we're still laid   up but with the sun on you it's it's really  nice and it's just still not a cloud in the sky   so now we've got some soggy ban me in this  view um good no it tastes like a kebab oh nice I think this might be one of our  last stops before we get to Vin   we have got about an hour and a half so unless  something completely wowzers I think we'll just   be cruising along it's been really nice  isn't it driving yeah this area is like   it's still really rural isn't it but I think this  is where a lot of people must work because of how   much Farmland there is around but it's just for  miles and miles there's just parties and like   this is the first time we've seen sweet corn and  now there's just fields and Fields of sweet corn   it's it's really set up for that and it's given  me like French Vibes too because there is like   how many churches one there we've just gone  past one as we turned so one two three four   five would you say this one in the same one or  four well anyway there is so many churches around   the area and they're all very French inspired  it looks like it does yeah yeah there's a bit   more traffic on this road again now a lot more  trucks and buses that are trying to kill you odds to the phone to break up the journey tin and  Ben we booked a hotel in a Beach   town called Lao a place we expected  to be full of people and Beachside   restaurants but as you will see it  turned out to be quite the opposite foreign for so long today like four and a half  hours but I think it's even longer than that   from the fact that we've stopped quite a few  times but we've made it to a place called I think qlo I don't know it's in it's just up  from bin like very close it's just actually   by the sea but this place is like derelict  don't think it's a very usual tourist spot   but it's the only way we can break up the  eight hour drive is by staying here so it's   four hours tomorrow we've done well it's been  a really really really really really nice ride   I've enjoyed it so much kind of stuff that it's  over but my bum definitely needs a rest well we're   staying in a bit of a [ __ ] it's not what we  expected after such a lovely ride and drive today   but yeah I I don't know it's I think it's the  last place that we're gonna stay in that's bad   though the tomorrow we're going to be in nimbing  and then I think we might stay there for two days   but then the day after when we get to Hanoi we  should hopefully be booking some nicer places so   yeah just gotta suck it up for one last night  it doesn't even look that bad on the camera   I wish you could smell it yeah I mean the  mold on the back of the uh curtain sort   of shows it I don't think we're gonna get  Heating or the stain oh yeah on the sheet or the color of the walls I don't  understand how a wall dirty I know like   what would you be doing for  a wall to get that dirty at least we've got complimentary soap and  shampoo yeah and nothing will ever be as bad   as our Bangkok I know yeah we got set off right  didn't we yeah if we did yeah I feel like oh no   we should have been eased in but no after that  breakdown I'm set up for anything now this will do   and also it is it is Bittersweet as this  will be probably the last hopefully last   place that we stayed at rough rough  because we'll be in tourist territory enjoying yourself there I really didn't think it would be somebody's  an artist again some bathing in how many layers I forgot on four layers this is nice with  the sword because of the buildings around   there's nowhere neither so it's like it feels like  it's like mid-20s it's actually like 17 degrees   we've just come and found a coffee  shop just from where our hotel is   and we've got ourselves a hot axial I think that's  how you say it badly I think it I don't know um yeah it's a hot Vietnamese coffee  with condensed milk and normal milk   mixed together within a shot so it's  very good very sweet and some water   and we're just soaking up the Sun and trying  to scope out anywhere that we can get some   food in a little bit we've just asked the lady  here and she's recommended a couple of places   but I think that's all we're going to be doing  having that like crash after being on the bike   kind of just go a bit tired I don't know why it  makes you so tough yeah I feel knuckled I could   understand why it makes you tired yesterday  the cold made me really tired I think my body   just burnt loads of energy from like shivering  would have been freezing yeah I feel I even feel   knackered today yeah I need to do some proper  exercise again yeah we need to get back on the   exercise game and tell you that yeah but only a  few days left with this so you may as well enjoy   whatever feeling it is because we're  gonna get this again I'm gonna miss it staying in [ __ ] holes every  day cold and having a sore ass no I actually will miss it well having a walk  around to try and find some food we couldn't   believe how run down and quiet this place was  we didn't know if it was due to the pandemic   the time of the year or that the place had  just lost popularity either way it was Eerie   walking through a town that felt like it  was once on a set of an apocalyptic movie well what a great start to the morning we've got  the sun shining there's blue sky and we've just   come to our local first place for breakfast  and it was like the Vietnamese version of   an English cuff it was great everyone was in  there we just had two beef faux Furs for for 50   000 each and it was probably one of the best that  we've had the best you sent me the best yeah yeah   we've had one really good bumbao and then that was  a fobal and it was really good so now we're ready   for and ready to go pack up the bags and hit the  road and enjoy this our final four hour ride of   the trip it's going to be a pretty straight road  today but just gotta get there because nimbin's   gonna be absolutely gorgeous so yeah that's what's  waiting for us at the other side exactly yeah all right just casually using a  really random Contraption some guys   if you got him again yeah it's like  a little motor with a winch on it   that's just spalling off the wire pulling the  wheelbarrow up so he just sits there all day nice to get sick I'll tell you what things  are much easier without half and so you do   second class how'd you feel it is yeah  I'm sorry to come into it and we've got   an Airfield each to listen to a podcast as we  ride but the sun's out I'm that's all I need   yeah for four hours 190 kilometers and I don't  think there's gonna be one bend the whole way   yeah oh we're getting there at about  one yeah right let's get cracking chaos got over three hours a day I could hurt you man no one on the bike's blocks see   if there's anything around them and then the  horses just are the main people on the road I've never heard that Jesus horned so much like  45 minutes but we've been on the bike so far it's probably a longer Drive than I thought this Road's brutal it's just non-stop like people   trying to kill you like you get used to  it after a while but it's just so draining talk you're fighting for your  life the whole way aren't you uh two hours left I think I'm  just gonna have a party to eat   now and then try and get the rest of it  done because it's not enjoyable is it   I'm ready to look at either uh it's very  much just a good look at anything even   anyway because you've got to be concentrating  on the road like 100 yeah well 110 like yeah   do you need to be thinking of things 10 15 seconds  before they even happened it's crazy out there we can't believe that this is the penultimate  ride before we reach our final destination in   Hanoi the time is absolutely flown by and as the  next episode will be our last of our trip through   Vietnam we thought it would be good to answer  any questions that you guys may have if you   do have any please leave us a comment on this  video and we will answer as many as we can in   our final episode also a quick reminder that if  you have enjoyed our videos a like and a comment   goes a long way and also please subscribe so  you can see what our next adventure will be we've put ourselves in a massive Rush as we've  just realized that today's the last day of this   Clear Blue Sunshine and as I was sat here on a  little patio and Mitch was taking a nap I just   checked the weather realized that and also  realized that we wanted to go to an amazing   Viewpoint and today is going to be the best day  for it and we've only got about an hour left until   the sun sets and it takes 15 minutes to get there  and between 30 to 45 minutes to walk up there   so if you ever think that we're really  planned and organized we're not so   now we're just rushing and stressing  trying to get there in time again after   the day that we've had on it but is there any  gonna get like taking the chances of trying   to get there in time this is the one thing  that I wanted to do that we did last time   but didn't get a good day for it and was  determined to do again whilst we're here praying and hoping so we can  get on there and get a good   view and show you guys how amazing it is up there we've got here in record time  parked at the closest one to   where we walk now we've got  to pay to get in that was 15   000 to park and then I think it's a hundred  thousand to get up here each each yeah expensive things that we've done oh my God it's  miles up there it is yeah it's it's going to be   a big walk and I'm hoping to do it in less than  the 30 to 45 minutes as well so we've got to get   a move on poor Mitch still looks like he's like  literally looks half asleep he's all puffy faced   but I'm not missing out on  this all right let's get in people pottering everywhere but Mark's on a  mission yeah I need to get up there everybody   said we are doing this in quicker than they  always say I'm determined to learn at least   I'm gonna take 20 minutes it looks it's so  steep though yeah I know it's gonna be worse   for me coming down than up so I couldn't  you won't have time to think about it no I was asleep 20 minutes ago  and I'm blowing up my ass this is tough oh my God if I can do it started off too strong like guys on Facebook it's gone live on  Facebook because he's coming up the stairs oh it's so busy I'm ready I'm fat I said  yesterday I wanted some exercise climbed you about five minutes this place is absolutely breathtaking it's  just as good as when we came out last time   aside from last time I'd obviously forgotten  how many people do actually come up and we   haven't been able to even able to get like a  good spot to see it um to get a photo anyway   but the views all like 360 round if you're not  looking at the mountains that way then you're   looking over the rest of can talk that way so it  really is very nice and we got here just in time golden hour is still happening which makes me very  happy and now Mitch is just perched on the ledge wow I could have got that yeah it's  just a crazy amount of people this is at the highest Viewpoint  there is one just below us   which is a little bit lower down  and that's just as packed as well   so everyone had the same idea as us but it's  better than coming up tomorrow I think in the   cloud I'm glad that we've been able to see it  with the sun setting and the blue skies it's   just absolutely amazing I love when you're at the  same height as the the birds fly into pretty cool there's too many people I don't feel right getting the journal  and there's as many people about   one like it could hurt someone and two it's  just like I think it's rude not everyone   wants to enjoy the sunset and everyone will  just hear a drone flying over that's not fair   so it's a short and sweet visit up here I think  it's like someone's died well I think it's one of   them things where like I mean I've never had  a child but when people say that they forget   about childbirth after it's happened that's what I  feel like with this moment last time we came I've   only got the photos to look back on not the sheer  amount of people and also the length it takes to   get up here and a quad to shaking and it cost  us 215 000 and it cost us 250 000 which would yeah we could have had a curry for that  tonight but then I'd like Got My Mind   Set On And we haven't really spent much on um  attractions this time yeah because we've been   seeing views like this for free the whole time  yeah I know it just makes me more grateful about   the experience that we've had this trip on the  bike yeah it's been worth it this has taught me   that lesson for sure all right now let's talk all  the stairs down yeah we're gonna have to go slow a Bittersweet end to our last spectacular  view in Vietnam remember to subscribe so you   don't miss out on our final episode  of the series and remember to leave   a comment if you have any questions  about us or the trip that you'd like   us to answer thank you so much for  watching we will see you next time

2023-04-03 02:59

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