This is Why it’s So Easy to LOVE India!

This is Why it’s So Easy to LOVE India!

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all right guys we have just arrived  at the Amber Palace or a Amer Fort   I don't know why there's two names  for it but I'm pretty sure they're   the same thing but check this out this is  literally remarkable [Music] look at that absolutely breathtaking absolutely  breathtaking I'm pretty sure   according to Google this closes in one hour uh  I think that we're probably I think that we've   sold ourselves short a little bit because it's  4 30 so we're gonna be like running through the   palace uh it looks massive it does I didn't think  it would be that huge me either but uh here we go   our tuk-tuk driver was so awesome and he  had music playing and we were jiving and uh   now I'm excited to check this out  and there's a little puppy oh okay   he wants to play oh wow that's the most  playful dog I think I've had in Asia so   far I do want to talk after I deal with  the vague situation about Uber and Ola so I actually booked an Uber and the guy came up  to pick us up and the price was I don't know 160   rupee and he came and pretty much we got in  he accepted the ride and then demanded more   money he was doing it through Google Translate so  make sure you guys download Ola and Uber because   we did an Ola after and it ended up being  180 and this guy was absolutely amazing did   it for the price displayed it was night and  day between the drivers we had so make sure   to get both apps just in case you run into  that situation it shouldn't be more than 200   hopefully for you to get up here you could get  a guide here as well we're not gonna do that   yeah right there 400 600 a thousand it all depends  on how many people you have but for one person it   would be 400 which you know let's say four bucks  or so 450. unreal oh my goodness just stunning absolutely breathtaking hello oh my gosh it's  so pretty looks like a huge castle on a hill   oh my gosh I've never seen something so cool well  I have seen a lot of cool things but that's that's   up there for sure so before we head up those  daunting looking stairs I'm gonna whip out my   handy-dandy Google and let you guys know where we  are um so Amber Palace the AKA am airport uh is   one of the top tourist attractions in Jaipur and  the huge Palace as you guys you guys can tell sits   on top of a hill and it's an extensive Palace  complex that has been built with pale yellow   and pink sandstone and white marble so that's  what we're exploring today and it has four huge   Courtyards this place looks massive so we'll  see if we can get to every one of them might   all happen let's roll there's like architecture  all around us right now and I can imagine when   the sun sets that it's gonna look incredible  because the sun is just right there right now and um there's also a light show and you  can Google the times because I think ours   in English is at 7 30 and then there's the Hindi  ones at different times it depends on winter or   summer as well yeah there's like three different  seasons or something where it's like either six   thirties seven or seven thirty yeah so double  check your times and make sure you check that's   when the fort closes because it closes at 5 30  and we should have came earlier we came through   a very very big rainstorm yeah oh yeah that  was probably like the most that it's rained so   far since we've been in India yeah and you could  already tell the roads were getting so backed up she was not taking guys historical places  oh that's okay I will explain it 22 points   since we're gonna guide ourselves  we're gonna be our own guys but I   will explain you for everything I use  Google I know everything I I use Google we don't want a guy thank you  for you yeah but we don't want   one there's historical places inside yes thank you that guy's not taking no for an answer she watched her j4 Market video there's a Viewpoint over there and I think that's  open later so if we get kicked out we can go up   there yeah are you trying to kill me I wonder how  to do these stairs after yesterday's hike right I   know we went to up to the nahargar Fort yesterday  and I did Legs yesterday and I am feeling it   today but I'm powering on because it's our last  date here and uh we really want to see this so The Rock built up too it's just  incredible right all there and   then you look over the water yeah wow  all the Cobblestone pass and just like   this railing the railing well it's just so  the Sunstone everything is so beautiful I   guess it is a railing it's just a big railing  I'm used to the little dinky ones in Canada what's up for the puddles these are these  are Palace railings the sun is just setting   right behind the palace right there as we  climb up I'm sure we'll be chasing the sun yeah that's very cool [Music]   which way that's the question eh great question I think this way it says two Palace  pedestrian path yeah no tips please   photography with elephants is not allowed with elephants oh goodness these jokes I tell you it's a blonde no thank you I love the color  it's like a kind of like a camel   camel color camel like yeah it's like a I  don't know if you don't know the color camel   it's basically like a tan you kind of little  tinge of orange one of my favorite Shades can I guide you can I guide  you can I guide you you pay me in the Box not too bad no no it's more intense I'm going to the big gate they are cool they're they're old school these  are like is original it's your original I got   them all tied open well they are actually really  sturdy you can see how thick they are oh yeah [Music]   you have some little snacks there's endless   amounts of snacks that's for sure  literally all over India for sure look how that pigeon's just perched right there I fit on here just fine okay look how stunning it's  coming oh the gust of wind   wow look at this many people yeah it's happening  there's a motorbike coming behind me whoa jeez a   cannon over here that is awesome I was not  expecting that motorbike to come I think   we head up over there after we get this ticket  in all this madness let's head on in thank you guys uh just just a ticket that's okay we're  just getting a ticket thank you that's okay no thank you we're good wow all right foreign oh thank you [Music] I've already looked up information all  right 502 divided by that is about 60 like six   dollars and 25 cents gonna buy the tickets  I'm gonna take you guys over here that's   very congested in there so everyone seems to  be overlooking something over here so let's   leave chasing that mob and see what we got here  okay buildings wow look at this view you guys look at all along there [Music] hopefully Chase is okay in there I left  him with the Hawkers she's still there   I think she thinks she can get us  but we're touring ourselves today I mean I thought that we were  late coming at 4 30 but there's   still a ton of people getting  tickets so it can't be that bad ah all right we got a ticket for 1004  for both of us so yeah that 625 I was   trying to tell you guys before per person  and then no thank you thank you very much   um she says that we would enjoy her company but  to be honest I don't actually know if I would so   that was pretty wild they wouldn't even accept one  of my bills too so I had to Rifle around and oh   really oh because of the thrift or something okay  on we go yay this is what we've been waiting for   crazy cool architecture but we gotta have to  go through security oh no music hello [Music]   sunglasses very cool all right  I'm just trying to figure out   what size Shelby's on I'm right behind you oh my gosh wow wow look at all of this  oh my gosh all the pillars and just right   over there all the intricate intricate  detailing it reminds me of what's that   mine feels like Mosaic Mosaic it's  very like Mosaic right very stunning   so I guess you can just uh weave in  a nut of all things here look at this sneak in here oh they're ready wow look at that oh my goodness oh my gosh that's so cool so that's where  we drove in right down that road yeah this is a must-see the Admiral Palace it  really it really is it really is oh my gosh   I guess I should show you guys the viewing on  my face right you don't want to see that nope wow oh see I thought that like something  like that looked like the fort but I was   on the other side so right up here is  the Viewpoint for the Amber Palace yeah   so you can there's so many viewpoints if you  just go in your Google Maps they'll show you   like all different viewpoints we'll get  out of the spot so they can take photos   um you can you can go to all different viewpoints  if you want to spend like a whole day here there's   tons of places you can go if you want to like see  a better view of the fort or be in the fort and   see the landscape and there is one thing really  not to miss if you're in this area and you have   time there is another Fort just up the hill with  the world's largest Cannon so if you're like a   history buff you want to see that kind of stuff  it's right up there it's super cool sweet wow um look at the roof everything's detailed [Music] look at this look at the  gardens wow that's beautiful all the bushes are just nicely groomed tight they're all in their own little domain I watch  somebody say that about brushes in my life one of   the attractions of the Amber Palace or the private  Hall of private I uh took a little screenshot of   info so definitely look on Google if you want like  all the information or get a guide because that's   just what we do we basically just look on Google  and research kind of where we are that one guy   was saying about 400 which I guess would be five  bucks so this is something that said it's easy to   miss to the right uh before you head up are some  small steps leading to the Sheila Devi Temple   um and sacrifices were part of the Temple's  rituals as the goddess is an incarceration   of Cali Legend has it the human heads were  initially offered to the goddess before she   was persuaded to accept ghosts human heads  basically there's tiny little pieces of   glass with like little floral designs to  go closer just look at the floor too wow everyone's taking photos it's a good photo  op right yeah I can see why I can see why wow if we had a wow counter in this video  it'd probably reach like I don't know   tell us how many Wows we have throughout  this video guys in the comments below what is this shelves marble is this  Marvel wow purple marble and then the   castle is made of sand it's got marble  and sounds the contrast right over here and washed out and like all  the different textures are   just like fine glowy okay mind blowing fantastic or does that just mean exit  the support Josh I don't know   but there's also a thing right there I  wonder what this is hot and cold water okay how do you say the Tunas [Laughter] [Music] thank you wow oh my God latrina's so awesome [Music] oh boy sounds like there's a scary ghost in this hallway well I guess we could just go  like this before sure explore oh that's a little intense it bounces all  right we'll go upstairs let's go up to the top   okay very cool what's inside there's monkey okay watch your glasses chops   look at him oh my goodness so cute so  cute as long as he leaves you alone [Music] there's babies right over there if  you don't see them yeah they're good   at the bottom there shelves there's the  mama right there do you not see the top oh my gosh they're tired you gotta Crouch down they are probably the smallest ones we've seen all right some kind of music going on I'm getting  shoved around here yeah yeah yeah all right before   these monkeys go hostile I kind of want to get out  of this area they don't look very hostile they're   pretty docile there's something going on down  there oh any kind of music or something [Music]   How Majestic there's like a monkey walking along no [Music] he's like this is my toy  y'all got really red bumps it's a   little red bums I know interesting I  cannot get enough oh my freaking God   oh yeah look at her cuddling  her little kids oh man [Music]   okay we don't have to yeah I'd rather  not she'll be scared of the monkeys   for rightfully so if you guys  have watched our Malaysia video   I'm a little hesitant too when we were getting  so close to those little bandies the Bambinos just flat enough a staircase   see what else is around I think we need a  vantage point too see where to go here other   than the main Garden oh my goodness look  at that cute door oh it's where Dobby goes so I can get over here and it's bright out now wow [Music] look at the Garden right from here  and it's like shaped like a star in the center   of them running along cuties  it's a perfect spot to be   they've definitely claimed this uh  rooftop as their own that's for sure   oh man you're too short Fair it's the same view  we had all right so we followed those exit signs   and I think we've arrived to a brand new area I'm  pretty sure [Laughter] I think it's just going to   continue showing where the exits are but like  now we have a whole new area to explore ladies wow uh-huh uh-huh okay there's a guy right up  there just chilling a perfect little Roost   completed in 15.99 A.D during the rajma  Raja man sing Regine the palace took about   25 years to build it originally stood  by itself as the main Palace cool cool we're gonna continue following exit  signs we'll see if more stuff shows up if there wasn't so many people here imagine  being about yourself and all these random exit   signs how eer you would feel you're like  oh yeah just go just go down these areas that's haunted oh yeah very cool  look at that oh there's a cafe   oh this is where where the shops start all right we have hit the  fifth Courtyard souvenir shops hello yes how are you very good how  are you from Canada Vancouver yeah nope English yeah how do you feel in mind  City very good first time you come to   here yes yeah fantastic yeah we leave  tomorrow yeah yeah you can see yeah it   is garment shop should we like to see  the inside we are very beautiful okay   yeah we're good on shopping but  we're just looking for the accent [Music] please come here show me yeah sure something nice for you thank you you live  in Jaipur yes these are my friends he has   probably India I live in Jefferson  what's your name what's your name   my name is nice to meet you yes nice to  meet you yes that's us I just oh my God subscribe to his channel oh all right looks nice thank you very  much buddy have a good day you too you   too yeah thank you so much nice to meet  you yeah nice to meet you too all right   let's continue our exit just go  to the strike okay straight okay yeah okay well very stunning it was breathtaking  in that little area when you had the marble   contrasting with all the Sandstone yeah so that's   cool so that's kind of just like the  back where if you want like coffee I guess you just go back the way you came kind of   I guess so maybe just yeah just like  cover any ground that you didn't cover   which happened it would take a long time  yeah we'll see wow look at this foreign [Music] exit yeah normally a lot of these  places don't let you go through the   entrance you usually have to do like  a full loop and find your exit [Music]   very cool come on some boys be jamming over there  on the drums very active spot [Music] Shelby going here that's a good little  spot for Shelby lock her in scary oh my what are these are these big baths a hot tub please let us know what  this is for it looks like a hot   tub wow maybe they roast up the humans  sacrifice the heads in that one room [Music] I know oh my goodness guys so beautiful and look they got these  little guys don't those remind you   of like little nutcrackers or  something Christmas Nutcracker wow I would probably come here honestly even  I would say even about the time we came 4   30 was fine because it's like 5 30 now  so definitely check out the light show   because I think you can also get  food somewhere around here so uh   you could get food and then you could go  to live show which that's not all apples [Music] they won't cover much rain the sad one was beautiful [Music] we're just heading down now  that was super beautiful   no thank you if you want silk paintings there's  no shortage or guide and I think you know what   I'm just gonna guess that that walkway that we  were talking about on the top of the palace there   is probably parking going that other direction  is probably it wraps around and goes to parking I don't know what you're talking about but  I don't remember this way right over here oh   oh okay that's parking oh you  think so almost guarantee it oh   there's little golf carts I've heard  you could take the golf carts up for sure why not we got the time I know it doesn't look  like anyone's rushing to get out of here so   oh this is nice very nice I can appreciate that the trash can  even though some people have missed   it might have been the wind chill  okay give people the credit all right it's massive oh my gosh people  are all up there in The Terraces   or whatever you want to call them the  open windows oh can you oh yeah you can   see all the peeps we were up there oh  yeah okay so we did go quite far then motor through it I don't know when you're down  there though it looks like it's like goes on for   miles a lot of forks everywhere like there's Forks  palaces this that the whole nine yards they have   a lot of architecture to explore here in jayport  I know when you're like Okay Google Google Maps   has actually a bit intimidating because I'm like  what do we see which ones do I choose we haven't   seen the Yamaha and sadly we leave tomorrow but  we drove by it and uh honestly yeah I kind of   wish we took a little stop there but we just ran  out of time and the food there was there was a lot   going on there there was a lot going on yeah lots  of food so if you want like a little street food   a little Adventure that would probably be a good  place wow oh another wow oh hello hi little guys   look at these Little Cuties oh are you  friendly I thought he was going to give   you a little headbutt or something good  job that looks so that's so cute oh my gosh   wow I just like love that view the castle  and you have little stairs on that side's   Majestic all right guys we're gonna end the  video there hope you enjoyed exploring the   Amber Palace Amber Fort Amir Fort all things  if you're confused yes this is all in one area   um and make sure to like And subscribe and  we'll see you guys in the next video bye

2023-11-21 10:50

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