This is what happens when you give strangers FREE FOOD in Brazil

This is what happens when you give strangers FREE FOOD in Brazil

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[Music] [Music] oh my God [Music] you go this way you go to the beach you look karaoke I look ridiculous this is a Brazilian makeover part two Rio episode as ridiculous as all the non-brazilians think I look that's as ridiculous as I feel no I don't know keep in mind everyone's the Brazilians don't mind no one is staring at me but I feel like man you look more local I keep I keep patio I keep doing this no no no you look fine you look normal you blend in now you blend in you're a karaoke All Right Mitch Vlog begins now let's see it's very hot mustard is what we're eating right here good good good good whoa It's not like uh what is the Canadian opinion very hot there's a lot of flavors happening fresh from the girl it tastes very rare to be honest ly a Brazilian hey guys very Brazilian lady I think I taste the sand from earlier that's what it is like like a like a bread taste wonderful we got an actor over here I don't have the words in English wow good one pepper pepper sweet and like red pepper nice I like the bounciness bounciness my favorite part is the sodium bicarbonate yes and it tastes like uh it almost tastes like there's a filler inside of it like some kind of like delicious you know when you put breadcrumbs in it tastes like that I like it a lot [Music] come on looks like what are you all right mini hamburger mini hamburger okay I'll take that I'll take that thousands I tell you what normally my mother told me growing up that you have to wait half an hour between eating and swimming but my mother's not here is she oh by the way look at this view okay the beach view I mean [Music] medium risk [Music] [Music] all right ready to grill [Music] thank you [Music] so much my favorite and Steve got the Mitch going on here on the grill don't have the right tools so I'm doing the best I can oh yeah now guys the reason you love our Channel if you do love it because we immerse ourselves in local culture so please consider the bathing suit I'm wearing as an extension of immersing myself in local culture okay you look like a local now Steve nobody will know you're Canadian people will think your local karaoke which is uh karaoke is how you call the people that lives that is from Rio [Music] I like it my friend he's so kindly gifted me this bathing suit said looking this good I have to watch out for piranhas oh I don't know what he means I think it's about biting but he said Steve in Brazil looking that good you watch it for piranhas so we're cooking the meech now we'll try to get our local friends to try the meat see if they love the meat how could you not love meat I will say this first things first Yvonne has done a great job preparing the meech uh The Original Barbecue was planned three days ago so we had the meat ready and then the barbecue was delayed three days right so we've won a turkey prepared Meech we're already sausages and she re-squished them added more beer added more flavor to try and uh about the bong trying to save the meat right that being said honestly polar is a bit off we soak it up in beer but the color is a bit off and I will admit we have lost a few soldiers on the grill any good Commander will tell you no man left behind so so uh rest in peace to our fallen Meech lost at least two threes they yeah look at this uh let's cook and let's see if our friends like it okay [Music] pepper oh really bouncy all right look at that first time I cooked in my Underpants so Steve come on zillion though oh yeah it looks good Steve it looks good actually not too bad look at this it doesn't look too bad even with even with the difficulty of all the spices being in Portuguese and everything you really did a bit this is my third time making mage doesn't look too bad come on the grilling part is the easiest part just smashing it with your hands which you did twice that's the real skill I'm selling who's buying look and I'm going Underpants people are asking how much are you selling these for because we're just on the side of the street here one euro per piece yes in Euros I mean this is beautiful meat here you don't need to have precarious they're all Euros which day is happier in your day and I got something new here that I've never tried before it's a caipirinha with capua fruit chicken Capo ASU which is a fruit that is grown in an Amazon one and it looks like kind of like cocoa cocoa fruit like chocolate fruit I can honestly say I never heard of that fruit in my life it tastes a little bit like soursop do you know sour sauce okay yes Asia and cocoa fruit and a little bit like really thick coconut so it's kind of like creamy but also sour and it's I like it very good Beach drink actually I love it Barbecue Blue Water I can't wait until I go down and Splish Splash yeah nice now let's eat your sandwich let's go Steve is it ready it's okay right it doesn't stick as much as we would we would think in the end I think it's okay I think it looks good Steve it's okay wow oh we got a whole batch of meat and by the way there's still like 10 more oh we made a lot we've only made about one kilo a meat no no about 1.6 kilos of meat 800 grams pork 800 grams beef yeah experience and just Superior meat grilling technique they're all done at the same time yes would be there would be three or five they need extra time uh they're fairies right good what share it with other people with our friends and see if they like it [Music] um very good delicios huh it's good Meech I think the pork we bought the ground pork was like low-fat it's not fatty enough right sucks not that juicy yeah it's a little bit dry in my opening and I tried it the it's by the way it's hard to find pork in Brazil can you imagine well Grandpa yeah ground pork I've only got looked like a low-fat version yeah that being said meat is always five stars come on nice with mustard we found mustard here although mustard here is different oh you like it I must come back to Bucharest Bucharest I miss you I miss you when you go there call me I'll be your I'll be your local tour guide nice I'm glad I'm glad Everyone likes on a beach party honestly I'm glad Everyone likes it I was a bit nervous you can't just like it it's meat yeah and mustard yeah even when it's bad it's good it's okay or like me you can think top shelf even when you're wearing under friends mustard guy he's only halfway on now it's meat okay don't go you have to try the palinka try out try I'll try try the palinkers I use him naked what's the difference what's the difference how much about two inches was telling us about the nude beach earlier we can always just drive there okay okay [Laughter] not too bad [Music] boys let's go to the beach and over the beach to the people let's go you're just gonna finish it yourself come on it's okay it needs more salt no oh it needs more sodium um I'm not bouncing enough okay it's a bit bouncing yeah yeah Jordy will help us baby hit it right here hit the ball right here [Music] we got a plan here guys [Music] [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] she was a bit concerned she's like are you sure it's beef and pork I'm like no for sure Beef Pork and love yes I'll put the ball again oh here we go our friends are the best Jordy got a plan foreign [Music] go through this is that I don't like me she says he doesn't like meat but it's delicious foreign [Music] mustard [Music] Vegas from Argentina he said it's not Argentina quality but it's okay [Music] but it's okay it's not Argentine barbecue yeah he prefers the Argentinian Asado yeah it's a little bit too salty yeah but but salty that was my fault this version has been a bit salty it's still very good yeah [Music] successfully giving polinka to all of our friends at best it was mixed reviews although to be clear polinka is not exactly a beach drink to me palinka is best enjoyed in the winter yeah when it's cold out warm you out because you drink it straight and it's very warming obviously Romanians drink it in the summer but it's not exactly a refreshing Beach drink our friends think it's too strong he said it's too strong and it's too hot that being said uh the meech was I would say a hit yeah overall the meat was a hit most people like it yeah almost impossible to dislike meech I will admit that our meat we made today I also want to say um Ivana and I are not Romanian we are some part-time Romanian ambassadors so maybe the palinka we got was not the best or the niche who made was on the bench but we're just uh people who have been to Romania we loved it there and we like to bring a little bit of Romania with us as we're in Brazil here with our friends right I think the rain is coming soon I think the wind is coming the rain is coming uh we got one meat on the grill still overall it was a successful day this is a complete Brazilian makeover it was meech on the beach was the Vlog idea and then we brought our friend dunga we love doing that and doing that says hey I got you a gift it's all great I got you a gift he gives me this bathing suit I decided to wear it in the video so today's Vlog was meech on the beach with a side story of Brazilian makeover all right thanks for watching our video what a blast we will either lose 1000 subscribers or gain 1 000 subscribers or gain a bunch of perverts I don't know who knows who knows what'll happen on the channel but um good day very good day love it multi mask to all the Romanians guys thanks for watching uh bye whoa

2022-12-18 16:01

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