This is the Raw Beauty of Africa vA 138

This is the Raw Beauty of Africa  vA 138

Show Video

(Zimba, Zambia) - Morning, my friends. Ah? - Your men? - Sorry? - You have got a friend? - Yes. No, because that's how I start my videos. - Oh, yeah. - I just say, "Morning, my friends." - Okay. - Every time. Bye-bye! Thank you very much! - Okay. - Thank you very much! Bye-bye! - Okay! - What a lovely guest... - Oh, yeah. - Bye!

- What a lovely Overflow Guesthouse! A really, really lovely guesthouse. The food was really good yesterday, and the guys... Wonderful people. Let's go finally! I can't believe I'm going to Livingstone today. Oh my God. Let's go to Livingstone. 80 kilometers left. Hello. - Hello. How are you? - Hi. - Good. How are you?

Hello. - friend? - Good, good, good. - Hello! How are you? - Hello, hello. Good, good. How are you? - I'm fine. - Bye-bye! - Okay, thank you. - You're welcome. And we're rejoining the main road, guys! Let's turn left to go to Livingstone.

Mabuka! - How are you? All good? - So to finish the story about the electricity, there are a lot of power outages, especially in southern Zambia, because most of the electricity comes from the Kariba Dam that created the longest — I think it's the longest — artificial lake in the world, at the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. And most of the Zambian electricity comes from there. But this year is an El Nino year, and in East Africa, it rains a lot because of El Nino, but here it's the opposite: so here, there is a big drought this year. So the lake is very low. So, there is not enough electricity coming from the dam. So, basically, since I arrived in Lusaka, it's like there...

Eight hours per day, you don't have electricity. Big power outages. That's the difficulty of traveling in southern Zambia during an El Nino year. Let's go to Livingstone! Oh, I'm so happy today! Mabuka! - Yeah! - Mabuka! - Kaboat, good. - Hello. - Mabuka! - Hey! - Kaboat. Mabuka!

- Hello, brother! - Yes, yes, yes! - Hello, brother! - Mabuka, mabuka! Hello! - Hey. How are you doing? - Hello. - Good. - Hello! Hello! - Hello! - Yeah, yeah, yeah! - Yeah! - Yeah, yeah, yeah! - Hello. - Hello. - Hello! - Wow! I just met... I didn't have time to film. I passed by a recumbent bicycle but just with two wheels. Like a road recumbent bicycle. Wow!

Hello! - Kaboat! Hello! - Hello. Hello. - Kaboat! - Morning! - Hello! Hello! Hello. - Hey! - Hello.

Hello. Hello! - Hello! - Hello. - How are you? - Hey, man! - Hello! - Yeah. You're okay? - So "mabuka".

Here, in the south of Zambia, we are in Tonga territory. So the people here are Tonga, and "mabuka" means "Hello, how are you?" Before, I was saying "mulishani", which is quite, I think quite, similar to Swahili, to say, "How have you been?", in Swahili, I think. But "mulishani" was "Hello, how are you?" in the Bemba language in the north. And then, "mulibwanje" was "Hello, how are you?" in the Nyanja language, which is the language around the center, around Lusaka, and it's also kind of the lingua franca across Zambia that all the people know as — that most people know as — a second language.

So that shows the diversity of Zambia. Like most African countries, it's full of different tribes and languages. So Zambia has 72 different tribes, 72 different languages. I think seven languages are kind of official languages somehow. Not sure though. Yeah, most of the languages here, 95%, are Bantu languages.

So all the tribes are mostly Bantu. 72 tribes. But they seem to be all living in peace together. In Tanzania, it was much more.

Tanzania has more than 100 different tribes. The ethnic and cultural diversity of Africa. And actually, it's interesting because from tribe to tribe, the people are really, truly, completely different. Hello. They are very, very different. They behave in completely different ways.

So, if you wanna draw psychological patterns and how people behave, it's... You really have to do it tribe by tribe because there is no unity, no... They're really completely different people. It's like... Zambia is like a small continent that has 72 countries inside somehow.

Hello! - How are you? - I think I met... There is a cyclist colleague on the way. Hello! How are you? - Good. You're the first guy with that thing I see. - You what? - The first guy with this kind of vehicle. - Oh, yes.

Where are you going? - Today to Zimba. - Simba? - Yeah. - Oh, Zimba. Yes, I was in Zimba. - Yeah. - I'm Yves. - Leo. Hi. - Leo. Nice to meet you. Where are you going? - Ah-ah. - Where are you going? - To Kenya. - Kenya? Okay. - Yeah. - Nice. You started in Cape Town? - Yeah. - Okay. And you're from? - Germany. - Germany. Nice. - So how long did it take from France to here? - Three years. I... Yeah, I go slowly.

I go very slowly. - Nice. - Yeah. - Could I take a picture of you? - Yeah, yeah. No problem. Of course. Yeah. - ...two brothers. - Yeah. - One of them is running.

- Oh, really? You met a runner? - Yeah. - Here? - Yeah. And his brother is on the bicycle, and he has supplies for two people. And they do 60 kilometers a day. - 60?! - 60. -The guy runs 60 kilometers per day? - Yeah. - Oh my God. It's funny because there are always guys who do... Well, they are like... People are crazy.

- Okay. Thank you. - Nice. - You got it here. - Yes, I got it here. Yeah, yeah, yeah. - All right. - Yeah, right. Good... - All the best. - Good luck to you. - Good luck. - And... Yeah, good luck. Nice meeting you and...

Maybe, we'll meet somewhere else again. Yeah. - Yes. So, you have seen the Victoria Falls. No. - No. Never. - Enjoy. - It's... Thank you!

- I went there yesterday. There were a lot of rainbows. - Okay. Oh, yeah. I imagine. Yeah. - Okay, bye. - Good luck! Bye-bye! A fellow cyclist going from Cape Town to Nairobi. You see the raptor, guys. Oh my God, there is a tornado.

Hello. - Good. - Hello. A slightly overloaded bicycle. Hello! Hello. - Hi.

- Hello. - Good afternoon. - Good afternoon. 20 kilometers to go. Some spicy chili peanuts to finish the ride. Hello! How are you? - Fine. And you, sir? - Good, good, good. Yes, I'm on a journey. - Where are you from? - France. - From France? - Yes. And you? From here? - I'm from here. - Okay. - Just from within. - Within? Okay. - Yes. - Okay. - And how is France?

- Hm? - How is France? - It's good. Yeah. - It's good? - Yeah. It's changing. - So you just came with the bike? - I came with the bicycle. Yes, electric bicycle. - It's electric? - Yes. - From where? From France? - From France.

Yes. - You are heading to? - I'm going to Cape Town. - Cape Town? With the same? - With this. Yes. - Ah, no. Maybe you hike somewhere. - No, no, I go with this. Slowly, slowly. - Electric? - Electric. It's electric. Yes. - A new design. - It's a new design indeed. Yes. - The pedals are here. - Yes, it's here. I pedal here. Yeah. - Okay.

So, it's good to see you. - Good to see you, too. - Yeah. From here, you're going to Cape Town? - Yes, I'm going to Cape Town. Yes. Ah? - You are a strong man. - Strong man? Maybe. I don't know. Slowly, slowly, you can go far. - Oh, yeah. That's... Slow, slow.

- Slowly, slowly. Yes. - Slowly, slowly. - Yes. - Help me with a shade, my bro. - Ah? - Help with the goggles. Help me with a shade. Maybe, you've got a spare of it. - Of what? A spare of? - Of a shade. - Of a shade? Of these? - Yes. - But this is... No, I don't have a spare. Sorry. This is... They're already all... All damaged. Sorry. - It gets hard when the sun hits in.

I'm suffering from... My eyes. - Ah, okay. - Yeah. So when it's hot, I get disturbed a lot. - Yes. - Have a safe journey. - Thank you, thank you! 20 kilometers left, guys. Bye-bye! - Hello. - Hello! - How are you?

- Good. How are you? - Ah, okay, okay, okay, okay. - Good, good. - You're from France? - From France. Yes. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - We just saw you on TikTok. Finally.

- The last time I saw you, it was raining. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - You run, and hide. - Oh, yes! That was in Rwanda. Yeah. - You said, "F***, this is a big one." - Yeah. It was a big one. It was a very big one. Yeah.

- Thanks, man. - Okay, you're welcome. - Thank you. - Bye-bye! - I was surprised. - Hello! - I was like... How far are you coming from? And how far are you going? - Cape Town. I come from France. - Wow! - Yes. - Cold water for you. - Ah, okay. - I have the coolest one.

For me, I've been having this and the ginger tonic. - Okay. - Later on. - Okay, thank you very much. - You're strong. So you're from France? - Yes. - Awesome.

- I came from France with this. Yeah. - I don't know how. I don't know how. - Somehow. Slowly, slowly. Yeah. - Okay. So, like, it's for a good cause... - It's just... I like to do this, so I just... For... - Okay. - For my pleasure. - That's awesome. I love to drive for my pleasure. - Then you drive.

Yeah. - Yeah. - I like to ride a bicycle. So... - Okay. - I ride the bicycle and discover the places on the... - All right. - Yeah. - Awesome, awesome. Can I do a selfie? - Yeah, yeah. No problem. Yeah, yeah. So I got some fresh water and some energy drink. Nice.

- This is so awesome like... - Yeah, it's nice. Yeah. - Yes, it is. Okay. I'll remember this like... My drive to Livingstone. - Yes. Oh, yes. - Awesome. - Nice. - Please, enjoy. - Thank you very much! - That's what life is all about. - Yeah, I...

- Enjoy what you want to. - Exactly. - So but the distance... I don't think I can manage it. From... - It's a matter of patience. - Okay. - It's a matter of time and patience. - So for now, you'll stop in Livingstone? - Yes. - Ah, awesome. Probably meet that side. - Okay. - All right. Please, enjoy. - See you when I'm in Livingstone then. - Enjoy. - Thank you very much. Yeah. - Cold water for you.

- Thank you very much. Yeah. - I'm Divine by the way. - Divine? I'm Yves. - Yves? Pleasure. - Nice to meet you. Thank you very much! Yeah. - Please. See you, bro. - Have a good day! Thank you! - - Okay. So many people are stopping me on this road now. I can see I'm really arriving in the much more developed part of Zambia and Africa actually.

Fresh water. Hello! Hello. Mzungu! - Hello! Wait, wait. Wait. - And I think that we're arriving in downtown Livingstone, the tourism capital of Zambia. It's been such a long time since I've seen such a high building.

except in Lusaka. Can you see the smoke, guys? I can see a little bit of the smoke. Can you hear The Smoke that Thunders? Hello! - Hello. How are you?

- Here's the entrance for the ticket, no? - Yes, please. - Do I pay here? - Just... - Sit? - It's $20. Let me go and pay for you. - Can I pay in kwachas? - Yeah, it is 500 in kwachas. - 500 in kwachas. Okay. - So I'll go and buy a ticket for you. - Oh.

The ticket is at the entrance there. - Yes, yes, yes. I will rush and get it for you... - Okay, okay. There you go.

Okay, thank you. - There you go. - Great. Thank you! Thank you very much! - You're welcome. - Okay, thank you. Hello. - How are you, sir? - Good. How are you? - Fine, fine. - So let's go to see the biggest site.

Not the big — one of the biggest sites in the entire Africa, one of the biggest sites in the world, and of course, the biggest tourist site in Zambia — Mosi-oa-Tunya, The Smoke that Thunders. Oh my God! What the hell! Hello. - Hello. How are you? - Good. How are you? - Thank you very much. - And look! "Dr Livingstone, I presume?" Because we are in Livingstone, of course. He gave his name to the city here. He was one of the very few foreigners that came here. He explored Africa.

One of the first European explorers in Africa and one of the few foreigners that had a good influence in Africa, actually, because he was a missionary, and the missionaries, the Christian missionaries, were the ones who forced everyone to stop the slave trade in Africa, so... Thumbs up for David Livingstone. What the hell! A bit of a rainbow. So this is the bridge, linking Zambia to Zimbabwe. And now we're getting into the wet section, the wet part of the falls.

The bridge again, linking Zambia to Zimbabwe. And look at that guys! Oh my God! 360 view. And the scale of the falls is quite mental. Just so big. It's just constantly raining on you.

This is really extraordinary. Oh my God. And on the other side, it's Zimbabwe, guys. So I'm going down to what is called The Boiling Pot now.

- Hello. - Good morning! - Morning! How are you? - Fine. And you? - Good, good, good. - Okay. - Look at this view, guys, with the bridge! Oh my God! Big surprise. And look at the clouds coming from the falls. Beautiful.

Bye-bye! Let's check the tourist market. - Hi, how are you? - Good. How are you? - Very good. - Thank you. - ...that I make from the village. - Ah? - I'll show you what I make from the village. - Ah, okay. Let's... It's okay. I'll have a look myself. - Hello. Hello. - Hello! Oh, nice sculpture there. Hello. - You look, and I'll sell you something for $2, not more than $2. - $2.

- Because I haven't sold anything since this morning. - You haven't sold anything since this morning. - ...I can just have something for my lunch. This is a keyholder. - Keyholder. Yeah, but that's...

No, that's... But maybe... How much do you sell the hippos? - The hippos? I normally sell them for $10. - No, in kwachas. - In kwachas, that is 250 kwachas. - 250. - This is zebrawood. And this is iron. - Iron? - Ironwood. - Oh, you have more here. - I have more. - What's this? - This is a rhino. - Rhino.

- Elephant. - Elephant. - Yeah. - Hippo. - Hippo. - For how much do you sell...? They're all 250? If I buy some... If I buy... - Choose. I'll give you a good price. - I choose. You give me a good price? - Yeah. - Okay. - Nice. - Okay, I'll take a rhino. And a black hippo. - This is "eben". - Ah? - "Eben". - Ebony. Oh! - Yeah. - "Eben". - This is an elephant. - So what price do you give me for these?

- Because I wanted... In dollars, I told you $10 for one. - No, but in kwachas. I mean, I have kwachas. - Yeah. - I don't have dollars. - This is 250. So for all, this is 750 kwachas.

But, you now, how much can you pay for your own price for the second price? - For the second price. For me, I'll give you 400 for the three. - For the three? - 400. - Okay, do like this. Me, I come down. Instead of 750, make it 600. We shake hands. - 600? - For all. That would be... - Okay. - 200, 200, 200. - Let's just split and make it 500. - 550. - 500. 500. - 550. - 500. - Okay. - That's my last price. Okay, 500. - Okay. - Can you pack them? - Yes, I'll pack them for you.

Look at this and pay cuz then I'll pass it for... Okay. One, four, five. - Yes. For your lunch. - young brother. - He's gonna pack it? - Pack it for you. - Okay. - Yeah, I'll pack it for you. - Thank you very much! - Okay. - Come. Come with me.

- Thank you. - Thank you, thank you! Have a good day! - Thank you. - Good luck to you! - Okay. - No, no, but... Can you pack it, please? Yeah. - Okay. - I'm not gonna look at another...

- You are from where? - From France. - From France? - Yes. - Me, I'm from the village. - You're from the village? - Yeah, Mukuni village. - Mukuni village. I've seen... - Yeah. - ...some signs. There are some tour operators. They make people visit the Mukuni village. - Okay.

- I've seen them. - My name is Benny. - Benny? - Yeah, yeah. - My name is Yves. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you, too. - Can you put paper around it? Or something like that to protect it for...? Because I'll travel. - So, can you also...? This is what I make from the village.

- Yeah, yeah. It's... Yeah, it's similar. Oh, you have more animals. Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, I have some more animals. - No, but it's okay. I just need the things to be packed. - Also, I have zebras. - Yes. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But I don't like the design of those ones. So they make you... They pack your things in another shop so that hopefully, you'll buy something from the other shop as well.

- Just check to support me as well. - No, no, it's okay. I... At the moment, I just need this. Yeah. - Just to support me. - I'm looking, I'm looking. - Okay.

- Just that one piece. I'll appreciate your support... five minutes. - I'll look, but... Wait, wait. - Okay. - Can you put it inside the bag? Okay. Okay, thank you! - Look. - Look, look, look. What's that? - This is a Nyami Nyami. - Nyami Nyami? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Two types of wood.

- What does it represent? - Sorry? - What does it represent? It's a fish. It's a... - No. This is an animal, no? - It's a river guide. - A river? - A river guide. - Ah, okay. - Yeah, yeah. - River guide. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Okay. - Guide of Victoria Falls. - What's the purpose of it? - You see? This... Have you been there? - Yes, I've been there. - This is where the water goes. Like this. - Ah, okay!

It's the... - Yeah, yeah. - The water goes from... - Yeah. - The water goes from the mouth... - Yeah, yeah. - ...of the fish. This is a fish. - Yeah, yeah. This is where the Devil's Pool is. - Oh, the Devil's Pool? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Okay. Yeah, yeah. - And this is the trail where we are going down under the...

- Ah, so it represents the waterfall somehow. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - So for how much do you sell this? - Which one do you like? Choose your best because like... - I prefer the dark one. - Choose.

- Yeah, but for how much do you sell it? - In which money? - Ah? - Which money? - Kwachas. - Kwachas? For other customers... For other customers, I sell this for 700 kwachas. - 700? - Yeah. Now to you, since you want to support me, I don't know how much you can afford to pay. Yeah, because this is something different. Yeah, yeah.

You can walk on the whole shop — you won't find this. - I can give you 300 for this. - 300? - Yes. - You see, sir. See, if you want to support me, why don't you make it 500? - 500? - Yeah, 500. I think it's a good price. - I think we can settle for 400. We go in between. - 400? - 400. - But I think 500... - We make both happy. - But I think 500 is a good price, sir. You want to support me. - Yeah.

But 400 is... It's only one piece. So, 400 seems reasonable to me. - Okay, why don't you make it 450? I think 450. - 450? - Yeah, yeah. 450. And I give you a bag. - Okay, 450. - Okay. - My bro. - There you go. - Okay. Thank you! Thank you for supporting me.

- Thank you very much! Good luck to you, man! - Thank you. - Good luck. No, no. It's okay. I'll go on the other side now. I've seen this area enough. No. Thank you, thank you. - So... Wait. What's that? - It's a camera. - Let me see it. Oh, it's my first time to see this, this kind of camera. It's small. - It's small? - So here are the videos... - Yes. - Oh!

So you are getting the videos now? - Yes. - Where are you from? - France. - You're from France? - Yes. - Oh! So your name? - Yves. - Yves? - Yes. - My name is Winsha. - How? - Winsha. - Winsha? - Yeah. - Nice to meet you. - Lyon, Marseille? - Lyon, Marseille? - Bordeaux? - Paris. Near Paris. - Oh, Paris. - So me, "this is good" to show you only. - No, no, no.

But it's okay. It's... I'll go behind. I've seen some other things outside, but these shops... You all have the same things now. I... - No, like this one. Look.

One minute. - Yeah, yeah. No, it's... It's okay, it's okay. - Here I've got something different to show you. This one. Come! - No, no. I go behind, I go behind.

They're really good at... - From Germany? - At stopping you from walking. Hello, hello. How are you? - Are you from Germany? - Ah? - Let me show you. - Are you German?

- German? No, no, no. I'm not from Germany. They're really good at catching your attention to make you talk to them and then you go into the shop. - Nice stuff. - I'll have a look. - Look inside. - No.

- Like this. - Yeah, but that's too big to transport. - This one. It's small. - - Ah? - No? - Different... - Different photos. Yeah, but you have similar stuff to the... - Small. - ...the others. Oh, you have a xylophone. Nice. - Nice music, eh?

- You can pack it? - Yeah. - Can you fold it? - Yeah. No problem. You can fold it. We shall show you how to pack it. - For how much do you sell the small one? - For which money? Which currency? - Kwachas, kwachas. - Kwachas? 450 kwachas. - 450? - Yeah. - How do you pack it?

- You can come. I'll show you. - Some warthogs. - Yeah, some wart... You can take a seat. - Okay. - Like this one is very easy because those bigger ones — we do dismantle them. - Ah, okay. - But this one, you can just pack it nicely with... - No. You can't fold... Ah, you can't fold this. No. - Yeah. - I thought you might be able to...

- No, but this one is too small because it can be difficult for you to... - So...Ah, so the bigger ones... What were you saying? - No, for the bigger one like this, we dismantle it. We dismantle. - Ah, you dismantle it completely.

- But this one is very easy for you to carry. We just put some more papers. Then we put sealing tape. We pack it nicely. - What are the bigger ones? Can you show me the bigger ones? - Ah, no. They're finished. - Oh, they're finished. Ah, okay. Okay. - My uncle knows how to do it. - You know what? You just untie here. - Yeah. - Yes. - Are you going to manage to put it? - I don't know.

It's just to transport it once... - There is no problem. - the airplane. - This one is a small one. - I'll find a way to. Yeah, yeah. I'll find a... - Yeah.

- Okay, so what's...? Let's talk about the price then. - Okay. - I can give you 250 for this. - Ah, make it 400. - 400? - Ah, you're my brother. Make it 400. - 300. 300. Ah? 300. - Okay, you lose 50. Also, I lose 50. 350. - 350?

- It's okay. There are... - 250... 300 is a... - 350 is good, my brother. - 300 is good enough, I think. It's small. It's very small. - Okay. - 300? - Okay. - Okay, thank you. - My brother is gonna pack it for you. - Okay. The same tactic as... So I pay you? Okay. - Okay. - 300. Okay. - Put it... - Yes, yes. - Friend, I'll show you my shop, also. - Your shop also? - Just right here. That's... So sorry! - I have to be...

- Just a quick look. - No, no, but it's okay. It looks like it's... - No, the ones... I want to show you something different. - You have something different. - Yeah, something different. - No, but... No, but those — no, no, no. - Not this. - No, it's okay. It's okay. Thank you. Sorry. Okay, I did some good shopping.

So I'm going shopping once again because, actually, from here in a few days, I'm flying back to France for a family event. So I enjoy the opportunity to buy some souvenirs and... When I can because normally, I cannot buy souvenirs when I ride a bicycle.

It's gonna be a good resting time for me. I'll spend one month in France and then come back here to continue the journey. Let's... Hello. - How are you? - Good. How are you? - Fine. You can choose what you like. I'll give you a good price.

- You'll give a good price? - Yes. - What is this? - This is a Makishi, our traditional dancer in Zambia. It's a tribe in Zambia, the Luvale tribe. They dance. - Which tribe? - Luvale. - Luvale. - Yeah, Luvale. - Ah, okay. - Yes. - Okay, it's where in Zambia? In the...? - Northwestern province. - In the Western province. Okay.

- Northwestern, northwestern. - Northwestern? - Northwestern. - Okay. - Northwestern. - It's a dancer, you said? - Yes, a dancer. Yes. - Okay. How much is it? - That one? - No, the one you have. This one. - Which money: kwachas or...? - Kwachas, kwachas, kwachas. - In kwachas, give me 350 kwachas. - 350? - Kwachas. Yes. - Oh, that's... - Not dollars — kwachas. - Yeah, yeah.

Yeah. $350 would be... - Kwachas, kwachas. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - But you, how much would you give? - Yeah, I'd give 150 for this. It's small. - From 350 to 150? - Yes. - Okay. Make it 300. - 300? - Yeah, 300 is okay. - No, no, I'll go to 200. That's... - Okay, we'll share the difference. You said 200. 250. - 250? - Yeah we shake hands. - Okay, wait.

Sorry, I need to... Can you hold it? - Yeah. - Let's shake. - Okay. - Okay, 250. - Yeah. - 250. There you go. - I'll pack it for you. It's your lucky day.

- It's my lucky day? - Yeah. - Because the price is good? - Yeah, the price is good for you. That one is... Oh, I put it in that. - I think it's a good price for you also. - Yeah, both of us. - Both of us. Yes. I didn't break anything. - Thank you! - Okay. - Thank you. - Thank you very much! - Enjoy. - Have a good day! - And what's your name? - Ah? - What's your name? - Yves.

- Dennis. - Dennis? - Yes. - Nice to meet you. Thank you very much. Okay, that's it. Done with tourist shopping. See you for the next adventures! Ciao, guys!

2024-10-01 06:36

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