This is the Day I Officially Fell in LOVE with Cambodia

This is the Day I Officially Fell in LOVE with Cambodia

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this is a cricket and I love trying new things  so cheers to trying new things   in Cambodia and living life like a local  oh biting into it like a corn on the cob let's see if we can learn how to do this one two three oh he got some more nice he's offering you fish I give fish you thank you so much most people come to Cambodia for Angkor  Wat but I come here for this for this w wowow wow wow [Laughter] wow I love Cambodia all right we are hungry we need some food and  I would really love to try some local food we're driving down the road over here  in our Tuk Tuk we're just outside of   Siem Reap right now want to check out with  this place has to offer I sure do all right sorry I'm just cleaning up a little  bit okay I'm going to go inside hello this guy's selling coconuts  and some stuff over here hello hello how are you you have food you have food here to eat yeah anything no no you eat eat right eat yeah yeah okay what what food you have oh they don't it looks like you don't have  much but you have some a kitchen right here who's kitchen is this he's drinking beer over here no no no no no no no no okay oh no it's  some fish it's a little fish she's laughing any drink anything to drink go up there oh okay beer okay beer beer not right now it's too early it's not even 12:00 yet so maybe beer  later but not right now all right thank you I'm a driver tuk tuk you need ride I oh yeah yeah you're a taxi driver me too all right well they said  they don't have any food so okay thank you okun very nice friendly people but looks like  they don't have uh any food available here   right now but they said to drive up  the road we'll see what we can find all right we drove like few hundred meters up the   road we saw this on the side  of the road hello what is this   banana banana fried banana and this too same  inside inside pork inside pork Oh banana yes   please and what is this same same same same Pork  yeah pork in here all right and pork same thing   inside banana banana wow these look so cool look  at fried ban potato and potato I want everything   this looks so good okay so two two banana two  banana uh one oh the little baby over here aw one and two yeah 8 uh 8,000 riel 8,000 yeah okay okay giving her a little duck yay a look at this one hello hello hello a brand new baby how cute so little thank you all right let's give these a try  very curious to see I love bananas   and I love things that are fried so I'm  assuming I'm really going to love this ooh they're hot and fresh very  wow wow wow wow ready cheers wow wow it tastes like um a  zeppoli my dad would love this it seems like they take a banana and  they squish it and they flatten it   down deep fry it oh yeah that's some good stuff hello hello looks like school just let out all the  students are walking home riding and bikes home so right now we are driving this  Tuk Tuk around we are competing in   a travel challenge called the Tuk Tuk tournament today is the first day we have two weeks to travel   around Cambodia we create our own  adventure we decide where to go there are some locations that are  recommended for us to visit but   this is the first year they're ever hosting  this event in Cambodia so as part of this   version we are the Pioneers we're the first  people doing this so we are set out on this   mission to go explore Cambodia discover  places to recommend for future tournaments so if you have any recommendations for places we  should visit around Cambodia that are not in the   typical popular areas where tourists go to visit  like right now we're just leaving Siem Reap and   we have 6 days before we need to make it to  Phnom Penh for a little midpoint celebration   and then we have another 4 days driving around  and we're finishing Kampot so our goal our our   plan right now is to go west around the big  Lake which is actually the largest lake in   Southeast Asia and like through the Batambang  area but we really have no plan we don't know   where we're going we don't know what we're  doing we just want to have unique experiences   really love to interact with locals and just  try and see more how the locals live outside   of the tourist places and things like this  like what we're eating right now I love it   it's so good I want to try new things I want to  experience Cambodian life and so far I love it all right I see something interesting up here that   we have not tried yet which  looks extremely interesting hello how are you you have a beautiful smile wow look at this I see Cricket that's a  grasshop oh grasshopper oh bamboo sticky   rice and wow what is this okay that  looks like grubs like maggots and this Cricket those are crickets these  are crickets these are grasshoppers I'm chickening out you're chickening  out chickening out I want to try this can I eat yeah young grasshopper that's  me I'm a young grasshopper how much $1 $1 okay she doesn't believe I'm going to eat them hello  hello how are you and you have clams over here are   these clams clam clams many clams clam you you eat  these no I'll get one of these too you get one of   these yeah okay what are this Kang Kang okay one  oh Big Boy a big one1 $1 you have a dollar right yeah sorry I don't know what they're saying $1 awkun I know that one if I give you this just one just just one piece I just want one piece is okay just one I don't have no bag I just I just eat one no bag just one piece it's okay just like this not no cup no just one no it's okay no you keep you keep she was trying to fill up a whole bag  but I don't I don't want to yeah she   was going to give it to me for free but  all right let's see if you can handle it this is a cricket here in Cambodia it's pretty  common local people eat these where I come from   people typically don't eat these and I know it's  normal here but for me it is a little strange and   I love trying new things so cheers to trying new  things in Cambodia and living life like a local it's good it's got a lot of flavor wow that's  much better than I was expecting you want more   I I will get more they do look good they're  good you should try one just try one no no I'll eat this okay you want to eat  that okay a thank you byebye thank you oh she want to she's going to show you how  to open it oh the other way there you go we're stupid Americans we oh that's how you  do it you got the little technique oh just   like Spongebob technique technique  there you go she's so quick with it thank you okay I already know I'm going to like this yeah we've   tried this before and it's so good oh  biting into it like a corn on the cob They're laughing at you bye-bye thank you yeah this is so good they take bamboo shoots they   cut them and one end is is actually solid  so they stuff it with coconut sticky rice so actually put rice coconut milk and black beans so good so delicious like a little sweet treat so we are off the main road  now we're driving down a road   that is not very populated and we see  these local men casting nets out here I want to check out what they're doing hello look at this they got nets hello how are you I want to see how they do this they got these got   a little technique I think they're  fishing out here with these nets oh he's going for it oh you catch fish they got a technique they put some of it over  their shoulder right here he's going for it I want to see them go how do they do it oh they all do it at the same time oh they all cast the nets at the same time oh he's going in think they'll let me try if I ask they rotate they do it in shifts my turn next I come here let's see if we can learn how to do this how how you do you show me he just gives it to me watch what they're doing [Laughter] so you put that around your wrist and now  you just oh you just roll this up okay okay oh you missed it now put this all right I have no idea I'm going to professional on my first try here just throw it they're all laughing this way this oh yeah okay all right I'm going to do it  the same time as them okay okay [Laughter] they're all laughing look at them we're not eating no I don't think I did too great of a job oh he's going all the way in oh anything thank you okay mister okay mister why do you want to learn fishing I just want to learn what locals do yeah okay want to learn yeah I want to learn okay good it's good yeah it's good I people in Cambodia like fishing in uh uh the  season rain rain season rain season okay and   right now is the end of rain season rain season  is finished soon okay Finish soon yeah finish soon and you come here every day yes I come here fishing every day and evening evening okay and what is your name oh my  name hello your name hello the meing Susadei okay all right I'm Steve okay nice to meet  you okay nice to me do too yeah shoulder   keep up okay and then hold it in here okay  okay and then just go Okay Go Okay so I got   it prepared like this okay and nowt stand  here okay yes one two three okay one yeah now I chase it in you walk with it it's [Laughter] okay oh got many fish what do you got I caught a leaf you like beer yes you drink beer beer  beer yes here oh I can beer no okay you   can't drink beer he's giving you a fish  we don't have um oh we have nothing to   keep it with we don't have a place to  cook oh that's very nice we don't have   a cook yeah we we have nowhere to cook but  thank you so much you you keep for you and   family thank [Laughter] you oh he got some  more nice he's offering you fish a that's so   sweet I you thank you so much okay here um you  can Grill and uh fish you can grill fish okay   can we we don't have a a place to grill I don't  have a place to keep the fish it's okay thank you   so much I appreciate it but why don't you take  here it's not cold but you have beer you like beer beer people in Cambodia like drink Ango beer  you like drink Ango beer you don't like you want [Music] [Laughter] beer would you translate I want  to P to give you the face and you like eat fish   M okay you take you take fish where I cook it we  have nowhere to cook okay you know we don't have   ice we have no Grill no oh he's going I I can  cook you you can cook for real I can cook you   little fish yeah okay yeah take the forest and  K yeah Grill the fish okay y wow wow wow wow wow   oh right now he's going to cook a fish right now  no way he's going to go again wow whoa yeah he's   offering some fish for us but we say we don't  have a place to cook it so he says I will cook   for you right here right now so okay can't say  no people are so friendly so nice you need sticks   yes we can make a fire right here making a fire  all right nice this has got to be like 90 points   and there we go he's already got a fire burning  that's so cool how nice are these people got the fish oh my goodness you got seasoning and  everything look at that I he grilled up some fish he made a little platter what is this got some  local seasonings that's so cool some more fish wow okay you eat and fish and  green be Cambodia is very good yeah okay Cambodian   beer with the fish now we're eating and drinking  like locals yes it be great yeah okay eat free and   drink beer yeah eat free drink beer thank you so  much and every day I freeze take and body every   day you fish yes amazing you live near here your  home your family okay my my home uh next to the   oh okay we going there yeah yeah yeah  we go this way too yes nice it's very hot going for it it's really H yeah cheers it in the seasoning good was good oh  okay I can't eat a lot cheers I'll take one too cheers I'm sorry we didn't have other drinks yeah yes yeah you got it he's got it for me  nice it's so hot it hurts it's so hot   hot hot hot hot it's good it's just very hot  yeah you dip it in this [Music] this really good we're killing these fish that's  a catfish they're teaching me how to   speak the local language out here they're teaching   us how to eat the fish yes bones and  what was he trying to teach me to say INE fore okay you love yes to visit in Cambodia  and go watch yeah okay so I like more than anarat   I I want to explore more of Cambodia I want  to meet people like you and see local life [Music] this is why I travel to meet people   and learn learn what life is  like he's giving you more eat more so English y okay English eat fish English eat fish yes okay fish Hot Fish hot it's fire yeah  but how how you say yum good good yum   I like food and delicious delicious you  know delicious no don't know delicious is yum all right I'm trying to learn how  to say it tastes good I like it good   good good good good good I'm speak  English a little that's I want to   know yeah I'm not speak big big speak  Bri I'm speak a little I want to speak fore want to say the dry season a  lot of fish is very is very fish   in dry season yes in dry many fish okay  many fish okay okay a lot of fish okay okay very good very good this guy  got spiders all over look at the spiders Che English I say cheers wowowowow okay fore spee fore speech speech  this is great mhm it's just really hot out   see most people come to Cambodia for and  cat but I come here for this for this [Laughter] oh I wish I could okay very  nice meeting you oh you're great by okay trying goodbye thank you so much so nice let me get my shoes these are for you  I'll keep these here some some snacks no for you   keep it's okay you like okay I'll take I'll  take the empty ones empties empty you good   you Dr EMP put in here yeah there you go  thank you so much for teaching me thank goodbye love [Laughter] Cambodia  Cambodia yeah Cambodia foreign yeah fore I love it tomorrow we see you next day  see you next next week yes okay I'll see you   see you next time okay [Music] byebye wow this  is what travel is all about for me right now   connecting with locals we just saw them fishing  as we were driving by and I thought to myself   what if we went over there and there was like  part of me was was hesitant like scared like   oh what if they don't want us there but they  were immediately so welcoming they taught us   how what they were doing without any question  they just said yeah come on we'll show you how   to do it they offered us some of their fish  right away and we said oh we we don't have a   place to cook it so they said we'll just cook  it right here and they just started cooking   fish we gave them some beers we're hanging out  I'm teaching them English they're teaching me   Kamai such friendly people wow I love the people  of Cambodia I really love it here I would stay   here longer but I don't have a hat on right now  and we were just sitting in the direct sunlight   and it was getting so hot I'm recording videos on  my phone and my phone just overheating it keeps   turning off it's so hot out but oh what did you  think of that that was amazing like I could cry   right now that's exactly the type of experience  I wanted coming to Cambodia and I just like the   locals are so friendly and accepting here um  especially when they see people trying to learn   things outside of Anor wat yeah so it's just that  was incredible of course the popular places like   Anor and temples they're beautiful they're very  nice to visit but for me my favorite part of   travel are the unexpected interactions like this  meeting local people and seeing how people live   and here fishing is a big part of that this is  what they do they go go fishing they eat their   fish and they're really good at it too they're  tossing those Nets like professionals I love it hello cows in the road cows in the road can't   drive here cuz cows in the road  there a scooter behind us are you this excuse me hi buddy a right you're good go quick  everyone's getting angry no huning

2024-12-15 12:17

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