This is How They Treat You in Taiwan Kaohsiung

This is How They Treat You in Taiwan Kaohsiung

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hello from K so today the plan is going to visit K uh first we are going to eat because I cannot start the day without eating and then we are going to see the L F this is a very twisty and well known here so let's start the journey okay okay fun fun uh okay okay okay uh [Music] okay [Music] [Laughter] okay nice yeah my lady is so kind o what is this what is this so this is I got the suchai T it looks delicious cheers [Music] Che oh you guys Che guys here oh so this is the n so M and uh this one is uh red beans with uh soy bean what is it uh this is a chili okay and this is the soy sauce nice thank you transl this not yeah this one is not sweet so it's really good oh nice can I try please give me give me thank you this is only 10 I think so 10 and kitty yeah wow I think I'm going to leave here [Music] really good I like it very much yeah because it seems like what it is healthy because the Mii is not sweet and this one also is not that um that's salty and um but you can really taste the flavor of it egg and the and the vegetable so it's really good and if you need more salt you just can add some soy sauce or chili yeah up to you yeah very good nice I can't wait to try mine too wow what is the name of this a wow look at that o ooh So [Music] Soft oh very good oh yeah this one really good and what is this it's like a consist rice cake or what I think it's a Rish ah Rish super soft it melt in your mouth off directly is a super [Music] good I think that this one I never tried nice m m really Hy yeah M delicious H I'm going to try this one look at this is it radish ready yeah okay M I know it this oh it's so soft wow perfect how we start the day M nice we're going to add a little bit of this here here here it's better this just to add some more taste to it oh [Music] [Music] I'm really happy it's simple but I'm happy because I cannot drink a lot of milk I do from time to time but I try to avoid it and when I have some milk in the shop and inexpensive like this one I'm so happy this is something that I could I can drink every day and it's not sweet at all Taiwan I love it and this is actually black tea with soy not red bean yeah mistake it was not HTO but yeah it's a it's a Hong oh yeah H H is black CH even though it mean white yeah but I think is black yeah interesting that's hey [Applause] 85 85 ND nice yeah it's really nice yeah it's a local restaurant cheap and uh good food and uh owned by a super nice lady and and you feel that she she's happy with her Cuisine and look at the area it's like a residential area I love it so much even here the small Street D is not feeling too good today so I apply some potion magic what is this magic potion we got this one in La I think no oh yeah yeah yeah it's like a tiger Bal I hope it works no it works it works [Music] go not sure what it is but uh this is like a bakery shop and looks super good a woman just in front of us all there are so so many yeah uh just try it how much you paid six 6 ND for one nice look at the packaging so cute look at this cute B they feel soft so this one is green onion and this one is Peanut M nice M there is the after test of Sesame really easy to eat I can't teste the peanut I think this is too strong so I still taste the green onion [Music] then it's too hot there's a lot of bicycle here in Kong so if you need to go to get around I think this is a good way to explore uh this and actually uh on the street there are so many bicycle Lan yeah so this is really easy to navigate here it is super hot right now and we are working on this street plenty of trees and we could see a sign that says that it was a project here they plant a lot of trees to reduce the heat of the city and uh the importance of having trees on the city the wellbeing of the citizen is uh intertwined with with the trees you can really feel it we are just working under the sun super hot but when we are just under V trees wow Super Fresh we should keep the trees on our planet to reduce the heat so important here it's hot here it's not hot hot cool hot cool hot cool hot cool there's a bridge here I don't know where it goes so let's see the sign oh shoot it's written in Chinese ah smile Park okay ly okay smile Park is other the way low river bike path and this okay qu bike path bridge and C store nice so you can take this bridge to go there [Music] [Music] we are at L Pond now and this is really beautiful and right now is in under maintenance as you can see yeah the true uh the true P yeah yeah it's okay see the beautiful Lake it's okay I imagine that maybe Taiwanese people here come in a weekend and with family just to have a relaxing time here we found a a map of a lake you have a lot of things to see actually around on the lake and uh we are here so we plan to Walk This Way like that so you can see the famous Pagoda this one maybe we can go here I think yeah you feel better uh yeah yeah yeah I'm still good he's lying [Music] it's in a renovation but uh it seems that we can still enter inside so it's really nice so let's go yeah let's go see this is really interesting it is important to know from which part to enter uring the dragon's fruit and coming out a tiger's mouth symbolize turning bad luck to Good Fortune nice we can turn our bad luck to Good Fortune today okay so we have to go this way the dragon this way and then going out this way yeah [Music] yeah for [Music] to CL [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] nice view isn't it yeah nice this good yeah behind you is so beautiful [Music] oh [Music] wow look at the gate so huge and this is really beautiful there's a lot of details at the top wow oh and just behind here not sure what it is and here just behind wow look at the stunning view w it is really big [Music] [Music] better there even a hike in the city it has everything here he

2024-10-27 18:42

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