thank you so much man no friend no it's just me oh alone alone yes I'm traveling from Sweden to Nepal way you like to go with me lunch oi this one lost his owner hello Salam alikum the guys in the front stopped oh time to leave this beautiful please okay Bander take care yes thank you yes see you soon bye-bye yes of course bye oh see goodbye is so hard when you're traveling I try to say see you soon instead of goodbye but yeah it's always that hard that's the that's the tough part by traveling you meet amazing people and then you have to say goodbye but the adventure has to continue towards Nepal with a little detour Saudi Arabia but Bander what an amazing person thank you I love this place ah this Farm is just wow mindblowing I'm so happy I came here let's see if the come many cars here no we're good all right time to leave him alula so very nice day here I really liked it especially the farm I really enjoyed that one ah so nice I mean everything in alula is really really nice all the cliffs and everything but up there I just felt so much in peace I couldn't visit the UNESCO world heritage because it was fully booked so I had to come back another time but I got to see old city and a little bit things around here which was super interesting like the prices are increasing a lot here rest of Saudi Arabia is okay but here (al ula) is so expensive you see that Saudi Arabia is there focusing on luxury tourism basically everything here is super super nice and for budget Travelers it's nice as well you have like all this landscape this incredible landscape and deserts you can just go out and wild Camp wherever you want basically it's amazing I really like it here next time next time let's go let the adventure continue the picture in my mind is coming back to the lion king or something Africa but are in Saudi Arabia I'm in Saudi Arabia it's so amazing that Cliff is just incredible I think it is a cafe in there I saw on the map oh think I can see a mother camel you know about camels because of the hump filled with fat they can move over 1,000 kilometer without drinking yeah there are the superstars in the in the desert tough hey over there the rock formation look like a hand but with too many fingers like it has 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 fingers so no but they're cool [Music] it's like I'm driving in a volcanic area you know that Saudi Arabia has many many many volcano non-active volcanos I will uh write it here how many they have (approximately) woohoo well they're laying there and chilling the guys yes no one is laying there completely it's dead no no it's it's alive it's laying a bit wierd yep you camels you are so funny and they even have a beauty contest for camels so like they do with dogs no other animals there's a beauty contest here in Saudi Arabia for this guys and it depends the shape of the hump shape of the legs probably shape of the ears uh different kind of requirements to to become a champion what you call it a star well I think you are pretty you're cool you think uh the price you win like millions of Saudi rials if you if you win the the competition and if you want to buy one of those camels you have to have a big wallet, they are expensive so an excellent little stop here I need to stretch my legs and yeah eat something so I thought I could do it here in this abandoned house or maybe someone is living here I don't hope [Music] so all right [Music] great and we just turn her around Alright. Where are you going? I'm going to wadi disah. and you? where are you going? I take the lunch in disah. Luna yes you go with me
it's yours but keep it for you thank you so much man no friend no it's just me oh alone alone yes I'm traveling from Sweden to Nepal where you going? Disah. I go Disah then I go to the coast to jeddah and South and Iran Pakistan India Nepal how much kilometers uh 8,000 kilometer. now this nobody here no no it's just I love it think it's amazing. huh huh Patrol Patrol exactly no problem no no no no no not the problem Patrol is used over there you like to go with me lunch no it's okay I'm going to rest here a little bit then I'm going to call off friend and stuff no this you eat it eat it take it share it with your friends no no problem are you sure thank you so much hello very good thank you how are you? I got some water and some cookies from that really kind man or the man's I was so kind and they gave me a plant they said it was for tea and it tastes a little bit like bubble gum but with a lot of spices yeah I don't know what it was but I use it for tea here apparently what a road oh eyes on the road krikko [Music] here is the crew hanging running camels oh I'm not meant to scare you oh maybe if I stop a little bit would you have to go away from the road yes that's good and you guys maybe to the left yes ahuh here comes another one and this one wants to take a loop here all right so salam alaikum benzine yes very salam alaikum Kaif halak (how are you) i got to reverse Sarek fuel is done she got food in her belly this Village looks pretty empty maybe someone is living here but looks pretty dead, there was a car probably some Farmers hanging out here I have some day trees uh so in love with the dates ah it's the best road trip food ever road trip snacks ah so good this one lost his owner hello wow that was a long time ago I was so close with a camel you see between their legs they have a rope and that's because they love to run these guys so the farmer can't catch up with them that's why they put a rope there so they can't go fast okay take care bye I hope you have a owner, farmer yes bye-bye end of contract start of contract I think it's different regions I'm entering right do you know let me know in the comments hey you are a beautiful mountain eh all right out in the wild we go again okay now I arrived in the USA at least what it looks like like the landscape like Utah, nope it's Saudi Arabia Woow this View guys oh my god wooooow okay it's really steep here but I have to take a picture I will roll down neutral woohoo no engine on oioioioi what a view hold my horses horses yep Saudi Arabia you keep on surprising me [Music] me and her (sarek) in Saudi Arabia who could believe that I would do that if ask my younger self no she was too scared but with practice with a lot of practice you can do it you can do it the guys in the front stopped and gave me this oh people here the guys who gave me the candy they were so kind but they was so serious when they arrived I was like what does he want so ask like "do you need help" becuase it look so serious but it came closer like 2 meter in front of me and he opened his hand filled with candy I was like seriously thank you like oh of course you're a traveler I'm going to go to the supermarket Salam-Alaikum they didn't have what I wanted so I will try the one next to my town I'm going to uh because I was staying in a little village I have 40 kilometres left and I won't spoil anything you will see when we arrive there [Music] I wish this camera could capture this Sunset much better but in reality it looks amazing now here is the police I reached a village Nam daa Village and here I will stay tonight there it is oh yeah that's the farm I going to stay tonight yep oh it looks nice yeah I got in contact with a guy who's having this farm so he let me stay here super super kind the gate is open cool so and I can park here oh look so nice oh yep it's pretty deep sand trying my best here so oh it looks like a greekish yes like that temporary park her here so we can pack her unpack her okay you see the colors white blue like [Music] [Music] greece have a look at that oh it's so nice here's the toilet here's my room chill out the area wo this is nice nice this is my room [Music] perfect oh I'm so happy I'm so happy so let's get the stuff in here and then I'm going to eat some food oh I'm so lucky to end up in all these beautiful Farms like the one before with amazing and coming here as well W it's mindblowing places and the road come on oh yeah I'm having a good time here I wish I could take all of you in here with me but I'm trying to with my filming at least yep me and the lizard I opened the door and the lizard came in yeah I'm not afraid of those so I don't mind he's going to hang with me yep thank you so much for joining my adventure from Sweden to Nepal like subscribe comment and share and like my Patron family as well it's more behind the scene exclusive material there take care and I see you soon
2024-06-26 20:17