good morning look at that so looks like we have a nice wet and rainy day right now I am somewhere along the east coast underneath this gazebo looks like it's going to be a rainy day and I can't just stick around here all day so I got to get a move on and uh start packing this up so let's do it [Music] this going to be a fun day I'll right two of them so thank you for the girl who stopped me on the side of the road yesterday and gave me they actually gave me the uh the bottle opener spoon and then some energy drink and then like 20 30 minutes later I'm in Old Jin and I see him again she was like oh I've been looking around all over for you I bought you some bread I was like what anyways this is it some uh ooh like a cro cro a potato almost done yeah I probably could have just stayed up here last night it looks like would have been a lot less muddy that's for sure check it out we got the EC right here can't see much out there looks super cloudy we're heading that way nice little small town though I like how they painted all the walls let's do itoo beautiful day man good thing I didn't see that one last night I probably would have stayed at it that would have been a horrible morning all right wonderful day to s it's still pretty cool to see the sea like this though right man there really isn't much south of Ulan not yet at least i' I've been cycling for like 20 minutes and uh haven't come across anything yet so be nice to find somewhere to get some breakfast get some energy so I can finish out this day but the views are still nice I like seeing the ocean when it's like this pretty cool right exactly what I need the nyong service area all right pretty crazy view isn't it so this is what I'm going to do I'm going to get some food I'm going to try to stay uh warm change some clothes got dry but I order some Ramen over here and uh kind of in no man's land right now so kind of figuring out what I want to do I'm feeling kind of weak and kind of maybe a little bit under the weather to be honest and so I don't want to cycle in the rain all day I'm getting sick so that this does the trick so simple look like simple instant Ramen yeah I don't know I just kind of feel lethargic today and I can my head feels a little cloudy if you know what I mean so take a break relax and just uh Hopefully the rain stops all right I'm going try one of these too this uh multivitamin booster shot see if it helps me out at all I just think the last couple days have been pretty tough yesterday especially all those Hills up and down up down it was super hot and then last night even after dinner like my stomach was just really cramping up on me and I don't know been waking up in the rain but I can't stick around here there's like nothing out here and so I have to get going I have to uh go about at least 30 km down the coast until I get to the next big city so that's what I got to do these are interesting I've never seen these in any other place in Asia never seen them in Japan Indonesia Taiwan watch your mag please all righty time to get a move on it uh it's still drizzling I feel a little better let's uh get on the road so it looks like there's a hotel not too far down the road I'm going to go check it out and uh probably just maybe stay there we'll see but we have to get on the road check out this swimming pool I wonder when the last time it was used probably not not in a long time look at that table over there see how there's I didn't notice that there's a huge hole right at the bottom of that table I'm sure this area has uh been neglected for a very long time I mean look at this Mong the land of krabbies that's a fierce one too could you imagine if that was real that' be [ __ ] scary this made me laugh so hard check this out you see these uh dummies out in front of these shops right here that's like the third or fourth one I've seen so looks like things looks like those grandmas have put little dummies and mannequins out there put clothes on them and they're just chilling inside they want people to know somebody is there somebody is there waiting in case they want to buy something that is by far the worst part of the East Coast the hills the up downs I mean you definitely have to go higher in elevation when you're going from Padu to the east coast but it's like I said earlier it's gradual these you just hit it and it's like boom straight up and you got to push gosh but yesterday was definitely the uh the worst of it according to the map it should be more or less a level all day but this one kind of kicked my ass nice little fishing Village here I like what they did with the trees add a nice touch one thing I've noticed too there are any convenience stores no nice to see you no 7-Elevens oh man oh this is what I was talking about got another Hill coming up here every time it dumps you out into a small little town and then it's like okay you done with that time to climb so apparently I am still in oldin and that's right YOLO YOLO everybody you don't have to drop everything quit your job and start in the world like I did just keep that in mind we we're only on this planet once and let's make the most of it where them Hills at okay there's a few nipples in there one two three [Music] yeah and check it out it's a mural it's a painting of doto but I'm heading there hopefully soon and I actually think I am going to release that video as soon as I finish it cuz I think it's going to be a good one and so by the time you're seeing this video that video will actually probably be uploaded so I'll leave a link to that somewhere wow that's nice I think this is uh just some more paintings and imagery of doto in the island it's nice H help yeah it's very pretty like whatever dude wow check that out is that a submarine that's a submarine incredible this looks like a a junkyard here and it's a shame that maybe this doesn't work anymore I don't know that's pretty cool the SAS 1982 so it's pretty old I wonder if I can ask the owner if we can get a get a peek that what it looks like inside let's try let's try anybody want a fridge I saw the submarine outside and I'm very interested in it does it work anymore or is it broken uh Hey Sheba K Sheba hey um see uh you don't know maybe mhm one second one second um up it's been a long time since I've been on the land here okay wow is it possible to peek inside of it H I wonder how many years it's been out here that's pretty crazy well she's going to let me try Okay okay wow okay so you can open the door that's crazy how cool is this WOW interesting come they my husband will be there tomorrow at 4:00 okay okay come thank you interesting well you don't see that every day that should make me feel better was uh was going down the road here and I saw a picture of a big cheeseburger and I was like I got to have that okay so this place right here 20 cm I guess is the name of the place great hamburger I'm sure they have good coffee and drinks and snacks and whatnot but uh I asked them if they knew of a good or not a good just a cheap affordable like any place to stay around here they made some calls for me and there's a place just right around the corner and I'm going to go check it out now so thank you very much to 20 cm and that's it she she's a be isn't she and it looks like downstairs you can go do some karaoke okay three and cycling it's okay good it's okay come tell me motel and the have AA score so I was thinking I haven't stayed in a motel since the very first night of my round two Kera trip when I came back from Thailand and I set off from the airport I ended up staying in a motel since then it's been all camping in gimel I ask everybody is there a gimel around here down here on the corner 306 yes sir uhhuh oh man are you kidding me this is awesome yes this is great this is all I want I want a bed uh who cares about the view I mean when you check in you get a toothbrush and a razor so maybe it's a sign maybe he's telling me to do a little snip snip how's it been am I dry I am dry enough a little firm but I've been sleeping on the ground so I think it'll be okay win thank you to that 20 C me Burger Joint all right I think I can call tonight finally I've uh taken a bath um which felt a great was able to heat the body got a bunch of my stuff up hanging got the tent right here drying out um and I was able to do a load of laundry so score but I think I'm going to call the night get in that bed and go to sleep it is only 8:56 not even 9:00 so I need a full nice rest good morning from hoop wow do I feel aund times better who knew a h good night sleep can make you feel this good but uh yeah I do feel so much better I slept for like 10 11 hours and uh yeah thought about hanging out here again just taking it easy but no I feel good I'm going to keep going I'm stubborn so I'm trying to make it to poong and uh we got a cloudy day today hopefully no rain let's do it this statue sums it up perfectly they freaking love the crab over here on the East Coast every town that you go in has tanks and tanks and tanks stuff full to the Grim with crab I've never seen so much crab in my life you see a bunch of those crab statues just about in every single Park and this one this statue is awesome we worship you crab wow so I passed by this and uh I turned back and I was like oh my God that thing is huge and uh this lady just said this is the biggest one in the world right here I mean you see little you see crab statues everywhere around here but that one right there is the biggest it just doesn't sound good to me honestly I struck out so many times crab I'm not going to do it all righty so I did not really expect to find anything worth filming today in a way pass by I'm passing by this right now and I see this huge old warship and uh I look online and it's a war museum so definitely worth checking out so let's go do it I'm in the wrong parking lot no this will work [Applause] wow and then outside of it we have a pretty epic monument and statue look at this definitely one of the more impressive ones I've seen this entire Journey look at this look at that silhouette carving of the soldier wow okay let's go inside and check out the ship all righty I learned something new uh that's what you that's what you want when you go to a museum right and so it's a really it's a really good one I mean just like all Korean War museums and whatnot it's going to walk you through the Korean war from start to finish and kind of how it developed and whatnot but what makes this one different is it focuses more on the the janga land operation that took place right here and so one of the major turning points in the war was the inchon landing operation when MacArthur commanded a land operation on inchon and was able to recapture soul and cut off supply lines from the north and so but a day before that here on this beach right here there was uh another land operation it's kind of hard to to tell whether or not it was a success or not because there's a lot of information there it talks about well it did take place but a lot of the soldiers were high school kids were volunteer young kids who didn't have proper military training and they organized and they took part in this land operation and so they look a little bit older than high school kids but that's kind of uh the main message and main focus of this museum is is uh the high school kids and there's a really cool exhibition room that uh you walk through it and there's glass on the floor and I think it has all the the names of all the soldiers uh the volunteer gorilla uh army soldiers that who lost their lives that day but pretty cool Museum and uh if you get a chance you should come check it out it's pretty epic looking isn't [Music] it I tell you what I am so freaking lucky to find this place some hot chicken soup M oh man this is exactly what I need the broth is real light it's not a very flavorful broth real subtle but it's piping hot and then the chicken it's all going to be [Music] good fortunately I don't think you can see it too well but the lights are pretty over there I think it's all industrial stuff but uh and it is busy out here 94 4K man I am exhausted think I definitely overexerted myself again today but I really wanted to get down here to poong in the next three four days four nights I'm not getting on the bike I'm chilling I'm G to stay in the gym Jong tonight but then I'm GNA get a Airbnb or a hotel tomorrow and just chill out I am beat I'm exhausted and uh man I've gone from goong to poong along the coast in like a week that's crazy and so I found a 24-hour gim jom I don't know if I'm going to film in there I'm just so tired I had dinner earlier and I had some of that chicken soup and I started to make a video but then I was like I don't even feel like talking it's hard enough to do this right now sometimes you just don't feel like talking to be honest so but I know I need to close out these videos and uh just turn the camera on and fill you guys in on what I'm doing otherwise in two 3 weeks I'm editing this I'm G to be like oh my gosh why didn't I just turn on the uh camera and start talking because there's going to be a lot of gaps I feel like like how the hell did you go from dong to poong like that anyways uh yeah let's go check in and uh I might show you around in here it
2024-11-05 17:07