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[Music] i can't stop it the sun's going down soon so we're gonna go as fast we can turn the lights off okay then i'm gonna cut the wheel [Music] [Applause] [Music] well this changes everything we really wanted to be out here finishing the solar stanchion build but we can't we can't pour concrete when it's snowing like this no definitely not and it's snowing yesterday it's snowing today and then it's probably going to snow tomorrow as well so you love the snow don't you yeah you having fun there you go [Music] you going fun yeah all right have fun [Music] it's called skills whoa this is how we're doing it now we're doing it okay how about we make some chocolate cake you have the grease yeah i got the ingredients i get prepared for snow days do you have icing i do have icing i have chocolate cake with chocolate icing it's my favorite i know you're premiered for haiti so since we can't work on the solar stanchion today we are going to go ahead and do what we can with the whole house generator that we buy let's step there i'm getting ready to put the bucket on the tractor i got a big old pile of stone that they were from this past summer so we'll go ahead and take that and use that for a pad for the new generator to sit on watch out turkey just a little extra gravel on the driveway that's all not a big deal watch out turkeys there's that tree apparently is that the last one i think we're gonna spread it out real quick should be good right now we'll put that guy on here one day okay yeah gotta get the buggy warmed up [Music] this is really exciting guys because the way this is going to work is when our inverter indicates that our batteries are low on charge the generator is just going to automatically kick on without us having to do anything and it's going to recharge our batteries for us so it is it's another backup system to ensure that we don't ever run into issues with power it's one is none and two is one correct in our case we have three heaters a wood stove a generator that could power the heaters and the solar system power here so we've got a bunch yes [Music] frankie what do you think it's a lot of snow for frankie there's a little bit too much snow out for these short little guys i've never had a dog that needs coats but i think that we finally just brought some home that might need coats you're gonna buy them coats i don't know i didn't think this was gonna be my life chuck's a little bit more hearty than these guys hey guys go ahead so the sun's peeking at us a little bit i'm not sure if you guys can tell or not but we are getting a slight charge so i'm gonna come through here and clean everything off so we get a better charge it might last a couple hours of sunshine a little bit um there's a snows at night i think so we're going to charge anything for what about a day and a half back yeah it's been a while so we do have a nice big squeegee thing but i pulled it out yesterday and put it down and i can't find it it's covered in snow the panels were covered this morning but you can tell it melts pretty fast there's only a little bit that needs to get cleaned off so it's not like we have to come out here and clean the entire thing off because as soon as you know the sun comes up and the day gets started stuff does start to melt on its own all right you about knocked that ladder out buddy yeah i hate to lose that sign i could see it was getting in it's very bright outside that snow is reflecting i can't tell how kids how bright it is there you go josh get up nice and close look at that beautiful face looks dark we're actually bringing in 15 and watching now it's so bright out there i know it's hard to see it's all that white snow it's all reflecting so it's actually helping charge everything so it's nice so yeah 1500 watts that's 1600 watts now coming in the thing about this is just from cleaning them off it's charging better now but this is with our original 12 panels on there so once we add that extra 20 on it's going to help out even more even on a day like this where there's pretty thick cloud cover and we have snow coming the thing about it the thing that is if it's raining outside your dark clouds when you're charging this way right but it is it's so much not there it's reflecting and it's very bright yes which is why we're blind right now i can't see her yeah better clean them all don't look different than charge babe he does you know [Music] 18 we're good come on come on hey you have fun yeah hi so it's trying to get higher yeah you're exhausted you're fun yeah let's go [Applause] the kids have been out sledding all morning all the way down at the far end of the pasture the buggy needs to be jump started before we can use it we saw him heading back so we just hopped on the tractor real quick and picked everybody up and now i'm walking back there's no room for mom are you ready to go inside and warm up and make that cake [Applause] okay [Music] i think ellie agrees ellie agrees with you here spread it right here you want to spread this side yes [Music] it looks so good right you guys didn't know those two shows same birthday ellie's my forever birthday gift right [Music] what nothing you're not excited to go like figure out what the deal is with the buggy is it out of gas is it the battery no idea we can't push it up there because it's through the snow it died in the middle of the pasture so do we get the tractor and drag it up there a lot of times carson doesn't start i get it started in a matter of five seconds flat okay put the keys in ignition i turn it i hope that's the case this time oh my gosh i caught it didn't i i had to walk all the way back i caught it he pulled on me the other day too so it won't start they're going to put the keys have no idea okay well i mean i guess that's good news there's a lot better news enough to be trying to go with the tractor that's one of it darn kids man i tell you what i'm sliding i'm excited and have him drive me only 11 but he's far more responsible than you are oh i think you got it stuck he really thought you got this i've got a ball in the back of the buggy because kids josh we have kids that's fine food bowl i mean i don't know josh they're kids [Music] josh close it oh man okay we're trying to close this thing like 10 minutes now i don't have a filing cabinet josh did your passion it's almost like when you try to bite your pants [Music] you have snow tube yes mom mom's tired [Music] maybe you should be a doll and grab the air compressor you guys blowing that up the bad news is that my my blow gun thing i don't have it okay in the truck the truck stuck down two thousand feet that way so we're trying to figure out if this is what it's supposed to look like when it's blown up or not now it's like bit like it can't be right or is it supposed to be like that for a snow tube because we've never owned a snow tube before you keep your hands in there so tight i don't know if it melted at one point or wet but this thing is tight this can be it's like it should be bigger than the middle so it blows out more because it's getting pulled in yeah i don't know we're we're gonna go with it we're gonna go with it it's gonna get pulled behind your buggy though right yeah do you have rope i got wire i know that an electrician's fixed yes [Music] you okay work so you'll tape 1250 pound rated i'll pull kids on a tube definitely [Music] that's enough right to pull i think so yeah it won't be too close though no [Music] that'll work all right from the time we blew the tube up and found the rope and tied it on the kids disappeared with two they are down the hill off the room on the tube yes let me go check them down thank you i had it all like like an hour ago fire's dead it's cold weather's killed that batter i didn't get a new battery this is why i took that espresso shop before we came outside unite tubing though well yeah right now we go out the temperatures drop a little more it makes it much more comfortable to be out in the cold the wind will pick up you know because it always picks up at night and we go full speed until the lights off oh yeah okay so maybe now's a good time if you're a hover pair you're not gonna like this video and you're probably not gonna like any of the other videos that we put out so fair warning i don't want to hear about it in the comments section what the how'd that happen it died okay okay i got it go before we lose it pump the gas it's so cold we won't go it's cold we need to go up a little bit josh usually doesn't take the time to warm things up you know it's going you ready [Music] [Applause] well the sun's going down soon so we're gonna go as fast as we can turn the lights off okay then i'm gonna cut the wheel hold on for dear life everything should be fine worst case scenario just bail the tube all right we're just kidding everything's [Music] boyfriend [Music] uh [Music] exactly what dad and i said he just asked why there's a bowl back there dad and i wanted the same thing that was obviously one of you guys the mystery of the bowl [Music] i put on the fire under my bed i'll put my mess [Music] that was awesome dude i thought like twice down there i was like flying i thought i was about to fall off twice i don't know if you guys could see it but carter ate it on some of those last fins yes it's soft snow right it's not like it's not hard we're not we're not hard it's soft snow yeah so it's a perfect time okay we we have a special request here folks i'm going back snow challenge are you going by yourself yeah all right big girl you hold on tight okay yes whose gloves do you have on is that how big your hands are no i see show me your hands oh you've got monster-sized hands ready guys load them up let's go peter girl all right big daddy take it easy you got a precious cargo yeah oh come on [Music] i think so but it's perfect it's good it's definitely good yeah it's delicious [Music] i can't believe you got it you guys if you wait until like the third or fourth day then you can miss all that unnecessary shovel yeah that's my thing i'm not gonna shovel because the baby brings the snow back up onto the deck so there's no point in shoveling right ellie exactly before we do anything today we need to head down the driveway halfway down the driveway and try to one get the truck unstuck and hopefully get it back up wait till tomorrow we walked groceries up the other day and we also need to pull the like the oil tank what is it it's a uh it's all heat for that old trailer slash house the rental rental down there so we're going to take that off we actually called the fire department to see if they would uh burn it down for [Music] us it's empty and they probably just probably a little bit of fuel in there not much then pull it off be safe yeah your forks are hitting into the uh you're deciding yeah so we have one thing left to do here we gotta disconnect power to the house which is not a big deal on our end um like i said we talked to the fire department they're really excited they want to come out here and do all this work and uh british burn down to get some practice but there's two things that could stop that first the epa they'll come out do an inspection to see if there's asbestos or anything like that it might cost too much for them to do it which is unfortunate they want to do it i want them to do it yeah um and the second thing is we have a power line right there the the low voltage line and you got up there is the power line so it goes over the corner of the house actually goes to a single cabin across the creek right there that's unoccupied so that i guess deals with the power company so you didn't get that turned off for a day while they burned down or i guess we need to do if we don't burn down we're going to claw it down with an excavator and uh we need to turn it off regardless i know a lot of people were asking if we're planning on like carefully piecing apart the house so that we can salvage any of the wood and stuff like that we're not gonna do that um for a couple of reasons one is safety reasons we don't want to get in there the house isn't such bad shots point everything apart and things collapse on us yes and second of all we don't have anywhere to store that stuff yes at all we're not going to rebuild this house right away our main purpose of tearing it down is to prevent squatters from getting in here so the the house needs to go yes and we're not going to let anybody else come in tip piece of the part for what they need because if they want the metal roof and they fall off the roof like a suit right that's a liability issue so best case scenario the fire department wants it they can use it for training which would be awesome for them worst case scenario which isn't that big of a deal we clawed down ourselves and put in the dumpster yes actually our neighbor's gonna do that thank goodness for good neighbors right i can get the tractor up this you think so up this right here yeah definitely it's all up from here guys so the truck is stuck part way up and it's just you know an old crappy mountain road that's it sticking to our house though it's nice nobody comes up here josh stop stop you're gonna go off the edge you're gonna go off the edge he's backing it down the driveway we're just gonna wait until it melts and until then we're stranded [Music] this pace is defeat right here at defeat by the driveway you can change the tires obviously for the uh tractor and uh then we're sled on the driveway that turned this entire thing to ice so that's what it is not a big deal we got nowhere to go anyways you

2021-02-13 06:57

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