The World's Most Amazing Hosts vA 158

The World's Most Amazing Hosts  vA 158

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Vioolsdrif, South Africa. Did you find Tony? Huh? -I'm leaving. -You're leaving? Oh, you didn't find him, okay. -Yeah, I didn't. -It's okay. -I think he's still sleeping. -Yeah, okay.

Yeah, but I left a little bit of money—for serving the food. -Okay. They managed to—she was okay? -Yeah, she was okay. -Okay. -Yeah, I'm glad Tony's not here. Oh, you're ready? -Yeah, yeah, I'm ready too.

But I'll wait for breakfast to be cooked. -So, when you had a problem with the bicycle, what part broke? -You see, the frame is black here, and the frame is blue at the front. It broke at the welding here. -Did you get any punctures? -At the beginning, very few. But now, I get more. -F***, your tires are worn out. -Yes, they are the original ones.

-Yeah, f***, man. -Yeah, they're really worn out. -It's the worst condition I've seen tires in. -Really?

This one actually has a puncture, but I don't want to repair it. It lasts for two or three days when I re-inflate it. -This is really worn out. The one on the back? No, the back tire is bigger. -Yeah, it's a bigger one. It's a different one.

-F***, man. This is really worn out. -Yeah, but I'm not going to change them until Cape Town. I'll change them in Cape Town. -Holy s***, man. -I've never seen a touring cyclist with such worn-out tires. -Really? -Yeah. -I saw some French guys in Europe. One of them had a tire that was all blue all around.

-That was in Europe, not Africa. -Yeah, yeah, yeah. -All right, my friend, I'll see you on the road. -See you on the road. Yeah, yeah, yeah. -You will find me like- -Otherwise, we'll meet at the guest house tonight, eh? -10 Km from here. -All right. -The gate is open, my friend. The gate is opening, eh? -Yeah.

-I'll see you in like... -See you on the way, We will meet on the way, or in the guest house. -10 Km -All right, my friend. -See you, see you, yeah. The gate is closing! It's closing! See you soon.

So, this is Kamran Ali, ("Kamran on bike" on the internet) and I’m waiting for breakfast. I want to try the breakfast at this lodge before leaving. It’s quite an extraordinary lodge.

-They gonna start now. They gonna preparing your coffee? -Sorry? Oh, they about to start? Okay, great. Thank you very much. - I will bring you some coffee. - Okay, great. Thank you. Can I at least pay for something? -It's not necessary. -No, but... The issue I have is that I don’t have any Rands left.

I only have Namibian dollars or the card. Do you accept Namibian dollars? -Not actually. -You don't take them? -Sometimes we take them. -Sometimes you do? Okay. -I’ll give it to Mister Tony.

Yes, I had so many drinks and food, but then it's Namibian dollars, sorry, I don't have Rands. That's coffee. Thank you very much. Look at that, guys—a very nice South African breakfast! Some boerewors, eggs, to get me ready for the day. Oh so good.

The boerewors. The best sausage in the world! Some bacon. Incredible. Fantastic.

Thank you very much for everything. Can I get the gate open? -Okay -Right. So thank you very much for everything.

and say thanks to Tony because he's not here. -I will tell him. -Thank you. Thank you.

Morning my friends. Let's go guys. Bye-bye. See you.

Op, op, op... It's opening.... Come... Quick, quick, quick, quick. Yes, I made it. We are out guys. So this lodge, "Vioolsdrift Lodge", just after the border. The border is just there, 500 meters after the border. It's the most incredible lodge I've ever been to.

Both Ali and I, we stayed for three days because we had to wait for the wind to ease off before riding again. And Tony, the owner of lodge refused. Hello, hello. He refused to let us pay for anything. So, he offered us 3 days of free accommodation and free food. Everything was free.

That's why, in the end, we both left some money as a gesture. But honestly, it's the first time in my life I’ve experienced such incredible hospitality, especially in a place that makes a living by hosting people. He simply refused to let us pay. Incredible! So, wow, thank you, Tony. Today, it's 70 kilometers to Steinkopf, and it's a very hard day because there’s a 900 meters elevation gain during the day. With only one battery for me, it's not enough, so it's going to be really hard.

Hello -Hello. -Hello! -Hi! There is a checkpoint straight ahead. Hello, how are you? -I'm fine. -Good, good. Hello. Can I go? -Bye -Thank you.

Cape Town 678 Kilometers. It's first time I see a sign for Cape Town. Oh my god, the finish line is here. It’s coming! What are they doing? What the hell? Hello! -Nice bike. Nice bike. Thank you!

So, Ali left about 40 minutes before me. Let’s see when I can catch up with him. Hello! Hello! Have a good day, thank you.

Good morning. -You are crazy! -A little bit, yeah. -Where are you from? -France. -France? -Yes. -Okay, enjoy it, yeah? -Thank you very much. Have a good day.

Hello! -Do you got a battery? -Hello, eh? -I hope you got a battery. -Yeah, I got a battery. -All right. -But I've got only one, so it's not enough to go to Steinkopf. Can you see that there are clouds guys? It's unbelievable. It's been such a long time since I've seen clouds on the road. Probably since, Northern Zambia.

That's the South African style rest areas. There's so many midges around here. It's really, really unpleasant. I'm always...I spend my time, chasing them away from my face. Oh, there’s someone in that abandoned house. Hello? No answer.

I can see a small dot on the left side of the road. Could it be Ali? The midges are horrible, today. It’s a nightmare. I thought the climb would be super hard, but the climb in the end is fine, and my battery saving... —I actually saved too much battery. But the midges are an absolute nightmare.

A small quiver tree! Here we are at the summit of the first part of the climb. We did already two-thirds of the climbing, and we are starting to see flowers. Look at that! But still no sign of Ali. Before, it was a rest area, and if he doesn’t stop for the drone, There’s no way I can catch up with him, since I started 40 or 45 minutes after him. Beautiful landscape—wow! The vastness of South Africa! This is gonna be lunch break for me! But come on, there’s no bench here. There is a dustbin, a trash bin. But that’s all.

No small house with a bench and a table. S***. Oh man. Some sardines, droëwors, springbok droëwors, a bit of cheese, fancy bread, and some Parmigiano left from Namibia.

This is beyond heaven. Ah, the midges are horrible. One just went into my nose. Springbok. Let’s go—just 20 kilometers left to Steinkopf. Look at the flowers, man. Wow! What’s that? A big boat.

And we’re reaching the summit of today’s climb. Yes! We climbed 900 meters today. Oof, my legs are painful. Now it’s downhill all the way to Steinkopf. Let’s go! So I am on a bit of flat. And a strong headwind now. It’s never over.

And here we can see Steinkopf! Ah, man, f***ing hell. And here we arrive in Steinkopf, finally. Quite a remote place. What the hell? Hello! -Brilliant! Brilliant, yes! Hello! -Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! -Hi! -Hi! -Hi, hi, hi! Hello! OK foods! OK foods! Creamy Games! Hello! Quite a windy town. And friendly people, here "Ali Discount Grocer". Wow.

So Ali managed to arrive and opened a shop already. That looks like a Protestant church. Opa! Hello! It’s good, eh? It’s a tricycle. So now we’re going to Hollywood Lodge. It's gonna be champagne time! It’s a very cheap lodge. Surprisingly, South Africa is the most developed country in the region, but it’s also, by far, the cheapest country in the region.

Hollywood Lodge? Hello! How are you? -I’m fine. -Good, good. -Yeah. -Your friend is here. -Ali is here? -Yeah, he's here.

-From Pakistan? -No, I don’t know. The other one. -Cycling? -Yeah, cycling. -Yeah, yeah, yeah... We were together at the border for three days. -Okay, okay. -He’s driving already? -Yeah. -Ah.

-He’s driving on the road, yeah. -Are you driving on the road, with it? -Yeah. -Yeah -Yo. -Hot? -Yeah, down there, it was hot. -Yeah, yeah, Vioolsdrif. -Huh? -Very hot? At the border? -Yeah, yeah, at the border it was very hot.

-Oh. -Ah, good. -Okay, so you are going to? -Cape Town. -Cape Town? -Yes. -With this? -From France, with this. -Is it? -Yeah. -Yo.... -Hahahaha!

-But it's electric, it's easier than it seems. -Huh? -It's electric. -Okay. -Okay, okay. -So there is an assistance. -Okay. -But I have only one battery left, so it's only half-electric now. -Oh, okay. okay, okay.

-Are you going to charge it or what? -Yeah, I need to charge it—the battery is there. -Okay, okay, okay. But now this one is empty. -Ali is here. -Ali is here? Great. -How are you? -Now I’ve got a very big problem. -You've got a very big problem?

-All my rooms are full now. -Oh shit, oh. -I don’t know. Ali said, if you want to— -Do you have two beds in Ali's room? -No, only that one was spare. And he just came now.

-But there are two beds in the room? -No, only one, only one. -But I have a tent; otherwise I can put the tent in the room. -Oh, the tent in the room? -I told him. I just told him this, yeah. I said, "If you go now and he comes, must I tell him to wait?" He said, "Yeah, just tell him to wait." Because he just went up to the shop. -Ah, he went to the shop, yeah. -Yeah, to get sim card.

-Yeah, I need to get some cash, also. -Okay, okay. -and get some water. -Relax, relax. -Yeah. -Yeah, relax.

-Last week, I had five cyclists staying here. -Five cyclist? oh, wow. Thank God I had one room, and one of them was still alright. And... -Yeah, but it’s okay. Yeah, it's just, just... -It's okay. Yeah. -Maybe I can have a look, to see, maybe I can put the tent somewhere? -Do you want to come in the back with me? -With the bike? - Let me take a photo of you - Sure, no worries.

-Let me take a photo. My wife, Leticia, will be here soon. She’s the one who handles these things. (Sorry for that, but come!) -No worries. It’s fine. It’s not your fault if the place is full. We met two funny guys from Cape Town, I've got other guests. -Oh really?

-They booked online, but you two are walk-ins. Normally, people book through -Yeah. -Airbnb. you see now, most of the people.

-Ah, they book like this, -Yeah. Yeah, yeah. -I just need access to electricity if possible, -Yeah, yeah. -to recharge my bike battery.

-Yeah, I’ll sort it out for you. -So, he's staying in this room. -He's staying in this room? -Yeah, he's in this room, yeah. -Okay. -He told me you're coming. -Yeah, because he knew I was behind him.

-I see what I can do for you. -I've got a Wi-Fi as well. -Yeah. -What do you think about...?

-My name is Eugene, your name? -Yves. -Yves, yes. -oh yeah. -Ali down here. -Oh, Ali. -You got a sim card? -Yeah. -Good! -How’s it going? -Good, good. -How was the ride? -It was nice.

-But there was no charging facility. -No, no, it was nothing And there was a lot of headwind after the hill. -Yeah, a little bit. For me, I had a lot of headwind, It's okay... -For me, nothing. -It was less hard than what I expected. -Yeah, yeah.

-Much easier than I expected. -Let's try and see what I can do, right? -What do you think you can do? -But just relax for now. -This other guest house? -Yeah, yeah.

-Is this open or closed? -Not sure. -I don't know how much they charge. We normally charge 150 Rand. -Yeah. -These guys are crazy with the price but I'm not saying anything bad. But, you can go there, but I’m not sure how much they will charge. -Because I’ve seen some places, -Yeah, there’s another guest house.

-There’s another guest house, okay. -Yeah, yeah, there's. Yeah, but I don't know how much they are going to charge. Let me check what I can do on my side quickly, right? -Yeah. -Okay.

-Okay. -Otherwise, we can share the bed. -Uh, we could leave this room with... -But there is only one bed, right? Oh, it's a big bed. -It's up to you. -It's full with the ... If you don't mind, for me it's okay.

-Otherwise, if I can take that one big bed out. -Oh, to put the bed outside, -Put the bed outside? -Like in Sudan. I’m trying to figure out what I can do. My wife is on the phone, but I’ll see what I can do quickly for you. -Okay, just let me know, yeah. -He said that usually there's also Airbnb or -Yes, he said people come from Airbnb and here.

-Yeah, most of them. -And that’s why it’s full. -Yeah. -I thought there would be nobody here. -I thought also there would be nobody.

I'm quite surprised. There are eight rooms. -Eight rooms? -Yeah, there are eight rooms, and they’re all full. It’s very cheap, though. -I think they give special price for cyclists and backpackers. -Ah, you think so? -Yeah.

-He said for the backpackers and cyclists, this is the price. -It's cheaper. Ah, ok. Yeah, otherwise, I don't mind sharing the bed, if you don't mind. -Yeah, it's okay. -It's a bit, uh...

-You can kick someone out, maybe. -I don't know. I'll see what he can, what he says. -I can come? -yeah, I show you a room. -Okay. So you created a room you said, huh? -You can see, I am just busy... my wife is in Springbok.

-Where is your wife? -In Springbok. Ah, in springbok. Okay. -I don't know if you are okay with this? I just made some setting in the room. -That's absolutely fantastic, man. -Fantastic. -Yeah.

-Great. -Yeah. -Is there, I have access to toilet somewhere? -Yes, let me show you. -Yes. -Okay. -I also want to clean it now.

It gets to go, but I'll just clean up here. I’m just busy, but I’ll clean up here now. -Ah, it’s fine, everything’s good. All good, fantastic.

-So, this is for 150 Rand, right? -Yeah, 150 Rand. You know, we only charge 150 for backpackers. -Okay, awesome. -And, uh, this is the kitchen. I’m still tidying up. -Okay, so, yes, that's what I want. But you don’t cook food here, right? I need to go buy some food. Oh, are you going to warm it for me? -Yeah, if you want. -I’ll go buy at "OK Foods". -Yeah, you can buy at "OK Foods".

-Then you can come back... -And then I come back, and will cook tonight. -Okay, awesome, man. -I got oil... - Yeah, I need to get some cash also. -I’ve got oil, and I’ve got salt.

Don’t worry, you don’t need to buy oil or salt, I've got. -Okay. -Yeah, yeah. -You just buy what you need. -Fantastic.

-Your name again? -Yves. And you're Eugene? -Yeah. -Yeah, my wife did the show with me just now. Don't worry.

-Great. Thank you very much, man. -They always follow overlanders, right? iOverlanders, yeah, I guess that’s how both of us know here. -Yeah, I told her there was another Spanish guy.

-Oh, yeah, on a bicycle. -He was from Barcelona. -Oh, I didn’t meet him. He came and stayed here last week, on Sunday. -Yeah, that’s fantastic. That’s perfect.

Is there a key or something? -Yeah, there's a key. -There's a key. Awesome. -Yeah, yeah, yeah. -You don't need to worry, you're safe. -Perfect, man. -And like I said, when you wanna charge your bike. Later on we can bring your bike.

I’ve got another one. I’m just waiting for the lady to finish with us. -But, there's a plug, is this works? -Yes, there's a plug. -Yeah, this one works, it's okay. -Yeah, yeah, yeah.

-I can also reconnect from there and charge it. But everything is safe. -Oh no, but I can remove the battery. It's okay. -Yeah, but everything is safe. -Oh, you remove the battery? -Yeah, I can remove the battery. I can leave the bike behind there, no? -I gave you the Wi-Fi code, didn’t I? -Uh, no, I don’t remember. -What was my question? Yes, the bike—where do you want me to put the bike? You can put it on the stoop. You go around. -On the stoop?

Yeah, on that stoop over there. -What’s the stoop? -Yeah, the stoop... -Sorry, I didn’t know what you meant. -If you want, you can leave the ... -Oh, can I put it here inside? -We park it here, we park it here. -Yeah, so it's hidden from the road.

-Yeah, even those guys who used to let me... -Are you coming from Namibia or heading to Cape Town? -Yeah, I’m coming from Namibia, heading to Cape Town. -I had five cyclists who slept here: three girls and two guys. -No, I only met Ali recently, so yeah, -but they got stuck because their tires were too small. -Where? -Uh, in Namibia. They got stuck.

-Ah, on the dirt roads? -Yeah. - I took the main roads. -I think they were trying to get a lift to Windhoek. -Wonderful people, but wonderful young people— -They got stuck.

-Yeah. -So, did they leave the bikes there? -No, no. The tires were too small. Now, two bikes are broken, and they have to hike to Windhoek. -Really? -But they were nice people. We had a great time talking and getting to know each other. That's how we engage, you know.

-Okay. Yeah, but I’ll remove my bags first. Because with the bags, it’s going to be complicated to bring everything here.

Without the bags, I’ll bring the bike. -Yeah, yeah. -Okay, got it. -Yeah. Thank you, man. So my battery is charging guys.

All my bags are inside. Very nice. Perfect room. You see my bike is parked here in the courtyard. -Are you going to walk now? -I’m going to buy some food and water. I’ll take the shortcut.

-Oh, you’ve been here before? -No, no. But he told me about it. -You must be careful about what he tells you. -Oh, really? -Yes. -No. With an Indian, you won't go wrong. -Yeah, I know. I know. It’ll be fine. -When you go to Durban, they give directions like this: -Eh? When you pass a shop, don’t worry about the shop.

When you pass a bridge, just carry on. -I don't want to tell you a word of lie. -Yeah. -I want my cousin to hear this, and he can argue as much as he wants to. -Yeah.

-He looks like a Durbanite. -Yeah. -Talks like a Durbanite. So that’s the Durban accent, okay. -Yeah.

That's the first time I hear it, I think, yeah. Now, there are only two words they use all the time. -Yeah? -You know what that are? -No Durbanites, they just say "Don’t worry." -Don't worry. -Don't worry.

-Be happy. Okay. Okay, so I won’t worry. It’s fine. -Yeah, the shoppers will say, “Don’t worry.” It's because it's far. -Okay.

-And, don’t fly, don’t fly, don’t fly, don’t fly, don’t fly. -Don’t fly, don’t fly, okay. -It’s a poor guy. Don’t worry. -But a proper Durbanite would say, “Don’t worry" -Don’t worry, ah.

-So, you’re not a proper Durbanite then? -I’m from Durban. -No, I was just joking. -No, no, no. It's only with a proper one Durban, then this, meet this. There's no hair in between. -AAh, I get ya. I get ya. I get ya.

-It doesn't end up like a table top, like a table mountain. -Like a table mountain. -You see, he's got difficulty, he pushes his hand forward and his other hand goes back. -No, he said now. -His hair's got fused, eh? -See, I came to a mining town now, man.

-You have a mining town, eh? -But you must be careful, eh? When you go for, um—what do they call it? Scab? In that machine, right? -What’s that? City Scan. -Yeah, yeah. -Ah, City Scan. -When you come here, it’s a lot. There might be a mark somewhere here. -Hello. Oh, yeah.

-So, you weren’t careful? You called me way too much! Did you leave a mark? -Why am I still coming to listen to him? You’re joking, man! -He likes joking, yeah, yeah. -I'm not like joking. -It’s fine. -But you were joking with Ali now.

Ali didn’t know where to put his face. You’re joking with Ali. He said Ali, is there something wrong here? Is there a nut or screw loose or something? For me, I struggle with your accent.I actually struggle to pick up everything. Ali got a problem, man.

I said to him, for him riding like that, there's something loose in his head. So, it’s best for him to walk around with a magnet so he can stay still. -Oh, really? See you later. -You know where to go now? -Yeah, yeah, I’ll go this way. I checked. -Yeah, yeah, straight. -And "OK Foods" is good, right? -Yeah, just up the road. -Okay, perfect. Thank you very much, man.

-It’s just this way. -Yeah, yeah. -And, this is open, right? -Yeah, it’s open. You can go. -Okay. He likes joking, this uncle. Yeah, he likes joking—I can see that.

Thank you very much, man. Let's go, guys. I struggle with their accent; it's so thick. I guess, probably from Durban, I really struggle to understand what they’re saying, but it's very funny. The Indian guy who runs the place, you know, at first he told me the place is full.

Then he said, "Don't worry". Wait, I take the... The shortcut, that's the shortcut to take to go to the shop. He told me, "Don't worry. I'm gonna create a room". So, he created a room, out of nowhere, because the hotel was full actually.

I love that—he just created a room. Look at the beautiful flowers! So, I just need to go buy some food because there’s no restaurant here. and so I need to cook for myself tonight, and for breakfast tomorrow morning. I also need some water. I'm thirsty..

I ran out of water today. and I need to get some cash. So you can see from this, that we are in South Africa. In small towns and remote areas, it's not a football pitch you have.

Here, everything that matters is rugby. Hello! Look at this beautiful rugby pitch, full of flowers. Football is also played, of course, because depending on your cultural background, some ethnicities actually prefer football over rugby. See you on the next adventures, guys, for this awesome ride down to Cape Town in South Africa.

Ciao, guys!

2025-01-14 17:30

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