The Weekly Special - Episode 1325 - Long Journeys

The Weekly Special - Episode 1325 - Long Journeys

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Production. Support for the weekly special is, provided by, I use. School of Public Health Bloomington addressing. Public, health needs by preventing disease promoting, health, and improving quality of life across the, state and around the world through, research teaching. And community, engagement. Smithville. Fiber the, Giga City company a, philanthropic. Community. Partner since 1922. And. A proud supporter of numerous community, organizations, more. Information at The. Alkaline, recognition. Endowment, fund established, by friends and family of Alko vine to support jazz initiatives, on wtiu. And wfiu and. Wtiu. Members. Thank, you. Tonight. On the weekly special explore. One-of-a-kind hidden gems all across the state. Discover. Extraordinary. Indiana trees that began life over, two hundred thousand. Miles away meet. An incredible artist, who transforms, trash into treasure, and, meets, spoken, word artist and author Tony brewer for our latest in words performance. All, this, and more is coming up right, now on the weekly special. Welcome. To the weekly special I am Erica, sagon you, know there's nothing that we enjoy more than sharing exceptional. People in places with, you so, we start tonight with the story of four indiana, trees they, may not look that different than trees that you see all across the state but. Their journey to, getting to southern indiana was, anything but normal. Ignition. Sequence start, five. Four. Three. Two. One zero. Lunch. Commits liftoff, we, have liftoff with, Apollo 14, three. Minutes past the hour. Apollo. 14 launched, January 31st. 1971. Five, days later astronauts. Alan Shepard and, Edgar, Mitchell walked. On the moon while. Stuart Roosa a former, US for a service smokejumper, orbited. Above in the command module packed. Away in a small container in Russo's personal, kit were, over 400 tree. Seeds. Scientists. Were curious, to know if tree seeds after their, journey into the microgravity, of space with. Sprout and looked, the same as Earth grown trees so. They returned from the moon trip and during decant. Decontamination. Of the. Space. Vehicle they thought they were destroyed, and they. Got all mixed up they came out of the containers, and, they. Ended up at a Forest Service lab who, they decided, to try to see if they would grow and grow, they did the. Seedlings, now known as moon, trees, were, given away most, of them were planted, during public ceremonies, in 1976. To, help commemorate the US Bicentennial. Five, of these lunar legends, made their way to Indiana. There, is one moon tree a sycamore still. Growing on the Indiana Statehouse property, in downtown, Indianapolis. Three. Other moon tree locations, are in southern Indiana, I don't. Think anybody, back then thought that they were gonna be that big of a deal and so, they, got planted. You. Know all over the the world and country like I said then no, one really wrote, down where they were or if they did those records, have been lost so. Several. People have taken an interest in the trees and have documented. To right around 80 of them across the country and, we're lucky enough to have these two sweet gums here, and, three. Other trees in the state of Indiana. These. Two sweet gum moon trees are located. On the property of the Hoosier National Forest, ranger station in Tell City Indiana, two. Or three people stop by every year and we're, not stingy about them there's one gentleman that lives in Germany that. Actually, got a hold of us in in the States and he's collecting, seed from, the, different. Moon trees and taking them to germinate, him and let them live on so, we, did help him get some seed from these two trees and I'm assuming other people. That have him on their property, were equally, accommodating. There. Were seeds. That they kept here. On earth from, the same genetic background. That. They. Germinated. As well and there wasn't any significant, difference I, don't. Think anybody knew at the time but that was the hypothesis. So it wouldn't matter. When. You see some pop die back and they're starting to expand, which. Can be problematic we're, gonna treat it chemically, and. It's. Probably. Been forgotten, a little bit but, it's, a neat, thing to, talk to people about when they're here every. Year I go work with fifth grade classes and I always take a branch off one of these trees and tell them the story so, hopefully, that'll live on it's.

Not Too many people that can you, know claim that they have a couple moon trees in their city that they can just go look at or have a picnic under it's. A piece of our history that I mean it may, not happen again for a really long time if at all so, I think, we need to you, know remember they're here and not not forget what Stewart did their, standard, issue sweet gums as far as I can tell hey, do not drop green cheese balls that I'm aware of. Just. A few miles east of Tulsa tea is candles, in Indiana the, home of Camp cook Girl Scout camp that's. The location of another Indiana, Moon tree if we have people. Coming up here at the camp the moon tree is you know talked about a little bit so. I know our campers, and people that visit ask questions about it just, a history of being a moon tree I think is a good thing for us that relate to you. Know we, actually went to the moon took. Seeds came out and it's growing so I think, it's pretty submitted significant, forth one. Has to wonder though if a moon tree needs, any kind of extra care. We've. Just been trying to you know get, the ground, get the roots covered up keep it trimmed a little bit from laying on the ground when, the kids are on site is well used we, had an ice storm came through here and busted some limbs off that but, it really bloomed again you know it just feels just. Like every other tree you know just kept growing right back you know a little moon Martians or anything, what. Kind of effect does long exposure, to a moon tree have, on the human body. Another. Moon tree is located, in Lincoln State Park, Michael. Cruz the parks interpretive, naturalist has. A long history with this sites moon tree I know, it, was the 200th anniversary of, the beginning of the country so it was 1976. And, it was a big Girl Scout encampment. Here at the park and somehow, the Girl Scouts got a hold of one of the seedlings, and planted. It here along, with the time capsule, and, so there were hundreds, if not thousands. Of Girl Scouts that were involved in the planting, of the tree originally. I know my sisters were involved, in it and I remember it myself as. A little kid I was actually here, the, tree seems to be normal and. You. Know it's fairly. Healthy as far as I'm concerned still seeding, and it's growing the Crown's very large and, it. Looks like it's doing pretty well actually, maybe, they're still secretly, looking at it I don't know it's on our property, map or Lincoln. State Park property maps as an, attraction and people. Come just to see it I know that and I, get a lot of questions about it where's the moon tree why do you call that the moon tree. As. The. Moon trees continue, to grow they, serve as a reminder of the Apollo programs, manned missions, to the moon and. As a tribute to astronaut, rusev while. They reach back toward, the moon they once circled. To. Learn more about the moon trees or to find moon trees in your area visit, NASA's, website. It's. Always, inspiring to, see life renewed, and our, next subject has made a name for himself by, transforming, discarded. Material, into, beautiful, works, of art. Hi. I'm gabriel de sha and i'm an upcycled artist, I've. Always been pretty artistic but I guess the journey that started, me down the upcycling path started, in ninth grade my first piece was, titled Mariana, donkey it, really started with a competition, within my, classroom.

My Teacher, at the time wrote, a list of different, things that I could explore, it was kind of open and one, of those things was junk art and so that intrigued me and did, some research and then, created, a piece using. Recycled. Or upcycle, parts from. My garage I was, really looking at what, were the scraps, or things that were sitting around that I could repurpose, take apart that, that really involved, me, taking wire apart, finding, really unique pipe, fitting, materials. And so forth I ended, up winning the first place in a in a competition and so, that, certainly. Helped, to pave the road towards. The work that I do now. For. Me upcycling, really, is around this idea of, reimagining. Things as. They were maybe in their original purpose, or or design, and. Reimagining. Those are reassembling, those into something different the creative process for me really starts, a couple, different ways it, could start with me taking apart or disassembling, a piece and I, get inspiration from that there, might be subtle, objects that cue up ideas. Thoughts it, may have the silhouette of a particular animal or or. Be a focal point that then allows, me to explore further and take that further so a good example of that is the rearing horse sculpture. That really started with me taking a parting adding machine and from. The components, there they, really resembled, a the. Basis of a head of a horse and so that's really what started it started with that that exercise. And then, grew to a full length. Six. Foot rearing, horse. Part. Of what makes this fun and so intriguing to me is. Around, the hunt. One. Of the ways I find material, is by. Going to like flea markets or antique, stores as I, just kind of peruse, that, that, that. Stuff that junk that throw away things it sparks, interesting. Ideas or things that may come into my mind, so. The Louie Vuitton series, had, an interesting genesis. Or starting point I've stopped at this little resale, shop and came. Upon this big stack of Louis Vuitton luggage and, I was like wow you know maybe there's something here I could I could maybe explore, something here walked, out of there with one. Of the pieces and within. That process of, me disassembling. It reimagining. It and actually start to build out a piece there, was definitely, some, energy around this particular approach. And so then quickly, called, that consignment, shop back up and, bought, the rest of them. Another. Approach that I use in my creative process is, is this, play off of colors or, mashups. Of interesting ideas you can see a lot of that play out within my Star. Wars series and evolving. That and pushing, the limits and boundaries on that so. I continue to try, to push myself and explore different ideas different thoughts, different approaches. One. Of the series that that I have a lot of passion around is. The sneaker series, so, I'm a huge sneaker head hundreds.

Of Pairs of shoes and love love, the energy around that what. I love to do with this particular series is reimagine. Those, sneakers, kind of in a digital world or kind of pixelated. Usually, that process starts out with me drawing, out the design of that and how that would look in more of a digital. World and then start. To build that using, circuit, boards usually start with a color palette also in that process. My. Work stretches, past just the actual process. And the ultimately, creating. Of the piece and finishing it I really, think about what. Is that experience, when someone gets, one. Of my pieces delivered, to them and so part of that process over the last couple years I've really started to look at what. Is that unboxing, experience look, like and so all. Of my pieces now come in a really nice aluminum box with some of my my, logo on it and usually, some graffiti, certainly. Think that that is part of the whole package of the experience, when purchasing. One of my pieces. A. Driving. Force within my approach, and the materials I use is this idea around a waste and one, of the missions that I have is to help create some dialogue around that and that, hopefully, my work, and my creative process helps. To influence others around, this idea around finding, creative ways on addressing. A waste that. This stuff doesn't necessarily. Need to end up in a landfill, it can, be repurposed, reused reimagined. Into something different. To. See Gabriel's latest, breathtaking, pieces of art or to purchase one for yourself visit. His website gabriel. De sha comm, an. Avid. Writer Tony, Brewer has touched nearly every, part of the publishing world from, his days as a typesetter for, IU press to, writing and publishing three, poetry, books and to, see his work really, come alive is to see him on stage. The. Human body is capable of amazing feats when, faced with unrelenting, stress, and anxiety. It. Can lift a car off a baby or put a bullet in the brain should, the situation arise. And even. Realize when a house grown-up in is no longer a home and toys. Once played with were never just toys and it. Was never just playing. My. Wrist is a lever of love ending, in a fist a bone and I hold on like grim death my. Heart is a filter that in takes thus our atmosphere, my lungs inhale, turns. Into blood or bile or sinews, wrapped around the red ribbon of my loose muscles, to shield what's left of the egg I came, from I, was. There only once and. It was night and I wasn't driving so let's see if I can tell you how to get back my mouth. Is a trap my tongue debate, and at, the center of it all are atoms, screaming. In orbits praying, to their cell and gods they never split apart, my. Legs are twin battering rams sparking, butterflies tsunamis, with each hard, sole stride and the trees I hug are splinters in the skin of the earth slowly, slipping, off this. Little flake. But. A gun is, an extension of the fist just. Squeeze, and a punch explodes. It's. Ok if it's only a target. The. Human soul contains, a lifetime, in just a moment more until. The vessel drains and, refills drains. And, refills drains, and, refills and, spills over into other cups and pants and jar heads and so lives on ever. Thumping, out the rhythm of a toy drum tattoo, never. As regular as we'd hoped or. As easy as a March and never. The home it seems until, I'm nearly out the door. My. Face ends where air begins and, the, tension at that last border, is a breath and, a snort and, a kiss and at. Its end a tame, body wrapped, in accumulation. Like. An egg within, its shell the. Human existence is no trap and, not nearly as structured as a game and. So becomes a catalog, of. Sleep, or. The waking mind calls, body into being with mechanics, while, my weariness strikes, hard and. Deep. And, I do grow tired my friends my. Lovers of, these, movements. Of. Combinations. Of spiritual, permutations. And visions of my, sleeping Minds still attached to a lizard brain a base of neck who. Constantly, calls the quarters as if a seance for an effect. And. Then the table Rises and knocks I lose. The ticking of all clocks but. I never can quite tell where. All the noise is, coming, from. Tony. Is the chair of the Writers Guild at Bloomington. To learn more about the organization including. Their upcoming, spoken. Word stage at the annual 4th Street festival visit. Their website writers, guild Bloomington, calm. Before. We go tonight we wanted to take a look back at one of our all-time favorite, musical guests they're back in the Midwest touring, right now it's the, main squeeze. 1,000. Feet below I. See, the city. October. 9 one step. Oh. So. Ooh. Oh. The. Main squeeze will be touring the Midwest throughout, the summer for. A list of all their upcoming shows as well as information about their latest album mind, your head visit. Their website main, squeeze music, calm. Well.

That's All the time that we've got for tonight but we hope that you're getting out there this summer and exploring, all that Indiana has to offer one. More time before we go the main squeeze good night. Turn. Them stop. Let. You go babies, together. Look. In my. Yeah. Did. You see concedes, maybe more. Understood. And bought a good I always. Production. Support for the weekly special is, provided by, I use. School of Public Health Bloomington addressing, public, health needs by preventing disease promoting, health, and improving quality of life across the, state and around the world through, research teaching, and community, engagement. Smithville. Fiber the, Giga, City company fiber, internet. HD, and, digital, IPTV, in. Southern Indiana. More. Information at The. Alko bind recognition. Endowment, fund established by friends and family of alko binds to support jazz initiatives, on wtiu. And wfiu and. Wtiu. Members. Thank, you.

2018-06-24 13:39

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