The Ups and Downs of Life | Vlog 6

The Ups and Downs of Life | Vlog 6

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good morning guys today i woke up quite early  because i am so excited because today i'm going to   see the van that has the most probabilities to be  mine and i'm so excited i'm so excited i woke up   so early in the morning i did my makeup i also oh  my goodness i like my skin lately i've been taking   a lot of care about my skin lately and the results  are amazing so i will probably share my secrets   no secrets here anyway i'm so excited because  today in the afternoon i'm going i'm gonna film   it so don't worry don't worry you will see it and  yeah i'm so excited i'm so excited because even my   father liked the van which is very strange okay  it's very strange because my father is against   this one situation so let's see let's see i'm so  excited that i woke up early as i told you i'm   gonna film few videos then work a little bit on  the side job that i told you that i am working on   for this week maybe next week also i don't  know hopefully gonna finish that work soon also   tomorrow no but on saturday i have a new  cruise that is coming so also have to go there   oh my goodness so many things so many things  happening so yeah i will keep you updated on   the event situation and let's just let's just  go and work a little bit just a little bit um oh my goodness i need to touch up my makeup i am having such a big importance  when it comes to the surge of the van i was crying few minutes ago because the person  that we were going to see the van uh we asked him   to send us the location and he told us that he's  awake for for one week and that he won't be able   to to be there today maybe we will talk in a week  or so and and that's it and no more information   and nothing else and it's very important that  when you thought that you know it was there   that your dream was there all of a sudden there's  something somebody that take that dream away or   takes that dream away i can't not even speak  right now i speak right now so my apologies so oh my goodness this is giving me  such a headache like a big headache and i don't know i don't know you know  i feel like leaving everything outside   lucky we have a new dog neighbor  so he's that's why he is lucky um so yeah i just feel like you know  living my dream aside and just keep   going with my life and we will see in the  future but at the same time i feel like   mimi no please come on keep going just  keep going but oh my goodness it's   giving me such a big headache you  know headache anxiety stress and i just i just can't i just can't hey guys so after that a small  breakdown new news um i am going now   i just found another one and oh my  goodness the thumb here okay so better   and me and my parents are going now to just to  look that one okay that one is closer it's like   uh 30 minutes away from here and it looks  nice okay with fair price and everything so i'm still with anxiety with nerves and  i mean i feel like i cannot eat anything   right now okay i have like a bowl in  my stomach so i haven't eat any lunch   i'm nervous i don't know  why i'm so nervous so yeah i'm between excited between anxious between a  stress between oh my goodness too many feelings   at the same time so let's let's just pray for  the best i mean the moment you are watching this   i will already know if i got it or not but you  know i haven't still oh my goodness this is ah   there are so many ups and downs  today so many ups and downs let's go good morning guys oh my goodness first coffee it's hot okay so i have new updates the event  that we went to watch yesterday i mean was   in worst conditions that we thought we thought  that it was gonna be in better conditions but no i found another one okay found another one and i  don't know if today or this weekend we are gonna   go to watch it in person it's also one hour  away like drive from here so we'll see because   because it's far it's far but anyway we're  just gonna we're just gonna see if we can   if we will be able to to watch the ban or not  and if not we decided that we will just wait   okay we will just wait and see if there  if there will be any available nearby okay   not for now for now all the ones that are nearby   are not in a very good condition and  if they are they are very high price so   we'll see we'll wait and loki is there  as always i mean how cute is he lucky i don't know what he's doing i have no idea anyway yeah that's the plan  tomorrow i am going to the cruise board   again to work and on sunday i think we have  something and now i will just take you with me jesus christ okay so so yeah that's the plan i know that i always  have you here with me in the terrace i know it um i know it i'm sorry you only get able to see  the terrace and lucky he's coming he's coming and here having breakfast best meal of the day oh it's too hard to steal   so yeah and for today the plan is still  to keep working on the website thing   and that's it just keep working on the website  thing also try to edit few videos and that's it that's the whole plan for now we'll see  in the afternoon if we do something or not   i would just cut it here lucky lucky lucky oh my goodness you're so  cute yes you are yes you are oh my god what what do you want tell me good morning guys oh my goodness with my uniform at the back i  don't know if you can see it right there that's   ukrainian that's the basque flag the flag where  i am from and yeah guess what let's go to work yes i'm filming with my phone  because i don't want a cat   i don't want to carry that camera so it's  work so oh my goodness my morning voice my uniform uniform uniform let's go to work morning face sometimes but sometimes sometimes it learns instead hey guys here working   here at the tourism office and also working  on the videos so two words at the same time let's be safe after work we decided to come to ilbao  just for a walk and have something to it and loki is here oh well i can't hey guys so i didn't know how to end this video  and i decided that as i have to do my makeup   right now to film new main channel videos i  was gonna do a small talk with you you know   just get ready and all of that so so yeah  that's that's gonna be the plan i'm gonna   make a few updates and clear out everything that  has happened this week so which is not been as   small or little it's been quite a lot  of things so so yeah that's the plan for   for the ending of this video and if you listen  you know pause it's it's lucky it's lucky over   there just playing with i don't know with  what actually was one of his toys anyway um oh my goodness i'm so tired i'm so tired  yesterday it was such a crazy day um   okay whatever oh my goodness the lightning  here is so bad oh my goodness i don't know   even how to put it's the shadow of the mirror  so i'm sorry for that so so yeah to sum up   what what happened with the van was that i had  few options this week okay after having none   because you know the first one that i was gonna  watch this week told me that he was out for a   week so he will not be able to to show me the the  van and that made me i don't know a little bit   sad in a way because you know i was quite  sure that that van was for me was meant   for me and all of the sudden this man comes and he  said no you know i'm not gonna be able to show it   to you this week i'm sorry and he didn't even give  any options you know like for example i'm coming   back next wednesday or friday i don't care so i  will call you then he didn't give any options so so yeah something very strange okay  so i don't know that made me feel sad   and not in my best but anyway um i almost  gave up to be honest i almost gave up   but i found another one well actually two i found  two one that you know it was not something i was   praying for you know but you know  just in case i went to see it and   i don't know why in reality it was in a  worse condition that in in the pictures   so so yeah another you know another low  there another moment alone moment there   and after that i called a man that i fell in love  with a van a few weeks ago and i don't know why   we never called that man but all of a sudden  after feeling that way after the second one   we called them what we call him and he at first it  was also a strange like yeah well we will have to   wait and he didn't give any explanation but all  of the sudden uh he called back and he said that   he's also looking for another van but he doesn't  want to be without a van before getting a new one   so next week he will call us if yours or not if  he already got van or not if he got a new van   he will be selling the old one and he he got  our phone number so he's he told us that he's   gonna call back so let's let's hope let's pray  and and yes and let's see and i also decided   that that this is another new decision that i made  i guess i'm gonna start doing my makeup because if   not i'm just gonna keep talking and do nothing um  if this van is not what we think of i decided that i would go to the to the house to the  car house like volkswagen for example   and buy maybe not a new one but a zero kilometer  one you know that it's cheaper than a new one and   yeah we'll try to save more money for for  that and you know what i will wait a little   bit more but just make sure that it's in a  good condition that you know all that things   so so yeah i'm now in hands of this last van to  see what happens and and all of that so so that's   the idea small update oh my god lucky don't  cry oh my goodness don't cry so yeah that's   that's the update on the van and i wanted to  you know make a small recap because i know that   there has been a lot of things going on this week  and i haven't explained it properly so i decided   to you know just sit down and chill and start here  with you so so yeah those are the decisions that   we took this week about the man my goodness i have  no idea that it was gonna be this difficult to   to get a van i had no idea oh my goodness this  is this is driving me crazy so crazy giving me   so much stress and anxiety but now you know that  i have things clear more or less okay more or   less um that if not this van i'm just gonna wait  you know i'm not gonna search for another one or   whatever but i'm just gonna wait i also saw that  they sell in in the house in their own house um   like secondhand cars so maybe i will also check  that so we'll see okay we'll see i'm just gonna   i'll delete all the apps all the marketplace  apps on my phone and and just wait if you know   if nothing good happens with this last month let's  pray let's pray because oh my goodness i love it   i love it so i'm i'm not gonna put any pictures  here because i don't know i feel like if i   show it to you i'm just like it's not gonna come  a reality that it's gonna be mine or something   i'm just gonna keep it as a small secret  okay and if in case in case i get that one   i will show it to you like the very first  second that i get it i will show it to you on on   instagram so don't worry don't worry um so yeah as  i tell you that's an update on the van situation   what else what else i don't know to be  honest i don't know oh my goodness this oh my   goodness i love this foundation well it's not the  foundation it's a scissor cream this one by chanel   oh my god this is so good that is so so so oh my  god is this dark i don't know i will try to edit   after and put a little bit of more  light because the the shadow of the of the mirror is giving me shadows  obviously here so my goodness once again   i have so many ideas on mind already it's true  that the moment that i get in the van i am not   gonna be able to just you know get the van and  start traveling is true because of the situation   but you know i want to make few updates   to the van because that van is so good price and  it's it's already all the inside done not the my   favorite way but it's done you know at least so  and it has a lot of things that comes with it so   let's let's let's see i want to make it a  few upgrades because it's a little bit old   so few upgrades but yeah very happy very excited  and i i just cannot wait to start you know filming   the videos that i have on mind and all of that not  i mean i'm gonna film one reconversion um because   i mean it's already done i'm just gonna make a  few changes if if i get that one but i also wanna   film like a storytelling videos that i am not able  right now to to film because i have so many on my   mind that i cannot do right now i don't know if i  am explaining myself well or not or just driving   you crazy anyway i am so so so excited to finally  be getting one and start doing what i love that'll   be crazy right that'll be crazy making your dreams  come true it's a scary and and exciting at the   same time i don't know if you can understand me  but if you can oh my goodness i just can't wait so so yeah that's all the updates that i had  to tell you and what else about this week   um i went to to my few days at month job   uh at the cruise court oh my goodness i enjoy  it so much so much it's so much fun i actually   yesterday yesterday which was the last ship  well not the ship i was at the terminal at the   tourism office it was so much fun because there  were british people british and scottish people   and oh my goodness they are so nice so so so so  nice people i really love and enjoy talking with   with british and scottish people i love scotland  you know that you know that but yeah i mean   taking that aside like nothing actually new  well yes well yes yes just something else   new oh my god it's too much blush i don't  care i love blush i love fluff of blush um   this week i also haven't been filming so much  because i was working at let's say two three jobs   at the same time i was um you know in a website  that it's already done i have a client who wants   me to put all the new season products inside and  there they are like 300 products in two weeks so   it's just driving me crazy okay it's driving me  crazy it's taking me a lot of time of filming of   doing my things my own things and having my own  space and doing whatever i want so yeah that has   been taking me also time from from filming more  content for for this channel oh my gosh okay and   i'm crazy i always forget to put powder on my skin  to settle oh my goodness i love my skin right now   it's just so good i don't like to put  too much powder because i like glowy   glowy effect on my skin but just a little  bit to fix things they fix the the foundation so so yeah um that has been taking a lot of time  of my own own time of doing my own content so yeah driving me crazy as i told you also working  at the tourism office also taking me time   and even though there are not many days but  it also takes me time for example tomorrow   i am going on a excursion on an outing  out no outing like excursion okay with   with the enterprise that i work for  those days in the tourism office so oh my goodness i'm just gonna fix okay to put  a lot of makeup so so yeah i'm also gonna be   filming that for next vlog because it's  gonna be quite interesting and you know   it's an excursion so for free they are  gonna take me so that's always great   and yeah i don't know next week it will be full  of cruises so also that's gonna take me a lot   of time i always try to edit few videos when i  am there the last few hours when you know no no   tourists come to the office so that's also a good  thing because i can do two things at the same time and yeah that's that's the  plan for next week to be honest   and let's see let's see what happens out the van  and and i love that so yeah i'm just gonna finish   my makeup and thank you goodbye a big goodbye and  a big thank you for for watching this week with me   spending this week with me another  one i decided that i will be filming   vlogs every week with the most like with the  things i i do not every day but if i do something   amazing well amazing i mean you know what i do  like something not ordinary out of my routine okay   i will be filming that for example tomorrow that i  am going on that excursion i will be filming that   like few parts okay not a lot but just few few  things of the exclusion and i don't know if i will   be taking the the camera with me or not or maybe  just filming with my phone i don't know anyway you know the highlights of the week i will  be taking you with me just enjoying the week   and chilling in these not very worked  videos even though when i am editing this   video takes me longer than the main channel  one because you know as i have to put music   and coordinate music and all of that and  decide which music to put it always takes me   longer than i think but it's okay i love  doing this kind of content too i love filming   music videos and i love filming  like this relaxed videos too so be gentle with me oh my goodness i love  my skin i'm gonna show you now my skin   if you're interested maybe we can do a skin  routine or something like that and show you   what i've been doing lately i have changed my  routine also makeup routine okay so it all had   an effect on on the skin so yeah i'm just gonna  finish my my eyes my lips and i'm done i am done okay so that's it i am all done oh my god  look at my skin i mean i know it's not the   most perfect one but it has a glow that has  never had oh my goodness this is just so crazy   that glow oh my goodness oh my goodness i never  had this like feeling of smooth and you know glowy   skin so if you're interested or not on that  just um let me know and yes i just wanted to   to to tell you that thank you thank you  thank you thank you so much as always for   for watching this video for being with me for  helping me grow and for for everything just for   everything okay so thank you so much for for  that i love you you know that i love you guys   i love you tones so yeah i hope to to see you  on the next video bye bye bye bye bye bye bye that we get one just one chance you

2021-09-29 10:32

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