The Unsettling National Park Disappearance Problem | Missing 411 Documentary

The Unsettling National Park Disappearance Problem | Missing 411 Documentary

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In. 2009, - park rangers approached, retired, police detective david. Politis and told. Him a troubling story, they. Explained, that in the years that they had been involved in numerous search and rescue operations, at several national parks, they. Had witnessed an unsettling, trend they didn't understand. They. Explained, that, when a person went missing a massive, search-and-rescue operation. Would ensue. Accompanied. By widespread press, coverage, but. After the first week or so searches. Abruptly stopped and coverage, was halted with, no explanation or resolution. The. Conversation, bothered David enough that he began to look into this behavior himself, and when, he hit a brick wall with the authorities, he, decided to do his own research, but. What he discovered, shocked. Him. People. Of all ages had, been disappearing, from national parks and forests at an alarming rate for decades, many. Under very similar circumstances. And David's. Investigative, instincts, told, him this was a story that needed to be told. So. Over a period of eight years he. Studied over 1200, disappearances, and compiled. A missing four on one series, of eight books and one. Documentary. Documenting. His findings. During. The course of his studies he hasn't covered a number of reoccurring. Profile points that, appear to link all the unexplained, disappearances. He. Will look at those trains and correlate, them to just a few of the many mysterious, cases David, has highlighted. In. Anticipation, for, his new incredible, documentary, missing. For one one the, hunted. How. Can you think about it no. I just think about like why don't often you, know, always. Opt into your mind. All. Of a sudden the woods went to this dead, quiet. Robbie, called, me that night and said that. Is. Missing in the woods but don't worry we'll, find on. The. Jeep was there there. Was no malice. But. He should have been back by that he should be there. Something. Different than I never heard before nor, was. The. FBI according, to their protocol, doesn't search for missing people so, do you understand why they were there I thought they were there to provide some sort of technological support, but I don't didn't have any contact with him myself hmm have, you ever had them on a search that you've done no. We. Did find the pelvis, partially, buried a. Thin. Jacket any, dudes pants. No. No. Because we didn't find any feet.

No. Feet, right. The. Salt doesn't add up to me nope. It. Just, none, of it makes any sense. The. Point of separation. David. Discovered, that when a person disappeared. Whilst in close proximity to friends or family members it's, usually when they have either gone off on their own for a moment or strayed, behind when trekking in a line walk. On ahead when fronting a track the. Point of separation might, only be a few yards, but, it seems long enough for them to disappear, into thin air. Time. The. Time the majority of the victims David has investigated, vanished, is. Not in the middle of the night as you might expect but rather mid to late afternoon when. It's still daylight. Boulder's. Many. Of the found victims of disappearances. Are discovered, near grenades or rock fields, often. Next, to or surrounded. By boulders. Water. Victims. Are either found or disappear, near water without. Any evidence, that they have fallen in or drowned. Whether. Incidents. Other. Time a person goes missing or during the search it's been noticed that a sudden onset of extreme weather ensues, either. In the form of snow dust, or rain storm or, the sudden emergence of thick mist or fog. Disability. Many. Of the victims have an obvious or, not so obvious disability, or illness prior, to their disappearance. Canines. Unable to trace, one. Of the first things search-and-rescue. Do when a person is reported missing is send out a specially trained dog to track their scent, in. 95%. Of the cases, david has studied dogs. Have been unable to find a single scent or. If they do they, quickly lose and, just lie down. Missing. Clothes or shoes in. Many. Cases, for whatever reason, the, victim has removed their shoes and items, of clothing, this. Is also the case when, missing people are found alive they. Either have missing, clothing, or clothing they do not recognize or have traveled several miles without shoes, now. We know removing, clothing can, be a trait of someone, suffering from exposure however. It is unlikely that is the cause as they would not travel the great distances they do so, it doesn't really add up. Unknown. Cause of death in the. Cases david has studied when, a missing person is found dead the cause of death can either not be determined, or does not correspond, with how the victim, was found. Geological. Clusters. David. Has discovered that people go missing in clusters, in certain areas and there is no reason for these places to be any more dangerous than, anywhere else the. Clusters, range from three in the, same vicinity to, up to 80 he. Also realized, this, was not just in the US either it was the same for areas in Canada the UK Australia and. Seven, other countries all. With missing persons following. The same profiles, as those mentioned, also. None, of the disappearances, could be attributed to animal, attacks as when. This happens there is almost always clear, evidence, left behind. David. Also discovered, that there are an inordinate, amount of genius-level, people, disappearing, such. As doctors, scientists, etc, as, well as people with extensive knowledge of, the back trail who, simply wouldn't normally get lost. As, a former police detective one, of the things that perplex David the most was, that the Park Service kept. Scant or no records, of Park disappearances, and there is no national database, or list for the victims and no, follow a procedure. It. Seemed that after the initial week or so of intense searching, that was it leaving, families to conduct their own surgeons, and left, in limbo with no definitive answers, and no closure. Through. The missing for one one books the profile, of hundreds, of missing person cases has, been raised and has, brought to the public's attention the, frequency, and mystery, surrounding, these disappearances. Let's. Take a further look and start, at the beginning and examine. The very first case that David Politis investigated. Stacey. Heiress. On. The 25th, of July 1981. 14. Year-old Stacey heiress, from Saratoga was, on a horse riding trip with her father George and 7 others after. Riding for a few hours they stopped at some cabins at sunrise High Sierra camp with. A group plan to freshen up and stay the night, Stacey. Showered, and changed clothes, and then told her dad she was going for a walk to stretch her legs and, take some photographs.

One. Of the group an alderman, named, Gerald, Stewart was, sitting on a boulder, about a hundred feet away and, Stacey. Indicated. To her dad that was the direction she, was heading the. Last conversation. She had with her dad related. To her Footwear when. He advised her to change of flip-flops, to hiking boots. The. Rest of the group all witnessed her walking towards, the boulder were Gerald was sad and as, she approached him she told him that she was going to walk to the nearby lake. Jerald said he will accompany her Bert after there's a short time he felt tired and sat down the. Rest of the group were close enough to see this and confirm it happened they. Also watched Stacey leave Gerald and walk alone towards, the lake until, she was eventually out of sight behind the trees this. Was the last time anyone, saw her when. Stacey didn't return, Gerald was concerned, and made his way back to the cabins but. They could find no trace of Stacey, so. Search and rescue or brought in they. Questioned, others in the area who, had come from the direction Stacey, had walked but, none of them had passed her a huge. Search ensued, involving. Over a hundred people helicopters. And sniffer dogs the. Search was concentrated. Over a 3 to 5 square, mile area around, sunrise lakes, however. Despite, these efforts the, only thing they ever found was, the lens cap off her Canon. Given. There was no evidence of an animal talent and because she was so close to the camp it. Seemed very unlikely she, lost her way at. The time everything, pointed to an abduction although. There was also speculation that. Stacey had family, and school troubles, and. Was missing her boyfriend, but. If she intentionally intended. To disappear, why was she originally, wearing such inappropriate, Footwear and, why. Did she ask to, separate people to accompany her none. Of it made sense. Thirty. Years after Stacey's, disappearance, David, looked at the case and he, requested the file on Stacey's disappearance, from the National Park Service, this, is a standard, request and not something that should be denied according, to the Freedom of Information Act. However. On this occasion the request, was rejected he, later. Received a call from a special agent, for the Park Service, asking. Him why he needed the information. This. In itself is, a violation of the Freedom of Information Act, as. Any citizen, can ask for any federal file, and, a government cannot question why, the. Agent told David in no uncertain terms that, he could not have the case file he also, clearly stated, that there were no suspects, in the case and it was still classified as a missing person. But. When David challenged, him about why the case was not listed in the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. He. Said he didn't believe that it wasn't, the. Reason he gave for not granting access was, in case it turned into a criminal investigation. Despite. Previously, stating, there, were no new leads and no suspects. After. All the case was 30 years old and the main witness was long dead, the. Whole thing seemed highly, irregular and got, David wondering was, there something in the file they wanted to be kept hidden, David. Persisted, in his request for the file but, it was repeatedly, denied. What. David also found troubling about the case was, the decision to stop searching for Stacy after, just nine days, this. Seemed bizarre when. You think Stacy must, have been in that park somewhere it's. Not like when a child is taken off the street and can be taken hundreds of miles away in just a few hours the, terrain, in the park would restrict anybody, from getting very far let, alone a 14 year old girl people. Don't just disappear off the face of the earth without, leaving some trace. Even. If they are being eaten by an animal they would have been evidence so. Calling off the search so, early seemed, odd unless. Of course authorities. Already knew what had happened to her and further. Searching, was futile. David, also discovered, they're having three more bizarre disappearances very, close to the vicinity Stacy disappeared, on. The. 9th of August 1968. A man's body was found in a crevice at Tonya peak just. Over a mile away from where Stacy disappeared, the. Man has never been identified, on. The 25th, of May 1976. Just over a mile away from the location of the unidentified man. 25. Year old Jeff estie's disappeared. Not. A fragment, of evidence has ever been found of him on. The 15th of July in 1988.

Half A mile northeast, of where the unidentified man was found Timothy. Barnes, disappeared, close to paly dome lake as. With Jeff not, a shred of his evidence was found, the. Anomaly, is the Stacey arrows case was, just the start. Ronald. Kirk let's. Take a look at a case where a man went missing and the area was surged and then he turned up in that exact same spot two weeks later on. January. The 16th 2012. 46. Year old Ronald Kirk sent, text messages to friends, letting. Them know he, was going hiking in calico, Basin, in Red Rock Canyon Nevada. Ronald. A former Marine was, no stranger, to the basin, he. Was a keen runner and he, had hiked for long stretches in the canyon dozens of times before. Often. By himself so, the text wasn't unusual and, none, of them would have been concerned. But. When Ronald hadn't returned after several days friends. And family became worried. They. Went to the area where they found his red jean but still sitting in the parking lot they. Organized a search and, alerted authorities. Hundreds. Of fellow hikers, on the ground and helicopters, in the air spent, hours and days searching, for Ronald but found nothing not, a trace. They, scoured, several trails and the route he was likely to have taken but. Eventually the, search was called off, almost. Two months later, Ronald's remains were stumbled upon in a rocky area with established, trails not. Far from one of the Red Rocks most popular challenges, turtlehead. Peak, this. Same area had previously, been extensively, searched by the on-the-ground team dogs, and helicopters, using, infrared technology but. None had located one 'old the. Official explanation for not finding the body was, slightly contradictory, it. Said Ronald's body was not obscured, in any way but. It blended in with the color of the surrounding terrain. The. Cause of death was not confirmed. Although, foul play was not suspected. In. Cases, like these David. Is not apportioning.

Any Blame on a search and rescue as, they do a fantastic job he. Is merely pointing, out the profile, that fits with, similar disappearances. In this. Case we, have an experienced, hiker the. Area previously, searched and found nothing unknown, cause of death boulders, and canines. Couldn't locate when, apparently hidden in plain sight. George. Penka, this. Next case is again a complete vanishing, on Friday. June 17, 2011. George. Penka aged 30. Went hiking the group of 80 people from his church and one. Of 20 who were walking the upper trail a day, when. They reached the top they've, separated with, individuals, hiking back down at their own pace so, in, effect they, were in a string and George, was likely at the bank however. At the time his, friends hadn't realized that and it wasn't until much later they. Realized he was missing and didn't, report it until 9 p.m. that night George. Had a small amount of food and water on his person, so, they were hopeful he would be found a search. Was mounted straightaway that intensified, the next morning and over. A hundred search, and rescue personnel were deployed including. Dogs helicopters. And ground searchers, but. After nearly a week of searching park, rangers did not find any clues. As to George's whereabouts. Absolutely. Nothing and. In the last eight years not, a bag bone, or item of clothing have, been found. Sadly. George has joined the long list of unexplained, vanishings, and once. Again, George's case fits the following profile, point. Of separation no. Canine scent geographical. Cluster, near. Water surged. Not continued, after a week. Garrett. At a durable, this. Last case is probably the most well known and sadly, involves, a very young child named. Jared, at Adira Saturday. October the 2nd 1999. With a gorgeous day in the mountains of Colorado and, Allen. At Adaro and his children, three-year-old, Jared and six-year-old, Jocelyn were, at the Paradis river resorts, owned by Allen and his twin brother Harlan. And the, children were excited about going on an excursion to the nearby state fish hatchery, with. Members, of the Christian singles Network group of which. Newly, divorced Allen was a member. Initially. Allen, was reluctant, to let little jared go but. When the group reassured, him that they were going to the hatchery he agreed. The. Eleven members of the Christian group along, with Joslin, and Jared decided, to take an early afternoon hike, of the big South trail 15. Miles west of the resort it. Is believed the group split into slow and fast groups the. Trail was 11 miles and eight thousand, four hundred and forty feet up in the rugged Comanche, peak wilderness, so. Not really suitable for a small boy about. 1.5. Miles of the trailer Jared, ran ahead of the group and talked, to fisherman who, was surprised to see the child so far apart from the rest of the group they. Last saw Jared walking, rapidly up the trail, although, it was unclear whether, Jared was between the two groups or ahead of the faster group when, he met them but. It's believed they, were the last people to see Jared before he disappeared, later. Some members of the party reported, hearing a scream. Joslin. Also heard this but thought it was a playful scream, rather. Than a frightened, one, eventually. The group realized that Jared was missing and began searching for him and two, of the members returned, to camp and told Jared father. Search. And Rescue were called after Alan realized the seriousness of, the situation, although.

Rescuers, Were convinced, they would find him hiding, somewhere. However. By the next morning there was still no sign of Jared, after. A helicopter refueling. The search continued, but. The helicopters seemed to be struggling with its new fuel load and the mountain conditions, and. It stalled and came down. Miraculously. All four crew members survived, although, one was seriously injured the. Crash alerted the media to the location, and the place was swarming with reporters, and, with. Worsening weather conditions, the search effort had become a media spectacle as the, search stretched, into the third day, searchers. Combed, riverbanks. And steep slopes and, dive, teams were called in to search the slow-moving river but. Turned up nothing. Psychics. Even got involved an all number of Wow meaning people joined, in the search. Theories. As to what happened Jared were rife and anything. From being killed by a predator, abducted. By aliens or falling, in the river were suggested, along. With other outlandish, conspiracy theories. Human. Abduction was ruled out as the time frame was too short and they, couldn't have got out without being seen as there. Was just one way act in the narrow canyon, but. With the trail growing colder the Sheriff's Office met with Alan and his family and made. The difficult decision to call off the official search after a week. Four. Years later in, June 2003. Three. Hikers in the Big South trail area stumbled, upon a white Tarzan, tennis shoe in a taller slope 500, feet above the trail they. Then found the other shoe a brown, fleece jacket, and blue sweatpants, turned, inside out the. Hikers, instantly, knew what they had discovered, the. Next day searchers, combed, the area and found remaining, clothing, and 11 days later they. Found a to Thunder, skull. DNA. Confirmed the remains were, of little jarred. Apparently. Search and rescue never made it up to the 9,000 120. Foot elevation with, Jared's skull and teeth were found. Additional. Tests, revealed little about Jerez cause of death but. It's widely believed he was attacked by a mountain lion and his, death certificate reads, undetermined. Probable, mountain lion attack. But. The truth is no, one really knows how jared died and he, has been added to the four one one missing, list because. Of the profile, of his disappearance. Point. Of separation time. Weather, water, no. Canine scent. Another. Thing has always puzzled David, is when a hunter or an experienced, trail man goes missing, these. Are the sort of people who know all the pitfalls of hunting and camping and are, among the best prepared people who go out in the forest so. Technically, it should be very rare for them to get lost and not be able to get back or at, least survive until, help arrived in. David's. Latest movie missing, for 1/1 the hunted he. Looks at several cases where, hunters have disappeared, either without a trace or. Are found miles from where they were last seen, he. Also looks at why in an unprecedented move, the. FBI got involved in one of these cases. The. Film also features, an exclusive account, of a predator, caught on camera as. Well as actual recordings, of some of the strangest, sounds, ever to be heard in the far first that. Sent shivers down all of our spines and we're. Used to researching, strange things like this it's. Truly, one of the most insane audio recordings, I've ever heard in my life all. Things that reinforce, many people's belief that. There is someone or something. Lurking. In the wilderness that, could ultimately be responsible for, some. Of these baffling, and unexplained. Disappearances.

2019-06-22 07:43

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You don't want to miss this one, check out the trailer and don't forget to pre-order the movie, it's out Jun 25, 2019 and it WILL blow your mind. The sound they caught whilst in the woods, which we will be talking about in a video soon, is hard to believe, we wouldn't believe it ourselves if it hadn't been recorded.... - TRAILER & PRE-ORDER

You need to look into the staircases that are found in the woods. The connection will present itself.

Anyone reply if you can please would be helpful

Look up Rusty West videos on YouTube. He covers hundreds of these missing people cases. I’ve been following this topic for years. No clear answers have surfaced as to what is really going on in the deep woods. Very unnerving.

Top5s omg yess it look so good

Okay, this maybe off topic, but have you consider doing a video doc on Vera Renzi (sorry I don’t know how to spell her last name), she was a Romanian serial killer in 1920s. I don’t know if the story is true or not, but you should do that.

@Stephen J this is the second movie in the series (hunters)

@Joseph Listerman Thank you, Joseph, that could also be. Somebody else said it is edited. I just thought it is weird. My imagination goes nuts sometimes, thinking it was something invisible moving there. I have seen they have these blankets/suits now, that make one blend in with the envirement. And also I have heard there are creatures out there that can make themselfs invisible. I have no clue what is real and what is not anymore. Thank you for answering, I wish you a wonderful day!

@Jane Heijmans it's a stationary camera doing a timelaspe video so it's likely an animal rubbing the tree. A deer rubbing makes sense.

Top5s please make a part 2

Iv known about the missing people in national parks in america but never heard of the 411 books no joke these books ill by my sister for christmas she is practically obsessed with things like this

@Jay Lew That actually does sound intriguing, I will look for it. Thanks! I had no idea, never heard about it yet so that's cool as hell. The belief about the stones and souls is actually kinda interesting too though. But I can't wait to hear about the other stuff. I really love learning about that kind of thing, or things....about different crystal/stone structures and their anomalies or strangeries. Kind of like the Bluestones at Stonehenge...I'm actually waiting on a piece of Preseli Bluestone from Stonehenge. You can get regular Bluestone and then you can get Preseli, which is supposedly from around Stonehenge. Either way, it's a type of stone I'm very curious about and have to have. I could probably go on for days about that lol. My 8 year old (high functioning) Autistic daughter has been stealing my Crystal Bible books and others, my kids love to learn about them and collect them too. My poor husband lol.

@Ahmad Zaenuri If you click the little "wheel", at the bottom right of the video, you can see or there is a subtitle. People can translate the video for the channel too, if they want. I don't know what language you are looking for, but this one has a subtitle in English.

@Manoj Kale I agree with you, that real is better. These things are bad enough as it is, they don't need to make it more spooky. I find it even kind of disrespectful in this case. If they create something fake, or anything like that, they should let people know. I have seen that more often, than it says "reconstruction" or something. At least than we know what is real and what is not.

Is there any subtitle on the video?? If there i surely will buy it

@Jane Heijmans i think they edited this to promote and spook people more for their upcoming documentary, some time it recreation of things, events that happend and that cant catch in real time, hopes its would ve turn out genuinely shoot documentary with real capture events not just storytelling like skin walker ranch one by Jeremy corbell

@Manoj Kale Thank you. I really hate it when they do that. One never knows what we see anymore.

Brilliant episode just brilliant!!!

@Hella Quinn No.1 I cannot recall the exact video because I watched it months ago when I started watching videos of this nature. So I cant recall if it was Scotland or Norway, Sweden, ect. They have some theory that something might be involved with their boulder fields because of readings they discovered. You should try and Google it. I found it interesting and I don't carry the same interest as you've mentioned. Just don't get it confused with one of those countries I mentioned where they believe boulders contain the souls of individuals who have passed away

@Yufa Kinlion Can you link it. I'll try it

@Armando Ortega Happy Birthday

@OPEN YOUR MIND B4 UR MOUTH Top Mysteries is the shit. I just finished his other video lol. I like him a lot because he reminds me of this channel

I've left a comment to suggest this topic years ago , thank you for this awesome video !!!!

Comes out on my birthday! Lol

@Stephen J This is Dave's new movie "Missing 411 The Hunted". Out next Tuesday

If the sound was real it wouldnt be used for money in my opinion. If i caught something unbelievable id want to share with the world immediately and tell people to not go or be very careful if going to the area i found it

@Jane Heijmans its edited

Hi all! Missing 411 is already available on Kodi if anyone has that or knows what it is. Currently watching it myself! It’s GREAT SO FAR!!

@FallopianJones i dont think hed sell out on something with real people amd real cases i think he genuinely thinks this guy is on to something. The last one with the ranch was a sell out, and i understand where you coming from tbh. I just think this is some serious shit. Also its not widely known like other types of stuff.

Top5s what audio clip are you even talking about?

Didn't this movie get released in 2016/2017?

Jane Heijmans I think it’s just the wind but it looks odd because they’ve sped that portion of the video up

@Guadalupe Helms LBRY is an alternative platform for sharing videos. YT treats it's community / content creators like dirt, so all the cool kids are leaving. This platform is turning into a total trashfire

You should totally give a shout out to Top Mysteries I know alot of channels cover these cases but not like he does hes very thorough and breaks it down very well reminds me of your content and great content like yours and his is rare now.

Is there a way to contact you? Kinda needs help with this problem that our people our having. And I see that you do really good research, just want to know how to communicate with you.

I can offer some odd experiences as a child/teen with my siblings, cousins, neighbors and friends. Our property borders/is essentially part of the National Allegheny Park forest, I only live a few miles away in every direction now. Some scary for sure, some just incredibly strange and others I question the reality if not for who I was with. We rode the bike trails by the very school I mentioned earlier and found a lot of caves that appeared to be living quarters with glyphs or crude but old pictures, writings. One time we heard about a witch that resided there who allegedly took the one child. Of course we were children. We even went looking for him. Another time we found a beautiful place that clearly stood out from the rest of the wood behind my mother's house. It had a waterfall, a cave, stream, beautiful trees...this was one with some pictures and symbols. We were able to find it several other times, but when we tried taking my mother looking for our dog, it was gone. It was right in one direction and unmistakable, we had good sense of direction I mean there was a path that veered and everything. I've wanted to go back and look for it again to collect the pretty stones but haven't had the chance. Didn't get any dark feelings from that place. Quite the opposite actually. We were convinced fairies lived there lol. It really was beautiful. Mystical almost. Another time my friends and I were out at the Moon Tower (an ancient water tower) drinking/camping and we'd fuck with the one and only town rent-a-cop who always seemed to have it out for us. We were rambunctious, out well after curfew and drinking, to be fair. He'd chase us all over those woods lol. One time though he turned back and we were hiding in total black of night, only one lighter. We are all crouched and silent, ensuring the cop was a decent distance away. We hear rustling and then whispers, like a thousand whispers all at once getting louder, closer. Couldn't make out anything more than our names and some numbers. Then "run away". So we fucking did. Abandoned the campsite and did not stop til we reached my friend's parent's' house. That was craziness. I have some pictures from those woods. Maybe I'll take a look through them and see if I can find anomalies I missed or something. Doubtful, but worth a look. I'll report back if I find anything.

I've been following David for over 1.5 years, and I think you've done a good job representing David's work and his stance, or lack thereof, on reason's why, the cause of the disappearances. Something else many miss when they cover David is how the cases are like, and where they're dislike other disappearances. He is wisely staying out of common discrepancies and theories that are normaly fought over. Good job!

I also have lived around/pretty much within walking distance of a decent portion of the Allegheny National Forests, like smack dab in the middle of nowhere small town. People I went to school with have gone missing as children just walking a scenic route and not even on the actual Allegheny National Parks. I remember the posters on the elementary ward's rear entrance doors when I was door monitor (making sure each child to be picked up got picked up, safely, assisted the younger kids on the buses, assisted walkers to the crosswalk safely, etc). I remember teachers talking to the parents about not being involved in any part of the investigations or they really weren't keeping them informed or seemed to be looking for them in the woods, nothing. I never really pieced it together with the 411 but given we are surrounded by Allegheny woods and the river runs through the 3 small towns I grew up, it's certainly creepy and unsettling, esp now that I have children of my own who love the outdoors, some Autistic. It's petrifying as a mother. My step girls always camp in the Allegheny National Park forests with their mother (not that there's anything wrong with that). I worry. A lot.

Creepy AF

Why is that thin tree moving so weird, at 22.25 min.?

I'm a person of various hobbies. One being that I love to collect and read about stones, crystals, the historical beliefs that all elements that have meaning, power, differing structures that can manifest a physical or nonphysical effect on a person or place. With the weather thing and the common denominator for many disappearing near boulders, rocks, rock fields, etc or mountains....I have to wonder if these points are charged in such a way or are a perfect environment with perfect conditions where these disappearances can happen, like interdimensional folds or points of entry for certain beings or even regular folks. Not all of these cases, of course, but some. I don't know. Hard to say without knowing the areas, the stones or plants present, etc. Very odd overall though. Perhaps some survive the journey to and not always from and perhaps it's why some have no clear cause of death. Just a thought.

what's the name of the song at 8:52?

@Yufa Kinlion wym

You should backup & post your videos on LBRY lad. The YTexodus is looming

Will u be doing more on this topic

Where in the uk do these happen

Love it! Thank you Nuke!

Alien abductions maybe

Dude, I was so sure that I had the bell notification on for you but I simply thought you disappeared! Then I realized that the bell was on at all! Well now I can binge watch your videos


You need to look into the staircases found in the woods.....

Why would the fishermen just let the 3 year old keep going by himself into the woods?!

100% serial killers or the govt servants or senators or other high authorities of the government are hunting humans .

Weird. Not going into the wilderness.

Excellent as always, Top5s one of the best channels on YT.

Child trafficking most likely. People think it’s dead but it’s alive here in America and a damn shame

One word LOST

Organ harvesting or Alien abduction . That simple

Sounds like the WENDINGO - a DEMON spirit rooted in Native American folklore. “They’ll experience an unbearable burning sensation throughout their legs and feet and usually end up stripping down, running naked through the forest like a madman.” Top 5 you should do a story on this.

If your old in the woods , water is the key to survival. If your in a vehicle , DO NOT WANDER , STAY WITH IT !

Just to be clear I'm NOT George Penca ! I've been to Yosemite before . But I came back safely every time!

Time warps or skinwalkers

Top5s , as a licensed private detective , I can say that a case where some one dissapeared in a national park it would be unethical for me to tell you that there is anything more than a 1 in 100 chance in finding the missing person .

So they go missing leading or trailing or going off by themselves, for a short or long period of time, rocks are nearby, sometimes bodies were found, sometimes not, and sometimes they took clothes off, sometimes not, also weather a giant, wooded park. LOL. I have these similarities missed so many peoples attention. Lol

Weather and water can effect canine tracking, and human tracking. Those are just unfortunate hunderances not a “profile”

Anyone know where I can find these audio recordings he mentioned in the end of the video ?

Check out this short documentary "The Algorithm That Catches Serial Killers"

Last one definitely seems like a mountain lion attack

Missing 411 topic is always interesting

oh man it's like some real life alien predator. spooky :S

It really makes you wonder that were the last thing these people seen

I’ve been waiting for this for a while

Society is so conditioned to dismiss anything out of the 'normal' which was tought to us by those above "aliens dont exist" "ghosts don't exist" you cant say that for sure, there is so much that we cannot comprehend, so much we dont know, so much the government is keeping from us. At this point the truth is stranger than fiction

i can tell you - when someone is left alone in the woods, or mountains - they can easily enter another dimension, that's why you see no traces

I don't if it's just me but it looks and sounds like Twin Peaks. Mainly the first one

Who the fuck takes a 3 year old up a trail like that?! Dad should have stuck to his instincts.

Many of them are simply taken by ET's, taken to other planets to fight in wars or simply eaten. This is not a time to go wandering in National Parks in the USA alone.

Baffling, is the word.

*I still watch some of these 411 episodes when I find a new one. They are very fascinating with how people disappear* ✅

It is quite scary to know this, when I myself visited several of these national parks in a holiday around 2006. I did not know this back then. Total dissapearences without anything, no clothes, no body, nothing is just them ust disturbing thing!

love these long videos. dont know why im so interested in the 411 cases considering how tragic they are. would love to see some time slip case videos ...maybe on the Zanetti train....

Love this topic, thank you to people who shed light to these matter. There is something vital happening and I hope for peace amongst the family of victims ❤

They were all summoned to cainhurst castle...

Just say it, it's Bigfoot, every continent has them and they've been here longer than man has, probably.

Also huckleberries and stairs in the vicinity

I love all the 411 stuff, I’ve watched the film and read a couple of books. It’s fascinating but honestly, the vast majority of it is natural. I’ve been to some of the national parks mentioned in the books (on my own too) and there’s a multitude of things that could have gone wrong to me. You can find patterns in anything in mass, and a lot of people have gone missing. Granted, there’s a few cases which are really bizarre; but as with all ‘mysteries’, they can be explained, just not proven.

They need to use dingo's

I’m not convinced there’s anything paranormal, but perhaps there’s some form of animal or creature that we haven’t discovered yet. We’re discovering thousands of new species every year, so it wouldn’t surprise me if there’s something out there that is perhaps on a similar level of evolution to us humans.

Nice little Subway plug there at 6.18 lol

Lol i think its funny you said people just dont dissappear without a trace... Umm thats what missing 411 is all about lol xD

So essentially this prick has just rippedd off the guy who's spent time making and researching for the documentary. Unsubbed. Plus his voice makes him sound like a complete paedo.

Can you make a strory of Candida Aruis desies

Great Video @Top5s !!! After this video, I went ahead and Looked up missing 411 on YouTube. I was listening to the facts given to us and this reminded me of the Wendigo Myth of the native Americans mythology. There is so many similarities to how people end up missing and being found kilometers away from last seen place. Wendigo are known to be fast, strong demons. It will be cool if you made a documentary on that.

No mention of David Paulides believing in Bigfoot? No mention of him being a complete shill trying to get money out of the gullible people who believe he's doing important work? Judging by the comments here I'm guessing he's doing OK. The guy is a nut job of the highest order. This has been debunked by data scientists and various professionals. People go missing for a variety of reasons and people lie. Literally not a genuine case among the lot. Eyewitness testimony is the worst kind of evidence. Stop playing to people's fears and do a little bit of research that doesn't play into your agenda.

im curious if they ever considered using GPR technology maybe they can look at seeing if theres a system of tunnels underground thats how these people seem to disappear out of thin air?

What if monsters live in secret cave systems through out national parks feeding on unsuspecting humans, taking them to there lair.

Was the girl Stacey from Saratoga NY??

Is there part 2? I feel like its short

I can't imagine what that little kid went thru. I would never want that to happen to someone let alone a child

This is definitely one of my favorite topics. You covered such importance, in such a small time frame! Great video!! Can't wait to see Missing 411- the Hunted!!

In the Dennis martan case the us special forces had showed up to supposedly help with the search but they wanted to do it alone and have nothing to do with the others In anyway.. even set up a base camp away from them. No one would expect them to show up for a missing child search much less not communicate with the original concerned party... Anyone can see how Odd that is. Considering how frequent this problem occurs in the national park forests I'd expect a cover of some kind and this Us special forces team was actually there To make sure no one found out what Is really going on. I mean kids go missing Everyday all over the world. Since when would special forces get involved for Any one but the presidents missing kid. Also this other case where the kid Was apparently taken by a robot version Of his grama in one of these forest parks. But she let him go.. took him to a trail or area where he would be found.. Sounds insane for sure lol but whatever Is going on is In no fucking way normal... Lol, my guess would be the gov feeling the reptilians so they won't come up and get their own food.. everyone should see the movie called the midnight meat train And think about how true it may actually be. (Viewer discression strongly advised) The shits Not a movie for just anyone...

This is the most bizarre thing I've ever heard of

As a person who feared nothing when I went camping ect I am so glad I watched this. Oddly enough they day I had almost got lost with a family member was in the afternoon and the next day the weather was insane.

David is so vague that it seems like the details are identical. Smh

I know how Jaryd died. He was left to be watched over by idiots.

It’s supernatural. The one about the toddler up on a cliff is the most disturbing story of them all for me.

Is Vimeo the only place one can order this movie?

Me: I love nature! I wanna live near a forest! Top5s: I'm about to end this mans whole career

Love David and all his work. Love that u are covering this

Maybe these people were “tribulated” up to heaven... Just a thought.

Sooo.... aliens, right? Can't think of anything else, but either aliens or there are devil triangles in the forests/woods like there are in the oceans, which are protols to other universes or dimensions (outer limit stuff). There just can't be thousands of missing bodies like that... normally there are always a body, but in these cases there is nothing at all. O_O Anyways thank you for this informative video.

You're mom is a whore

Well yea. that's true

So is yours

Watching this while staying in Yellowstone National Park

Bonnie and Clyde documentary? Been waiting with anticipation!

Sasquatch will break the neck and run off with the victim over the shoulders just like they do deer, it's no wonder they don't find the body and the dogs won't track.

I pre-ordered the documentary, I can't wait to see it! I've always found these cases so fascinating and eerie. I love your channel btw, you have great content!

Honestly I will start looking underground, like how else do you disappear that quick without disturbing the surroundings and then find them somewhere else or places they’ve searched. Dogs unable to sniff a scent. Something must be grabbing them and goes straight underground imo.This was a really good one @TOP5s. Can’t wait to watch the movie and R.I.P to everyone lost and I hope their families get the closure they need.

Incredible video



Do a video on the Salem Witch Trials!!

The government kidnaps people in parks like this and use them as guinea pigs for experiments. Using national parks is easy to cover up the kidnap for obvious reasons. That's my theory...

I thought in the beginning he said something about tupac being a park ranger

The missing 411 is so intriguing and if you do look at them they are similar and it’s very creepy

I just watched a doc. About this called "There's something in the Woods" good stuff and now Top 5s is on the case this is some interesting stuff

Another top 5s!!! Set back hit those lights and enjoy!

The trend I noticed was that most people goes missing in a group, could it be that each group wanted the person to vanish? Humans look for “spooky coincidence” in things, I guarantee if you examine every single missing person case of all time form every country in a national park 1% or something would come up as this “spooky cover up” do people not understand that their are over 500 000 missing people in the usa alone? So your focus on 1200 specific cases means nothing. I could look at 1200 turds in a toilet out of 1 000 000 and go “oh my god they look like Jesus”. Good video but come on, this shit just happens, people get tied, bears eat them they fall over and end up in some part of the forest that can’t be gotten to. Sure their are some weird things, like the shoes missing and what not, but what are you trying to say here? Their aliens? Theirs some paranormal creature taking them away? Some secret legion of mad fellows kindnappong people? Seems like a very very very far stretch to me. Still good video, keep them up.

"Geological Clusters??" smdh. Your editor needs to get off his ass. The word is "geographical."

Just watching at 4 in the morning you lot know how it goes

7:31 Bruh that scared the FUCK outta me.

i've said it once i'll say it again: top5s NEEDS to do an episode with the stuff they don't want you to know podcast!! they also did an episode on missing 411. dave was a guest on it.

Boulders AND water. In a national park? Get outta here

What if these people accidentally walk through some sort of temporal rift in time and are lost in the wilderness in the past which is why they can’t call for help or be found and then perish in the past to be found again in the present as a skeleton when in fact they was lost long ago.

btw i find Yosemite to be more haunting

most of these really can be explained... some can't... but most can...

David Paulides is a liar and a fraud. 80% of his "stories" are extremely exaggerated and very important information is left out. Including reasons the person most likely died. In several of his stories (quite a few, actually) he intentionally leaves out solid *_proof_* that it was a bear attack, etc. And some of his stories a lot of people think are vompletely made up because no one can find a single shred of evidence online about any attack and some they couldn't even find proof that the person even existed. Let alone died or went missing or anything. Very rarely were his stories 100% true and more importantly, complete. He makes up a lot and he tries to focus on specific things like the weather (lol) and other bullshit. He tries so damn hard to get people to think it's alll bigfoot without actually saying it. He also tries extremely hard to get people to stay away from Amazon and to NOT buy his book there. Ever wonder why that is?? He claims its because people sell his book on amazon for hundreds of dollars. But the real truth is because of the reviews his book has gotten. There are a couple of people who have proven him and his books wrong several times over and over. He even tried to reply and defend his books, but failed miserably. *THAT'S* why he wants you to stay away from amazon. Oh yeah, he's also the one who lists his books for hundreds of dollars. He wants people to see that and go away without reading the reviews. I suggest you go take a look. Also, look up "David Paulides fraud liar" and read the stuff that pops up. If you're a fan of his then i guarantee you wont be after seeing the truth. Trust me, he's a huge fake.

I can’t even find the words to describe how beautiful your voice is. ❤️ love your vídeos so much.

I wonder what’s going on. Underground bases the government or alien taking people. Slipping into other dimensions or getting killed by something. Who knows but It’s scary af.

Spelled Colorado wrong.

Something is there Maybe a restricted area military most likely above top secret I bet if a proper search was conducted and the area search ab9ut 100-200 miles around the disappearance points you will find something...could look for trees that look old but don't grew which could indicate a false tree or false rocks would be an entrance I made an old ground fort and made a door that looks like a boulder it was well hidden so imagine what the government can do...I'd bet everything that theirs something out there and it's still there today Idk why they would stay there I think far out into the desert in the middle of nowhere would be better place to hide things from the publics eye...

I was wondering when you would cover this

This is why Top 5 is my favorite! I fall asleep to your voice every night lol. Love your videos! Thank you for all your hard work!! I pray for these families to get answers

The background music is crazy!

Imagine getting lost at sea or even worst, lost in space or on a another planet. If some can get lost this easily in a forest or jungles just imagine at sea or deep space.

@Kay Sunshine He's putting out another one, Missing 411, The Hunted.

5lo2ve11 The staircases in the woods lmao, thats just some reddit creepypasta that is wholly fiction and has also been acknowledged by Paulides as bullshit and nothing to do with 411. Also, don’t blindly trust David and what he says at face value, keep an open but critical mind. For example, he has misrepresented or omitted many of the facts about many of these cases (esp the Arras case).

@5lo2ve11 Agreed! Very strange as well.

Top5s I dunno about u guys but I think it’s aliens I mean they always seem to go after people who are alone in the wilderness or far away for big city’s and the hole thing with the weather changing as soon as the victim disappears its sounds like they can alter the weather some how let’s not forget Alien abducties have had experiments done to them while naked meaning they clothes were taken from them

5lo2ve11 yo dude you best reply I need to know about these staircases

it has to be a WINDIGO ??????

@5lo2ve11 whaaaa? Any links to these staircases ?

5lo2ve11 what do you mean ?

The "creepy" sound effects used between transition points is quite annoying and unnecessary. Just appears to be trying too hard to be eerie. And the narration is far too soft and quiet overall. Good content and editing otherwise

I like the longer videos. Epic

Lol, if Mr pualides isint careful with the digging, he gonna vanish right along with the rest...

It sounds just like those H. P. Lovecraft's tales...

Man magnum pi is solving missing persons cases now?

Dude what’s up with all those ads

Idk much about this, but surely a week is a long time to search and not find anything. Sounds harsh but if you've found nothing after 9 days of searching it's not long stretch to think you won't find anything at all, especially if you've looked across all the known areas. Just a thought...

Me, in my tent at 4am: hey I'm in Toulumne County. Wait.

So what is the prevailing theory? Serial killers or something more phenomenal?

I want to hear the sounds mentioned at the end of the video...

If y'all wanna see a interview with him go visit secureteam10 he'll be interviewing him soon



How that last one was described im lead to believe that the kid was killed by a mountain lion. People heard what sounded like a playful like scream which to me sounds like the kid either saw an over grown kitty that he thought it was like a house cat just bigger tried to get close to it and it attacked or screamed ran away and it stimulated the mountain lion causeing it to chase down the child. Only way i see that one going down mountain lions from what i understand dont usually go out of their way to attack humans unless being messed with. Either way sad and scary indeed.

People need to do some background research in to David Paulides, I like many were very interested into these 1200 seemingly weird and unexplained cases in which he was wrote 8 books in which (I am told as I have not read) all seem to point towards Bigfoot as the reason. Dave was big on Sasquatch before he started on the missing 411. The fact the he has failed to mention at least ONCE in 8 books or countless radio interviews that when someone goes missing or gets lost in a national park and succumbs to hypothermia (he notes countless times a extreme weather event ensues at the time of the persons disappearance) , people can become delusional, and as we are mammals, at crucial stages of serve hypothermia a mechanism known as Terminal Burrowing forced the person to do exactly that, and people should looking into Paradoxical Undressing which could explain many of the weird cases. Only a handful of Daves cases I think truly strange...8 books?

Drinking game rules...or rather...rule: Take a shot every time narrator says, "heleecoptuh".

18:14 anything fishy about the symbol. A triangle with a G in the middle!?! Maybe their is freemasons in national parks and kill people!

The ones in the forests probably stumbled into big foot lol.

I'm familiar with this investigation. People turn up miles away over rough terrain. It is supposed that secret tunnels exist.

No one should ever have to starve! Not even outer space extraterrestrial aliens. Humans never stopped to think about the slaughtering of animals for food, how animals have families of Their Own, how animals don't want to be eaten and how animals are being hunted to Extinction! But God forbid outer space extraterrestrial aliens Hunt humans for food and suddenly the humans find that very unfair that humans are the main food source for the Extra-Terrestrial outer space aliens!!!! You're no better than Marie Antoinette Pentagon and NASA shame on you!!!!

Great video, but the FBI does assist with missing persons/kidnaps at local , state level request. Found this really interesting though. Very odd. Great video as always.

if u wanted to send me there, i would go, as research purpose

The case of Dennis Martin to me remains the creepiest of all these National Park disappearances.

I've been interested in missing 411 for a little while now but I have never read into the work of David Paulides. I've kept to watching YouTube videos of different 411 stories and have read news articles from the cases. However, I've never read any of David's books nor listened to his podcasts or videos. This is because everything I've read and heard about David from dozens of different people is that he skews every story to make it seem paranormal and omits details that make the case less mysterious or make something seem mysterious that actually has an obvious logical explanation. Everything I've heard about him is negative and therefore I have stayed away from his works and just listened to the raw un opinionated stories instead. Anyone have any insight on this? Is Paulides really not a good source or if the negative aspects about him that I have heard incorrect or overstated?

Deep state involvement the globalist cabal

Ever seen the movie kiss the girls with Morgan Freeman?

The coroners can never determine a cause of death in these cases!

That poor baby Jared! Sad and evil that has been done!

Excellent video!

Folks stay out of the parks no amount of beauty on this side is worth the ugly on the other side where people are being taken!!

I beg to differ people do indeed DISAPPEAR OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH!! All the time this happens! People also always say that people don't just disappear into thin air, NOT true yes they do, yes they do!

There is no real Freedom of Information Act you are given what if anything they want you to have!

The missing are being taken out of this world! Some are returned some are not and I am not sure what determines when they are returned either dead or alive verses never returned. Be clear that the government knows in fact they don't care! Dogs are unable to trace what is no longer in this world!! They stop tracking at said point because there is no further the dog can go!! It's not because the dog is not trained well or doesn't know what it's doing, etc they are simply limited to this world and cannot just enter the place where the people are being taken! The park rangers, etc may say there is no list of the missing but believe there is they just aren't going to give it to anyone except those in the loop and the know!! That which is taking people is not good not good at all but complete evil! Those people taken won't be returned!

I was in Yosemite when this video came out

don't you have to state that your video is a paid advertisement?

i feel like theres a cult in national parks thats abducting and killing people, like mountain people or something. its freaky, i feel like there people we dont know about out there.. lots of them

It's evil spirits not people.

Pause. Between. Every. Word.

The tree at 22:25 moving while all the others were still,l was really creepy. The case with the boy really pisses me off, how did they let him wonder so far in front of them, is beyond me.

Stacey's case....I believe a pedophile park employee abducted Stacey, held her till he didn't need her any longer. Either killed her or sold her in a sex slave operation. Very suspicious that a park ranger denies access to Stacey's investigation file, especially after 30 years. Guilt is on the park rangers.

*plain sight Keep up the good work, but get someone to double check your grammar ;)

Todd Sees was in the trees...

this is alien abductions

it sounds like faeries.

I was wondering when you’d do a video on this, its an interesting topic

David Paulides is a fake. Do actual research and look into these cases yourselves people. He is lying out of his ass and a con-man. I mean Christ, the man was not a detective for 20 years as he likes to claim, he was a San Jose Police traffic officer for 16.5 years, but was forced to quit before getting his 20 year retirement pension because he was using his position as a cop to sell people fake autographs of celebrities. I’m not making this up. All the facts of these cases are open to the public. So many times has he changed or misrepresented or a lot of times even omitted important facts/aspects of the cases, just so he can fool you all and take your money. Don’t believe the man, be open minded but also critical, and do your own research, because David’s work is very very biased. This is a good place to start, a great review on Amazon about one of his books and the inconsistencies. The reviewer checked the sources and has some very clear examples of David’s embellishments:

Something from another dimension?

Here's a clue, look up the dates of all the Forest fires in the past 30 years then cross check that with the number and dates of missing people in those areas. They correspond with a give or take of 2 weeks. When fires start people have to evacuate. The government knows what's in those woods and they are keeping it from the general public, that's why the sherrif's department always says the fires are man made.

Sounds like aliens taking humans, with faults, to examine the body and see why the fault has occurred. Our evolution is being manipulated people!

Know one has any clue as to what is happening to these people?

This is really freaky!!

Some kind of bizarre harvesting is going on in the wilds...

I have a movie idea that would go crazy concerning the disappearances in the woods

I think it'd be really interesting to talk to the indigenous peoples of the areas that these parks now occupy and see if there's a history of these disappearances occurring prior to the parks founding. How far back does this go?

If the public knew the truth, no families, hunters, or hikers would ever set one foot in a National Park again.

Hmmm, could it be wild animals doing this?!? No, can’t be that makes too much sense.

i cant believe no experienced remote viewer has gone into this phenomenon or hypnosis applied on survivors wich there are as well. something for sure will surface.

Another stunning video of what is rapidly becoming THE mystery of our time. Great to see the channel continue to grow. I only hope you are gaining the financial rewards you deserve from YouTube. Thank you, please keep up the GREAT work.

so is anybody putting cameras out in the hot spots we have all this technology. I would give it a thumbs up for trying. and satellite phones are not as much money as they used to be at all. especially if you're just using it as an emergency phone and weather forecast

I don't understand what they're trying to say. Are they suggesting a serial killer is responsible for these disappearances? Are they trying to say they were abducted by aliens? Are they trying to highlight negligence on the part of the park investigators? Are they suggesting that these disappearances are being covered up for some reason? I agree these disappearances seem weird, but I don't understand what is supposed to be the common cause for these cases.

Of course doctors and lawyers be missing they make enough money to take vacations and go hiking when ever they want lol

David Paulides has studied this and I believe his conclusions are correct. If These case were the result of serial killers, wild animals, accidents, ect., bodies would start to pile up. Birds would lead the searchers to most. So searchers after a few days would just have to look for circling birds, or follow search dogs that have caught a scent.

Doesn't natural rock like granite give off a small amount of radiation?

Hey can someone please help me out on this ? There is this case on a still missing, elderly woman from Patterson California. She went missing in a national park as well and it's scay because i live 30 mins away from there, i stumbled upon it around November but forgot her name. I would like to continue looking further into it. Someone please help if you can !

My heart goes out to the poor families that are left with more questions than answers.The last one was truly heartbreaking.

Keep up these documentaries they are really great!!!

It’s the motherfucking aliens I swear!!!

It's evil spirits that's what it is.

Call the Winchesters

OMG, my family & I were in Yosemite in the summer of 1981 just before I turned 22!!!

I was wondering if you could do a story on Kennea Jenkins. This is a very mysterious death and I think it would be amazing if your channel can investigate it.

Which one has the strage sound recording?

I am so intrigued and can hardly wait to watch this documentary! So sad and creepy.

Is anyone else back to watching paranormal videos after watching Joe Rogans interview with Bob Lazar?

I’m so interested in this now. Well done with the video, it gave me so many feels and it was so well made

Anyone got a link to the audio recordings

national parks are just free range human hunting ranges for secret societies

Hmmm...very interesting. *You have quite a relaxing voice, bro, I must say.*

I will no longer support the missing and exploited children after this it's wise they are getting too political also I think John Walsh needs to know they haven't listed her, and they aren't what he had set it to do, the dislikes are from that place and gov't and park rangers they want us to believe these are lies so they don't get the attention on them

I believe these people are being selected for human experiments a person said where's the proof the proof is them vanishing we just now took a picture of a black hole up until then the folks said the same and when the picture was shown they still try to say it was fake also their remains if any shows up places several miles and heights from where they vanished it is screaming this and still say cry foul, also the lesser known national parks are just as bad as the big named ones on vanishings they are so afraid if these stories get more attention they will have to either own up to this problem or well are going to lose trillions of tourists dollars if they keep up this it doesn't exist problem the parks will shut down and have to be sold and then their secret places will be brought to the light wake up folks it's more than coffee smelling here

Could it be that dogs cant find their scent cuz people put a shit ton of bug spray on themselves?

Predators are real they are among us

Sooo... I don't get it... what's the conclusion?

So creepy,

I won't even step foot in a national park.

I really hope you see my message, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make a documentary about Jonestown.

What do you suppose is out there kidnapping these people, a somebody.. or..... a.. some..thing..

If you’re taken up

I'm starting to think that they may have been a sacrifice to witchcraft

Why would they callously allow a 3yr old to run ahead of them in the wilderness? It wasnt aliens and it wasnt a ghost the kid was stolen. Just takes a minute to happen especially with a small body that can be scooped up and can run quickly away with.

I'm wondering if a lot of these people were stalked and eaten by mountain lions.

Ummm how the HELL did the father and anyone in that group let that little kid Jared even out of their sight, let alone far ahead (or behind) enough that they don’t even realize he’s missing at first!!!!! My four year old doesn’t even leave the same ROOM I am in in our home!!!

Park Ranger must be involved in these disappearances, if they blocking all attempts for others to investigate. What kind of people let a 4 year old run ahead & thanks to their selfishness & stupidity, he is dead.

been looking into this lately, very strange to say the least.

17:31 is the guy that went missing actually pictured here wearing a “Missing 411” T-shirt!? If I’m correct, that’s...odd...

That`s the father of Jaryd, a 3 year old boy who went missing.

why let a 14 year old walk on her own.

Aliens y’all. Aliens.

It's evil spirits.

this makes me want to reread the Search and Rescue Woods series on nosleep

Who the hell takes a 3 year old hiking and lets them run ahead?!

Lots of people disappear everywhere the wallmart here in secaucus nj has a bunch of missing people on posters. She was taken by some sick pervert not a big foot not a alien not a gateway nothing super natural just a abduction

@Kay Sunshine we definitely watch it together what cha think

Hey that's my 40th birthday wooohoo I'll be getting fucked up! Watching that About a week after i recover

Yes, Yes... We get it. Money, Money, MONEY!! The 4-5 ad's, I have in every video aren't enough to satiate me.... I also need for you to Preorder, and buy merchandise. People, as a whole... can't tolerate someone outside a bank, asking for you to buy shit... Even if, It's a 10 year old selling chocolate or something for his school..... But we are perfectly willing to put up with it, when we are in own homes? I don't quite think so. At least, I know I am not.. I rather someone try to get my money outside than in the comfort if my own home. You've got good content, bro... Don't get me wrong. But I am just so sick of the solicitation and ad's every damn 2 seconds from every damn video.

FBI don’t search for missing people?

Quality stuff n awsome video

How about we install cell towers in national parks??????? The only reason these people go missing and can’t be located is because there’s no fucking service and they can’t get ahold of anyone. Is this NOT a very simple solution?! They can Apple Maps tf out of there. I’m just lost

So people saw little Jarred by himself and were surprised at his young age and how far off he was but yet did nothing? They just let him go off by himself? WTF! Not to mention a father with his little son on a Christian Singles camping trip? You let people you don't really know take your little boy on a long steep hike? OMG so many things a mother, I can't even wrap my head around these stupid decisions if this is correct.

Do you think it could be peikko? They are finnish myths but their appearance ranges in size from small to enormous. Hairy, with large nose and ears. And their habitat is dark forests and rocky ridges. Thought it sounded similar.

If the little boy was attacked by a predator why werent his clothing ripped up or teared apart?

Delia Rose Evil spirits took that boy.

He also didn't have damage to his body

The information in your story conflicts with other information proffered by David Paulides. I don't think your researcher got it wrong, I think Paulides tells the truth as much as he lies. You, everyone, need to be careful when listening to Paulides. A story is a compilation of facts. There are too many discrepancies in Paulides "facts." -- Added: I am award winning author, researcher, and journalist. My last book took 2 years to write because I don't eff around with facts. It won a gold medal. I know what I'm doing and I will say this: Paulides tells the truth as much as he...doesn't tell the truth, I'll put it that way. I don't even think he is fully aware of what he is doing, but he does it on a semi-conscious level. I've seen this phenomenon occur in many "experts" as well as the subjects in my own stories/books. This phenomenon is similar to mass hysteria, in that individuals in orbit of the story get a dopamine rush from the story itself. It's an exciting, mysterious, strange, bizarre story that gets the mind pumping for plausible theories. That creates a dopamine rush that feels good. Really good. The problem is individuals, including the self-appointed experts, knowingly or unknowingly PERPETUATE that hysteria with subjective theories and disposable facts that are substituted with new ones when convenient, OR... they take an actual fact, something true, and they surround it with a layer of conjecture that sounds plausible, but not proven, so people believe it. They want to effing believe it because they want the damn dopamine. Most of you are watching this video for the dopamine. Most of you will misinterpret all of this because sub-consciously, you care more about the dopamine than you do the actual facts. -- That's not to say Paulides is wrong in whole, but in part, yes, he is if he is conflicting himself as much as he does. He's not a professional, and his "police officer" credentials don't mean shit. What facts of his own does he mix up? I'm not going to make it easy for you. I'll give you a hint: listen to the genesis of his role in this missing 411 phenomenon. Then, listen again, from other videos, other podcasts. Listen carefully to his own "I'm the lone wolf little guy underdog up against the big bad National Parks Service, and they tried to silence me, but I persisted and fought on and by lordy Jesus I found the truth. Folks, investigative journalists do that for a living, but the skip that subtle self-hero creation bullshit.

You didn't shit, give names of your books then hyna

God bless these people's souls. May they have enduring peace wherever they are now.

Live chat!?!?!? *clicks on, finds Replay* Aaaaaaaawww....

My guess is, Aliens or Bigfoot!

Seems like there's an agenda here with this Paulides fuckface

(freedom of information) is a law that requires the full or partial disclosure of previously unreleased info and documents controlled by the US gov. upon request.

In most jurisdictions a missing person can only be declared "legally dead" after seven years. The only exception is obvious cases such as the Sept. 11th attacks

I know it’s a long shot. But I remember reading about an entity called the Wendigo. It’s a haunting creature from Indian folk lore. From what I’ve read they get into the mind of their victims and call them away from their groups where they seem to disappear never to be found again. I know there is a lot that factors into this wendigo theory but I thought I’d just throw it out there.

Ok well i can say this much I think stacey got lost at night and being lost and confused could have easily slip off the side and fall to your death and will likely never be found i think that no matter how hard you prepare for something there will always be something you cannot prepare for

There's a reason why mostly nobody has ever settled In these types of areas, it's the wilderness, there's animals and geological hazards that can kill you. Even the experienced take it for granted. It's beautiful to the eye but these places should always be taken with caution regardless

Wait, so Jared's dad let some cuckoo Christian group take his children hiking? Why was no one walking alongside the toddler?

The George Penca one is pretty irresponsible. They should have teamed up into buddies. Or an experienced member should have stayed at the back

A young boy was found without his clothes after 3 days apparently saved by a bear. I'm sure Bigfoot's are hunting these people and take their clothes off to get rid of the scent...

So, David is a Bigfoot enthusiast and while he never directly states that he thinks Bigfoot is responsible for these disappearances, he seems to allude to it. I mean, what else can anyone conclude?

The Jared Atydero case has one ridiculous part in it, they said he was walking alone between two groups as he came up to two fisherman to talk to them...why the hell did those two poeple let a small child walk away by himself!!!! they should have kept him with them until his guardian came!!! assholes

Ummm that trailer is TERRIFYING!! Love love love these missing 411 cases

This channel is a sellout for the normies this is cringe

What if the national park are the ones making the people go missing? (Idk I was just thinking about that)

I would bet that so-called "smart people" are going missing, dew to the *jew not wanting the cure for Cancer to get out... There have been hundreds of doctors in the southern Junited States who have been redrumed or suicided because they had the cure for the disease that the jew invented and who does not want the cure getting out. This is very similar to the "common cold" and the "flu" - which the jew is behind as well*. The jew is the spawn of Satan. Start dewing some RESEARCH into the jew and why it has been kicked out of 109 countries FCOL... BTW, that thing has THE MOST WMD's on the face of the EARTH. That thing is the jew. It's actually fake jew - who have taken over Isntreal - and murdered Palestinians - no GENOCIDED Palestians to the brink of their annihilation - yet people in the west are more worried with the measles affecting EIGHT PEOPLE out of 350,000,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whatever the jew puts on the t.v.? People will believe it. Soooooooooooo, f'ing SAD. Now, the jew is hiding while telling the JU.S. to go to war with IRAN (for absolutely ZERO f'ing REASON) and to kill women and children for them so that they can further their "Greater Israel Project..." What a joke. Israel ain't "great" and it never will be... I'm actually starting to wonder if they invented "God" and religion just so the whole world would follow their ideals... They lie about everything else - so why not that - lol.*

I love jews, they are great people! Long Live Israel!

I never knew mountain lions turned there victims clothes inside-out before eating them... This is not an insult or anything but just makes your wonder

psh I love it when you're hard core watching, NO feet?? Here's the best way to shave cabbage! hahaha

serial killer?

What I find even more eerie is the fact that some newer cases lead Paulides to cities/towns! What is this? Is this a government thing or a nature phenomenon? I could go on guessing but the fact of the matter is we need more info! So sad to see that little kid, Jaryd.. :/

Dog you need to stop whispering in your videos. I can't hear shit. I had to turn my volume all the way up.

Never going into the woods !!! In fact im too scared to even leave my room and go into my kitchen right now lol

That's what happened in Predator and look what happened. None of my friends are Arnold

go in a group and bring guns

A fantastic video on a very mysterious subject and as always, beautifully narrated. Thank you and keep up the amazing work!

It was pagans, aliens or Bigfoot. It could have also been that they tried to go back only to go the wrong way and got lost or attacked by an animal. The simplest answer is usually the best one.

Every time I hear something about the missing 411 I'm always left wondering what this David guy is implying. On one hand there's the implications that authorities are covering something up by ending searches early. On the other than there's the idea that there's "someone or something lurking" in the woods taking people. So which is it? What exactly is the point of the missing 411? What is this David guy's conclusion to the connection of all this anecdotal evidence? It seems to me there will always be water nearby in a forrest, there will always be weather events, and unless you get separated, you can't dissappear. These people's tragic stories are being exploited, in my opinion. They got lost, rolled and broke an ankle, fell off a cliff, slipped on some gravel and went down a crevasse, were attacked by animals, something. Just because you can't explain what happened doesn't mean it was nefarious. I wish he would clearly state what his conclusion is.

Your documentaries are some of the best to watch when it's a cloudy, slow, and early weekend morning and you're still in bed, all cozy.

Them woods are evil i tells ya! Tragic! nothing worse than not knowing what happen to them? There's definitely something not right about wooded areas, who knows what freak creatures lurk out there. Or its a lot off psychopaths killing ppl in the woods, but i doubt.

Wow they had 100 people and still didn't find anything huh?! I mean you could search at least 8 million square miles inch by inch with a hundred people at least! Gotta be a conspiracy. Or aliens. I mean. Humans can find anything surely!

9 Days!!! Most searches end after 3 days! You could search that park for 9 years and still never find anything. And no, if she had been eaten by animals there would be absolutely no trace! What the fuck are you talking about? Throw your car keys into a dense forest and try to find them again. Then tell me you can find a piece of animal poop and a few bones in thousands of square miles of wilderness. Delusional.

This is such total bullshit. 1. Rescue searches end 3-7 days after starting because it is assumed the person is dead by that point and search operations are extremely expensive and in high demand. 2. People go missing under similar circumstances because there are only a few circumstances which lead to someone getting lost in the wilderness. 3. It is almost impossible to find someone who is lost in vast areas of wilderness. It's nearly impossible to spot someone from further than 200 feet away in the air. 4. The wilderness if full of WILD ANIMALS! ANIMALS EAT THINGS INCLUDING PEOPLE! That's why you don't find whole bodies beyond a certain time. 5. Areas with boulders and rock fields are also full of mountain lions. 6. A sudden onset of extreme weather is EXACTLY WHAT CAUSES PEOPLE TO GET LOST! 7. DISABILITY MAKES YOU LESS ABLE AND THUS MORE VULNERABLE IN THE WILD! 8. Why don't you ask people why they take their shoes and clothes off? 9. It is very hard to determine causes of death, especially when there is no body. 10. Clusters of missing people makes sense when there are clusters of difficult terrain and disorienting landscape. 11. Highly intelligent people are more likely to overestimate their abilities in all areas, which may include hiking. None of this is a mystery. It is such hysterical crap where you read something into nothing because you want there to be a monster. I'm half expecting you to say something as stupid as "Most of the people that go missing also die of dehydration after running out of water. How bizzarre!!!"

dirty filthy rat

This is what Phil Schneider talked about. 1000’s of people going missing without a trace . Saying they get fed to to Aliens that are in underground bases and sometimes there remains if anything left are put back at the point they are abducted from. This is to make people believe they just got lost and died . More government cover ups !

2:33 is that a cloak i see ?

What if it was a 'Dark' like situation? Like a portal or something... I don't know...anything is possible in the wilderness. Never split up in the outdoors or avoid going alone!

dumbass alert

We are a food source amongst other things

Maybe try looking for rabbit holes? There should be an entrance to Alice's Wonderland.

I was worried I’d go missing given that I go to national parks a lot, but then he said geniuses often are the ones who go missing so I know I’m safe now

You miss some really important information about Jaryd Atadero that they also found his pants inside out with no Mountain lion DNA or any kind of blood on the pants so how the hell would a mountain lion take of your pants and there would definitely jaryd blood on them

I got lost in the woods it's easy to happen u easily have no sense of direction they found me 9 years later four states away wearing the same clothes Idk atleast they say I was missing for 9 years

Very interesting video Top5s. There is so much out there we don't know of or about. Thoughts and condolences to victims families.

I don't want to make it seem like just an animal attack so i don't mean this with full confidence, just have been keeping records of things like this and odd occurrences and sighting, just wondering if it could've been something like a pterodactyl attack?

Your stupid voice spoils these videos

So this video got me digging more into all this Missing 411 stuff. Watched the Documentary after this and everything...then I go and look for the books. HOLY SHIT, can someone please explain to me why a paperback book is nearly 70 dollars? It is that way with ALL of the Missing 411 books. I've had some College book texts that were not even that much, like legit, WTF? 0_0 Great video though and the documentary is really well done too.

Paulides is full of shit. People go missing mostly because they underestimate the forest. Fall and twist your leg or take a heart attack and you're fucked. Animals take care of the rest.

So is bigfoot kidnapping all the people?

You tell us at the end that the recording of the noises is weirdest and scariest you ever heard but then dont let us hear it but end the video....that was heartless

This video made me lose a lot of respect for Top5s. David Paulides is known for leaving out details to make his stories seem spooky and how much of a hack he truly is. The guy genuinely believes Big Foot exists and that some giant ape man is involved in people's disappearances... He does all of this shit solely for money and flourishes narratives to sell fictional horror stories. I wonder just how much he paid Top5s to promote his shitty fake upcoming "documentary". Disappointing. If David didn't leave any details out of these stories, a lot of them would be ten times easier to explain. There's no supernatural anything here.

These things are global, we call em "Mo Sin Ah魔神仔" in Asia. Its creepy how they all seem to disappear in similar ways all over the world.

Cause it just shits me to tears, their is no reason to doc a dogs tail I can't believe this practise is still legal in the USA.

It doesn't come up to much in other countries but Australia has one of the highest missing people in the world we just don't like adverting it. Most of missing 411 is explainable if you understand the elements, insects and animals but some cases are just insane and i have no explanation for them. Probably the most likely explanation for the young children disappearing is large birds between America and Mexico their are a few giants breeds it would explain everything but the silence. Most large birds of prey have talons in order to pick a small children, it would need to puncture the skin so a scream from a child is likely but silence before they disappear, also the corpse would have puncture marks. if you can find a large bird that has can grasp its prey that would fill in gaps and explain most if not all of the missing children reports. If the subject really interests you and your read this far, Check out Black Mountain in Australia Queensland 150 yrs of madness it's called Kalkajaka in the native tongue.

People need to stay the hell out of forests. People think they’re invincible. Stay your ass at home!

Where any of the remains carbon dated?

The public has the right to know something top important as missing humans in north america. Everyone needs to get total lists of all the missing people since the 1950s or sooner to current times, and so that everyone everywhere knows all those total numbers of all of them. All the years they went missing also in all of north american continent, all of north american continent national parks. Not just the national parks, but also in other big parks in all of the north american continent. Not to let anyone tell everyone they can't have those lists. Once people know all of that then everyone will also know those same things are happening in all the other forests also. People aren't being honest with others is a big problem all over and everyone needs to make sure to get those lists of alll the missing in all those areas anyway. Also details like they say in other ones all details, all details about what happened to each person. People don't know why they're not coming out and telling everyone it's criminals doing it most of the time because the things that are happening are criminal harming behavior of north american criminals harming people trying to hide their crimes. These kind of crimes people know most of those clues are the kind of things that happen when criminals are trying to hide their crimes. Always think it's criminals first it usually is and it's usually those behind the curtain trying to hide it, they're putting them back when they're gone so their families will know they're gone. When the searches go in to look for missing people they need to search for them for 3 weeks at least getting extra volunteers searching over everything and they only could have known by now less than that isnt long enough to search for humans who need help, and they also need to be searching as if a criminal harming others did it because most of the time it usually is. so in national parks it could be someone who doesn't even know the victim a lot of the time and criminals harming more victims. When theres weather involved could be when the criminals know fewer people will see their crimes. The other odd things that happen are because someone is doing a crime so they're just making other mistakes or some other ways also trying to get away with it.

Maybe human/sex trafficking and a cover up from officials working for the park and elements in the police force?

This is best so frightining.

These are some sad disappearances but hearing about the little kid who was unattended by the adults who his dad trusted to keep him safe was the saddest thing!

Makes you wonder why the Parks Service was set up in the first place...

Sasquatch and aliens are real

I really don't get it - you don't show any pattern. "wildernes", "boulders" and "water" are not patterns but rather common things surrounding natural disapperances. This happens all over the world.

i love yourvideos

They are pulled underground thru portals in these national parks. Different dimensions are opened, then these poor folks are taken underground where they are experimented, tortured, used, abused, used as Slaves, goes on by aliens and us government personnel that have been doing this for years. The US government knows what is going on and is privy. The supernatural is at work here. That’s very clear.

David knows the US government knows what’s going on. Keep the fight DP! Love you man.

Please make more!

There a possibility that those people are not those woods anymore my theory is that sense it is a national forest many people go there every year to explore and find adventure there are dark sides to it though they are known for seasonal hunting. obviously the law states one can only hunt seasonally some do other wise I’m not saying that these people were hunted but there are possibilities that they could have been kidnapped, murdered, stocked, or even mistaken as an animal. There is a case of serial killer that went to all the national forests just to stock and hunt after people especially women to rape and murder, and later they’re bodies are never found mostly cause they are moved else where. This serial killer in particular is named the National Forest Serial Killer or Gary Hilton he was known for abducting and killing women in the woods. Law enforcement later caught him and found out about his little hobby. To be honest this man could not be the only one out there that has done these acts there could be many other serial killers in those woods stalking and waiting for they’re next prey. In human history it’s been recorded that murderers have been known to hide out in the woods and wait for women especially to walk by or get lost following them until they get tired or restless and they come out, giving them hope and trust leading them to safety but unknowingly they’re already dead

Wasn’t MK Ultra confirmed to be a real thing and the CIA abducted people and shit to test on them? It’s not a crazy idea to think they were apart of the same thing, if not something similar

Joe Rogan should talk to David politos about missing peoples cases


My take : Those people who dissapeared are people like you and me, shared the same memorys like us. They cry and laugh but then this person leaves without a single trace and dont even screem for help, but you and me would till our lungs collapse right?. Im asking myself why those missing people dont behave like we would in such a case and then comes the question : Why do they stop beeing human... then what could have stopped make them "alive"

Why do dumbasses leave their group and go walking by themselves as far as they can like seriously are you really that stupid like I never understood how anybody can be that much of a dumbass

This shit is stupid... The long list you explain basically covers every angle... But you make it like its specific... Basically you’re giving me 37,000 reasons, excuses or whatever the fuck on why they disappeared... Like how the fuck is this relevant to a trend... Stupid ass shit...

Poor little Jared. It's not mentioned where his mother was in all of this. ?? I wouldn't leave those woods if my son went missing. In any case, the fact that his remains were found above the elevation of the trail strongly suggests he was grabbed by an animal and dragged upwards. How anyone could let a 3 year old go ahead alone on a trail like that is beyond me.

I've been following this for a while. On book 3, of 8. Very well written and lots of cases that are mind blowing.

What's with all the cans of Fosters?

It's tragic that the child's scream was ignored by his father. He might have been saved

@Element 115 Not to an illiterate fuck like you.

Vast and dangerous wilderness, wild animals and predators, people get lost and are unprepared, people go there to commit suicide like in the suicide forests in Japan and people get murdered out there. Not really a mystery at all.

In my tribe where told not to wander alone, my grandma would tell me when we are in the woods we create medicine to use as a sort of barrier around our camp. She would tell me she heard stuff like kids crying and hearing things say come here. I asked did you go and check for the kid,? She said no “yah know yah not supposed to be out there” “I knew it wasn’t yah”. So from my experience in my woods “Everglades” never travel alone.

As a hunter, I acknowledge that even though I am a human with a gun, I am not invincible. I also love and respect predators (animal predators not wicked human ones). When you enter the wilds, you enter their domaine. Never put your guard down, and don’t be stupid. Look up, down, and all around. Constantly figure out where you are. Be wary of strangers, if you sense even the hint of danger...get out smartly. Don’t panic. Also, be smart with wild animals. Most encounters need not be lethal for either parties. Remember, predators were there before we were. It’s their home and source of food. They should not be killed for doing what is natural. Frankly that’s a fact of nature. Don’t want to get eaten and turned to poo? Stay at the damn visitor center and out of the wild!

The big problem is after centuries or even millennia separated from nature, people are becoming oblivious to it’s dangers. Even “experts” can fall victim to this fact. I read a story where a hunter went out early to his tree stand at dawn, and climbed up. A few hours later he heard a noise above him and looked up....... Yea, there was a full grown cougar just chilling above him in the tree. Let’s just say he got out of that tree real fast! Cougar probably was not hungry at the time, or decided it did not browned shorts with it’s meal. Cougar was probably chuckling at the stupid human below it and decided to troll it. Cougar: 1 Human: 0

site sight

Genius level means nothing concerning any cases.  Some are not geniuses either they just are good at study.It is just that doctors and other professionals have stress and are flat out and like to veg out in the wilderness.


These comments are depressing and sad. No hope for humanity. People will believe ANYTHING, without question.

Dogmen Edit: or Skinwalkers or other demonic cryptids

Grrr!! Not getting notified when Top5s post new things. Tried unsubscribing and resubscribing, turned bell off and back on and still not getting notified

WOW, a very impressive & compelling documentary. Can't wait for more.

Who sees a kid walking in the deep woods by himself and lets him continue????? Wouldnt everyone wait with the kid until his party comes back for him????? Those fishermen killed that boy, whether by coverup or inaction.

6:56 you my man is PACKING

Oh shit, I did not expect to see a fellow hasher's death on here of all places. RIP & ON-RON

I have to preface what I’m about to say. I’m a huge fan of Missing 411 and do believe weird things are going on. However, concerning George Penca, I know the area he disappeared in Yosemite. If you fall off that trail, it is believable that his remains could not be located. The cliffs are enormous and there are multiple areas for a body to land that would hide it forever. In this instance, if he slipped, the dogs would have zero scent because the drop is straight down and they wouldn’t be able to follow. I’m an experienced climber and get nervous in that area.

Without making a joke or anything its probably Sasquatch.. Bigfoot. I've had an encounter with one myself while i was hammock camping alone in the mountains. I believe it wanted to kill me. But it left. Believe me or dont, thats fine. My main thought while watching this is that Sasquatch is responsible for these disappearances and the authorities know fine well.


alien abductions

note to self : dont hike in the states...scary shit

Correlation does not imply causation, most of these disappearances are completely unrelated to eachother and probably all of or most them have a separate catalyst to explain them.

Why this guy doesn’t make his books and docs more available is a mystery too. Too bad when you go to his site you find out his real suspicion of these puzzling disappearances... government suppressed bigfoot!

No more Rocky Mountain drives for me :o

Top5s your videos just keep getting better and better, this one was a fascinating watch and looks like I'm not the only one who thinks that. Thank you for all the research and hard work that you put into all your videos! Big fan of your work

Better call Sam and Dean Winchester!

Here in asia we have an urban legend about this kind of disappearance were actually did by a mythical beings close to what you'd call an 'elf'. They took these lost people to their own world, and if they dont like the person, they'll kill him, but if they liked the person, they kept him and treat him as one of their own and learn from him. Either way, once you met them, you'll most likely not gonna see this world anymore.

I reckon there is a bloodthirsty serial killer lurking in the wilderness who is picking off these unfortunate people one by one...well either that or its aliens


Rock monster's and creature from the black you know were big snute gray aliens lizard people bird man the 5th dimension who knows what it is seems a true oddity that a person just is gone and no one knows any thing and so many of them .


No. He's an obvious fraud.

Peikko just means mythical troll in an mountain troll.

As LEA David could have added Stacy Arras to the NCMEC registry.

*go look up Mississippi bigfoot ripping tree, video is called "I think I saw a skunk ape?"* Once you see this footage you'll never want to go into the woods. I've had my own encounter when I was young with my friend and we never went back into any woods. Fuck all that!!

Its sasquatch killing them. They are real.

I think it's either a serial killer cult amongst park rangers...very possibly a "Hostel" style arrangement...that is, people are kidnapped and sold to rich pyschos to be killed. I suppose it could be natural explainations, or even supernatural. But I have no faith in humanity.

Pretty obvious what is happening....its a Government run abduction operation. Probably in order to get rid of a certain gene that these particular people carry. Explains pretty rationally why some re-appaer in places that were previously searched, and isn't there some stories about how there are massive underground tunnels connecting every area of america? Ofcourse some will be kidnappings, Animal attacks, etc. But not all, Espiacially the ones where sniffer dogs lose the scent out of nowhere and those inwhich appear in places that were previously searched.


The missing clothes could be the person leaving a trail or something so people can find them? I'm 99.9% sure the reason they don't have lists is because if people knew about how many people went missing without a trace, they most likely wouldn't be visiting the National Parks. No offense but why would anyone let a 14-year old walk off by herself? I wouldn't let my daughter go off by herself in the woods. These cases are so sad especially when they find the person in an area previously searched. That right there is so suspicious.

My son is 3. I dont let him out of my site In a convienant store or even my yard, and I know where he is at ALL times. But this guy lets a 3 YEAR OLD wonder away in a many mile wide national park that has thousands of wild animals that could easily kill the child, and countless other hazards like falling and drowing to name a couple. What the hell is wrong with people.

As I've commented before on David he is paid by FEMA and the government because they are the ones we're doing the abducting people started to realize that there were a lot of disappearances going on in the national parks so they had to find a way to make it look like they cared so David was picked I work for FEMA I have been for 15 years I consider myself a whistleblower they take people and experiment on them not to cure diseases but to create new ones these disappearances have been going on since the first day the national parks were set into motion that was the reason they were implemented that's why the government is in control of them they're not run by privately owned individuals are run by the government those national parks are huge lands that w e r e closed off as hunting grounds they couldn't just start picking people off the street so they made the national parks territory for the government to take people and I give a shout out paidencashecahe because he has another whistleblower and I see he's been putting up the great comments please people don't believe crap about no one knows how they're disappearing

Yesterday while driving a car passed by me spray painted in words like 37-7 experiment Stop genetically modifying people and some other stuff I couldn’t get the best look. I wonder what that’s all about

Did he tell him well you just said it's a closed missing persons case so your "any new suspects" line is a lie. Plus freedom of information and you're not allowed] to even ask me that let alone.deny me it.

The great green desert

So hard to believe 2 adults would let him continue alone... my husband found a boy alone in a similar situation and took him back to his yuppie family. They didn’t even thank him even though he most likely saved that little boy’s life.

What background music do you use? I love your videos, ive been watching them for years

The wilderness is full of wild animals and dangers that the average person can’t wrap their head around until it’s too late. If you don’t understand survival in the wild please stay home.

David Paulides is one sexy manbeast!

Tupac rangers

At least the last church group w the child were desperately irresponsible. It's quite possible the child became dinner for a mountain lion. Foolish ignorance. The bones in RedRocks were likely dinner after an injury as well. Dehydration sets in quickly, and for someone experienced, becoming lackadaisical wouldn't be a surprise. I've been on one, and only one rescue, and after any amount of time, finding a body easily becomes a crap shoot. Just sayin

Amazing topic. Glad you picked this topic. People need to be aware about these past and future missing cases that are being covered up. You forget to mention that David believes that the paranormal plays a huge part in why these people go missing and why the police and ground keepers only conduct search and rescuses for a week and never beyond.

FEAR PORN! Use BOGEY MAN stories to get people to STAY OUT the Forest!! Because off grid people is GROWING and BIG BROTHER can't CONTROL you IF WE aren't CATALOGUE AND QUANTIFIED in their DATABASES. I go where GOD allows.

Most of these people here are foreigners for sure. America has terrain and deserts unlike any continent other than Australia but, worse. There are deserts, mountain ranges and forests here that stretch for a thousand miles and sheer cliffs that are thousands of feet. Most foreigners could never understand this sitting behind a computer. The reason so many go missing and die in the Grand Canyon, Death Valley, Yosemite and Joshua Trees Nat'l Parks. Negligence and ignorance are the biggest killers in extreme Nat'l Parks.

White people please stop going in the damn woods

Its weird how nothing seems to come up when they have a large scale search for a person

There are reports of people going missing in the forests in the UK as well

There's a doc that suggests some of these disappearances are caused by sasquatches,

Not going to lie, even before learning about these disappearances, I was scared of National Parks. There was just something about these parks scared the hell out of me. I used to think that I was only scared because I was just a kid and still had some fear of the dark and stuff. But when my sister's friend invited us last year ( I was 21 then) to go with her and some friends, we had said yes. But as the days got closer, I starting to panic. My heart would beat ridiculously fast, i would find it hard to breathe, and my body would feel tingly every time I thought of the trip. I ended up calling it off. Nothing happened to them, but I am still scared of it, even if i have never been there.

If it sounds like a mountain lion. looks like a mountain lion, smells like a mountain lion, tastes like a mountain lion, it's a.... Mystery.

More demons are rising from Hell than ever before.. They do so in places where little to no one are likely to see them. Once on Earth, they must feed - preferably fresh human meat. Aliens do not exist - demons do. We’re surrounded by the Satanic army, just waiting for their signal to strike. Pray to God. Believe in Jesus. Repent and rejoice. You’ll have nothing to fear.

Out of all the you tube Info on this stuff along with encounter stories from other people. Beyond creepys channel has some truly out there shit as well.. all of this stuff together can give a pretty good idea as to what's going on with this crap. I'd say the reptilians living undrground And being fed by us to keep them underground might be a good answer. It fits as to why special forces would show up to help search yet not actually communicate with anyone..... Perhaps they Were there to make sure no one found out The real reason. Who knows man this shit is creepy and it has cover up tattooed all the fuck over it....


Lol you guys think its aliens or sumn its obviously a rapist bear

I’ve seen a few videos on this very odd phenomenon. Something very weird is gonna not on in these beautiful US parks.

The forest is lovely dark and deep, but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I....... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGH!

Any one with the clip where the 'sound' is heard??

These is creepy. They need to solve these

Slender man

I don’t see anything out of the ordinary

Ah the con artist fraud still has the gullible suckers buying his BS.

I heard 1200, 1400 and 1500 missing anyone know the true number? It's terrible no matter the number! The parks have to answer to us the people. Stay away from the parks altogether. No answers no visiters no money for the parks. Period!

Parks are a playground for sick people who like to do bad things

You have a calm and informative voice that keeps the viewer interested. I'll definitely be checking your other vids.

What does he think is the cause of all these disappearances?

One of the darker mysteries I've avoided for a while

I’ve been listening to and reading into a lot of these Missing 411 case for YEARS and it’s creepy just how quickly people can disappear. As I was skimming the comments, I saw a lot of the suggestions David explicitly states are NOT the reasons these people disappear. If it were animals, there would be evidence. If it were were meth cookers, there would be evidence. If it were serial killers, THERE WOULD BE EVIDENCE! The three things that crop up in a lot of these cases that bother me are the dogs, people being found in already canvased areas, and the refusal of the National Park systems to help find these people. I’m glad this stuff is being shared on other channels. People NEED to know about this stuff.

I've become so addicted to this topic...I binge watch the videos and yet still don't know what to believe....but I do know hiking in a park isn't on my bucketlist....

what a whole load of rot! they basically point out things that are detremental to being found alive and claim its spooky, like being lost when storms come in or taking off your ill fitting boots, or simply not being in direct sight of others.


We're you trying not to wake your parents up when you recorded yourself? The whispering is aggravating kinda.

30 minutes ago, I uploaded 3 videos about walking home past grave yard because a Virgin Mary statue was creeping me out, and I was joking about getting murdered. Now that I'm home this it at the top of my YouTube home page on my phone. I uploaded those videos for a reason and now Google and it's creepy algorithm is taunting me.

I'm a disabled veteran. People with disabilities go missing? I wonder if they need bait to see where people go. I'd volunteer.

Your video said... Nothing? Except "point of separation" like 8 times.

"Who is John Galt?"

The fact that they tie the weather into this is awkward... as if theres some supernatural force that kicks off a storm after someone goes missing and never gets found. It's more likely that the storm made it more difficult to find the lost person(s), and thats why it seems like theres a relation.

This is why i live and die by the BUDDY SYSTEM! Lol

ANGLES or ANGELS follow one or other may lead to health hazards, or escape from joooooooooo PLANET!

It's aliens man.

dress up as a park ranger and people in a park will trust you... just saying.

Yo this is just gave me goose bumps. You see Tuolumne county is were I grew up! It’s scary af to see and hear all the people that go missing from there because we border Yosemite and the emigrant national forest. So what you get is people that go off trail or take a walk in the woods and get lost and can’t find there way back. You won’t see anyone else for miles and just hear all the missing story my mom and dad would tell me growing up so I wouldn’t wonder off came back in my mind and just gave me chills....


2pac rangers!

look at all these fuckin ads!

Theory,maybe people are being kidnapped and their organs are being sold? A healthy human being is worth a lot of money,especially if you happen to have a rare blood type.

Colorado...not Colarado :)

Damn this shit is just terrible, I’ve had this shit happen in my town and I’ve never gone alone on the woods because of that reason.

Aliens got them

I go camping sometimes.. if I stay away from water, go alone so I can't be separated from anyone, stay away from rocks and glue my shoes on, I should be fine.

I would like to start by saying I love the content and stories! No doubt about that at all. But seriously, your monotone voice makes me want to kill myself.

It’s really nothing unusual. Just overblown stories.

I superficially looked over some of this evidence and it seems like there really isn’t anything supernatural going on here. A lot of times people just get lost and I also believe kidnappings occur as well.

I wouldn't worry about it.

alieans or not shape shift into human form in there eyes tell humans cant switch eyes only found case when there done left to there own if they survive animals i think few jumped cause what to them far worse be nearby someone should pay have special ops military go out invisiable things are out there why hunters go missing cant shoot what u cant see

ghost rangers. a screenplay idea I had 20 years ago, silent guardians of wild lands who either protect it from outsiders or have them willingly join their ranks. glacier np.

As native people we never let a child go by themselves no matter what, mountain lions when they attack watch their prey for a long time and will squeeze the throat so u can't scream and can carry a body from tree to tree. Poor little boy

I cannot hear you.. fortunately I'm going to have to leave now or something else where they're not whispering

Why are you whispering. speak up so people can hear you.

I used to hike mountains when I was in high school and college. I got in a kind of "club" which translates to english roughly as "nature lover". We got lots of members, in lots of age range. We got people that have been hiking mountains half of their lifetime or even more. But sometimes even those kind of people got lost. The fact that one of my seniors which was 46 years old, and have been hiking since he was 14, almost got lost in a hike that he was really familiar with the course and track, made me realize that nature is scary. He said that he was dazed off for a moment and suddenly he was off track. He said he was listening to the sound of footsteps in front of him. But no one was in front of him. Fortunately the rest of the group realize that he was missing fast enough to be able to find him. And he was experienced enough to know what to do when separated from the group.

And if you're saying that this 46 years old guy was old and got tired easily, I would say impossible. I was 20 at the time and he can easily beat me at running and endurance test (we always do endurance test before hike to make sure that everyone involved was healthy and ready for the hike)

Stay away from the steps in the woods

Hidden in plain "site." Seriously?

Why is he talking so quiet? Damn good thing I listen in my car over speakers and can turn up the volume. Lol

Always carry a gun or any weapon with you when you got to places like this there’s no telling what would happen probably get gang banged by aliens

Are you really making vids by just retelling the 411 stories? How original

It's real simple. People who dont belong in the forest go wondering around the Woods. Did you grow up in the woods? Then stay the fuck out. You will get lost and be eaten by animals!

Research Bob Lazar, Robert Bigelow and skinwalker ranch. There are things in this world that should be absolutely impossible. The government dosen't even try to hide it anymore.


David says the Dennis Martin case disturbs him the most.

I think the reason there are clusters is because these are easily accessible areas. It doesn't minimize the dangers of these areas though. Just because it's called a park, doesn't mean it's Disneyland. It's dangerous out there.


Start blowing up these fucking caves or any rock pile,we all know how he was killed,but our government are a bunch of pussies,lets go camping an bring your kids,an keep your body guard at home because all his training won't do Dick your gun won't do Dick an if ya shoot you want see it coming they are fast enough to shredded you with an fully automatic weapon.

I'm not sure if I'm misremembering this, but I once heard that a portion of yellowstone is not ruled by the law or something like that. its like a chunk of america which, through some loophole, does not have to abide by law, so maybe that could explain the disappearances in that park...maybe something sinister is happening there

Thinking back on cases in which the I individual has travelled great distances on foot resulting in shredded up feet I just thought of this question. Could they have been so drugged up they couldn't feel the discomfort? I got tothinki g of the times my feet have been operated on. Each time the foot was frozen before surgery was started. On occasion my feet were over frozen resulting I my recklessness post ok bc I couldn't feel them! Just saying it's a possibility. Hence my question.

George Penca was hiking the upper falls trail, that winds down a shear cliff at heights peaking 2,300ft. If he fell off at any point his body could have hooked on the cliffside or fallen into the river and be wedged under a rock. Either of these reasons would pose a situation in which a dog would be useless to find him.

Scumbags I pray you park rangers lose a kid in the woods,or gets killed you lying motherfuckers!!!!! Pussies with badges,well you can wipe your ass with it ,you ain't god I know one thing my kid goes missing an im met with this,I will fucking snap you will feel what others have felt park rangers pussie

I feel this is one of the biggest mysteries!

Maybe its time for fucking officials to close down this bloody park when everytime its the same bloody results missing misssing and without a damn trace or later found remains but undetermined death!

Satanic cult or the police and forest service are into something serious. Since the police are involved I believe the latter

The missing feet washed up on New Jersey shore that's why you couldn't find them

If you get a bite from a Rocky Mountain viper you won’t go far and delirium will soon happen and you will probably take your boot off. Hypothermia can easily happen to anyone and especially the “educated”. More plane wrecks happen to doctors. Wonder why? Being highly educated in one field does not cross over to that of being a survival specialist but it gives them a false sense of confidence. Food poisoning can drop your blood pressure in an hour if it is severe and cause delirium. There are many ways to die. These are but a few.

They slipped through other dimensions ...

Fucking serial killer perverts.

That first documentary was just awful though. It was misleading, the trailer flat out lied to us, the promise of new stories was also a lie, the presentation was awful, the writing was bland, and the cinematography was boring. Why do you keep supporting this?

Dennis Martin case?

One of the things that perplexes me is how I really want to listen to your information until your voice puts me in a fucking coma.

what was the stomach content of the dead they found had they been eating and what have they eaten or starving.

Well done

We have an agreement with an alien race!

You think this could be linked to one of those mysterious videos that appeared to show someone being buried in some boulders?

The stairs

And now let's check the comments to see what the experts think

This reminds me of the premise for the "Search and Rescue Woods" series.

Stay out of national and state parks they are not safe

Get the trunt propaganda OFF You Tube. It's disgusting.

They aren't missing... they just slipped through a one-way, man-traversable wormhole and became the protagonists of an Isekai anime. All jokes aside... this is why I have put off adventuring in nature alone. It's pretty freaky as fuck. At some point it stops becoming a series of coincidences and starts becoming a conspiracy.

nice to see some YT channels finally catch up with this phenomena. Been following Missing 411 for a few yrs now. The movie was okay, but his interviews with Coast to Coast AM are FAR more chilling/intriguing.

sum fishy goin on

Jane Heijmans time lapse

This is an excellent & extremely interesting important piece. Thanks. Keep up the good work!!

The feet (shoes+socks) hold traceable sour biological refuse.

Use a compass and you'll be fine

lol such a clickbait intro. What he found out SHOCKED HIM!

the mafia is behind this

Carlos Leon No, Nazis are

This video is absolute horseshit. Their "connections" are super common. They act like a forest is so tiny. They have no comprehension to the dangers of the outdoors. "Separation point" ??? So every single disappearance case would have that. Its frustrating that the real dangers of our world are so often explained by conspiracy and make belief. The creator has said a lot very common thing but phrased it in a way that its spooky. The music is spooky. Why? Kid gets fucking eaten by a fucking mountain lion and y'all try to act like it an unsolved mystery. That shit happens cause stupid fucking people think nature is friendly meant to be played in. Nature hates you and wants your nutrients. It will kill you. It does every day. Found near rocks, bitch shut the fuck up ROCKS ARE FUCKING EVERYWHERE. You should stay in the city if you do not see how twisted this video is.

The reason they are found without shoes is because most people only wear their hiking shoes when they go hiking. Thus, the shoes are often not broken in well. After walking a considerable amount like in a being lost situation, their feet hurt so they take off their shoes. Everyone has done this once in their life.

I clicked because it had an interesting title but dude that weak ass pedo voice you had chase me away 4 sec in the video. I write this comment to improve, but jesus christ...

Thumbing down just to get thumbs down at 411 Someone reply to this when there's more than 411 thumbs down

I'm going camping next weekend I should have not watched this.

I truly believe there are creatures out there that contribute to good amount of the people that"disappear" each year. Too many coincidences and too many strange things that are exactly the same every single time. The FBI always knows a bunch of literal shit that they don't tell us for whatever their Goddamn agenda may be. It's disgusting and I'm not going to rant on that because it's pointless. Those P.O.S.s from the FBI and the other branchs that are supposed to help us might as well just be nonexistent. To HELL with them and each individual who represents them!

This is all very flimsy.

I got to read some of these books. So many things have been denied for so long that we need to find out what it's about.

So! What are you saying?????????????

Serial killers like alone time.

Searches keep getting cut short. Seems odd. Like they’re covering up something.

They don't search after a week because the government made a deal with the Grey's so that they can abduct a certain amount of people a year that why there's nothing left and they only sometimes come back

At 1:02, where is that rocky outcropping...anyone know? Top5s?

Well here in Australia it is probably a serial killer,l think we have established that,or exposure,dehydration,not the kind of country to get lost in.

how tf u let a 3yr old out of your sight in an area where there is mountain lions and probably bears n wolves n shit

Probably human hunts . Just like gang rapes and pedophile circles. From the judges to the common crack whore

I blame the SCP's


Why did Fosters, a beer company, sponsor a missing person search operation?

@bob smith Well I mean it is a beer so it makes. All I'm wondering is why did they sponsor this operation

It's Australian for beer? That's all I can think of.

Militias, ARE YOU READY??

Yea kidnap kids to sell there organs wake up America

It’s the Clinton Foundation.... ;)

Reminded me of Digging Up the Marrow. Check the movie out. It’s them kidnapping people

The books are barely anywherr u cant buy them anywhere mainstream so my mom had to buy them from a small place in Colorado. U can get them on eBay but they are alottttt of money. Personally i believe the government does not want these cases in the mainstream and don't want too much attention on them

I watched this video closely waiting for the narrator to make a point. He didn't. So I looked into who David Paulides is. He is a man who has written 8 books (self published, always a good sign that a book is rubbish) yet claims he has no theories yet. 10 years and he has no theories. He also wrote, and yes, you guessed it, self published, two books on Bigfoot. What a Fuckwit.

Might as well label this as ASMR.

It is obvious....All these missing people were taken by UFOs.............

You people have no idear what really inhabits planet earth and if i told you wouldn't believe me anyway. Beware all is not what it seems.

Placing numerous ads without the ability to skip. Horrible decision Top5.

I think there’s something going on in these parks that the government knows but won’t tell us for some reason. That would explain why they don’t keep records of any of the people who have gone missing. If it is Bigfoot or some paranormal activity that isn’t understood yet then that is a much bigger problem that people can comprehend. I might sound crazy but something doesn’t add up here with the way there’s no records kept and how the government gives national parks their own jurisdiction. It’s a bit odd

the narrator talks too softly

If you've never personally seen a portal open up in front of you, (which is most likely because most people look down at their feet when hiking on trails) then you'd know exactly what happened to most of these people. Well, maybe not exactly... but you know they are no longer "here". Ask your Native American friends about the portals, they'll tell you. I saw one once... actually "felt" it just before I saw it. It was almost a shimmery mirror like pane of energy that basically looked translucent... but not quite. You had to see the "crispness" of the real life just outside the fringes to notice that what you were looking at was odd or off. Kinda like the Predator's "invisible camo". I felt a strange sensation just ahead of me, like a radiant heat, but no "hotness". You could feel a "push" of air, but only because where I was it was still, no wind or breeze. So I looked up, and had I not, I would have walked right into it. But I had more of a "scary pull of intuition" to not move forward. It was very obvious. I got the chills and flush with adrenaline, at seeing something that did not register or compute as "normal" but VERY abnormal. I turned around and fast walked back to the parking lot about 3 miles away. I was too scared to run, because I felt like I needed to act as if I didn't see it, and it didn't see me. And I'm not one to turn back around on a trail. I hate back-tracking in general, when I know the area or I'm on a loop. But I felt compelled to just quietly leave. I will never go to that area or trail again, even though I know in my head, I'll unlikely never see such a thing in that very spot even if I return every day for the rest of my life. But I wonder what's on the other side of that portal. Maybe when I'm older, and if I ever see one again, I might just walk through it. Unless that was "my only chance"? Who knows?

Hypothermia, beats, mountain lions, overconfidence and unpreparedness

Poll: If you were in the woods and became a missing person, your fate would be... 1. falling off a cliff, getting injured and ultimately sacrificing your body to feed hungry wild animals 2. death by starvation 3. suicide by drowning 4. getting abducted by hillbilly cannibals 5. getting abducted by a serial killer 6. getting abducted by aliens...

I been waiting for this

Has anyone who vanished in these ways ever been found tho that I would like to know

Matthew Acevedo - Plenty of people are found. It just doesn’t make for a good ‘story’.

There’s a myth about human devouring rocks I know it sounds crazy but who knows

Elites abducting for sacrifices. Cruise ships too

It's a wonder FBI don't get more involved !!!!

So who's up for a hike in a National Park after listening to this?

I go hiking and camping alone all the time. Been doing it for years. No problem.

@phuc ewe gold star, next to staying dry thru the night then

@YEE CHRAVIS No thanks. Cookies attract bears.

You want a cookie?

Another channel called, That Chapter, did a pretty in depth video on this subject. Its actually just horseshit and the number of missing people in National Parks are either normal for the state or less than the state average. But I guess if you need to make money for a documentary, a good story doesn't always have to be true.

The Park Service is still not doing squat: even after 8 books by David proving, people are disappearing there. That does not pass the smell test and never will.

So disabled people go missing during freak weather events after being separated from the people they're with...and this is presented as mysterious and needing some kind of unusual explanation? Seriously?

There have been kids, adults young and old, athletes, life long hikers and climbers, soldiers and veterans, and yes some people with disabilities. And think, these missing people have left no trace except their shoes for some reason in miles of search area. No signs of attempted survival like a fire or markers. No blood or limbs. No drag marks or signs of a struggle. A lot of these cases its like they phased out of existence as if it was a twilight zone episode.

The video mentions clusters. Where is the cluster of 80 located? I have a theory but it gets pretty far out there. Its possible natural wave lengths can cause issues with regular thought patterns in the brain. It already exists as a prototype weapon artificially so saying ir could happen naturally isn't a huge stretch. I have a possible thought so if I knew the location I might be able to rule out a few things.

what's going on in the leaves in tree 2:35 ??? they don't look right one of those new stealth suits???

You have to wonder if those "search parties" that would only last about a week were actually there to make sure nothing was found

How the hell are you letting your 3 year old out of your sight in the fucking woods? What the actual fuck? Parent of the year right there

The Wendigo

sooooo... people go to national parks to disappear? I could run up a debt and ... die?

Here's the pattern: Go to woods, get lost, die.

So Twrenty - two+ minutes of nothing Definitely won't sub!

And no one is talking about the strange noises.


All of this just screams Confirmation Bias...

You need to consider a couple of things. 1 most of the clusters are located close to "Devils" this or that. I'm not saying it's the work of Satan, but you don't name an area such an evil name for no reason. 2 If there is no trace left behind in many cases it means there is something highly intelligent involved. Could be a combination of UFOs, Bigfoot, Dogman, giants, interdemensional beings or portals or many other things that go bump in the night. 3 the scent dogs are usually sent out for a particular scent, on the missing persons clothing. If you're lifted a few feet above the ground then you leave no scent for dogs to track, dogs don't just follow any scent if they are trained to search for a particular set of pheromones. Just some thoughts, and let's be honest here it's a combination of things doing this. Avoid places named for the devil, and boulders point towards beings we haven't fully encountered yet that would look like a boulder at first glance. Imagine a Bigfoot off to the side of a trail, you'd think it's a tree trunk or boulder if you'd never seen one before. This is also pointed to when they stop the search after a week, the searchers probably found something that was unexplainable to most normal people and would expose a bigger story like cryptids...

I read/saw regarding the Jaryd Atadero case. That Big cat experts had looked at the clothing and found no evidence of mountain lion hair or attack and that it would not have removed the clothing. Also, the trainer has the laces untied which Jaryd couldn't do and the trainer looks pristine, not weathered as it should be, if it was exposed to the elements for four years. A tragic case. They all are.

*people go missing in completely normal situations out in the wild* No one: .... Missing 411: "yeah we can capitalize on this" Note: its called 'the wild' for a reason! :P

i feel compassion for the victim and their family's. What a horribly thing to experience. When we hike i tell my kids to never get out of my sight. Not taking any chances. Can be their one second and then gone the next. Just horrible. And i tell them not to get distracted and pay attention to their surroundings at all times.

So creepy. There are things we don’t know. I’m an avid camper but this kind of stuff gives me the chills.

He said they either have a disability or they don’t.... lol

Correlation does not equal causation, people forget how massive and untamed a lot of this country truly is. Stories like these make for interesting videos but I dont think theres much more to them than some people got lost in a never ending wilderness and wandered around until they died. They were never found because of the never ending wilderness bit.

Ezra Shekelsteinberg - Stop this rational reasoning, right now!! This is YouTube. There’s no place for intellectual discussion here. The explanation has to be serial killers, aliens or alternate dimensions!!! (Sarcasm, of course.)

Your voice has gotten way more creepier andcalm at the same time. Great Job!

Day(highest electric value)+granite+water=Piezoelectricity.


Bigfoot did it!

Never would of let my son go..people are complacent

It sounds like your mouth is literally on your mic and it makes your videos almost impossible to watch.

This is clearly.... Blair Witch??

Dimension crawlers.

Killer X is real btw. It's simple mathematics. For all the serial killers who do get caught, by contrast there must be those that have never, or will never, be caught and I bet some are competitive regarding kill counts.

There is a saying, “the most common things happen most commonly”. There are explanations statistically more prevalent not discussed. Injury w not enough supplies, mountain lion attacks, people just getting lost thinking they are knowing where going, the decaying body found by scavengers thus why u find only a pelvis. Would consider this: # of daily visitors proportioned to these vanishings. Compare to other things like airline crashes. Compare similar adverse event ratios to other things like airline flights, lost at sea, etc and if bet they’re all close in number. Hiking has a high degree of difficult even w experts. Wouldnt recall of giant places buried in trees, obscuring lamdmarks be prone to its own error rate? Entropy happens. This to me more probable than conspiracy bc chaos itself is more common than such.

The Jared case is weird, mainly because I've got a 3 year old and there is no way on this earth that any parent would allow their toddler to go on a 1.5+ mile hike up a mountain without them.....and if for some incredulous reason they did then where why was the kid allowed to wander so far ahead....methinks those Christian Singles have a few Satanists in their midst.

Mountain lions, wolves, bears are all predators known to kill in seconds very quietly and can drag prey for miles if need be. I grew up at the base of a mountain and I can’t tell you how many times people would go out hiking, look behind them and find a mountain lion had been following them this whole time. I know we like to get crazy ideas of what we don’t understand, just know there are apex predators who have been killing for thousands of years in the mountains. Also, mountain lion screams are one of the scariest things you’ll ever hear. It sounds like a woman being murdered or something, really freaky.

No big mystery, just a lot of complacent people used to civilization.

Please post more of these

Aren't they allowed to use flare guns?

Too much chance of Forest Fire

Yosemite. YOS- My hebrew name. Emite- a race of giants. There have to be giants still there OR just the spirits of which is worse.

Research Faeries...


How you gonna take your eyes of a three year old while hiking

Am I the only one that thought that David Paulides was a younger Kurt Russell?

I think manymay be victims of SRA. It is so much more common than people realize. And they eat human flesh during rituals. That's why some are never found

@Lies Satanic Ritual Abuse. Another possibility may be abduction for the slave trade (sex slavery), in some cases

Michelle Carter define SRA

The forest is definitely a mysterious place.

Lost a Hughes 500.....that sucks.

Does David Paulides believe these missing people are being "recruited" for a secret space program, or is words being manipulated here:

The second I herd Saratoga, chills wend down my spine because I live only a few miles from there....

That was Lame as Fuck, Wheres The Audio recording you claimed was sooo terrifying??

So this isn't a video about sasquatch.

Gives all kinds of credibility to your claims of a government cover up while you get drunk on fosters beer.


Dude! How many ads do you need?

The e is silent in granite

Verry similar circumstances ? exact same they went missing

It was Aliens.

Positively Aliens Living Deep Underground Took These People. True . I Think The Pentagon Or Illuminati May Know About This Phenomena and will do anything to cover up the existence of the Extraterrestrials. We get Technology and The Aliens Get Humans . There is an Alien / Military Liaison !!!!!!!!!!

Trevor Graham Welch : ... and your proof is? The tinfoil hat you wearing?

Jane Heijmans : Holy shit I didn’t even notice that until reading your comment. I think the portals to different dimensions theory is something unexplainable but extremely feasible considering the strange vanishings and strange occurrences like that tree moving seemingly out of thin air

I watched the entire Missing 411 video. There is NO sound in it that you refer to. Why would you lie about somethign like that?

stop talking so quietly. You have a good voice stop speaking softly

The Jaryd Atadero case is digusting. Idiot father lets his 3 year old go with a group of Christians without him. Group of idiots decide to take him on a mountain trek. None of this group of idiots take responsibility for the child. Child dies because of idiotic adults. No supernatural causes needed here. Just a swift kick in the balls for everyone involved.

Hey Bigfoot gets hungry too,,,,, just saying.

When Top5s said: yærs

So aliens or bigfoots? Ghosts maybe.

Your voice is very soothing and best heard at night when falling asleep... kind of an asmr without even trying

Oh shit,2pac rangers.

A shame, yet another British person narrating an American story.

I watched the entire Missing 411 documentary and there was absolutely no strange sound recorded that you mention near the end of your video. Missing 411 has nothing at all even remotely like that. You seem to imply that there was something supernatural (perhaps bigfoot? ) involved but that's total nonsense because there was nothing like that at all in the documentary. There wasn't even a hint of anything like that. I have no idea why you would make something like that up. The only think I can think of to explain your claim is that you weren't watching the original video but a video some nut-case made.

There is a reason United States has the highest rate of psychopaths in the world.

Moral of the story, don't split up whilst hiking.

There's a LOT of stating how STRANGE things are, that really aren't, in David's work. He will often say things are impossible that clearly aren't when you stop to think or look at survival cases. He speaks in a very authoritative way that makes you go HEY, WOW, that doesn't make sense! But when you think, and read about other cases, consider the sources, eye witnesses and scientific rationale, it stops being all that mysterious.

I'm close to 70 percent apache my grandfathers and great grandfathers passed stories down for generations but what I will say if natives say not to enter a certain forest or land. They aren't kidding. The forrest has deep and lots of it are still undiscovered so who knows what is out there

Well much of this does make sense. More people are out in the woods during the day than at night. People who are a bit disabled are more likely to stray behind or possibly wonder off & more vulnerable generally. People who are lost are likely to seek shelter by big boulders & may seek a sorce of water to drink, or a stream to follow to give them a sense of direction etc.

They are taken. Maybe there is shrines to Molech in national forests maybe they sacrifice ppl because it's easy to lose them in these forests maybe the truth is so much stranger than fiction you wouldn't believe it if I told you. Look up the Bohemian Grove. There is more in heaven and Earth than is in your own understanding Horatio. Maybe the elitists blood sacrifice to the Nephelim they think there gods lol. The weak are meat and the strong do eat is what they think

I think Russia did it

I’m curious. Is there any link with anyone in the group being linked to all these groups where someone has gone missing? Where the groups advertised? If someone or something have taken these people is it possible that there are bunkers which are well concealed and that’s the reason why these people have never left the parks while everyone is around? Really need to watch the documentary.

I like how gentle your voice are....

Clearly, it's bigfoot.

This honestly sounds like these national parks are hunting grounds for experiments for elites or sacrifices and serial killers

I wonder if someone has done some remote viewing sessions on this?

Skin walkers? Dogmen? Wendigo?

Get this guy on the Joe Rogan podcast!!!

Idk why, but the way you are talking in this video triggers me so bad, speak TF up!

The unknown amazes me.. unsolved mysteries. I like to come up with my own theories based on what we're told. Also, seeing how some of this could have been prevented. My question is...why the hell would you let your child go hiking with other people out in the wilderness? Anything would happen. I can't imagine how upset that precious little boy's father was with the church people. I bet he cursed them out and called them the most unholy things you could ever call someone. I would have pressed charges for child neglect and made sure those group members were sent to prison!! But in the end...the father was responsible was his child's safety.

Me and Bois disappearing with no trace in the woods for no reason

I grew up next to woodlands. I tell you, you go into the woods, you become at one with it, or you take your chances and keep on being a bumbling human. Then you're in trouble. You learn to feel when it wants you to be there or when it doesn't. When it doesn't, you don't go in the woods. I guess some folks are more attuned to such senses. Trees and large boulders both cause humans to lose their sense of position and direction. Other creatures have amazing senses of smell and hearing. We don't. Compared to some creatures we are almost without senses by comparison. I am blessed that I grew up next to the woods and have an almost too strong of a sixth sense. Better to not go out into the woods or the wilderness in general, than to go. I once met up with a wildcat. Let me tell you that sent a paralyzing chill right through me. *And that wasn't in the woods or the wilderness* but in an abandoned industrial area. If that had been out in the wilderness or the woods I might have panicked, run then tripped and injured myself. Five seconds from normal to fatal. That's all it takes. No warnings, no announcements, just nature catching you out. Humans are only half aware of the world around them yet happily head off into National Parks like they are just going to their 7-11 for some candy and a quart of milk. People, if you go into forests, mountains or any kind of wilderness, you need to take real precautions and the first time you go, have a real experienced guide with you. I mean it in all seriousness when I say, if in doubt, just go relax in the nearest city park. Stay safe!

Hear me out, Aliens. A decent portion of these disappearances could be caused by them.


Its true...these mountains dont belong to me heh, but they dont belong to the washingtons neither! These mountains belong to the Wendigo...

Really couldn't stand this guys voice past 5 min, this isn't ASMR dude. Pipe up

The entity is collecting survivors for its never ending game

Try watching this in an unlit basement at night, the part you usually avoid...

christ, reading these comments, they are the perfect victims to get sucked into these "unexplained" videos, easy targets for adcents lol

After watching a lot of documentaries here on YouTube one thing is for sure, the USA is a strange fucking place.....

The Predator exist

They don't ALL follow this pattern. The author readily admits that he only adds cases to this list that do follow the patter. That alone is a misrepresentation of the potential data because we don't know if it's 100 % of cases or 3% that follow the pattern.

most, if not all of these cases are just animals eating the victims, the other real weird cases are most likely serial killers, hence the fbi, there's far more murderers and serials killers that roam free then that are in jail.

Im going to be that guy. I think its people with government connections. People being sold or bought for experiment

People get lost and under estimate nature constantly. Don’t wanna get lost? Don’t get left behind, stick with your group. Period.

Hopefully we discover the truth in my lifetime. Maybe it’s a government thing? And alien thing? Either way it’s so weird

More people die on the highways daily, , this video is just going to make people paranoid, to be outdoors . . .

This is definitely Conflating multiple facts from various cases and saying that the typical causes of these things happening are unlikely which isn’t fair because when you follow a conspiracy you already have to suspend your disbelief in the ordinary being the cause. For example, conspiracies will never say that these people were lost over the years because they were entering wild lands that are just labeled as “national parks.” This data pool is very spread out and I believe that more people have gone missing but the causes didn’t fit the conspiracy so it never made the video. You have to ask why, you need to see stats beyond the “strange” circumstances, search for your own context in each individual case. Don’t just assume it’s fact because it’s conspiracy and it is often attributed to larger entities that are beyond your control. So your own investigative work and don’t just listen because he played cool music, edited the video well and showed you what was curated into the video. That’s the whole point to a conspiracy, don’t just trust things. So don’t just trust the video. Maybe he is right but there’s strong conflation and skewing that must be acknowledged

Jared became cougar food

Lol I've been lost in the woods before and it fucking sucked; I passed the same area twice one day and knew I was in trouble because I was doing a circle despite trying my best to go straight. camped, gathered, waited for rain (lucky), took the moss on the trees north until I hit a road a few days later; very lucky.

My theories- 1. Rich Elite psychopaths- Whether it'd be a cult, a secret political group, government, or just a rich top 1% pervert, etc, It's only possible for someone to get away with a crime or even cover one up professionally if you got the money to afford it. They have people kidnapped, (young, old, male, female, it doesn't matter,) by foreigners or trained criminals. They take them back to their *"clients"* and they do god knows what to them (rape, torture, humiliate, Kill, etc) before they pay someone to clean them up professionally and place them back into the woods where they'll be found dead or alive with no trace that will lead back to *"Them."* 2. Aliens- Alien abductions.

The beasts of the fields...not wild animals...the earth beneath is full of them as tartarus / the underworld...

The fact they had clothing removed should be a pretty strong clue someone is out there in the woods stalking for victims. They might be forcing them to remove their clothes and walking them out to a new location where they're killed and then brought back to the area they were captured. This goes double for Jared since his pants were inside out but not covered in blood or shredded to bits, ya know, evidence that always shows up in an animal attack

Native American folklore should be reviewed. The one group of people with the most experience in these matters tell weird stories too. They knew the local predators and environmental dangers. Their daily survival depended on carrying as little useless baggage as possible (physical, emotional, and spiritual). When they warn you of weird shit happening you shouldn't arrogantly dismiss it. The one common theme I see repeated in all these stories is arrogance and lack of respect for danger. These places get treated as vacation locales when people have been dying horrible deaths there since prehistory. One last point: If the dangers found in these places are mundane in nature, why is it normal for so many people to be allowed to go there? I don't swim at beaches with shark attack or riptide warnings. I certainly wouldn't bring kids there.

in canada the queen eat all the native children

big foot dressed as a park ranger

It's easy go missing in a national park I surprised there not more go missing. Nothing seems usual about any them missing.

Lmao I'm going to Colorado in a few days and we will be visiting alot of national parks. Thanks!

This is an fed up and mysterious world we’ll NEVER understand

Who ever it is ... They got the government scared Sh!tless.

I thought that this would be some clickbaity top 5 vid but it's actually really well made and informative

Well, I can tell you WHY the search ends in a week; money. A search party costs tens of thousands of dollars per day, especially once fuel is factored in, and the services get only so much money per year. It is the same way with your criminal claim; if it cannot get solved and finalized within the next 24 hours, it'll probably never get filed. So what happens?

mountain lion

fuck your piss-weak voice is annoying. I can't even finish watching this video, which sucks cause i was very interested.

My advice, whistle and flashlight. Three together (three flashes, three blows) times, over and over. Stay put, and don't move around unless absolutely necessary.

It's aliens I say!!!!!

You do know that there is large online groups who "hunt" hikers, they dont actually kill them just stalk them and when they feel like they have gotten their prey they move on. Its a common hobby on the East Coast and I doubt most of the "hunters" just stop there.

Has anyone else tried asking for the case file on Stacy? Maybe they didn't trust David and knew he was up to something. I think Ill try. It never hurts to ask. Im in college so Ill just say its for a report or something.

its probably rapists

thy found the hiker death after thy searcht it whit infared infared detects HEAT death bodys dont give heat thats why thy mist him the first time .....

Aliens are doing it. Geniuses go missing and are returned after a strange weather event with missing clothes. Aliens.

I know someone who would hunt hikers in nation parks........He would never kill them but would stalk them and when he thought he would of had a kill shot he would call it a good hunt. I never believed that he stopped at sure he has killed. *EDIT* He still does this to this day, mostly in Washington and Oregon. He has also helped many hikers that he was "hunting" if they where obsiously lost or had ran out of supplies.......and most do since they are citiots who know nothing.

@Nd Parislol well i wouldn't put it past him.....he was a weird one and so where his friends.

VAC2 “he never killed them” ...then... “ I’m sure he has killed”.

Ask Richard Dawkins and James Randi and their ilk...a logical explanation nothing strange abnormal haha... They'll tell y'all bout crop circles and cattle mutilations etc etc

3rd dimension

Bear Grylls says hi!!

D.U.M.B.'s need slave labor. That's my theory but who knows. This has to be the biggest unsolved mystery considering the amount of people spanning decades.

One thing that keeps going through my mind, could explain all of this. TIME, either a slip in time, forward or backward. Wouldn't matter how shilled you were, just like walking through a window. In a split second you're out of that timeline. No scent or trail to follow. Even finding a body it would still be out of your timeline but since it's no longer moving in time it can be seen. Time is relative to motion, move fast enough in time you can no longer be seen. Reference the ending in the movie Lucy.

Wtf I'm camping in Wyoming next week why am I watching this

A trip and a fall, flash flood, whatever, then the body gets taken away by scavenging animals..probs

Bone Tomahawk?????

You are dealing with an intelligence, that has supernatural powers! A rogue demon spirit.that collects clothing .Moves victims from one place to another! You better pray before you.hunt or hike

13 mins in, bet it’s flash floods

Gotta be Cannibal-Hillbilly-Aliens. It's always Cannibal-Hillbilly-Aliens. Or total bullshit.

What if its like multiple serial killers living off the land like hermits but then in their free time they start killing hikers and shit and then maybe theres like a clan of them running around like the hills have eyes but instead of a desert its just a bunch of hillbillies running around the national parks

In most National forests there are rock formations and bodies of water, so the fact that these are present in most disappearances is not surprising. Also, most people move about and go for walks during the afternoon and early dusk, so the fact that most people go missing at this time is again, not surprising. I’m not an outdoor expert, but it is possible that when people get lost they probably keep moving, perhaps in a panic, and move farther away from their camp/party.

2pac rangers

Averages... average start time, average endurance, average speed, average fatigue rate, average nativity of the dangers, likely under-equipped, popular trail with a potentially fatal hazard point mixed with averages leads to a cluster of incidences in the given area. It's a formula for disaster, The forest is very dangerous and there are for sure areas that are far more likely to have incidences. and probably a few serial killers. One more thing I'm an experienced hiker and I run into tons of "experienced hikers" on the trail 9 or 10 miles in country with no water out for a quick 20 mile run in the desert, experience can bring cockiness and mother nature will shit down your neck the moment you think you have her figured out.

you must understand there is no strange pattern here, people go missing by water because thats what you need to not die, also searches are usually useless because it's so big out there, someone can walk off the path for miles and miles you'd never find them, cause of death is impossible to determine after they months or years (unless they had physical evidence on their bones if they were found), these people are disabled, old, or young, they wander off, get lost, panic and run around out there and then die of exposure or get eaten, i live in the woods, i've never seen a dead animal that wasnt killed by something else, like you dont find coyotes, just laying on the ground dead from old age. it's because something kills them or they fall in a hole someplace, just like all these people did they call the search off because the odds of you being alive after a week in the bush with no food or water are so slim, it costs money for these searches, so they cut them off at some point

I just helped you out. My thumbs down clicked you over to exactly 500.

I love how he narrated this calmly. Add a scent of mysterious to the documentary.

1200 people went missing with 95% of them being unable to be found with a canine. However how many people went missing and were later rescued due to a canine?

1 solution is to stay out of the woods! There is a very long list of people who have vanished in National parks, especially. There are verified underground facilities that have "aliens" working in them alongside of US troops. Look up Phil Schneider videos about the Dulcie New Mexico base.

Pointing out that going missing is more likely when a separation occurs is like pointing out that you're more likely to get wet when it rains. Boulders and water being an undefined distance of "nearby" are also extremely common in the woods. Geological hotspots seems like it would be explained by the mere fact that popular spots increase the chances that someone will go missing in that area. Are most of these parallels really that surprising?

Ritualistic murders.

Hahah, it looks like so suspicious and mistery, specially with the soft spoken voice of the narrator, but after a second thought there are easy explanations. I mean, if the canines were able to find a missing person, the body got located and therefore didnt became an unsolved case. Thats why 100 percent of all unsolved cases couldnt be found by dogs. They dont speak of 100 percent in the clip. The only explanation for this could be: in some cases the dogs found a trace and later lost it, which might be counted as (partially) successfull. Tourists like to spend their time fishing, kayaking, sailing, swimming, goose hunting or just looking at water. So this is simply the area with the most tourists and therefore the area with the most missing cases. More people are getting lost in the presence of water because water is not only dangerous, but also a body is more easy overlooked while covered by the water than on land. And this is even true, if the body floats up after some days: in the meantime it stays covered and if the rescue missions were only held for a week, like the clip said, there is at least a higer chance not to be found. Also water sometimes moves the corpse, specially in case of a river. So this makes it more likely to become an unsolved case, because the body cant be found at, or close by the location, in which the person was last time seen. Of course people get more often lost if a weather change like rain, cold or snow, occurs, which makes survival outside difficult. Weak disabled people are of course more likely to be unable to cope with this conditions, than very healthy young adults. And very experienced people get also lost, because what makes them experienced? That they have spent a lot of time outdoors.... And even with a slimmer chance to get lost per person and time unit, because of the higher amount of time units spend in the wilderness, their overall chance to disappear in total is higher. This might have also something to do with the greater risks they take: I mean if you stay always at the footpath or road, you are not that likely to die, but if you do, your body will be found soon, which prevents you of becoming an unsoved case. This is not true, if you hunt offroad with dangerous animals and guns in a remote region of the park. Why did they found a lot of bolders? The question is: if the people did not got found, of which place are we actually talking of? So this must be the broader area, where they got missing. And if you walk around in the woods in a wider area, there is either nothing special, just trees: which will not be reported, because its so normal, or there is something "special" which could only be water or stones. There is in generall not much more out there. And so on......

Welp, I'm never going to a national park again.

i remember hearing about this on coast to coast some time ago

Maybe thats the reason some of these places are cordoned off as parks. They cant get rid of whatever is in there and a few disappearances can be blamed on natural causes.

Land navigation is a skill that few really possess. Easy to get lost

The problem with volunteer search and rescue operations is that they can only travel where a person can go, not where a person may have ended up. They can't repel down cliffs, scuba dive lakes or search rapids. If there's no sign of an unprepared person in the wildness after a week, it is unlikely they are still alive.

Please read, maybe this will convince people Paulides is full of shit who's out to make a quick buck (and obviously push his "I'm not coming out and saying it but it was definitely Bigfoot wot dunnit")

Baltimore is dangerous enough. I'm pretty sure I'll stay out of the woods. I need no further excitement.

it's those damn fairies!

Going into a national park is u settling by itself its literally just you and nature, no cell signal nothing

Disappear near water: water is dangerous: - you get pulled away by the current - you slip on a wet rock, hit your head and get unconcious - you fall into and drown What a great coincidence... Rocks are dangerous: - you slip and hit your head etc. - you fall into a hole - you break bones when falling - you slip down a screefield and get buried alive (avalanche etc...)

Due to the gov't agreement w/ ET, inquiries are snuffed out. The disappeared are payment for tech.

People are animal's, so they will do similar things in similar circumstances. That's where the saying history repeats itself, no people do the same things over and over. No mystery here.

David Paulides is a crackpot ,whom I believe is trying to Insinuate that Bigfoot is behind this, real authors DO NOT self publish through vanity just my opinion

Perhaps, a parallel dimensional thing is the reason why they all disappear

Bears can smell sickness or weakness in people. They grab em Nd eat em by water

People have no business in the wilderness.

It's easy to get lost in the wilderness, it all looks alike.

Bigfoot ova humans killing animals for sport

Large predators eat people. Cougars bears wolves eat people.

Nature getting even

There's a sasquatch in there them woods!!!

I think Dave p. Is def on to something that the powers that be want to keep quiet and they prob know exactly what's going on they lie to us all the dam time wake up america

Thanks for the entertainment. Not buying it, but good fodder for my novel writing.

It seems similar to the movie "Predator".

@5:49 It's geographical, not geological clusters.

It’s Bigfoot. They like human feet so they chew off the victims feet and tosses the remains

It isn't known as to how the shoes are removed. It seems that someone else is removing the shoes. Not the victim.



What does evidence of falling in a river look like?

Murderers who are familiar with area,the everyday hikers that learn the terrain.

Y'all know that park rangers and BLM agents are the MOST LIKELY SUSPECTS, right? That's why the pattern holds. The park rangers and agents know when people come in. They can watch their camps, and nobody pays any attention when they see the authorities. They just figure they're working, doing what they're supposed to. It would never occur to them that a ranger or agent would abduct, rape, and murder them. Authorities call off the search when they hear rumors, to avoid embarrassing the agency, and facing trouble themselves. It happens everywhere. Cops pull a person over, girl or boy they want. No one ever finds out, because cops are protected. Just another dead woman or dead child. When authorities stop looking, you can pretty much figure, one of them did it..

Interesting video, but the dramatic music is a bit too much.

We have people disappearing in national parks in Poland too. Though nine times in ten it's imbeciles who decided to go hiking in city shoes or even flip-flops (yes, it happens every year). Or during avalanche\bad weather alert. Or decided to abandon the trail and take a "shortcut". Luckier ones manage to call for help and rescue team drags them back to safety. Unlucky ones are found next spring, when snow disappears. Or never. Sometimes human stupidity (or plain bad luck) is everything needed.

Man, this is like saying "in most cases of a person shot to death, a shooting will have happened". This pattern he points out is the expected from missing cases on the wilderness.

not a genius here, just sharing a broader, perhaps uninformed idea. what if doctors and scientists, and those who know the area are going missing more so then other is because; 1, Scientists and doctors might think they are smart enough to take larger risks, and 2, those who know the area better are more likely to go missing as the process of knowing something means exposure, and the more exposure means a higher chance of encountering an obstacle or threat that others might not encounter on smaller or fewer timeframes.

If we suspect park rangers / employees of being involved, it wouldnt be too difficult to investigate. The question is, have they been investigated? If that were my child id do anything i felt it took to find the answers, and i DO mean ANYTHING.

Put a city slicker in the wild and watch them fail at life, its literally that simple.

Wilderness-PKing is enabled, thats why they‘re gone

Dumb. So dumb.

Fun facts: National parks commonly have mountains, so there are lots of boulders around. Many also contain lakes, rivers, and streams. So, the fact that those elements may be nearby any incident in the wilderness is not a coincidence, nor an indicator of nefarious activity. Park Rangers are not law enforcement, nor do they investigate crimes and missing persons. They will arrange and organize search parties, but the search parties usually operate autonomously and call of their own searches when they deem it appropriate. When a person dies in the wilderness, they are likely to have their items dispersed around by scavengers, if not predators that may have caused the death. This means that if a man had a heart attack somewhere along a remote hike, mountain lions, bears, or other animals could pick up and scatter the remains, sometimes even eating the bones. It’s mysterious when a person goes missing, but there will be a natural cause of it in the overwhelming majority of incidences. It makes for a good story, but it’s reaching to suggest that there’s something nefarious about every case. It’s tacky and disrespectful to the deceased and their friends & families to allege that there could be some conspiracy theory behind it. Be better than that.

what’s with the fosters cans?

Bigfeet aren't going to just go and abduct people. Firstly, it annoys the Greys, secondly it violates the agreement they have with the Reptoids... and thirdly it would just mean they have to deal with the dispute resolution lawyers from the Illuminati and Templars and at that point they quite lose the taste for human flesh...


You realize he picked the cases for there similarities right?

For the most part, these cases are Darwin at work.

this not a park bruh this a scp

What a crock of shit. Top5s needs to add a link to the aluminum foil page on Amazon.

This is only a mystery to people with no wilderness experience. It's incredibly easy to get lost and die in the wilderness, especially in the mountains! And in rugged terrain (e.g. places with boulders and rivers) a perfectly still, but not yet smelly body can be a metre away from a searcher, and not be seen. Cavity's, cracks, bushes and gullies, even small ones can kill you. And they say that one of the issues linking these people is often a disability? This is not a big mystery. This is people in the wilderness, making mistakes.

I know I should be taking this seriously but the narrator sounds like a character from Harry Potter so I keep laughing when I shouldnt Feelsbadman :-/

Stacey was abducted and either raped/murdered or smuggled out of the park and trafficked.

Ron died from health related issues and wasn't found due to incompetence of the searchers.

This whole thing just fell down as soon as he mentioned Australia. Clusters.. yeah whateva. We always find our whingy whiney arse bush walkers and dumb arse immigrants shooting our wildlife. We can only wish that more wogs and lebos disappear in the bush

A mountain lion can turn pants inside out?

Sounds like the Derry disease

When you understand the important fact that aliens have been residing on this Earth since we have been here millions of years ago. This makes the countless missing persons list in these areas a fucking no brainer. Research Bob Lazar and Witness Testimony. We are being lied to by the Elite.

I can say from personal experience how easy it is to get lost in the forrest. And when it happens, you’re confused, frightened, and completely out of your element. It’s much worse when it’s have hyperthermia to worry about. If that happens, you start feeling drunk, like you’re not sure why you’re so clumsy, then the sleepiness comes....I remember being so tired for no reason, I sat down and started to fall asleep. I got lucky bc the sun came up shortly after I fell asleep. If not for that, I would’ve died in my sleep. That’s how hypothermia works, you simply pass out and die. Crazy.

You want a new identity? Well just go to a national park.

YOUR NATIONAL PARKS ARE VERY DANGER, AMERIKANS. Don't you find it strange that no one cares about the government?? I do, even find it somehow questionable.

Turtle head peek?

I would much rather die in nature at the hands of nature, than a drugged up old man alone in a hospital bed.

Oh yeah. If your in a unfamiliar, wild, large area, and you are totally inexperienced at this, and alone, you can, even quite likely, will disappear off the face of the earth. Ask Alaska.

The one thing that concerns me the most is all the people drinking Foster's !

This is how they recruit for the SCP foundation. All these missing people are now scientists.

that’s what i said bro these parks are an scp

We have spacial agents for the park services?

i heard tupac rangers and got excited for a sec, then realized he meant two park :c


They were taken by Ebens.

They quit searching in a week.

So the FBI doesn't search for missing persons? That will be very surprising to the thousands of people they have found while investigating missing persons cases. The only way this video could be more full of shjt is if it were a cow's anus. Great work not doing even a minimal amount of research for info that any average individual in the US could have told you.

My guess is animal predation.

The hills have eyes...

Perfect for Joe Rogan we need to get him on Rogan's radar hell do it

Your title needs to be corrected from disappearance to "disappearances". Very misleading title.

Its always a conspiracy. Especially when someone is looking to profit off the story. There's nothing unusual about these disappearances. National parks are full of people from the city. People get lost easily. They panic and do dumb stuff. Then come the documentaries complete with chilling music and creepy narration making suggestions of some unknown creature being responsible. Of course videos like this are just in search of answers and have nothing to do with the money. Guess it's just a coincidence that these stories are so lucrative.

Tupac Rangers?

Just because it's considered a criminal investigation doesn't mean there are suspects, you dolt. It means they suspect there was a crime committed. In that case it's perfectly legal not to turn over the case file in a FOIA request, and reasonable to question why you're interested. Duh. And in a criminal investigation they only make public what they want the public to know. Obviously they aren't going to show their cards. I want my 11 minutes back, but at least I didn't waste any more time on this nonsense.

The people are being abducted and used for experiments. It's the times they got sloppy that cause the cover up and information refusal like the case involving Stacy.

Thank you Top 5, thank you. From the bottom of my heart thank you. Thanks to you, now I’m never going to leave my house ever again.

its your police and authorities. they target people that's why its genius people you say. they take bribes to fulfill contracts from globalists who see peoplekind as a herd of animals to be managed. they only want the stupidest most retarded to breed and kill the smart, decent folks off.

WTF is up with the Fosters product placement?

In the case of Stacy... why didn't David go after the agent that refused the FOIA request? It's illegal, and very suspicious, to do so. there is obvious foul play at hand and easily could be the key to many if not all the disappearances.

Is there even a place called Tenure Peak? Googling the name only brings up Missing 411 stuff and when checking maps I can't find any place called that in the area mentioned.

They follow the same pattern because they're the same very very ordinary (though very sad) sequence of events. Hypothermia, confusion, death. Perhaps a few lost to animal or human predation. Any suggestion otherwise is a ridiculously transparent marketing device. Playing on gullibility and a lust for theatrics, in order to extract dollars.

I grew up next to Shenandoah National Park in Virginia and spent countless days and nights in it over the years. You get lost in a park that big, and I've been in parks all over the world, you get lost in a park that big, and you don't know what to do and you lost your cool, especially in cold weather, I dunno.

Your voice is so calmly unsettling, amazing for this kind of videos

5:08 Have they ever asked people who went missing but were found why they removed their clothes? Seems weird to me.


I think it’s just people who think they’re more experienced with the outdoors than they really are. Simple as that.

They should have dragged the waters of that lake she was headed to (the first girl that is).

"Problem" is an understatement. I've been following a lot of these cases for several years. It's very frustrating and I believe some interdimensional crimes are happening.

shouldnt the profiles match? isnt that the whole point, yet each time aside from 1 thing in common they're different

ya know... i've noticed the disapering searches end like REALLY quick this is just what i've seen from news coverage on them from england...

Damn. Stacy was beautiful.

i watched the film. it was good. I wish it was a bit longer though.

Chuckles about such a classic conspiracy theory. Stops smiling when sees that there are 3.1 million people subscribed to this channel.

The ex-cop/author/"investigator" is nothing more than a clever con man who has been writing books for years, dragging out this big collection of missing persons cases, and never coming to a conclusion as to what is causing them or how they are ever DIRECTLY related. He just keeps selling his self-published books and I guess some documentary with no real end in sight. Any reliable people who have looked at this say that with the amount of parks and the amount of visitors, it is right about the average frequencies of deaths and by the expected causes of death. There is nothing evil happening

its the vash navada

Stop mumbling pls

Calling it right now: there's a serial killer park ranger.

hmmmmm, no wonder Jaryd went missing in the mountains. He was hiking in the Colarado mountains, which simply do not exist.

Watch the first season of True Detective. Christain groups huh.

My cousin disappeared as a kid from a national forest, if we didn't keep records of the event they wouldn't exist, law enforcement has no record after all these years (happened in the 1950's).

Lowkey might be people abducting people for their organs and selling them on the black market. You might be surprised this shit actually happens. I used to live Egypt and many kids would be missing and found in the mountains with their vital organs ripped out.

an amphibious type of predator with optical cloaking abilities

Tupac rangers?!? What’s that bro? @ 0:02

I think they was all pulled in to bear dens and stored for food by the bears like that Russian man they just found

People get lost and violated by bigfoots in the woods all the time.

At 3:30 into this i sense there is someone stalking and hunting humans in our national parks.

Missing clothing: Hypothermia. Don't just dismiss it with "we know it's not."

I thought he said 2pac gangsters

17:29 I think wearing a 411 tee shirt is a bad omen.

Americans murdering people and blaming aliens again. What a scummy nation. Yuk

No one remembered the buddy system

Abducted into Secret Space Programs, feels bad

Lets face it, the rapist's got them

The tonal range on the black and whites is beautiful.

What a load of absolute gash. Shame on you for pushing this man's agenda. Pallides is a fraud.

The Native Americans we haven’t discovered them yet eating people live in a cave somewhere.

Ppl aren't gonna willingly get cloned or tested upon. They gotta get their subjects from somewhere...

yeah, hospitals, not out in the middle of no where

I thought a piece of the mountain was missing cause of the thumbnail pic

Lmao. Stfu. There ain't shit their but some weak humans and animals that can killnyoum end of story.

Triangle with a G in it

Dave is a couk. People get lost in national parks, it happens. Dave holds talks and seminars you pay money to buy tickets for. He is using what is mostly coincidence to make money.

this documentary was shit. spoilers: aliens did it.

When you started talking about the noise at the end I was hoping you were gonna play it :/

Safest thing, if you go into the parks, don't go alone.

The FBI or Police only finds you if you go missing from Prison.

Here is a possible theory why the FBI got involved. Genetically modified human/beast is on the prowl . Maybe even a bigfoot/human hybrid gone bad. Anything is possible with the undoubted genetic messing around that has been going on for a very very long time.

lol u watch too much TV dumbass

Aliens are the least of our worries, our own governments are evil and we are nothing but cattle to them.

Lab rats. Big Pharma is Big War.

there is no substitute to human error there are no ghost,ufo well until one lands and starts lasering our asses ill believe it,rest of ya's are stupid morons,get a real life and stop playing with your imaginary freinds,ufo lol flat earthers LULZ,GhOST LMFAOROTF...if you believe in this crap you are an easy target for a cult to brainwashed you,sign up here... our leader is zoggzwad of planet doombalduff give me your women and money and ill give u eternal life ..gimmie a break.. disclaimer for the idiots there is no zoggzwad or doombalduff planet.....LULZ

they all go to Mars like John Carter

Had to thumbs down for so many commercials

Gerald killed Stacy

Just saying a 5 mile squared search areas is fucking massive, especially in the woods or rocky terrain where it is difficult to move, this is why the searches even go on for a week because with only a few dozen people search they probably can barely cover a mile squared in a day if they were careful. Now there might be something to these cases this person studied i'm not sure, however the similarities he points out does lead to a few possibilities which seem rational. 1 disappearances near water and difficulties finding bodies may indicate that the bodies were carried away by a current, thus potentially they slipped into the water and hit something hard and lost consciousness or were injured to the point of not being able to swim. 2 disappearances near water and missing clothing, especially pants and socks may indicate the person was going for a swim before disappearing further reinforcing the first point. 3 disappearance near "boulders" (dunno how big something has to be to be classified as such) may indicate death due or disabling injury from impact on a rocky surface. 4 extreme weather events near disappearances, fucking duh people are more likely to disappear in bad weather conditions. A Final point, canines are not some kind of living bio tracking device and can fail to pick up scents or lose scents after awhile especially in areas with many different scents like a forest. Finally as a last point even if one does not die from a animal attack a dead or injured body may very well be detected by a animal and moved elsewhere which is probably a big reason bodies are often not found. Now i have not seen the original source material and it may be a amazing read/watch and may truly uncover something abnormal however no matter what it may say about these cases this video does not represent it well, it has done nothing but state a few loose connections and points of data with spooky music and visuals to make it feel like something abnormal is occurring here. The only things which i see as weird or abnormal are the fact that given everything said here is true, the search is almost always stopped after around a week and that apparently a lot of people disappearing are "genius"(people who are smart or have accomplished something). As far as the first point goes unless i am unaware of some search and rescue protocol this does seem weird that the search always stops after a week, i mean sure they are probably dead by the end of a week but surely some people go missing with supplies which may indicate that they could live for longer then a week. Next the fact that people who are more accomplished go missing often, although i am suspicious of this claim as 2 of the 3 cases in this video seem to be of absolutely normal people but if this is true it would seem weird especially the fact that experience hikers would go missing. Perhaps the original material proves why my doubts are misguided and that something abnormal really is happening however i got non of these feelings from this video.

If you are a rookie hiker, and you end up hiking further than your fitness level, the first thing that usually happens is that your feet get sore and start blistering. Alternatively its common to step in a puddle and end up with wet socks, which is incredibly uncomfortable and also starts to blister fast. If you get lost then you are going to be hiking further than expected. It therefore seems not strange at all to me and in fact almost expected that a large portion of lost hikers would remove their shoes at some point, often just before the rest of their body gives in to fatigue.

They take off their clothes because of hypothermia, i saw videos on this. They hallucinate and think they're burning up but they're actually dying from hypothermia, which is also why they are found by water, the freezing cold water is their last resort to cool down.

What the hell is a Tupac Ranger?

Geraldine Largay "disappeared" from the AT in Maine in 2013. She was later found dead of starvation. It turns out that volunteers and Navy personnel had come within 200 yards of her tent at least once, but she had apparently not heard the searchers, or was too weak to respond. Because the radar area is still restricted (although the radar is supposedly no longer in use) the volunteers had been "put off" by the Navy in going all the way to the restricted boundary. The Navy, in their turn, searched the perimeter, but not outside it, and so a gap of several hundred yards was left in the search area. I'm not sure if dogs were ever put into use, but I doubt it, since search dogs are seemingly "frowned on" by NPS, USF&W, and USFS. A tragic stupidity. Stupidity and/or criminal violence can explain almost all of these "disappearances". Nothing really conspiratorial or "other worldly" about them, but I guess it makes for great click bait.

These people are being snatched up by teams of black ops, they know that I know and I am gang stalked as a result

Big foot?

I’m ex Australian army Was on a training excise in NSW one of the largest training areas takes 6 hours to drive one end to The other or longer I woke up had my hand on something smooth felt Around blood turned to ice as I knew what it was turned my torch on it was a human skull

Paulides is a crook. Profiteering off the dead.

Disliked the video because of the absurd amount of ads

It really blows my mind no one is talking about this shit. I mean this is really happening....


2:35 It's the fucking *PREDATOR?*

It's so easy for an inexperienced or experienced clutz to step wrong and fall off the side of a mountain. There are people who die from falling over on a sidewalk when going for a jog in their neighborhood. Insert objects people hardly ever encounter in daily life (rocks, boulders dense underbrush and tree stumps) and you have a recipe for danger. Falling down a steep slope will likely have you airborne for considerable distances, enough to leave no scent. And of course if a predator snatched a small person it might not drag a scent around. There are eagles large enough to fly off with little kids, talons strong enough to crush bones and digestive acids strong enough to dissolve it. Apes that can carry away full grown adults, cats that can carry the weight of 2 adults up a tree. And many of these animals are *highly* adept at snapping the spine of their prey on first contact, never mind ripping off salty limbs (feet) for a seasoned lunch. Leave some free food in the wilderness and it will be gone within a day, after a week... People far too readily ignore the inherently problematic nature of wild animals and dense forest, and how they have always been the source of ominous vibes and spooky stories since civilization began. It's only our narcissism that prevents us from seeing how narrow and weak our awareness can be, and how often it causes "inexplicable" disasters. It's only the sensationalism of city dwellers that allows people to think that you need something supernatural or covert to explain what happens when tamed humans meet untamed wilderness.

I have 3 theories: 1. Bigfoot 2. Alien abduction 3. A cult or a witch abduction similar to the Blair Witch Project

ur a dumbass haha - none of those even exist IRL, unless you're saying Harry Potter is real hahaha

What the fuck is wrong with your voice? Speak the fuck up!

the sum up is a complete crap

Being an expert just means you have a higher probability of reacting to problems and is just a factor in a chain of events and shouldn't be used as a reference as you may gloss over some important facts.

Rocks bad weather water...... REALLY! in the woods.... Nooooo way

We're big brother keeps the fallen angels.

Can you speak up a bit? I had to turn my laptop all the way up just to hear you whispering.

I hope one of these really smart detective slash author guys writes a book about all these cases of people dying after mysteriously losing control of their cars. Connected elements include: highways or streets that connect to highways, traveling at night, weather, the presence of a mobile phone in the car, road signs nearby, driving on a spare tire or with a spare tire in the trunk, mechanical failure sniffing dogs are unable to detect anything wrong with the car, and the list goes on. Some people say it's aliens, but I think back masked lyrics are somehow to blame. No one can say for sure

was that guy and his brother both named Allen?

Buy an m4 with a 100rnd clip.

LMFAO this is fake as fuck. You mentioned how people disappear near water, boulders, and something with their shoes, and then the first incident just so happens to have all three of these things mentioned. People get lost, its a huge fucking forest. Get used to it.

Aliens and Government. Government Aliens.

Have none of these people ever seen Wrong Turn


K 1st of all 1st think that most people don't realize is these are stretches of the vast wilderness deadly and forgiving there is a longer list the many logical reason of different ways that can explain all these things on how and why these people are dying, that even a average person can Google. 2nd of all just because these people are highly skilled at their domestic jobs doesn't mean anything in the wilderness. I have personally lived in the deep forest forest of in America for year long stretches and I can tell you for a fact the domesticated people can freak out and make their situation deadly with little to no effect. I am a military and learned professional wilderness survivor and I can tell you for a fact if you are not prepared for certain things you can lose your shit and in up dead very easily! It is no magical mystery why domestic people go up missing and dying in the deadly harsh wilderness because nature does what it does and it does it well!?! Domestic people need to realize how serious wilderness period. As has been proven by the evidence Left Behind!? An Furthermore on the whole dog tracking issue, I can tell you for a fact on average most people where industrial body fragrances of some sort that can totally mess up a dog's sense of smell and make them on trackable. So it's not that strange to not find bodies & To top it all off you must remember that carnival will eat human bodies and take peice to other places like there dens. Which are usually under ground. So yeah not to out of the ordinary for domestic humans to go missing and die!? But what's strange is not alot of domestic humans Utilize people that are trained and have experience in the wilderness!? AND this is simply because of domestic humans under estimating & under preparing for the deadly wild national parks. And this is just another on the long list of reasons why I weep for humanity!?

this is dumb. all of these cases mentioned had fairly resonable explanations. the only thing unsettling is the narrators tone. these cases are tragedies but resulting from inexperience in one way or another. also trying to find a missing person is quite difficult in the vast wilderness. People should try to understand survival techniques before exposing themselves or their loved ones out in the vast dangerous wilderness. this video should try to do this argument some justice instead of capitalizing off and disrespecting these unfortunate events. Its a dangerous and cruel world out there and around every corner there is a boogeyman metaphorical or not. its inevitable for there to be unexplained disappearances when the only persons motivated to explain them is people who lack the know how and resources.

It seems to me that the buddy system should always be in use no matter how experienced someone is. There aren't any stories of 2 or more disappearing at once with basically no trace but maybe I'm over simplifying

Give this man a nobel prize, he's just discovered that the earth is full of rocks and water.

Hi I might sound stupid for this but if you’re one of the family members or friends of the missing, in my country we had similar cases, It is a creature that is doing this, the creature is ape like and animalistic in nature, able to mimic any animal cry, able to conjure up any weather condition based on how they are going to take their victim, can be strong winds, day into night, this creature loves eating the victims fingers, eyeballs, toes, They are able to eat the victims intestines from the inside without opening the skin, the victims dead bodies feel really lightweight when found. They can lead you astray also by mimicking or transforming into a person you know. They won’t eat the whole body, just certain parts they like. They often stalk their prey before eating them or luring them away,normally if you see a small animal or some sort that isn’t afraid of you, or that’s not specific to that region or doesn’t match that location. We thought they only lived in our country but with videos like this, we now know they live everywhere. But who’s gonna believe us.....

What is the creature called?

So many similarities. Obvious or not obvious disability, wearing clothes or not wearing clothes, pretty broad descriptions. Idk, but all these cases seem very different to me, not sure what theyre getting at, maybe i should finish the video, but i feel like Im wasting my time lol

Grizzly bears sometimes drag a kill up to a KM away, and routinely bury the carcass so they can return later and eat the rest...

True, but one would expect a dog to be able to track that, or for there to be a very obvious scene where the person was attacked.

Cant build on national parks.. theres something under them

"Point of Seperation", I don't understand why this would be in common with missing persons. That is soooooo amazing. It's like everything on that "profile" list is so specific... Rocks, Water, 7 day search period. I think the probability of finding somebody after the 3rd day is like 40% and it is cut in half or more each day after that do by the 7th day there is almost no chance. That's why the searches are called off. Yup, people go missing in clusters.... they are called parks, where most people go out into nature. It happens to experienced hikers/hunters, want to know why? They are experienced.... they take more risks when they go out, like hiking alone. The Christian Singles group was reckless, agreeing to take a child out and not doing only what the father was informed about as well as not assigning a "buddy" guardian to keep and eye and go with him. I've got something to add to the profile, no accountability. Be it the parents, or the camp counselors, or the individual there is always someone to blame. If your going to go hiking solo, make sure you have a minimum 3 mile radius radio, and have check in times at planned intervals. But better yet never hike alone, if you have to pee or poop, keep in talking range while doing you business and keep up a conversation. For one it makes sure you know where each other is and for two it deters many animals. Other then that, even if your on a well traveled path stick together. It's easy to get carried away and lead off or fall behind, but don't be afraid to speak up and communicate.

people dont seem to understand how easy it is to get lost ... just to attempt to put things in perspective everyone try to walk a straight line without a reference point to look at ...

ikr, it's like swimming out into the middle of a lake and then being surprised if u drown, ur not MEANT to be there, just bc u can don't mean u should

In 2009 2pac rangers.....

Just goes to show you, the Hills Do Have Eyes.

Some Blair witch project shit going on

so are you trying to say Harry Potter is real?

This is a really well-made video, content is on point, not too long or too short, the narrator has a nice voice, good ambient music with an atmospheric feel. You just scored a new subscriber.

Why the F**** is the narrator speaking in hypnotic tones. It is quite purposeful. Fuck you


Who cares! Why does the narrator sound like he sitting down and drinking tea.

It's to lull us all into a false sense of security...

Mitrice richArdson fits this theory

USA is evil.!!!

As an Aussie can ask why the hell are those people drinking Foster's? Aussies don't even drink that dog pi$$. Anyways I like your clip keep up the good work.

Is his documentary on Netflix ?

This sounds like u know to much why so preoccupied buddy huh u like killing hikers

Mountain Lions

Are national parks a cover up for covert government experiments?

Double ads are getting old.. I can tolerate one but 2 makes me click off the video... If I want ads I'll listen to FM, AM, radio and watch UHF VHF T.V ...

People go missing at wide open undeveloped areas with no signs, wild animals, and no infrastructure. And it's only a major story or search for about a week after which their most likely dead? The hell you say.

You are nothing but a lunatic and a scumbag he knows how to stretch on his videos to make money. You probably don't even believe this crap. You're nothing but a scumbag. Go look in the mirror and understand that you're looking at a bad human being who is a scumbag. Oh, and your voice makes it sound like you have a penis in your mouth. Which I'm sure you commonly do. You're a piece of crap

Peoples always to try link everything doesn't matter if it make sense or not. Especially those people who try to get profit by selling conspiracy book from Reptilian Alien to Bigfoot story.

What's the best place for a kidnapper or assassin to get their prey?? A place where there are few witnesses. To prove my point a serial killer snuck up to a couple camping and hiking in the Appalachian mountains and killed them both. He got caught later because he raped the girl leaving his DNA. Simple solution go armed . I would rather use self defense and a firearm evens the playing field

This should be made into a netflix series

2Pac rangers

Sorry but this is just a fat load of shit. I spend a lot of time hiking and mountain biking, I've spent many nights backpacking and camping alone, I know people who work or have worked search and rescue, I've meet people saved by search and rescue, I frequently hear and see stories about it because I live in an area with some of the most out door recreation in the country. Search and rescue efforts can be called off for several reasons, even just because searching has been fruitless. The fact of being near water or rocks is not at all surprising, those are 2 of the biggest attractions for hikers. The dog not being able to find them just seems like a fluke that could happen, they're not fool proof and high traffic areas like a national park will have lots of scents from lots of visitors, ESPECIALLY if hidden in plain sight because that means they're near a trail which has lots of traffic. I could see someone removing their boots, a lot of people who aren't experienced hikers might not have broken in or well fitting footwear and remove their shoes because they are causing blisters. Also there's like 10 ominous signs set forth and a lot of these cases didn't even have them all, and I find it to be relatively not compelling that any of these things would happen for a missing persons case like this. Geographical clusters has a stupid easy explanation, it can just be an area where a lot of people lose the trail or their bearing, like if there's a turn and a lot of people will just keep walking forward, sometimes following a game trail. I'm sorry but this whole thing is just designed to make more of a mystery out of edge cases for missing people than it is to actually investigate anything seeking actually tangible answers. None of these recurring clues seem to really signal any kind of actual commonality between cases, it's just making false correlations to propagate a campfire ghost story

Why am I so scared

Young children are the target of choice for perverts or sexual predators as they are totally vulnerable and easy prey! It seems our society has fallen under the influence of evil designs and this phenomenon of disappearances is probably a result of opportunity and moral decline. Who would ignore a young child in need or not pay attention to their responsibility of keeping an eye on them!!!! I for one feel that a door has been opened and evil is more prevalent today ready to prey on the helpless and innocent!!!!


This guy is selling " the scare" without offering a crumb for solution. The definition of a paid FAKE.

put some fkin bass in your voice son..

In my experience, two kinds of people are pretty consistently strange-- rich people, and mountain folk. Put them together, and you've got all those people who own all those ranches. They can afford Manhattan. They can afford the Bahamas. They can afford Beverly hills. Instead, they choose to have a five mile buffer zone between them and their own fence. And, still speaking from experience, they spend a strange amount of time patrolling that fence with binoculars, a camera, and a rifle, stalking anyone they see in the adjoining park. Do you really think they're not hiding anything? Those parties aren't searching wine cellars.

I always loved nature. I always loved camping, mountains, natural scenery, forests, small country roads etc. But now I suddenly feel terrified of nature. It's really difficult for me to digest actually. I always felt the country was where I wanted to be. I lived in a city my whole life, but would occasionally go to a campground for vacation as a kid. I waited all year for that vacation. I hated how cities were so dirty, congested, and just ugly. I always planned to move to a rural area once I got my life together. But I'm questioning that now. How could areas so beautiful and peaceful also be so sinister? This is definitely unsettling for me...

IMO many of these missing campers, hikers, & hunters are being abducted via portals and these are all over the world. There's online info available re: this theory. As for what or who is within these portals, I feel is something very nefarious which I won't even begin to speculate as the truth is often stranger than fiction indeed. Coincidentally, there are also networks of underground military bases/installations beneath many of these mountainous regions within or near these parks. Is there a correlation in terms of many of these disappearances? I think so. Lastly, a few people who miraculously survived these portal-like experiences have described it as being just like the other 411 stories: everything going quiet, etc. Interestingly, these few survivors also spoke of feeling sick, energy depleted, and overheated almost like they were coming down with the flu while they were within this these portals; which also explains why clothing and shoes are sometimes found. Anyway, this is a bizarre rabbit hole to contemplate. (Disclaimer: all of the info I just shared is for entertainment purposes only ;^)).

Really thought I'd be able to sleep tonight since I've barely slept in two nights. Oh whale...........

Is this torvestas other channel?

Ever heard a fisher cat??? It sounds like a baby being tortured

Stacey Arras

Are they still finding clowns in the woods?

I really like the narration in this one.

Pooosibly mountain lions can cover the scent of its prey?

Makes sense to me, ive heard they could even turn your skin inside out...

And also cause their prey to take take their clothes off and turn the clothes inside out

The Clinton Crime Family???????????

hunter check. Subway check. garbage person check.

This is an American story, why do they have a mumbling muffled Brit as the narrator? He is hard for me to understand. I am so tired you all not taking enough care about your sound! Stop the too loud music drowning out the spoken word, and how about you guys recording in an echo chamber. Stop it! You ruin what you are trying to covey!

Serial killers??? What better place?

This is hilarious! some campy acting but good shit

High level scientists and doctors could be intelligence kidnapping

Why couldn't you say it was a ghost from the beginning and saved me the wasted time of watching?

Please talk normally and I'll watch

Camping in the Smokeys next week!

Just watch the Australian movie ,The Killing Grounds! That will make you feel nervous about camping in the woods...

I would like to see if CanAm Missing Group and it's support functions could try to solve this mystery of disappearances and the cause of it, by digging deeper into this and not so often to look the missing cases after things have gone wrong already, right? This serious phenemonem is ongoing and will repeat itself in these clusters areas at least, as long as we understand it by now. They could take a step forward and leap themselves into the very moment before the next disappearances occurs and be close by. If there is a real will to carry out this with the help of modern technology, almost everything is possible! Not only to sell books, organize events, radio shows afterwards, even though nothing wrong with that. For the start, they could approach this by setting baits in to the forests, arrange and organize for a few seasons lasting task force unit dedicated to this project, with let say at least a dozen volunteer “baits” hikers, these hikers to be scattered to hike on agreed times, in agreed trails for instance in Yosemite, Devil's Creek, Devil's Rock, Smoky Mountains, Glacier National Park etc. inside so called "hot spot" clusters where the people have gone missing over the decades. These hikers should come with the needed experience and to be well equipped with online, recordable GoPro 3D cameras, microphones, tracking devices hidden and attached well in their body etc. Task force unit then scattered beforehand in smaller teams for distance with advantage points, listening and observation etc. ready to engage if and when something goes wrong. All of the early and later findings, bizarre or not would be then well recorded, filmed, documented for later processing and understanding the truth behind this mystery. Do they have will power to do this? I would think so. Do they have the finance? I would think so. After listening hundreds of radio shows, red most of the Missing 411 series of books and articles, and could imagine the thousands and thousands of sold books and merchandise by now.  Also there are many possible sponsors & supporters yet to be surfaced if the word spreads out that this kind of project will be kicked off one day.

sounds like a random portal somewhere

With the thumbnail, I thought a part of the mountain is disappearing and the rocks have similar patterns or whatever....

This some wrong turn freaky kind of shyyytt

Man let his kid get 1.5 miles ahead of the group?!?! Wtf?? Get that croc of shnit outta here.

A. It's just getting lost in the wilderness. B. It's the government C. Little green men

Maybe National Parks attract serial killers

14:26 why are them people laughing that are standing behind the victims family, and the family is crying. Something fishy here. Wait, they have beers in their hands, looks like it’s a celebration

If you choose to wander alone, unarmed, in places where you are no longer the apex predator, don’t be surprised when you’re preyed upon. I won’t even swim in the ocean, bcz fuck that.

Mountain Lions?

People vanish all the goddamn time, often without a trace. I'll grant you that some of the cases seem odd or unusual but anytime you have to reach for those tinfoil hats i disengage. The idea that there is a worldwide conspiracy of park rangers? that know about some mysterious threat and are covering it up is downright ridiculous. S&R grids are notoriously unreliable with miscommunication often leaving grids thought searched unchecked until later. As other commenters have mentioned experienced hikers often feel like that they can disregard safety rules and in a park complacency or inexperience can be equally deadly. It's super easy to become very lost very quickly particularly in wooded areas, particularly if you are panicked. Bodies will degrade very quickly in parks due to predators. All in all is it possible that it's some weird, unexplained global phenomena, yes. It is however far, far more likely that this is just a bunch of random, unconnected tragedies that have been grouped together by people who don't want to face the deadly and chaotic nature of the world.

Another conspiracy theory! Even uses the 11 from 9/11 as an eye catcher. I guess David made a good stack of cash from those books, and his documentary.

Its cougars, bears, crevasses, serial killers and walking into the wilderness as domesticated humans that's to blame

Alot of people in the comments section obviously have no idea about this subject. Its a very strange subject. The facts of the cases don't make sense. At all.

It's a super interesting subject but the first film was super disappointing.

Do we need the creepy alien music

I go into the woods all the time and have NEVER been even close to being lost...its so easy to remember which way you walked out there. I dont understand how these people get so hopelessly lost like this. Walk backwards in the same direction you walked forward is that simple. And just imagine how far lost youd have to be to not hear people yelling for you. Sound travels so easy out there with nothing else going on...

Why don’t Youtube introduce Comments for ads, they’re forced on us for at least 5 seconds so I reckon we should be able to tell the culprits how crap they are!

How come you only did the other well known cases on you tube. You said over 1200 were missing, why not pick a fresh one? Why the same old same old?


Sasquatch snacks...

Wait what's so crazy about this

Nothing strange about it people get lost in deep woods.They die from accidents,exposure,animals or killers.Its not bigfoot or aliens.Dont forget the easter bunny or portals.

15:12 plain sight* tho

They're all in a cave partying with Elvis, Michael Jackson, Tupac and Bin Laden.

We are not alone, and people are a valuable commodity

14:30 is this photo relating to the case at hand or just a generic stock photo? Because the people in the back are smiling.

0:02 Tupac Ranges

Big foot has advanced technology. Been saying it for years.

damn subterranean lizard people playing pranks!

This is clickbait..

Dogs will not track a scent if they pick up the scent of a large predator like a mountain lion or bear.

As I was enjoying the video I was told to get up and harvest more glorious potatoes. So I am off!

does this droning English accented bunch of silliness ever draw any conclusions? Watched until it became terminally clear- this is click bait! Why not put out some conclusion in the first few seconds and then play the evidence vid?

The sexual predator narrator voice is more unsettling than the video

I shouldn't be watching this ... my anxiety is going nuts!

Holy conspiracy theories. More importantly? Holy freaking commercials!!!

The national parks and forests are hotspots for serial killers. It sounds like the special agent denied the info because there's too many missing persons that could end up classified as, like he said, as a murder. The pigs hate paperwork because they're fucking lazy. But, they especially wouldn't want to actively get off their fat pig asses and investigate a full on murder. UP AND DOWN A MOUNTAIN. That's basically what it all boils down to, though. Laziness

Whenever I'm in the woods carrying my pistol on my hip. I run into the nicest of characters. Odd how that happens.

Deep woods. Deep state. Must be obama.

A serial killer would likely use water. Have a boat stashed, capture someone, remove their footwear so if they do escape they can't move quickly or get far so they can be easily caught again. Take them to the boat and go to another location. Dogs won't be able to track in those cases. Also he mentioned that typically there are rocks nearby. If you walk over rocks you do not leave a trail and you will be quieter because you won't be breaking twigs etc. underfoot nor will you be making noise moving thru underbrush and trees. So much more I could write.

Aww, the jared one is so sad

I bet the biggest cause is serial killers. In that case most missing people would be female. So I think more females go missing than males. There are probably multiple causes which account for the rest.

the narrator is creeping me out his voice is getting to me

Animals, some killed by humans, some trip, fall, die. Some get lost, can't survive because can't hunt, and lack knowledge of protein sources, fat sources. Some suicides.

Don't forget serial killers.

Victims being captured for darkweb red rooms. Cased blown wide open, boom. Where's my cookie?

Donald Trump should visit a national park

Not seeing any conspiracy here. They are huge areas of wilderness. It's pretty elementary not to stay from the group in such vast wilderness. Most of them probably got picked off by animals. Cougars sneak attack and eat hikers all the time


yawn this video essay is boring as fuck might as well be staring at a powerpoint listening to my retarded classmate being forced to present this crock of shit


Oh, I love DOUBLE ADD’S!

Send Rambo I'm sure he will take care of this problem killing is like breathing for the great and powerful rambo.he will not just find the people she will kill the abductors with a bow and a big ass knife

Yogi Bear.........?


I’d say most of these occurred from mountain lions,bob cats, wolves, maybe even a pack of coyotes. You also have to take into a factor that some of these people could’ve been killed by hanging tree limbs. My grandpa told me as a kid more people die from widowmakers then anything in the woods. Even if it doesn’t kill you it can injure you making it impossible to walk. Longer search missions would probably help too.

This video consists of pans of natural Forest parts in the United States I feel like you just took your camera around when you went to the forest and thought of a really cool fictional story and then wrote it off as if it were someone else's documentary because the thing is they heard a child scream but it was a playful screen rather than a Brighten screen which is a poetic line and conveys a great deal of imagery it's too good to reflect reality a a child laughs playfully as somber music plays in the background and the forest is in color and now it's in sepia and now you've transition scenes 2A gravestone jpeg that is fiction not a true story

It's where the Elite's sacrafice children and engage in there black magic rituals

Well done.

What if Jared got swooped on by a big boy eagle?

This entire thing leaves me feeling very unsettled

So what is the cause ManBearPig

*Sherlock Holmes: Wrong wrong WRONG!!* Internet: Literally its wilderness and also you said experienced hunters rarely go missing well this is one of the rare cases they go missing but you all think rare is impossible...

Also someone who is armed won't be messed with by a killer.


I cant focus with this guys voice it just keeps throwing me off.

They all follow the same pattern. Someone disappeared. There was weather. There was water somewhere. That's crazy.

I feel like this is selective anecdotal evidence. Ugh that’s not true about FOIA, the government has every right to determine the reason for the request. If they feel it’s not in the public interest when it involves national security, private parties, or minors they can deny it and then it goes to court if you keep pushing.

Wow. The simple seriousness of the narrarator's voice told me there was no chance that any of this was bullshit and I listened with apt intent as if my life depended on it.... NOT.

“And they all happened by water”... yeah national parks tend to have a lot of water

I intend to watch the documentary.. if there was a predator, how does it know when there would be someone walking in the trail or would be there camping?.. or does the predator just happen to be at that location?

The hills have eyes is real my friends.. you don't know who's living out in these deep woods! animals are the least of your worries in these desolate areas.

My understanding is that who or what had killed the people must had there body until the search was gone a put in plain site

I keep telling people that its extraterrestrials. There is large bases ..they have been there for a long time.. they are malevolent beings...their bases blend into boulders, water, trees, and the main entrances are in lakes...they walk around and have the ability to blend into all backgrounds... people dont want to believe..

Here's a list...

An Indian, um, Native American told me it's pay back time, and that the Spirits of his ancestors have returned in shape shifting forms, leaving no trace..

Common data points? Wilderness, stupid decisions, bad luck, death.

The strange noises we never got to hear in this video must have been sasquatch!

Well... I know what type of dreams I'll be having tonight D=

I slowed behind some friends on a hike and decided to turn back and almost instantly got lost. It’s truly bizarre to have a feeling of not having a clue which way to go. Even when I suppressed the panic, I didn’t move so as to not get more lost. Then, when I did start walking, I heard a gunshot in the distance and realized I was walking the opposite way I should have. Scary, very scary.

Maybe they went near the stairs

Probably a murderer hidden in the national park

Was at the grand canyon in January by myself! Carried a eight inch bowie knife always!

Is this a new conspiracy that the government is behind people disappearing in the woods? I believe it

Abductions by the Masters of hyperspace.

What was up with the photos of people drinking Foster's in that Kirk guy going missing?

I actually don't find this that mysterious. Interesting for sure, but in the woods/wilderness, it is quite easy to go undetected very quickly and get disoriented fast. On sidebar note, this is one reason I completely believe a species like Bigfoot can and likely does exist undetected by modern civilization.

That church group that let the kid go missing....trying not to judge, but man.... probably a case of dilluted responsibility.

The fact this video has 20/1 likes to dislikes.... is very telling how dumb ppl are in 2019.

Just remembered the creatures from the movie REC after watching this video

10:16: Are you sure that files investigating a missing person are open records? Sounds like there might be personal information involved, thus making it exempt from FOIA. And as far as "cannot be questioned why," please indicate the section of statute that prohibits this. Yeah, so it's 22 minutes without a conclusion. Come back to us when you found the truth -- idiots hiking alone are idiots. And with almost 1,200 square miles in Yosemite -- roughly the size of Rhode Island -- it's easy to see it would be hard to search all of it in a timely manner (i.e., before dying of exposure/dehydration/injuries).

i thought national parks are disappearing

So many points here are easily explained. Still creepy, just not very mysterious.

If they made it procedure for everyone who entered one of these national parks

It's the demagorgan isn't it.

I've camped alone for many years. Never seen anything funny.

Last of the dogmen?

It could have been Callisto, the chaos fanatic, crazy archeologist, or Venenatis just to name a few

I hope you voice is missing

Please do more you did this better than anyone I’ve seen yet

Jared's death is a result of stupid adults, who lets a 3 year old run ahead of a group unless you really want the kid gone? If that was my kid all those bums would get bloody noses

Aliens shape shift into sasquatch...they want to be humanlike ,but survive in the woods to observe..too strong to be overtaken...always believed in this theory..can change weather etc...

The search stops after a week because anyone injured and immobile would be dead of exposure or thirst by day 8.

camping gear 4 longer needed

stay home

I don't wanna say it's aliens, but it's aliens

Anyone at home in bed watching this all creeped out ?

Obviously they gangraped Stacey then killed her.. nothing mysterious here

I thought National Parks were disappearing

"Eventually the group realized Jared was missing" wow

They need to hand out homing devices,so they can kill Bigfoot when he snatches up people

Boulders!! What an amazing clue!!

Why would you let a child so young run ahead so far from everyone?

Parks are fun till Bigfoot eats you

Stop feeding Bigfoot humans at the park.

Bigfoot eats people at parks that's why they don't want to do anything

What do you mean by "missing feet". Are you expecting those in them shoes that got found? Otherwise you have to find the person to know that the feet are missing. If you found the person, you may still have a case of missing feet, but no case of a missing person anymore. If you find the shoes and miss the feet you most probably miss brains too. Then again: if you find a person but miss the feet you really shouldn't expect the presence of shoes. If you didn't find the person how do you know the feet are missing? Maybe you found feet without shoes. In that case the missing shoes are the least of your problems. Seriously! When you find shoes with feet in them, you don't miss feet but legs. You didn't mention missing legs...

Yup, I see that the vampires and werewolves are back at it again

The narrator calm voice makes this so terrifying to watch

Abducted by a Satanic cult.

Your Voice makes this even better! Great Video!

It must be the Predator.

The Jungle came alive and took him!

Jason Voorhees

Who the hell goes missing in the UK forests

I saw enough tourists trying to pet bison in yellowstone to make it clear to me that there is nothing mysterious about these type of dissapearances. Please use your head.

So sad about the little kid but on another note how and why the hell would you let a little kid of that age run so far ahead out of site in the wild wilderness where a animal could easily snatch and kill the kid very quickly who ever was supposed to be watching him should be slapped I would have never let my little girl out of my site or any little kid that was around me for that matter!!! It should have never happened his father should have been there with him or should’ve kept him with him at the camp site and not let someone who doesn’t know that you need to keep you eye on little kids at all times wether your at the store and a local park people take kids all the time and when your in a dangerous wilderness a predator will see a little kid alone and will most always attack cause they see the kid as easy prey for food shoot they attack kids even when there’s a grown up next to them for that reason but with this story what’s strange is that the kids pants were inside out and not torn so something fishing happened to that poor little boy and I feel horrible for his family I can only imagine the pain you’d feel for loosing a child in that matter and not know what happened for that long I wouldn’t be able to leave the are that’s forsure I look for my child till I died or found him or her alive or dead it just breathy heart as a father to a 6 year old little girl...

The missing are being kidnapped by demons and taken to teh Moon to labs where Satan uses them to clone them and make them into the false humans who will invade Earth as his army when he appears as the 12th Mahdi aka the Messiah of the False Jews and Muslims.

What fucking assholes took their eyes off a 3 year old in the forest.

Yeah... Jaryd got eaten by a cat... no mystery there

How do you avoid bears, mountain lions, leopards, snakes, etc. while hiking in National Parks?


- Double ads at the beginning and 4 during 22½ minutes. - Clearly made for the American TV Audience. I rate it 8/10, while only having watched 2 seconds. I can't stand the kiddo voice over. Had to see what people are whining about - Having adblock saves me ~120$ a year ;)

The aliens disguised them as bear poop and put them back on the trail.

With sprinkles on top.

whats the noise!

The reason why most people in yosemite might disappear is becasue there bears like fucking crazy on those trails.. especially if your heading for half dome

Ok so a Sasquatch takes a walk to the water to get a drink and discovered a snack or wife...

Because they are going away from vile scum that believe they can take over this beautiful space


If you go deep in the forest you'll find the answer to your question.

I bet people think the same about you. You're twisted. Not my President!

It's the Man Bear Pig, obvs.

Im scared to go to sleep now thx !

We are merely a snow globe to the ones who watch us from above.

I love snow cones! YUMMY

To skip ads go to end of video and press reply

Im too cautious to go into woods or parks, seen too many movies.

Who let's a 3 year old walk alone in the Wilderness?

The Octamom.

15:35 these people look like they do not know how to hike. They look like they're tourists just following a trail completely ignorant to their surroundings. I wouldn't be surprised if they went missing one day.

That helicopter crash seems VERY weird, the blades would have been spinning, but as it "lays" there, they would be unable to spin, aka they would have been destroyed

An old common Legend is heard often in the provinces of Mexico; it is said that portals are opened randomly, up in the mountain and Forest areas. This portals appear to display rare sightings that attract people to investigate. The portal openings blend with the surroundings, so it does not appear as a door or a passage most of the times. Some people never return, others are found dead in Far Away places, and others managed to return with time missing from their lifes. If you took the time to read this far, I asked you to look into this short 3 minute video↙ before you make a conclusion;

My ex's brother disappeared in a national forest several years ago. He didn't notify anyone that he was going hiking, or that he was even leaving his home, and he did not live anywhere near the area where his car was later seems that he simply decided to go on a walkabout in the wild by himself one day and was never seen's truly heartbreaking. If taken by Fae: hopefully he is partying and downing copious amounts of ambrosia, and that he returns...eventually. Regarding the alternate possibilities: things aren't always as they seem...but they usually are. In any case, I'd like to offer my condolences to the loved ones of the lost. I hope they all find peace and closure. Lastly, @Top5 if you'd like help with editing your audio so your voice can be heard I can help, and my price would be totally reasonable! Note that the audio in my videos was mostly captured with my cellphone (and nobody really knows about me at this point anyway) and until I'm raking in the big bucks on these double ads I'll be saving up for good cameras and a decent microphone by helping ppl just like you to be heard (and doing any odd job I can dig up, via internet witticism or otherwise) so don't judge too harshly there...though it's like impossible to hear you without attaching outboard sound to a cellphone and cranking it to the max. Just saying. Cool vid tho!

All the people talking about aliens and government and stuff like that really need to learn more about the outdoors... Do you know how many things can kill you in the wilderness? Do you know how to prevent or deal with black bear encounters? Grizzly bears? Mountain Lions? Snakes and ticks? Hypothermia, malnutrition, sodium deficiency, sleep deficiency? Infections and unclean water sources? Do you know how to make a fire in wet conditions? How to treat a wound? How to tell a safe mushroom from a poisonous lookalike? Most people don't, and a lot of people that go on backpacking and hiking trips underestimate the wilds. They go in unprepared and inexperienced, and sometimes die and vanish as a result. Honestly, some of you people need to stop coming up with weird conspiracies and get over the fact that real life is much lamer and more rational than you want it to be.

Should have made the title 7 numbers shorter

Bigfoot nomnom.

Why on earth do they use will find everyone quickly.

A lot if people in this thread are over simplifying this phenomenon. The profile points are odd and reoccurring. Dogs refuse to search. People, if being found at all, being found in places uphill, across seemingly impossible terrain, or found in places searched dozens of times before. Areas of high granite content or boulder fields. These arent your average missing person cases. No signs of being intercepted by animals. Whatever is taking these people knows when to take them, and is extremely efficient at it.

@who cares Couldn't agree more. Ive been following Daves work for about 4years now, heard all the interviews, read most of the books. I read and listen to a lot of odd stories from the abduction phenomenon to black eyed kids, stories of dogmen, the hat man, men in black, and on and on. The work paulides does quickly rose near the top of the most fascinating and bizarre.

Thaaaaank you!! I've been following this for a bit and it is truly chilling stuff, and people should seek more information before dismissing it as being blown out of proportion. So many repeating factors...


I'm thinking its probably giants living in caves. They are eating the people. Or scaring people to death that's why no cause of death can be determined.

Word of advice, don’t go to this forest period. Souls feed on new souls to become free weather it be water or on land.

Fuck you just read this earlier today

really trying to figure out what the angle is here like . what point is this trying to make

who cares i appreciate this reply but i'm wondering specifically if there are any ideas WHAT could be linking the disappearances, like the end of this video hinted/implied a supernatural reason.

There has been over the last 100 or so years around 1200 to 1300 disappearances in national parks in the same general areas with MANY bizarre and inexplicable details and factors. A lot of parallels among cases from across the country that seem to be clustered. I'm skeptical of everything but there seems to really be something to all this, you should definitely watch a couple vids about it. The scary part is these things happened to real people, as recently as 2 mos. ago.

its the satanic elite

Lol I'm camping this weekend

This is some pennywise evil going on here ..

Why did the adults let a 3 year old wonder ahead on his own. Unforgivable negligence

Xnothen this is known as a ‘vacation syndrome’ the baby that got eaten by an alligator in Disney World


Lets have some Fosters while we search for our lost friend.

Missing feet? Missing shoes? There is only one explanation that makes sense to me. Teleportation.



It sparked ideas in me to go there and disappeare or die. Just no one can find me.

What a trite way to get subs. The wilderness is dangerous but put it all in slow motion and ad eerie music and you got itself a winner Youtube channel. Lame.

Government is creating an underground world of genius people to develop an unbeatable war machine..U.S.A.!!!!!

Search have no idea what goes on in the confines of military intelligence agencies. I'm kind of uncomfortable relaying these ideas...

STEVE WILSON Good theory! At least I'm safe...whew!!!!!!!


Sounds cool but doubt it..

David finger banged my bung hole while my parents were on vacation.... He told me a finger in a young boy's bunghole was a good thing.

It is!!

Secret government -alien beings collaboration.....ssshhhh!!!

How come on on now ....

Who wants to go to the suicide forest in Japan?

I remember when you a pretty bad speaking cadence. You've improved a lot & now I can thoroughly enjoy your videos. Good work!

I wish you were hiking in a national park!

What park is this?

It's that damn old sasquatch

It's aliens. It's always aliens.

So a mountain lion took the little boys shoes of an pants, then turned the pants inside out, fuck of, there is either some peoples living in these places, or the group's are in some kind of cult, how could a group not notice a little kid missing for a long amount of time

Could it perhaps be dark matter? Or perhaps a mirror universe that we cannot see? I mean we are not far from that idea since scientists are already making experiments to prove that another parallel universe exist within ours but idk I guess I'm just hoping for that to be true.

Bears? Or ape-men?

bloody chupacabra

They are delivered death by water or boulders to suggest a cause of death. They actually died elsewhere by other means.


So I'm gonna strap a tiny cam on me, with a back up crew watching in their Van, and I'll walk alone and we will see what happens for 7 days and 7 nights ^-^-

Survivorman already did that

I would imagine that surveillance drones with infrared cameras monitoring those mountains at about a few thousand feet above the surface making ranging sweeps with sophisticated computer monitoring software could find all kinds ofthings going on, it could likely be a profitable business and also could aid search and rescue

I hears something once about the locations of the National Parks being very specific to hide something from the public!


Big Foot

It finish at nothing, basically buy the book 411

I can say that the movies missing 411 is very good.

People are being snatched for their organs.

I think someone got bored with hunting deer & bears.

What if stacy was secretly a tranny, that's why they found a dude?

Just watched the latest 411 documentary, tremendously disappointing.

Bigfoot found a willing food supply.

So what's the theory? Bigfoot? Aliens? Dimensional portals?

The FBI is *clearly* covering up for BigFoot.

Poor little Jarred. Why those adults let him get ahead so far is just mind-boggling. The father should have told an adult that he was putting them in charge of looking after the little boy. If you ever let your child go alone with a group of people, always ask someone or task them with looking after them.

May or may not have many things in common...strangely they all either began alive...and mostly end up dead...super strange...nature is suuuuuuuper scarrrrry....

Bigfoot is real and very hungry!!

TURN THE VOLUME UP ,!!!!!!!!!!!!

So we've learned that most people go hiking in the mid afternoon near water and that boulders are literally anywhere. Also to go missing you first need to be separated if you're in a group. I for one can't believe we don't waste more money and time searching past the first week when the likelihood of the missing person being dead already is so high as to be a complete waste of time. Finally experienced woodsman(read people in the woods often) go missing in the woods and stupid people home watching YouTube shocked by this info never go missing inawoods and you'd need to leave your sofa and become separated first for that to happen.

Wow, so no missing parks?

Wendigo defiantly a Wendigo :D

Really good video hope you make more like this in the future it sure is creepy thing to look into missing persons

Of course his first investigation was a feathered hair 70s girl. Family Guy reference joke

22 min of wasted time FUCK PEOPLE LIKE THIS GUY LIKE FUCKING SIRIOUSLY!!!!!!! Cunt.....

Well there's that plant in south America you can use to make a drug that makes people do whatever they're told. I saw something vice made on it back when they were decent. Then maybe there's some hidden underground hiding place underneath those rocks that are common around the disappearances. It's harder for people to get to rocky areas so they probably aren't searched as well. Someone used that drug to get the missing person to follow them voluntarily, then waited underground for a week while everything calmed down. The entrance underground could be sealed some special way to prevent dogs from smelling the person. Lots of genius level people are dissapearing so maybe it's some organization using smart people for something? That's my conspiracy theory.

Wait, hes wearing a "Missing 411" shirt, and ended up on the list later? 17:23

TheIronMcC123456 no he’s the father of Jaryd, the little boy who went missing.

Everyone that was suppose to watch that little boy should go to prison for neglect. Wow that made me sick. The weird part was the narrator acted like it was no big deal, next story. Who let’s a little boy run freely like he’s in his fenced back yard sick!

You're an idiot I hope you don't become a parent

Thanks YouTube..."Jerk" we are going hiking tomorrow.

Fuck, and here I am on a road trip of a life time going/seeing all the national parks.

All these stories prove: closet homos run away from home and possibly because most gays are also pedophiles they steal children too.

This is so boring, could have been done in 10 minutes. Bad production values too.

dude going missing isnt uncommon anywhere!

National forest police would be the PERFECT job for a serial killer!!! I'm sure it's every serial killers dream job

i still don't get why people go alone or with their families to the actual wilderness. Going to national parks and camping there i get it but the ACTUAL wilderness where people around close by within 1 mile radius is simply too dangerous. But i guess, to each their own :/ out of the kindness of my heart please think it over 1000x before embarking on a trek and make sure to take supplies and a personal locator beacon with you D:

I was always suspicious of Yogi bear as a kid. First picnic baskets start disappearing, then........

maybe they stumbled into a parallel dimension , where time is different and got stucked there.we are not alone here

Abd Wahid that’s one of the most logical explanations as crazy as it sounds

In idaho they have basically called off the investigation into a 4 year old who went missing 5 years ago by the Idaho/Montana border. I've been there. Very sasquatchy. Everyone feels horrible here - just 4 years old and gone without a trace.

National parks are made such because of what is underneath. There are many subterranean civilizations of various terrestrial and non terrestrial races, and many are located under national parks. The people are being taken.

Family of Big Foots keep trying to adopt humans but it rarely works out.

The nephilim are using some of us to get ready.

What is going on with your voice?

The F.BI.'s involvement in Alaska and all these national parks. To me is a clue right there

don't forget how the Missing 411 books are unbelievably expensive...almost as if someone is buying up all the books to keep them off the market

you know when someone is truly scared by something. they try and make a joke of it. cause something funny cant be scary or can it.

Portals. Theres a reason why these nationals parks are saved. Portals . They lie outside the artificial net of wifi and cell towers. Especially NEVADA.

@Nirvana I'm on it. Thanks!

1.8 million veiws!! This guys story LEGIT AF! better respect these mountains

Is there any evidence of this? And do you think it's a parallel universe situation or a fold in the spacial fabric?

It sounds crazy but it’s reptilians that why the land it set aside by the fed they come out of the ground with Cloaking devices it’s like a game an the need of human hormones

Goverment kidnappings for experiments.

Point of seperation means they got lost in the first place. Mid afternoon means right before it gets dark. Boulders mean open area where there are no trees and possibility of being spotted from above. Everyone has some disability. Dogs fail. By genius level he means has the means to vacation. Clusters mean popular trails that everyone visit. What is this nonsense?

Enjoy a beautiful hike or curl up in a ball in my basement because a hungry animal might be looking for dinner? Since the Bible says "fear not" 170 times (KJV), I'll take my chances with enjoying life, and let God decide if my time is up.

Not stopping me from my solo trip. If I was able to survive the savages where I live my whole life..I'm good

I’ve seen you comment on another video completely unrelated to this. Crazy I’m running into you again.

One thing to stop these abductions: GLOCK.

que pensive piano music . . . .

There a hundreds of supposed “migrants” living in our national parks...Look into that.

If I saw a shoe in the forest when I was hiking... I would think nothing of it...

the crooked park rangers know what's going on because they are hiding the files and calling off searches early. they are probably killing people and covering their tracks and they don't want to get caught by sharing the files. you would think they would want to help and be eager to share the files but they are trying to protect themselves or someone else by keeping them secret. it's either them or they were paid off by the samsquamptch crazy man in the woods.

Aliens are the least crazy explanation

I wish trump goes for a walk into the woods alone and hopefully never returns

Trump won. Get over it!

These sadly 100% fit the profile of missing people in woods and mountains all over the world. The problem that there is no single cause and dead people in places like that are very difficult to find. My guess is some small percentage are victims of foul place, either by people they are with or strangers but the vast majority just have accidents, there are enough survivors of very close calls that we can be pretty sure of this, had they not got a break just in time they would have become one of these mystery cases.

The Constantino Defillipis case had similar details...however he turned up in California 6 days after going missing in the mountains in NY

You tube has gotten too greedy. I have cut my time using it in half with this ad crap. GREED

That’s capitalism. Any other system would be government operated. Do you like the govt?

I say its the government! They need healthy people for testing all the shit, they want to kill us with!

Interesting subject.

Guy: "Take a hike" Me: No thanks

Rip Anna Frank

You bootlegged 20 minutes of the second production to pimp your own channel ?

It was the PREDATOR!!

Most are taken to a cia facility and brainwashed. They are trained to be Walmart door greeters.

Disappearances CAN leave no trace, if they are interdimensional occurrences. The skinwalker ranch happening involving the caretaker one night is an example of interdimensional activity.

Reptilians are responsible for many, but not all, of these cases. No, not grey aliens or 'little green men' - reptilians are native to our planet, and were here long before humans. They have underground cities all over. If you stray too close to one of the openings, you're a goner. Do the research; the truth is out there.

Duuhhhh..... it's Bigfoot trolling us

“We’ve hit the mother lode of genius’s to abduct!” Said no alien ever when visiting WV state parks!

I was disappointed in Missing 411 a lot of long long boring talk

Who lets a small child out of there sight in the first place

I bet few or none of these people would have claimed to be a believer in Jesus Christ, i bet the majority of these people are involved in occultic activities, even if its, non heavy weight stuff, like wicca.

Bigfoot did it. No feet feet

I have never understood the need to make everything so mysterious. As a large group of human beings, we tend to gather in similar locations, so of course the disappearance are in gathered locations...because that is where the bulk of the people are in those particular areas. Of course the searches are called off within similar times....because that is standard protocol. Of course many of the missing are doctors, lawyers etc....because they are the ones with disposable income to take such trips. Of course there are rocks and boulders around....because they are going missing in the mountains. Its sad for the families to have a loved one go missing, but it doesnt make it mysterious beyond understanding.

Where are the recordings of the weird noises.

To the narrator: you need more drive in your speech, you sound bored and like you are trying to hypnotize the audience. Try not to lengthen your T's and S's. Say the thought and not just the words. And emotion is not bad, even in a fact based video/documentary. It gives the audience something to identify with. At the moment you sound like salad dingers a bit, but I can hear you have a good voice.

Over 1200 people missing that's way too many to be your typical killer/serial killer...this is truly weird...I have never even heard of this before now

John And Abbey thank you

Here. Check this out

I got into it about 7 months ago. There’s more to this than you can imagine. I’ll see if I can find a link for you.

i knew i was right to stay away from national parks im such a genius

Fuck, I'm on a road trip to go see them all.

Why does the narrator have to have a British accent? You might save yourself some money by hiring some stoned drug addict and then cramming a few athletic socks into his mouth. These people cannot enunciate the English language at all! At least add subtitles!

Bears exist. Period.

what a bs

Check wild animal poop, you will find your missing person. Wild animals eat people.

It’s the 21st century. Why the hell are people still going outside ?

Sweet Cheeks let me grab my north face : dies..... let me grab my go bag : lives....

Sweet Cheeks their not and the inexperience is what’s killing them

WiFi down maybe

The small boy disappearance was a classic predator kill. The pants being inside out would be way the cougar would have removed them, as it also would have removed the shoes if it was feeding. It would also be nothing for a full grown cougar to carry/drag this small child up to where t was eventually found. Also, a week without finding any clues is pretty much the cut off point for any publicly funded search and rescue mission. The US Park Service has been accused before of with holding information to the public, especially if it is going to create a decline in visitors to the area. They have been guilty of repressing bear attacks and criminal activity in their parks, to avoid scrutiny.

*Poor lil Jared, he looked like such a sweetie pie!!*

If you have recordings of the sounds.. why didn't you post them?

He did. Search through his videos.

This is dumb. FBI does help on missing persons if requested by state or local law enforcement

Noonelikes PatrickReed Just look into it. I wasn’t trying to argue. Look into it. There’s plenty of stuff on here about it

@John And Abbey show your work. When?

That’s what I thought as well. Unfortunately, often this isn’t the case. They’ve repeatedly violated the freedom of information act.

A unique combination of things will be the reason or something is attracting people then killing them.

I was expecting for the ending to be “there may be a squach in these woods”

I wish Democrat congress would come into the woods. Or maybe the woods should come to them. America the beautiful.


knowing there's a "pattern" should make solving the problem easier.

It's Vril.

All those making wisecracks on this video - Do not mock or belittle something you don't or won't understand. Loved ones have been lost, families splintered and in deep pain & angush without closure to what may have happened to a wife, a son, a husband, a father, a daughter and the eternal suffering of hope against hope that they might return someday. Please have some empathy for those families and a prayer for those who went missing, never to come back.

I'm not saying I have any clue what might have happened to all these people who went missing, but what I do know, is the backwoods can be dangerous AF. I'm a professional survivalist/prepper, and have even gotten myself into some pretty dangerous situations. So someone who is unprepared and gets lost in the woods is probably not going to fair well. I don't think most people realize how quickly you can get turned around and lost in thick wooded areas. It literally only takes one bad decision to turn a day hike into a life or death situation.

How curious that 2 of these cases just so happened to occur while the missing people were hiking with Christians/Church groups..just thought that was a bit odd imo..

Elfs. Nasty cruel buggers, they were said to be. Liked themselves some "sporthunting", t'is said, and had a taste for "veal", too. Moo ha ha

Holy shit. All of them went missing near trees. The government is clearly up to something.

The fae...

There are Aliens at that Park.

People that hike are generally healthy and healthy vital organs are worth a lot of money so.......?.? Money is everything after all

Bigfoot did it

Alien abduction.

Nature is an invention designed to seperate us from our true selves. We can't get lost in nature, we are nature

Duh obviously Bigfoot is using these people as ingredients in his stew his great grandma used to make him.

Dont go in these parks....probleme solve...

It's obvious the government is involved. There's absolutely no reason for the FBI to be there, it's not in their purview. Trust no one.

It’s see eye aye they drag you down into the earth through their tunnels underneath the ‘protected’ parks

Starring Kurt Russell as David Paulides

The music from 2.45.!!!!!!

Wanna be found always carry with you a joint, got lost? no prob just light that sht up and you will be surrounded in minutes ¬¬ just sayin...

Too many holes in all the cases from preventing acces to the reports and officials getting way too involved.

I mean I took two steps and I felt the wind. Behind me but they people I was with run and scream I turn to get the back end of a owl big bird flying away that shit happens I promise you

Explains high elevation I had a owl try to grab before is why I say it

Is why the bodys are found with no shows and smell

There birds

Beware of The Mountain Men..............................................?

There dinner,,,Duh!! Lol

Forest ranger here, this is a lot of hypothetical/conspiracy bullshit. It doesn't matter your skill level you can still get turned around or killed by an animal. In SAR 72hrs is a rescue mission afterwards its a body recovery, while the FBI doesn't specifically look for missing people they provide inter-agency cooperation, because many departments have limited resources so other agencies come together to help one another all the fucking time. Case in point NPS MT. Rainier doesn't have to high altitude rescue capabilities for multiple victims so they call NASWI which sends out their own SAR helicopter crews to assist. I work closely with DHS to help patrol my AOR as we only have a handful of law enforcement agents between the DOI and DOA. My theories from seven years of experience with multiple federal, state and private agencies; The first and last victims descriptions were big cat kills no question about it hiking alone in cat country and being small easy targets. The second was more than likely a misstep and fell into the ravine not able to get out probably due to an injury eventually succumbed to dehydration and died. The third more than likely was exhausted, dehydrated, became disoriented and wandered off into the woods, with minimal supplies and from the photo not looking very physically fit he probably died from heat stroke then had his body drug off by animals. Its a big rough backcountry out there, that thousands of people enjoy annually without incident. My advice be aware, be prepared, never go alone and always let multiple people know where you are going and when to expect you back.

Can you SPEAK UP ?

Stopped watching the second the ad came up

“Search the slow moving river”... how was that slow?

This is creepy stuff. I live in British Columbia and there’s lots of cases of missing people. Mostly native women but also lots of young white men

Just relabel the missing person as a tax evader, IRS will put their asses in jail in a couple of hours

Candy ass city slickers are ill-suited to survival in the wilderness. Dead animals and people are quickly scavenged by coyotes and others animals. No mystery.

Just add a little alcohol and the most experienced hunter becomes an idiot.

I miss Rod Serling. The narrator talks like some third rate hypnotist. Incredibly annoying.

After a week dead in a natonal park a bear/wolf or any predator can have ate the whole person and spread the bones everywere. It would be impossible to find

Give the narrator some coffee. He sounds half asleep

There is so much unknown in this world we cannot explain ?

Its bigfoot

Dsmmit now its is a trend instead of cool!!!...David why u have to Amazon this ..dammit!!!

What happened to the billion dollar marijuana industry in the national parks? They helicopter men and supplies in with guns and dogs and irrigation equipment into the far back country that's almost impossible to reach. They set up booby traps for wandering hikers. I wonder if that has anything to do with the missing.

11:13 The government took her and made her dissapear .... Why Because does it seem suspicious about the dissapearences, it makes you question what going on.

I was planning to hike the Weminuche trail alone until I watched this.

Real Sweet Kids

A perfect place to kidnap people for there body parts and sold them on black market, because in the end of the day they going to say he or she probably die somewhere or kill by animal, the truth is now one will never know , so a perfect place for bad people to kidnap people for there body parts like liver kidney or heart what ever they need to sell on black market, or cannibalism and satanic ritual.

It's probably Bigfoot

You SICK bast**d. How dare you make money off of misfortunes of others? You pseudo-dramatic voice tells us you are....

listening to you I want to and go hike in a National Park

Whoever let a child run free in the wilderness needs to purposely go missing

Animal attacks most likely in all cases

RSK baby

Why would a fruitless search last longer than a week? They aren't free you know in terms of both money and man-hours.

3:06 "No feet" reminds me of the two missing dutch girls (hikers) in Panama.

In the case of Jaryd Atadero...who the hell takes a 3 yr old on an eleven mile hike in a rugged mountain forest? Then allows him to wander away! What irresponsible adults, entrusted with his care, behave so unconscionable?

One particular abc agency in order to conduct experiments needs humans..

You'd think drones would help in searching, but alas, drones are illegal in National Parks. Coincidence?

Trying to make a some shin get tuff on a tape tho to become a sheriff so you fork out the bowl. Way to hoe cabt wait til i help that specific person get them stem cells and internet safetylite sublim brainscan results. L

Who remembers when the internet was free? Soon we’ll be paying 100’s in subscriptions just to get what we once got for free. Damn you Google!

How could they rule it as a mountain cat....did the cat turn his little pants inside out, take off shoes and socks- without traces of bone, skin, blood left behind inside them? Never heard of any cat or animal removing clothes on human attack. Tearing them off ..maybe...but taking them off to be found inside out and not left with human remain... NOT! Authorities and government agencies will say anything to keep the sheeple quiet! Pathetic!

Hello!!!!!! Im right here next to this tree ya cant miss it. ;)

All this makes me want to do is go to a national park.

You're a cunt dude. Use your skills to help people.

I wonder if anyone will look into my missing socks? Put 2 in the dryer, only 1 comes out.

Come on- consider how many millions of people go to parks and how many of them are not familiar with the challenging terrain and may have never hiked before. Some of those places look almost impossible to search. If as the video says there are weather patterns afterwards, wouldn't that cover the scent for the dogs? How long should a search and rescue go on and on? 9 days seems like pretty long time to me.

Don't go hiking with church groups

In California the Democrats are behind it no question about it the Democrats are evil they are the devils children

1980s in Yosemite.. They need to talk to that piece of shit Cary Stayner that killed those other women in Yosemite in the eighties. I wonder if they did...

Its a soul snatcher. They're new.

Seriously makes me wonder about portals.

People pay to hunt other humans... its the "ultimate thrill."

So the fishermen saw a three year old far out in the wilderness and just let him wander on by alone? ? 11 mile hike for a 3 year old? A 3 year old who likes to run off on his own?

For Stacy was there a tour guide leading the horseback group that is who I would be asking and investigating

Reminds me of a movie I watched recently. Made in 1975, called Picnic at Hanging Rock. Supposedly true story set in 1900 Australia. Weird story, thought it was just another disappearance in the woods until a witness mentioned seeing a red cloud or mist right after the girls went missing....shivers!

There is a huge triple bunker hidden in the area. Leads from Nevada via underground.

2:35 wraith? that you?

Just remember we have an entire fucking airline that went missing with hundreds. You fucks are dumb to think u can't come up missing in a national park.

there is nothing odd about it, people do fall and get hurt, dehydration kills a lot of people at trails, a body in the woods gets cover in three days, so no one would ever find it, unless someone killed them and show the spot to the police. It is sad, and the truth can be simple, I´m 40 and there is few to none mysteries on earth, but people cant believe that.

The hills have eyes!

Two mountains came through my property, 95410. They left tracks in mud on my dirt road. The next day a bigger one came through. I weigh 210 lbs. The depth of the tracks was twice those of mine. So 420 lbs on the front and 420 lbs on the back, for 840 lbs total. A friend saw a mountain lion one night cross the road in front of him. It stretched across the whole lane, 12 ft. They can leap 60 feet, run 35 mph and have a range of 36 miles. The experienced wise old males can account for these disappearances. One bite will kill, in the back of the neck. They leap / run off with the victim at such great speed that there is no time for a pool of blood to gather. Rather, single drops of blood are widely scattered. The dogs loose the scent because the victims are carried away. And the dogs smell the lion. Which is why they don't pursue. When I was a young man I could lift twice my weight. So the lions can lift over 1600 pounds. They can kill and be gone in less than a second. They are an endangered species. The National Park personal are charged with protecting them. After a week, it is obvious the victims were eaten, so further search would only result in another victim being eaten. The mountain lion shown in the photo in the video is a juvenile, weighing 200 pounds. The wise old males do not make the mistake of ever showing themselves.

In Benicia?

Forests and huge natural parks are places to be careful. There are certain things there that can't be explained by general logics. People should never go alone, always stay together on marked trails. We don't know everything that live on this planet.

Wouldn't be surprised if it was a secret circle of rich of game hunters looking for the ultimate cunning pray which is man. Explains the sudden stop of searching and no follow ups. The victims are taken after killed and disposed somewhere else never to be found. As for those bodies found, either perpetrator gets spooked of being discovered or can't remove the body.

Jacob Copeland yea good movie

Have you seen that movie with ice t surviving the game

Wit so the fib and the REPTIONS eating the people this discussion JUST like the heard Hunter s tho the skin walkers and the WARLOCKS UNSTAND THIS LAWLESS FIB IS gittly of feeding the REPTIONS

Fun fact: did you know that the old TV series Knight Rider made an episode based after 411? And stranger things came from 411 to. It's possible zootopia might have used 411 as an idea as well.

There's been stories native have told about ppl going missing out of nowhere it's been going on way longer b4 Europeans ever came here n it's not just here it happens all over the globe. I plan to also research this but on a worldwide stage.

Serial killer, make you remove boots so you cant excape ? This is disturbing. Man killing animal ? Bear could carry you back to a den.

Lol, counting coup.

so geniuses are going missing? I'm going to be fine then I'm thick as shit.

Stacy is a new SCP and the Foundation is covering things up

2PAC rangers

Okay all this video does is make people scared to go hiking! I do not need this scary narrator or music in my life. This is interesting and I am so sorry these people went missing but why are you trying to scare the begeezus out of us. And keep us from being smart scientists that like to hike. Dear Lord!

Voice over is too quiet needs more volume

I can tell you from many many long remote walks that the people that disappear didn't pack enough explosives. *forest's haunted*

Nicely put together video.

Could it be because of wendigo?

Is it not possible that the clusters of disappearances is due to the trail being particularly well travelled in those areas and thus there being higher densities of people which makes it more likely for disappearances to occur?

Or molested like the first girl

body missing in the vast wilderness???????? a FOREST???? NO FUCKIN SHIT DUMBFUCK its not a conspircy - thats why no one lives there jackass it SUCKS!!!!

You have got to be kidding me People get lost. Never underestimate the stupidity of human beings, especially when they are in unusual surroundings. I live in Hawaii and we hear stories every week or so. Drowned. Lost. Gone. Tourists can be clueless.


Why is there so many hunting clips and stuff isn’t hunting illegal in national parks I don’t have a problem hunting but just a bit odd

The no canine thing is bizarre

So scary! “After people go missing there are often strange weather patterns like rain and snow”! Wow I bet that is happening on some strange cycle and repeating year after year. How can we stop these strange cycles? Please - Do not go to any National Parks - stay in he cities where you will be safe.

Some of these "clues" are kinda dumb. Like how the parks don't keep much for records on missing people. Well, duh. That's not the job of the park service. That would be the job of law enforcement. "Here's your pass and your map of the park, now excuse me while I get back to this homicide investigation I'm trying to wrap up before I change the picnic trash cans. "

Boulders are ideal for lions. They take a nap under the boulders. When they hear a human approach, they leap up on the top of the boulders. They can run/jump across the boulder field at 35 mph. They catch the human in their teeth. Then they run off at 33 mph. They kill the human with their teeth. Blood is scattered, drops are few and far between.

Murder by teeth.

Given that if you are facing off with a Cougar or Bear most are going to run and not necessarily in any given direction. Then add that cats will drag corpses to where they want them and really I have no idea if the sniffy hound can't find it day one the next day they should expand the area and should consider a cadaver dog on top of the regular.

Thank you for making this video. Looking forward to more. I've subscribed.

The innuendo in this video is stupid but beyond that what group of hikers going on an 11 mile hike doesn't have one person that can keep up with a 3 year old? It was a singles group so you know little kids and/or puppies should work great to get the attention of the girls, right?

It's Bigfoot.

I'd suspect whomever is calling off the searches after a week. Is it the same person in these cases.

It honestly isnt very mysterious... 1. People go missing when close to each other - exactly, nobody wanders miles away from people when hiking. 2. Time, people go missing during the afternoon - exactly when they are out hiking, why would they go missing in the night nobody moves anywhere. 3. Near Boulders - there are boulders everywhere 4. Near Water - a lot of them probably drown 5. Weather - a lot of them probably get lost in the bad weather or injure themselves slipping or falling 6. Disability - obviously if you are disabled either mentally or physically you are more likely to get lost or injured 7. Canines unable to trace - yeah in national parks there are scents of animals and plants everywhere mice, rats, foxes, squirrels, beavers, otters, bears, mountain lions, birds its not surprising its not like a local park in a city. 8. Removing shoes, some people get new hiking boots to go hiking which hurt their feet so I can imagine them being taken off also people going in water would take off their shoes and may drown or if you are lost you might take them off to cross water. 9. Unknown cause of death - yeah they have probably been eaten by animals and maggots so nothing would be found unless it was bite marks from a bear or moutain lion on the bone. The bodies wont be found buried and intact as they either die on the surface or in water where animals will eat. 10. Geological clusters - yeah, people go hiking in the same areas and on trails nobody just wanders into the woods and heads in any direction so of course most people go missing in certain areas. 11. "Genius level people like doctors, scientists etc going missing" and people who go hunting often - yeah, rich people go hiking and hunting more than other people and hunters are in these areas. Everything weird or mysterious is really exactly what you'd expect.

so,on 14.27 and on they were searching for david and getting drunk on foster s ......

Rides on the storm...

How can you thumbs down a story about missing people? Some people's kids

Jacqueline davis people without a heart or a person who is invovled in this cases.

The missing child was found above 500ft of the trail but he could've probably walk up to that if he was lost.Mother nature could not be underestimated.

They go through a teleport straight to the moon for work and experiments by our government and aliens. Sorry I go deep homeboy!

My god this is stupid. It made me want to disappear in the woods, in a noose, underwater, by boulders.

Bears, mountain lions, venomous snakes.. Vast.wilderness, cliffs.. There are any number of hazards.

These dont make you take your shoes off or fold clothes neatly, sorry , not an answer .

You're entering another dimension. Not of site or sound.but of mind

Shift all the police stations fire station and army camps in that national park.

Activities like this or caving and cave diving is for those who are looking for trouble.

Lol for Stacy’s case you completely read the article from

Im not saying its aliens but...............its aliens.

Nephilims could be the reason. Just saying

Do more please!

So you made a video to promote the sell of your books and your video. What a waste of people's time.

Your comment is a waste of time.

Wonder if life insurance policies cover missing people.

Asking for a friend?

Bigfoot Got them!

Witches dude


What in the world is going on?

The National Parks hush these deaths up because they don't want to hurt sales. Their costs are probably the same whether they have guests or not. They would go bankrupt without enough visitors.

I now need to write an entire book series to explain everything wrong with premises stated in this video.

Ive heard of cases where buses get ambushed or taken to incorrect locations by gangs of people in order to harvest peoples organs to sell for money. That could definitely be a possibility in these cases.

Can we take dempcrats camping now..ill pay for the trip...

Alien Abduction, or bigfoot. cover up

Have you seen the video of hikers adventuring into a cave and finding a random little girl deep inside the cave?? They then find the parents outside the cave. It was like wtf how did the kid get that deep in the cave.

I wish there a fairy Queen that helps people who got lot and show them the right way also walk with them until the missing person/people can come to the road where the police and FBI can find them while the fairy Queen disappeared.


This just proves there is no god

This is why you will never find my black ass in the wilderness

Fear mongering

That interdimensional snatch'n'grab

Could you possibly sound any more boring or disengaged with the subject? Speak up, son!

they're just going through one of the many portals that is directly linked to either of this satellite's poles...north or south. Duh!

You sound like someone who has never been around nature.

And then rushed here to make that comment? I guess you've never seen a whole YouTube video before lol

Agree so many unknowns.

Dreamn D exactly I would never take my three year old baby in no woods.

I understand that things happen, but as a parent I agree. Ive hiked with mine and the littlest was on my shoulders 90% of the time. Usually kept it down to around 3 miles

Cold Case: Mindhunters vibes

@14:35, we were very sad so let’s drink mega sized cans of Australian larger, YESSS LAD!!!!!

You know your doing well as a Youtuber when other Youtubers start covering you.

I'm a 20 year logger and I will tell you!!! there are things in the wood, that shouldn't be there, and no will ever explain it , bad thing is people keep on going in alone, and never coming out!!!!!! What ever you go looking for out there YOU WILL FIND IT, dont go looking

One word "bears"

Tupac Rangers...

22:00 link or it didnt happen.

You know how your dog eats your shoes or sox, What if that smell was so tempting to a wolf or mountain lion ... I think it would stalk anything that had that smell .. I know it's kinda discussing to say but to poop and pee in the woods could be a advertisement for a wild animal as well ... Just thinking it's possible .. What would I do if I were being stalled by a wild animal (HIDE)

The first thing I would do when visiting a National park...would be to hug a

I wish I could understand what op is saying in this vid. It's too hard to make out.

It was Stacey it’s ALL HER THAT WHORE! Takes a shower and then goes for a walk??? Who tf does that clearly she was up to something malicious

Additionally if you have a missing child with a Christian group look to the pastor....

David Paulides is full of shit, he's just an asshole who is cashing in on missing people, how many books on the subject do we need? How many books on the subject has he written??? he's an asshole....

I say aliens.

Cheers Kyle


I can't imagine a little bitty boy left alone wondering in the vast woods.... Can't imagine it's final thoughts....


It's not people or animals taking them, that whole area is hunting grounds for you know who

Ads... there killing this great channel bro..

I reckon its Bigfoot or a group of Sasquatch like creatures called Skookums taking the people and eating them. If food is scarce a creature like that would eat a human , natives were frightened of Skookums. Could also be they stumbled across secret military bases and they are never allowed out or killed.

So, this tells us to follow the rule of two? Really I fail to see correlation of any of the disappearances. Mother Nature being unforgiving and all. But what was the point of all this. I guess I just assumed something more sinister was at play. Still they are making a mountain of a molehill.

Here cause pka

Bolders fall and crush, trees fall and crush. Maybe Nature knows, you know? Or possible undiscovered tribes?

You should put your ads at the end of the video, the odds of them being reported are slightly less. With the video on pause you get no view time, a thumb down and a report for each ad hurdle I see. Im not staying for the ads just reporting them and leaving to the next channel.

How do I get these 22 mins back? The biggest thing they all had in common was really nothing. Hundreds of ways to die in the woods and plenty of animals to digest your remains. And if aliens wanted to abduct you, they wouldn’t have to camp out at a national park to grab you (just go to my local mall, there’s no one there these days...they are all on Amazon). Not everything in life is a conspiracy. This is just real life and shouldn’t be explained with fiction (as we all know real life is stranger than fiction)

First off, being a police detective doesn't make you much of an expert on noncrimnal matters. Second, of course the profiles are similar. The locations are similar. What the heck is point of separation doing as a common factor. If there wasn't a point of separation, they would still be with their group. Great filming but who can't spell Colorado? Dogs attempt to track criminals all the time without success, those people must be missing too? This is just dumb.


Please do some more.very interesting

Is there anyway to get in touch with Mr. paulides? I have something for him.

The earth is alive the trees kill people bet the rocks do too

A 3 year old expected to walk 11 miles and climb 8000 feet...really?

Aliens dude....they don’t rarely give back whom they take

Simply an inconvenience. That’s tight

Folks go missing outside of national parks, too. There are plenty of stories from the back hills of Appalachia of people who lived there their whole lives going missing. People who knew the land and made their living off it, not tourists. I grew up hearing stories of haints, monsters, and voices in the woods. (And experienced voices at a distance first hand, calling my name). Dogs have come home with their fur turned white, and their owner never seen again. There's things out there.

CASES LIKE THESE WERE THE BASE OF A RADIO PLAY EPISODE I PRODUCED AND EDITED !!! Check it out and let me know what you guys think

I don’t see many similarities here other than they were lost in forest area where shit gets real, fast.

Could be a park worker murder club. The way they wont let media in any longer, the searches suddenly stop and no records kept. They probably know about the victims disabilities when handing out maps, advice or gifts/ food and drinks or even a car park guy. Think about how many bigfoot or alien pranks there have been in crazy areas. They would look into doing that kinda style of abduction or murder.

Mysteries solved @21:47, they were attacked and eaten by packs of wild salamanders. The lone salamander shown in the video was most likely a scout, and the rest of the pack forming their gauntlet of death.

Some of these sound like animal based hunting habits.areas concealing ambush, individuals alone or in the rear of a group,close to water sources like a game trail, etc.this shit is scary.i am from generations of hunters and Wildlife conservationist.all of these sound like hunting habits.Plus it is during cold season.

The suspense is killing me - Everytime the ad pops out.

you needs to turn audio way up. i had my phone cranked all the way and still hardly to hear. very interesting stories indeed. thanks

Now it makes alot of since that they are finding cut off hands and feet on the Oragon Washington state beaches.

Tell the cops hes on the fbi most wanted , im sure they would be found and doing time in a week

To much talking no video, put me to sleep. Boring as fuk

Oh wow “victims often disappear near rock/fields, or near water.” Haha what other option is there? That’s not a spooky coincidence, there’s just no other option besides land or water.


This just proves that evil real.

Jaryd Atadero's parents: Ok kiddo you are free now,go wherever you want. Kid goes missing. Jaryd Atadero's parents: :O :O :O

Trees rocks water. Perfect habitat for big foot.

I just clicked on this to say I've been driving around the USA and walking around national parks just fine.

The kid one at the end is strange, mountain lions don't strip you down before eating you. There would have been a mess or his clothes mauled too. Super sus. God rest their souls.

Narrator sounds ...Australian, so is this about missing people in Australian national parks ? Worldwide? US only?

"Why was she wearing inappropriate foot wear??" Shes a girl

Good videos but can't stand your voice

It's crazy how some show up in plain sight after search.

What a bunch of horse shit. Fuck this limey tosser.

This sounds like someone wanted to see something , so they convinced them self they did . It sounds like multiple disappearances from parks over the course of years that aren't related. Told in a spooky way grouping them together. Using things that make a tenuous connection at best

Really well put together documentary I'm gonna watch the whole thing now

What flower is that 20:41 ?

They may slip into another dimension? Why else would they be made into national parks? The government knows what is going on in these national parks! There are too many people missing in these parks!

I say parallel universe scientist body snatchers ;), they open a portal, snatch and close it back. They do what they want, probe, experiment, study, stare, slow dance or whatever creepy shit they might be into and throw them back to our side when they’re done with them and have no use for them anymore... they bring them back either dead or alive/with no memory... that’s why most of them are found with no pants/no shoes.

I was at Zion NP back in the 80s. At the start of a trailhead there was a shirt pants underwear and shoes on the ground. I told a ranger and he said they had been there for a few days and no one had been reported as missing. I was wired

They ran away

The Hunted seems like its the kind of information that every person needs to see.....would I pay $20 USD to see it?....hmmm probably not which is sad to see.

Somebody out there must know something, shame on you for not coming out... how many lives is it gonna take...

144,000 souls.

YouTube will go missing next if they dont quit with these double ads!!


how much of this footage is just copied from the missing 411 movie? lmao

How many fucking channels does this guys have? I can’t stand his robotic cadence and I keep clicking on videos from channels with different names and it’s just him again. FUCK.

The government knows where these people are going ...


what mother would let her baby go with them. I sure wouldnt

If you are denied a FOIA request, you have the right to sue for the release of the information.

Ummm im sure there are plenty of freaks creeping and hiding around waiting for people to hike alone or idiots like the care givers of Jared letting little children out of their sight. Also its costs money to do big searches, after a week im sure they call it off bc they know you're dead, sadly.

those people were drinking beer while searching for Ron Kirk, gimme a break

Yeah some crazy pictures of them Happy and drinking

14:30 Adam Sandler

How are you going to say it's one of the strangest audio recordings I've ever hear and not include it.. killing me man

No shoes happens a lot w car wrecks - could be some blunt force. Point of separation hints at stalking predator. No canine trail means they left the ground. Conclusion: mountain lions or the mythical Thunderbird

yes, that seems very much the case in most of them but... what about those where all the clothes are found in one place, neatly folded? Some might be explained like that but not all of them...

Stacy disappears & and a body of an unidentified man appears around same place where she disappeared. Reminds me of Netflix's Dark.

people don't realize how easy it is to get lost in a forest

May be they stumbled upon a stairway and upon ascending disappeared from our realm. Some even took off their shoes or other clothing materials in a trance like state. Idk these just came to me. Not means to disrespect the lost or dead individuals. Hope the mystery is revealed soon. Though I've 2 theories 1. There r doorway/doorways to other dimensions/realms. 2. Govt has some highly secret agency & their base by that doesn't explain why they would need to keep kidnapping individuals. Park authorities attitude toward disappearancesraises questions. Niether any other authorities taking interest while tax payers keep getting lost or lose beloved family members & friends. Govt involvement theory doesnt explain why canines can't smell the lost & also the unexplained weather at explicit times.

Time portals . the stones water fog mist the time missing the long way they have gone wierd i hope it stops

In Stacy's case I bet it was kidnapping. Bad guy told her he would kill everyone at camp if she didn't go quietly. Poor girl. Maybe ranger or police involved ...who knows...

Yall have heard of wildlife right? Big cats can drag them up in the tree. Otherwise serial killer, maybe they wonder off and dehydration/lack of food causes them to lose it, maybe they just dont want to be found.

I want to hear the screams! Why don't you put them in the end?

Why can’t an American narrate this?


Alien government cover up

@Phylly San Antonio thing that are not human nor animal, if it was human there would be a trail of some sorts, we leave a trail weather we know it or not, also you need to understand what wild cats do. I have Ben stalked my self by something I could not see, on more than one occasion, with violent screams. Day time and night time, I do not drink alcohol nor abuse drugs, many guys on my crew refuse to go out there alone period,

Tell us what you know///animal human what???


Probably about filling his young mind with jerry springer on TV in the trailer with mom instead of running for cover.

Nothing mysterious about any of this. These parks are so vast, you could disappear with ease and never be found. There are no "monsters" either. Lol This guy is making a fortune on his "mysterious" findings. Lol Give me a break!

whats that audio recording he was talking about at the end?

Well as I’ve said before:, safety in numbers!

Ok. Now I watched all two movies.... they suck. If u know anything about psychology, criminal investigation procedure, real journalism (or logical behavior for that matter!) you will notice both movies to be very misleading trying to force you to the conclusion that all happened and only could because of UFOs. Leaving very strong posibilities or professionals opinions aside and using the famous phrase "experts of the field (who? I ask).. scientist had determined that (who? again and where?)..." to convince you of the narrators point of view. The first movie focuses more on the "conclusions" of the reporter that without any doubt it's hungry for fame.. not investigation. It leaves a bad taste of poor and terrible investigation. Almost no actual facts are presented. The second movie it presents you a lot more of information, that's better. More oficial investigation and professionals point of view. But everytime you think that "ok now they have a lead, they just need to..." they cut it and impose the ufos theory. There's so mych wrong made in those movies. A shame they use little kids lifes as an excuse to create new fan base of pharanormal

Not saying it’s Sasquatch, but it’s Sasquatch guys.

Hey I wanted to hear the creepy audios!!

Most of post on here not all but don't understand what's so mysterious about the missing. The child doesn't seem to fit the others because it seems more like foul play in which the clothes were found. But some of the posters on here who have posted a rebuttal to the video that there was nothing mysterious about it but because of it's proximity of the wilderness, which they decry, "it's wild." But what these unwitting posters don't fully grasp is that a wild animals will leave evidence behind. But no evidence were found with most of the 411 missing people. Can you see a bear or mountain lion walking off with a gun or backpack? No. And in most cases, they are teenagers or adults. Can you explain how a mountain lion is going to pull entire body without leaving something behind? No. And in most of the 411 cases, there is no evidence found. And most of these people are very intelligent with regards to being safe while backpacking or hunting in the wilderness. So how do they go missing and without any trace of them and their gear too. Most of them would have stay put where they lost track of their surrounding and waited for searchers to find them, which is the number one thing you do when you get lost. Because if you keep walking, then it becomes harder for the searchers to find you. And these people know that. So what happen to them? I've heard alien abduction, crazed weirdo abduction (but this is highly unlikely) and bigfoot. Aliens - I don't believe in even though it fits the scenario. A crazed person stocking someone in the wilderness just to snatch them - could happen, but why risk it when they could find someone in the city. Bigfoot snatching someone for dinner. Could happen? But there aren't any proof of them. No bones of a bigfoot have been found to support they are real. And if people still think a bear attack could happen and then drag them off somewhere to eat them, then you need to hear the story of Timothy Treadwell known as the Grizzly Man. He wanted to show that he could get close enough to them and not be attacked through respect of the bear. But sadly he refused to listen to people who have dealt with bears that they cannot be tamed or form some bond with them. He brought his girlfriend up to Katmai National Park in Alaska to film the grizzly bears there. His girlfriend would film him in close proximity to these bears. Well, like I said he was told over and over again that he needs to stay away from these bears but of course he didn't listen. And yes, sadly he was attacked and you can hear him being attacked and mauled to death by one of these bears. Here is the audio: This wan't the audio I heard a year because it was more cleaner then this one. This sounds like someone recorded the recording. But the point I am making is that the bear didn't drag them off. He ate them there because when the rangers arrived with a load of guns. They found the bear still in the same spot hours after the incident, and they gunned the bear down. And they opened up his stomach to make sure and found some of the bones of both of Treadwell and his girlfriend inside. I heard the interview of the pilot who was on his way to resupply them and noticed a bear lurking around. So he got out of there quickly and as he was flying over there campsite, he saw it had been turned over. So he informed the ranger station right away. I can't find the audio of the pilot anymore but it was very eerie to hear. The audio of treadwell was horrifying and sad to listen to. So let's hear your theory because the animal attacks cannot substantiate these missing cases.

@David Paulides should ask some clairvoyant for help. In Poland where I come from we have a famous seer Jackowski that helped Police to solve many, many cases...

PKA anyone?

The quality of your channel has declined horridly. I was an avid watcher when you first started, now I very rarely bother. Instead of doing multiple channels why not go back to one decent one?

I have friends whose son has been missing in Alaska for 3 years. Nothing..absolutely NOTHING has ever been found of him. No clothes, no shoes, no backpack..just his truck at the beginning of the trail.

i dont understand why it isnt said but most of these are eagles taking these people. they are known to haul off deer and mountain goats. kill wolves etc. and they are very smart

Yea, these are all coincidences.

14:24 “Alright boys, lets get our search senses activated.” FOSTERS!

I am so curious now if David Paulidas has covered or investigated the Deorr Kuntz (little man) case. I need to know.

If they went missing in winter it’s possible they had missing clothes because they developed hypothermia. When you are close to death you actually begin to feel hot and people start undressing in their delirium. Also, aren’t boulders and water a part of national parks? And perhaps you never found them because of severe weather? Rather than the severe weather magically happening because someone went missing?

Uh, there is nothing suspicious about these cases, boulders are everywhere, searches can't go on forever, clothes going missing aren't a big deal. This is nonsense...

I hope the documentary is better than your review. You just mentioned every possible way someone would go missing on the woods. Ridiculous premise.

No banjo music?

cougars and mountain lions taking people and eating them.

we are a food source we are being hunted by the aliens.

Why not set a trap? They could bring a mannequin on wheels wired with explosives. When the mannequin gets kidnapped, you detonate. The explosion will give the location and body parts of the assailant. Easy. Next case.

Umm... In the wilderness "unknown cause of death" does NOT mean a body with no visible cause of death! It means there are too many possible causes of death and there is no significant indicator that can prove a specific cause of death! If you find little more than bone and skull fragments you can't tell if they died from a fall, or from exposure, or from dehydration, malnutrition, or attack... The "unknown cause of death" is not an indicator of some weird phenomenon... it's just what happens if you give nature enough time with a dead body

Predator in the tree at 2:35.

I watched the 411 documentary and it involved missing children. nothing about the experienced people who were climbing that went missing. While the documentary is distressing and informative, Its basically another documentary. Nothing that you mentioned in your documentary was even shown on the 411. Rather dissapointed.

Thanks Kyle

I like granola and peace as much as any outdoor hippie, but when I hike I’m always carrying firepower and a combat knife. I’m not worried about most 4 legged creatures, it’s the ones on two legs you have to be vigilant about. The wilderness is an abyss that some seek to exploit.

The similarities to each and every disappearance are remarkably similar. There were rocks, all kinds of rocks. And don’t forget trees. ALL of the trees we’re made of wood. And blobs if bear scat, they would eventually disappear after time. But how long of time? The sheriff could not say. Coincidence? You decide

"In 2009, 2Pac rangers"


After watching both of the 411 documentary I think in our day in age that why isn't it a law in national parks for anyone under 17 years old to have a gps tracking on them, something that cost under $100 can save a life

Sounds like Sasquatch is on the war path.

What a baffling load of speculative drivel. What's missing here is an outcome or any sort of meaningful conclusion

Extreme weather, waters , rocks n high places ...are suspected ..... Thanks Einstein

I can't be thee only one who finds murdering people and kicking small children off cliffs fun!? That is why there is so many more of us who prey on you people at national parks!!!

There are cases as well that just by maybe a mile or 2 extra that they don’t search, the person is usually there. At arms reach

RSK crew checking in

Whispy british voices are one of the most annoying things on this shit hole of a planet.

This reminds me of a thread about eerie incidents/facts about the search and rescue job from reddit...

Stay AWAY from the boulders.

I noticed that too, everyone has a beer , petting dogs , etc. wtf??

Christian mingle fuckers

Oh man. I love this. I love “I’m a Search and Rescue Officer for the US Forest Service.”

Ppl make fun of this but thousands each year go missing without a trace! Think about that next time you leave your basement, if you ever do

I hate to joke about this but I’ve been saying for years Bigfoot is sketchy AF....

Missing clothes and shoes...sounds like the work of the child support agency. Dads, don't go into the woods today.

Poor kid. I can only imagine how his father feels.

They should put cameras in certain view points, they'd at least have a starting point.

either they are been kidnapped by a group of people and they sell their organs, or UFO encounters or they stumbled upon another dimension, this is why while hiking, never leave the group! stick together

“Intentionally intended”

It's either aliens or government black op satanic rituals.

I like how they all cry with big ol foster cans in hand haha

These forests are full of bugs, wolves, bears and especially worms. I fear all these missing people have clearly gone through a worm hole into another dimension.

Curious if blood types have something to do w it.

Sounds like we've got a 'Supernatural Predator' out there peeps...I know it sounds far fetched,But were talking about experienced professssionals out there getting snatched up...And I'm talking about experienced Hunters and Trackers,that hv State of the Art Weoponry,and still get taken out; And in most instances,basically disappearing without a trace...Now that's some "Creepy Shit" !!! Prop's to whoever fgrs this out...

"In 2009, Tupac.."

Did they photoshop those fosters in their hands?

Superb quality! I also recommend vsauce's video on why people go missing.

I subscribed to you, I think ur very pretty,

Ikr.! Same here! But if you post the audio, someone will be able to explain it, and then you lose the suspense

22:13 Wow, I guess we're lucky that the people who were able to capture scary chilling sounds in the forest remembered to bring their recording equipment huh?

C’mon...The church sacrificed all these hikers.

ok, these aren't "patterns" they are coincidences. storms weren't relevant to 3 out 4 of these stories. and boulders? really? it's the fuckin woods. like really. what does a boulder have to do with someone's disappearance? I get that it's definitely fishy and I totally believe that there is more to these disappearances but he either needs to narrow down his 10 "pattern" or get more evidence that relates ALL 10 of these patterns together. good theory. poor execution.

Sounds like there were a lot of bad decisions with that little boy. You don't have to keep your eyes on your child 24/7, but when hiking in the woods for a couple hours? Yeah, you do, especially with a kid so young. At that point, your priority isn't enjoying the hike, your priority is making sure the child's enjoying the hike while you're looking out for them.

Bears maybe or as crazy as it sounds alien abductions

These ads wreck everything. Unsubscribe

What I don't hear from watching these missing, there is no report of them screaming or yelling for help if they are that close to others . It tells me something happens to them quickly .

Instantly annoyed by the ASMR voice.

There's either another world in the forests or maybe alien abduction or the govt is behind all this

Funny how the dogs don't pick up scent, flying creature?

No way.... people get lost in the woods??? It must be a cover up!

Its a joke until it happens to one of your loved ones or children .. and they have no explanation of what happened and there is no longer any SAR efforts. Sketchy to say the least

That's why it's a mystery dumbass

If you were told the truth you still wouldn't believe it because its just too much for anyone to handle or comprehend

Crazy shit R.I.P. to them


This kid's 3 they said and he wanders several 100m down a trail and then somehow they said 9,000' in elevation, right so like he turns and faces impassable terrain then walks straight up a mountain side 9,000'? That's over a mile if I heard right. Maybe that number only represented general elevation? The find his boy pants inside out and waaaayyy above the trail. My professional experience tells me that he got molested and killed. Two elderly fisherman would get irate enough to kill a petulant child that interrupted their fishing. That happened in a case I remember once. I've tracked a lot of people though. Small folks, childpeople or not, do not have the natural aptitude to flee in a very flexible fashion. In every case I had to make sense of the movement of smaller people I found the bumbling shorties a remarkably short distance from their starting point. Even people fleeing for their lives had a remarkably short 'final distance traveled' time. A six year old could confuse deer trails for the hiking trails and get lost and starve pretty easily. A three year old could not backflip two miles straight up and back onto a mountain cliff edge where he slipped and died. If his body was found very much higher than the point he vanished it stands to reason that a cougar dragged him up that way. Cougars do in fact drag their prey to higher areas to eat like some african cats. What kind of cougar has thumbs and can remove a toddler's clothing though? Hell, if they heard one mysterious cry that day it could just have been the death cry of the boy after he lost his footing.

Is this about aliens or big bigfoot ? Please someone tell me lol

Wow the amount of stupidity in the comment section never ceased to amaze me. Keep making fun of these lost souls, for one day you or your loved ones might end up missing or dead. Ain't that fun

Crazy stuff

Taking the father-in-law to camp. I’m I the only one that’s annoyed by these double adds?

My friends dad was a park ranger in Montana and he kept a notebook with him and in one of the last pages before he quit he wrote that he believes that governments create national parks because they find unusual things in the area, and don’t want people to find them.

Yep fuck that shit some things not rite there iv had the feeling before that some 1 or thing is watching me my nipples nearly cut throgh my shirt and you just move allways looking back uno its not rite

The boy who was taken by smokies

Missing persons and water comes up linked so many times.

Rick West let him make money

People go missing in the wilderness. Animals eat them. No big “conspiracy “

Hey Top5s! There are similar, if not even weirder disappearances in Finland as well. Riina Mäkinen (2 years ago, there's something fishy about it), Antti Hanhivaara (went missing in a wilderness in Inari, townfolk seem to know something but refuse to speak etc.) and tons of others. You should check it out, there isn't many people in Finnish youtubers talking about these.

So.....people with physical problems and/or those that are sick.....during extremely shitty weather.....good grief is that supposed to be surprising?! This is like the supposed 'smiley face killers' which involves tons of college age youths drowning. Surprise surprise the cops faked a lot of the evidence and connections, and turns out being massively drunk around bodies of water can be dangerous!! Shocker there! *facepalm* Btw the reason they don't go posting stats on stuff like this is that these places bring in a lot of money for the local governments and communities, so they don't want to go putting up depressing statistics regarding their popular recreational sites. That's hardly surprising

You can’t go missing in your living room watching tv

Maybe they died from sulfur ?


Who on earth takes a toddler on an 11 mile hike? Worst still, with the obvious dangers, how did they not keep a better eye on him? Sounds dodgey af - no one would want to carry a child on a walk like that and there's simply no way he would have been able to do that sort of walk. Were all the adults constantly accounted for? Its quite possible he could have been sexually assaulted by one of them, murdered, hidden and then eaten by wild animals?

Wild dogs eat them or Bigfoot

Interesting but its click bait

subtle fosters add

Can anyone tell me if David found the answer to this mystery?

Buddy system anyone? Great video. Well paced.

I am willing to hear the trewth

What is the truth?


Some wild person probably snuck up and cracked their necks instantly and took them to an underground lair or something

Thats why "The Haunted" one is so good :P its about armed hunters, and people experienced with the wild going missing. It dosnt talk about children fucking off to get eaten by bears. The one about the bum legged hunter freaks me the fuck out, because apparently, the dogs get the scent and lead them to the spot he was suppose to be at, and then, poof, trail ends there, freaky.

That kid died from an animal attack.

Does anyone else think the reason this happens to experienced mountain climbers/hunters is because if they went missing people may not be as quick to search for them or worry because they're experienced? Like whatever is attacking them knows this weakness in others people's trust that they will probably be ok. Just an idea.

Dam 3 weeks ago and already 1mil views?

People go missing during severe weather and people go missing who have a disability. Well, that's no surprise.

So weird

I think I might stop hiking alone. .

I would say aliens but who's to say we're not taking people?

The point of seperation is not some common occurence that needs to be investigated. It's common sense of why people disappear in the first place. When no one is there to watch you slip amd fall off a side of a cliff or snap your neck or knock yourself unconscious from a fall, of course its going to feel like a mystery or feel like something else is happening, when really they are either the product of an unfortunate circumstance or they did something stupid and this was a result of the darwin award weeding out the less attentive, less physically fit, and/or higher risk taking individuals. Exception case is fthe young kid, Jared. Alan, the kids father, has only the 9 members of the Christian Single's Group to blame, How do you let a little kid run in the trail alone especially if he's 3 years old and how do you allow him enough distance where you can't see him when you said you would take care of him? Fuckin idiots. No matter how religious they are or how good of a moral compass they may have, if you put your children in the hands of incompetent idiots that's what happens. I mean, Alan was clearly concerned about his son's safety and was reluctant for his son to go on the excursion in the first place, and you Christian Single Church Group members convinced Alan that you would take care of his son like he was your son right? Unbelievable. He is fortunate to have had his daughter return back safely to him being in your hands. Fuck. I couldn't forgive that shit, Alan is probably kicking himself about that moment of time that he allowed his baby boy to go on the excursion when instinctively his gut reaction felt uneasy about it because he knew his son was too young and perhaps a bit overly fearless of the world (trouble maker). I really hope he's made peace with it. Whoever persuaded him that they would take care of his son like their own lied. I hope Alan beat the living shit outta her or him. There should be a documentary on why Coroners who graduate at the bottom of their classes seem to work near National Parks.

Voice is literally so annoying

Its either big foot....aliens...or your just plain stupid to go missing

I live in tha woods..Nothing creepy out here....I carry Mace , just in case.

People go missing in the wilderness. Animals eat them. No big “conspiracy “. This is stupid.

@Krissy Gardikis I agree, however, how difficult would it be to record scary sounds somewhere? There's a video of someone recording the sounds an excavator made while scraping on concrete, and people have taken that sound clip and made fake videos with it, saying it's angel's trumpets sounding and whatnot. Hearing "recorded sounds" supposedly taken in the forest holds very very little weight with me, considering how easy it would be to fake. On top of that, with everyone having smartphones nowadays, you'd think there'd be more UFO and Bigfoot sightings right? Hmmm.

Europpa now a days most folks take smartphones etc. so why wouldn’t it make sense?

Have you heard some of the last phone calls of missing people? Have you read or heard reports of finding missing peoples items as if they had been in a car accident or been snatched really aggressively, etc.. Lots of strange reports :\

Dont be cocky and ignorant. Your gun is nothing when you face these kind of entities whatever they are. There have been many cases in which hunters missing while carrying guns.

AND i never go alone, right? seems like being alone and disappearing is a common theme here...

It’s almost as if we’re all nature’ bitch and no matter how experienced we are we don’t stand a chance lol

Everyone who goes into the wilderness should tell someone where they are going, and be armed. Whenever I would go running alone in the forest, I would take mace spray with me. I have encountered a mountain lion before when I was running along boulders on the side of a mountain in Northern Arizona, and I was glad I had my mace spray with me, although I didn't need to use it.

Why not play the sound track at the end of the video of the scary sounds?

or if ya up in the hills cookin meth i rekon.

They only find you if you owe for debts or fines.

Been following the missing 411 cases for a few months now. The more you look into it, the weirder it all gets. From a scientific stand point the cases seem to just hit a wall. There is nothing to point any investigators in a specific direction as to what is happening to these people. Pretty interesting.

Aliens got ‘em.

A lot of the points you bring up are good points but also possible. Definitely a scary mystery

I can't watch this because your voice annoys me

I was on a search and rescue team in Montana it is amazing how weak our technologies are. We spent 3 days searching for a kid with inferred, planes, helicopters, dogs, you name it... and the kid walked back into camp. I think people think the wild is something like an everyday walk in the woods... But it is a wild place the harsh and will kill you.

I hope David's mustache goes missing. Gross.

Aliens most likely. No doubt about it. Follows all the patterns of aliens. Its aliens. Whatever you think it is, you're wrong unless you're thinking aliens. Fuckin' aliens and their shenanegins.

Not buying it.

A father allows his three year old toddler to straggle along on a hike with near-strangers on a rugged mountainous trail. What could go wrong?

Why does David Paulides look like a younger Don Fry.

Thank you! I was thinking the same thing!

The Void

Quickly or they were lured by something or ohhh something shiny off the trail. If so they've been lured into someone or something else's perfect trap with perfect planning. To follow a lure willingly gives the ultimate advantage, everything in it's immediate vicinity can all be placed and planned prior. Not a sound.


Pioneers used to keep their kids on leashes sometimes. Like literally, leashes. Sounds harsh but maybe not a bad idea.

Picnic at Hanging Rock is an Australian movie about three teenage girls who disappear on a school picnic in a National Park by a large granite outcrop. There has never been any trace of them since. They just disappeared into thin air.

I love the voice narrating this so much, better than sleeping pills..


Very well put together, seen other 411 documentaries, but they are far too long to keep me focused because the narration is not that good, but your videos are very well researched as per usual. I personally don’t think these disappearances are other worldly, it’s either the parents or the government. Point blank.

Going to Yosemite this weekend for summer vacation. Couldn’t have timed this better

Thank you for the video.

Fox murders sister is prolly there hanging out with the aliens

2:35 looks like a predator cloaked. of course if i saw something like that i'd be freaked out and get out of there as fast as i could

How could Jared clothes shoes etc been found in such a way if he was taken by a mountain lion, im pretty sure mountain lions aren't removing clothing and shoes whilst eating..

Lisanne froon and Kris Kremer's case absolutely terrified me, its given me nightmares.

And now there's another woman after disappearing, Sheryl powell. Very strange circumstances.

Thankfully she was found alive just a few hours ago!!! And, read below what happened: "...his mother was threatened by the man wielding the knife who allegedly told her, "you’re going to do what I want or I’m going to take my knife to your dog.” Greg said she then ran away from the man she thought was trying to rape her..." My question is.... WHO IS THE MAN??? Is it someone powerful with lots of money that pays the park or the local government to let him do this and use the landscape as an excuse for "unexplained disappearance" so no one will get suspicious... just my theory anyway. Human trafficking is everywhere!

OK, firstly animal predators do not find clothing appetising and are more than capable of removing said garments. Secondly they are opportunists and will devour the easiest appendages available, especially stinky feet! Burying partially eaten kills/cadavers is totally normal, they can't consume the whole body in one go and typically will attempt to hide the meat from competitors. I have only watched about 10% of this video and quite logically explained all of the so-called "strange" phenomenon, clearly you and retired detective lame brain have some serious learning to do with regards to anything beyond your DRIVEWAYS!

Freedom of Information Act... Psh the government will cover up and do what it wants when it wants... Acts, laws and the constitution be damned...

Any time i hear “Abducted By Aliens” or “ psychics” I just roll my eyes because it’s just to amazing how stupid humans are

@Charlie Rose these were not National Parks, though. Riina disappeared in a country side, Antti in the Angeli's wilderness. We've had people go missing in the woods before, some found dead, some not found at all. We're a small country, and it pisses me off that only a few cases are even talked about.

It's all national parks it seems. I think whatever this phenomenon is its intelligent and the government knows about it already but can only "study" it and gather info about it which would explain FBI and military showing up usually every case and easily to cover up.

@Crazyredneck With you saying that I just feel this suspicion that something nefarious is going on when family is not insisting on the body system. But maybe I want someone to blame when babies go missing.

Try walking more than 10 feet without a buddy at a boy scout camp. At the camp I go to nobody has gone missing in all 40 years of operation, imagine that.

kinda reminds me of that x files episode where the kids would go into the woods and get picked up by aliens.

If you ever get lost in the forest, burn it down

The Demogorgon took em

I noticed a lot of cartel members living right outside of Yosemite, young and old connection maybe ?

I've heard some of Dave's stories but these can easily explained

Missing clothing has to do with hypothermia. You get really warm right before you start dying from hypothermia

Lol she was murdered.

Your video is a copyright abuse.

As 3 year old Jaryd missing. WTF would the father let his child go with strangers hiking? Why also would the Christian hikers take a 3 year old on a long hike? Why would they let the 3 year old boy out of there sight for a second. Makes me ANGRY!!!!

Possibly UFO’s abductions? But why would their feet be missing and their clothes?! Does make you curious!

Sasquatch's gotta eat too!..

Out of the first 5 minutes ive concluded that its not scott mcall from teen wolf, or anything supernatural. It has to be an employee at the park

Yeah like drowning, falling off a cliff and being killed instantly by an animal


At least if it was a mountain loin especially for a small child it would be instant and not like some creepy ass human.

If I know where to look I'm sure I could be an millionaire at least

Not sure. But I think cops no something

All taken by Bigfoot duh

This would make a great TV show

Oh!!! These comments are about who can come up with the best one liners!!!!

There are forces in this world that we have yet to understand. Interdimensional beings are real and they can seamlessly phase in and out of our reality.

So sad.

This is ridiculous. How can people be missing and have their remains found.

I go hiking at red rock all the time, its a cool and mysterious place

Them damn skinwalkers

They were obviously abducted by aliens and will only be released if humans also release the prisoned aliens in area 51.. Please we really need to storm area 51.

You gonna go see Dem Aliens this September?

Do you actually get really warm or do you just feel that way?

@Roosa Törnroos Mind sharing some more info on this? I'm very interested but don't speak Finnish, so it's pretty much impossible to find info on this.

The Hills have eyes type of shit

please consider doing a documentaries or at least covering the topics below! I've been a subscriber for over 2 years and i always wanted this to covered by you specifically ... hope this comment gets to you i'm really hoping you read this 1. The Illuminati card game. created in 1975!..yet somehow was able to portay events that evetually came true in the future and also portay events that can possibly happen in the near future as well 2. DMT & it's experiences by users.. most people have very similar experiences under DMT and either see, speak to multi dimensional beings who take them to places and show them things they cannot explain... DMT is also a natural substance that is produced in the body and is ironically released when someone dies.

Fuc*k the “Red for Ed” ads!!!

We live in a multidimensional world... jmho.....and no....i don't have all the answers.

Phone,keys & my Glock are the 3 things I never forget..

We will find them at area 51

Do we think it's a serial killer?

So, all these cases are now "cold cases". The families have no closing of their loved ones. What's going on??

If these investors had a brain they would give anyone wanting case files with the parts they don't want the public to know. Then people might lay off with continuing asking for them. Unless you was involved with the search and rescue operation your not going to know if anything is missing.

Something wicked comes this way””

The places where these people go missing used to be Native American sacred ground...sacred ground where the spirits were strongest. Natives warned people to stay out of these areas because the ancient spirits were extremely hostile. There are old stories of a white shadow that steals people away to torture and feed on them. It’s unfortunate that no one listened, and still deny something supernatural is occurring.

What specific tale and tribe?

The predator is on the loose

The personnel at Area 51 has enough bullets for you all.

To me it looks like park rangers maybe involved in the disappearances.

They're going to the upside down

Fuckin skinwalkers man

Why the fuck do I always watch this shit late at night in the middle of a god damn storm.

Very simple if they think they get lost just blow a whistle they can find you where you are why can’t they carry a whistle with them

Don't underestimate Predator animals.. They will move the body the best they can. It's not hard to imagine that they are very careful about remains so as not to attract other Predators.. They also know how to be invisible .. I think it's animals.. Although could be Deranged people as well, s'pose

It wuz all Epstein's doing!


I dont always upload YouTube videos........but when I do... I try to make money off someone else's hard work

Why do all these bullshit sites follow the same pattern? Suckers.......

So high chance of there are one or two serial killer in every national park... OR Park ranger are a bunch of psycho murderers!

Is there a cave system in the vicinity?

Is it possible that they fall down or get lost

I like how he says heleeecopters

Yeah no this is stupid. Perfectly reasonable some of the thousands of people visiting these places on a daily basis turn up dead. The wilderness is brutal place people die there all the time.

Everyone knows it's aliens

How am I supposed to watch your videos when going to sleep if there’s an ad interrupting me every few minutes?

I love the voice you have, better than these monologues toned voices that sound like robots! Lol

Mono toned voices***

Makes me think of the movie The Ritual.

Blair witch. Like a bunch of em

The geographical clusters probably have more to do with ease of access or popularity of location.

Weird, people disappear more in bad weather, who would have known?

Cloaked inter dimensional creature

Dont forget your sense over remembering your phone

By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes

Oh it's mike thanks for explaining I've believed for years that something like what you have just said is happening

@Debbie Wing Well, i'm implying that demons/faeries or whatever they may be, are quickly and quietly phasing into our plane of existence from either the astral plane or some other nearby dimension, and abducting people. This is why they seem to vanish without a trace. Occasionally some of these people are returned safely, which is why you have the stories of those who traveled a seemingly impossible distance in a short time-span.

Oh it's mike im not being a smart arse but I don't understand what you meen but I'm really interested so could you explain please

You made me chuckle

@All Frequency Ministries you just feel that way. The blood vessels in the skin dilate wide open, which is the same thing that happens to women in menopause when they have a hot flash.

Narrator: forensic shows that Jared was most likely attacked by a mountain lion Narrator next statement: but no one knows what happened to Jared.

These ads are cancer

Cabin in the woods is true the sick government runs these woods Hollywood runs the world watch cabin in the woods these creatures are real

I wonder if anyone has gotten on a map and see if there a pattern of where they dis per and where bodies are found and where clothes are found?

Ok soo weather rocks and water are EVERYEHERE!!!!! YOU ASSHAT!! nice video but maybe listen to what you spout out before you upload

Aos Si

In 2009 2pac rangers...

Maybe the authorities are in on covering up murders.

So a mountain lion turned his pants inside out? I guess if it was pulling his legs out after ripping them off but where is the blood? I think some sickos are stalking national parks. When you break it down it makes sense. Isolated and at the same time full of people. Most of whom are too scared to ever venture off the trail. Carry someone a few feet and it's like they were never there. It's also a place where disappearances are common. Exactly what a serial killer would want. And besides abundant wildlife to eat there's also the victim. Yes. I'm suggesting someone is living like an animal in our national parks and eating people and given how many groups have gone missing. Can we truly say the hills don't have eyes?

Just because they are a genius doesn't mean they belong in the field. Maybe the missing people who were exceptionally brilliant were drawn to those places for historic or educational reasons? Doesn't mean they have any business being there. But that could explain the spike in genius level individuals going missing.

That Christian group were very very irresponsible. You never take a young child to a rough and dangerous trail. Dumbasses.

Nature ,and all it's vastness , just has a way of it's own reclamation. Not benevolent, just re- absorption. Depending on your veiw point, right place at right time or wrong place at right time or wrong place at the wrong time. Take your pick............. We really don't know our earth. Fact: the earth is good, you are earth.

The government covering up Alien abductions

Oh my✨

Ron Kirk's cause of death:

A 9 day search is short?


@Rakish Touch Thats True.. Its truly strange.. I know that there is much more in this universe than we will never know about. At least while we are in Bodies

Dogs would be able to track that very easily though, which is not the case in these

@Ariel Campos which model hk? There's 1 right answer when the alternative is surely death or alien anal probing. Give you a hint its a heavy .45 cal and its performance is superior or highly comparative to almost every handgun used for self defense purposes.

Same but I bring my HK

Could I buy some pot from you...?

The JudderMan omg I always thought that

Are they being hunted? Remains, clothes and clues usually found near large rocks/boulders and bodies of water; search dogs can’t get a scent. Experienced hunters know dogs can’t track into water. Unusual clothes and missing footwear: amusement for the hunter. And all in general areas of other disappearances. A familiar hunting ground.

If you want to be the most famous person on earth? Solve this.

Elves, trolls, fairies, portals, UFOs, child snatchers or traffickers?

Bigfoot is taking them and killing them,a trained marine who hikes there often? Disappears ? FBI does not care to talk about it ? It will come out sooner or later.

The mountain lion attacking Jared seems very plausible at first until you realize the pants were somehow inside out and not tattered, the shoe still looked new, and there was no blood on any of the clothing. This is all so interesting.

Stay away from Church Hikes, you'll become missing....

Aliens are underground.hence it being at national park. Has anyone looked in the ground?

Its bigfoot killing and eating people lol

Mentions a large amount of geniuses going missing...doesn’t mention one Goes on with 3 year old Jared is probably the most known case. A small defenseless child was left by himself in the woods. It would be very easy for any predator to kill him, and drag him up a trail. The marine going missing in a area he’s familiar with, with survival skills, and high physical strength, and endurance is probably the weirdest case. Especially because his whole body was found in a area that was previously searched.

I don't know but I have a bad feeling about the rangers...

We will bro. Whats your faction ? You in the Narutos ?

@L sorry dude, but I'm not into spoon feeding. Google yellowstone natives, Google the tribes stories, I'm sure you won't be disappointed, even Yaqui and Deni know not to go in those regions.

@Kami The Music Box Ah right. Thanks for the info. I didn't know if the body was able to turn a bunch of stored energy into heat energy in a life threatening situation or if it was just a perception. Thanks for the info.

Hmmm. I like your reply. And, it makes sense.

Could be a wendigo.

I am not ever going to Yosemite ever again

Maybe National & State Parks are a couple ways the Illuminati obtain their Luciferian sacrifice victims. Just how many people go missing every single year and are never found?...

YouTube has made me afraid of literally everything... I have to stop

Why do I always find these videos when I'm sleep deprived and alone...

Maybe it's just because it's like finding a needle in a haystack, but hey; that's just a hypothesis.

Falls are common, crevices and bodies of water are plentiful. Snakes, Bears, Wolves, Mountain Lions, and other Predators exist.

There is a Mountain Lion cave somewhere, full of horrors

@top5s “Geological clusters” is different to “geographical clusters” 6:20

Your voice and speech sound a lot like cosmicskeptic



We need to set up a "Go Fund Me" and hire some hardcore contractors to help find these missing persons.. I think they would be more happy scouting the woods than the desert of middle east..

Someone must like human meat in those woods

I'm so confused what was the point of this, I was waiting to hear what it was or what they think it is but nothing, well I just wasted 22 minutes

The USA is #1 in missing children. Google it.

Everyone should just wear a tracker when going into national parks

honestly these videos, no matter how creepy and surreal the subject matter is, are like ASMR for me because the narrators voice is sooo relaxing. it’s a weirdly good combo of creepy but calm!

Case closed people it was clearly a demogorgon

"Plain site"? "Colarado"? Come on, this is basic English.

God these are always so boring for such an interesting story

The narrator doesn't explain well why this doesn't make sense, watch Danielle hallans video on Jared's case, she does a really good job telling his story

Me too bro, 43x or 19x every time

Nah they already were used for experiments. People will find nothing at A-51. Giving such a long heads up, by the time you guys get there, nothing will be there.

You going to storm in?

organ harvesting....... period

sounds like search and rescue has a serial killer among themselves.

This is the nuttiest thing that i've ever heard of. A quick search shows Stacey Arras was wearing hiking boots not flip flops like mentioned in the video- where is this info from?

who is john gault?

Being a resident in the town of Estes Park, Co I find this rather true around all national forest and towns near them. Their definitely is something sinister harboring my tourist favorite town

At 5:50 the Narrator speaks of "Geological Clusters", with the intended meaning that disappearances cluster within small locales. It would be much more accurate to refer to this as _geographical_ clustering.

There was a disappearance up here in Oregon. If you live here, you've heard of the "Kyron Horman" case. He was walking into or out of his school (I can't remember which) and he was just...gone. no one knows what the fuck happened to him. I still see missing posters of him at stores and whatnot.

The area shown in the video Santa Fe, Kaplan and Nadel New Mexico are all near three of the largest Deep Underground Military Bases, which all connect together by underground tunnels, Los Alamos, Taos, and Dulce which I am told houses Reptilians and Grey Aliens. Reptilians feed off humans negative emotions and eat the flesh of Humans and are 4th-dimensional beings, they can pop into our dimension and back into their dimension taking us with them, leaving no trace of evidence. the Grey aliens feed of the fluids from our major organs ( they take a bath in it). The deep state and the Military-Industrial Complex are working together for advanced technology. Our Government has had a Treaty with the Reptilians and the Greys since 1954, making legal to abductions humans. My newest video will go in more detail. /

They are victims of human sacrifice and or stumbled up on something they weren't supposed to.

I don’t think the kid was attacked by a mountain lion, mountain lions can’t turn yours clothes inside out and also they don’t take your clothes off before eating you

Here’s a tip: you don’t “negotiate” landscapes. You “navigate” them.

Guys, they went to the upside down

They're being taken to the upside down

Some stranger things shit going on

The real eye opener is when you think of where our national parks and parks alone are located some spanning a few thousand miles or so. Parks especially national are protected you can’t build on them or anything. So these places stay unknown, wild and mysterious because they are mostly untouched by humans. This means national parks are a good place for animals to hide, even unknown animals and even hominoids. These untouched places hold many mysteries and are sanctuaries for anything to thrive. It’s the last place for large animals to hide

Joshua Burns Yeah probably

@inglorious_Machina - because you're always sleep deprived and alone? (like me)

Better pay good.

You dumbass that's becasue nobody knows what the cause is.

Or a weapon to keep themselves protected

@Ariel Campos I was talking about the mark 23

Alyssa T Hahahah, I’m sticking with a 9mm thinking about that 45 though haha. I am assuming you have one also?

@BigDuneRacing bahahaha

Make sure you got some Monster Energys and Red Bulls, Kyle

It’s “plain sight” not plain site


They're all at area 51

If you look hard you can see the predator in a couple clips in there. Any one else see it?

This is all footage from the new missing 411 hunters...

Surely if you find a body somewhere that's already been searched, it means that the person was likely alive during the search and found their way to that spot before keeling over?

They're not hiding aliens at area 51... Its other secrets....

I know this will sound a little ridiculous but this little passive, whispy voice of this British narrator is bugging the shit out of me. Forgot using headphones

Serial Killer.

Here's my contribution to the crazy theory pool: abducted by fairies or the equivalent of for the area.

Interdimensional entities that have possessed reptilians that are impersonating extraterrestrial beings disguised as bigfoot and working in conjunction with black op military paranormal projects. The hole is deep eh?

Take actual events, distort the facts, add some conspiracy theories, publish books and make yourself some money.

I recommend watching Danelle Hallan's coverage of the Jared Atedero case. The strange details of the whole story go WAY further than the Missing 411 theories.

Yeah the patterns all match up "I'm fuckin stupid, I don't know how to navigate and I only now how to use my phone which may either die or lose a signal"

What better place for a serial killer

I have no idea why the commentators for these types of videos are always so weird lol.

Personally seen a cougar that that was around 240lbs. When it was killed. And even a grown man wouldn't stand a chance against this animal. They will grab you by the back of the neck and climb a tree with you all 200 plus pounds of you with no problem. In Oregon we call them mountain lions because they are just that.... lions.

Maybe there are secret reptilian civilizations hidden close to those huge mountains

This is the best ad for that documentary. I will definitely check it out.

Seems like quite a normal number of people going missing.

Where are the recordings of the very strange sounds????

But what do the autopsies say about the bodies that were found?

In an effort to fight global warming the government has decided to randomly make people "disappear" to produce rain and snow to combat the worldwide rising temperatures. It's all for you!

I was a park ranger and nothing is this secretive. I never understood why he can't find information. Maybe they were lazy and never completed the paperwork lol

That's just so bad & irresponsible. Hundreds & thousands goes missing & their cases unsolved, then there's laziness & incomplete paperworks? Some serious overhaul is needed here.

Jaryd died of willful neglect. Clear cut.

Richie Aguilar lol why?

Animal attacks would leave a trail, like blood splatter, scent, tattered clothes, bits of flesh, predator's print, dragged body. Yet dogs nor the best trackers can't find anything. So it's in the trees or portals

@Lauren Zoldyck well maybe expand opon that and explain what it is thats more then meets the eye, like maybe just this guys opinion would have been cool anything but NOTHING all this did was scare me for a few minutes and make me not want to go to a national park now I'm good but I didn't get anything from this video

@BloodThirsty You're seriously so indecisive that you need them to spoon feed you conclusions?

@Matthew Morris I thought they would have some type of damn reason the fuck you are a dumbass for thinking they wouldn't when people dissappear people will say maybe alien maybe kidnap just anything like that and I wasted my time watching this dumbass video a few people dissappear over years and years and it makes it seem terrifying

I mean it's pretty obvious by the start of the video that they're just making connections between multiple circumstances that are suspicious due to coincidences. It's to present the idea that there could potentially be more than what meets the eye..

lol... the reason they need search and rescue with dogs and helicopters with thermal imaging is because most of those places are pretty remote and have no cellular signal if you get into the wrong areas. as with ANY trip like that you should ALWAYS tell someone WHERE you are going and leave a map showing where you're planning on being throughout and if they don't hear from you in a certain time frame...

most people may not know of the history of disappearances therefore not see the reason or the risk at all. I agree! they should! to hopefully track them!

I know right!! Thats exactly what i was thinking! How is no one talking about it more

This is all just too weird... too many Rumors and theories but if the FBI were to be the reason for the disappearance of people then.. what do these agencies want with the woods? What interest the FBI so much about the woods?

These hills clearly have eyes...

There are 2 documentaries missing 411 and missing 411 the hunted

Кто от зомби чез

I always tie my son with a special wire hook never let run freely and always carry your pistol at all times these people go missing because of the big foot element they eat people and they can easily over power any one I’ll keep my kids in the big city thank you

So we have to watch the movie to hear the recordings?

Its the damn wendigos

Maybe the hunters are being killed by an anti-hunting/pro-animal group?

UFOs probably take them, maybe not aliens but something with advanced technology. Using them for something.. we will probably never know the truth.

After hiking in the State/National Parks, I realize how easy it would be to get lost if you veer slightly off the trail.

Thank you top 5's! Because now.......... now I'm scared of the dark!

Why is this the kinda shit i find while im stoned at night? I’m paranoid already

This makes no fucking sense. So I read about Polides- he proposes a paranormal hypothesis for these disappearances and even weaves FBI paranoia into the tapestry. What shit

Plot Twist National Parks are Area 51.

Sounds absolutely insane, I’m sure, but maybe cannibals in the woods? Perhaps they reside in caves? Although, the more feasible explanation, at that rate, would be a predator....but wouldn’t predators leave tracks?

I can't go more than 4 minutes without Tom Steyer telling me he funded good causes.

Jesus my dog jumped onto my bed behind me, halfway through this video

Sounds like Bigfoot to me not being funny like seriously Bigfoot

So much misinformation. Just to start with is the idea that the public has access to all federal information, there are exceptions and Stacy's case clearly falls under one of these.

The guys voice literally send me to sleep, but not in a bad way, in a do-an-audiobook way

This is probably a bunch of bullshit. I work in the national parks. There's always paperwork man

@Robert Lee I agree they seem to jump to foul play right away.

@ryan rogers I completely agree. Having been a Park Ranger myself there should always be a paper trail on any search and rescue. I'm not deny people go missing they absolutely do. But likely people die unexplained because no one was there to report them having chest pain or being hypothermic. This story seemed to aimed at causing fear not investigations. Just my opinion

@Robert Lee Yes I'm well aware of that. Honesty is not a desired trait in law enforcement. Following orders strictly is though.

@ryan rogers Law Enforcement are not above lying sir. I promise you

Then try to get it. You think a former law enforcement officer/investigator is lying about all this and then going to make a documentary about his lies???

They are all lost in the Blair Witch forest dimension. There is no escape. :O

Could you not use music that has high pitched whining type noises in it? I thought it was one of my dogs and went outside to check on em but it was just your video.

Vid would be better if you weren't forcing that weird ASMR voice effect. I'm trying to listen to what you're saying and learn, not fall asleep.

Simple. Wild animals.

Wild animals leave evidence. Did you watch the video?

Where's the friggin rest of it? I was interested in the recording

Not "geological"....."geographical" rather

He's not American

The child's clothes would be covered in blood and tattered and shredded by said predator.

Giants are the problem. They live in National Parks and take people to eat

This is making me feel like I want to carry a gun when hiking

Homicidal hominids and masters of stealth Mascots from alien craft. Deny and cover up.

t u p a c r a n g e r s

I’m not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens.

The Stacy Arras abduction happend in that remote area where 2 men abducted her and put her body in a sleeping bag and fled the area. Why isn't our government doing more to find these people??? That pretty much says that it's an authority figure here that is involved and letting the disappearances happen due to the person being an authoritive figure. I can see certain elements takeing place here. The kid and expert hiker could of met up with a mountain Lion and fell from the mountain. I know that the wild animals do come along and attack the hikers bc they are very aggressive to eat. Heres another theory no one is thinking about. We are at the end of times and the Rapture is upon us with people disappearing into thin air bc of it. Soo the Rapture is possible. Also people could be stepping into a time portal in which they are going missing from doing that.

Soo what your saying is that some unknown force is kidnapping people and makeing them mysteriously disappear. Soo this force is spiritual comeing from the other side of our existence? To me it sounds like a demon is comeing from the other side killing people that camp in the woods. I do know that the Moth Monster does exist in West Virginia and for years this demon has appeared unto campers and killed them and taken their bodies back to the other side. I know this because it's happening right now in the back woods of West Virginia and this thing has been killing many people for years now because people are camping in it's domain. The sad fact or reality about this is the fact that people DO NOT KNOW THAT THIS THINGS EXISTS OUT THERE. It's 100 percent true and will kill anyone. My theory is most of these missing people also did not have a weapon that they could of used to defend themselves either. To hell with shooting them I just say lets carry Dynamite with us everywhere we go soo that the space ship can be blown to bits when they show up on the highway I'm traveling on.

people dont realize that we are living in a simulation reality, these people lost there avatar for some reason and poof gone, why this happens in the wild is because the woods dont simulate like cities do, they possibly just got lost in the code erased idk. if you think its not true, do some research question this place its not what it seems

"In 2009 2Pac rangers..."

14:24 weirdest fosters beer commercial ever

Paranormal entities kidnap them,now they live in a different world.

Cruise ships are a praying ground for murder

Jesus christ you just keep listing shit, so many circumstances that you cover acting like its super weird when its just what happens to someone when they get lost. Shit happenssss and they take clothes off in the stages of hypothermia

I’m surprised it’s this dude who made this documentary.

Ok but the fishermen in Jared’s story??? When you see a child wandering by themselves, you don’t let them wander away.

If it's all near water couldn't they have just fallen in the water and be knocked about and swept down river where no one would think to look for them?

The narrator's whispering voice makes me think he's hiding in a dark corner, in his basement at his mom's house.

Sasquatches have to eat too!

Look at those areas... They are quite dangerous.


Maybe it was an illuminati Bigfoot alien?

Step 1: steal underpants Step 2: ? Step 3: profit

Ain't that the truth !

Is this one of those Russian stations, keeping Americans afraid of everything?

Boulders + abduction = aliens ?

I live in Springfield and we recently camped at upper fallcreek. We walked on a trail into the sticks looking for a cave. Something felt weird so we turned around and went back to camp. The forest can consume you fast if your not paying attention. The sheer vastness of the area we were camping in is scary. Nighttime is even worse. Ive always been freaked out by forests at night.

The person speaking has a voice where you can’t understand him, or everyone in the nearby rooms can here him

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