The Unexpected TRUTH About BRUNEI

The Unexpected TRUTH About BRUNEI

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Good afternoon, everyone Welcome back to the channel I am now in the airport And soon i'll go to brunei One of the richest country in south-east Asia Brunei isn't an international destination Like for example, France, spain But for Chinese people It is quite known Because we all know the famous Wuzun After 5 month finally I got to see Flo again this time, we will be traveling in south east Asia and we started with Brunei A rarely visited country in South east Asia Nihao So finally I've reached And now you hear the call to prayers From this mosque And brunei is one of the few Absolute monarchy in the world And it's a country that I want to visit For quite a long time And now we are going to the hotel And we will show you brunei from tmr on Brunei locates in northern Borneo completely surrounded by Sarawak Malaysia it’s a tiny country with less than half a million population and a size similar to Shanghai Brunei is also the 2nd richest country in Southeast Asia Only next to singapore It is almost a total welfare state with zero income tax and free education and healthcare the Sultan’s government pays its citizen even living expenses and the base of the country’s wealth Is oil industry 60% of GDP and more than 90% of exports comes from crude oil and natural gas production The full name of Brunei is Brunei Darussalam Which means the abode of peace And indeed, it's a very peaceful And laid back country Brunei has very few bus lines So to get around easily we rent a car I hardly see any taxi So flo and I, we rent a car With an interesting plate, BBC I guess because Brunei is a rich country So almost every family has a car And since it's part of the common wealth The driver is sitting on the right Let's go My first impression of the capital Bandar Seri Begawan is that the city is very car oriented roads are well paved but i hardly see pedestrians nor people walking on the street But in the Brunei there are also many wooden stilt houses along the Brunei river that’s the traditional settlements as early as the 10th century people started building house on water And there are also small school here Restaurants, yacht clubs But here is very peaceful This is so cool It's a bit scary Just don't drop anything Look, it's all eat by ant What? I just walk into this hole Ah, ok. We have to be careful Because some woods are broken This here And there are crocodiles in the river Hello. How are you? Good good Do you live on the other side Yes, my friend is on the other side I live in gadong So some people are still living in those houses but not many there are about 100, or 150, like that But are they all fisherman All of them are fisherman Why it was initially built? Why do you live on floating houses This one we called water village It has always been like this. So it's the most traditional type of house So there is also bus Have a nice day. Alright you too. Thanks Today many people still stay In those floating house From noble man to people work in different professions Some house are broken So I guess Some people have moved out of this area And there are also fishing net In water So during high tide They put the net in the underwater So that they can fish directly from the house In kampung Ayer we met the water taxi driver who gave a ride before What a coincidence Do you want to drive us around again Can we have another round trip Ok sure, no problem Or if you want to see the crocodiles anywhere You can see. You want to see the crocodiles?

Yes. we want to see the crocodiles Gadong, Gadong We go this way Brunei's crocodiles are some of the largest in the world They can grow up to 7 meters our boat man took us to the upper stream where the crocodiles tend to rest This is an area Where there used to be a lot of crocodiles But this time, it seems the crocodiles Are hiding somewhere But do they always (go) underwater? No, normally they stay This side. On the banks? yeah Ah, there is another one All of a sudden One crocodile came out And then they two... puuushiiii About 15 years ago, 20 years go There was a crocodile farm One day the heavy rain caused the flood And all the crocodiles were gone Ah, they got out of the farm This is the beginning why brunei a lot of crocodile I thought it's all wild But they're from the farm Are crocodiles protected animals In Brunei no But we are not killing them But the government is taking actions About the crocodiles They try to catch the crocodile When they caught them They call the rescue To put them back to the farm Now the sunset is just beautiful It has a purple pink color The boat was gliding so fast that it felt even like a plane It flew out of water and then dropped onto water making a huge sound The night soon came It was so dark that our boatman used a torch to light the way In the darkness we saw a beam of light from a small fishing boat Some fisherman is fishing at night Do the always go fishing at night? Oh yeah This is shrimp? Oh, it's all shrimps Do you also sometimes get fish? Fish no Shrimps only Ah, only small shrimps That one is my house That one, the one next Behind it With the flickering light That blue house, that is my house today Flo and I We plan to plan to drive to To more rural area of brunei But in the afternoon When we were walking around We saw this hug bazaar What I am wondering is that Today is actually ramadan So they are not allowed to eat during the day time Can I ask you something? Why is food sold now during ramadan What? Why is food sold right now? And not later Like, when it's dark It's our traditonal So you buy food now But you eat it after sunset Yes. Ok. And all the fish and hot stuff

You would bring it back now? Ok. We can't eat it right now Because we are still fasting And then later will the market be opening until night? Probably Okay. Are you guys will be here we well? Or you'll... we only here until 6 So brunei people buy during the day And when it's at night You will all stay at home And eat with your family Yeah. Okay, cool

Thanks. Thank you That's interesting So the tradition is to cook And buy food right now And eat it together with the family later And that's why all the markets are quite empty After 7pm There are many different food on the market Buns, sandwiches boxes of nasi lemak Beef rendang and Plenty of Colorful drinks and dessert so Flo and I got some lunch boxes for later of the day The white is the same, tapioca This one is green beans Which one do you prefer? I dunno This one? yes Is this traditional brunei dessert? Or Malay dessert Malay dessert. Thanks Malay dessert. Thanks

This is a dessert stand There are some donuts That's some rolls with pandan leaves Popia pisang Is it sweet? yes Chicken? Yes Beef? One beef, one chicken So we got popia, pisang And karpap ayam After getting food we drove south to the rain forest Along the highway some forests are burning the white smoke almost blurred our vision it’s hard to tell whether it’s a forest fire or just slash and burn agriculture after about 2 hours drive we reached the deep forest Flo and I, we have been driving towards The Laby forest reserve In southern brunei And along the road We saw very few villages We only see a few households So over 80 percent of Brunei's population Is in capital city bandar seri begawan Very few people live in the rural area And we stop by a lake So we decided to To have a look What have you found Big termites In this national park There are also different kinds of animals e.g. this is salt water crocodile And they can be quite dangerous And there is also this This calle Sunda pangolin The animal that roll itself like a ball There are also a lot birds And a lot of fish They keep jumping out of the water Wow, look at this color So amazing This is almost the end of your today's trip We are going to have food very soon Yeah, ramadan is almost over This is the really one of the most underrated places I think in brunei The nature is just so stunning So I hope you enjoy this episode If you like it Please give us a thumb up Thanks for watching And see you next time

2024-04-22 20:18

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