The True Paradise Which SURPRISED ME the MOST S7 EP.17 | Pakistan to South Africa

The True Paradise Which SURPRISED ME the MOST  S7 EP.17 | Pakistan to South Africa

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I think that's where they dock the boats and let the tourists have fun. The reef looks wonderful. It's not that big but you can still see some fish in there. People also go for diving. Of course he's gonna sell that.

But he's making sure.... They don't have work to do? Yeah Is it hard to find work here? This is the place that has truly inspired me. As they say... Zanzibar is a paradise island.

Assalam Alekum and Welcome Back to the Channel from Zanzibar. I'm at a place called Uroa. I've been here for the past two nights and I'm loving it. This hotel is quite nice as well; it's not a big resort but a boutique hotel. I've paid 60 USD per night so prices are also okay. You get an awesome view of the sea directly from your room.

And you have a white sand beach right there. What else do you need... Anyways, today we are gonna go and explore another area. Towards the north of this island, is a small village called Nungwi.

There's a tourist resort there with some tourist related activities. Today we are gonna explore Nungwi. But before that, there is another island called Nnemba. It offers many sea activities. We'll also try to explore this island today.

But if we could capture the beauty of sea there, it's gonna be awesome. Let's get going. It's sort of rainy season.

Since I'm gonna come back here for the night, I'm only carrying the most important stuff with me. Because we are gonna come back at night, anyway. It's almost a 90 minute ride each side. So you can say that the ride will take almost 3 to 4 hours. The rest of the time we can spend in exploring the area. Bismillah... In the name of Allah...

*Prayer for the journey* We pray for a problem free and memorable ride ahead. Assalam Alekum This is the main road. On the right side, you'll mainly see resorts and hotels.

Whereas, on the left side, you only see villages. Tourism has changed this island a lot. It has provided people a whole new set of opportunities. I think the Nungwi area, that we are going to explore today, is the most touristy area here.

In comparison with all the other areas. Stone Town and Nungwi are the two major tourist areas here. People are sitting out here, having a good time. They go to fish early in the morning and then again in the afternoon. That's the main job of people, not related to tourism industry.

And those who have their own boats... They are mostly found in the areas nearby tourist places. So that if someone wants to go to see, for snorkeling for instance or visiting some island...

Then they can do get some business through this. Check out how green this island is. Nature here is undoubtedly amazing. You'll notice another thing here... That the women here dress in a way... That's quite similar to how women do in our Punjab.

I mean they also have their heads covered. Most of them have a shawl over their heads. However, hijab or burqa is not very common. Most of the elderly women are dressed in a very similar way. They cover their heads with a shawl and wear their everyday traditional dresses.

That's the beach. You won't see many tourists here. Because almost everyone has left for the island.

Let's stop here and ask someone. Do you know where to find tours for Nnemba? Nnemba is there. Yes. And the boats go from here. Can I park anywhere? Yes, you can park here. We have a boat. So, you have a boat? Yes.

How much will you charge us? So, Captain Dorado here is gonna be our captain for today. But what's your original name? Jumma Jumma is like Friday? Yeah So, we have Captain Dorado with us... Or Captain Jumma. We have parked our motorcycle here. And there's a guy here who will charge us 2000 shillings, 1 USD, to keep an eye on the motorcycle. I think we'll take snorkeling goggles from here.

I have to pay them 30 USD. It will include everything. Here we'll get swim vest as well. You never know when you might need it. And goggles.

Just these three items. Is it good? Yeah Looks like a nice area. Such a lively place with friendly locals.

And you can see the boast in the distance. It's low tide early in the morning. That's why we have to walk to water.

But normally, water is right up to the beech. Captain Jumma has brought us to the sea. We are in shallow waters and it's not too far. Hardly half a kilometer.

Isn't this place awesome... I think we are in for a treat. You can see the beautiful turquoise color of water. Look at that... That's so many boats... Looks like the place is full of tourists.

I think that's where they dock the boats and let the tourists have fun. So... we are ready for our first snorkel here. It's really nice. The reef is not too big. You do get to see the fish.

Especially when they throw fruits from the boats, the fish gather to eat that. Our snorkeling experience turned out to be a rather good one. I don't know what's the video's gonna be like... But personally I enjoyed this experience. The reef was not a big one and didn't have too many fish. But this was great to give you an idea and let you enjoy.

I have been to many places with a lot of reef. There you get to have the real enjoyable experience of snorkeling. And that reef is big enough to keep you busy for hours. Anyways, the reef here is a small one. Right now, we are in shallow waters. Here you can comfortably walk in water.

And people are here to relax. Normally, there's water in this area only when it's high tide. Otherwise, there is no water here during low tide. They bring the tourists here after showing them the reef.

Then there are some more areas for other activities such as diving. Since I'm not interested in diving, we'll just relax here for a bit. Let's see if we find something interesting. We are back now.

Our trip took almost 2 hours. It was quite interesting and relaxing. Man... the drone shots of water were something magical. There are some tiny islands in between. Some of them are permanent islands... Like the big one we saw there.

But many are temporary, appearing only during low tide. Nevertheless, this scenery is so mesmerizing. This is really different from what I have already seen in Zanzibar. Or even in Kenya. Because I didn't visit any islands there.

This is the first time I went away from the beach in order to explore new things. Quite interesting. You can see that it's high tide now.

We had to walk all the way to water when we came here. But now we are almost by the sand. There are some fishermen on the beach. You see what he's doing with his hands... He's preparing an octopus. Assalam Alekum. How are you brother? Is that an octopus? Are you preparing it? I don't know what he's doing with the sand...

Of course he's gonna sell it. But he's putting a lot of effort in it. He doesn't seem to speak English otherwise I would have asked him.

The fishermen back there have got some fish as well. That over there is tuna. No idea about the other one though.

You see tourists as well as locals, almost everywhere. What's your name brother? Man boy? Oh okay. Mr. Man Boy is eating Ugali. I showed you what that is in Kenya.

So he's having a combination of fish and rice. Ugali is nice. Yeah, ugali is good. Where are you from, my friend? I'm from Pakistan. How long are you here? 5 days in Zanzibar and then in Arusha. You live in Arusha? No.

I go there to visit Serengeti and Boro Boro. He's having ugali but I got myself some bananas because I was a bit hungry. And a bottle of water... because when you are in the sea, you are directly under the sun. I felt a little dehydrated. Hope this water restores some of our energy.

Coming... okay. Good. People are really nice. They don't mind if you make their video or ask them questions. Sometimes this is good. The overcast conditions suggest that it may start raining very soon.

Rather dark clouds As soon as you get away from the coastline... The vegetation is so dense. Fruits... Vegetables...

And the gardens and trees... It's not like a very long ride because it's a small island. I think I have hardly been riding for 3 to 4 km or so. And you can see how much the scenery has changed.

This is a tiny market of this village. It has started to rain. Looks like it's raining very hard ahead. I don't feel like getting the rain gear on.

I'm gonna get soaked. Better here for some time. We'll leave once the rain is settled. I could have waited back there. I can go back now.

And wait with the villagers. That's better. That was a very narrow escape. I didn't realize that someone was coming from the other direction. Normally I'm careful about such things.

Assalam Alekum How are you? Chai or tea? No chai. What's inside..? Can you show me? Let's see what's this. Okay... this is lemon grass tea. They all seem to be very curious about my motorcycle. What's your name? Abu Shireen.

Nice to meet you, Abu Shireen. He's got his helmet on. What do you do? Work? Boda boda Ah okay. Boda boda ... this one? So he is in the motorcycle taxi service. And all others? What work do they do? They don't have work to do.

Is it hard to find work here? Is it hard to find work here? Yeah. It's very hard to find work. And mostly people work in agriculture and tourism? Some people like agriculture. Some like tourism. What's your name? Bilal? Abdullahi. Nice to meet you. What do you do? Jobless Lots of prayers for you. May you find a good job soon. In Sha Allah

In Sha Allah What's your name? Abrar Abrar? Yes. Abrar is not a difficult name. Difficult name.

No. No. It's from Quran. 'Innal abrara lafi naeem' Where are you going now? I'm going to Nungwi. But this road does not go to Nungwi.

Google says so. I came from Makuni. Nnemba From Nnemba to Nungwi. Why do you have a lot of cameras? Lots of cameras? I make videos. You make videos? Yes.

Are you an actor? No. I just make YouTube videos. Do you have a channel? Yes.

You will be in my YouTube video. You and Mr. Abu Shireen. The rain has finally stopped. Some fishermen have brought fish to be sold to the villagers. It rains heavily for 15 to 20 minutes.

And then the weather gets quite nice. This way, the weather keeps changing. Amazing This whole area is known for mango, banana and of course coconuts. I have also seen some other fruits here. It's so full of these fruits. We have now reached Nungwi.

I wanted to park the motorcycle at some safe spot first. After leaving my luggage helmet to some safety, I'll then head towards the beach. Lets see... We can do this at some restaurant or cafe. They will charge some money. Another option could be a public parking with some guard.

This is the biggest town I have seen after Stone Town in Zanzibar. That's the end of the road. Honestly, I have no idea why I am going this way. Or where I'm going for that matter.

We could have gone a little further because the road is just like that. That's because of rain. Looks like we are in some private residential area.

I haven't gone so deep into the streets as to pass through residential areas. We are at the beach now. I think this whole area is for locals. Tourists must have another area of ​​their own. Assalam Alekum How are you brother? Good? Good Welcome Is it safe to park here? Yeah. I'm looking. No problem.

No problem? No problem. You walk around. You come. You see me. Looking motorcycle. OK. Let me have a look first. I'd rather leave my stuff with some shopkeeper. This is closed.

O yes. That's a cafe. I can leave my stuff here. Assalam Alekum brother. How are you?/ Can I park my motorcycle here? Yeah, my motorcycle is right there. Over there is fine.

Over there is also fine? Yeah, thank you. I thought we were at a nice cafe. It's both; a cafe and a restaurant.

And I thought we might as well have a meal here. We have only had a breakfast. It was a good breakfast though. So look what we have here. We have been eating seafood for so many days. So we have changed that a bit. This is avocado burger and fries.

Before you ask me if it is halal... All the food you get in Zanzibar is halal food. Because almost 98% of the population here is Muslim. I hope our burger will be tasty. It's relatively cheaper compared to what I have been paying at other places. I think that's 8 or 9 USD.

Nice Finally got my hands on something delicious; other than seafood. During our travels, sometimes we find ourselves at such a place... Where you actually don't have words to appreciate the beauty.

Because God has made the place so amazing. This is one such place. I was just flying my drone. The beach is really beautiful. And the water is so awesome. This contrast is just too good.

I mean, I'm already living at a very beautiful location. But personally, if I had seen videos from this area... Or had seen before what I saw here today... I would have booked a room here for sure. Mainly, this is a very touristy place.

But it doesn't mean it's expensive. There are so many hotel options here. So the competition keeps the prices in check. Then there are so many options of food. And compared to the other places I have stayed, food here is cheaper. Nevertheless, this location is marvelous.

If I ever get a chance to come here again... I'll be staying here for sure. This place has actually made me realize that Zanzibar is in fact a paradise island.

Look at these drone shots and see for yourself how awesome this beach is. White sand and turquoise water... It's been an excellent day for us. And... I'm in love with Zanzibar. Nature is amazing here.

Really friendly. And very safe. For instance I was riding in the evening.

Not for a moment did I feel that this area is unsafe. Or I shouldn't have come here at night. But yes, there are no lights on the road. And at times people were walking on the roads. You can't see them from a distance. You only discover them when you are too close.

That's the only reason for which I might avoid a night ride. Unfortunately, sometimes you don't have a choice. But it was a great day. Hopefully you must have enjoyed this vlog as well. Please don't forget to Like Subscribe and Share. Time to rest now... so that we can make even better vlogs for you in the future.

Remember me in your prayers. Allah Hafiz

2023-12-20 21:51

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