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hello everyone good morning good evening folks I'm downtown Brooklyn I'm going to take a stroll through the park here and all the way across circle around downtown brooka so just walk with me is [Music] [Music] for it's kind of cloud I mean it's not it's kind of cold but the sky is blue I feel like it's 51° the wind make it feel like 40° it's a nice day [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where are [Music] you swing that back hey look that was SI [Music] o [Music] good [Music] I [Music] [Music] V [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so this street here take you to be let's go brid right [Applause] down [Music] a pretty down Brook downtown Brook [Music] Dad I'm guessing everybody's scambling for their last I mean not even the last minute but they preparation for Christmas after Thanksgiving [Music] like [Music] yeah are for the G it's across the street so down here called Pon mall and I the shoing GE that people come shop on a daily basis Pon Mall so for those who are just joining us welcome to downtown Brooklyn just a couple of blocks down the street to go across the Brooklyn Bridge but I won be heading across the Brooklyn Bridge today I'm staying downtown Brooklyn quite a busy busy day today everybody's moving around shopping you know going about your business it's cold 51° but it's not a bad weather to walk as you see everybody's out here moving around about your business let me see are you with your momon Mall laen Street not cold no it's okay you guys are what do you guys sell here we got free internet free internet yeah how comes you guys have free I don't have free I have to pay for my internet oh yeah yeah how do you get it free it's a benefit oh it goes with a benefit oh Medicaid I don't have that unfortunately yeah I I work too much money they don't give people that you know they're going to say oh you make so much or here you can't get Medicaid you know you have to be a lower income worker to get Medicaid yeah so I can't get it you know thanks guys take care and keep warm you guys don't have coffee you don't drink coffee to warm yourself up yeah you good where's your coffee we don't have it now you don't have it you get it later all right keep warm thank you you too oh yeah okay [Music] okay we got Maes across the street they in fullon Mall maces hav haven't been out down here in years though thisen is this building is huge American Eagle oh like $400 I really didn't know that still have models I thought models was close down but they have one here across the street here downtown Brook yeah I didn't know that morning this one they don't have this one got chipfill for those chipfill fans right over here how you doing my brother huh what are you selling here man why you you make a video of me like that no well you no I'm sorry what are you selling you man you don't see selling Muslim oil oh just Muslim oil okay there used to be an oil in Jamaica that come in a very small bottle was very very strong nice how much you buy that vac buy you want a camera you want take it to the vacation okay so they comes in different prices are you afraid of camera no everything like that how much you going to you you want to put a I tell you I put the camera on you tell you want you pay for it can I do that no so you already do that man all right okay put it okay so you want to go on vacation and you want a camera like this one yes this is a GoPro a GoPro you ever heard of it GoPro Cameron M so it's more like an action camera you can do anything swim on the water you could oh yeah yeah it's it's waterproof it it also film it can ride your bike you do anything with it it can also take pictures very good but they come in different you have GoPro from GoPro 1 that years ago this is a GoPro 9 oh so you have 9 10 11 12 go to 12 now so it cost you about over $400 if you're going to get the the top one how many for 400 over 400 but you're going to have to buy different thing to attach to it might cost a little bit more like this like this okay this one here the 91 how much they on sale now now maybe two something two something yeah so you could go on on Amazon any way you can get it right how you doing sir you YouTube yeah I'm YouTube what do you want to say say something to YouTubers man come on say something to them just do greatness huh just do greatness that's all you have anybody to share a shout anybody shout out to Africa and Jamaica Africa and Jamaica all right he's Jamaican right yeah I'm African and Jamaican what original Afric I believe um I'm believe I'm from Ghana I believe I'm from between uh n neria and Ethiopia oh you look like more more nigeran than Ethiopia where where are you from I'm from Guinea guine kak that's West yeah I'm from guina kak but you have a guina guina and new guine and new guine from guine kak guine kak from like a Nigeria euroba or EO so I look like euroba euroba oh yeah yeah you see that Ethiopia the the first is small F and then the the horse is no bigger look that's why I my you you see the the the very very no no not like you my hands are skin Nigeria yeah it's more tall oh the ethopians no Ethiopian tall but small but Nigerian Nigerian big and tall bigger than no you you you you not small I'm small look at me I'm small I'm he it's little bit you know you you are the Ethiopian more small than you either moreor born man like this young guy oh he smart like him you look like him skin skin and but very smart oh yeah we what about what about the people from Ghana is not different fani Africa any country in Africa we have a fani so Ethiopians are fani e all of fani in Africa the original come from Ethiopia last know Ghana all of fani Ghana Nigeria Guinea Sagal anywhere in Africa all of that come from so the speak I'm is the African baby and Arabic baby aric tell me tell I what's happened I'm African YouTuber have a channel African presidential afan presidential okay I remember that yeah African presidential uncore eru underscore eru ER okay ER is a black ktic God okay what man learn something about Africa I read so so I'm aric is an ancient Chic language M it come with a CH I'm ethopian speak yeah okay yeah so because you say F I said maybe they know no you have another group ethnic in Ethiopia oh that's like my country I'm M we haveo mingoo is it Mandingo is Mandingo yeah Mand Mandingo Mand okay so you speak Mand I speak Mand say something in Mand let me hear oh what is that hi you still recording yeah so you're you're what YouTube what's name of your channel my channel is ay o SS i e video tours so oh video tour so go around the world Mara well I travel that like Mara Trav mar mar Trav the entire world yo this guy got the world two times already yeah him for while Him Sister too no she just do one no she did 40 countries I know but Mar I remember when Mar was in Jamaica before Co okay and know Mara's back he went to Jamaica like 6 months ago he went back and that was his third time cuz you know he he been on YouTu for six years so I was checking out his stuff and like way before YouTube blow up he was in Jamaica I think 5 years ago oh so he he went to so to who the lady I know you speak so which which African have this car here some people put put like a mark EUR what EUR where they from EUR and Nigeria Nigeria EUR and Ghana do that Ghana right GH Ghana only two or one the little the cut here only little this this this how you two oh you just start this one I want to get one of these this one this one you know why they do that right okay if you you you BN for one family the EUR family right and they want to this Mark if you find another person in anywhere in the world right example you can find your own sister you don't know if own sister you don't you the marker you see you're going to ask you when you open some marker is the inside right don't Mark here it's not there I have my Mark here look look look at my Mark here look you see it's over here oh you have a mark right there I have a mark over here let me see that Mark see that's how you identify yourself my mother your mother okay only uh children from my father we have this so when I see anybody have this you know it's family I see my family 360 360 right well let's see yeah okay yeah and then I know and you you rob give me a language in EUR tell me I don't know the language but this guy just tell me I'm EUR so that mean I'm going to be a Nigerian Nigerian so I have to learn to cook Jal FR yeah yeah even even the one and in Nigeria you look like him too yeah movie he look like you let me look like gentleman where are you you're Inon Mall Niger this this gentleman said you're in Fon mall it's Fon mall and Elm Street the young African gentleman here sells all his product here Niger Nigeria African oil African o go closer this one they use this one yeah but this this this you so busy explain gentl right across from El Street okay just told to Nigeria put on EUR clothes to me all right take your word I I was planning to go to Ghana and Nigeria so yeah that's easy for you Ghana and Nigeria they speak English but now now you told me that I look like EUR I'm going to go to Nigeria first first yeah Nigeria is no small country country it's like a New York here so so what you saying to me if I go to GH okay folks I'm continuing down in Fon Street here guys look all righty let's get across the street here and see what's going on [Music] oh man should we s how longing do I'm he had another job so yeah I can all right so I'm continuing my journey here Guys downtown Brooklyn which direction take back up to the Box this way this thank you come on I'm good I'm good cookies cookies is on all righty so I'm still um on the side street here going back to fullon Mall Street see if I can make it up put the block this time all righty back on truck oh this little the you doing seriously all righty so we are at flat Bush Avenue bush [Music] you woo all right a lot of impatient drivers here a lot of impatient drivers and I'm Hing my journey here hey gu how you doing everything good what you sell you a peanut give me a peanut man what is uh $1 $1 $1 for a peanut all right which one is the cashew or we got cashew and raisin you got raisin peanut cashew is good got raw cashew a raison you know yeah I like your camera you like my camera yes sir right everybody like the camera man you you want to be a YouTuber you you don't want you don't want to be on TV no good I know I know I know but are you all right I'm I'm you know what I mean oh okay cool yeah are all right you're all right mindful Inwood cor you everybody want you know a good jle let me know Olympic Gard Hill Tower Hill where you from Blue Mountain Blue Mountain you live up in the hills come on now man you telling the truth GT man you have a house up there Coco and coffee Coco and that's all here Co coffee all right take it to GT all right fish look botom w [Music] I [Music] am [Music] I'm j walking guys j walking across the [Music] street not a strong weed boy yeah no wait come on guys give me something good give me something good give me something good man come on now I'm on YouTube give me something good okay give me a flick something yeah you good yeah I got you you got me okay good try again man try again try again try again concentrate you know woo not too bad at all W what about you you good he's good right yeah he's good let me see him oh good that one's brilliant man oh nice I like that one woo I got something good for don't hurt yourself now thank you I have something really good for you something good yeah nice have a good day fellas take care guys take care all right all [Music] right [Music] Whole Food Market you couns yeah maybe [Music] her so like lock [Applause] [Music] w this is the Apple Store downtown Brook what you like your iPhone your Apple Supply come down here at the corner um right here St mad pack look at that app is making a lot of money look at this St from the outside [Music] no woo can I get my been [Music] doing downtown Brooklyn folks with a Long Island Raad across the street Atlantic Avenue Station he that's why I just said oh yes they she how are you how you doing br Atlantic Avenue subway station [Music] guys we're not all right so we're at the corner of Atlantic Avenue and clap Bush Avenue right here right across the street is the barkless center the home of the Brooklyn Net and we'll take off a look across the street see what's going on over there that's why I got run over here let me move it move it move it move it move it [Music] sh [Music] okay [Music] [Music] the barage center for the bar off center all those who are net fan this is where you come right the corner here a flat Bush an Atlantic Avenue nice beautiful scenery though I like it it looks good [Music] you [Music] talk Justice so hope everybody like this watch I've just completed if you like the video please like it if you're not if you didn't start liking please start liking now please like share and subscribe and until I see you in the next one you guys have a good day and a good afternoon peace

2023-12-07 01:59

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