The Tale Blazers, Episode 2: Baccalieu Trail

The Tale Blazers, Episode 2: Baccalieu Trail

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okay so this is the bacaloo trail area yeah beautiful i know isn't it gorgeous it's like living in a calendar right you know how every time you turn the page it's another beautiful beautiful scene that's exactly right [Music] i'm marley and i'm mirella and we're the tailblazers we're out here on the road in newfoundland and labrador in search of stories a place where there's a story around every single corner [Music] this week we're on the baccaloo trail we've heard there's a ton of history out here everything from mavericks of aviation legendary storytellers and a town mascot that's one of a kind lookout stories here we come [Music] all right so where are we going today marlon today we're going to the cable station in hearts content first of all the name of the town i don't know just swoon it's so romantic oh you're so sweet you know what they don't they did there for the cable station with what that is so that is the place where they laid the first transatlantic cable [Music] look at that beautiful gorgeous hearts content you just gotta love the name yeah you do this is such a cool place you know what i could live here without decorating it over again hey hi hi ladies welcome to the hearts content cable station well thank you you're tara right yes i am wow this place is so cool so this the this is the cable station yeah um and tell us about what does that mean so we're the landing site of the first successful transatlantic cable in 1866 were in operation for 99 consecutive years after that and you were talking about an actual cable that was laid under the ocean or away at the bottom of the ocean and that's not like a little tame ocean yeah that's got huge swells how do they do that make that word up tame motion that's right yeah so it's an ocean now tell tell us how how this happened how did they make this cable go into the ocean so the great eastern was set up with some very specialized equipment right that would carry the entire length of cable there was three holding tanks there was paying out machinery and it was basically fed from the back of the ship to the bottom of the ocean in two weeks wow were there any kind of like you know you have to learn the dot dash dot dash thingy what were there any kind of miscommunications did people like get it all mixed up or screwed up when they first sent out the messages through the cable yeah so one message that we know of for sure is it was see the judge at once and get excused i can send a man in your place but what the guy actually received was see the judge at once and get executed i can send a man in your place that's a good one yeah you're kidding me yeah so they actually killed somebody no no i think it was figured out before it got that far that's pretty good yeah i can send a man in your place so there was another one a pretty nice judge it was a congratulatory message to let them know that sarah had had her child so they actually send a message and they say sarah and little one are doing fine but what the person actually received was sarah and litter are doing fine oh that's a good way to know who i came back was actually my good lord how many has she got so i guess we thought she had some kittens or something can we actually see where the cable comes in we most certainly can right here at the end of this walkway okay then i'm doing it so these are the cables oh my gosh oh they're just like rocks tables wires they're just naked in the beach incredible it's kind of mind-blowing and this can this is it from here from the new world to the old world this is it exactly and it's amazing to think of the information that would have been carried on these cables you know wires could talk really they can talk that's what they were built can we high-five you we certainly can yeah good job we i thought that was so cool the whole concept of laying that cable underwater like that amazing it just it blew me away you know about communication yeah right exactly this whole place is about communication yeah you know i i think this is a perfect day to visit the house of stories well yeah because it's going to be like this little shed right i saw a picture of her right little shad is going to be cozy we're going to be tucked in there i mean this is it look how beautiful this is like even in the rain you know what if i lived here i bet you i could learn to tell a good story i bet you could there's this little shed here this is it yeah yeah stop we're here okay all right it's beautiful all right i don't i think this might be the place hello hi you too so what what goes on in this little cabin well a lot of gossip i suppose and people trying to figure out what's going on in the community and keeping it secret so they can get eaten with everybody else okay that makes i have a feeling everything in this in this place has a story where do you get your stories in newfoundland if you want to know stories yeah you just walk around you listen from day to day and stories just happen here because years ago we all lived with no liquid lights we were happy we lived among fish flakes and dirt roads and people telling stories in the dark am i right that's the way it happened buddy that's why stories are so important because you guys that's that was your like tv because part of our culture that's that's who we are we just like to tell stories of the yarns especially about people we know and if you clifford tells a story about someone i don't know i know somebody like it yeah there's a fella here at one time called gandy bob gandy bob rogers and he was a sailor he sailed all over the world and uh he told a story this time he was on a big schooner i think there's 20 or 25 men on the schooner with them and they were down around the equator and they got be kind no wind and they were there for weeks and weeks and after a while the situation got got pretty desperate they said one day the devil jumped up on board the devil went up to the captain captain he said you gave me three things to do but he said if i can't do either one of them i'll let you go but he said if i can do all three i'm going to have your souls captain said to the sailors he said go on every sailor bring every pillow you got he brought the pillows out he took the knife and he ripped the pillows open and the feathers start to scar you know feathers are like they started scattering around now he said to the devil get everyone doing better back in the pillow well he said wouldn't no time without devil was whirling around he said and he got all the feathers back in every single pillow not a feather left to be seen so captain said okay he called it to the mate mate he said bring up a grapel no grebel is a small a small anchor bring up the grapefruit he said and then he took the hacksaw and he passed it to the mates and saw that gravel in two pieces and he saw the sod and he saw it and after a while he got and separated two pieces he took the two pieces threw him overboard now he said the devil you bring that grandpa back in one piece the devil jumped overboard and sure enough he wouldn't no time back and coming through the gravel down on the deck there you go now he said the captain didn't know what to do now bob said i walked up to the captain i said captain pass me the drowning bucket just to bail him buck for bale and water you know so he said i took the bucket and i walked up to the devil i said devil you see the water on that side the scooter you bail it all on that side of this corner i said with that devil jumped over and never seen him again [Laughter] yeah i got a quick one and i tell you guys the story yeah okay so i come from a long line of psychics right my grandfather was in a psychic society in the 1920s my mother was a tea leaf reader my sister's a tea leaf freighter so my brother decides he's going to go off after living at home his whole life to the bamf school of fine arts so he heads off there and he's having a great time right he's not thinking too much about home um and he goes like six months without even calling home right so my mom who's very strong and had about enough of this so she calls up the bamf school and she says i want you to start listing the the phone booths that are on campus you must have quite a few phone booths right so they start to to to list off the phone numbers right about 27 of them she gets about 20 yeah about 27 and she goes that's the one i want you to call that one they're like but ma'am it's just a random phone booth on on the campus she said no that's good we're gonna go with that one so she's doing that just at the same moment this is a true story my brother is walking by with a bunch of his friends so he hears the phone ring and he goes oh guys hey don't worry about that i'll get it it's probably for me so he goes and picks up the phone and all he hears on the other side of the phone is why the hell haven't you called your mother just imagine it was so hard it was a hard story about it that's it it's a good threat it's true yeah no she was she could find him we couldn't hide from her guys this was just fabulous thank you so much for letting us come into your man cave yeah thank you so much for sharing yeah it's that's great take care all right guys see you again take care bye take care of yourself well you know what i was totally enchanted by clifford george are you kidding me i just i was so he was amazing he was and i love that you could be in this area of the world probably the only area in the world you could get like a phd in folklore you know like like you can be a doctor of storytelling so this is one of the things i'm most excited about she's a woman she did one of the most amazing things ever amelia earhart oh my god so now i'm going to learn things about her that i never knew and i'm actually going to see where she took off from amelia earhart when i was young yeah i mean she was one of the few females that could really um inspire your your imagination to do something adventurous and something very male 1 well do we do our rendition of i am woman hear me roar sure all right you always get the best parking spots thanks i'm pretty good oh hey this one i think that must be packed how you doing hi we're good i'm pat collins i'm the local rider storyteller welcome to harper grace yes thank you beautiful place so is that the statue of amelia over there that is yes emilia was uh we claimed her as our very own she was here all of only seven hours or so yeah you she's hours right here and we're we're pleased to have her actually she flew out of here in 1932 the first female to cross yeah to fly fly by herself across the atlantic from here and she flew over when she got over nestled she had to fly over the city of londonderry and she landed a crash landed on in a farm yard in ireland yeah just just a few miles from london there because she didn't hurt herself no no she got out shook herself off and she explained to where she was yeah babe yeah so she chose to come here right to make her take off yes to do her first atlantic flight and now what did she take with her yeah well i was interested she stayed in a local hotel here at archival hotel and as i said for just a few hours but uh upon leaving prior to the hotel a lady by the name of rose archibald gave her a uh some pea soup in the thermos and and she took that that was all she took with her really she got into the airplane up here and uh from our air airfield and flew right across the atlantic yeah and how long would the flight have taken that's the other thing it took it took 14 hours and 44 minutes to fly from harbor grace to ireland the first four hours was absolutely wonderful clear skies then she started to have rain squads and so then it got darker and darker unpredicted and she's alone after four hours the manifold caught fire and flames shooting out i didn't know that and that stayed on fire for that long as she flew across the atlantic no yes i i think i could see your i think i could fly an airplane i mean if i can if i can drive you know the van and the stick shift why can't i fly over the atlantic you come with me marley okay you have no idea how to fly an airplane why would i get it and i can play with you because i could do it right you could do it the only thing is the only thing is i'd bring more food definitely okay i think i need more than a thermos of pea soup and how would you go to the bathroom it was only 14 hours at that time maybe we could get it i mean only 14 hours you've never known any women maybe we'd get a fast airplane right yeah thank you very much just stand beside her and give her okay give her give give amelia a little love oh that was awesome thank you for those stories you're welcome oh that was great i feel like i kind of know her now i guess you gotta love stories from that man you must have oh believe me it's getting it's getting out is that the hardest part i would imagine with the same thing with the lucky vega that she was getting in you can imagine how hard that must have been okay well we couldn't even get in the plane never mind i would get you some steps very nice nice meeting you i hope you enjoy the rest of the visit to the town oh we will yeah we're home what a wonderful day so many good stories so i'm going to fly you to the moon yeah baby but this but we have to stop at least once in those 14 hours to peep oh and maybe get a snack or two because i don't think a little can of soup's going to die where are we off to today we are off to see the town of dildo yes and we are looking for captain dildo [Music] okay so keep your eyes open all right gotta find someone who can well i'm gonna keep my eyes open for the driving you keep your eyes open for people okay we need someone to tell us where captain dildo is oh this lady here are you gonna yeah i'm just gonna ask these people here all right excuse me have you seen captain dildo hey can you tell us where captain dildo is okay do you do you know what captain dildo is hi so we're on the hunt for captain dildo do you guys happen to know where he is the house on the left-hand side oh just keep driving straight all right we've got we've got some directions so some people say he's on the pier others say he lives next door it's gotta be it's gotta be this guy because they said he'd be the only one on the wharf right okay and that's him this is captain dildo come on let's go all right wow hi hey captain oh my goodness in the flesh are you a captain dildo yes i am for real so wow well we're from vancouver welcome to the london well thank you so much so so what is the what is the story of captain dylan yeah who is the real captain dildo okay i'll tell you it originally captained the law captain dylan was created through my son he was only about 10 years old he sang it he said dad do you think we can get a captain do we got captain canada can we have a captain dylan that's about 30 years ago and i said certainly i said so i went working i picked up some stuff and i created i made a captain dillo but it never lasted to be always somebody stealing the captain lillard he had a little captain dildo oh he would be oh so it was like a big statue that's true yeah cool wow unbelievable yeah now now why do you think this town is called dildo well i've been doing research on this all my life i realized that there's a short sword in spain called a billboard a bill b all right but knowing how things got changed around like this yeah we've heard about that so it got changed from bilbo to dildo but the reason for the short sword is because the land coming in here looks like a short sword so it may have been still from the still from the spanish people that was fantastic thank you captain for everything really glad that you enjoyed it oh we just we loved it oh we're so over the moon it's searching to find the real captain oh okay something like santa claus is only one exactly thank you thank you take care bye i was taken with the captain i don't know what it was hey listen listen listen am i dewy fresh yes how's my hair you look good it's it was a little wild though isn't it no no so now we're going to talk to lionel leonel and he knows all about this town the origin of the the name are you leonel i am leonel fantastic hi i'm marley morley nice to meet you i'm morella hi can we have a seat and have a chat with you let's have a chat well this is great to meet you thanks for taking some time with us oh no probe at all so tell us a little bit about you my name is leonel rodriguez and i'm the brewer here at dildo room company wow wow yeah so me and one of the owners brew all the beer here and um so yeah it's fun creative experience we get to utilize a lot of different local flavors and you know craft our own tasty beers now tell us a little bit about the origin of this town so how did it come to be how did it come to have this name yeah well the the town originated newfoundland was basically settled because of exceptionally rich fishing grounds so it's in constant contest with different european cultures basically there's lots of speculation on where the name came from but i mean different people will give you different answers my personal view there's an island just across that that head over there called uh it's called dildo island my view is that that island the french would call it the island of water because there's water springs on the island which is why they settled it right so the french translation for island of water is ido or the island of water is dildo dildo oh right yes right so uh the english hearing the french say ido naturally transfer into dildo see i said it was a musical name didn't i don't want to sing your song again maybe not no no thank you so much for your time this was this was very informative thank you so much it was lovely meeting you ladies and gentlemen very nice to meet you great great time thanks you too take care so what are we going to order about a stout dildo [Laughter] we've got to see this sign yeah i right here right right in front of us see that's why i pulled over wow look at that it's that it's just like the hollywood sign isn't it it's very um aesthetically pleasing i feel better i feel like you know we've done it now that was great thanks i love that thanks baby i think everyone should come to dildo you think so yeah they're very welcoming they're just salt of the earth hospitable ma'am love it [Music] you

2021-03-28 07:30

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