The Swiss Alps by Campervan | Adelboden, Grindelwald, Lauterbrunnen & more

The Swiss Alps by Campervan | Adelboden, Grindelwald, Lauterbrunnen & more

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These are the alps. One of the most famous  mountain ranges in the world. In summer,   snow glistens on the mountain peaks, while warmer  weather welcomes eager hikers, seeking to enjoy   world class views of alpine valleys, forests,  countless waterfalls, mountain vistas and more. Join us for episode one of our European  mountain road-trip series, as we hike,   bike, train, drive and cable car our way around   some beautiful mountain territory  in the Bernese Alps in Switzerland If you're new round here - we're Jack and  Jo, that's our scruffy hitchhiker Frank,   and this is Big P, our home on wheels that is  taking us to wild places all over the UK & Europe If you like the sound of this adventure - then   come along with us on These Wild  Journeys through the Swiss Alps   Hello welcome back we're no longer in  Scotland we're now on what I'm coining   our European Mountain series. We've kind of  spent the past six months (maybe a little   bit longer!) exploring beaches and now we're  switching this up to forests, mountain views,   alpine meadows, we're really, really  excited and our first stop is Switzerland! The weathers not too amazing but we're hoping  it's going to clear up this afternoon and   hopefully further on into our week worth  of adventures, so yeah, come along with us [Music] Oh I can see blue skies! So we're gonna head down  into Interlaken which is the town down there,   we're going to grab a train and we're going  to head out on a big hike in the Swiss Alps! [Music] They're quite big aren't they! Do you think the fact that no one's  getting on, despite it being a busy   Saturday during the summer holidays  is because there's no view up there..! It's possibl! It's possible! Are you ready? It's gonna be  like a roller coaster you ready? It's gonna shoot you up! You ready Frank? you ready? It's  gonna be like a rollercoaster dudes Told you, you need to give it time! Whoa! I told you it'd go fast That was unexpected! Wow look at these views! We've taken so much public transport  today and every single ride has been   stupidly Scenic. The reason why we're so  far out of town is because it's the Swiss  

holidays and we literally couldn't get a  campsite um close enough to Grindelwald   or Lauterbrunnen which is another  place on the other side of the Alps,   but the campsite we're saying at is really  really nice and the aim of today is we're   taking this cable car up to a very scenic view  filled view.. as we Crawl through the clouds.. We're literally in the clouds right now! We're going up to a place called The  Eiger Glacier and then basically you   can hike down to a train station, so  it's supposed to be really nice scenic , But no one's hiking, everyones going down in  the actual, what's this thing called again? Gondola! Yep it's called a gondola! They're all going down in the  gondolas, and they're all full,   and we're the only ones going  up.. so ... let's give it a go! I think we hike down anyway! Yeah the views are pretty amazing anyway and  we've got nothing better to do this afternoon! haah - what an awful place to be stuck! [Laughter] [Music] Despite our doubts there was no turning back of as   the Eiger Express shot us up  to 2 320 meters in altitude So the walk should take about two  hours but I mean we've probably only   walked about 70 meters and all  I've done is just take pictures It's bloody beautiful Jo: Are you talking about me or the view? Oh yeah of course I was talking  about you! bBut also the view,   it's beautiful, and I think the clouds are kind  of parting.. but the cloud also makes the view! good boy bud! Ooh, are you okay Jo? We'll get through the cloud and the  views will be good I reckon hopefully just be careful [Music] [Music] So the clouds cleared as we've got a little  bit further down, and we've just been stuck   looking at this view, we sat on a bench, oh my  God, it's just ridiculous like, more and more,   every time like I look every time I look back  at the view more is revealed because the sun's   kind of burning off the cloud, and you can see  the ridge of I don't even know what mountain   range it is, but it's bloody beautiful  as always like looking like <loses mind> [Music] If anyone's following us on this Trail - all  they will be hearing is oh my God oh my word,   I actually genuinely don't  want this hike to end [Music] [Music] looks like we saved the best to  last for the waterfall on this track,   a massive one coming up the side of a cliff look! wow! As we've come down look, we can actually see what   we've been hiking along, like  this incredible lMountain Ridge I think we're going to get down to the  train station see if we can find somewhere   to have a nice refreshing alcoholic drink, I'm  thinking a beer and Jo's got wine in her mind After tiny bit more hiking we found  a bar and treated ourselves to a very   welcome pint with a beautiful view  to end our first day in Switzerland [Music] On our second day in Switzerland started  with a little less Mist but with a threat   of a bit of rain, so we woke early packed  up our backpacks left our campsite and   headed back onto the bus and then a  train to the valley of Lauterbrunnen [Music] So we're in Lauterbrunnen, which is like a big  kind of glacial Valley, really high Cliffs on   either side, and it served as the inspiration  for for Rivendell in The Lord of the Rings   because it has 72 waterfalls dotted along the  valley and we're gonna do a really nice and flat   walk, because yesterday's walk was actually  a bit intense around the legs wasn't it Jo? yeah! We're gonna explore some waterfalls and the day's   looking all right a bit rainy but  still quite nice and beautiful! [Music] As well as being famous for waterfalls  Lauterbrunnen Valley is also famous for   base jumpers, and we're pretty certain we saw like  well two parachutes come out and they must have   just jumped off the side of the cliff, imagine  having the balls to do that, just like off there! But the helicopters that fly over I think drop  them onto the highest point and then uh yeah   they just jump off, launch themselves off the side  and land down back into this Valley! pretty cool! Can we go base jumping Jo? Yeah! I'd love to see Frank  have those little goggles on! Yeah ther'es a guy in Switzerland that base jumps  with his dog! I think it's like a border collie! I think Frank might enjoy it..! Hmmm! He doesn't like going up the steps into  a van I'm not sure if base jumping is for Frank At the end of the 4 km walk you can catch a  bus back or walk, however we chose a different   slightly more Scenic option and took the cable  car up to the traditional Alpine Village of Murren So we took cable car up to probably one of the   most scenic Alpine villages in the  world and the views are exceptional We're going to have a quick  drink before the cloud comes in,   although the cloud is coming back in, isn't it? Got a Gluwhwein there? Feeling a  bit uh Christmas markety are you? It's Christmas time! mmm! Cheers, cheers! You going to Cheers me? oh yeah! Got to look in the eyes though, cheers! Prost! That's actually fresh, that's  that's not from a plastic bottle! Oh yeah - you might like this! I've got a massive beer, guess this is  the perks of just taking public transport,   yeah means I can have a huge beer mid afternoon! We also grabbed some food and it's  essentially well, it's a rosti,   it's basically a massive hash brown  with loads of like fruit and veg on But it's exactly what I wanted, and  I didn't even realize it, so tasty   and this view is just mental, just it's  a ridiculous view to be eating food to Good morning we're picking up the camera after  few days of work , we're in a beautiful Swiss kind   of Alpine town called Adelboden* I think is what  it's called um and we've been staring at this big   mountain waterfall view from this aire that we're  staying in which is like 15 Swiss Franks a night,   which is about 15 quid, and we've been  thinking wow we really want to hike that! So this morning we're going to hike this waterfall   and this mountain and this snowy Peak  that we've been staring at all day.

Jo's ready Frank's ready let's load up the van and   we're going to head 5 minutes  up the road to the car park We have a Swiss uh traffic jam ahead of us,   just literally oh wow look the back of  the truck the Precision on that oh my God! That's how they do stuff in  Switzerland that's just come   straight off the mountain it's like  he's pulling the helicopter down imagine you all like sleeping in one of those  vans on the left there, like what's this racket? So Switzerland is awesome and this is like  a communal like camping firewood area,   it's even got an axe which  is like connected to a chain I don't know you can stay here but I think   it's for like having dinner and  like having a campire and stuff But then you can stay in the car park  and it does say for there is like a   toilet in the campsite for for campers I  don't know it's awesome though isn't it Go on then, chop some wood! Yes! I've never chopped wood before so this could be  the most the way pathetic thing you'll ever see Oh my God it really takes a lot  of effort to cut into that oh no stuck oh no oh no let's just say you maybe need a bit of  practice before you live out in the woods oh no oh no oh <Frank barking like crazy> What is happening! why did Frank get the zoomies! it's exciting for him isn't it! Jo  I've literally got the axe stuck! it's okay oh no there you go, maybe  leave that to the wood experts Smashed it! first time Anyway I think havejust proved proved my chops   as an outdoor survival expert  let's check out this waterfall whoa A beautiful way to start the day look  at it! Switzerland's second highest   waterfall and because this area is a  little bit off the main tourist Trail,   we literally just picked this spot because  it just had a reasonably priced place   to park the van for a few days while we  work, but yeah look how beautiful it is! So Jo there's three options now to get out to  the top of the mountain peak option one we hike,   option two you can actually do a Cliff  face climb up the waterfall yeah or we   can take the gondola, which one do you want to do? Errr Gondola! I thought that'd be   the answer , you don't want option  two no? okay not even option one? What's Frank going to do? Put him in the backpack? Oh he'd love it fatal flaw for having a lovely drink  to this view is , Jo's just bought   two packets of crisps, a coffee and an  apple juice, how much did it cost Jo? 14 Swiss franks, which is about 13 pounds... yeah  we can't afford to stay here much longer we're   going to have to get out of Switzerland,  especially with our addiction to gondolas So the Walk we're doing is called the  Rundwunderweg, which is just a loop that   takes you around this like uh guess what  would you call it Alpine glacial Valley,   very beautiful very warm today, lots of  cows about um you can just hear like the   cowbells just kind of dingling  in the background very Alpine Oh it's a little baby one look at it! So we've realized why there's so  many cows up here, down where we   were parked for the week there was like  an information board which said in June   all the people in the surrounding  area kind of march all their cows,   hike up the hike up the mountain and this  is like their summer pasture so it all makes   sense now and why there's no cows in the town  despite there being like you know cow Fields Really cool but imagine watching like  I know 100 odd cows doing the hike up   cuz they can't take the gondola  up Jo, can't take the gondola! All right! You ready Frank? So after a beautiful hike we just chilled  in our van had lunch and now I think we're   going to leave Switzerland because we need to be  somewhere that's a bit cheaper yeah but money well   spent we had a bloody lovely time in switzeland  and Frank has had a blast haven't you Frank? But it's definitely heating up yeah let's let's  go on a lovely scenic drive to the French Alps! We left Switzerland - headed for the French  Alps, but to be honest with you guys - we   didn’t do too much, the weather heated  up, we found ourselves by lake annecy,   and we didn’t do too much apart from ride  around the lake with Frank in a backpack However - we are now in the Dolomites,  and our next video is going to be a great   one - as we explore some even  more beautiful alpine scenery,   drink more beer to scenic views and, of  course, continue our Gondola addiction Thanks for watching everyone - if you enjoyed  this video, or have any questions about our trip,   chuck it in a comment below - and if you’re  not already, hit that subscribe button. We will catch you on the next adventure!

2023-09-21 20:37

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