The Story of Disney's Third PeopleMover

The Story of Disney's Third PeopleMover

Show Video

Technology. Connections is made possible by viewers like you check out the description for more information. I'm. Here at Chicago, O'Hare International Airport, but, not to catch a flight to catch, a train and. Not the blue line into the city either O'Hare. Operates, an automated shuttle, system that takes people between the terminals, they, call it the airport, transit system or ATS but, many people would call it a people mover it's. A fitting name because it's what it does as I record this there are five stations, just like these three, at each of the domestic terminals, one at the International Terminal and a final one at the remote parking facility, at the time of this video's release the, system has actually been shut down and won't reopen until the fall of 2019 it's, in the process of getting new trains and a new station at the multimodal, rental car at a parking facility, whatever. That is exactly, and, it might be wise to remodel, the existing, stations, because. 1993. In, many respects, this system is like a sideways, elevator, as the trains approach the landing the interior, doors line up with the landing doors. Once they both open you have access to the Train and/or, the platform, then. It moves along to the next floor, lines. Itself up doors. Open again. The, vehicles, have rubber tires and are more like buses on a guide way than trains, on a track here. At O'Hare the guide way uses a grooved steel plate as a road, surface because. Well, winter, is a thing that happens here and a freeze thaw cycle, doesn't really bother a hunk of Steel an interesting thing about O'Hare, system is that at each end, the trains switch sides to allow for a continuous, loop of multiple trains on the system and a strange thing about the system at least the 1993. To 2018 version, is that the trains seem to speed up and slow down at, odd and unpredictable, times and they, accelerate, a lot faster, than you might expect, wonderful, for vehicles that are mostly standing-room-only. Here's. Hoping that gets improved now, oh here's people movers certainly isn't unique lots. Of airports have strikingly, similar systems, in, fact here, at the Orlando, International Airport, you'll, find not one but, five people, movers four, of them simply take people between the gates and the main terminal building all, the fifth one is new and does something else in many, ways they're just like the O'Hare system similar, doors similar, trains similar, guideway though, here a concrete road surface is used because, winter isn't really a thing that happens here four. Of the people movers simply move people back and forth between the main terminal building and the gates themselves it's, a very brief journey so there are only two trains and they just go back and forth and sometimes they only run one side recently. The trains on air sites 1 & 3 were replaced with Mitsubishi crystal, mover vehicles so although this looks to be the more modern of the two systems the track and other infrastructure, is actually older, their sides 2 & 4 were built later and use, ANOVA APM, 100, vehicles from Bombardier which don't, worry will, appear later in this video I've, always liked the layout of this Airport though it should be noted that these people movers are in the sterile area past security. Unlike O'Hare's which are outside of it the fifth and final people mover was just added in 2017. And it currently takes travelers, to well. Not much more than parking at this point but, eventually the completed, intermodal, terminal, will provide train service to Miami and other areas on the proposed Sun rail and bright line extensions, at least that's. The plan interesting. I should find myself in Orlando, in a video talking about papal movers I wonder, if there's a noteworthy people, mover somewhere near here that might have something to do with the title and purpose of this video. All. Right, here. At Tomorrowland, at Disney's Magic Kingdom in Florida lives the Tomorrowland, Transit Authority people-mover. Originally. Opened in 1975. As the Wed way people mover this system has been taking literally millions of guests on a Grand Circle tour of Tomorrowland, and remains, a fan favorite of many including, yours truly this, wet way people mover is actually, Disney's second people mover with the first now-defunct attraction, making its debut at Disneyland, in 1967. Its, roots come from the Ford Magic Skyway attraction, at the 1964. New York World's Fair which, was designed by we´d enterprises, wet, by the way stands for Walter Elias Disney after. Observing equipment, used to move steel ingots, around Ford's steel plant in Detroit Walt. Disney wondered if this could be adapted into an attraction and it was for Ford's Magic Skyway actual. Ford cars with their engines and transmissions, removed were used as ride vehicles, the car bodies were pushed along a track by spinning, urethane wheels which, rubbed against flat friction, plates on the bottom of the cars the, attraction, was a hit but most importantly, the propulsion system proved to be effective when.

It Came time to use this technology and a more permanent attraction, at Disneyland Ford. Wasn't that interested, in a sponsorship, so instead, the Goodyear Tire Company came, along and the urethane wheels were, swapped for rubber tires how, fitting, the idea behind Disney's people-mover was to actually be a real mass transit, system and this, is probably why Ford it didn't want to sponsor the attraction, at Disneyland as, mass, transit usually, isn't too good for car sales though. It wasn't known to the public Walt, envisioned systems like these to form the backbone of the transportation. Networks and has never truly realized, experimental. Prototype community of, tomorrow or, Epcot, although. The Disneyland people mover wasn't the first transportation. Device to be called a people mover it is likely that its popularity, as an attraction is responsible. For the continued, use of the word people mover to describe similar transit, solutions, one, of the more novel ideas from the people mover was that the passive, vehicles not requiring a power source of their own could truly never stop, and indeed, that was the idea, just, like the still operating, version in the mad kingdom rather than come to a stop the vehicles would slow down as they approached the station and join a continuous, train of cars traveling, at the same speed as the moving platform, next to it then, after making its way around the trains at the front would accelerate and break away from the chain when, it came time for people mover version 2 at the Magic Kingdom the spinning rubber tires were dropped in favour of the much more futuristic, looking linear induction motors, embedded, at regular intervals, along the track these, motors in addition to creating delightful, 60-hertz harmonics, generate. Electromagnetic, fields which interact, with metal plates on the bottom of the trains and push them along through. The. Ditching of the tyres by the way resulted, in goodyear not wanting to sponsor, this version of the attraction, first, they destroyed the car then. They went for the tires now. Using, linear induction motors, isn't new but in an application like this it was certainly novel, the Li M's themselves, are essentially, just a bundle of some copper and iron because. The trains take the place of the rotor and a conventional motor the, propulsion system effectively, has no moving parts I suspect. It's for this reason that the attraction is still operating, as opposed, to the Disneyland people mover which suffered a rather tragic. Fate I can't, see how maintenance costs, are going to be very high for this attraction but, this people mover although it is the second of the two Disney people movers built at a Disney theme park is only the second of three Disney, people movers that's, right Disney built a third one but it's not here instead. It's right here, at the George Bush Intercontinental Airport, in Houston, Texas in what, can only be described, fairly as a basement, lives, a legit Disney people mover so at first glance you might not realize it the, subway, formerly, known as the inter terminal train takes, travelers, between the terminals and also makes a stop at the Marriott hotel like, Disney's People Mover it travels, in the continuous, loop however, in this case there are multiple platforms.

Rather, Than just the one and also. Like Disney's People Mover it was built by wet enterprises, now known as Walt Disney Imagineering the. History of this people mover is kind of weird and honestly, not that well known there, was a system, before it traveling the same route but apparently, someone in charge of the airport wasn't, very happy with it some reason Disney. Had set up the community transportation services, division of Walt Disney Productions in order to try and sell the People Mover system, to local governments, or perhaps, airports. And Houston, appears to be the only buyer this, system, went online in 1981. Six years after the original weds way people mover opened at the Magic Kingdom now, for those of you shouting to yourselves ooh ooh DC DC hold. Your horses we'll, get there one. Glance at the track and you'll immediately recognized, the same propulsion system from Disney's People Mover the linear induction motors, simply push these passive trains along and their small wheels and track enabled, them to navigate surprisingly. Tight corners, supposedly. That's why Houston was intrigued and got Disney to build this for them as the required track layout given this space included. A lot of tight and sudden turns the, similarities, don't end there just like at the Magic Kingdom pre-recorded. Announcements, emanate from the ceilings by way of simple loudspeakers, and the tops of these vehicles are made of a mesh screen that allows the sound and light, to pass through. The. Overall sounds, of the propulsion system and general, feel that the vehicles movement, is obviously. The same as the classic Disney attraction. But, there are some notable differences, most, notably the vehicles, themselves are enclosed, and significantly, larger, so there actually is standing, room in these cars as you can see I can walk around in there and the bench seats are wider than Disney's, people movers, they. Seat probably. Three across if you. Are pretty tight so the capacity, of 12 people in these vehicles is totally believable the, need to enclose them is understandable, as the airport runs this system pretty much unattended, as opposed to the Disney attraction, where the entire track is monitored, by a CCTV, system, and the plethora of cast members are ready to intervene at any time and of course the vehicles would have to be larger in a real-world scenario, because. There are people with, bags and things that need to use this rather, than the cozy four-person compartments, of the People Mover attractions, the, second and possibly most significant. Technical difference is that the vehicles actually stop at each station and a set of curtain doors block access, to the track this, complicates, things more than it might seem at first as now, there needs to be a separate, mechanical, system for opening and closing the doors as well as, a modification, to the propulsion system to allow for controlled stops if you've. Ever been on the people mover at the Magic Kingdom during a stop you'll, know that it's anything but controlled. Your vehicle usually ends up going backwards for a bit before is sort of drifting, to a stop my, guess is that during a stop the motors are simply reversed for a set period of time slowing, the train but, also throwing it back a bit as a result and sometimes. During startup your train won't move and the one behind you will just ram into yours I'm, not kidding I've been into people mover collision, that's, the reason they have the bumpers on the ends of the trains it's harmless, but, startling. And they did have to shut down the ride after that, we, were escorted, through that particular door, and ended up in a gift shop so, there's a fun piece of trivia for you having. Finally had an opportunity to ride this system it appears as though the motors simply shut off when the train is close to the platform and a friction brake grabs hold of the Train when it's correctly aligned the, system is surprisingly, good at lining up the trains I only, noticed the deviation, of a few centimeters in most cases.

One. Of the key ways you can tell this is the same system as Disney's is that the motors get closer together at every point the Train changes, speeds I'm not entirely sure why, this needs to happen but I think it has to do with the fact that the motors are simply being run on 60 Hertz AC current, the, only way to affect how quickly they push the Train is to change the motors design and these bundles of motors probably serve as some sort of transition, area between the high and low speed sections, you'll, also notice that in Houston the stations are all equipped with closely-spaced, motors which, may be a requirement for a controlled, stop and start now, before I start talking about all the downsides, of this little oddity let me first say that I'm really glad people mover technology, made it outside the disc apart at least once there. Are a lot of potential advantages, to this system, for, example the propulsion system itself has virtually no, moving parts the. Only things that would wear on this system in a traditional, sense are the vehicle's wheels the articulation, points between the Cav's and the, doors and door mechanism the. Linear motors themselves, also provide a strong level of redundancy I would imagine that if one of them fails it's not really going to wreck anyone's day the, trains are much longer than the gaps between the motors so it would almost certainly have enough inertia to catch the next one of course, this is an assumption but I'm willing to bet that this system requires quite a bit less maintenance than a conventional one but, now we have to talk about the downsides let's, start with a limitation, that may not seem so obvious at first both. Disney's, people mover and this one in Houston are, indoors, yes. The track at Disney might get wet in the rain but the people mover has a roof over its head the whole way and it, is actually considered, an indoor attraction, which means it doesn't shut down in stormy conditions, like outdoor attractions do, oh you. Wanted proof here. You go. Getting. A bit wet is about all these could take without some way of heating the track and the rails using a system like this in a snowstorm would, likely be a disaster. You might have also noticed that both here in Houston and in Orlando, the entire course has no elevation, change it's, a completely, flat experience, likely, due to simple engineering challenges, associated with using linear induction motors, the, original people mover in Disneyland had a course with quite a few inclines, however. It had the advantage of those rubber tires pushing, the trains along and technically. The course is still there it's, just in a. Sad state and let's, be honest here the Houston subway system while, novel, is also, a little how. Can I put this kindly, derpy. Looking. It's. Unusually, small with odd-looking trains, and a whole lot about it is just weird, like, the fact that along the entire course there's only a half-height, wall except. At the stations where curtain doors were made full-sized, not. Sure why couldn't have been smaller and even. Simpler it's a weird little thing going through a basement hallway sure, it does move people and it's handy but like it's, also just well. Honestly a little creepy, at, least it's setting but, it gets worse the subway is borderline redundant, at this point the, airport already has a much more modern people mover system which, takes people between the terminals, this, one's on the other side of security in the sterile zone so, you can get between the terminals without exiting, security. A. Train. Is arriving, please keep clear for passengers, exiting, the train in, any temple do you mind what, about water anything, special better those pantyhose, case hanging in pain if. You were a traveler with a connecting, flight in another terminal you'd be much better to stay within the sterile area and take this one it's, also handy for the simple case of wanting, to grab food from a restaurant that's in another terminal, because. For most purposes the Skyway, is frankly, better the, fate of the subway isn't that certain, although, it was recently renamed, and had its announcements, Beale changed, and I was quite surprised, to see many people still using it it does get some love but, who knows for how long but, here's the thing this, system while it does have a bunch of potential advantages, whom also has a lot of serious downsides, the. Idea of making the vehicle is completely, passive, just, a box on wheels essentially, could potentially, reduce maintenance costs but, it turns out that there are very few situations in, which that's actually, a good, idea it, either needs to be indoors like this before outdoors in a place with perpetually, good weather like Orlando back.

In Chicago this wouldn't fly well. Of course not that's what the planes do but I mean that a passive vehicle in sub-zero temperatures, is just unacceptable, it, means to have some source of power for heat if nothing else and if, you're gonna provide it with an electrical source via bus bar or third rail you, might as well stick motors in the Train too and have, them propel themselves so, while I do think it's great that Disney's, People Mover technology, made it into the real world at least once I'm. Not really surprised that this is the only time it happens maybe. One day there will be more implementations. For a passive, train with linear induction motors, perhaps. For goods transportation, or maybe even baggage, distribution, inside an airport but, for actually moving people this, people mover comes with a lot of asterisks. Attached. Remember. How I said hold your horses about DC, while, it turns out that maybe just, maybe Disney, built a fourth wet way people mover under the US Capitol building maybe. And probably. Not but, still kind of maybe so, it turns out there is a system of small subways under the Capitol building that transport, representatives, and Senators between their offices, and the Capitol these Subway's have exist in some form for over a century but one of them was updated, probably, in the 1980s, and it. Uses the exact, same vehicles. That we see in Houston but. And here's where it gets weirder, there is no record of Disney's involvement, and there, are some significant, technical differences, I've put a link to a great video of this system in the description, and if you take a look at it you'll soon discover that the El IMS are run with a variable, frequency drive, which, likely allows for a smoother operation and, certainly. Makes the system sound much, different from, the people mover or Houston's, subway you'll, also see that the motors are spaced much closer together and likely, thanks to that variable frequency drive, they are spaced at a consistent interval, throughout I've, been trying to figure out how this system is related to Disney or Houston, and I've gotten only the smallest of clues a now-defunct. Company, called trance teen claims to have built the control and communication, systems for the Senate subway and their parent company Powell industries, is based in Houston. Texas so, that, certainly suggests there's. A connection somewhere but I can't quite pinpoint it it's, likely that Disney contracted, with a third party to build the vehicles for Houston subway as afterall they do that sort of thing all the time and if, that company was in Houston and was, somehow involved with trans 9 or pawel industries, or indeed, was either of those two then, it would make sense that the same trains would end up in DC and. Indeed much of the same concept, could simply have been borrowed from the Houston Airport design, as after, all Disney didn't own any patents, related to those people mover system at least I can't find any aside, from the original Disneyland system, of wheels and tires so, if you know how exactly the Senate subway and the subway at Houston's Airport are connected, please let us know in the comments, that's driving, me a little crazy and there is a very small amount of information out there about either, of these two systems but, for now I hope you enjoyed this look into what might be the ultimate Hidden, Mickey I am really glad I got to head to Houston to make this video while the subway is still operational, who, knows it might still be around for another few decades if, it's as low maintenance as I think it is there's, not much of a point to getting rid of it and when you need to get from Terminal A to terminal, e it, can save you from a pretty long walk as always.

A Great big beautiful thank you goes out to the folks who support this channel on page especially, the fine folks you see scrolling up your screen going, to Houston specifically. To film its People Mover was something that I never thought was in the cards but thanks to you I could, if you'd, like to support the channel and get perks like early video access behind the scenes footage and the inside scoop on the latest projects, please, check out my patreon page thanks. For your consideration and, I'll see you next time. Well. Thank God I'm at the right Airport, I've, put together a technology, connections, to video which is much more vlog like and includes a lot of other observations, I made around the airports, check it out through the card up above or hang around for the end screen it's also down below in the description. Another. Take, as, the people stare at me because the people in the airport think that I'm crazy, that's. Okay though. Crazy. It's good. Okay, it's not at all it's not at all circumstances. Buildings. Have been closed, and non-smoking. Air.

2019-02-28 04:31

Show Video


I put a lot of great links and other info in this comment, so be sure to expand it to check them out! Someone on Twitter gave me some really neat extra info on the LIMs used in the WEDWay system. And also, there was a patent! I just couldn't find it. Basically, the motors are capable of pushing the trains at up to 20 mph (that's their synchronous speed), but in practice this is limited. The design of all the motors is the same, and the reason they are bunched up is just to provide more force. The key is that they are reversible, and they also monitor the vehicle's speed and adjust how long they stay on to correct it. So they don't run constantly when a train is above them, rather they pulse on and off. This is very surprising to me, as you can't really hear this or feel it! But, it makes a lot of sense, particularly with the knowledge that even the sparsely-spaced motors on the straightaways are able to restart the Tomorrowland PeopleMover from a stop. And, it explains why they also bunch up to slow the train down, as they work together in reverse to slow the train, and once the desired speed is reached, they switch back to forward propulsion. Pretty advanced stuff for 1975! Want to know what happened to Disneyland’s PeopleMover? This video by Offhand Disney does a great job explaining (and includes some great footage of the ride pre-demise). It’s a pretty neat channel for the Disney enthusiast, so check it out! Here’s that video of the Senate Subway I mentioned: These are some cool links explaining the origins of the PeopleMover itself: And if you’re looking for that site detailing the subways below the capitol, here it is: There are some other relevant links in the description, so be sure to check those, too! And it turns out that you can indeed be deemed suspicious by the TSA for talking to yourself while filming things in an airport. Oh well, I did it for you!

That Ohare parking/rental facility is horrible. It takes twice as long to get there and total 3 times as long to get to your rental car than the old facilities. Hopefully the trains make it better than the bus, but it is insane they did the rental facility changeover before the train was ready. Ohare and Midway were ruined with their new far-a-way rental facilities. I go to IAH all the time and never knew that was there. Did you literally get a ticket to orlando with a layover in IAH just to make this?? Also at IAH, I never once needed to use that terminal train. You can just easily walk between terminals.

If you took any still photos of the Houston Airport subway would you consider gifting one to Wikipedia? I noticed that the article on the system is currently unillustrated.

Here's NYC Air Train system. I didn't film this but found this channel that did: *Thoughts on how this operates?* It capable of reaching speeds of 100 MPH +. At times it can go 60 MPH during regular operation. Unfortunately an old school mate of mines died in the testing of it before it opened for general use. Here's an article on it.

Firstly, YOU calling something derpy....really... pot? Secondly, the IAH train is awesome, being outside of security it is how many of the airport workers get around and it makes it easy to park at one of the smaller terminals that are less crowded and then just ride to the larger one. Parking at the C terminal can suck major balls and take plenty of time looking for a spot if it is a high traffic time. Thirdly, why do you play elevator music for your bumper music at the end of your videos? Sounds like the early part of a wedding reception while people are waiting for the B&G to arrive.... Otherwise.. good job.

+Samuel Sudhof Yes! The Osaka subway has a few lines driven by linear motors, and there, they do it for the reason that they can bore a smaller diameter tunnel, because the wheels of the train can be smaller since they don't need a large rotary motor on each axle. The flat stators between the axles take up very little space. There's also a slew of Bombardier systems that use Linear Induction Motors for propulsion, albeit with the reaction rail in the track, and the stators (coils) on the trains, like the Osaka solution. The Scarborough RT was the first, in Toronto, followed by Detroit and Vancouver. The second generation system operates at JFK (AirTrain), in Kuala Lumpur, in Korea on the Yongbin Everline... to name a few.

You should check out the people mover here in West Virginia; The Morgantown Personal Rapid Transit or (WVU PRT) most techs there will be willing for interviews, or just general chatting about technology. It was brought online in 75 and still functions to this day as far as I can tell. Tom Scott has a short video about it but nothing much about the technical specs and I'd love to see a video about it again.

@Technology Connections · Great stuff · I'm subbed! ❤️

There is a transition change on the train at Bush IAH. It is between terminals C and D/E. It is a gradual change down at least 1 and a half to 2 stories. Room had to be made for the walkway floor to Terminal D.

Also what is the difference between or meaning of AGT and APM

I Remembering being stuck on Tomorrow Land's PeopleMover late 80's 90's and they had Hostesses come out to chat.

+tarstarkusz In your city they must be paranoid and stupid. I mean come on, the real terrorists can just use a hidden camera.

what about the system at oakland airport?

No joke, TSA thinks that *not* looking suspicious is suspicious. You cannot make this shit up.

In my city it is completely illegal to film the public transit trains and the stop areas. I am very surprised they allowed you to do it. I'm very surprised nobody came up to you and asked why you were filming the airport's infrastructure. Setting up that camera inside the train was probably looked with some suspicion too.

If you like people movers, check out the Paternoster :D

it is your first amendment right to record in public and that includes the TSA. there is a ton of first amendment audit videos of TSA security theatre checkpoints to prove the point.

Next time bring Vasoline to make the cavity check easier

The packing of induction motors when speed changes: it needs more "torque" or rather force potential. It can keep steady pace but for decel/acceleration it needs more force potential. So, either vary the frequency of electricity or the frequency of the motors. Like you said, there really are not many advantages of this type of setup compared to old school electric motors run from third rail... VFD is still expensive to do in the high currents needed.

Passive LIM motors are NOT just for people movers. Vancouver's SkyTrain, Kuala Lumpur, Detroit's El-Train, Scarborough's SRT all use Linear Induction Motors with few if not any moving parts. Osaka has an automated line using LIM and they plan more. They are often useful as not only are they low maintenance, but they return power to the system so they're quite efficient. In addition, they have a better grade profile as the LIM means they're not relying on traction to climb grades. This is why they're being used more and more on rollercoasters as well. In addition, Nagoya's Interurban Maglev, Linimo, uses a Linear Induction Motor and the Chuo Shinkansen High speed train in Japan under construction uses a related technology to propel the train.

Strange looks are mostly alleviated if you rent a bipedal camera holder to point the camera at you while you talk :)

You should checkout the PRT at West Virginia University! It's very similar and I think the only one of its kind.

Heyy you should come down to Miami bro! You'll get a kick out of the Metromover lol.

What's up with your panda eyes? Lack of sleep?

DFW Dallas Fort Worth has one of these trains on the roof of the airport... It is something else... I hate it when I have to use it.

Welcome to sunny Florida, by the way! Sorry, it's pretty much like this all the time, hope your ride home is nice at least.

Thank you. I love your videos n this one was cool I use to live in Oak Park and drove a cab there.

LIM trains don't stop at airport people movers, though. Tokyo has more than 40km or LIM subway. Apparently, it's a space consideration.

we appreciate it :)

of course thoes morons of the tsa found u suspicious cause theyre out of touch and dont understand the modern world and are high strung

You know they were watching you at about 2:04 and wondering what the hell

If there's a fun story related to the being deemed suspicious, that might be a good video for the extras channel!

Security theater needs to justify its own existence lest it itself be questioned.

Are you ok sir? You look a little pasty white. Thanks for another interesting video about something I thought would not interest me but in the end did. I like your presentation style and am amazed about how in depth you go on each subject. Thumbs up, Please see a doctor.

0:00 From contributions to your PBS station from viewers like you. Thank you.

Oh, wow! I rode those Orlando PeopleMovers, but had no idea what they were at the time.

IT would be nice if More city would to start to implement more People mover as it can solve Traffic issue... Id would love to just walk around my city without being tied down to a car road and having to figure out how to not die with drunk idiots.... I mean they can just implement one that circuit popular places. or have it loop around entrances and exit of neighborhoods. IT would be nice to get away from having to drive cars for once.

9:34 If you’re pretty tight

I did not expect this to be so interesting. I'm late to work now, but this was cool.

I don't know anything about LIMs but I'll guess that the reason there are more motors at the stops is simply due to torque. (Or in the case of LIMs, "pull"?) Accelerating the train from a stop needs more torque then just maintaining speed along the track. I bet they also do some of the stopping work which also needs extra pull. The friction brakes are for the final inches. Another reason could be since we are going slower, we need more motors to keep control. In other words, increase the resolution of LIM control by adding more. Along the track, if you're at speed, you'll have the inertia to hit the next set of motors but that won't work if you're going slow. That's why you need the bump from another car if you fall between the gap and end up stranded. I'm going to bet it's a little of both. Extra motors give you more power and finer control, both of which are needed at the stops and no where else. Newton's First Law!

For a second I thought I was watching PBS lol

Neat video, thanks for making it! I never knew about this, but now I want to fly to Houston to try it. Since the Senate's has questionable provanonce I way hold off on my run for office though. ;) I hope TSA doesn't have you flagged & Hassel you for the rest of your life!

Facts: there’s a people mover in Houston Texas Logic: Just a one time th- Me: DIsNeY LAnD tExAS???!!1!

I hate everything I've ever seen described as a Peoplemover. They are ubiquitously slow moving. They have slow doors. They are slow to start. They are slow to stop. They are just slow. But worse, they are a solution to a problem we don't have -- or rather a solution to a problem that we already have better solutions for. I mean, by not just use regular subway cars or tram cars and rails. These really do move people. They are fast, use known and proven technology, and can be bought practically off the shelf, thus cheap to acquire, build and maintain. Why do we have to reinvent the wheel and make them worse?

A well written, well executed, exciting video! Thank you for putting in this much effort, Alec!

Lets just hope that they don’t turn the subway into a fast ride that breaks the tracks

It's a TRAM

Your dedication for the videos are crazy, subbed

"People Mover" in Australia is what we call a minivan haha. The word minivan doesn't really exist here.

The previous system served IAH operates with in security zone, subway is outside.

so it like the montreal subway since they have rubber tires. also we should call subway people mover from now on lol

Maybe government is serious and didnt want to be associated with a cartoon mouse (aka disney?). So they created a company as a middleman.

Great video! I wish travel between those cities can be as seamless as your transitions!

As a Canadian living in Toronto, the idea of having one of these systems (or a more weather-appropriate alternative) past security feels like it would be way too operationally complex. Especially with the need to have three segregated sterile zones in each terminal (domestic, US, and international). Doubly since, at least at YYZ those zones can get reconfigured multiple times per day.

Like Gordon Freeman :-)

WTF man?! Where's your jacket?

OMG You are on location! And you are not wearing a suit. This is almost like you are real person, I can't cope!

Just like Pearson international

How did you get to film all of this? Did you get permits, permission, arrested? Thank you this was so cool. I love trains, I live right by active train tracks. Glad your not jailed.

ain't the tech technically just maglev just non-magnetic?

There’s as similar system at Charles De Gaulle Airport in Paris. Fittingly you need to ride it to get to the Disney shuttle bus when travelling from the UK.

You did a video on something to do with airports that Wendover Productions hasn't. Watch your back bro...

pushing and propulsion motors packed together makes a good push for heavier loads :) then when they are on long stretches they have a few which are equal to the movement (non-friction calculation) then the bends coming forward made be reverse. Get yourself a compass and put it on the floor.... it will give you an indication of a forward or reversing magnet. they base these similar to rollercoasters with frictionless motors (drops and immediate movements)

From Houston, and I've ridden this thing and I've always thought it was strange lol. Very very interesting and unexpected to see a video on it!

Technology Connections is the only channel where I can say "OK, I've got 20 minutes to kill." then end up wondering why the hell I never looked into any of this stuff myself. You're a legend!

In Porto Alegre, Brazil, we have a people mover connecting the airport to the commuter train station called "aeromóvel". As the name suggests, it's moved by air. Air gets pushed thru a duct built into the track by industrial fans. Quite cool to ride it, really silent and comfortable.

Mesh roof = From when you could smoke absolutely everywhere!

Wouldn't it be cheaper if they have a set up like cable cars? Put some automatic switching and mechanical brake then you'll have basically the same thing.

I’ve lived in Houston all my life and been to IAH a dozen times and never knew this was there.

You're like a very gentlemanly version of Jim Jefferies

8:54 Welcome to Black Mesa

I've used the ATS between terminals at O'Hare, rushing to get a connecting flight. It worked well, but somewhere between one flight and the next I lost part of the waist strap of my rucksack (poorly designed bag), probably at the baggage scan rollers entering the next terminal.


Oh, that's good, the system will open in 2 days, ie Autumn 2019...

19:16 thanks for the metric system

what is the ending song?

The city of Las Colinas, TX has a people mover.

9:10 Half Life

The reason for the varied motor spacing most likely has nothing to do with the speed at a point in the track. Yes, pole spacing will be a function of speed, but that will be concealed within the coil windings of the motors, not motor spacings. But more important will be the force requirements versus track position. Where the speed CHANGES (on level track) will be the places large forces are required. Each motor is most likely made for a certain FORCE rating. (The speed it makes is a function of pole spacing only. Pole spacing will be only the distance train travels in 1/120th second. Even at 20MPH, or about 30 feet per second, pole length will be only 4 inches.) In a section of track where speed must change, the train will span multiple motors giving more force. In constant-speed sections, the only force required will to overcome wheel friction and windage, so only 1 motor per train will suffice. I wonder how much magnetic attraction (between the iron return-path in the train and that in the motors) adds to the load on the wheels of the train compared to the weight? One advantage you fail to mention of "inert" train cars: the reduced weight of the car which reflects in the power required to move it; especially when starts and stops dominate a short route. Roller coasters are also designed this way: inert vehicles. Their launching induction motors are usually horizontal field across a slot with an aluminum fin protruding below the car (no iron in the car). This is very inefficient, and has no magnetic side-pull, but would not be practical for a continuously running system, as they can tolerate only momentary operation due to overheating.

Hey, you should put your "branding" on the thumbnail. It can be just your logo in a corner or something (like the lightscribe video). Doesn't have to be super extreme, but it would help your video stand out in the subscription feed :)

Port Authority's AirTrain at EWR & JFK are similar to the Skyway in Houston.

I'm now curious what they used in that James Bond film

No record of Disney's involvement? Conspiracy!!

Hello from Chicago

3:23 #whatafirealarmfail

This sounds so useful for underground, as it's low maintenance, but anything above, unless indoors, just doesn't seem effective.

Great video

I'd venture a guess most Disney Fans have no idea about this!! Perhaps you should add a Disney or wedway or tta or etc. hashtag. You'll get so many views from Disney fans!!

Top quality premium content! But did you go to all these places just for this video??

My brain keeps processing that as PeopleMulcher for some reason...

Be good to have met you while you where in h-town

You should check out the SkyTrain in Vancouver Canada....

I might have used that Houston Peoplemover once when i was a kid, i have very, very vague memories of picking someone up at an airport and that weird black and purple striped flooring is familiar...

8:54 Welcome to Black Mesa transit system

I've been to that airport dozens of times and not only have I never used that people mover before but I didn't even know it existed. I might check it out the next time I'm at Bush.

I designed a very large cable reel about 30 years ago using a LIM to provide motion and was fascinated by the device. They have a force/speed relationship (set by the pitch of the pole pieces and power frequency) that limits the speed. I seriously doubt that any regenerative braking is used in the people mover systems as that would require adding variable frequency drives or specially built LIM's. Excellent video!

They (or similiar systems) are all around the world. Düsseldorf International Airport has one as well, moving in-between the gates, parking houses and Düsseldorf Airport train station.

Tyler really made this video to tell us he had a great time in Disney World

They put a train in the hallway.

Damn, I love that quip at Bombardier at 2:48.

I’ve spent many layovers on those trains in IAH. They’re relaxing for someone like myself who is afraid of flying.

I enjoyed the People move in GW International. Glad to I am not the only one. :D

watching you in a regular Tshirt is so odd. Bring back the jacket!

Great video! Spetacular

Wow, I've lived in Houston my whole life and have been on that train many times, but never knew it was made by Disney.

On your video about Intercontinental Airport Houston's Inter-Terminal Train. You mentioned about the secure train serving the terminals. Until only 10 years ago that underground train was the only connection for Terminal A and Terminal B to connect to Terminal C and Terminal D.

Makes me wonder if all this lack of information connecting these systems were intended secrecy or just a compound of unreported information due to lack of public interest and awareness.

This is sadly imo a defunct system because there is really no use for it. Modern factories are using a trackless conveyor belt to ship goods. This would require infastructure and track plans that would take longer to implement rather than a virtual track. But I have been wrong before and there could be an actual beneficial use for this system that I haven’t thought of. Maybe someone will look into this technology and come up with a great idea that is successful. It’s not impossible but then again almost anything is possible

There is also the Morgantown Personal Rapid Transit, something that uses "people mover"-like trains

His voice sounds homosexual

Externally powered cars, with heat and electricity, in harsh weather you say? How about CABLE CARS? Minneapolis has a few people movers that are pulled by cables and run on metal tracks. They're more like horizontal elevators instead of "real" cable cars, since the whole cable stops when the people movers stop. Even better, all the drive machinery is visible while you're waiting for one.

What about the West Virginia PRT?

The issue with people movers, from what I can tell is that it seeks to solve a problem, and instead of solving it just moves it. See, the people movers seek to solve the problem of train car maintenance by limiting moving parts on the trains. But what they wound up doing was just dumping those moving parts onto the rail. Then they decided to replace those with Linear Induction Motors, which remove all moving parts from the wheels, but introduce a non-throttleable method of propulsion, as they implement it. This means you either get full power from each motor or none. Oh, and since they don't produce their own friction, they can't act as friction brakes. But then we have to ask a question; did we really solve the problem of moving parts, or more specifically the maintenance associated with moving parts? Well the answer is, quite simply, no. See, the solution provided in Disney's people movers don't actually work to remove the more expensive parts of a train, but do increase the expense of the railway. The trains still need doors and seating areas, as well as wheels. Compare this to modern mass transit systems and you see why we continue to use car-based-locomotion. If the train cars induce problems of maintenance, it actually doesn't make sense to move those items into the track, since that means you have more points of failure. It makes more sense to increase the reliability of the train cars. Which is what happens with modern train cars, as well as even planes. Also, people movers create issues in actually executing maintenance since a track necessarily must be shut down in order to maintain a people mover line. This is less ideal than simply taking a train out of service for some time. Similarly, if you decide you didn't need as much throughput anymore and were going to save some money on maintenance by decreasing your car count, you couldn't, least not to the same degree. The maintenance costs associated with a rail-based-locomotion system are mostly fixed. So it doesn't matter how cars of people I move, it will cost the same any week. Which sounds good at first, until you realize that many transit systems work at a loss, or just barely for profit. Not to mention, they're not very power efficient. Even compared to powered trains.

Edit: Timestamp 11:47 Not trying to troll, but "AC Current" is akin to "ATM Machine." Potentially irksome to the few people who may have caught it. idk just trying to be constructive here.

While I've never flown out of Houston, based on flying out of other airports, I can see a few uses for the Subway. First, not every airline always has a check-in counter at every terminal. A lot of people know how to avoid the check-in counter, but sometimes it just isn't possible, or there are some people out there who prefer it over checking in online. Second, even if you don't need the check-in counter, I've gotten some strange looks going through security at the "wrong" terminal, knowing there was a train sanitary-side that could get me there faster. It's never actually been a problem, but still kinda weird. Third, if Houston segregates their international flights, you may not be able to get into an international terminal with a domestic ticket or vice-versa. While many airports have at least a loose distinction between domestic and international terminals, I only ran into segregation that strict once, and that was several years ago, outside the US, shortly after a security scare, so I have no idea how common that is. Even if none of those apply, you can never account for the vagueries of preference. some people just like what they like, just because they like it.

Here in Brazil we have "Aeromóvel" and its propelled by pneumatic action, the elevated way has a slited box where a metal sail is propelled by air of big impellers and the train itself is in metal rails

You never mentioned the monorail at Disneyworld. That has been in operation since 1971 and has a top speed of 55 mph.


The video would be much better without the attempt and fail at any humor whatsoever.

This is hella cool! Thanks for making this neat video!

Cool! Getting out of the Cube Zone..

Finally somebody gave this interesting little tram some attention. During remodeling half of the lights are off. Gives off a feeling of extreme loneliness. As if you illegally entered a construction zone at night with no one around.

If you ever fly through IAD (Dulles) in the Washington DC area, you should ride the AeroTrain (the airports people mover). I believe they still use some of the mobile lounges as well between terminals.

Hey, so your thumbnail text gets cut off by the time sticker. Great videos though!

You're looking good!

Your content is so entertaining. You make videos about seemingly mundane things and yet keep me engaged and entertained. Your brand of humor is also so subtle and refreshing. Love it. Keep it up bud. Hoping to get some extra money together to help support your channel at some point.

So, I found an old article from the Washington Post from 1994 where interviews with Senators mention that it was a train designed by Canadian's originally for Disney. Not sure on the Canadian part. I also found another article about the design and installation of the system from 1992 that says the system was being designed and manufactured by Transportation Group Inc., of Orlando, Fla. Which seems to be a company that marketed and sold transportation technology on license from Walt Disney. So, it does seem that the system in the US Senate, is a Disney People mover, as much as it is not shown now on any of the articles about the systems. Will try to reach out on twitter to provide some of the links.

So, not made by Disney, but made by the same contractors who did the Houston one for Disney, on what sounds like the same design.

Canadian part was because of Bombardier who WEDWay worked with.

This was a well done video and very informative. Thanks! :)

So glad you talked about how weird the people mover at Houston is. I road on it in 2003 after returning from Japan and it just struck me as being really odd to be riding this train through a basement hallway.

Mass transit needs to go the way of the dinosaur.

+user From my experience with the MTA, it tends to be inefficient, poorly scheduled, filthy as hell, when it's down everyone who's dependent on it freaks out because they don't know what to do, and even with overpriced tickets they're still dependent on taxes to operate. Mass transit is garbage.


Are there any visible ID plates on the Houston carriages listing the manufacturer details? Perhaps you can get more info on the DC system through a FOIA request.

18:47 Never let something drive you crazy if you are within walking distance. Also don't forget the origin of the Bombardier people movers, the Sky Bus system built by Westinghouse in PA. I'm pretty sure this system was the pattern for a transit system in CA.

Male PA Announcer: The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in a red zone. Female PA Announcer: The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in a red zone. Male PA Announcer: The red zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in a white zone. Female PA Announcer: No, the white zone is for loading. Now, there is no stopping in a RED zone. Male PA Announcer: The red zone has always been for loading. Female PA Announcer: Don't you tell me which zone is for loading, and which zone is for unloading.

+Benjamin... The main advantage of LIM is the lack of moving parts. They are probably less energy efficient though.

I'm interested to know if there's any significant efficiency differences between an LIM and a traditional DC motor. Since LIMs need to pulse I can imagine they'd be more efficient but may need more power to work?

+stefan... Stupid, yes. My city is and has been poorly run for a very long time.

+TheNewGreenIsBlueNew York's JFK Airtrain also uses a passive linear motor, and goes well beyond the airport.

The first airport in the United States that used automated people movers (automated guideway transit) is Tampa International Airport. While not designed by Disney, the system began use in 1971. Currently there are 5 automated guideways and one monorail in use at Tampa International. Orlando International’ design is a copy of the landslide/airside terminal design developed for Tampa. Orlando’s automated guideways became operational 10 years after Tampa’s.

the "barrier" on the one in Huston seems a bit point less. Its not like you could just step over the low wall next to it xD

The Houston underground people mover is very useful for getting to the Marriott or the fact that some trips arrive and depart from different terminals it’s useful for getting to parking after you get your luggage.

he says its like a sideways elevator " no its like a train , that's what it is a train !

20:00 "The people in the airport think that I'm crazy" Wow. Déjà Vu! :D

Well the induction motors can slow the train down and break it just like a monorail. I am assuming the costs is the reason why they haven't gone with that idea back then, you would need rechargeable batteries back then would have been expensive bulky on the train and a computerized system to control it's braking and acceleration. But nowadays could easily be done quite cheaply. I disagree you would need Motors in the train it's could be used in normal Street conditions tram cars, the induction motors would be buried under the road and only come on when they're needed and switched off automatically when the train passes. An automatic system like that could be run underground or Overground wombling free.... quite easily, but train unions have put a stop to it that's why it's not taking off, they will lose their jobs but automatic trains have been around since the 50s and will be the future just flag it down like a taxi using your watch your phone

You should look up Tokyo's Toei-Oedo Line and Osaka's Nagahori Tsurumi-ryokuchi Line as both use linear induction motors similar to the Disney People Movers.

I’ve been on that one in DC, although it’s very similar, it has a driver

half life 1 train

The correct term for the "landing doors" would be "platform screen doors".

i love this channel

"Good morning and welcome to the Black Mesa Transit System. This automated train is provided for the security and convenience of employees of the Black Mesa Research Facility personnel. Please feel free to move about the train or simply sit back and enjoy the ride. The time is 8:47 AM. Current topside temperature is 93 degrees, with an estimated high of one hundred and five. The Black Mesa compound is maintained at a pleasant 68 degrees at all times. This train is inbound from Level 3 dormitories to Sector C Test Labs and Control Facilities. If your intended destination is a high-security area beyond Sector C, you will need to return to the Central Transit hub in Area 9 and board a high-security train. If you have not yet submitted your identity to the retinal clearance system, you must report to Black Mesa Personnel for processing before you will be permitted into the high-security branch of the transit system"

More cases for a passive train with LIMs? * Rollercoasters. * Elevators - Passive emergency break systems that are power-failure tolerant and require no maintenance. It's used in the amusement park launched free-fall attractions for this purpose already. * Logistic systems. For like UPS, or something. Instead of pushing the boxes around on rollers which definitely need maintenance, a cart on this system would have cheaper costs and probably do less damage to fragile packages.

Houston makes me think of Logan's Run

Yeah!!!! Houston is my city and I've ridden this one. I was 17 tears old when it was installed. IAH is 50 years old this year.

So you got out of the studio huh? i like this, but dont forget the studio forever because its also cool.

I worked next door to MAPO in Glendale CA. They did all the ride prototypes there including track design and testing and had construction shop down the street MAPO being short for Mary Poppins. There also was a RETLAW business there which was the real estate acquiring division (Retlaw is Walter backwards). All the test track is gone now and dreamworks is in the building location that I worked in.

This seems like a horribly over engineered solution to a simple problem

Is it just me or at 17:08 is United States spelt wrong...

If the Senate subway uses a variable frequency drive... does that mean they use AC in DC?

I love it when people are able to go to places like Disney World and be eligible to claim it as a business expense!

Once years ago I had a friend who worked in the US Capitol and she got me a visitor pass and I rode on one of those underground systems. Didn't look anything like that, though. What I rode on looked like it was from the 1930s, with art deco styling and, I think, brass fittings on the driver's control panel. Hard to remember exactly.



Oops, there's no such thing as "AC current"!

Well, if the vehicle goes backwards for a bit, then it already stopped right there (in the transition from going forward to backwards).

Great video. Good to see you visited WDW and enjoy the people mover there. It's one of my favorite rides there. I live in the Orlando area and it's good to know you stopped by.

Umm... but winter is a thing that happens _everywhere_ on the planet.

I like your haircut!

Flown through IAH several times over the years & I do remember this. Didn't realize exactly how unique it is. Excellent video.

Brightline was a quieres by virgin. The reason why there was a train to a parking lot as you put it is because funding for the rail was taken out of the deal and Brightline was split into two phases. The second phase is set to complete by 2022 and Tampa and Disney have been added. But Brightline is not doing so good. Who would’ve thought. Right? Also each Brightline train was about 7 million and its made by Siemens.

The motors are closer together in places where speed change occurs to have more power to accelerate the car. In constant speed areas, they can be spaced out more because they just have to maintain the speed, not change it.

The SkyTrain, in Vancouver, uses exclusively LIMs on the whole track. And it's mostly elevated, uncovered metro.

This reminds me of Logan's Run


The off-planet Germans, have a portal train between Mars and Ceres, takes just a couple of minutes.

I like your editing work in this video! Good structure. And very informative!

This was awesome and informative. Oh, and here's how the Senate system in connected to Disney ........

Detroit has a *mugger mover* !!

Very cool. Thanks for making this. I'll check out your other vids. Heck, I might just subscribe.

Maybe you can talk about Bombardier themselves

This video took a lot of hard work to create. You have my respect and I hope to see more videos like this on your channel. Congratulations on being able to make YouTube your full time gig.

Waving to you from East Orlando!

I spent this entire video waiting for Jenny Nicholson to show up. I'm a little bit disappointed she didn't.

...and ended up in a gift shop. Just like most rides at Disney world.

the Atlanta Hartsfield Jackson International air port people mover rides on tires similar to the Orlando airport, but it is under all the terminals like in Houston. It reaches all terminals and is behind security which makes it most convenient and is a full circle as well

@16:31 Maglev system is perhaps the most famous implementation of linear motor technology. Unfortunately, the only operational train is in Shanghai, China, a long way from the US...

Stuff like this is why I love this channel.

1:34 is my new wallpaper

20:04 DFTBA

NYC JFK people mover looks like the o'hare one but it runs with a third rail. It even leaves the airport then travels past a few Queens neighborhoods before terminating at LIRR Jamaica station. $5 to ride.

I wish I could ride people movers everywhere I hate traffic and air pollution people movers and meglavs and monorails are the trains of the future Disney has a great transportation system

The TRUTH is that Walt Disney and the president decided to create the people mover 4.0 under the capital city while at an Illuminati meeting in 1968 to discuss the use of Cocaine to control people in the 70's. Obviously the government version is the upgraded version because it needed to be better than a silly ride at Disney World! You are all SHEEP, headless sheep heading in whatever direction the voiceless voice tells you to go, doing whatever you are told to do!

14:38 1 pause at it two hey hey momma can your daddy come home

I recently did a Houston transit music video with about 4 minutes of steady IAH Subway footage.

That Capitol subway brings back memories of Fallout 3...

Cable-pulled trains make more sense for those straight-line, indoor applications. Literally a horizontal elevator. Otis Hovair is a common peoplemover at airports.


Some factual errors: Vancouver’s SkyTrain system has different lines and most of its lines uses linear induction motor. This is a mass transit system and is outdoors

I almost died of boredom

WHAT?! I got lost in the Houston airport and just decided to stay down there and walk around. That thing passed me a bunch of times and it kinda freaked me out walking down the smaller path right next to it when it was passing. Then I eventually figured out where I was supposed to be and how far it was... I got back on one to get to the terminal.

8:48 / 16:11 Imagine this: Infrared heating panels in the ceiling :-D

Only turned on when the cars are approaching.

My guess for why there are more motors per unit length at curves and at stations is due to the need for acceleration. While in straight bits it just needs to overcome friction so there are probably the minimum amount of motors to keep it moving.

Praise be the credits music

I want to play half life 1 now, so... thaks?

The ones at Orlando sound like the NYC subway

You always produce very interesting videos! Thank you

Oh, I see By any chance, is this system the same as the one in the London Stansted airport? I've been there last year and I swear, their mini trains that helps you move through the airport really looks like those people movers

OH man! I thought that car on the transdyn website looked familiar, its the JTA skyway to knowhere! Built with that late 80s future love design.

They seemed to be a control company, found the page on JTA, and a cool PDF showing the control system they designed pdf here:

Oh man I knew that little subway was weird. I've been through that airport a few times, and I get the idea that aside from accessing the hotel, it's basically there for employees.

The name PeopleMover doesn't seem very useful to me, as it is such a generic term. Every family car, bus, tram, passenger train, airplane and ship can be called a people mover.

Soon to be renamed the tesla rail

im new to your channel i like your editing and presenting funny at points and presented in an interesting way. keep up the good work

i also wanted to say it feels like a genuine tv programme

The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in a red zone.

The full size doors are presumably to prevent people being cut in half.

Good video. Many years ago, I had an unexpected extended layover at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (DFW). During the layover, I took the Skylink people mover around the airport. I highly recommend it. The Skylink loops around the airport, providing an great view of the various aircraft and facilities. It's an excellent ride if you're interested in those sort of things. I thoroughly enjoyed my unexpected layover.

I've flown through Houston a dozen times and had no idea the subway even there... I'll definitely go take a ride for fun the next time I fly through!

Track wear would also be a thing over a longer time period.

Was it a John Green reference at the end?

But the Innovia ART systems run outside... Like Skytrain, To... varying degrees of success *cough* SRT.

Black Mesa would be proud.

Man, my grandparents live near Chicago. I had no idea that they were getting rid of the trains. I loved those.

There's also one at the San Francisco International Airport as 'AirTrain'. It's still open, but is being expanded to a new parking lot structure. Very similar tires on concrete track, the doors line up and the floors are level with the stations.

It's nice to see a product of a Canadian company being used in the U.S.A. Glad that Bombardier employs so many workers in the U.S.A. and elsewhere.


Thumbs up per la metro di Torino a 1:15

I haven't read all the comments yet, nor will I, so apologies if this is redundant. Here's the rather direct connection between the Senate Subway, Disney, and the Houston Airport Subway: "The (Senate subway) cars are being built by the Transportation Group Inc. (TGI), of Orlando, FLA., which will be paid $15.8 million for its work on the design and manufacture." Los Angeles Times - April 8, 1992 "TGI, the new transportation systems company, is based in Orlando, Florida, and is backed by Bombardier Inc. with Walt Disney and Bombardier technology, TGI provides full "turnkey" people-moving systems to the public and private sectors." Orlando Sentinel - December 15, 1985 "Bombardier has bought the world rights for a people-moving system and a monorail from Walt Disney Inc. A new wholly owned subsidiary, Transportation Group Inc., has been set up in Orlando, FL, to take advantage of the growing market for private transit at shopping malls, exhibition grounds and other sites." National Post (Toronto) - October 4, 1986 TGI Company facts from Orlando Sentinel "At A Glance", June 3, 1991: Headquarters: Orlando Parent Company: Bombardier Inc. Business: Designs, builds and operates monorails and people-movers. Licensee of Walt Disney World's monorail and WED-way PeopleMover technologies. Major Jobs Completed: Walt Disney World - Built new Mark VI monorail trains in late 1989 Houston Intercontinental Airport - Extended WEDway PeopleMover in 1990 Under Contract: Tampa International Airport - Build UM III monorail, to be completed 1991 Under Design: Kuala Lampur - UM III monorail cars and control system Irvine, CA - UM III monorail linking John Wayne Airport to McDonnell Douglas Washington, DC - Underground WEDway PeopleMover linking Senate offices to Capitol

Ouch on pronoucing Bombardier O.o Its bom-bard-ear as in an artilleryman... or someone who bombard's... sorry as an ex artilleryman meself I just had to say

No, he pronounced it correctly (Bomb-bard-de-a). It's a French-Canadian company that was started by Joseph-Armand Bombardier. Source:

Houston airport has one of these

Do an episode on the trams at the Getty Center.

**Vancouver Skytrain* has left the chat* It's a pretty large and a big boy version of the people movers, I'm a little depressed that you didn't mention it considering that all of it except the Canada line is run by liner induction motors that do go up and down grades and mostly oporates on elevated track (that isn't covered!) Toronto also has a short line called the Scarborough RT ment to be a middle capacity train between buses and the full sized subway. its the exact same technology developed by then UTDC which at the time was a state run company from Ontario but got sold off to Bombardier. UTDC built 3 systems again for Toronto, Vancouver and Detroit's 4 stop downtown people mover. These systems to do work in the winter because they have track heaters but on occasion the one in Toronto does have to shut down due to deep freezing and a lot of fucking snow but the other 2 cities are warmer, especially Van so its more rare for them.

The random slowing and speeding is likely due to maintaining regular gaps.

This is incredible work. Thank you for making this.

I believe your date is wrong - The Houston airport wedway/people mover was used in the movie FUTUREWORLD in 1976 - (notably the shots from time 7:19 / 7:45 and 7:51 ) ----

Really great video mate! I was pleasantly surprised to find (and ride!) that weird derptrain in the basement of George Bush Intercontinental during a visit last year, but had NO idea of its PeopleMover connection. I'm certainly going to be paying it more attention on my next passthrough!! But you're totally right, it is very weird to see it silently shuffling through a weird access corridor, almost creepy somehow...........

Like the DLR in London mixed with the Jubilee Line.

The reason the Orlando airport's system and Disney World's system don't climb much is geography. Central Florida, with the exception of sinkholes, has very little change in ground level. We joke that this part of the state is basically flat. There was no reason to add any height change to the Disney Sorld system. The Orlando airport system actually does climb a little, because the concourses are at different heights.

That is one of the most calming chimes I've ever heard. You could say anything after that and I would be relaxed.

DFW International Airport use to have a people mover (in fact, it was the first airport to have one int eh US) decommissioned theirs in the late 90s. It was unique in that it had trains with doors on the opposite side of some cars so that it could be used to move mail and airport workers without hindering passengers. While the trains and guide rails are gone, 50% of the concrete road way still exist. And the Maintenance building was only just recently demolish.

+lohphat Oh truer words have been said.

Ok, this amount of info is seriously awesome. I know I've made my criticisms at times about this channel (and some personal attacks too, which I'm especially ashamed of and immediately deleted when I realized what I had done, I fully admit it, and I deeply apologize to Mr. Technology Connections for how I acted), but there's a reason I subscribed to this channel a long time ago (from my memory it was when the counter showed 83K, I wish there was a way I could find out for sure so I could be accurate) and keep coming back to see what else he's done. This guy here is well researched and knows his stuff. He has an incredible ability to not only tell, but show, fairly intricate concepts, ideas, and history, all woven into one in an incredibly compelling way.

LIM trains don't stop at airport people movers, though. Tokyo has more than 40km LIM subway. Apparently, it's a space consideration.

When we were kids my dad would take my brother, sister and I to O’Hare to just walk around and go on the train, then when I was 11 911 happened and massive restrictions on where you could and couldn’t go in an airport sort of killed that a bit...

What about supplying power to the cars through induction coils so that internal cab heaters could work? Like wireless charging.

Great script, awesome video.

You should check out the Jacksonville Skyway -

you can pronounce astrerisk... i cant

Thyssen now builds Elevators wich can go up/down and sideways driven by linear induction motors


Car wise, the people mover at the Getty museum in Los Angeles looks a lot like ones used in the video. Except it’s on rubber tires and driven with a cable up and down the hill.

Welcome to V.A.L. and it's French (the first on the video )

Isn't there a people mover system at Kuala Lumpur International Airport

Great video! Love the nod to the old Disney TTA spiel in the intro!!

FRYSIAN is the only non controversial second Language in (European) The Netherlands. Friesland is bilingual with schools teaching the language and signs in two languages. Not so with any of the languages you mentiom, that are seen nore as (very) stromg dialects by most Dutch.

Was disney involved in the air train in jfk airport in nyc? Or the one in the twin cities airport.

I'd not given either transit system at Gatwick or Stanstead airports much thought before this video.

the white zone is for loading and unloading only...

O'Hare uses French VAL tech

Maglev trains are essentially passive vehicles.

I work at IAH! I've used the subway (on the clock) to get between badging offices, and an employee clinic. Would have loved to have bumped into you!

Fantastic video, just one note... just to let you know. At 17:24 you said you put a link to another video of the U.S. Congress subway system in the description, but I don't see a link to that video in the description. I found it on my own based on the video title, but you might want to double check the description and make sure you've added it there. Cheers!

What is the point of inventing new words to describe metro? And "horizontal elevator" concept is nothing new. Saint petersburg metro system have many such stations with platform screen doors. The first was opened in 1961

you see the DC one represented in Fallout 3.

Great video! But why no mention of the Disney Monorail?

Next time I have to go to Tucson and change at Houston, this is going to be a must see!

I wonder what the similarities and differences are between these systems and the one used at Denver International Airport?

These sound similar to the District Light Railway (DLR) in London. Really good for moving people about, but due to computer control, they can be a bit skippy. Sometimes they accelerate then realise they're going too fast and stop again, there's also a specific section of track they find hard to get right speed for, been there for years and engineers ain't fixed it!

I remember those trains in Houston long before 1981.

Ty. Very fun and interesting.

Having been through IAH hundreds of times, I''m very familiar with (and fond of) the basement PeopleMover. The biggest downside is that it's landside (outside security). The biggest upside is that it stops at the Marriott (which is also the location of the pilot's shop) which the SkyTrain doesn't. Still, If I've got time to burn, I'll always give it a go for nostalgia's sake. Besides, who can turn down a free Disney ride?


One of the best videos I've seen on YT as a whole. Well done

When I hear Linnear Induction Motors I think of Superman at Six Flags Magic Mountain; fun ride

1993? That thing is as old as me

Having grown up in Vancouver, where we have the longest automated LIM powered rapid transit system in the world, there are truly no challenges to elevation changes. The only issues with weather are that the automation system fails because of snow, but rain and cold is absolutely no problem for it.

TL;DW disney sold a disneyworld attraction to an airport and possibly the united states of america

these people movers remind me of the JR line trains that transport you anywhere in the Tokyo area from Akihabara to Shinjuku best system in the world.

Hey I saw you at magic kingdom getting that footage and I was heading over to bonjour gifts from the carrousel of progress!! The footage right next to the stage.

That's certainly an unusual system. The strangest transit system I've ever come across (and I've been a lot of places around the world) is probably still the guided busways in Adelaide, Australia. It's a concrete track with two sections, one for each wheel, and guide barriers along the side. As the name suggests, this route is designed for buses - and these buses are almost conventional in design. - the only thing that distinguishes busway buses from any other city bus is that there are two very small wheels at the front of each bus that fold out. (they're similar in size to bicycle training wheels). Normally they're retracted, but when the bus enters the busway, the wheels fold out, and they're mechanically linked to the bus's steering, meaning the driver no longer has to steer the bus. Because the route has it's own right of way, it's constructed much like a railway line, except it has guided buses. Even the signeage along the busway segments is some kind of hybrid, since much of it technically matches the design of regular road signs (speed signs and the like), but is placed and used in ways that's comparable to railway speed and signalling indications. And if it wasn't clear already, yes, buses that use the busway ALSO run regular services on the road, and transition to the busway if they're going in the appropriate direction. The busway also has about 5 stations - which, like much about the system, are something of a hybrid. The layout is a lot like a railway station but with 'platform' layouts comparable to a large bus terminal. The guideway briefly stops at each station, so the buses are back to functioning as conventional road vehicles for these sections, before resuming their trip on the guideway up until it ends again and they continue onwards along the road. Quite how or why anyone built this, and what advantages is has compared to simply running entirely conventional buses along the same route, I'm not sure. Yes, speeds are somewhat higher and more consistent along a busway, but most of this comes from having a dedicated road entirely restricted to buses. The fact that the track steers the buses is secondary. As for linear induction systems and trains... Yeah, that's an unusual approach, and I doubt it'll spread much. On the other hand, this has quite some overlap with how magnetic levitation trains work. In this case the train has one half of multiple electric motors and the track the other halves, and they are set up such that by alternating which set of circuits are powered up and which are not you get both the levitation effect of the vehicle that gives them their name (electromagnetic repulsion) and the propulsive effect (alternating repulsion and attraction causes linear motion if controlled carefully.) In some ways that's an entirely different technology to the disney system in the video, but in some other ways there's a surprising amount of overlap in the basic concept... Part of the (hypothetical) advantages of maglev over conventional rail (aside from high speeds) is supposed to have been much lower maintenance costs. In practice this hasn't quite proven to be the case, but that was the theory. (same was meant to be true of monorails, but that too doesn't seem to have worked out as intended.)

What about the one in the Getty museum in Los angeles?

Two things: first, it's very cool to me that you were in Houston, as that's where I live. Second, I never knew there was a train system underneath IAH, which is kind of odd since I've been there at least six times in my life.

For the record, it is possible to vary the speed of Linear Induction Motors using Variable Frequency Drives. Which, by the way, may make an interesting video on your channel. I've used VFDs to control LIMs on parcel sorters used at UPS and FedEx.

OK, you mention VFDs later on in the video. VFDs are great, they allow you to control speed, acceleration, deceleration,and torque curves. If you have a source of 480V three phase and a 2HP or less 3 phase motor, I can send you a VFD to play with for a video.

What are your thoughts on systems that use both third rail and linear induction motors, such as AirTrain JFK?

Male PA Announcer: The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in a red zone. Female PA Announcer: The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in a red zone. Male PA Announcer: The red zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in a white zone. Female PA Announcer: No, the white zone is for loading. Now, there is no stopping in a RED zone. Male PA Announcer: The red zone has always been for loading. Female PA Announcer: Don't you tell me which zone is for loading, and which zone is for unloading. Male PA Announcer: Look Betty, don't start up with your white zone shit again. There's just no stopping in a white zone. Female PA Announcer: Oh really, Vernon? Why pretend, we both know perfectly well what this is about. You want me to have an abortion. Male PA Announcer: It's really the only sensible thing to do. If its done safely, therapeutically, there's no danger involved.

This is so cool! But it makes me sad that I didn't know about this the few times I have been in the Houston airport.

Great video - thanks so much for making it to Houston! I've always liked the IAH people mover. I figured it used the same technology the first time I rode it in the eighties, lol. I remember going to the airport at some ungodly hour when I was living at and going to the University of Houston just to ride the crazy thing because I was bored. But, I also just like train rides of about any kind

tampa airport has em.

I live here in Houston. Transdyn was is subsidiary of Powell, and Powell had a government contract for the electrical lay in in DC. Transdyn also partnered with a 3rd party to build the passenger compartments in what was hoped to be a new downtown inter-building transportation system to be marketed to middensity downtown districts.

I used to basically live at IAH. The subway is for when you park at a different gate than your carrier. I used to always park at the same level in the C garage even if my carrier was not Continental so that I could always find my car when I got back. Since you can't check in on Delta at the Continental desks in C you take the subway to the delta terminal to check in.

That basement is horrifying. It made me uncomfortable just looking at it on my phone.

there is nothing wrong with 1993!

Do you live in Chicago?

I don't think they look dorky at all. I think they're cool.

I know there's always a few thumbs down, and I know there's always a comment pointing them out, but I'm really curious about them. What did you expect? What did you find extraneous? What did you think was missing?

Great video!

In the 1990's my family visited DC and found ourselves in the basement of the Capital building and we rode on the "Senate Tram". After 9/11, they limited access to the tram, but my understanding is that it runs between all of the Senate & House member's offices and related government buildings.

For someone that loves quirky travel modes, especially underground systems, this was a brilliant video.

Lol Disney directs you to the gift shops at any chance, even when the ride gets shut down.

10:56 theres one induction coil without the cover... amazing!

Wonder how the doors are opened on the train itself...

going round an airport,with a camera, and not getting on a flight? someone is top of a government watchlist now :D

I'm honestly surprised that's cost effective. A linear motor's basically a brushless motor that's been cut in half and flattened out. No bearings, and the shaft is the opposing surface it is magnetically attracting. So instead of 2 conventional motors on an electric car, it is somehow more cost effective to have 400 or more electric motors across the entire length of the track?

Orlando has perpetually good weather? It rains like every afternoon and there are hurricanes. Also heat and humidity destroys everything man made if it's not in perpetual maintenance mode.

Lol after I heard "made possible by people like you" I was waiting for the "thank you" like PBS always does... or used to do.

I think I’ve been on the Orlando airport peoplemover

Rated 9 nerds out of 10, love it.

Remember before using People Mover: - put on HEV-suit - get a crowbar

Mr Freeman's daily driver

So Houston has a skyway and a Subway, interesting

(0:20) Okay, but most of the public transport systems are "people movers". So it's a really odd term to use. The planes are "people movers" too.

Why does this remind me of the Half Life 1 intro ?

Ok...have to stop here...."Chrain?"...made me giggle stupidly to myself for some reason. As for that propulsion system being possibly the reason _that_ Peoplemover is still in operation while Disneyland's version is not...well, no. Disneyland's version was dramatically simpler and both easier, and cheaper to maintain. The particular reason it is has to do with one of Disney's biggest blunders ever: Rocket Rods. The Disneyland Peoplemover track was never built to handle the stresses of speeds greater than maybe 10mph, and had the added "bonus" of being incorporated into the very structure of almost *all* of Tomorrowland's buildings. Rocket Rods was intended to go upwards of 35-40mph at various points, but the Peoplemover track had such sharp turns, that this was not feasibly maintained for longer than maybe a second or two. Thus, the constant speeding up and slowing down of cars much heavier than an entire Peoplemover train put together (the motors were now in the cars, not the track, along with vastly upgraded sound equipment and safety restraints) meant the cars were speeding up and slowing down at various points of the track *continuously* . The concrete track and integrated building supports were simply not made to handle this kind of stress. I worked at Tomorrowland Terrace from the Summer of 1997 until winter of 2001, when I transferred over to the Pacific Warf area of DCA and soon the Mission Tortilla Factory demonstration stage (aka, the "Tortilla Ride" with those people making food you can't eat and chatting with you at the end...I was one of people making the food you couldn't eat). My first summer at the Tomorrowland Terrace was the last summer of the Peoplemover. The track went right overhead our "counting room" which was really just a secondary stock room that had tables where the cashiers would count their tills. (The stories I could tell, especially of that first summer of "The New Tomorrowland"...) When the Peoplemover went would never have known. When the Rocket Rods went overhead, would not only hear the shrill sound effect the vehicle speakers played when the vehicle would accelerate....but the whole room would vibrate and these two steel poles criss-crossed for structural support that had been there forever would clang against each other. While it was open, there was literally no other ride at any Disney park that broke down as much as Rocket Rods did, and it's entirely due to trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. The legacy of that ride is that it cracked its structural supports so much that literally nothing else could ever grace that track again (without literally razing all of Tomorrowland to the ground and starting over). Because that ride's structural supports are so integrated into just about all of Tomorrowland's buildings, a decision had to be made. The supports as they are can support to CA's strict Earthquake codes either: a ride; or a building, but not both as they used to. As the buildings pretty much contain "Tomorrowland" as a whole...guess what had to go? (When I say, "a ride, or a building" you have to understand that while there ARE buildings in Tomorrowland that have rides of their own, they are considered "show buildings" as in, fairly autonomous units unto their own, similar to a World's Fair building, which is where 1967 Tomorrowland, and the foundation of today's Tomorrowland, get's its genesis from)

Newark has a similar automated train system between terminals and the rental hub.

Great, informative video. I'm hoping to see more LIM-based people movers out in the world. All of the other airport systems are overbuilt behemoths with lots of moving parts. This is simplistic and obviously a lot less maintenance. Because of the tight turning radii, this system (or one like it) would make it easy to tuck into existing facilities and venues. LIM's are used on many roller coasters to boost speeds of trains and even launch them uphill, so grade flexibility is possible. Smaller, simpler systems will be useful in specialized locations. I hope!

"...was the now-defunct attraction..." TOO SOON!

Really interesting as ever, thanks. What I don't get is why it isn't a whole lot cheaper and more efficient to locate the linear motors in the base of the trains and the passive elements on the line (it is just steel plating?). I realise this would necessitate a 3rd rail or pantograph system, but surely cheaper and easier than implementing the infrastructure of motors along the entire line. I'm sure there's a reason why it has been implemented this way, I just can't see it.

I geuninely challenge you to find the most apparently uninteresting topic and make a full video on it, and sure as hell I will enjoy it truly madly deeply as I always do. The history of nailclippers? Socioeconomical relevance of instant coffee? Why does everything end up being so interestiiiiiiiiiiinggggggg

That Senate subway is some Black Mesa shit

12:08 Linear Induction Motors are essentially unrolled synchronous motors. Synchronous motors' RPM is determined by two factors: 1. Line Frequency 2. Number of poles (or sometimes referred to as pole pairs). Viewing the chart at we can see as the number of poles is doubled, the speed of the motor is halved. The coil packs you see in the track, are likely the linear equivalent to poles. So doubling the number of coil packs per linear foot, would cut the people mover's speed by half.

Try some concealer under your eyes. The dark areas are deoxygenated blood pooling.

I found this interesting. It is from an Engineering Company, answering a question from 13 year old, asking about about Linear Induction Motors. I have been on the WED Inter-terminal train more times than I can count. WED also designed Space Center Houston and trained the original staff. Many of them still point with 2 fingers. At two different times Houston flirted with adding Disney Monorails. The first was when Harris County was building the Astrodome and Astroworld. Judge Roy Hofheinz contacted Walt Disney in the 60's about a monorail transportation system to get folks from the parking lot that was on the other side of Loop 610 to parks and back. The concept was dropped in favor of a footbridge and trams. The second was for commuter rail. You can see the last signs of the concept in the elevated HOV lanes in Houston. Much like the elevated WDW Monorails, except they now have a single lane for cars.

RE: Who built the peoplemover bellow Capitol. Have you considered putting in an FOIA request? IANAL, but this sounds to me like something that should be covered by FOIA.

It seems that the current Capitol People Mover was made by Force Engineering ( based out of the UK. They state that they developed the LIM units themselves. Someone at Birkit Engineering that loves to answer questions states that the Capitol People Mover was based on Disney's original WEDway, but doesn't state his sources: While it might be possible that limited information is out there for safety reasons, probably the party to question about the Senate Subway is: the Architects of Congress. They are responsible for operations and basic maintenance. The big advantage, as you already partially explained, is that the propulsion system is in the tracks, instead of on the train. This means that the trains are lighter, so cause less friction in the movement, thus saving a lot of energy. It also means that you don't have to transfer any electricity to the train (third rail, catenary, etc.) which also would create extra friction and create extra wear and tear. To learn more about LIM propulsion, check out this 1975 video:

Couldn´t you just use induction for power to heat the cabins?

Vancouver Sky Train. The system is automated, the original lines are linear induction, and Vancouver has plenty of winter. In fact, that is why they went with linear induction, since it will pull the trains along whether the wheels have good traction with the rails or not.

japan has metro line run on liner motor, here is this link

Interesting video. I hate the Orlando Airport though, it is such a bad design!

Have you ever checked out West Virginia University's PRT system? It's been around since 1975, and is still the only system of it's kind.

did you really just come for the Bush Airport subway system I hope you at least stepped out into my city and got some Chinese food or something :C

Can you do the Heathrow Terminal 5 Autonomous Pods please?

you should check the sky train

So you went to Disney and documented a transit system. Does that mean we have a monorail video to look forward to in the future as well? I loves me some ALWEG concrete beam guideway monorails...

potentially get all the benefits and work out all the flaws by putting the magnets on the trains and the passive metal plates on the track, maybe power it with electrified rails with gutters so they don't short in the rain

2:13 Macau LRT also uses this model!

The reason the walls are so low in the Houston basement is due to the needs of pedestrians. People walking through would be boxed into an extremely narrow hallway with limited visibility not just to the side but also forward given the turns. Larger, faster subway-style trains and also the actual Disneyworld systems can get away with this because the systems don't need to be created to accommodate people walking along the same pathways except in dire emergencies, otherwise they too would maintain the visual sense of larger open space around the pathway.

"Good morning, and welcome to the Black Mesa Transit system. This automated train is provided for the security and convenience of the Black Mesa research facility personnel. The time is 8:47 AM".

Maglev trains use linear induction motors, a big difference between airport/theme park toy trains, and real transport projects that solve all these issues.

japan have real metro line is run by linear motor system(like Toei Ōedo Line in Tokyo)

Can't wait for the Mars version

Birmingham UK Airport has a peoplemover from the eighties. Its a maglev stystem, which I think was the first in the world. It is also pulled by a cable.

Probably a good stepping point if japan gets building the giant pyramid cities. Some form of cheap, small, easily maintained and timed shuttle would be good circuits for basically a giant 10km circumference mega building full of people and goods. but, in real world applications i dunno that anything other than sprawling airports could use it effectively

@Technology Connections - The only way to change the speed of a AC motor is to change the number of poles (thus how far apart the coils are) or change the frequency. Until the last decade or so ago, controlling high power A/C current was expensive. With GAN MOS-FET, it's cheaper now. This is the same reason that while AC motors were more efficient, railroad locomotives were DC based until the cost of multi hundred amp GAN MOS-FET came down. With GaN Mos-Fet, it's easier to change the phase/frequency of AC power. It's still not cheap, but even a 2% increase in fuel efficiency in railroads equates to multiple tens of millions of dollars in savings, and also allows for higher speeds as a AC motor's stater is less effected by centripetal force "birds nesting" than a DC motor. AC motors are also less susceptible to heat issues than DC motors, allowing for much longer run times at high temperature and low speeds than DC motors. Example a typical traction DC motor on a locomotive is limited to not more than 10 minutes at 600 volts and 1,400 amps (I think that's what we are talking about, I may have that wrong, and if so, on the low side) at less than 10 miles per hour.This is because the air cooling can't keep up with the heat build up, resulting in baking off the varnish insulation of a DC motor. Even today, most locomotives are DC based, with only a few AC units. Locomotives typically don't reach Return on Investment (ROI) until about a million and a half miles. Disclaimer: I may have some of this wrong, or very wrong. Polite corrections would be welcome. Rude ones will be grudgingly accepted. All should have citations that can be checked.

0:00 ok P.B.S

shoutout to the person at 13:49 in the bottom left who just yeets their phone

I find the topics interesting but his attempt to talk like a news reporter and attitude very cringe worthy.

Good video but there’s a lot of speculative assumptions.

I got to ride it, and it definitely shows its age. Just not as precise as modern systems, and felt cheap. Not to mention, it really is in a weird place.

You're the first person I've heard call a Monorail a PeopleMover. Jungle Jim's International Market in Fairfield Ohio owns the one that used to be at King's Island, if you wanna see another one of these in a weird location.

Where was that model of EPCOT you showed? I've read about such a thing once seen from the peoplemover and it sounded really cool, but I don't remember ever seeing it. Was it only in Disneyworld Florida and never Disneyland CA? I miss the Disneyland peoplemover. Riding it was a nice break in a busy day. Regarding linear induction motors: They were used to launch the trains on the California Screamin' roller-coaster at Disney California Adventure, next to Disneyland. (and maybe still are used, in its successor) Regarding airports: Supposedly in the future (they're saying 2023) there will be a similar peoplemover at the dreadful LAX. Meanwhile I've seen them at SFO and DFW for decades. (let alone MCO)

Hi I'm from Vancouver, BC, and these tiny skytrains are adorable.

The Houston Intercontinental Peoplemover gets a lot of facetime at the beginning of the poorly-done 'WestWorld' sequel 'FutureWorld'

Were those subway cars in Houston equipped with VHS or Betamax VCRs? Where are the Sony Trinitron monitors?

This reminds me of the PRT in Morgantown, WV. Although, that system has had almost no problems or usage issues. And has had only one non fatal accident in its history.

The motor sounds put me in the mindset of the Maglev from Riven

I didn't even know Walt Disney was actually the first person to come up with the idea of these people movers! WOW!!!

Small quibble. The WEDWAY system uses "linear attractive motors," and they do not "induce" any magnetic fields. A magnet is switched on, attracts an iron plate attached to the bottom of a car, and then is switched off as the plate passes over the magnet. Inertia then carries the car to the next plate. The magnets are close together where the train must move slowly or stop, because the inertia of a train varies with its speed. The WEDWAY cars can hit each other because there is apparently no train control system to prevent collisions, as on a conventional railroad.

This is really cool. Good vid

LAX is getting a people mover too.

Not sure why I just watched a twenty minute video about a ride I didn't even know existed. It was totally worth it though!

Hey kids let’s go to Disney World, Texas haha.

Kcvg has this. It's just all underground . Thought this was common...

My guess, buddy thought this would make a lot of money in views. Otherwise the cost of this production. Wow.

Cool video! I live in Chicago and love WDW so it was interesting to see a video about the O'Hare, Orlando, and Tomorrowland people movers as I've been on them many times without much knowledge of them.

Cool video. btw DFW has had two different kinds of 'people movers' that are different.

I filmed a video of this system in July.

Those are the electric trains, we seriously need this kind of public transportation to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. There is just too little of it. We also need to invent a version that does not require much maintenance in cold weather locations so we can have them all over the US. This kind of public transportation needs to be analyzed for its usefulness in most big and small cities in the US.

7:11 Houston is in Texas.....?

It's nice to see what those innovia units look like, I work for bombardier here in the UK, feels odd seeing one of their trains in the US as they're mostly based in europe and Canada

I remember racing that train as a kid.

I’ve been on a magic kingdom people mover ride when it was shut down because of rain.13:25

Thank you. Lots of traveling & quite a bit of effort to pull this together. Good job.

You forgot Atlanta’s people mover

legs are peoplemovers, too.

A German elevator company just build a prototype of a elevator that use that System. The elevator also can drive also sideways

I started watching this video thinking I would watch a few minutes and then get bored (had not seen your videos before). But I got more interested as the video went onwards. Very interesting and well presented (IMO) overall. Thank you.

Great video!!

Great video! But I strongly believe that SCADA is used in many technological fields that involve data or communication with equipment. The energy sector uses it and big telecoms. It does not necessarily create a link to those businesses. But the similarities between the two systems are present.

People used the basement trains a lot more before the advent of hard security after 9/11. I still ride it when United doesn’t return me to the same terminal I left on and so since baggage claim is outside security I ride the train with my bag to the parking garage. You are right that it’s a little weird as it’s kind of dark but it’s a fun ride just the same.

Huh, I watched all 20 minutes without clicking away or even looking at how long the video was.

Well that's pretty much line 1 or 14 from the Paris métro

Good , informative production !

My city have 3 lines. it called skytrain (PeopleMover). one is downtown to airport. two and three are city to city and etc

When I rode the one at IAH it was like a derpy little carnival ride.

I missed the People Mover, but then Again now I hate Disneyland everything theme parks, films, and attitude from the theme park employees.. Screw you Mickey....

Awesome video

Texas's peoplemover looks horribly unsophisticated, compared to today's conventional trams. Like a big science fair project or something.

Thanks for video .  They had an automatic train at Seattle Airport  in 1991 .  I do not know if it even compares to these systems .  I could not take it all in . I rode it once and was confused because I was on the West coast away from Eastern Magnets .

YAY MCO my home airport!

I knew there was a reason why i love the bush international people mover! so fun, i fell asleep on it once during a long ass lay over lol

So you're telling me I've ridden on a legit Disney peoplemover a bunch of times while catching flights out of IAH, and had no idea? Damn. Now I want to go back just to ride it again. Also, it's weird and kinda dumb, but it's basically entirely for the Marriott people. It's the main connection between the hotel and the terminals. It's redundant between the terminals, but the other, newer system IAH has doesn't go to the hotel.

Great story, interesting that while working for years at IAH for airlines, we used this a lot to get from B to C and sometimes to A. We always called it Mr. TOADS WILD RIDE..with no idea that it really was a Disney ride!~

I have traveled a fair amount and live in Houston but have only ever been on that people mover once. I'd almost forgot it existed.

The "sterile area" of an airport is about as "sterile" in a security sense as the dishes at a McDonalds are "sterile" in a germ sense.

The Chicago airport "people mover" is a real metro (Val 256) and this system is used in a lot of cities in France and in airport.

I never liked the constant speed up speed down cycle the Chicago O-Hare trains always did, I hope the new trains won't do this

or just walk. oO

I remember the one in Houston, was fascinated by it as a little kid and as I grew up, occasionally visiting Houston (where my dad lives), I gradually figured out how it worked. It's not very fast, maybe a brisk walk or medium jog from what I remember. It did feel a bit dungeon-like, and in my experience is usually empty - even before the new ones were built. It is interesting to ponder it's fate, it sounds like it's not necessarily going anywhere. Usually whenever a new system is built the old one, now seen as unnecessary, is immediately shut down (in this case would have been years ago), probably due to maintenance costs. Often that's why a system is replaced in the first place, to reduce maintenance requirements. This thing probably has practically none, it could probably run forever with the only requirement being electricity. Thus, as it doesn't really cost anything other than I'm guessing relatively small amount of electricity (would be interesting to compare the power efficiency of this design versus the more typical self-propelled rubber tired design, and of other transport concepts in general) so, as it still gets occasional use, they figure there's no reason to shut it down. Is interesting to ponder why it wasn't more popular, while it's limited to no snow (in many ways it's actually less weather sensitive as there is no exposed electrical components, and who's to say other systems aren't impacted by snow in a similar way) and flat I'd think the low maintenance cost would be very appealing to any customer where it could possibly work. Speed could be another factor, these are all pretty slow compared to other people movers, but to my understanding the concept isn't inherently limited to such slow speeds, I'm sure a faster version could be developed. There must be some other reason it's not caught on, one possibility is that all those linear induction units in the track get expensive. Cheaper than a rotary motor, but you only need one motor per car, while these are needed along the entire length of track - the cost would build quickly, and would scale with system length.


Birmingham Airport, England, used to have a Maglev which of course uses linear induction motors, between the Airport and the Railway station as it's people mover.

You forgot the Detroit People Mover... Oh that's right, the Detroit one is a joke.

You do know the Anaheim attraction was changed to LIM as well, they just closed it because of low they do when evaluating attractions after every season and they fall below the threshold for closing an attraction.

As an additional note, Futureworld (1976) had the original Peoplemover in IAH airport in the movie. The last time I rode that was in the early 200's going from terminal A to C....

The difference between an inductor and a transformer are minimal, it should be possible to power the cars from the inductor pads.

Thank you for exploring the history of the Houston IAH groundside people mover! One comment - the people mover appears nearly empty in all of your videos because, as you allude to, it serves a very niche purpose at IAH. If you arrive at the airport by taxi, private car, or offsite parking/rental car shuttle, you get dropped off directly at the terminal (A/B/C/D/E) for your outbound flight, and don't need to switch terminals. If you're connecting through IAH, you're better served by the faster airside train. Essentially, the people mover only serves the following groups: -Those who arrive at the airport by bus (which only stops at Terminal C) and who need to check in at terminals A, B, or D. Houston used to have an express bus to IAH from downtown, but it was canceled due to low ridership. There's only a single local bus that stops by the airport nowadays - presumably it's used by airport employees more so than by flyers. -Those who need to get to the onsite Marriott hotel. -The rare situation when all of the following circumstances occur together: you park at a terminal's onsite parking lot, fly out from that terminal, and fly back to the airport with a checked bag into a different terminal from the one that you departed from. In this case, you exit security upon your return, collect your checked bag, and take the basement people mover to get back to the terminal where you parked. This niche status helps explain why it has received a bare minimum of updates since its inception.

Walt Disney came up with the idea or putting a car on a track and someone hasn't told musk this

Trains are not people movers they just move people pretty sure Disney owns the name people mover

Your peoplemover is a train that just has no driver we have them in the UK we have one that doesn't go very far we call it the push and pull don't ask me where that name come from it's not official

Bruh I clicked on this video, heard the intro, and was like "did I click on a PBS video?"

The subway is useful if you need to switch airline or have to move across the airport on the land side quickly

Reminds me of the WVU PRT system. It uses a concrete and steel guide way for individual cars that carry about 15 people with standing room. They appear to work a lot like the original Disney People Movers and the O'Hare train. They've been updating it over the last couple of years, so it's a bit different (and more unreliable) now.

Now go make a video about the Peoplemovers in Japan! I loved the Yurikamome! Who knows, maybe Disney built that too? D:

"delightful 60Hz harmonics" got you a lol and a sub

Some sort of train critic almost? Interesting.

From 1962 until 2002, Fort Worth, TX has a very unique people mover system. A short subway line that served Leonards Department Store and later the Tandy Center mall.

I imagine the Getty train is like an elevator where it’s one big loop of cable and cars help move each other up and down the hill with minimal effort of the motor.

I live in Houston thanks for the info

You might want to do a little more investigation into LIM-powered transit. Vancouver's skytrain operates in many of the conditions you suggest that LIM cannot handle (inclement weather, third-rail power for heating/lighting/accessories, inclines, high speeds, etc).

+Tanner Mckenney isn't that the one where you press a button to call the train to your platform?

The website shown about th DC subway is titled 'Unites' States

This video is so fucking cool. I enjoy all your videos, but I joined as a $10/month patreon supporter because I want you to do more stuff just like this. So rad.

I was watching LGR's recent videos and after I was done, this caught my eye and I must say that I am very happy to have found you. Fascinating video - I love the detail of your information! I look forward to watching more of your videos for sure. Cheers! I subscribed of course! :)

There is a peoplemover in Las Vegas airport

Really enjoy your videos!

Hears peoplemover a milion times in the video... Nah, still gonna call them automatic trains...

Very interesting. Our contractor which has been helping us implement PTC are the same ones moving on to updating O'Hares automated people mover.

Wow, I use the Houston peoplemover all the time, and had no idea about its history

if this kind of train interests you, you may also be interested into looking into Vancouver's SkyTrain system, it is very similar to this, also using LIM motors and is the largest fully automatic railsystem in the worlds. The cars ARE NOT passive (heat and AC and power) but rely on LIM motors and cover quite steep grades as well.

We have 4 separate systems in Singapore. 3 in towns and the last at Singapore's Changi Airport And I had to say that I prefer the Mitsubishi Crystal Mover over the Bombardier Innovia APM 100 mostly due to its reliability and design

In Singapore we use People Mover as a mean of transport for smaller neighbourhood estates. We use the APM 100, 300 and also the Crystal Mover. :3

prob used for human trafficking >.>

Can’t take the gay voice anymore

Totally fascinating subject. Well done.

Everything about the IAH airport basement people mover system is bizarre, first off its slow, second its a relative unpleasent ride with sharp angles on the turns at the arrival of the "stations". The open roof idea felt like being in a bird cage, and that hum produced by the motors is less than pleasant. Previously being based in between MCO and TPA I've experienced several different systems and this was honestly the least desirable when trying to get to the other side of the airport in a timely manner. Just my opinion, great look into the history of the system!

I love this channel. You do a great job at making a quality documentary on various technologies.

I love riding the little train in the basement at IAH lol. So cool knowing what it is now!

Wow I haven't taken the subway at IAH since I was a kid...My dad and I were picking up my mom and ended up in the wrong terminal or something. So we took that people mover to the right terminal. I remember sitting in the semi dark across from my dad and looking up at the open ceiling and hearing the announcements. Thanks for the nostalgic feels in this video!

ok pbs

Because of this video, my brain finally clicked onto the blazingly obvious fact - That "EPCOT" is an acronym for "Experimental Prototype City of Tomorrow" . How could I have never noticed this before????

0:46 lol, skip this pos video

Why on earth, would you attack a subway system, based on 'looks', derpyness, creepyness? These 'concepts' are the antithesis of technology, and mean NOTHING of substance. Does the system work? Is it reliable? Is it cost effective? Is it safe. both technologically and criminally? These are technological questions... very disappointed in these judgmental style comments. "Derpy' sheesh! Wait, I know, let's spend extra billions on a system to make it 'look good'. Because the government is just MADE of money, and when they aren't they can just tax the crop out of the citizens. That's technology applied! Or something. Derp.

It looks like Captol subway

Have you called the architect of the capitol? I wouldn't be surprised if they'd try to help you figure out when/how the senate train was built. Have you been able to ride the senate train? It's pretty cool. I never knew it was passive - I assumed it was just DC brushless motors causing all those high frequency harmonics. I work on the house side (where we have the OLD train still!!) I'll have to check out the senate train again and take a better look!

The system in Houston isn't heavily used that I know of. I lived there for 15 years, flew through there probably 50-60 times, and I've only ever used the underground train once. That was only for a last minute flight change to a different terminal. I imagine it's very convenient for the hotel on site, beyond that there isn't much need for it since its outside the secured zone. Parking at IAH is excellent, each terminal has some restaurants and shops, and you really don't need to go between terminals except for a transfer, where you would want to stay within the secured zone. I laughed when you mentioned it has a creepy feel, I got the same impression. It really feels like it was jammed in after the fact in a space too small for a train system You expect those kind of transports to be bigger, the one at Denver is what I think of when I hear "airport trains/trams/transports". Thanks for the great video!

Rails don't need to be heated. Rolling stock with enough weight just squeezes snow and ice off. If it runs often enough, snow will never pile up very high but deep snow affects trains moreso at the front and underside than with how the wheels and rails interact. Heavy linear induction trains are being used outdoors in Vancouver and New York City.

Yeah... been to the George Bush Int'l Airport and that thing is apparently always down... I remember that stupid center walkway because I got to walk the entire thing...

HL intro scene.

You used the term "derpy" to describe how weird and creepy the Subway is. The word derp has negative connotations and is used to mock those with intellectual disabilities. I would strongly advise the use of an alternate phrase. "How can I put this kindly", even though you didn't.

The USA has Trains???!!!?!???!!!?!!!??? :-O :-O :-O :-O :-O

"Thank God I'm at the right airport!" I was talking to a security guard at PDX (Portland International Airport and he said a German showed up who could not find his friends, but the security guy realized what had happened when the German gave him a 207 area code. (Portland Oregon has a 503 Area code) His friends were glad to hear from him finally. They went to the airport to pick him up and could not find him. They asked about the flight and were told that particular flight was headed to Portland, Oregon, not Portland Maine. It would suck to fly from Germany to New York, then New York to Portland Oregon (probably 12 hours of flying) only to discover you now had to fly another 6 hours to get back to where you should have been.

Brightline got bought out by Virgin group!

So, because this company and another involved with the Disney People Mover are both in Huston, that is your connection? Are Boeing and Microsoft also connected? Also, why would anyone name their company after their ummm body part?

Having lived in Miami now for 17 years, I have become a huge fan of the people mover. The Metromover system, running 3 different loops, connects the north end of downtown to the core, and then to Brickell to the south, is a terrific way to get around the burgeoning center of the city. it connects to other transit systems the run the gamut from bike share, Metrobus, Miami Trolleys, Metrorail, Tri-Rail, and Brightline. I use the system all the time after accessing the closest station to me by CitiBike. It's reliable, has many stations, and gets me to nearly everywhere that I'd like to go in urban Miami.

1:37 Nothing New, I've seen this at JFK International Airport as well....

Reminds me of the redstone Powered Rail blocks from Minecraft.

Please don't tell me the patreon ad at the beginning is gonna be a common thing from now on. I just want to watch a video without people asking me for money every single time.

you forgot ewr and jfk its a peoplemover but its called officaly airtarin

At 16:35-ish you say they might be useful for baggage transportation at an airport. Funny you should say that, airports already have baggage handling systems that use a system of linear induction motors to transport bags long distances. And these ones can do slopes, too! The only difference is the "vehicles" are instead individual trays. There are many video tours of airport baggage handling systems on youtube where you will see this.

couldn't help but think of Fallout 3 when you mentioned DC, anyone else?

14:26 I actually find it interesting, plain but unique and not to techy or anything just a basic room where you board trains. Still gives a creepy feel though.

In the 1976 movie "Futureworld" (sequel to the original "Westworld") there is also a people mover. Do you know which one they used for filming?

Here in England there's a similar 'people mover' between Birmingham International Airport and the railway station/National Exhibition centre (NEC). When first built, it used magnetic levitation/propulsion (hence 'mag-lev'). However, it seems they forgot to add 'emergency wheels' and so when the power failed, it stopped uncontrollably abruptly ! It was replaced by an imitation service by wheeled vehicles comprising 2 cars that 'counterbalance' each other - so that when one car is at one end, the other car is at the other end. Propulsion (and braking) is provided by stationary motors and the cars are effectively a funicular railway. The cars are rigid with two compartments - hence 2 double doors which align with static doors at either end and work in the form of a horizontal lift. There are no stops en route; just either end.

used one of these at hartsfield jackson in atl. and also at bush in houston. being handicapped it helps. was a guest of a senator during trip in dc. and used hte capitol subway setup. there is cheaper to ride the mass transit versus driving. dc cops love to ticket anybody for anything

The skyrail at Düsseldorf Airport is way cooler

I wonder, could the system also use a stationary rack built into the cars bodies and movable gears to traverse elevations similar to a cog railway?

Have you ever heard about the Aeromóvel (Aero'dynamic Mov'ement El'evated)? It's a brazilian peoplemover very similar to this one, having redundancy and being failsafe, but uses a pneumatic propulsion system that moves the train with pressure difference, having electricity only for the brakes and internal lights/panels, they can be built outdoor too, being completely silent and having low energy cost. However, it was only built in a theme park in Jakarta and here in my city, Porto Alegre (BR), connecting the a metro station to the airport terminal because of bus companies lobby against it and lack of interest of the government.

That’s what it is

I see that people mover in Orlando has a long walkway between the tracks. I suppose that's a good idea to have in case of an emergency, pretty smart thinking there.

Linear Induction Motors are also used in more traditional trains, e.g. the Oedo-line in Tokyo (about a 41km line). The cars aren't "passive," but LIMs do give other advantages, for instance they allow the loading gauge to be significantly smaller than a traditional system of equivalent internal capacity.

An interesting side note, much of Bombardier's people mover "stock" was based on an earlier company called Adtranz... Bombardier purchased Adtranz around the "events" of 2001 as a way to expand it's holdings as there was a "hit" to it's corporate jet division. I was there during the transition. another thing of note is that there may not be as nuch of a "link" between the systems as you may think... form follows function in many cases. The linear induction motors and their operation are fairly standard across multiple industries, the shape of the cars are for the max occupational space for a given area that does not have to deal with wind resistance. Fascinating video... another thing of note is that the famed Disney monorail is essentially a guided, rubber wheeled train... the T shape of the track is what guides the driving wheels around.

LOVED this!

I thought so. It looked so familiar in the thumbnail. I’ve been on it dozens of times.

eh leave the bush subway alone. it's the only way to get between the terminals and pretty much the only way to the hotel. there's no way to walk between, they didn't build any sidewalks.

I remember riding either these or some other subway at Denver Int’l. When I was like 4 or 5. I wanna ride them again now that I know their history.

Nice review. One of the earliest people movers was in Tampa, Florida, which Orlando copied nearly exactly. Tampa Intentional Airport (or TIA) opened in 1971 with one of the first people movers as this is described for Orlando, copying Disney's system of just a few years earlier. So that was the first "Peoplemover" modeling Disney's system.

I've travelled on the Houston subway a couple of times, but typically I walk using the walkway in the middle as the distances aren't that long and sometimes it takes ages for a train to turn up. I think at times there is only a single train out, and it never travels particularly fast so if you've just missed it, it can be a long wait.. As you say, it was obviously never intended to provide great capacity, and seeing the significance of the airport and the amount of people using it, it's almost a joke. Thanks for this video. I never knew much about it.

There's a bombardier people mover at Dubai Airport, Terminal 1.

WVU has a version of a people mover.

Is linear induction a MagLev system? Sorry for the naive question. Regards.

In conversation with an engineer, Denver International uses LIM shuttles in the baggage handling system. He reported that the system had trouble with ripping the stators off the shuttles.

Linear induction motors in cars to move people? You might want to have a look at the fascinating (and a bit sad) storay of the german transrapid. A "passive" train propelled by linear induction motors while hovering above the track using magnetic levitation. The cars themselves have no physical connection to the track, however they receive power through the magnetic oscilations from the track, like a wireless chager. The whole project never got of a test track in germany and was scrapped completly in 2011, but at least one system was sold to the Shanghai airport where its used on a short 30km route. Despite that the car reaches speeds of 430 km/h in the middle

shoot me a message if you're curious about the difference between the LID and VFD. it really is the same tech, just a different speed control.

that subway thing place... man it looks like place i see in my nightmares

Why use a subway out side of security to go from terminal to terminal, well here is why. Each terminal at IAH has its own parking and baggage claim. United operates out of all five terminals. So if you park a E, and arrive back at A you must collect your bags at Terminal A baggage claim and use the subway to get back to the terminal where you parked your vehicle.

Japan and China both have subways / light rails of different sorts operating with linear motors, they have an overhead cable / third track to supply power for onboard equipments while the propulsion is all down to the track

Wow your camera is grainy 12:08

In Toronto we have an outdoor linear motor transit system that runs year round. Check it out:

I'm gonna assume they are closer together at the stations because it has to get the train moving from a stop and obviously easier to keep something moving rather than start it moving..

moving cars over tracks. elon musk should sell this to his fans as the best next thing

What I like most about this system is its accessibility. What little I saw of it looks great.

Sounds like something perfect for a place like Dubai

They use rubber tire trains in the Paris Metro as well.

wow. been to houston a few times, but i never knew about this! i feel like i have to go just to check this out lol.

Do a followup video after you get your answer. Enjoyed video

just moved from houston to florida and been in and out of IAH all my adult life. this definitely scratched an itch i didnt know i had. back before 9/11 some of my friends would just go ride the mover just to get out of the house and away from parents heh.

-AT omg

Technology Connections Very nice video. However I do not share your pessimism about the downsides of this system, because it needs to be indoors. Because regular subways are actually "indoors" anyway when they are underground. This system would be great whereever you need to move a steady stream of people inside a city, like a horisontal "pater noster elevator" and don’t want the huge costs associated with digging a fullsize subway tunnel, and don't want too many maintenance costs. Like when you want a system which is so simple that you don't need to financiate it by selling tickets. Some places you may need such a system to transfer between regular railway or subway stations that are a bit too far to walk between, and where costs to build a regular line would be forbidding. Or transferring tourists from the harbour to the centre of the city, I for one, can imagine a lot of uses. And by the way, at least at shorter distances, the line could actually run outdoors in a tube or square construction that protects it from the elements, having some heating in the winter time, even. And solar panels on the roof, providing power when the sun shines. Like a micro version of Elon Musk's hyperloop.

The moment I saw the title I knew which airport, and have actually been on it.

The Disney story starts at 7:13

People mover, that's such a wired name

No lack of information in this video. Very well done, and a pleasure to watch.

you're so sassy i like how sassy you are you sassy hunk you

So, if these run using linear motors, don't these screw with magnetic media?

Take a look at the Mag Lev system at BHX airport.

Man, I've been on that Houston Subway and never knew Disney had any involvement! Now I want to ride it again. (For the record, I actually found the carpeted basement hallway it was in to be pretty charming. It made the whole system feel like a bigger version of the model train systems I used to build in my own basement as a kid, only I could actually ride on this one!)

The WEDWay Peoplemover at Bush Intercontinental is full of fun facts, let me throw out some that were not mentioned in the video (I used to support a client in the airport, so I have firsthand and behind the scenes knowledge) - 1. Bombardier, did provide (and likely still does) operations and support for the "Subway". 2. The maintenance shop for the train is hidden behind the Terminal A station - there are switches at either end with tracks proceeding into the shop. 3. There used to be a 6th Stop on the train (I don't recall if its been removed, since I haven't ridden the system since 2011, and I was never given an explanation for what it used to serve) where the train will stop, but the doors will not open - an announcement will indicate a delay and your "journey will continue momentarily". 4. The "Subway" serviced all terminals for much longer than the "Skyway". When the Skyway was built, it was partially funded by Continental Airlines (prior to their merger with United Airlines) to connect only Terminals B and C. The extension to Terminals D and E was completed in 2005-2006 with the opening of the new International Arrivals Building that connected the two terminals, and Terminal A was connected a couple of years after that. Before then the Subway was the only way to Terminal A. 5. There are several Electrical Panels along the route, those panels contain the power supplies for the motors - visible at 16:37. 6. On the Terminal D bound Side of the Terminal C station, there is a doorway in the wall behind the tracks - visible at 11:40 - there is equipment that controls a portion of the loudspeakers for the train as well as a number of other support facilities for both the airlines and the airport located in the basement beyond (although that door is rarely used, since there are other means of accessing those support areas without crossing the tracks) 7. Most of the equipment for detecting train locations, brake controls and other sensors along the track was replaced around 2004, after a pipe burst in the ceiling above the tracks, flooding most of the route and damaging it. The motors were unharmed and did not have to be replaced. 8. The City of Houston has had proposals for several years to redesign the overall layout of the airport, and would create a single ticketing/bag claim facility as well as a single security checkpoint, and replacing the existing ticket counters, bag claim and security checkpoints at Terminals A, B, and C with more gates. If this were to be developed, the Subway would likely go away and be replaced by a system like the Skyway, and the Skyway would be removed to allow aircraft to move between the redesigned terminals. I don't recall if there was a plan for the hotel in that redesign, and it would obviously be cut off, since the replacement train would be in the sterile area.

Actually the main reason its believed that Disneyland's peoplemover was closed is because of structural damage caused by a ride called "rocket rods" that replaced the original peoplemover in tommorowland in the 90s during a large tommorowland overall. This new attraction was poorly planned and the main changes (heavier trains that had a lifting mechanism installed to emulate when a car accelerates in a short time and comes off its front wheels, higher speed motors, and brakes to help it slow to go around the already built track) all of the changes damaged the track and rocket rods lasted a short time. The peoplemover track was closed along with the ride and the rocket pod (I know, confusing but it's a ride similar to dumbo but with rockets) was moved to near the entrance as the whole structure was condemned.

Walt had a vision. Such a shame it ended with his death.

Here’s a better people-mover; The LINK Train at Toronto-Pearson Airport (YYZ) in Canada

This technology is probably 100 years old. The issue is efficiency, its horrible and cheaper to operate other modes of movement. Also you wondered why the rail side of the motor has to be places closer together: they need to be places closer together to provide more energy to either go faster or increase elevation. I'm not sure why Disney doesn't provide any elevation, might be due to huge increase in engineering, power requirements (loss) and lack of necessity.

Ford had their own people mover system. Two systems were designed and only one system was put into use at the Fairlane Town Center in Dearborn, MI. The two vehicle system ran between the Fairlane Mall and the Hyatt Regency Hotel from the 1970's till the mid 1980's before being dismantled.

Walking around downtown Houston talking to yourself makes you part of the IN crowd. If they gave you funny looks, theybwere tourists! Lol

I think the large cluster of motors at the stops provide the torque to stop and restart the cars from a dead stop you should check out the West Virginia University's transit system

I've never heard these things called trains or even peoplemovers for that matter. In Huntsville Alabama there's a hospital that actually has one of these that is used to get people to different parts of the hospital. We call it a tram.

this guy's voice is so annoying

I live in Houston and I absolutely love this train. Before 9/11 when I was young I would ride it all the time for fun, and the few times I ride it nowadays it brings back good memories. I actually like the dark and isolated feel of the system, but the turns are way too violent and you have to hold onto something while turning. Thanks for the nostalgia.

Is Houston that dead of an airport?

Mitsubishi?!?!!!! OH hell no! Mitsubishi built the planes that attacked Pearl Harbor. That company should be banned from doing business in the US.

It’s gonna be “blue in Chicago ORD airport by fall

The subway at IAH plays a vital role connecting passengers on United who might have parked at a different garage. For example, sometimes you'll depart Terminal C (so you park at Terminal C), but might arrive at Terminal B, so youll have to take the basement subway. Also, the only transit options are out of C, so passengers use it to get to the bus stop. So, I doubt it will be going anywhere anytime soon.

This was a very informative video. Having to travel to different locations to gather the information you provided in this video requires some serious curiosity on your part. Thanks for going outside for us!!!!

The airport train seems like It's a light railway looks simular to the DLR, If that's the case it speeds up and slows down to keep a certain distance from other trains

Check out the ohe in tampa fl at tampa international airport. Its bigger.

Oh hey I remember using that thing at the Houston airport

We've had a similar one like these here in Indianapolis until a few weeks ago when they shut it down because of expensive upkeep costs, etc.

There is also this kind of "train" at the airport in Munich

Hey. I might have a computer oriented question and I have been studying computers before the days of the Internet. I love your channel. I'll email you about a suggestion for your next video.

I'm surprised you didn't mention Denver International's underground peoplemover. Some say that you can even see the lizardmen.

I use to work at IAH as an aircraft refueler I rode that one when the skyway was congested or offline

This appears to be like the systems in place in Detroit, Michigan downtown, Houston Bush airport and Atlanta, Ga airport that go nowhere.

Otis Elevator makes these. So, technically it IS an elevator.

I like this peoplemover

They have this at Newark also

It would not be that difficult to power a heater off that track wirelessly.

@Technology Connections Can you do a video on the Tower of terror

These little trains are the grandchildren of the first Parisian metros on rubber tyres, line 14 was built with the same system, slightly bigger, now it’s very popular for airport shuttles, Frankfurt and Paris at least have them in Europe and the Parisian metro has line 14 and line 1 and soon line 4 with that automated system.

(I mean the first ones you talk about)

The induction motors can be used to charge on board batteries as well to provide heat and other electrical needs. Maybe it just hasn't been done yet.

Great video, as always - thanks! What I cannot dismiss, though, is the fact, how stupid most of American 'simplifications' sounds - "transit"/"tram" becomes "peoplemover" - like, seriously? :D

This was a great technical review - thank you!

So Houston Airport is a less magical version of Disney World. Good to know.

You need to look at Skybus South Park Pittsburgh and Bombardier.

A better people mover system is London's Docklands Light Railway. Another lesser known one in the UK, although is human operated, is the shuttle train between Stourbridge Junction and Stourbridge Town stations operated by a Class 139 train (2 of them; 139 001 land 139 002) built by Parry People Movers (PPM).

I can’t wait for Bright Line. And I guess also sun rail.

Always love all of your videos.

Great vid, I enjoyed this.

I mean scotland has has trams for awhile now.

I remember the FORD pavillion at NY 64 - was very very cool

Thank you for this fine video. As for negatives, I just hope they keep it running.

This is genius

I remember when I took the "subway" system at Houston's airport. It's a weird setting.

I knew about the PeopleMover in Houston because the first time I visited Disney World in 1983, Houston's PeopleMover was mentioned as part of the WEDWay PeopleMover soundtrack. I had ridden Houston's version around that time. I didn't know that IAH's system was still there, though. I assumed that it had been replaced by the SkyWay. Thanks for the video.

Uh... wouldn't Vancuver (British Columbia) SkyTrain (& Canada Line) be quite similar. Opened in 1985 but but built (some) UTM (Urban Transportation..? ) company be considered similar? Completely automated (in normal conditions/climes), difference being no outer doors.

There is no train driver safety care with it... Is believe that will going be accidents without driver control with it. Is such a shame.

This is really cool, I've ridden this so many times and never knew any of this!

the only free disney ride ever

I wish I would have known you were at Disney! I’m a CM and a former Monorail pilot at WDW. If you ever decide to do a video on monorails, I would be happy to lend some information!

As I plan to do a doco series on all forms of electric transport, I now have another episode to add to my already 19 episodes, number 20, LIMs or VALs. (Véhicule Automatique Léger)  I do hope this is still open when I do my filming! The first métro that utilises this technology is Lille, in the north of France. Ihave been n both lines and I am pleased. They do move at a good clip. (Lille also has two conventional tram lines as well and yes I have been on those as well)!

WOuldn't there need to be a maitnnce facility (or in houston's case, a extra room) to store and/or service the vehichles?

This must've been fun riding in all these.

"Ooh ooh DC"

I'm surprised that airport security didn't find you suspicious recording things.

First of all, this video is fantastic! Love it. Second, I thought it odd that you were surprised about the “seemingly random” areas of the O’Hare people mover where it slowed down and accelerated. If you ever come through ORD again, note that it slows down at the crossovers. There is one at the Long Term Parking, one mid way between there and the international terminal, where the cars (built by Alston) are serviced and sorted. Then several other areas at the terminals where they slow down to embark/disembark, with crossovers at those areas. Again, great video!

Atlanta, Dallas.....

Came to mention OIA's people-mover, and you got it covered! I actually worked my very first job at Magic Kingdom operating rides in Tomorrowland, and boy oh boy was it "interesting" to evacuate guests if the People Mover broke down, but it was always fixed very quickly.

The Scarborough RT in Toronto and the Vancouver SkyTrain use linear induction motors too!

Very informative and great camera work! Thanks for the video!

Vancouver skytrain uses linear induction motors regardless of snow and considerable slopes

I have rode on the one in DC back to an office from the capital

Liner induction motors are used to launch high speed roller coasters so, no, no problems with elevation. But, this is a function of the power input. Since that power can be captured from incoming cars using induction braking and capacitors.

Ok, so why are there no passengers on that Texas people mover (save yourself)? Not yet open??

I used to work on this system in Houston. It is probably one of the most reliable systems ever. Disney set it up that way and maintained it themselves the first 5 years setting standards for the rest of it's life. It is in a controlled environment (basement with heating and air conditioning). A lot more than you see goes into the BEHIND THE SCENES maintenance and monitoring of this system. There is a control room that is constantly monitored with video of every station. Every train is removed from the system, cleaned repaired and has a very strict preventative maintenance program that is followed to the T. I would recommend that you contact them and tour the behind the scenes areas next time.

The link below is of the JTA skyway in Jacksonville fl. Looks similar to the pic posted at 18:00 of the car on Transdyn's website.

I’ve lived in Houston for over 10 years and never knew we had my favorite ride in the MK

Oh.... I’ve been on the one in Houston

Detroit has a people mover

*America:* wow we have people movers! *Europe:* hold my beer

A peoplemover is a slightly advanced form of the cable car. Instead of latching on to a moving underground cable, it is pushed along by witchcraft. Cable cars have benefit of going up hills though, as we see in San Francisco.

:SHUDDER: awfully creepy presenter

They have a monorail in my Downtown where I live in Jacksonville.

Come to ATL, our Plane Train is fast as fuck.

They're not connected, well at least not physical...

Ya we have one that got me around the campus when I was young...

Very cool video never knew this stuff existed

I bet you would like ICTS type transport like we have near where I am In Vancouvers Skytrain ( I will admit that I have not yet ever ridden the Canada line which uses a different Technology than the ICTS tech used in the Expo line and Millennium line

You just like my little brother...only his voice doesn't sound like a poofter.

I want to go training with you. I am a systems geek.

There's one at the UK theme park Alton Towers. It takes you from parking to the park gates and runs most of the time. They still run in rain, but heavy rain or another heavy weather scenario they are stopped.

I seem to remember info on a people mover below Washington D.C; also made in the 1960s, to evacuate the Government underground, in case of attack. It is currently being considered for use by my Republicans because of the attacks on liberty by the Left!

Might be worthwhile to checkout the now derelict Airtrans system at DFW. Parts of the track can still be seen from the service roads around the airport. Also, one of the cars is on display at the Frontier's of Flight Museum on the Love Field grounds in Dallas. Not a Disney "built" system but it was a people (and freight) mover.

You should check out the Taipei Metro Wenhu Line. It is a full on metro line using the same system as O'Hare, down to the VALs

I’ve seen the subway system. There is one reserved for senators and congressmen only

I love riding this at the airport here in Houston. Even when we don’t have to use, we still will. Jokingly I say that’s “it’s our first ride at Disney!” Good times

13:19 I can’t get enough of that clip!

I haven't finished the video yet but we have these at DIA in Colorado as well.

Growing up in Houston I always liked going down under the Airport to ride the PeopleMover and seeing Future World made it even cooler. Sorry you had to visit Houston to see it though lol

omg the dry sass is my vibe

As a kid I flew through IAH many, many times. When there were long lay-overs, my siblings and I would "ride the rails". The airport opened in 1969 and thats about my earliest memory of it. It was just about the same as now, but much busier since there were no security checkpoints and therefore no "sterile" areas.

my god that was a boring video

Welcome back to “Why is this in my recommended”

They have there’s at all airports in the uk

So what about a bigger people mover for LaGuardia Air Train

London’s Heathrow Airport has a system much like Chicago’s, but a tad bit nicer.

Should’t you be able to extract power for heating, a/c, and other mechanisms from the receiving induction plates? After all thats how wireless charging works.

IIRC about 25 years ago, the People Mover in Houston did not have enclosed cabs. It was almost like a toy train system.

Have you checked out the magnetic track and system of Vancouver BC Canada's "Sky train" finished in 1986 for "Expo 86"? It's different for sure, yes, but I see the connection just the same. Maybe a related follow up is possible, in some capacity. There's something related in Montreal Quebec I believe on the other side of the continent but I don't believe theirs is magnetic.

If you liked making this video you should check out the PRT at West Virginia University, it's a unique people mover system that supplies and entire d1 university campus, needs to scale a wide swath of elevations due to weird geographic constraints, and interestingly has a completely different dispatch model. you should look into it!

Don't forget DFW, and Detroit

The JFK AirTrain (Bombardier Innovia ART) Is pretty good.

can you make a video on how the original pong game was achieved. was it digital or analog?

I think several manufacturing facilities use similar technology.

You are such a delightful person, Alex.

I learned something epic today!!! Thank you good sir.

What a great random subject!

I watch his videos because he's cute and geeky...

You know it's a big city when they call it "the city" as if it's the only one.

4:35 - These cars on this sort of track remind me of a Simpsons episode. Could this be where the writers of The Simpsons received their inspiration? Lol

So even the emergency exits at Disney end up in the gift shop?

Interresting. Does that people mover will be install somewhere else?

The new station at O'Hare has the rental car facility, a remote parking garage, a train station for commuter rail service to downtown Chicago, and areas for boarding mass transit buses. I've ridden the Disney train in Houston. The only reason to take the train is if you are staying at the Marriott. It's not connected to the Sky Train.


And the difference also being that in the snow, the more "traditional" Canada Line basically shuts down, where as the LIM trains keep working fine.

...did this patent just expire today?

looks alot like dlr in london

I've got the marketing leaflet from WED people mover dept. in 1977 ... which was presenting business proposals for a full range (in sizes) of people movers. All the sizes had design artwork in that leaflet, and stating the available capacities. (Documentation stated (quoting): "...from six-passenger single vehicles to 250-passenger trains..." ) So, yes, Disney was serious about it, to step out of the limiting theme park environment and become a public transport vehicle manufacturer. It didn't work out, with just one system sold... (plus, selling a secondhand monorail system to Las Vegas..) ... The new company in those years was called CTS. Community Transportation Systems, 1401 Flower Street, Glendale, California and P.O. Box 40, Lake Buena Vista, Florida (eastern operations)... :-) need to go there now, it all does not exist anymore. :-) I was served personally in written communication by a certain Jud Perkins, Director of CTS, Eastern Operations. NOW ... >>>>> !!!! .... @Technology Connections channel here, I've got this unique statement regarding northern climate operation factors, as in your video you mention the probable impossibility to operate such a system when it snows. Here is literally what ms. Jud Perkins wrote me by letter on that subject in 1977 : (I quote) "... // ... Any ice that may form on the motors is melted by the heat generated during the first few minutes of operation. The front bumper and track sweeper of each vehicle removes snow from the track. The only condition that would limit vehicle operation is excessive snow or ice which would completely prevent vehicle movement. ...//... " ... (In that time, I inquired for possible application in Belgium, in subserved city centre connection needs, read : Brussels) Greetings

(The Chicago example) Ahh yes, the Siemens VAL automated metro system, I think there's a couple in Asia, and some in France(where it was first made), like at Charles de Gaulle(Airport), with the new CITYVAL and smaller series

I visited DC when I was about 8 years old doing some nonprofit stuff with my family. We got to ride the senate train, but the way I remember it is that it has open top, small white carts on some kind of rail system. I was a kid who was trying her best not to cause trouble, so I didn't exactly ask for schematics, but I remember it felt kind of like I was riding in a fancy mine cart with seats, lol. This would have been around 2002-2003

If you get the chance for research and to get archival footage, you might want to look into the failed Peoplemover attempt at Dallas-Ft Worth Airport, built by LTV (Ling-Temco-Vought) called Airtrans. It was a classic example of what happened when military contractors tried to move into civilian contracts during the big military downturn in the 1970s. Today, DFW Airport uses outdoor, one-level Skytrains to move passengers between terminals.

I for one like the idea of trains running in basements. It feels secrety

In the 80s my dad rode the tram at Epcot, he had this "growth" on his back, he wore a tank top with a hole cut out so the "growth could breathe", he was leaning on the wall in the tram and this growth must have burped out some juice or something, made an orange mark and smelled like Cheetos

I'm surprised that you was in Chicago when you did this video.

Great video. Thanks for making it.

I use IAH often and I've never used the subway. I always used the Skyway. I'll try to find the subway one day


congrats on your success man, this must have been expensive.

There is a shuttle at Gatwick Airport between North and South terminals

Love the level of knowledge and research gone into the video

I was just telling my cousins about this train and its Disney connection last week when we rode the underground tram in Houston! They were staying at the Marriott, so it was very convenient to get to their terminal for departure (the elevated train makes no hotel stop). As a kid, this train was much more crowded well before 9/11, tighter security, and the need of an inside-security transport. One day we were crowded in it, and the overloaded train would do ok departing each station, but once it got to the more spaced out linear induction motors it would slow to a crawl, and you could feel each magnet grab the train with a strained "vrrrrrrr." The train ended up being slower than the people walking down the corridor... Anyways, I was happy to be able to ride this again, and hope they keep it around as it serves a great purpose, and is quite fun. I also noticed it used to have some extra stops that have since been removed. We only rode a short portion last week, but there was an old parking area stop that was no longer in service.

At Düsseldorf airport (Germany) there is an actual SkyTrain it is a flying/floating/hanging poeplemover, that hangs from an overhead rail

I work at IAH I hate that train Skytrain for life.


There really is a channel for everything.

You should do a series of videos on guitar pickups and amplification as well as various systems of amplification. I love the science behind pickups because it just makes perfect sense.

"Going down" has to be down with the elevator voice and face

OMG! Good JOB!!. great video a conent.

Of course, other terms I heard applied to these modes of transit include stuff like New Transit (primarily in Japan), Automatic/Automated Guideway Transit, and Advanced Rapid Transit.

No freaking way!! I've been there, but never knew!

Iv'e been on it. Its excellent because of simplicity for scheduling and moves smooth. Love - it.

It's government and Disney two of the most secretive organizations in the world

I’ll never get use to guys wearing makeup.

its pronounced bom-bar-deer, actually.

Wow! I've watched your channel for years now and I've lived in Houston my whole life. I never knew about the people mover at Bush. I will have to check that out next time I'm there.

Maybe the 5th people mover in Orlando is for the new train station being built for the "SunRail" and "Brightline/Virgin" service?

dear Friend love it. Really enjoyed. Thumbs up. Wishing you good health and beautiful Time. God bless you.

coming summer 2020 Disney's people mover the movie starting johnny depp

There is a similar system in Taipei's Brown line.

parents:kids were going to disney kids:witch one parents:Texas kids:??? parents:in the airport

So it's like a giant stepper motor that's spread out

watch out the failed project in Pisa-Italy nobody use it

Powell supplies electronics to Disney. They’re all connected essentially by marriage not blood so to speak. You will find that there are several other people movers connected to the system.

OMG this is cool. I went to high school in Houston, and we used to rife this train for kicks. Sometimes for made-outs.

Taking a motor out of each train has to be more than offset by the cost of, what, hundreds of LIM's? Seems like stepping over dollars to pick up dimes.

Out of curiosity, is there any footage or photos of the original Subway before the 1981 rebuild?

*Technology Connections bringing up EPCOT Center* *the aesthetic of that Houston airport* I can only get so erect.

I honestly like the look of the one in Houston


Can you ever look into and explain the difference, if any, between the O'Hare system vs the system in Atlanta's Hartsfield Jackson? Being the world's busiest airport, I was wondering if they employed anything interesting or special.

very similar to montreal's subway

Great video. Glad to see you out in the world.

When you said “ATS” I thought you meant my company’s name, “Airport Terminal Services”. LOL

Well--crafted video! I can tell that a lot of effort went into this one!

I’ve actually been on that so watching this I feel special

The one in Houston that is

Where do your facts come from just because its the same as the people mover doesnt mean disney built it

Been on the Texas one. There is a basement subway and an upper skyway. The skyway probably does not use the same system.

Awesome to hear the backstory of the Houston underground "subway," as I've used it every time I'm at IAH.

I'm at the Houston airport (IAH) twice a week for my flights but I seldom use the underground train. Now and then I do, and I used to use it more years ago when I was there more, but it's definitely weird. I knew the train originated with Disney but it's cool to hear more about it!

A lot of work and money must have gotten in to making this video, it is a impressive gift to give the viewers, thanks

I've always wanted to ride the people mover, and guess what happened when me and my family went to Disney World. IT WAS DOWN FOR THE WEEK I understand things happen, but seriously, it sucked.

I'm surprised that all this talk of Innovia systems and linear induction motors, and you didn't mention the outdoor, all weather transit system that uses both - the SkyTrain in Vancouver, Canada!

Lol I’ve been stuck on the one in Houston when the doors failed to cycle properly

Had to ride that train in IAH airport everyday when I worked there. Felt like I was on a carnival ride.

Than Vancouver public transit system is a mainly elevated automated public transit system relying on linear induction motors. This system is scaled up significantly from what you showed today and is actually a full-scale, reliable place. And no, btw, we don't have perpetually perfect weather!

I refuse to call the Subway what they renamed it. It’s always going to be the Inter-Terminal Train. Edit: THEY GOT RID OF THE OLD MALE VOICE FOR THE TRAIN IN HOUSTON?!?! NOOOO! THE NEW FEMALE VOICE IS SO BORING! Edit 2: the Skyway is boring, almost nobody uses it. The ITT is more popular because it’s simple, and is classic.

What's the chime tone for at the start

Please do a video on video 2000

Please review video 2000

democrats should build a people mover from mexico to San Diego for all the ILLEGAL ALIENS.

I honestly wonder if the disney people movers somehow inspired the intro to half life 1

7:29 It’s pronouced Mar-ry-it

Fantastic video! I find this systems very interesting!

The spacing of the bundle of motor might be due to the large drag force at higher speeds. If the spacing were left infrequent it might lead to an undulator effect. At least that may be a component.

I used to work on the IAH system in 2009, back when the seats were cloth and disgusting, spares were incredibly hard to find, we hoarded everything we could get our grubby little hands on. The motor configuration are actually forward and reverse configurations to control speeds and slow and stop the trains. The trains are setup on a plc system to keep them outside of each others sectors with pretty good margins

Having gone through IAH many times and loving in Houston, this is cool to learn

"We apologise for any inconvenience. While you're at it, feel free to give us more of your money."

I remember when my dad would take us to Bush IAH to ride the Subway. it was a free attraction for a family of 6. I had always wondered how it worked. of course this was pre 9/11. lol

Very interesting, Alec! About 16 years ago, I worked with an engineer who had worked on the Taipei Metro system. He explained that the motors are directly connected to the wheels. The apparent "gear changing" sound that you hear upon accelerating or coming to a stop is just the way the 3-phase electricity pulls on the motor magnets. I have a DC motorcycle (Gogoro S1), and moving it around while off is difficult because you can feel the pull of the magnets. I would really love to know exactly what kind of motor it is and I would appreciate any future video about motors commonly used in EVs or AC vs. DC motors. Hope you keep this idea on the back burner. Keep up the good work! I thoroughly enjoy all of your videos!

Another wonderful video, as well as a great excuse for you to take some vacation time to lovely, um, Houston? Orlando? You might do better to take interest in esoteric transit tech more interesting places. lol j/k Looks like you had fun shooting this! ;)

People mover looking vehicle at Dulles Airport in Virginia. The automated train goes from the terminals to the baggage claim. My uncle and I rode on it a couple of years ago.

Pearson Intl Airport has something similar...

People movers… sideways elevator

Why am I watching this?

Great video! You've definitely earned a like and subscribe from me.

We have a fairly new one in Oakland now to go to/from the Colosseum BART Station to the Oakland Airport. It was built by Siemens. Works well.

You are the American version of Jay Forman lol

Um... The Monorail??

Every time I am at houston IAH airport I like to ride around in that loop for like 30 min for fun. Great use of resources

15:40 gave me Willy Wonka vibes

You can get electrical power straight from the linear motors,, would be quite simple really.

So this is basically a powered rail from Minecraft?

Tpa has 6 of these

.......... Can't

I've taken my kid to ride the subway as a treat, especially when it rains for days.

I live in Houston and sometimes I drive to IAH just to ride around the people mover for hours and hours on end. I'll just sit in my little box car and stare at walking people as I pass by them. I'm a little crazy in the head.

so random and quirky, oh, and yeah, disney cities and stuff is sort of creepy, its like a town made by walmart, just with more uncanny mice and dogs in costumes, weird.

This was just posted today on Twitter. Thought you would enjoy this. A little tidbit from the capital subway.

Awesome video! Love seeing stuff about unique/strange transit systems. Bombardier also made the 5000 series for CTA (in your home state!) and they're an interesting design to say the least. The 5000 series utilizes logic controls instead of the older contactor/resistor grid bank designs of the previous models. CTA actually just settled a lawsuit with Bombardier over violation of warranty and some other nonsense. Hoping they get the 7000 series put into service soon so the 2600Rs get retired; im sick of replacing motor brushes on the 2600R and 3200 series cars >.>

bro the one in texas is like the half-life train in the original

18:23 if you look closely, you will see "Toronto Transit Commission". A few months ago, A Subway line using linear induction tech. was closed for about a week after a typical Toronto snowstorm as snow and ice blocked the linear motors no trains could run. It was a losing battle to clear up the snow and ice. Also to answer the question of extra motors in slower areas, the motors might use regenerative braking so they are needed to generate power and slow down. Also motors use more power when speeding up. so more motors needed in this system (Also a downside). compared to when its just cruising along at running speed.

“Perpetually good weather like Orlando” Uhhhhhhhhh

They have the same trains under Atlanta Hartsfield, Houston Intercontental to Connect to United Express flights, Orlando, Tampa International also have the same type of design. All of these are computer controlled and the trains will slow if a train in front of yours has not progressed beyond a waypoint often the result of someone holding a door. The one you really want to see in at London Heathrow if you go to the parking area the people mover "pods" will take you to the parking areas. You approach the podium and select what parking area you want to go to. The system will tell you to go to a specified platform. (proceed to platform 6 for your pod) In a minute or two the pod will pull up confirm where it will travel to and then wait a couple minutes for additional passengers needing to go to the parking area. If no one indicated they need to go to that area the door closes and starts on it's journey. At different points along the way you travel at 80-90 kph then slow down following the straight-aways. In about 3 minutes you will be at the parking lot. The pod will pull up and drop you off. It then will check the charge level of the pod and go to the recharge area or go to the platform for a waiting passenger. What is cool is that the pods are not on rails or follow guides but simply drive on the pathway and with electrical power they are very quiet. They also parallel park or angle park depending on where it stops to pick or drop off a traveler. It backs into spaces to park, and is aware if other pods are behind it or are approaching it.

If Disney invented the induction motor then you see this tech at JFK and a bunch of other airports.

I rode that thing once at IAH and always wondered what the backstory was. It’s such s weird little train. Your video was so well researched and executed. Well done!

18:44 they are most probably classified by the CIA.

Hay their is a people mover at Indianapolis as well

I know.. I can pay for vacation by making a video. well played! :-D

Hey, I learned something new, and my first comment.

I wish I had time to just randomly ride stupid trains that go nowhere....get a life...

Another bit of fun trivia about the Orlando International Airport's 'peoplemover' trains: the announcer voice is the same one you'll hear on the Disney Monorail and other transportation systems and attractions. Oh, and that 'intermodal' station they're going to build at MCO (Orlando International)? One of the transportation systems that was meant to be connected there was a high speed train to take people directly to DisneyWorld, completely nonstop. Despite Diseny wanting to pay for it completely, other local attractions fought it as 'too monopolizing'. Not sure of the status of that today.

The one inside Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson IA is ridiculously quick. I suppose it needs to be for such a high volume of passengers...

I saw the Senate subway! You can go with your member of Congress. Are some still open air?

I’ve been on that train in Houston, thought it was pretty cool.

a Shane mover

The Houston Skyway trains looked suspiciously like the DLR trains in London. No idea if they're the same system or designed by the same company or anything, but the external view looked just like them apart from the different paint job! To my uneducated eyes, anyway.

Presumably, each motor has the same power, so in areas where a lot of power is needed (i. e. where you accelerate or decelerate) you need more motors per meter. Also, technically, these are not motors. They are poles of a single motor's stator. Yeah, sure, that's pedantic AF but pedantry is fun!

BTW - the Transrapid vehicles also are prettty passive (they have to be, bc they are levitating). Power is transmitted contact-less through the magical powers of induction.

Also also, the points / switches at 15:08 are simply adorable.

You should also see the ones at DFW (both the current one and he remains of its predecessor).

Just like Disney, causing an attraction accident and forcing you into the gift shop.

He said something about a peoplemover having a tragic end, would anyone care to explain?

I'm surprised you find this as a surprise. This is what we call Light Rail Transit (LRT) here in Singapore.

The reason they get closer together is that the closer together you put them the more speed 'resolution' you get. However, you might think, well why don't they just put a really huge force on it and let that do the stop and start motion, well there are three reasons why: 1. Control, 2. Linearity. First off, control is obviously affected but more interestingly, if you want to decelerate in a non-linear pattern and since they can only apply one force, you have to have multiple to approximate a nonlinear force.

If the cars aren't powered, how do the doors open in Houston? Do the outside doors grab the car doors and pull them open in tandem?

I just watched the video on the second channel and yes, that is how the doors work, just in case anyone else was wondering.

I love the original people-mover myself I have not had a chance to ride on the new one yet in Walt Disney world. But I think Disney should go on a marketing blitz and realizing their limitations of such a vehicle they can have the marketing done in a way where large complex apartment buildings like the are northern Virginia which has their own ZIP code there's a large a people mover in the basement would be ideal especially when they have just another separate building with amenities such a 7-Eleven Banks and other things have a great day enjoy the video gave you a thumbs up

I like the Black Mesa version.

your voice sounds like my local news network.

This is like the train at sea tac

You should come to Asia and have a look... Japan and China have used this kind of tech to build Maglev Trains for a period of time.

What about the one in Miami?

How about unmanned mag-lev outdoors?

I'm surprised that I used all of the peoplemovers showed here (except the Congress one). The most curious thing is that I live in Argentina.

7:00 Carousel of Progress my favorite Tomorrowland show

Im so high on acid and just discovered your channel. The flashbacks man! Whoa! I love it

They need racing tires on those things. It's all about the Journey my plump American colleagues.

Toulouse (Southern France) subway uses the same technology (Siemens VAL).

The people mover at DFW is the best roller coaster in town.

The VFD on the system in the capitol is wild. It's like riding a magical yodeling dragon

The key problem with the people mover concept is that it goes in loops. This is fine for airports where there's only one or two stops like from the parking lot to the airport terminal. But for city commuting it would never work since people go into the city in the morning and them back outwards in different directions. Hence a minimum of two tracks are needed at each station for going in different directions. No commuter is going to spend hours going the entire 40 stop route if they only need to travel 10 stations. This is why Detroit's people moved was doomed from the start.

OH!! OH!! D.C.!!!

Gosh I just facepalm when I hear the phrase hidden micky. Reminds me of Bill Cosby.

i think you would like tilt tray sorters

I would love to be in that hallway while such a small train passes by. Here in europe, there arent such things like peoplemovers

The more you say "peoplemover" the weirder it sounds, especially over twenty minutes. Peeple Moovr. Peeeeple moooovr...

I HAVE LITERALLY SLEPT 3H IN THE FRONT OF THAT PEOPLE MOVER (Outside one) IN THE AIRPORT I had 10h to spend between flights and I figured no one would notice, and no one did :D (Also, I almost missed my flight because of that weird glass sound thing in front of my plane, its some sort of sculpture and I could never figure out whatever the puzzle was)

They should NOT remodel the existing stations. They should make the new station match the old. I like the look of the stations. Source: Live in chicago suburbs and anytime I go on vacation, Ohare is the departure airport.

It works. It’s safe. It’s efficient. Sure it’s not the fastest thing in the world but it is faster and more comfortable than walking. Why aren’t more people taking this technology seriously?

They got rid of the original Disneyland one because they didn't think it was futuristic enough. Then the Wonderful Bob Iger (sarcasm noted), decided to replace it with a faster attraction which destroyed the tracks because Rocket Rods wasn't meant to handle those kinds of speeds.

Low maintenance maybe, but it seems like the costs in creation or extension of the track probably scale worse than having the motor in the vehicle. More track means more of everything.

Regarding the spacing of the induction motors; I would assume this to be due to the amount of thrust each one can produce. When accelerating the train from a standing start more energy needs to be transferred so a larger motor is required than when just maintaining a cruising speed. It's not feasible to use a larger motor in this application so more motors must be used. The same applies if the motor is used as a brake on approach.

Honestly, I LOVE the imagery of those tiny little trains going through a regular ol' hallway. It's such a visual shock and I love it.

Thanks, I hate it - everything about that basement people mover is like the physical embodiment of a panic attack and I WILL probably have nightmares about this

fuggin love trains, brotherrrrrrr

They should play the full Half-Life intro on them speakers one day as a joke.

he's says saying all this about the chicago airport shuttle like it's this radical new concept but i've had that all of my life in atlanta on the planetrain lol

Welcome to Black Mesa

Why do I find this interesting?

So you really just.. Went to airports.. To record basement subways.. and no one said anything? Ok

I dont fly often, but once I went to Minnesota and I do remember one of these

lol I got lost at IAH once and found that subway. It was really creepy down there especially for how pack the airport was. Almost thought I accidentally walked into a maintenance area. I did experience that ride on that peoplemover, though never realized the novelty of it at the time.

We have a liner induction transit system in Toronto Ontario Canada. It's so loud you can't hold a conversion, has a third rail, and runs in the winter. Oh and it's out door and elevated. It's a hilarious little mess from the 80's -still a main part of our infrastructure- I recommended it as a followup topic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Using Vancouver Skytrain for comparison in regarding to LIM: 12:40. The control system of skytrain breakdown quite a bit, and it ruined many people's morning or evening. Busted 13:34: Skytrain is guarantee to have issue on snow day (faster to walk actually), at least automatic mode. Confirmed. 13:40: Quite a bit of elevation change between Stadium and Main, in addition to the ups and down on numerous stretch including the Skybridge. Busted Also, as you mentioned, it is not passive.

If the Houston Subway has a saving grace, it's the fact that it goes to the hotel, that along probably gives it a purpose in existence.

That's basically line n°14 of paris metro

I wonder if you could throw a metal plate on a skateboard and use it to power through the track lol

more motors creates more force.

What if huricane like 2017 hits houston, outdoor wont work. So redundant? They get storms yearly that make outdoor trams hard, also makes flights hard. But atleast ur at the right terminal for when the plane can fly...

I used a lot the skyway in Dallas many years ago, a big use it's just to waste time comfortably as I had a small wait of 7 hours (after a 5 hour wait in Miami)

I love riding the Houston People mover. I always thought that it felt like an amusement park ride. It is mostly used by employees since it is a great way to escape the crowds above.

As an Imagineer stated about the Flying Saucers attraction vehicles, "There are no moving parts, nothing can break."

i've used one of those before but it was at singapore airport

very well done video

A convenience tip for O'Hare airport... Most of the International Terminal's parking lot is never more than 100 feet from the doors to get inside. If the weather sucks outside, you can save yourself a lot of hassle from mother nature by going in at the International Terminal and taking the tram system to where you need to go for whatever you need to do. It's some extra walking time inside the airport, yes, but there's always more free parking spaces near the doors there, and less overall foot traffic in general.

Doesn't one of sendai's subway line run on linear induction motors

Go to TPA

What can I say Bombardier makes good trams/people movers! Melbourne's most recent additions to our tram fleet have been the 'Bombardier Flexity' trams (classed 'E') and are by far the highest capacity and most comfortable trams currently running on the network (plus they look awesome)

I am going to HAVE to take the subway next time. I never knew it was even there.

Add some personality / flash man. It's almost like hearing text to soeach here.

I can see this being useful for large indoor malls.

I live in Houston and I had no idea this thing existed... I worked for Powell in Houston. I'm pretty sure that Powell acquired Transdyn after the people mover in Houston was built, and after the one in DC if that was in the 80s like you believe. I'm fairly certain it was just a coincidence.

Did you get a chance to look at the urban people mover systems while you were in Florida?

an exceptionally similar technology is actually used in magnetic levitation trains. the big difference between maglev trains and these systems is the frequency at which the electricity is pushed through the tracks.

I remember riding this when I had to transfer there to my flight to California.

I don't get it, most countries have these anyway, what's interesting

Is Dallas's Sky Bus in any way similar? I figured it was just a few wheels on a wire, but I was too busy being terrified of random accelerations and a good view of how dead I'd be if myself or the bus were to fall.

Ive loved this little train my whole life. I had no idea it was build by Disney

That was awesome!

At a point in the video you made a statement regarding heating the vehicles for practical purposes in less than ideal climates. Linear induction motors, just like in the name, are inductors. Inductor couples, or inductor pairs (otherwise known as transformers) can provide electric energy at a distance. Every time the people mover car passes over an inductor, it could have a small number of coils on the vehicle for electrical heating purposes.

I was just there

The grandfather of all APMs (automated People Mover) was Westinghouse's "Transit Expressway Revenue Line" commonly called "SKYBUS" which was installed in South Park outside Pittsburgh, PA. The original promo video is actually online: One remaining SKYBUS vehicle still exists and is on display at the Pittsburgh factory. Bombardier purchased this technology in the early 2000s and continues to manufacture INNOVIA APM200 and APM300 cars in Pittsburgh to this day including the ORD that was shown and coming soon to LAX.

there is a fourth people mover in disney thats just underground , but you won't want to be riding it , lets say it be the last ride , ie when you're dead , its a corpse mover

I know this is something far in the future but I bet those would work good in a large space station or on a Mars or Moon base

This is just redstone rails from Minecraft Also really great video.

I fly a lot and very often through Chicago. Can confirm that the O'hare people mover is a fuggin yeet machine with the speeding up thing.

The entire metro in Copenhagen is fully automated. It's pretty neat, and later this year it's being expanded with a couple more lines.

This guys sarcasm is just

You would love the Montreal subway

Really nice you even converted the distance into meters :D

17:00 Fallout 3!!!

That voice sounded like Tress MacNeille on the overhead

I got to ride the Senate subway! This was before 9/11, and I believe it is still not possible for non congress people to ride since the attack. The subway was fairly guarded even back in 2000 and I only got to ride because of connections. That subway HAULS ASS. The cars are tiny and essentially open air, and if you stick your arms out you might hit something. The stations also look amazing. They often change how the stations look, but when I was there they had an exact replica of the statue that sits on the tip of the spire of the Capitol dome. You probably wont find any pictures though because I believe press was never allowed down there to record and security has since been beefed up to an extreme degree. The subway is how pretty much all senators and congress people get in there. If you sat in a station, you would see all manor of important politicians trying to get to work

I have had the absolute joy and privilege of spending time with Bob Gurr in 2011. I have never met such an amazing man and to spend time sitting next to him listening to how much he has contributed to the magic that is Disney is a memory that will live with me forever.

Wikipedia says when there isn't voting going on members of the public can ride with an escort.

What is so exciting about a transit?

omg I rode on that (IAH)!!

As a kid I was a huge fan of the people mover, when we went to Disneyworld it was the first thing I wanted to ride.  And anytime we went to Bush Airport I begged my parents to let me ride the subway.  I can't believe I never realized they were from Disney.  I noticed it was similar, especially the motors, but I just never put it together.  I think the last time I rode it was July 2001.  Along the track there are a couple turnouts that lead to maintenance areas where they can take a train out of service to work on them.

11:38 The way several LIMs are clustered together on the rack for slower speeds and fewer are spaced out for higher speed makes sense. Kind of like how induction motors with more poles run at lower RPMs vs motors with fewer poles that run at higher RPMs.

13:33 dedication

One of th best videos ever!

They have something similar to these in Reno Nevada at circus circus that takes people from one building to the other. I remember as a kid I would love to just go ride on them.

I was part of the original WED team that designed and installed this system. I was responsible for the production of the motor controller cards, track side sensors, door operators, central display board and the programming of the PLC. This system was sold to Houston at near cost. I believe the reason it was a hard sell to other facilities was because of the enormous upfront cost involved in buying all those motors. The saving was in the long-term maintenance. The system and the monorail were shopped around for a while without success. After the installation we were heavily involved in the design of Epcot and Tokyo so all resources were pulled off of transportation. The rights were sold off to Bombardier who installed the DC system.

I have been through that Houston airport multiple times for connecting flights. I never knew about the subway!

@Tanner Mckenney isn't that the one where you press a button to call the train to your platform?

@lohphat Oh truer words have been said.

@TheNewGreenIsBlueNew York's JFK Airtrain also uses a passive linear motor, and goes well beyond the airport.

@Samuel Sudhof Yes! The Osaka subway has a few lines driven by linear motors, and there, they do it for the reason that they can bore a smaller diameter tunnel, because the wheels of the train can be smaller since they don't need a large rotary motor on each axle. The flat stators between the axles take up very little space. There's also a slew of Bombardier systems that use Linear Induction Motors for propulsion, albeit with the reaction rail in the track, and the stators (coils) on the trains, like the Osaka solution. The Scarborough RT was the first, in Toronto, followed by Detroit and Vancouver. The second generation system operates at JFK (AirTrain), in Kuala Lumpur, in Korea on the Yongbin Everline... to name a few.

@tarstarkusz In your city they must be paranoid and stupid. I mean come on, the real terrorists can just use a hidden camera.

The subway in Montreal is like these but longer, but still with rubber tires.

I just scrolled down to see if anybody had an idea and saw your comment.

I've always wanted to go to Disneyland and see tomorrowland, I haven't gotten to yet still, but I have gone to Houston airport and rode those cars.

Once in when I was 7 when I was at Disney in a people mover and for somereason they got stuck for a full hour

WONDERFUL VIDEO! And some details on the Houston ITT. The carriages and LIM drivers were in place in 1977, as I child I fondly recall riding it (like an amusement ride!!) I think WED was involved well before 1981 as the technology is exactly like WED. Back then the positioning sensors (the yellow cylinders) did not exist, and the gate door was only as high as the wall (yes, I am a geek). SPEAKING OF, the gate door also clamped on and opened the train door; the carriages/wagons have no electrical in it at all! Also, the train only ran from Terminal A, B, and the Hotel in a very narrow corridor. When IAH (Intercontinental Airport Houston, airport code. Later named G.H.W. Bush) was built in 1968 this was the first airport in world with train transport (it was not a basement, the hall was specially built). During its 1980's expansion to C and D the corridor was much wider and avoided some of the sharp turns around stairwells in old part. With the above ground walkways and Secure Train the ITT is little used as you saw. The simplicity of the system and carriages, it must be one of the most reliable airport people movers in the world. CONTEXT: Remember this is the 1970's, the explosion of personal electronics, so a buzzy people mover in a huge new world class airport was like being in the movie "Logan's Run". Sure it may be creepy and derpy today, back then it was groooooovy!! Great job, again!!

Also....riding the subway at IAH is a lil creepy. The times I’ve ridden it, no one is down there. Literally no one. And since it’s run pretty much on its own, not having an engineer down there with you is....are we safe? We Texans don’t know about subways....that’s why our subway is relegated to a basement.

Nice editing in this one, and lots of insightful facts. I’m from Houston and I never knew this! Cool.

High five for the vlogbrothers reference at the end

thanks for your great vids------------as a young boy(old guy now) i rode the ford people mover @ the 64 worlds fair, a Mustang! just introduced in 1964 the Mustang was a smash hit. thanks again.

If you are ever in Vancouver Canada we have three different LIM based transit systems. Skytrain. We certainly don't have flat land not perfect dry weather. Only when we get a fair bit of snow do we have issuer.

surprised they let him shoot video there

Iz 2019 now

I live in Houston and I love Disney, how did I not know there was a peoplemover here??

that's just the Toulouse subway

Forgot to mention the West Virginia University PRT system... personal rapid transit

"Oh thank god I'm at the right airport." Had me laughing pretty hard.

The metro sistem in Turin Is exactly the same, rubber wheels on tracks, and it accelerates unbelievably fast

half life 3 starts like this

I think the closely spaced linear motors are there to accelerate the train. When the train is already moving, keeping it up to speed is much easier and a linear motor each 3-4 meters is enough (yes, I did use metric, since TC also did in the video). But when trying to accelerate a standing train you need to push it way more often, so that's why the motors are closely spaced.

I miss the Disneyland people-mover. There was no better way to both see all of Tomorrowland from a great vantage point and also relax after walking all over the park. Also the Skyway between Fantasyland and Tomorrowland was great for people watching.

its connected via rails.. duh

3:24 #whatafirealarmfail

"a passive vehicle in sub-zero temperatures is just unacceptable" Toronto and Vancouver both have outdoor lines using ICTS linear induction (now called Bombardier Innovia) that run in the winter, and have a 3rd rail system to provide power for HVAC and such.

The proposed hyperloop between St. Louis and Kansas City is designed on a linear induction motor. It's a pressurized cabin tram traveling 600 mph on a linear induction motor inside a vacuum tube that spans 250 miles. The use of LIMs and vacuum tubes reduces friction and increases the potential velocity. Because the vacuum tube is steel and exposed to direct sunlight, it has to be properly spaced for heat expansion and fitted with rubber gaskets between sections. What could go wrong? smh


Need proof? *THUNDERSTORMS AND LIGHTNING* Here ya go! xD xD Xd

Yeah! Orlando int'l! That's my airport!

It's funny that you like the Orlando airport, because it's terrible. The amenities are on the wrong side of security, and those trains are terrible.

To add to this: the Detroit People Mover uses an interesting variant. It uses an electrical rail system with linear induction motors. Specifically: * 2 running rails * Third rail for power * A fourth rail for the train-mounted LIMs to push against, centered between the main rails

On a technical level, an entirely different system. Tom Scott has a great video about it, but I believe they're self-propelled pods with rubber wheels on an isolated concrete road.

I've been in the people move in Washington dc, its run by a human in one of the cabs, and seemed like a normal train. Then again, I was 14 when I did it, so I didn't pay attention.

The city of Turin, here in Italy, has a totally automated subway system that works very similar to this system (it's of course on rails and much faster, but it's pretty similar nonetheless). It opened less than 10 years ago and I was so excited about it being "modern" and automatic and stuff. But I was more shocked knowing this was born in 1993.

This is just a disneyworld travel video with all the fun parts taken out

You are just a human with all the good jokes taken out

Seattle's airport uses the same people movers

2:08 Crazy! I just had the most intense experience of vection when the train at the center of the image started moving. The fact that you were moving while filming made it seem even more like the entire station was moving away from the train. So disorienting.

MCO SUCKS! Never been to Disney. Drove by it everyday for 4 months...never went in.

I love riding the SkyLink at DFW for no reason :D

"Mari-OTT hotel"

"Everything you need to know about the train in Half-Life."

In my country the government uses a PeopleMower.

i've watched so many of these videos was surprised i wasnt subbed. now im subbed.

This guy is very lispy

Dubai has this same automated system at the DBX airport.

0:15 In Chicago a Blue Line goes to the city from the airport? In Boston WE have a Blue Line that goes (in order outbound) city, aquarium, airport, boonies! Huh

Excellent work. I love the cuts from one city to another. Very disciplined filmmaking.

Being a minecraft player this feels right at home

Same in Toulouse, France ^^

Couldnt care less to watch this so I wont. Just wanted to point out that your click bait says "3rd people mover" and your thumbnail shows "subway 4" which should mean that you need to do another video on Disneys 4th people mover.

Linear motors on the track = electrical motors containing precious copper all along the track. Rotary motors on the train cab = electrical motors containing precious copper in the train cab only. Anything except very short runs will use so much copper that it makes no economic sense. And copper prices are rising steadily for electric automobiles, scooters and everything else. So linear motors along the track may never be economically viable anymore until super-conduction is made feasible. If copper reaches a certain price point, someday, they tear up the tracks to rip out the linear motors and recycle the copper in them.

Minecraft Redstone Rail Repeaters.... Nuff said!

Hey I fly out of IAH all the time. Didn’t know Disney built this. Just so you know the purpose IAH is bad about you leaving say in terminal E and then hen you come back in Terminal C. If you park at the terminal and have checked bags you need to take this to get to you car parked at terminal E. Also it allows travel to the attached Marriott. This is a frequent traveler cheat for remote parking. There are several remote parking facilities and 5 terminals. You can take the first bus for any of the remote facilities and then use the subway to go to the right terminal for ticketing and check in.

Interesting Video as always! But you didn't put the link to the senat subway system in the description :o

I completely forgot that someone was killed by the people mover

Nice Vlogbrother's reference "The people in the airport think that I'm crazy!"

At 19:54 to the right of the track you can see yellow boxes on posts about a foot tall that are opposite the station doors. I'll bet they are position sensors that use light or lasers. There are reflectors on the cars and the sensors tell the system where to stop the cars to line up with the doors and won't open the doors unless it "sees" a reflector at that position. Those two gray bars on the floor between the sensors are the brake the holds the train in position. They just clamp on a steel plate on the bottom of the train.

Tampa has had these since day 1.

So, emergency exists also leads you to a gift shop...

My dad and I rode the original trams at Houston shortly before the airport opened to the public. The were pretty fast and were a third rail type of unit. The wheels were very similar to a golf cart wheel but were smooth, like a slick tire. The reason for the half wall is climate control at least they carpeted the floor when we rode it was all concrete and pretty noisy

BTW this was late 60s

To understand the failure of People Movers, you need to understand the failure of SkyBus in Pittsburgh.

Detroit international airport also has an indoor peoplemover

I used yo work at that airport and loved that trian and never knew this but will tell everybody now. Thanks Man

Atlanta has one of these. Its called the plane train. The main difference is when the Atlanta trains get to the end, I’m pretty sure they just switch directions.

MSP also has one of these trains

Why aren't you talking about the people mover in Detroit?

Love the video, but you should get a longer selfiestick.

If you get a chance you should do the Morgantown, WV PRT system.

They have these at IAH in Houston, but not in BWI where I flew out from when I moved, I have never seen them before moving out to Texas, and they are really cool. This comment was posted before I got to the point where you started talking about it lol

Flew through Bush MANY times. Only realized the subway existed on the last time. It does practically unused. I thought the person who told us to "take the subway" was just misinformed.

Super interesting video. Thank you!

Every airport has this

The underground Inter-Terminal train at George H. W. Bush Intercontinental Airport is NOT running in a "basement". It runs in a traffic free, weather free, inter-terminal pedestrian tunnel that is also outside the secure (TSA) area. Pedestrians can walk between terminals, or ride the "train". There are no (and never were), outside sidewalks allowing pedestrians to walk from terminal to terminal. The distance from Terminal A to Terminal D or E is approx 1 mile. There is another, separate, elevated "Skytrain" (called "Terminal Link" officially) that connects the terminals HOWEVER, it is behind the TSA secure zone. You are correct. the underground train is very low maintenance and a reliable system. You must not have seen the cameras in the tunnel all along its length, the monitors for which, are in the Terminal A train maintenance shop with contract workers on duty 24/7 that monitor the operations and a display panel that has also has a PA announcing system if needed due to any unscheduled delay. They can be at any train station in less than 5 minutes via electric golf carts in case of a breakdown or other delay. Over half the airline passengers arriving at Bush IAH are making connections for other destinations and as such, people and or visitors/greeters, etc need to be able to move to/from the different terminals without having to go through TSA. I have several thousand miles on the underground train.

2:22 it sounded like his voice got really deep

Even the emergency exit leads to a gift shop... Capitalism!

You're the real life version of Big Gay Al ... and no that's not a pejorative... it's pretty cool.

Thanks to Technology Connections, my layover at IAH wasn’t totally boring. Thanks for opening my world to this unique people mover!

Welcome to Orlando! Our city was made brighter by your presence sir.

im VERY familiar with the orlando airport one so i thought this was normal lol

Around the 9:00 I started hearing a train horn and was thinking, 'Wow, these PeopleMovers go all out for that train aesthetic' and then after about a minute I realized that the horn didn't cut out between video cuts and then it dawned on me after I hit pause that it was the train going by a mile away. Duh! (I live in Paducah, KY, near the Progress Rail plant, it's just something you deal with) lol

Welcome to the Black Mesa Transit System

God damn you're sharp! Btw

I'm very familiar with bombardier transit systems. Very cool to see how people movers evolved. Siri voiced a few!

Subway: Ride Fresh.

Peopple Mover ( or SkyMetro) at Zürich Airport is the best one!

You have such an amazing and professional presentation style and chemistry with the camera. Do you have a theatre or acting background? I'm jealous!

Ah I took those a couple of times when trying to catch a flight.

These systems are kinda like how minecarts are setup in minecraft.

There actually is an elevation change in the "Subway" below IAH. It's between the stops for terminals C and D&E. It's a slight grade with a rise of 20' or 30' over about 100' to 150'. It's actually one of the fastest sections of the loop both climbing and descending.

Where does the term „people mover“ come from?

Houston is in the process of eventually replacing the Subway. There have been technologies proposed such as a moving walkway or even a bus service.

Houston did submit a RFI for a Subway replacement. One other option could be to have an elevated above ground service like the Skyway, but it would connect to remote parking and possibly a future ConRAC (Consolidated Rental Car Facility).

wow i never knew this

oh yeah, we have one of these in Pittsburgh International Airport that runs through a tunnel between ticketing/baggage, and the terminals. Only one stop, just back and forth. I like to pretend I'm going to work in Black Mesa

I had no idea! I'm gonna be in Houston soon for a connecting flight to California. Definitely going to check this out.

which one stops at black mesa?

Pro-LGBT, but this Disney kid seems unhappy. Glad this video isn’t about dogs. Good content, though Disney component/worship seems anti-social

"Good morning and welcome to the Black Mesa Transit System. This automated train is provided for the security and convenience of employees of the Black Mesa Research Facility personnel. Please feel free to move about the train or simply sit back and enjoy the ride."

To note, the same system with inner and outer doors can be observed in St. Petersburg's metro.

A passive train that is propelled by external forces. Hyperloop! This sort of technology might actually be the future :)

Linear induction trains really need to be magnetic levitation(maglev) monorails. Since they're a lot more weather proof, have the benefit of being able to achieve high speeds, and offer a much smoother ride than wheeled vehicles(even compared to monorails with the wheels in the track). The maintenance demands are only marginally lower than other train systems, but the efficency both in energy and time are much better on maglev trains that are propelled by magnetic induction. The major drawback is the initial cost though, because maglev requires rare-earth magnets.

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