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welcome to vietnam one of the most beautiful countries in southeast asia a country which immediately makes you think of the unique bamboo hats the delicious beef foe or maybe you think about the glorious rice fields and mountains of the north most of us think these things as we usually only see vietnam through the eyes of tourists but i have a question do you ever think about what life is like outside of tourism life is a local person how they earn a living what's life like for them does every vietnamese family rely so heavily on tourism today i'm going to take you on one of the most eye-opening journeys into the villages of hoi an's countryside to meet some local people and get a glimpse of what life is like for them so get ready to see a side of vietnam you might not have seen or heard about before because before this neither did i but believe me it was truly an experience i will never forget [Music] so we've made our first stop at these beautiful incredible rice fields we've come here for one reason you're gonna see now yeah oh my god it's huge oh i'm stepping in manure wow that is a big buffalo hi wow you're a big guy hi sir hey it's about three years old three yeah oh my god he's huge you're a big three-year-old look at his horns he kind of feels like leather but a little bit of furry leather look at the size 100 kilos of grass wow okay said he eats 100 kilos of grass a day and drinks 30 liters of water 30 to 40 liters wow they have to eat as much as they can they just swallow and the grass will be fermented in their stomach and then at night they will burp up the grass and then they chew and then they swallow to the second stomach and then that goes through the digest system [Laughter] 10 in one day jesus good boy nice to meet you as you can see there's some well there's one cow here so some farmers have cows some farmers have buffalos but apparently buffaloes are the better choice and are three times more expensive than the cow and now we are going to stop number two i don't know where it is i'm gonna follow them are you ready [Laughter] [Music] oh looks so close when i close my eyes [Music] so this is the organic farm that we're at now apparently only 20 families grow all their stuff here yeah don't tell me oh we've got some fish yeah are they koi car they are tilapia tilapia they use this water to uh water the plant but when we keep the still water there will be mosquitoes laying egg here yeah so they have some fish to eat the mosquitoes ah that makes sense [Laughter] this was my job and uh the village had no electricity no spring uh sprinklers yeah this is your job this is hard work go it's gonna fall [Music] oh my god it's actually harder than it looks look at you go you have to kind of like swing it a little bit yeah dance with it so the water can go out here absolutely yes yes water then plants yeah boy that was actually quite fun you must have a bad neck or shoulder yeah most farmers do come here thank you imagine 50 times like that wow that's like in the morning and then another 50 times in the afternoon 50 times it's my shoulders they said that nowadays with the machinery it happens a lot it helps so the reason why these guys do this tour is because some of these traits some of these traditional traits such as organic farming and a lot of what you're going to see today are dying out here in vietnam so not only is it good for these local guys doing the tour but it's also really good for these people working in vietnam earning a living and helping it to keep growing and them to keep living i guess it's a long ride next where we're going uh so next we're going to a family that makes the rice crackers ah so it's a long ride [Music] pretty caroline [Music] honestly the rides for the countryside are next level the scenes are beautiful you can just go through all these little villages you see these families blessing houses selling lottery tickets locals buying their groceries from a little side store honestly is so beautiful but now we are in a local village because we're going to visit a family to see how they own a living making rice cakes [Laughter] um this video is very famous for the rice crackers they have the rack to when the rice paper is still wet they put on here i have many rice paper they dry in the sun a few hours and then they will grill on charcoal it becomes very crispy it tastes like indian paprika for you that's uh i've got a colouring book with that little thing on it no that is the cutest thing ever [Music] hello [Music] one by one and then she sell this to the restaurant to the restaurant so uh her husband will deliver to the local restaurant okay oh it's changing color ah there's that literally doesn't look like a papadum that is a long do can they do this faster can it be done in bulk so you can have 20 at the same time one by one one by one wow that is amazing how many does she do per day [Music] [Music] so in the morning she uh makes about um 600. wow 600 wet ones oh okay put on the rack and dry in the sun in the morning so in the afternoon she will grill about 300. and the other 300 still like this she will bring to the um to the shops so people in the shop will grill when they have free time wow so she sell this for lower price but then she doesn't have to do it okay okay but if she grow then she'll make more yeah because the time about four or five hours to grill 300.

[Music] with sesame seeds they take care of the family they become very tough is it good it's like a papadum [Music] this is good and crispy [Music] oh really i just want to point out that we're currently in obviously someone's house and it is it's not the hottest it's quite cool but with the fire on it does get quite hot and they don't have aircon obviously but they've got a fan so just imagine that this lady sat there for five hours every day next to this fire making rice cakes how much five hours a day you know like five hours degree oh five hours to grill how long would you do this no a lot six hours here and five hours on the grill so still what's that eleven hours six hours to make this and dry in the sun in the morning yeah late afternoon when it's cooler than uh about four hours to grill all right vietnamese people usually get a long nap and um do you know how much money does one of these cost usually she sells in yeah something [Music] oh [Laughter] okay just put it there and pull the stick out and she will open later when it's cool hello come on so you can eat the rice cake like wet too dip in soy sauce soy sauce right yeah soy sauce yeah kind of tastes a bit like bambam you think yeah [Music] to stay when the flood comes when the flood comes right all this would be flooded yeah wow that's why they have uh like in this nice area they have the ah the tiles easier to clean this is nice [Music] oh wow wow how does it float that much yeah that's pretty every like three or four years wow [Laughter] each family has a boat does that happen every year yeah uh every three or four years every three or four years yeah wow oh they've got boat there look it's insane that's cool you don't get much more local than that do you really and they're a really lovely family um typically vietnamese families tend to stick together so even when you're like same age as me 24 they tend to live together for a long time and on to the next stop [Music] do [Music] so now we've come to visit the mat weavers the people the family that make the mats for people to sleep on what is this this is the mats that they sleep on yeah but what's what's this made out of yeah river reef river reeds r-e-e-d reeves grass grass [Music] they are nearly 70 years old oh wow and they have been making the maps together for more than 40 years wow that's amazing how much do they sell a map for small one maybe four dollars big one five or six dollars and it takes them how long to make about three hours to make one map three hours usually this is a job for the woman men go working as a builder farmer a fisherman in the sea but this man in 1975 when the war finished vietnam war finished um he worked with other young men in the village to to clean the landmine and he stepped on the mine and he has lost one leg since then so he decided to stay at home and make [Laughter] this is amazing they are really nice this one is like two years old uh so first people use a colorful maps on the back yeah all on the bed right yeah oh not very comfortable anymore than they put on the floor so they don't waste it hello so do you have do they have a oh no no mattress just just a mat okay wooden rack bamboo bamboo and then a match is this comfortable to sleep on yeah yeah people in the countryside sleep on this because they don't have aircon if they sleep on the mattress yeah too hot oh that makes sense yeah i mean that's a good tv [Laughter] speaker for karaoke oh such a simple simple lie well that's not very simple that looks like graft this is amazing so because this family are in their words poor they and and as you know vietnam is prone to flooding the government gave them 3 000 pounds i'm not sure what that is in dong to build a mercy home do you call it a mercy home a mercy home with a proper second floor to stay when the flood comes yeah so they're building the home now that's really good do all people get all poor families get that yeah usually in the village many people are poor yeah especially him and his wife he lost a lack because of the landmine yeah so the government would give mercy money it should be mercy home right [Music] and the neighbors the the children also put in some money to have them build build the new house that is amazing especially in the village many women have lost their their husbands yeah the war during the war and if they remarried with someone else then they have a bad name too many women to stay single their whole life so then it's very hard to to work as a farmer to have a nice home if you walk alone but the government also helped them [Music] build a messy home that's amazing come on [Music] okay bye-bye [Music] [Music] we're now going to take you to do something which is very famous here in hoi an and i'm really excited look how sick this table is it's like a bamboo boat and of course we've got the baby cheers made out of bamboo love it [Music] very [Music] hey here we go [Music] so [Music] so the reason why these guys chose to come and do the boat ride here is because as you'll know if you've come to hawaiian there is one particular area that is super super saturated full of tourists and the river is kind of dirty the the fish and the seaweed all died so he chose to come to this side of the river and choose this family because it's super quiet as you'll see and beautiful just as much oh is it going to take the bait is it not going to take the bait take the bait mate close but no cigar wow wow one crab how many did we catch one two three four five two seven seven seven and twelve yeah i mean you caught them i caught six and you caught one yeah told you i was good at fishing though similar thing this is why i love vietnam so much or like pretty much all of asia well thailand where we just were because everything you do and everywhere you go whether it's buying a bottle of water or going for dinner you know that you're helping the local people and it just feels really really good and that's what i love about doing this tour is that he's really showed us the local places and it's really opened my eyes to how much a little goes a long way we were always a bit conscious of giving two little tips um but he said like too little is never never like offensive to give them for example ten thousand long they appreciate it so much and every little really does help but yes um it's lunch time i'm starving so we are at a local restaurant [Music] oh my god i still can't get over how burnt i am i actually got home had a shower and passed out and i just woke up oh that was much needed guys i cannot even explain how sick today's tour has been i am well charlie and i are both the kind of people that would rather skip a tour and just get our own bike and go see it for ourselves but we've done things today that you definitely couldn't do without a tour guide and it has made the experience so much better because there's that language barrier there so i was asking as you saw questions which i wanted to know the answers to and then he was able to translate and not only that we would definitely not be able to find these places without this tour so i would highly highly recommend this tour with local buddy tours they also do the exact same tour that we did today but with with an army jeep or an air-conditioned car so you can take your pick and they also do other tours as well this will be one i will never ever forget and i'm definitely it's definitely changed my opinion on doing tours in the future it's the way guys it is the way so if you want more information on the tours i've put a link in the description box below thank you so much for watching this video if you want to support my channel please give it a massive thumbs up subscribe if you want to see more of my vietnamese adventures because i'm going to be here for another month providing more videos for you guys to enjoy thank you so much for the support already see you in the next one ciao

2022-08-04 17:45

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