The side of Australia that's HIDDEN from the World (nothing like we've seen!!)

The side of Australia that's HIDDEN from the World   (nothing like we've seen!!)

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good afternoon to the beautiful sunshine coast of  Esperance here in Western Australia as you can see   the beautiful beaches behind me is exactly why we  came here so after spending 2 days Crossing 1,000   km of straight road at the Nullarbor last time  we intentionally came to this town of Esperance   knowing that there are the most beautiful beaches  especially the one behind me right here and we   thought finally after a long drive we could give  it a nice rest but you know things always goes   wrong sometimes in our travels yesterday we had  to run so many errands for example we drove 45   minutes all the way here just to realise that  we're cooking halfway we're making my bacon   and suddenly it just ran out of gas oh it's a  beautiful campsite no gas and half cooking   food we're so hungry it's lunchtime this is  not working too so then we drove another 45   minutes back in town so wasted fuel and now we  have to pay for gas as well and this morning   when we woke up it was complete cloudy but I'm  glad the sky had a turn around and today sunset   time we have nice sunlight here and actually  around this area there are many kangaroos when   we parked at the campground we actually saw some  kangaroos just you know hopping around staying   in our parking slot as well so it was super cute why are you here what are you doing here you want to   eat yum yum I don't think they see us so cute they  didn't come at night but they came during the day   time thank you so here we are exploring the coast  line of Western Australia let's go wow this is Paradise okay Australia for me is number  one the most beautiful country I ever been no woah Stingray Stingray I think this is my favourite spot in Western Australia so far but first, let's start this Vlog with a picnic  today we prepared our beach mat and we also prepare   some fruits strawberry raspberry blueberry and  also our favourite biscuit we actually have never   done picnic together this our first time time I'm  so ever since we met two and a half years ago this   our first picnic I guess we picked a good location  for it for our first time the sand here in Esperance   is nothing like I've ever seen I mean just look at  how refined these Sands are like how tiny they are   as well even walking on these Sands it's a very  interesting texture to describe it it's like when   you dip corn starch or like flour into water and  it just stuck in your hand and that's the kind of   texture it's like it's like it's a bit squeaky  apparently, this is through millions of years   of weathering that results in such fine sand and  that's why this place aspirin is so famous you out   and when you step on it it has a squeaky sound  Justin now walking only like this I'm walking   like a penguin for the rest of the day at this  beach this no like only touch like this yeah see   I cannot you need to you need to walk you need  to walk I show you I I show you I I show you see Alina is just having a little bit of a  breakdown just because of how unlucky we are   every day we've been here apart from the first day  we arrived which we were super tired and then the   next day onwards it was just grey grey raining it's a  beautiful beach it's so grey it's okay I don't like it   unlucky bay next time because on  the way the next few days I feel like we're going   to see so many so many beautiful beaches so next  time I promise okay we see beautiful beaches we   immediately jump out of the car we'll take so beautiful  photos because Alina is just really upset that   we haven't got enough good photos with the  van with beautiful places and lucky Bay was   supposed to be the most beautiful beach in  Australia it's okay there are so many of them   similar on the way next few days okay I promise  next few days so yeah unfortunately we can't stay   at lucky Bay for longer because we already  stayed for two nights and it was $40 a night   so it's it's pretty pricey for an unpowered  site with no power supply to our van so we're   running out of electricity and water as well  so today we have to keep moving just because   you know we've only got a few days left with the  camper van so we really have to get going today   our plans to quickly stock up on groceries and  probably buy some supplies and then onwards we're   going to drive for around 4 hours today until we  reach until no clouds until no clouds yes as Alina said so just now we went to the Market and bought  a lot of groceries and also we bought   like this already ready-roasted chicken  Justin's favorite and we're going to eat   this with buckwheat every time when we go to the Market  grocery we're roughly spending around like  $100 yeah but we're going really often like  every 2 or 3 days feel like I guess we always   only buy for around 2 to 3 days and we  actually kept for many meals as well wow, doesn't look like that appetizing  but it's actually tasty we'll eat and after   that we'll start driving and find beautiful  beach today we're going to do beach hopping   yeah in other countries usually is island  hopping right but we're doing beach   hopping yes because my goal and mission  is to find beautiful beaches like this one   yes and should beautiful photos and videos there  with sun yes yes keeping positivity yes we got this yes woo this is Paradise wow this view is insane wow what  it's like a long stretching white sand   beach with an infinity of ending and you  can see here is like sand it's like a   powder completely different compared to  what we saw yesterday woo so nice to walk   and water that blue that it's just like it  just makes my eye painful how blue it is yeah   the level of saturation here it's just very  vibrant so beautiful around here okay now I'm happy I feel like the craziest thing about  Western Australia is that these kinds of   beaches are everywhere along the coastline  There are so many of them maybe some of them   are even not named wahh happy doggy my dream is  to run on the beach with my dog so happy so happy so sweetie so cute okay you test I'm okay  so refreshing it's really cold   but it's so nice I believe I believe I touch  little bit little bit I just want to show you   guys how clear the water is it's like glass  water I thought I could only see this in the   Maldives but guess here in Western Australia the  water is just as transparent holy crap we just drove for a few minutes and we found the  most beautiful spot I have ever seen in my life let   me show you wow this unbelievable incredible  I don't even have words for this and look how   how beautiful this looks from when I just  opened this door in this blue ocean oh my God   this is only in Australia I have never seen this in  another country never I'm dring now flying   drone and make the most beautiful shots ever oh  this video going to be so beautiful it's insane   I'm lost for words too oh I already did a lot of photos  here just because like look at this it's like   it's like I dead and go to heaven I just want to  stay here forever I don't want to even move   how pretty it is crazy it's crazy and no one  there okay Australia for me is number one the   most beautiful country I ever been for now so far  it's something that I never imagined that I can see   here and now I see and just I don't I just don't  have words to say because it's that beautiful we arrived another Beach this beach is called  9 mile Beach and this looks amazing even from the top   I already can see how like it's not even  blue this water it's like a it's like a like   a turquoise color yeah turquoise color  exactly don't even know what that mean it's   just so beautiful I don't think I've seen anything  like this in another country I think mostly we've   seen like greenish-bluish water but this is just  something completely different it's so beautiful   and also just now we're staying with Justin here  in some cuddling, he's saying like wow how   so good because you know in Australia it's a lot  of flies on a summer day it's not like a lot   it's like crazy a lot they are just everywhere  flying around you that's why justin said   oh so nice your hair is like kind of distracting  flies so give me more of your hair your hair is   fly proof that's true every time when I walk flies  don't come to me because they scared of my hair   but because I've got no hair here they keep coming  around my ears and sometimes they will even sit on   top of my ears like this or sometimes walk on  my cheek walk around flies in australia it's something   that I never imagined how how it's annoying  really it's like every second just open the car   and 20 flies around you and you just keep doing  this I feel like Australian people they're like   oh yeah flies okay and we're like okay  let's go to watch this beach I feel like this part of Australia is so unreal  this beach I like because of the stairs and it   looks like you're going to somewhere like from  up to down it looks so beautiful it's like a   staircase to paradise as we walked down just  now I was just like wow this staircase is a   great addition to Nature oh I know what this feels  like this feels like stepping on marshmallows don't   you think yeah it's like when you're barbecuing and  there's a crispy layer of marshmallow and you're   stepping on it wow it's so dry that it feels like  the pieces are coming out see what is this like   you can literally hold a piece of sand it's that  dry here also I feel like on Australian beaches   it's not a lot of shells I'm trying to find some  shells but I really cannot see usually Beaches   they have a lot of different like shells beautiful  shells but here just like white sand and nothing   else I'm so obsessed with this dehydrated piece of  sand it's literally like a cracker like a biscuit okay guys we've arrived at 10 mile Beach but I  actually want to share with you something really   quickly that I thought was quite interesting  especially when we first started driving camper   van something we didn't know is in Australia  apparently, you can't really camp anywhere over   night because there are designated camping areas  and you might think here empty spaces not   a lot of cars you can park here overnight but  it's actually not true you can get fin from   doing this so you can see many cars here  like in another camper van there's some   other cars parking here so this is actually a  day use area only I thought having a camper van   means you could camp anywhere but turns out in  Australia that is not true because I think they   trying to maybe protect the environment or just  trying to keep nature as it is so they don't want   too many people just overcamp and you know damage  the place environment etc so I think that's the   reason behind it some mistakes that we did start  this when trip is that we took only two power bank   with us and when we staying with no power side  everything it's only on these two little pieces   power bank it's only uh enough like for a few  times charging that's why now we are struggling   with charging my phone a little bit drone little  bit I think next time when we will start our own   van life uh we need like like this power bank huge  and also solar panel power bank hey guys Justin   from the future here somehow there's a miracle  because this company heard us and they sent us   their portable battery this is the EcoFlow Delta 2 Max and it's going to be a total Game Changer   in our future travels yesterday when we went  camping we're making coffee we charging up our   filming devices like our GoPro drone and computer  and also microwave all at the same time and this   thing right here doesn't break break a sweat just  because it is so powerful that you can pretty   much charge up everything we need including high  voltage sub like coffee machine and here's what I   really like is that there's actually an app that  keeps track of everything for example it checks   how much battery is left if I want to adjust any  settings I can do it for the app as well so it's   pretty straightforward and I don't really have to  think too much about it another cool thing is that   it charges ridiculously fast within an hour you  can charge up to 80% even when we're Outdoors   here we can top it up with solar panels so we can  stay off-grid even longer it's also surprisingly   quite portable it's only around 50 lb so it roughly  23 kg and it still has a lot of power honestly   this is what I wish we had in this Vlog but  I'm so glad that we have it now just because   it is so reliable and safe and it's built to last as  well which is exactly what we need if we ever go   upgrade like this so yeah if you're into van life  or just you know anything off group related this   is definitely worth checking out because for us  the Delta 2 Max has definitely helped us not to   worry about you know running out of battery but  really focus on the road but here's the thing   it's not just for fan life if you getting out for  a weekend camping trip this thing is perfect for   keeping your phones your lanterns even small stove  powered up I just imagine if you stay at a Holiday   House maybe it doesn't have enough power outlets  or just don't have reliable power recently we've   actually used this to power up projector for movie  Nights also while charging up everyone's devices   also at the same time powering up the speaker to  play music so it just makes any trip easier and   it's not just about traveling it's also really  handy to keep at home as well just because if   you're worried about a power outage this  thing is really good to have to keep your   Essentials running for example your router maybe  your lights your Kettle or even a rice cooker   plus if you're into Hobbies like photography or  videography having a portable battery like this   really helps you especially you can charge your  camera batteries on the go when the location   doesn't allow you to have Outlets so yeah whether  it's for Van life camping or you know holiday   house or just having a backup at home this thing  is so powerful that I don't think we can live   without it anymore so for any future road trips  we're going to bring this thing just cuz it is   so powerful can pretty much charge up everything  we don't have to worry about running out of battery   ever again so if you want to know more about it  we'll leave the link in the description and you   can check it out yourself okay let's go review  another Beach whoa whoa what did you say Beach okay all right let's see what we need to  look out for here slippery rocks unexpected   large waves submerge rocks strong current sharks  snakes could be somewhere around here and I see   free beach clothing optional which means it could  be a nude beach where we might see a few people   naked later so we might have to blur them we'll  see hope no one no naked otherwise, we cannot film wow this one is so unique because in the  middle there is like a sand pit and then it traps   the water so it becomes a mini lagoon I like it  wow and you can see the waves it just stops there   because the sand pit the rock pit pit kind of  just breaks the wave so it prevents the water from   coming in the waves from coming in so this Lagoon  is so peaceful and calm water inside it's perfect   for swimming what are you doing here so cold I'm  trying to hide from the wind does it work yes here's   nice amazing view and this is covering me this my  girlfriend hiding in your rabbit hole okay let's go no need slippers clothing optional woo really someone naked oh really you thought... oops  okay he's with pants with pants clothing optional seagull it's that strong wind  when I try to run I cannot wow I like this mini Lagoon this one 10   to 10 get closer to the water try the  water wow water is crystal clear woohoo so cold but it's nice it's nice it's  refreshing if not wind I will definitely swim   because wind later if you go out from the water  then it will be Frozen cold like oh so pretty wow so blue woo wow the water here is crazy  clear I know I think this is my favourite   beach so far really yeah Ang 100/10 I feel  like it because of just how crystal clear the   water is here that I just want to dive right In already behave wow not time yet we   don't have we don't have shower today just  look at this I know unbelievable yeah nice   wow I don't feel like I even need to go  to Maldives anymore this is beautiful are you okay are you okay oh no you're not you  can see here wind is that strong that even our   tripod is falling down my pants's going to fly now  look at this you look like you're twerking   like secretly at back wow but the but this wind is  so strong that the sand is blowing to my legs is   painful actually you can see thousands, millions  of Sands they are moving at a rapid pace I really   like this beach hopping I feel like every Beach  is so different and it's so interesting to see   really like how Mother Nature create this amazing  Paradise View I'm so happy that we doing this and   we filming everything for our future memories after  many many years we can still rewatch this moment   on this Loop the last destination it's pink lake  it looks so beautiful on photos and I hope in real   life it looks that beautiful but sometimes  you know this pink lake can be not pink so I   hope it's not today and today we can see the pink  leg so we'll do Loop and we'll stop on that place just now was driving and we couldn't find pink lake so  far but we are on the way but we found something even   better let's go I'll show you wow we found horses four of them yes look at this oh they're so pretty I   love horses in Australia a lot of people having  horses and it's like my dream I want to have my   own horse too the other two in the back is  coming they're coming they're coming   oh they all coming wow they're so friendly  hello hello oh see see I itchy her she likes it see oh she really likes it oh she really likes it see  so many flies even on her eyes aiyah so many flies   so many flies she's so cool can I take this horse  to home let's go with us to our van our van just   here let's take this horse home oh I love this  horse already oh I'm so sad I want to get   all these flies I think because she's too dirty or  maybe they don't take care enough of her oh she is   so sad oh this is the most friendliest horse in my  life wasn't he the one who scared the others away maybe yeah but so sad so many flies  I like the Unicorn over there yeah   that's nice too justin staying like  like a horse trying to avoid flies   oh they will go away now oh no okay  bye-bye then nice to meet you okay we've made it to our  next stop today which is what is  called Pink Lake but from what I'm seeing  right here it doesn't seem to be pink   it's supposed to be like this but now it's like  a normal lake so Pink Lake when it   happens it's when there is a high amount of salt  content inside the lake with not so much water   so that caused that color change because of the  salt it's so high in concentration that it makes   it pink but what happened was apparently in the  18 something until 2007 they were doing some sort   of commercial mining of salt so they're taking  salt from the lake commercially less and   less salt yeah so it becomes less and less salt  concentration and also I think because they built   some sort of Highway that disconnects another  Lake which brings in the saltwater usually and   also because of maybe there is lots of fresh  water sometimes get into the salt water here   that's why it becomes less and less and less  pink but if you've seen our last episode when we   crossed the Nullarbor right before that we actually saw a  pink lake that means the salt concentration there   must be so high was so beautiful but yeah looks  like this is not going to happen here anymore   it's okay it is what it is okay now it's already  around 4: 00p.m. which we still have around 3 hours   to drive to our campsite so we've got lots of  catching up to do it's time to drive just now we accidentally crash our drone justin go to  find it I don't know if he can find driving and flying drone is not easy you know where it's  drone I think it's this one   I think fell down I see it I see it  is see I see it oh I hope the drone will be okay oh [ __ ] no you cannot close it cannot see this part  came out [ __ ] this looks oh no oh no what do I'm so sad because Justin just now  said that on the rest of the trip we   cannot fly drone anymore because we're so  far away from city yeah this leg just I   don't even know if it's normal let me see  don't know if there's a way I could fix this it is what it is just now we're driving and this is usually how  the horror movies start especially today is   31 October which is Halloween and the navigation  saying turn left to Devil's Creek Road thank   you I'm scared enough already crazy and  we are driving completely in the dark good morning to another day here in  the Sunshine Coast of Western Australia   yesterday we arrived safely to the campsite  so last time we actually arrived late around   8:00 or 900 p.m. and by the time we arrived  we're super tired already and it's actually a   powered site so we quickly topped up everything  electricity water so now it's fully charged   and refilled already so as you know yesterday we  drove from Esperance all the way to Bremer Bay and   today we're going to continue to drive along  the Southwest coast of Australia we're going   to finish the rest of the attractions including  stopping at a town called Denmark not the country   it's actually a beautiful coast of town here  in Western Australia and it's called Denmark   so what's famous too is actually they've got  from what I saw in the photos they've got some   kind of rock pools that I really want to swim  today especially it's kind of like an emerald   turquoise pool so so today I'm equally excited  as yesterday just because we're going to visit   so many beautiful places but first we've got  some dirty business to do because we have to   throw away our poop and pee so let's go FYI this  is the longest time I have stayed in front of   camera with thousands of flies on my face just  walking here good job I'm officially like a cow she's sitting here flies in Australia are so annoying what do  they want from us so because we live in a   van we've got a toilet inside so every now  and then basically every time we stay at the   powered site usually they have one of these dump  points here it's where you throw your poop and pee in   so this is the dirty job that you have to  do if you live in a van with a toilet so here we   go again so this is where the container is for  the dirty things so in this box right here it   stores all the you know the dirty things  but it's actually not exactly that dirty   as you imagine because we actually put one of  these capsules inside so it's meant to dissolve   everything and makes it smell a little bit  better okay let's get this over and done with yeah looks something like  this and it's actually smelly there are   like hundreds of f here I know I'm going  to be I'm going to be more far away sorry   usually Justin do good job with this  because I really it's really heavy   to put up this thing and also I really  don't like it sorry thank you baby I love you but I guess the most annoying part is the flies  I don't know how Australian people live like this Australia summer is no joke just then was so  hot very sweaty millions of flies around me   this is the most annoying and disgusting  thing about having a toilet in a van is   that you have to do the Dirty Work yeah  but especially in Australia because it's   a lot of flies I'm sure in another country  it will be different so next time we will do   this only at night because at night at  night is no flies so first stop we're   going it's 2 hours away and excited to  show you some beautiful places today okay today I'm a driver no today I'm a passenger  but I'm going to top up the fuel now first time   in my life okay what to do um premium Max  diesel oh high flow diesel you're the driver   now premium diesel then uhhuh money go on tree is it okay normal okay no first I need to open this and after I   need to take this oh my God so heavy don't beep beep  on me and I put inside and I press what   so heavy wait I press I press not inside enough  I think you put fully in already yes oh how it's detecting so fast 23 24 25 26 278 3 I don't look I think oh Justin  teach me every single drop matters   ch ch ch ch one cent two cent three cent 5  Cent $1 $2 okay one drop on the floor minus one cent now we closing this yes driver I I don't  know until tomorrow until tomorrow and now   luckily this gas station have ad blue it's a special  thing to put inside our car so our diesel won't   be that bad for nature gangnam style oh why  I'm pressing I don't need to press now okay   don't waste I put inside put inside wait  wait it's the end oh no oh like this okay   press should we make a separate video about  Alina how to top up fuel as a beginner I   don't know it's stuck we should make a 10 minute  guide of Alina teaching people how to top up fuel just open the cap and put in the gun you don't  helping it's stuck what do I need to do I put help   me and after we're saying it's me this feels  broken doesn't work so just now was like   this so loose yeah oh turns out this one it really  doesn't work so we need to move our car to another slot I'm topping up sometimes I just  feel like Alina it's just super cute like   a 5-year-old wait wait wait wait wait  wait wait wa no way zero wait wait wait   you wasted a few dollars already I  feel it yes don't look don't look why you say don't look and then you  look because so interesting yeah yeah   it's working now this Alina  first time topping up wait   oh no no it's few dollars there no it popped did  you drop everything in yeah it's not   me it's the pop $26 it's okay L $26 it's okay it's  okay it's not that bad it's not that bad now   finish your job go pay me yeah you driver  no you you you you you you one one one back on the road we have so much ad blue on the floor you better top up next time yes I just want  to go swimming today it's my number one goal is to   jump into the pool no not pool jump into the Rock  pool yes yes see you there oino our first location   so here oh so cool apparently this is actually one  of the largest um wind farms facing the Southern   Ocean just because here is super windy as you  can see our hair is just like blowing a little   bit but yeah it helps generate a huge amount of  electricity and that's why it's here and this is   going to be our lunch spot because we're going to  cook lunch here okay so today we're cooking salmon the salmon could have been better because the  one I bought somehow it has scales on it I didn't   realize when I bought it so I had to spend extra  time to descale it just the to make that crispy   skin but Alina just took the skin off for her once  because anyway she doesn't like skin and today we   don't have rice don't have buckwheat don't have nothing  that's why we make spinach with tomato and it's   actually so tasty with sour cream okay let's eat  and after we're going explore this area around oh my goodness finally 500 p.m. we arrived  to our destination imagine saying we' have  

arrive at our first destination at 5:00  p.m. I don't know I don't know how today   today we just wake up in the morning  we're like we're going to plan today a   lot of activities but at least we are  here in a rock pool in the picture, it looks   so beautiful I hope in real life too I'm so  cold right now but Justin going to swim I feel like on this trip at least we need  to swim one time to make it worth otherwise I'll   regret it yes swim for me yeah I'll swim double  up time for you yes swim for me please but after   this one maybe we can have time to go to  the green pool which is supposed to be green pool I'm like an NPC this way this way  I see it this must be the elephant rock I like   the best part of Western Australia is that there's  so many hidden gems like these ones we completely   surrounded by these massive boulders oh wow I  can go there now that is an Elephant Cove I   wait you here oh there's the other side wow oh the  water hit me wow so cold here but yeah this is the   elephant rock I believe it's a very calm Lagoon  that other Rocks kind of just filters all the   heavy waves and looks like I'm here all by myself  super stunning Place wow look at this how are you   going to swim I cannot imagine oh my God you're  already here wow wow Rock okay careful my leg is   Frozen now my legs is Frozen at least the view is  where it say shells no yeah seychelles and we've   got this whole mini Cove by ourselves I think the  rest of the people all went to the green pool so   yeah this is Paradise alone should I go swim now  here let's go okay you ready go so painful to  see how Justin's suffering so cold wow stingeay they're swimming so close I don't know  if you can see I know that in general wild   stingrays they could be quite unpredictable  I know there is an Aussie Legend he he's like   a wildlife expert he actually was killed by  Stingray just swimming in the water so close   oh my God I don't think I'll continue swim it's  because you know the stingray is poisonous but they   are so beautiful yeah they are so close to the beach  yeah at least mission complete we got into the   water in this trip not in the best terms but at  least we did it and we saw stingray right that's a bonus my poor baby no I'm okay okay okay that  was a bad idea I thought I was like oh okay at   least get one time Australian with is not  for swimming it's okay no it's okay babe I feel bad for having Alina giving me the  jacket you know because usually men give jacket   to women that's why Alina is the best girlfriend  in the world because she always takes good care of me I cannot let   you be cold are you cold though sure no I'm  okay I'm fine because if you are cold you let me   know okay my penguin now we will try to fly the drone  and we will see if our drone you today working so   hopefully the Drone will balance and go where  it controls it to go cuz otherwise the worst   case is that the Drone goes through a different  direction or just got blown away because doesn't   have enough power so that's my biggest fear so  that's why I'm going to test it here first I'm   going to fly left fly right fly straight fly back  just to make sure the controls are okay then now   maybe I'll start flying a little bit more the  Drone wasn't reallu listening to me just now you   can see the gimbal movement which is up and down  up and down up and down like this yeah it means   something is wrong so I don't think the rest  of the trip we could fly a drone of course it's   very disappointing but I felt like it could have  been a lot worse the last two times when I crashed   a drone one was into the volcano couldn't get it  back second one was into the waterfall also cannot   get it back yeah at least it's okay honestly  guys today we [ __ ] up this day completely   because I don't know where our times goes but  tomorrow we're going to achieve many things   because tomorrow we're going to wake up super  early in the morning around 6:00 a.m. yes yes   yes and we're going to go many beautiful places  more than today so let's don't waste time and   teleport to tomorrow morning now good morning  good morning here's another day and this is a   campsite spot we park so this is actually the only  two free camps that we found along the way to perth   and this one is actually along the highway so we  just pull over in this resting area and it kind   of has this Shades over here it's like a sheltered  area so it's not very windy and also at the same   time it's not overly noisy from the highway just  because at night not a lot of people driving so   the first up today we're going to the Valley of  the giant Treetop so basically there are lots of   really tall trees and now you're walking amongst  the top of the tree there it's like a hanging   Bridge so I thought it would be really cool to  start the day with just a morning walk I think   it's around 20 minute's chill walk so we're going  to start the day with that sounds good [Music] guys we've made it to our first stop today  which is the Valley of the giant Treet top   as the name suggests right off the Bat you  see a lot of really tall trees I really   had to look all the way up to see them this  view here feels drastically different to the   view we saw the last few days just because  it's completely surrounded by beautiful tree   sceneries greeneries everywhere something  different to the coastline you know the   fresh air here just smells differently wow  this tree looks gigantic crazy it's like   this size like this size I feel like we are  so tiny like a micro ant compared to all   these massive trees surrounding us right  here we really are like walking amongst these Giants what a way to start the day the  air here is extra fresh and there's so   much Wildlife going on here wow I mean look  how high we are compared to the ground   literally, this is called a treetop Trail so it  kind of gives you a bird eye vision of how it   would be like if you're a bird looking  down the trees something like this I guess so apparently we are here currently at  40 m above ground and these Giants here can   reach up to almost 70 M it's so quiet  here and only Birds sound in nature for you to understand this is like a 20 of us this tree High Alina maybe 40 me 20   you're not that tall it's a farway tree  we're just recently watching a so cool TV   show it's called FROM and they exactly  about this like a whole in a tree but   teleport you to another place write in  the comments who watch this TV show too   also on the way we're finding these  doors can open and see what's inside the tree when you walk in this Forest you'll see a  lot of these Hollow trees or like kind of like   partially halved trees it's actually because  of bush fires which is very common in Australia   especially during dry season and this one is an  example of that so half the trees has been burned   down including the base here but still this  tree is still alive and continues to live on after 3 hours of driving we finally made it to  Injidup Natural Spa and I mean look at this   view that we parked at sorry I think this  is why I love van life so much it's just the   fact that you can just be at a different location  every day and call this your home tonight it's a pretty popular spot there are lots   of people there are already lots of kids actually yeah  well but at least I know that I'm not alone here   I'll be safe see how water so transparent colour  and a wave just crashing in it's like a water   park here now I understand why this  place they call spa because it's like a waterfall here it's really nice down there the water is ice cold  but you know when you sit over there near the the   Rocks it's really like a natural Spa but I know  that usually after meal you're not supposed to   have Spa because it stops you from digestions so  I don't know if that counts or not but that was   really good yeah it was really nice s in there  you're missing out do you feel cold not really I   think after like 5 seconds it's already warmed  up yeah so like this I'll take for you photo you   looks like Ariel huh Ariel you know the the  mermaid uhhuh like merid lie down on the   Rock I think this is my favorite spot in Western  Australia so far it's my favourite so we ending   it on a high note I think this looks nice too very  you're not swimming because it's really nice here   you should try so good so good like really good  you're going to regret it I'm okay okay fine   I might have to go for a little bit longer  so it's okay yeah okay I'll back to enjoy my   spa that was so much fun I loved this so much  and this is my best place in Western Australia so   far of course unfortunately a few things happened  along the way that you know didn't go as planned   like crashing our drone or you know just have  keep having delays and also unexpected weather   but I think regardless the last few days has  been quite amazing just because we really see   Australia's beautiful landscape and yeah Alena  said the other day Australia is the most beautiful   country she's ever been which I agree yeah so  beautiful place and don't forget to put like   comment and subscribe to our Channel if you're not  subscribed yet see you in the next one byebye byee

2024-12-27 11:35

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