The Real Housewives of Potomac Season 6 Episode 10 Goddesses of War (Sep 12, 2021) Full Episode HD

The Real Housewives of Potomac Season 6 Episode 10 Goddesses of War (Sep 12, 2021) Full Episode HD

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[Music] previously on the real housewives of potomac i need a life coach like a person that helps you get your life together dang your life isn't together [Music] as a husband i need you to then i can ask you for an allowance i need you to really figure out what your attitude is find something else for free giselle told me how there is this fabricated article about eddie or whatever having an affair or something if mint sheet wants there is a 350 chance that he will cheat again oh wow god damn somebody should have told me that about two years ago i got an invite for robin's birthday and i noticed that you two weren't on this fight giselle sent the message i just made a decision okay boom you were ready to move forward with wendy i do need to ask ashley at hot sauce did not oh absolutely that hoe did you brought your wide body ass not watching williams excuse me what now so now now you're calling me why y'all want to talk about body shaming right now you're telling me why you're walking in the room yourself i want your big ass face and your big ass forehead you were talking about my forehead oh [ __ ] get a new line your [ __ ] is old and tired it is so tired you're tired you're tired you all have said that oh because we're asking wendy a question we're body shading her and that is straight up [Music] go to winx these all look like vaginas and for the record ashley i was not body shaming you i called you a wide body whatever out of anger and nothing to do with your body i just wanted to say that i have no issues [Music] all the attacks you've ever said you've never come from my body before yes i have i talk about your forehead all the time [Music] learn how to apologize and mean it i did try i think that may help you what's that okay well i i need to give a toast okay okay let's toast to the evening yes before it goes left i would like to say some things about my beautiful friend [Music] you're so beautiful you're so sweet you see the best in everybody and like when i put out the text like we gonna celebrate robin everybody's like yes that's what we do and to be that kind of person is just a testament to who you are thank you wow now that we're all on a good kick here and everybody loves each other very very much very good i want to invite you ladies to a goddess lunch oh god is um so hopefully it'll be a good opportunity for you guys to i'm in that's not happening [Music] i'm being a good friend okay okay i'm trying every angle that's right that is great i want to give an opportunity for transparency because i do feel like most arguments are pure miscommunication actually i have a message for you okay karen is waiting on an apology i send this message to her i want her to text and say i regret using the word and we are good okay so mia tell her she'll be dead before i apologize say it just like that her and ray will be dead [Music] i think that this is a great place to start some preliminary shooting for sierra county tourism video it gives you a feel of surry county most definitely i think heavily giselle is the reason why i was invited to robin's birthday party because she's too far off giselle's bush but honey i'm busy i am taking under my belt my first official duty as ambassador to surrey county mrs huger will expand domestic and international travel hi everybody thank you for capturing this i really appreciate it hello hey there karen how are you doing good to see you good to see hi david how are you doing well you came in perfect time perfect timing so we're looking for the flavor of surrey we want to encourage people to come to surrey to visit and to get out and just enjoy all the assets all right what do you think about the gazebo i love the disney surrey background video in potomac [Music] restaurant you can call this a trial run but my hometown sierra county is within me so wherever i go just go through some run-throughs of how you'll open this okay great okay okay hi i'm karen huger i am from surry county and i welcome you to my hometown please come and visit us there is so many jewels here that you can discover with your family what do you think that was good a little bit more animated a little bit too much i'll start over again hi i'm karen hugher and i want to welcome you to surry county virginia my hometown this is a jewel of a town cerry county my hometown you got you got the words you got it the wind wasn't cooperating so maybe we can do it just one more time i don't know okay so we'll have you here okay and also remember to mention farmer joe the organic food ham the peanuts go over some of those right into the camera look there's so many reasons to visit cerry county you've got seafood that is on the water okay we also have the ham secondly i also want you to look at trader joe's and farmer jack i don't limit myself when it comes to giving back to my community or being a voice to the voiceless i'm educating the world in surrey county you have to stop by farmer joe's okay is sarihan yes girl we all know the serie ham and the peanuts uh people just come for the peanuts and a lot of people don't realize that peanuts come in a hole in a shell if you will i'm proud of all of it girl i would love to come down the sliding board look hold on i'm just having a fun memory i'm sorry county be careful kevin so as a child we would climb up be careful okay i will we want to get you to sorry uninjured oh lord okay i think this is all i can do oh lord [Music] back in the day it was metal but i am like in my dress and i'm crossing my legs not coming down and the metal grabs the transit by the time i get down here the dress is up there i'm butt naked coming up next somehow we'll manage to flip it all the way around but i'm the one who's pissed about the whole thing because you'll give about what i do [Music] what does that mean what do you mean what does that mean you guys know spanish you don't jesus please let me pull up google translate i need to do better hi that's not spanish you definitely read that wrong mom i don't think spanish is for you okay so how'd you like our little four seasons moment i enjoyed it yeah i liked you know different scenery we've been cramped up in this house for a minute it was nice to see your dad we hadn't seen him in a minute yeah he had a big nice fan band which was great but you know we're i've i have moved on yeah jamal and i typically always love to get together for the holidays he had just been here for easter and regardless of whether or not jamal and i are going to be together romantically there isn't going to be like any awkwardness because we're friends and that's what we will always be grace you're not you're very quiet grace i'm just listening you are okay um i feel like grace is growing up and it's like really really it's so sad it's it makes me upset and that she's gonna be a junior next year it's scary it is it's extremely scary so we have to get on top of this uh whole college thing um when you guys are in college are y'all going to be concerned about me at all i know that you guys have said you guys don't want me to be lonely yeah we want you to have someone if you want to do you want to get married again no no i could i could it's a no i don't really don't want to do that why why i don't ever want to have to like depend on someone not necessarily depend on a man but i don't ever want to have to answer to one from a financial perspective okay you guys know when granny joe pops decided not to be together anymore them not being together scared her because she didn't know how she was going to be able to financially afford to take care of herself yeah is that how you felt after after i got divorced yeah what was i going to do yeah i was petrified and i ever want you guys have to go through that i want you to be with a guy that you know you're you're equal the team not like one person and then the other person's in the background right i do want to set a good example for my girls but i'm hoping that they've kind of learned from my mistakes i'm never going to put pressure on them to find someone to marry to have these kids i want them to just live their lives and to be in the pursuit of happiness i do not want it to be attached to a relationship like if anything i teach you guys that is what i want y'all to take away you cannot lose yourself and lose your dreams [Music] hello hello how was your rehearsal okay [Music] so we gotta pay the videographer i just want to make sure we're good to go to get these videos done yes so we're all set right for friday because the guys with the cars they have a car show doesn't mean again right it's the only day they were available so uh are you drinking i am because you stress me out i just i feel just icky and gross and unsettled when we're having a fight you're telling me that you're not gonna be at several of these scenes what do you want me to do just drop everything that i'm doing then i can ask you for an allowance i'm also having a lot of nerves about pulling off this video without him being there [Music] oh extras what's up with that working on the state of maryland says you can still only have a max number i think it's like under 30 people yeah what i mean with 20 years i mean i'm not going to be there though you can count me out thanks that's i'm saying don't count me as a person like that look i have a job and okay so why are you mad at me somehow you've managed to flip it all the way around but i'm the one who's pissed about the whole thing because you'll give a [ __ ] about what i do i'm working i'm sitting here doing nothing i just i feel like you think that my stuff doesn't matter as much as yours never said that and i don't think that that's how you make me feel like if i can be there i'm going to be there and when i tell you i can't do something it doesn't mean that i don't want to i'm sorry don't want you to feel like i'm negating your contributions to our household don't cry you make me start crying some dumb don't need a tissue [Music] i've been so focused been a good wife or a good client to [Music] and then we got a little break all you got to worry about with class [Music] [Music] us [Music] it's not cold come on zoey don't be a stranger let me show you what your mama got oh boy oh [Music] so baby how's everything going what's new good baby [Music] but i want to also use this time to like talk to them you know they've been asking questions about police and relationship with police and right now like i've been commentating on a lot on what's going on with the derek chovan trial tonight the entire country is still reacting to the verdict in the trial of derek chauvin in a rare break from most trials involving police officers chauvin was convicted for the murder of george floyd joining me wendy assefo democratic strategist and professor of education at johns hopkins university wendy how do you process this verdict if we're going to reform this system we have to reform every aspect of racial inequality in this country we need to show the world that black lives do matter and it's just me just wanting to shelter them i think it's unfair that black parents have to break their children's innocence to prepare them for the world that they live in did you ever have five months i've never had to talk for my parents or any uncles aunts nothing like that it was more so just learning from experience do you what you had about you want to protect their innocence but you know in this day and age can't what i never want to do is allow them to find answers outside of the four walls of our home okay carter cruz come here daddy and i will talk to you about something what i know you guys have seen you know what's been going on in the news with you know black lives matter and unknown black people getting killed and so mommy and i we want to have a talk with you guys so that you understand more police officers are supposed to protect and serve and why are they killing black people well you know it's one of those things where you can have 10 police officers right but you may have some people who may not be good people and those people who aren't good people may end up becoming a police officer like would the police just think of us as a threat and then kill us would they not think of us as a threat and not kill us like i said you don't know who the good or the bad police officers are but you should always treat just like we teach you all about treating everyone you see with respect right yeah so you treat everyone like a human being because you don't know how if i become a person like martha losing king and i change that black people don't get to be a threat and white people don't get to be a threat well you'll be a great man well you'll be amazing my mom will be so proud of you i'm so proud to be your mom that you are this young and you're already thinking about how you can make this world better [Music] hmm hi how you doing hi i'm good you good good what can i get you so do you have like hot tea to start off with absolutely [Music] mommy's so sorry perfect thank you absolutely [Music] yes it was a challenge yeah oh my goodness hello yeah this is doing okay he's crying he needs to eat okay yeah can we feed him yeah of course okay yeah i am super happy to meet baby dylan i've been waiting for him i'll buy my dog get my cat because i don't know what my chances are would be why are you upset [Music] i'm gonna win those kids over i'm just saying oh it's a person [Music] he's ready to eat this guy so we're breastfeeding in public yeah okay everywhere honey lord i'm glad i passed his face i'm giving that away for a little bit huh we can't wait until brandon and raven get married and they're ready and then i'm gonna step of it i think i'm gonna call myself gma or something i wanted to be called diamonds but the children voted it down diamond i was considering that karen came from surry county she was like a diamond in the rough she came into potomac got a little buff and shine you go karen a.k.a i could live with gigi but this was a strong contender for me how are you have you recovered from the trip first of all yes that trip was everything girl i missed you wish you could have been there for the whole thing because giselle had taken wendy through the ropes for the day and a half prior to you getting there it was continuous last week when gisele questions wendy's substance like because now she's feeling her sexy side she has no substance i'm like she's been wiggling that that vagina and us for years and we have never discriminated against her or like you guys have been going at this for so long and you know that she's always going through a really hard time everybody knows what's going on this man dragged her because he broke her heart he cheated on her and he took her through hell i know she's in pain okay so a conversation needs to happen i have given my apologies there will be no more apologies from karen hugher not to her well someone's gotta make it cause right now you guys have just had to stale me you're at a stale me even though gisele is very vocal she's very opinionated she speaks her mind she too still is a person and she does have a vulnerable side so i think that karen talking about jamal really hurt her i need y'all to find some sort of closure she's got to open up and talk about it just as she wants us to open up and talk about everything in our life gisele come to us with two i love both of these women so there is nothing more that i would want than to see them come together almost like a venn diagram i'll be the shared middle but i want them to just come together and and like have some keys and some laughs again if she comes to me woman to woman and she wants to have a private moment with me i'm open i don't see it happening that way this is another way you don't see it you don't see me going to her either all right coming up next is it possible just to wipe the slate clean and just start over [Music] when we spoke on the phone you said you haven't been motivated lately can you paint a picture of that for me so i started a business a little over a year ago and then at some point it kind of like blew up my website is live now [Music] do you package everything i have people who help me part time like these we did last night but then in the back of my mind like well what if it all comes cracking down what are you afraid of i'm trust mainly have you always been like that in my past i had a friend i considered him a best friend and he ended up pretty much scamming us out of money i don't know how long he wasn't taking our money in line but by the time we caught on to it our money was gone so that's where the whole trust thing comes from like if i have a friend that did that to me like what are strangers capable of yes that's very heavy robin to carry you have been impacted by some situations and some people right and it is coming into your present in ways that you don't want the more we name it the more we can do to move it out of your way and keep you moving forward right i really need to make that commitment to find help in my business because i do want to be able to have that time i really appreciate your belief so instead of putting me down and expecting me to be superwoman i would expect him to be supportive of me as well as we move forward i'm wondering if you can make a couple commitments to reinforce what we've talked about right um i definitely know i have to be more structured um i have to find a larger space in order to continue to grow my business and then with your fiance what's the commitment there like i gotta tell him he's gotta handle me a little bit differently right okay i wanna hear about those when we meet again because you feel good that you were able to do some of the things that you set forth to do yeah okay [Music] this is gorgeous thank you so much it has been a little rocky connecting with these ladies but there's a bond there that they have and i see it they just need to believe it can i put on my halo yeah do it this is what i love to do i absolutely love to bring women together and empower them i think we're good yay healed i wanna get carried girl welcome come on mrs hughes i'm trying to get that body ready for this wedding i love that you give me your hands [Music] oh karen this is so pretty i don't know what today's gonna i don't know well look at this goddess comes in the rear yeah you look like a goddess oh thank you is so peaceful i love this is that a scarlet giving this um princess [Music] i tried to give you guys you know full ethiopian daddy david [Music] is [Music] some meditation here by the pawn how was that ashley um is she gonna push the stroller over the rocks do you need help yes yes coming coming coming i'll sit here and watch y'all go ahead how many mothers does it take to get a baby across the fridge okay please help her do not let her fall with this baby takes a village hi how you doing man i love your flower crayon look at you [Music] rickety steps i guess hello welcome to the goddess party [Music] if giselle was truly my friend i'm sorry would have been the best approach for us to have a conversation about our friendship but the damage has already been done because she ain't looking at me and apologize apologize to me [Music] robin's here [Music] [Music] that dress is everything thank you you're thirsty okay i got you covered ready to see too okay do you need to grab hold your butt got it that was sweet this is a part of your video yeah it's a 70s yeah i'm shooting two music videos this week so i'm shooting today okay and then drive back thursday and friday okay and that's the one you all are invited to participate in so we're all going to be in the video yes girl even ashley no she wasn't invited each other's face all right well i have to ask okay so how did chris handle all this so okay i started to feel like i was like getting on him about little nitpicky things so after this i am gonna have to make some changes with like what his role is okay so is the video still on for us yes you are all featured extras fast and furious chic well i'm yes glad you ladies are all here thank you so we're going to start on the positive notes all right so we're going to go around the table and we are going to say what we love the most about each and every one of us at the table oh that's so sweet [Music] what in the summer camp is going on here okay yeah that's a tall hillary climb mia you looking at the people you invited at this table i'm just saying all right ashley your turn i will start with candace i know that we're like oil and water unfortunately yeah but um i respect that you um are very committed to what you're doing and you are pursuing your passion i appreciate that even i can find something nice to say about candice that wig was moisturized but i think it still kind of works for her ashley um i think youth nailed the head we are oiling water but i've always said i appreciate um you walking in your motherhood journey and firmly planting yourself in that thank you i appreciate it look at that healing the shovel that i used to find that little bit of compliment i did give to her is now a nub i was but i did it okay karen i love that you know you're caring but you also can have your funny time and you can laugh at yourself robin i actually learned how to laugh at myself from you okay and i really really think that that's a breakfast first year and i enjoy it thank you robin yes um wendy i love the passion for your family yeah um and yes i'm gonna keep keep it short you love my passion for my family but you support someone who attacked my family okay gizelle i love how confident you are and how opinionated um and just you say this is me and that's just how wise you are and how you're always so willing to give great advice um and to really take someone under your wing um even with me i mean i appreciate that absolutely okay mr south what do you love about miss karen well um everybody here knows karen and i are not in a good place so i have nothing nice to say wendy we obviously have not talked you're obviously still angry there's no obviously well i haven't heard from you so i would say i mean we can talk now so she did say giselle did say at the dinner you weren't there that she doesn't believe what the blog said thank you she should have known i wasn't being shady that's a busy i defended your husband all that happened after that now that you know that i was defending your husband was like from outer space but she doesn't understand the parameters regarding people's husbands because she doesn't have a relationship that holds water what i'm saying to you is at the core of this i still feel as though if you were my friend he would have come to me first and that's what i said i apologize for that's the only thing i apologize for when i was talking to ashley and we were discussing it i said i need to talk to wendy but you are being so defensive about everything i have always come to you in a place or spirit of love i feel like that's what should have happened after you talked to ashley yeah i received that i received that okay i received so are you guys good are we good i'm okay this is a step i don't know if there's any bouncing back but gizelle i think it's let's play nice for now but i think it's temporary but just for the record as far as like oh gizelle's around here trying to destroy families that's not me that's karen [Music] okay remember this is a place of healing yes a place of healing i have to say this because i've been thinking this for a while about what happened with jamal and the things that were brought up is your relationship real with jamal he's definitely been talking to another woman in its clear conversations and i wonder if maybe the way that all that stuff came out and the people that were talking about it karen was included in that um if that had anything to do with you and jamal kind of going your separate ways no that wasn't new information for me okay about the girl the woman yes so why didn't you say that [Music] probably previously on the real housewives of potomac i need a life coach like a person that helps you get your life together dang your life isn't together [Music] as a husband i need you to be present to do the [ __ ] that i need to do for this video then i can ask you for an allowance i need you to really figure out what your attitude is find something else for free giselle told me how there is this fabricated article about eddie or whatever having an affair or something if mint sheet wants there is a 350 chance that he will cheat again oh wow god damn somebody should have told me that about two years ago i got an invite for robin's birthday and i noticed that you two weren't on the invite gisele sent the message i just made a decision okay boom you were ready to move forward with wendy i do need to ask ashley at hot sauce did not oh absolutely that hoe did you brought your wide body ass no watch excuse me what now so now now you're calling me why y'all want to talk about body shaming right now you're telling me why are you walking in the room you might be showing yourself i'm watching your big ass face and your big ass forehead you were talking about my forehead [ __ ] get a new line your [ __ ] is so tired you're tired you're tired you all have said that oh because we're asking wendy a question we're body shaming her and that is straight up oh [ __ ] [Music] these all look like vaginas and for the record ashley i was not body shaming you i called you a wide body whatever out of anger had nothing to do with your body i just wanted to say that i have no issues appreciated [Music] all the attacks you've ever said you've never come from my body before yes i have i talk about your forehead all the time to do with body shaming but it is [Music] full with this girl let me tell you learn how to apologize and mean it i did try i think that may have been i think okay well i i need to give a toast okay okay let's toast to the evening yes before it goes left i would like to say some things about my beautiful friend [Music] you're so beautiful you're so sweet you see the best in everybody and like when i put out the text like we gonna celebrate robin everybody's like yes that's what we do and to be that kind of person is just a testament to who you are

2021-09-16 08:24

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