The Post Pandemic Traveler! How to get the destination ready?

The Post Pandemic Traveler! How to get the destination ready?

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short to medium term travel plans so i've got more to say on this subject but you know that that kind of is so it's it's not so much about you it's about us and i i i i'm fascinated to hear you know how people see this from from other parts of the world i really really hope we hear from some other people from um yeah from up from from the states from from um australasia that would be so interesting obviously we've got adam to hear from on this too sure thank you for that ginny it's it's it's good to to it's good to know that dr adam what what is your destinations thoughts we're traveling to africa thank you now china has been a sourcing markets uh a key sourcing market for a source market i would say for africa and as i mentioned earlier around that also leisure travel the number wise may not yet be as big as used to be from europe or america because that's what the traditional but those actually there are several million chinese coming to africa each year uh also investing doing business but chinese genuinely are combining business visits with travel and often when the business people coming over their relatives may come also to see and when they go back they share the experience so of course that will be another reason for uh african destinations particularly countries like zimbabwe which has great relations with china to attract chinese because chinese are visitors that's going to places they feel welcome now everybody might say oh america is a fantastic destination yes it's worse but when the relationship political relationship tends up and then people don't feel welcome then they will shy away so zimbabwe stands out to be i mean almost all the african countries are very friendly to chinese market so i would say that you will benefit more but what i would like just to seeing that michelle may need this time to just start things out just quickly show you a couple of pictures because i see that we have this function to just let the pictures to speak volume that's uh what's the uh the recovery of the album travel from china and also the most important thing just to see even during the pandemic back in 2000 i see this figure 2020 this last year last may one month after lockdown 150 million chinese were on the road you know these crowds but of course most people were still wearing masks but on the right this was this year 2021 and you know 230 million of chinese on the road within three days this is just a long weekend and you can see people dropped their masks already because we use the measure correctly and contender virus and there's no more uh locally infected cases you know any cases reported in china are imported so that's why chinese borders are still quite tight but of course this is going to be relaxed because china is hosting the winter olympics very soon in three months now one day from today and so this is the most recent developments during the golden holiday just three weeks ago in china you can see the number of chinese going up to the great war and you know the forbidden city behind the tiaman square every day there's tens of hundred thousand people going up so people are on the road we are returning to norm uh to normal now we are also going to more kind of a distance a more distant destination but more culturally related this i would like your local destinations to think about how to attract the chinese is to use your culture i mean zimbabwe has this fantastic cultural uh tourism i would say that's a heritage as we developed your website i've seen many of those heritage sites and also the cultural music and so on you can see that even universal uh beijing was opened attracting a lot of chinese but i want to show you the real trend now uh of the chinese uh traveling aft are doing under poster covered 19 is really going for distance far distance destination so uh instead crumb crawling into a major much holy time uh younger generation you know even during the pandemic i must say that even early last year we've had the chinese you know the key opinion of the uh uh what do you call the uh koil key opinion leaders and also uh media personalities i want to show you a few of those that were in africa that's you know just uh live streaming the local the custom and their experience and so on uh so this is another way of getting your message across through uh what we call the modern you know new media already but uh not just uh the what you use wechat we sorry the uh facebook and twitter and so on that are not available in china but we use the wechat we bore and we media that's what you got here that's you see each of those uh not necessarily celebrities some of them are but they have millions of followers imagine when they beam a destination if they come to victoria four immediately there are millions of people will see you know and so that gives you an indication that uh how you can attract the chinese back uh and so on but i won't bore you with this this this was a presentation i happened to be asked to do for the itv i just had on my screen i thought the pictures speak volumes and but the figures does tell i want to back up what i said look the number that the 2021 230 million chinese were on the road compared to 195 so it's not that huge increase from just last year yes it was pandemic last year but before the year before even so this is figure we want to look at for you to have the real confidence that people do want to travel i mean this is real evidence of when the pandemic just like flu were content people will start traveling and i'm sure places like africa as you are comparatively factors would be another attract you know attractive destination for us thank you yeah oh thank you thank you i think you know can i ask you one question before you go so what has has they been uh what has been the change in terms of democrats obviously you spoke about millennials and younger generations being the ones that are but is there be any other different um behavior in terms of the trends the way people used to travel in china is everything gone back to what it was and just an increase in a certain demographics is there is there any change in terms of the patterns of the people that are traveling yes absolutely actually i i mean it's these two pictures to show this is a major change it's from the large groups you know in europe i don't know if eugenie but certainly other uh destinations like swissland or germany so even holland experienced large groups from china sometimes as large as 45 thousands across crowding you know swiss and tiny little country that at the same time that's too many but this is no more the case now so it's going to be smaller group family holidays fats in the western terms and these are the new trends even within china i mean we monitored very closely there is no more large groups with guides holding a flag and hundreds of them following no that's don't see because of the covet measures but smaller groups family you know groups are more uh widespread nowadays and that's actually the exact type of visitors that african destinations would attract because for for example the safaris and so on i've taken what number of groups to africa if it's grouped ever bigger they have to separate us into smaller groups for the safaris anyway so essentially this would be the right destination right targets groups you want to target but also self-driving driven holidays that mean that they are not necessarily dependent on large coaches because they are younger they've been experiencing self-driving back in china in america and in europe and then once they are in africa if they feel safe enough then they can't if the car has easy i mean i must say that one time i went to uh zimbabwe a a friend of mine drew with me from south africa to zimbabwe from zimbabwe back to south africa you know so that's quite interesting so this is the the other trends i mentioned even within the country they will go much further away from the major just metropolitan cities thank you for that thank you doc uh chris i just want to know from you from what what dr adam has said in terms of the change in demographics of the people that are making reservations where we used to have series groups that were booking through you have you seen any difference at all in terms of the size of the groups that are coming through you from various source markets um yes i think it is i think uh what um dr adams said is absolutely you know true this is the trends that we are we are seeing now you know as well that uh you know the numbers that we used to have you know you know busloads you know of tourists maybe 40 we see now the numbers actually dwindling to where you used to have 40 you probably have like 20 people not traveling i think there is sort of like more of a generational travel that people are wanting to travel people are trying to avoid to travel with people that they don't know so the numbers are actually you know you know you know smaller so we are seeing a lot of uh you know our families you know wanted to travel together if it is a group it is a group of friends that is you know wants to travel together i think the key thing here is people are looking at safety first i think safety is going to it's a big issue for people now considering to want to travel they want to travel with the people that they know that if they're in um you know environment you're comfortable with the people that you're traveling with so i think we're going to see this trend you know maybe for you know for a while you know going forward and but also let's not just forget i think remember you know people forget things you know quickly and easily and we'll go back you know to our usual things where we used to have numbers but i think for the next maybe two three four years we are going to see sort of like smaller numbers you know going forward i think there's a lot of things that uh this pandemic has um taught all of us um that we need to be you know a little bit cautious we need to be careful you you know we do things um as dr adam said we also see you know a lot of these millennials you know at the moment um they are key people that are wanting to travel and these are not necessarily your people that um sitting somebody in a train or in a bus or somewhere you know they just click things so that's why your social media becomes also very critical uh very important you know at this stage so yes um we are not going to realize the numbers that you know we had you know pre-covered 2019 um you know we probably just maybe got to that those numbers maybe 2023 you know if we're lucky but smaller numbers we are going to have going forward generational travelers and families but not huge crops oh thank you it's it's it's yeah so we have never been this way before i think what we are facing it at this time in the industry it's something that we have never faced before and it's very important for us to to to to share ideas and say how best are we are we able to recover and move forward this is an industry that drives gdp uh growth of many countries and i think it's it's very key for us to be able to say this is what we're going to do and michelle i hope i hope you can you can hear me and i hope you can answer this question having listened to both uh chris and dr adam you know i just i wish when do you believe there's going to be a significant uptake for our destination is south southern african destination southern africa is a destination do you think that there is going to be a surge in uptake considering that people have been locked down in their countries for so long and looking at what the region and zimbabwe to be specific has done in terms of curbing uh the the covet in terms of the vaccination program that was accelerated and the numbers that are in control do you how what do you think michelle i most definitely do think that africa as a region will there will be a search um we need to take into consideration that that the the average person for so many months has been locked indoors okay and now it's time and i think what people would want to do is go out to a destination where they've got wide open spaces where they've been offered accommodation that is luxury they've got choices of different accommodation that can offer value for money when they are where value for money on accommodations and also packages we need to also take into consideration the um i mean i need to talk about the the the covert testing if i may i think one of the stumbling blocks at the moment is all these pc artists that are required by the guests once these pc artists are taken away and a vaccination certificate or vaccination passport is recognized it will open up more for travelers did you hear me trish yes yes i did i did you you are advocating for the vaccination um passport which is a very which the world didn't quite embrace and i think if we go down that road i don't i i don't know how how things will pan out ginny what do you think well at the moment to be honest with you with all you you we we've been subjected to both we've been subjected to the pcr tests and we also in some countries they want a proof of vaccination i'm hoping we'll get to a stage where the pcrts will go away and we'll only have to have proof of vaccination the pcr tests are very costly as you all know so if you're going for multi-destination holidays that's when it becomes more of a challenge for families to go to south africa and extend into africa because that's when they need to have more tests and that's when it becomes more expensive so that's why i'm saying the um we need to advocate that we only need to have proof of vaccinations do you need your thoughts no i hear you i hear you michelle and i think you're very right i think a more coordinated uh approach between governments especially when i look at southern africa the way we have south africa we have zimbabwe zambia namibia botswana all within 500 um kilometers you have all of that in one place and for us to be able to attract more people i think you're right that i think more coordination so that maybe the number of days that the pcr test is needed will be considered but obviously we do have scientists that know better how we can contain so i think it's trying to strike a balance between the two uh theories so that we don't get into a lockdown again because we know how they feel of course it does i think the key word today is they just want to see people are negative and i think that's the key word another point to to mention is flexibility the current key word would be flexibility we mustn't make it easy for guests to book and travel without worry about complicated terms and conditions they need to also be reassured that their bookings and money will be safe and should a similar event if it happens that they will be protected on let's say refunds and things because each do not want to put down money they don't want to take risks anymore so another key word for for me is flexibility you're right michelle i think someone in the in the is just send us a chat to say there has there is going to be a revision where pcr test is required with for 48 hours it's going to be moved to 72 i know it doesn't sound like a lot but look to be honest with you that is small win that actually does go a long way because you are able to visit three countries zimbabwe zambia botswana within 72 hours and that is still valid so uh i think it's something that we will definitely welcome because it's a it's a positive development for us as we move to get tourism back in place uh ginny you wanted to say something please go ahead i was just going to say you know that echoes um the point that michelle was making about um consistency and just reducing the complexity of the message i don't wholly um i wouldn't be in such a hurry to to throw out the pcr tests um there is a proportion of the traveling public who um who who would be reassured by the fact that destinations are still asking for pcr tests um just just don't be too much of a hurry to to get rid of them obviously we all would like to have a reach a situation when they're no longer needed um but we may not be there yet we don't want to be in that flip-flopping um we know all too much about flip-flopping over here what we would like to see is travel in a one-way direction where things change and they remain changed and don't have to be reversed as they have had to be in some countries in europe so uh but i'm all for consistency of approach and i move from 48 to 72 hours is definitely good news yeah true you know when when listening to this as the conversation is going you then realize that this is probably one of the expectations what michelle was talking about and what you're talking about ginny to say this is one of the expectations that people would have to say this is what the source markets expect for them to find a destination attractive so we have we we have gone uh more into detail on the pcr testing but what else can um a destination like destination zimbabwe uh do to be able to attract people in the various markets that you're in for us to attract more europeans into our destination besides the pcr testing what else can we do ginny so that our our destination is attractive because we need people i i i agree that um we must focus on the millennials because they are the you know one of the groups who is keen to get traveling again and i gather that they also are showing um partly because they're at a stage in their careers where they would normally speak spending quite a bit of discretionary income on going out and having fun and they haven't been able to do that so they're one of the groups you've perhaps saved quite a bit of money during um the the the time of uh of not being allowed uh to to do so much of that during the periods of lockdown and just generally even when we haven't been knocked down people haven't been going out as much um so they've got some discretionary spend um the other group of course who have got um who have not been spending are the over 55 so we mustn't forget them they are um certainly for my type of company which is is it's smaller and and and just specializing in in africa and very tailor-made they are our stalwarts and they are they're more keen to get back they have fewer family responsibilities so they're also showing quite a propensity to get traveling again after the pan you know as we as we move into this phase of the pandemic i won't say the pandemic is over but we're moving into a a recovery phase so um they too um are showing an inclination to spend more so i think that's important the middle group the the the ones who've got families and kids they're a bit more cautious on spencer i i would i think that's relevant for michelle's point about affordability um but they may be a bit slower i mean i'm fascinated to hear that you're adam you're seeing more family travel i've had less family travel inquiries for africa and i'm not surprised that i i have you know i think people are going to um initially be going out of europe we're going to initially be going to sort of tried and trusted destinations that um families have been before um and also just um reconnecting with family that they may not have seen friends they may not have seen so the families may not be in their most adventurous phase for the immediate um future but younger people and older people um i i think we can appeal to them um what else was i going to say that um i think that that revisiting destinations you've loved so this is something that applies to to all um destination marketing we need to remind people that they loved it when they came to africa before whether they came to africa 25 years ago or whether they visited more recently um we don't always need to be um trying to seek new clients we we should be re-engaging those clients because that's a definite trend um is wanting to go back to places and that you have got that reassurance about because you know you loved it before so that would be part of our marketing and i think it can be part of you know destination marketing as well you find me just to clarify on the family travel that is definitely a trend within china because i showed the pictures of these are weekend holidays like meeting weekends three days or longest was one week so as much as what chris also mentioned the fact that people like to travel with who they know so obviously within a family you are a bubble so that wasn't necessarily almost by nature but for long haul obviously long these days travel over the outbound travel i want to answer the question tesh uh uh post to us that what the destination need to do now in terms of zimbabwe and other african destinations you do stand out just because most of at least the chinese i believe europeans have the same ideas going to africa is about safaris now that's outdoors yeah so first of all all the you know all the knowledge shows that uh outdoor you know coverage is least affected outdoors so people wouldn't worry too much of going indoors they are outdoors safaris with smaller people smaller number of people so you should uh promote uh you know those advantages points that uh most of your even the site heuristic sites are really overcrowded i mean i wouldn't i i as i said i've been to number of numerous of african destinations apart from even the pyramids doesn't have you know tens or hundred thousand people on the daily basis like great war of china you have seen uh you know tiananmen square so you wouldn't be a you know overcrowded so those are your advantage but the other crucial element is a direct flight now that is necessary now i know that zimbabwe zimbabwe was trying i spoke to their senior executives even before just just before the coverage actually took off and they were keen on resuming the flight they still had a slot uh uh you know to fly to from beijing and there's even uh rwanda started flying from guangzhou to rwanda and the this actually this started last year in february march during the pandemic and successive steel and ethiopia islands which my favorites we work so closely for farm trips and so on they fly from beijing shanghai chengdu um guangzhou and hong kong so five destinations two and from china directly but to numerous destinations within africa as well so if zimbabwe can't take up their slots and start flying directly will immediately release people's worrying of oh if they were traveling via third destination often uh you know on returning back to china it still needs all this testing and the most uh uh embassies our consulates would not give that you know we have this green card just like a coffee passport thing uh the test if they are just transit so they have to get get it you know from the destination where they depart and going directly to china and that will certainly make things uh better for you uh also for the business people remember that again when i talk about the chinese market i always want the african destination to be aware that you would benefit much more by appealing to the business sector investors as well because you need a lot of investment for uh infrastructure so zimbabwe benefited from having the airport both sahara sorry uh harari airport when i arrived i was really pleased to see the chinese side there because it was built by the chinese company and then you got the victoria four uh airport as well there many other infrastructure may benefit from the expertise and investment that chinese companies have and the real benefit of having those is when those senior executives and even those engineers coming they will show what they have been to the destination it's a natural promotion and then they with their families friends they will be start coming in because they will testify that the destination is safe destinations friendly now the last anecdote thing i would say you may start laughing at this is a number of uh african ladies or two chinese working in africa happened to find their wives in africa from africa now they become celebrities on the wii media in china wow suddenly you know just like in ukraine and a lot of chinese thinking say oh why don't i go to africa as well to have like to find the african wife and so on so why not you know see we got i don't know 26 million so you know probably more than that uh a single man in china more than ladies so that's half of uk i guess so and so essentially that's uh that may be another way to market the destination and say well come along you may find us so friendly that somebody will go with you back to china okay it's just another thing i would think that that would be another way to publicize because imagine we have had those ladies from africa marine chinese and back home having very lovely mixed children as well it's a kind of a sensation on the way media nowadays i'm sure those chinese who followed again millions of them they will just see the really attractive side of africa because it just shows how uh friendly people are and not as you know people imagine like those who haven't been to china thinking that we are so backwards we are so difficult actually when you come to china you realize we are probably one of the friendliest like when i went to africa and so this is something that i just suggest adam i can't help but laugh you know we have religious tourism now what what will we call this one where people come for wives in zimbabwe what would we what would we call this tourism you know it will well used certainly i mean i'm sure genie would have dealt with a honeymoon you know honeymoon tourism a wedding is popular even among the chinese going to places like greece to bhutan just another reason i mean i know there are some hoteliers or some key attractions uh within zimbabwe or africa are listening i'll give you another real example one of the uh hotels in bhutan bhutan is such a small country very few people can go there but happen to attracted one couple a celebrity from china getting married in that hotel ever since then you can check with the hotel they've been oh they've been booked by the chinese who want to go get married and have honeymoon in that particular hotel you know the same thing can happen your destination if you you know as i said to you there are a lot of those we media celebrities they don't have to you know superstars and so on but they can't attract and get the message across it's just because it's all about publicity if they got the audience and then people will learn the message and then up to them to make decisions if they want to come to find wi-fi just to enjoy the destination i would say because the the people who live stream they are visit you you probably wherever you see the chinese if they start holding this self uh the the funds self filming you know they are streaming as they are streaming live to millions of audience back home so let them do it so that then you may just benefit from having other people follow them well thank you sir i got booted up for a few minutes but i'm i'm back here now well so um michelle michelle are you michelle yes michelle i want to hear from you what what what what else can we do we also got to think in terms of of the traveller's um expectations so some of the points that are that i would i would think about all before guest starts i was traveling he's looking for value for money today and he's looking for an improved overall experimental experience um what about the travelling expectations today dr wood dr detect mentioned safety but other than my safety we're looking for cleanliness we're looking for free rafa moafa and simply placed convenient locations um basically i feel today people want all the guests they may not call them people they want care on the ground they want to know that where they are going their needs are going to be met um they're going to be looking at hygiene factors um the the the guests will probably expect the hotels more expectation from the hoteliers they want cleaner rooms they want cleaner public spaces and washrooms is a must-have so these are the sort of things that this is going to be looking for whether it be three star accommodation or your luxury accommodation there's certain requirements because of covert that the guest will actually insist on i don't know your thoughts no you're very right you know i look at what the the the covet protocols that every hotel in zimbabwe has put in place and how zta has come on in to make sure that the protocols are on point you will notice the the protocols from as you entice the gates uh when you get to a hotel you notice some even have to to make sure your car is fumigated as you get in the way rooms are being cleaned has changed to make sure that it's it's safe and i would like to really applaud um the industry because i'm a hotelier and i look at the change that has happened in our cleaning processes in all the hotels and the way things have changed and because we are as zimbabweans we are hospitable we love to have people around and this is the core of who we are as a people we are warm and loving and you can imagine you have all this love and you've got no one to give it to and when you finally find the people you can express yourself and i just want you guys to know that the very markets that you're in that as zimbabweans we we are yearning to express our hospitality to people from resource markets we are yearning for them to to experience our warmness our love and we are hard-working people and you you would notice that you would never falter us as zimbabweans in terms of our work ethic and how how how well we work and you know off to your point uh dr adam when i look at accessibility i know we are not there yet but you would notice that so many airlines have started coming we recently had qatar come start coming through and you can see that there is progress obviously it's not at the rate that you you you you would expect but to be honest with you we are making strides and i think as we continue to go on this journey you will begin to see a lot of activity and in terms of accessibility we are looking forward to a lot of airlines i know i once attended a meeting of africa's eden and they have a whole committee that is looking at accessibility for the destination and engaging various airlines to see what we can do and i'm so sure that um we will have direct flights coming into zimbabwe either harare or into victoria falls from from guaju from parts of china from england from belgium from various destinations and it's something that we are looking forward to and uh you will begin to notice a lot of work that has been happening behind the scenes and while the pandemic um there was no much work that people were seeing but you could see there was a lot of work that was happening behind the scenes a lot of lobbying that the industry has been doing to make sure that we increase uh the volumes of business that comes from the various source markets i just want to ask you chris being a zimbabwean yourself what is your favorite destination in this country which place do you long to go to just in this in this lockdown where you were saying the day i get to zimbabwe i'm going to go to this destination which destination is that in this country definitely um it has to be the eastern highlands um because you know of the you know spaces i think this is probably something key that we uh you know the industry you know in zimbabwe also needs to try you know and to look at i think uh victoria force obviously is anybody's bucket list anyone wants to go to victoria falls but for me eastern highlands is absolutely the gem you know of the country um there is really the scenery is absolutely amazing it's i call it a little switzerland you know in uh you know in zimbabwe so for me it's top of the destination but i think also maybe just going to what my other colleagues have said you know when people travel next i think it has to be people wants to experience things so ex activities has to be key i think this is one of the things that as industry needs to drive to have more activities than a hotel room is a hotel room anywhere in the world but people are not traveling because they want you know a nice room you know a nice room it's a bonus but they want to experience you know we have got communities you know we forget about community tourism this is one of the key things that you know people are going to be looking at sustainable in our tourism this is really really key that you know we need to look at so we need to offer more experiences you know we are fortunate enough in africa that you know we have got these wide open spaces so people they don't have to you know to worry about where they go but let's look at zimbabwe let us look at the whole country you know just not necessarily just focusing on victoria falls victoria force has been marketed victoria force will will draw people but let's look at other destinations of the country eastern highlands if anybody has to put a program i am there you know if there's going to be an educational tomorrow or there's something happening i'll be your first client to go to eastern highlands i love the sound of that thank you chris will make sure hazel has taken note of that ginny when you come to zimbabwe which which is the first place you want to go to so my favorite place is great zimbabwe um so and this would i'd i'd really like someone to um i'd like to see a high-end property there um and and and also it's she it it's such an interesting place to visit and it goes to i mean it goes to the the whole um the the the the history of the people of zimbabwe and and yet it's hardly visited and i think this picks up on chris's point it needs to be more experiential i i i go to great zimbabwe but don't just go to great zimbabwe and see the ruins and then okay what do i do now i have a nice dinner and then i go yeah that would be great to see um so two you need two or three or four reasons to to make that extra journey um so yeah that's where i want to go but i'd rather like a a a a bit more choice of accommodation i know i know that's an investment issue and that's kind of tricky at the moment but yeah that would be somewhere i really want to go back to um and yeah you're gonna have to persuade me on the easter highlands though bit too like my weather here um so maybe not like but but again i could be persuaded if i if i understand the activities and i think that's the thing i maybe don't understand enough about the eastern highlands um but i haven't been so i need to go there because that would be a new destination for me i'll persuade you i'll make sure that i persuade you chris chris has it chris got you uh we're just winding up we're supposed to be done at three o'clock we'll just give one more minute michelle which place would you go and jenny before i go you know when i saw that when i saw dr adam's picture of the people on the wall of of of the great wall of china i said to myself that could be great zimbabwe that could be an influx of people that are actually coming there in those numbers to see so yeah yeah hazel you got that michelle just just briefly we can't explain it very briefly briefly i hear what chris and daniel are saying and every second that however we do need a choice of more more more suitable accommodations but my favorite of all is the mana pools that to me is it's just one of the best safari experiences i've ever had and also i believe it's a little bit of untouched africa not many people are going there and i think mana pools is a must experience in any zimbabwe itinerary thank you thank you michelle i love that i will go to mana pool soon yeah dr adam briefly which is your which is which destination from what you've experienced which destination is a place you want to visit in zimbabwe okay well again i like to picture speaking for me that's this was we featured so not just for me but when we did the roadshow for the imba tourism authority in china so we created a website that featured the eight key destinations it took me a while to go through and you know better than i do but because you are you know closing up i would like to just uh give my final recommendation on what should be done in attracting the chinese bike we did all this and we would love to uh have done more when your destination is opening i know and invite you coming to china for road shows we can bring in more uh chinese treats and media for farm trips as i mentioned to you work closely with the airlines that they can support us rwanda is traveling now as well we bring you to meet up with chinese to operators but before that i want you to benefit from the online marketing activities before the offline just because essentially online reaches many more people and we have we can contact webinars like what you are doing about the training to the travel trade and also even benefiting from the social media platform in china that are very different some of you have heard of wechat which has more uh users 1.2 billion that's 1200 million active users every month imagine that's sheer number okay sorry doctor yes dr adam i'm gonna have to cut you off i just want i know you're bombarding us with all of that okay i won't actually because i know you need to finish your answer do we yeah okay so thank you for that that's my advice sorry dr adam you are able to send through to us the presentation so that we can go through it and anyone else in the audience who would like to have this presentation please feel free to to write your email in the chat and then we will be able to send it through to you so dr adam that one place one place that you would like to go in zimbabwe before we close victoria four i'm sorry that's uh because i missed it so i have to be there seriously uh thank you it was such a pleasure and we have learnt a lot and i i do we do not take you for granted for joining i know you could have so many places you would have been but you did choose to come and be with us we appreciate it thank you so much to ginny thank you dr adam thank you chris my homeboy thank you michelle i can't wait thank you so that i can have a chat with you it was such a thing so see you in mana pools see you in great zimbabwe see you in the eastern highlands see you and explore zimbabwe explore the various destinations that we have it's been a pleasure having you we love having you in zimbabwe we can't wait to host you i i don't have some busy beer today but i was gonna drink something over to you thank you so much thank you thank you thank you yeah bye bye now bye bye and michelle ah technical glitch there i suppose anyway let me start again i just want to thank you tesh for the lovely presentation and i did copy correctly jenny will go to machingo however she will be convinced by chris to join him in the eastern highlands dr adam wool will be going to victoria falls the smoke that thunders and is looking forward to multicultural relationships starting he wants to see chinese and zimbabweans getting married that will be very interesting and then we have michelle who wants to go to mana pools i'll definitely join you in mana pools michelle thank you so much we will take a short break however we will return at 15 15 central african time when we focus on midlands the melting pot of cultures join us at 15 15. goodbye

2021-11-11 16:53

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