The Peaks and Valleys of Idaho – Moto Travel Diaries [S1 Ep24]

The Peaks and Valleys of Idaho – Moto Travel Diaries [S1 Ep24]

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What could it be this time? It might be the kickstand sensor. But I can fix that. Hey everyone! Welcome back to Notiers Frontiers  Diaries. In the last episode, we went into Idaho   to explore the incredible state that it is, and  in this episode we see one of Idaho's most famous,   and beautiful features - the Sawtooth  Mountains. And we also have a bit of a   disaster that happens. That's almost a common theme. You might be catching on to. Yeah, I think that's  just a part of travel though. I mean it's always  

ups and downs, right? You always have good  things and bad things that happen to you,   and it's always out of your control, and you  just have to go with it, whatever it may be.   Stay positive. That's right. So we started  off in the morning at this campsite that was   one of my favorites. It was in Challis hot  springs. Well, get in there.

This is nice! That's where we had our Spa Day, because they  had hot springs there, and it was amazing. I just   loved... first of all, I love hot springs. But  the fact that they were so clear, they were just   the perfect temperature, it was nice and chilly  out, and so it was that perfect contrast between   the hot water and the chilly outside. And so we  slept really well. Yes. We had a gorgeous view of   the mountains. And that night we ran into, there  was a bunch of, like nine motorcyclists that are on   dirt bikes, or single track orientated.  So I don't think there was a 650 among   them. They're all 250 cc, 300's, but a good  conversation. It was really cool. Most of them  

were level-headed. There was a few weird ones,  sorry if you're watching this. They had a shaman. They were awesome. But I just thought that was really great  that this group of people had come together.   And they did it every year apparently. Yeah, so  it's like just a group of friends that   get together regardless of where their lives  are at, and they go... to different places out   West. And they certainly picked some good  places to go to this time through Idaho.  

And so they were telling us some cool, harder  stuff. We told them about the Colorado BDR,   and how there were some difficult sections. But  they would just zoom through happily. You know,   it's always just fun to talk with like-minded  people. There were beers involved. Marisa doesn't   drink, and so when strangers have beers, I just  seem to magnitate... to them. You're magnetized.   You're attracted to them. Magnetically. Yes. So  I had an extra good night because I had a couple   beers, a couple few more than I should have had.  After a wonderful swim in the hot springs, I mean  

it's perfect. And they had a campfire... that's  the best. And just good conversation. Absolutely.   And so we woke up the next morning and it was  beautiful. Those plumes of mist coming off of   the hot springs, because it was so cold and crisp  out, it just filled the view of the mountains with   those wafts. It looked like smoke, it was really  beautiful. And we packed up the motorcycle,   it started to get a little bit warmer once the  sun was more or less coming over the mountains.   We honked to our neighbors as we took off, and  waved goodbye. And headed on down the road.

And so to go through Sawtooth Mountains, there's  a beautiful road that we'd been told about   that is paved. But we'd also heard that there is  something called Bayhorse, which has an old mining   town, and a little bit of off-road. I don't even  think we heard of it, I think we were just riding   down and I saw an offshoot, and I was like, "Hey,  you want to go check out a mining town? When   was the last time we were disappointed by an old  mining town?" So we said yeah, so I turned off it,   and we just... Yeah, you're right. It was  just very serendipitous. It was a random road. And it was fairly easy, especially after some of  the stuff we had been doing. But just loose  

gravel and ruts... Really kind of perfect. Oh, it  was fantastic. Sadly when we got to the main mine   thing, it was closed. There was a big gate that  was closed, but you can appreciate it from afar.   And there was a car and a dude in the car waiting  there. I didn't know if he was a security guard  

or what, but the road kept going and I asked him,  "Hey, are they open?" He said, "No, they're closed."  And he was just waiting. He said, "Are you gonna  go down that road?" And I said, "Yeah." And he said,   "Because I heard it gets really gnarly,  and I don't want to go down it by myself."   I said, "You can follow us. I'm not gonna be able  to help you whatsoever if things go astray." He's   just in a car, and we're on a motorcycle. A  rental car because he was in the area for business.   And he said that his brother had recommended that  he go down this road because there was a lake,   Bayhorse Lake, down at the end of the road. We had no idea about any of this stuff.  

But we said, "Sure, follow us along." And we  took off down the road. And it did get quite   narrow. I could see how if you were  in a vehicle that you felt couldn't handle the   road, there wouldn't have been a good place to  turn around. No. So that would have been tricky   for him. But it wasn't too bad. The problem  was that going off-road on a motorcycle,   and going off-road even in a 4x4, a Jeep... When  you see Jeeps doing nasty off-road stuff, they're  

kerplunking and they're at crazy angles, and  they're doing all this, but they're going two, three miles an hour to do all this stuff. And  me, I'm zipping along. I'm doing 10, 12, 15 mph.   If you're on a 250 cc dirt bike, you're doing a  wheelie the whole time. But we were definitely   not that fast though. No, but I kept looking  in my rearview mirror for this guy in this  

Rav4 or whatever. But he was way off in the  distance. And actually, on a motorcycle the truth   is you can't go that slow. Especially uphill.  You'll fall over. You can only go so slow on these   off-road areas. It really depends on the terrain,  but on certain terrain, you have to keep your   speed. I was trying to be a good samaritan, but at  some point I just said, "I don't know where he is,   and I'm not not waiting around for him." We  were like, "Let's check out this Bayhorse Lake!"  

Yeah, and then the road splits off, and again we  didn't know where he was. The guy just pointed   down the road and said, "There's a lake at the  end of the road." And then there's a split,   and we were like, "I don't know which way to go." But to  the right was certain doom. It was zigzaggy,  

and there were mines on the side of  the cliff. And it looked really cool,   and I was gung-ho. I would have done it if  Marisa was on board. But I was equally excited   when she was like, "Let's go left." There's not  a lake up there, I'll tell you that much. Maybe   there's a crater lake, but... You could see these  old mining buildings, and one of them was built so   directly onto the cliff, I have no idea how those  settlers built that place. Just like chuck the  

ore down the mountainside. It was nuts how  steep that was. And you could see this tiny   road going to it. And I was like, "No, that  is a mule track." There is no way that they   got anything up there that wasn't on two feet or  four feet. No wheels managed to get up there. So   I'm glad we didn't go that way. I'm ok with that. So we  went left, and the road was beautiful. The trees were   nice and colorful. There were campgrounds, or  you could see people had camped out in these   fields. But we finally got to the lake. It was  really beautiful. There was this little pier  

that went off into it. It was like there's this  beautiful empty lake, there's nothing around,   and then just a pier that kind of goes off into  it. It's kind of like your picturesque   little mountain lake. Just you and the lake, and  maybe some ducks and maybe a loon if you're lucky.   Yeah, really picturesque. But my  favorite part was on the way back. Because as we were coming back, this was still  very early morning, and the sun was rising   and there were some clouds in the sky. And the  clouds made it so that the sun's rays came down   in what we call God Rays. God Fingers massaging  the earth. God Rays just streaming down. Yes,  

that one valley was blessed. It was so beautiful,  and then the sunlight would filter through the   clouds, and we were at high enough altitude and  it was fall so that some of the trees had turned   a beautiful golden color. And we were just kind  of going through this tunnel of golden leaves   with the sun's rays shining through and mountains  in the distance. It was beautiful! And we saw our   little four-wheeled friend, and he said, "Yeah,  I turned around." Good on you. Sure. He saw the   first place he could turn around, and was like,  "I'm going back." It was a rental car, so he's not   doing that. But we got a good adventure out of  it. Indeed. And then at the little mining camp, we  

saw like the same nine bikes from the campground.  And they were all there, and we're taking   pictures and we heard, "Tim!" Who in a thousand  miles knows my name? And I was like, "Hey!" And so   that was cool, a little reunion, meet and greet. And  then we bailed. And we headed off to Sawtooth. So your brother had texted you, he saw that  we were in this area that he had visited.   Yeah we have the GPS Garmin Inreach, and it  gives our family and immediate friends exact   locations of where we are. And my brother saw that  we were in an area that he had just ridden to the  

year prior. And he said, "Oh my God, you got  to go to lake..." Well, he'd "driven" to. Yeah,  he was in... four wheels. But, what was the lake named?  Stanley. Lake Stanley. Yeah, and he said,   "You got to go to Lake Stanley." And I said, "I  don't know if it's too far out of our way." But   then I looked at the map, and it was like right  there. That's where we're going. It's kind of in   the heart of the Sawtooth Mountains. And so we put  that into the GPS, headed there. And the picture  

that your brother had taken was gorgeous. It was  placid. He got up in the bright morning, and the   lake was just a mirror. But we found the same,  I must have been standing on the same stone   that he took his picture from. We'll do a side by  side here. Then I sent it to him, and it was just  

it was just so cool. I love my brother to death,  he had some good advice. He had a good time,   I had a good time at the same exact spot in  the world. We both met at different timelines,   at that second. So that was cool. And  the mountains around it, I can see why they're   called the Sawtooth Mountains, because they are  so jagged, they really do look like shark teeth   or something just sticking up out of the earth,  and kind of cradling this lake. It was beautiful.   And so we had a good lunch stop. I had a reuben I  remember fondly. Oh yeah, we found some sandwiches.   That was perfect. I mean you just have a good  riding day, you pack some delicious sandwiches,  

and the weather's nice, pull over, have a nice  view, we ate our sandwiches right there with   the view of the lake and the mountains behind  it... And yeah, it was pretty perfect. And I   was thinking, "Could it get any better?" You  know, there's really only one way for things   to go when it's that perfect. And ironically,  we had reached like the apex of the mountain pass,   so we were going down. We did enjoy ourselves  for a little bit longer. We had, again, perfect  

weather. We were stopping at every little pull off  and campground that there was to take pictures. There was a beautiful river that the road  followed. So the asphalt road, the main road   follows this river as most roads and mountains  do. And so there's a bunch of little pull-offs,  

they're campgrounds or picnic areas or  whatever. But I'd see all this beauty,   this river through all the trees, and then there'd  be an opening. And I'd turn around and pull in.   "Oh my God, this is beautiful!" And then we'd get  two miles down the road, and I'd see another one,   like, "Oh my God, that's beautiful!" And we had nothing but time. We were going through  

Idaho to visit our friend Brandon in Boise.  So we were going to make it to Boise that day.   So we had plenty of time, we were just enjoying  ourselves at every little pull-off. And then at   one of these pull-offs, we were taking lots of  pictures. The pictures were great. They were so   beautiful. I took a couple "blue steel" shots  just for fun. But we were having a great time,   and then we went to get back on the  motorcycle... and it didn't start. And this has at this point been kind of a  reoccurring thing that has made me nervous.  

Because it happened first in Florida. And then  again on our way when we were going over the   Mississippi, it just died on our way to Colorado.  We were towed by our friend Pete back to Colorado.   But we thought we had resolved the problem.  There's the Regulator Rectifier, and it's called   the RR. It's where the the battery is terminated  with the charger and the stator so that the stator   is always continuously charging the battery, but it's not going to just over charge it. And so   the stator regulates how much voltage the battery  is kept at. And in a perfect running vehicle,  

it's always 13.5, 14, 15, whatever it may  be on your particular vehicle. Boring stuff   out of the way that I don't even really know  what I'm talking about. But it sounds good.   It sounded pretty good. But I unscrewed the regulator, and a  liquid, black death had come out of it. And it was   like a mixture of Namibian sand and Peruvian mud  and Florida monsoons, and I knew that that was not   good. I know that during electrical terminations,  more water, more problems. And so when I had that   dumped out, and fixed and taped it back up,  everything started, and it felt good. Because  

when when you're solving problems and you don't  do anything, and then things work, it's like   I don't know. I didn't really fix anything, and so  I don't really feel confident that this isn't going   to happen again. But those were one of those  times when Marisa asked me, and I was like,   "I'm like 90% sure that we fixed it." Every day his confidence would go up too. We'd  

already been going through a bunch of off-road in  Colorado, and we'd gotten all the way up to Idaho,   and so everything was functioning  fine. We figured - found a problem,   fixed the problem, we're good,  right? And then... surprise! It's just so disappointing  because it's just like...   I don't know much about bikes to begin with. And  I'm a strong advocate that I don't think that   you have to be a professional KTM or Ducati or BMW  mechanic to be able to go ride your bike. I mean...  Around the world even. For sure. But  I don't know a lot about the mechanics,  

and I know even less about the electronics. And  if it's mechanical, like I don't know how to mend   a broken bone in a leg. But if  something snapped, I would know to put a stick on   it and wrap it. And same with a motorcycle. I know  how to use JB Weld and Gorilla Tape and zip ties,   but when it comes to the electronics, or the  neurological system... Is that a system? Yeah. I think so.  

Nailed it! I would have no idea what to do. And  same with the bike. If you gave me a fluke meter,   I would just press a bunch of things and the  thing would go beep, and I don't have any idea   what's going on here. Long of the short, at that  very moment in time, my energy and my happiness went down.   You know, you're not giving yourself  enough credit. Because you do know a few things,   and you know to disconnect the battery,  and reconnect it, kind of reboot the whole   electrical system. You tried doing the kickstand  sensor. There's a throttle body trick,  

because I had googled some tricks. You know some things. And actually, it did get working again. I don't know. I can change out the dongle... Or we can just go now that it's running. I can change out the dongle, and if it happens again, then we know it's not that. Yeah, let's do that. But at this point, we were so upset that this  reoccurring problem had... It was back.  

It surfaced again. So that definitely dampened our  spirits, and we didn't know if we would be able   to make it to Boise or not. And I didn't want  to call anybody for another tow, and it was just   poopy... And so we're sitting there, trying to do  all the different things that I could finally do. 

It started, and I said, "Okay, let's not  mess around." Let's not turn the bike off   unless we need gas, and if we're at a gas  station and need help, that would surely be   a better place to be stuck than at a  campground in the middle of some mountain pass. EDS Failure - which is normal.

I say we just go. So that will all be in our next episode  of what happens next. Cliffhanger!   I hope you liked this video. If you did,  please give us a thumbs up, and hit the   subscribe button below, and we will be seeing  you next time. Peace everybody! Bye! Stay safe.

2021-11-23 11:29

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