The National for Wednesday, October 17, 2018 — Legalization Day, Paul Bernardo, Tracking Bots

The National for Wednesday, October 17, 2018 — Legalization Day, Paul Bernardo, Tracking Bots

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On. This Wednesday night and. So. It begins the long lines, bare shelves, and head scratching questions. Of day, one of pot legalization, how, did you choose your selection, I went, for one of everything but what happens now. Their. Daughters were killed by Paul Bernardo and they, came to his parole hearing to try to make sure he stayed behind bars, he, is a psychopath, his bid for parole was such a long shot some, are asking what's, the point. And. In. Depth fake news and the us midterms, is so easy so you hit that share button. But. Really. We all need to slow down think the problems of the 2016, election are fixed think, again. After. Years of study fierce debate and a relentless, campaign, of, public persuasion, Canadians, are now free, to, enjoy legal, cannabis from coast to coast to coast but not of course without, some strict, conditions. So. Tonight we will look at legalization. From several, fronts including how, it went across the country we'll talk to people about what worked logistically. And what didn't, we'll explore how this, affects communities, those connected. To the pot trade and, those that want nothing to do with it so let's begin our coverage tonight with. Susan ormiston who spent the day taking, in this massive, cultural, shift. It. Took 95. Years. To, launch this breakfast, party, wake and bake to, dump criminality. For legal weed, that's. Strong yeah. This is my homegrown, catatonic. Blackberry. Jonathan. Hirsch has smoked medicinal, and other pot for 17, years now, anyone of age can an. Opportunity. To get people off opioids, it's an opportunity, to get people on to something positive off of alcohol it's, a super, great opportunity, for Canada, really. Peter. Tosh's weed, anthem. Legalized, it came, out back in 1975. And, today over 40 years later Canadians. Bought their first legal. Gram of pot at midnight, in st. John's. In. Montreal, long, lineups, all day, the. First in line it's a big moment for a STONER like me by, afternoon stocks, had run out in a few parts of the country by. Afternoon some, Newfoundland, stores had sold out in. Ontario the online, store, ran a hundred transactions. A minute, initially, a few, strains sold out and at the US border well. Some, questions, they, just asked, if we had any marijuana, or any, cannabis. And we said no a, cultural. Revolution just. Beginning, starting. At the back of this coffee shop it's a celebration, tolerance. In. Canada, and that there is a third way the money that I spend. Will. Go to, legitimate. Operations, and not fun organized, crime the government, has staked its success, on shutting, down the illegal market, but, pot habits, die hard, Dave. Ekins has made glass, pipes and bongs quietly, for years. Where. Did you get your weed today um I, just got it from a friend are you going to migrate to the legal line. You. Know I haven't really put much stock. Dispensaries. Are still strictly, illegal, is this open, no. Is it. Closed for good or are. You telling them to go somewhere else. They're, closed. Not, exactly. Later she, gave our colleague. A card sending, her to this, dispensary. Which, she was told will, reopen tomorrow. So. After. Today's, pot, infused, euphoria, and parties.

Who, Legalizing, cannabis do, what it promised to that's. The test oh. Great. So Adrian tonight I'm at a big pot party in Toronto sponsored. By the cannabis, society and one of the new legal producers. The CEO told me it's a big day bigger than he expected a third of its product alone already, sold out across the country. So. She said you touched on something earlier, I just want to explore briefly and that's sort of the stigma, that comes with coke smoking, pot has today changed how people deal with that at all. Yeah, for sure I mean look at this room over 600, people of middle-class, professionals you. Know over, a dozen pot executives. Here in this room for them they've stepped out of the shadows they're not afraid now to say we like, we, for. Others though the stigma still exists, they're worried about leaving their information, online telling, the government that they used to use weed or want to use it in the future, and that may take a long time to, go away Adrian, okay. Thanks Susan or Susan ormiston at a legalization, party, in Toronto tonight. Wow. That was loud the, federal government, also had another cannabis, announcement, today though it's making, it easier, for otherwise, law-abiding citizens. To get pardons, on past pot, convictions. Individuals. Who previously acquired, criminal. Records for simple, possession of cannabis. Should, be allowed to shed, the burden and the stigma, of that, record a simple. Pot possession conviction. Means no more than 30 grams and you have to be finished serving your sentence to apply Public. Safety Minister Ralph Goodale says new legislation. Will eliminate the current five to ten year waiting period and waive, the usual, 631. Dollar fee. This. Will eliminate what, our, disproportionate. Consequences. And break, down barriers, which, could mean greater access to job, opportunities, and. Education, housing, and even, the ability to simply volunteer. For a charity, in your, local community, a pardon. Does not guarantee however. That you'll be allowed entry, into the US because the conviction, isn't erased, just, forgiving geudael, says the legislation, could be tabled before year's end and, while. Some are applauding the move to ease up on minor pot convictions, others are criticizing. The government for not going further the, CBC's catherine cullen dives into that debate. You. Interact with police you get treated as a criminal Kani Mullaly says police charged him with cannabis, possession, three, times he. Says even though there are no convictions. On his record the, charges, are enough to cause him grief you. Know having. To wonder if that's the reason that you're getting pulled over right now if this is the reason that you're getting searched this is the reason that you're not being. Accepted. To a job that this is the reason that you're getting turned back from the border because all of those things have happened more, than once. Stigma. Is part of the reason the government says it's putting forward a plan for, pardons because. There. Is a disproportionate, representation. Of, young people from minorities, racialized, communities who. Are saddled, with criminal, convictions for convictions. For simple, possession this is going to make a real difference to people who've who've. Been. Unfairly. Impacted. By by, the previous, previous. Regime but. Some say a pardon, isn't, enough pardoning. Is not going to help people out the way that people need to be helped out the NDP, and others, are calling for expungement, basically. A blanket. Erasing. Of simple. Possession charges, an expungement would, easily facilitate. For those people the, ability to get meaningful employment versus. Pardons, are quite. A lengthy process the. Government disagrees, saying it's pardon process will be faster, and that expungement. Is only for special cases like erasing the criminal records of LGBTQ. Canadians. Who, are once charged, just for having same-sex, relationships. We have utilized. The tool of expungement. In. Cases. Where. There. Is a, profound. Historical. Injustice. That. Needed to be corrected pot, legalization, says, good ale is just about a change in social attitudes. Mullaly. Calls pardons, a good first, step any, of these people that have been affected by this it's their name having, innocence - your name is an important, thing in this world that doesn't matter what it is but he says erasing. Everyone's. Record, would, give greater peace of mind, Katherine, Cullen CBC, News Ottawa.

So. How many Canadians, actually have a criminal record for simple, pot possession well the number. 500,000. Has actually been used previously and we did try to get an updated, number today but even the government can't say for sure, how, many people have that record of simple possession due to the way records, are kept across court rooms the, government, does believe though it to be, tens of thousands. It's. A dangerous substance and I, don't think our country needs it people my age remember, teaching wrong and how bored and unmotivated they, were at. 2% THC. Now, it's 15, I think it's a sad day I can't, see this is a day where I'm rejoicing, smoking, a joint I think it's a sad day for youth. So. Not everyone celebrating, his first day of legalization it, was a small but vocal group, of protestors gathered, outside Bill Blair's constituency. Office in Toronto's East End and their, message legalization, is, a mistake, they aren't alone though there are many Canadians, who still have questions about whether this move will do more harm than good and Minister. Blair joins me now here in Ottawa to talk more about that so what do you say to them today about why you believe, it. Is the right decision well. I understand, when people are worried about their children I'm worried about their kids too and I'm worried about the fact that in Canada we have the highest rates of marijuana, use among our kids of any country in the world I'm, worried about the fact that the marijuana our kids are using they're buying from criminals, you know it's untested, unregulated, unsafe, the kids don't know its potency and, and and purity and and, the people are buying this drug from their only motivated, by profit, there are miners out there that are still going to find a way to get their hands, on marijuana. And consume, it so what, to you then is a reasonable, timeline to start seeing those kids get. Pulled out of that black market and for the black market to sort of dissipate, well. I'll, tell you the right time to start is right away and we started today and and, in addition, to now giving the police and parents far more effective, tools to help those kids make, safer healthier and and, and more responsible, choices we. Also have empowered the police still have all the tools and and and, legal, authorities they previously, possessed, to deal with the illicit production and distribution we have taken any of those authorities away, the, penalties are still in place and they can still enforce the, criminal law, that. Minister and I understand that and I understand you're trying to do this starting today but that wasn't the question the question was when, should Canadians, who are concerned about their kids and you say that's what's motivating you when should they expect to see a change on that front so that it is no longer available to, them. What. Are we talking clearly it's clearly it's not going to happen overnight, organized crime has had 100% of this market for, decades, and and, they're not just going to go quietly into the night but, at the same time we now have the tools and, competition. In the marketplace to, drive them out and we've. Got a comprehensive, system of regulation, it's going to do a far better job of restricting, the access that kids had to this and and, so you know clearly we are attempting to reach significantly, reduce the.

Amount Of cannabis. Smoked by our kids and the age at which they use. It you, know we've had a lot of success quite frankly with a strict regulatory approach with tobacco we have not had the same success with cannabis about 11% of Canadian adults use, tobacco, and about 30%, of Canadian adults use cannabis and so, we've got a lot of work to do but we've got a model that works that we're going to apply in these circumstances okay, Minister Blair thank you for your time tonight appreciate it sir Thanks. Stay. With us for more coverage, of legalization. Day, 1 including. How the rollout is going across the country and, what people are saying about it. An. Emotional, day in an Ontario, courtroom, where, one of Canada's, most notorious, criminals, was seeking parole, this. Coming two and a half decades after the world learned about all Barnardo's horrific. Murders and sexual assaults, it's, the latest painful, chapter, in one of Canada's most disturbing. Series of crimes committed by Bernardo. And his wife Karla, Homolka. Two. Teenage girls kidnapped, sexually. Assaulted, and murdered, 14. Women, raped. And. For. Many the trauma of that violence, was felt once again today, our, Ron Charles was watching, the hearing. Paul. Bernardo spent, more than two hours explaining. Why he should, be released from this maximum-security. Prison. Into the community, one. Of Canada's most infamous. Criminals, told the parole board panel, that he would never. Reoffended. It devastates. Me what I did in the past I cry all the time what, I did was dreadful, Bernardo. Blamed the crimes on low self-esteem, the. Lawyer for the families, of the victims took issue with that when, someone like Paul Bernardo talks about well what would my what, my trigger is. Is, low. Self-esteem, let. Me just take that by itself in. Light of his his history. There, isn't an expert in the world of psychiatry. And psychology that. Wouldn't tell you that his, explanations. Were were proof positive that he represented, us very serious, threat to public. Safety the. Mothers of Leslie, Mahaffy, and Kristen French, had to injure sitting, just meters from Bernardo, to give their impact, statements, Donna, French said for, those who say time heals I, say, there is nothing further from the truth when, the wound affects, the entire core, of a family, both. Mothers had the same message that Bernardo, needs to spend the rest of his life in jail one. Of them women he sexually assaulted, as the Scarborough rapist, was there too she. Says the attack left her a shell of her former self. Bernardo. Had nothing to say to any of them there's. Never been an apology, by Paul. Bernardo there's but never any, indication whatsoever, of, remorse. And. Other. Than you know I think some self-pity, that we saw today now. That Barnardo's life sentence, has passed the 25, year mark the parole board is required to, review his incarceration, every, two years, the.

Parole Board members did, reaffirm. The appropriateness, of Bernardo, having been declared a dangerous, offender, and so, there's no set, date for the end of, his sentence, meaning. He could very well take his last breath at this prison Ron Charles CBC, News bath Ontario. As. You heard in their victim impact statement, some others of Leslie, Mahaffy, and Kristen French. Described, the parole process, as, gut-wrenching. Here's, how Debbie Mahaffey put it. Preparing. This statement has not been cathartic it is not healing it is invasive, to, re-examine the past years of harm, and heartache, that we have experienced, and worked, so hard to accept she, adds this parole hearing process rips, apart all the healing we've worked so hard to achieve and, replaces. The beautiful, protected, memories, of Leslie's, life with us with, familiar, terror and uncertainty. So. Is the current parole system unfair, to families of victims we're joined in studio by Toronto lawyer Joseph Neuberger, an experienced, criminal lawyer, in Toronto in fact you have clients who have spent a long time in prison and then, seeking parole, why. Should somebody like Paul Bernardo even, get a hearing like this because it's very important, for a democracy to have mechanisms for, people even convicted, of heinous crimes to be able to apply for parole and some, form of release it it's that Maxim a society. Is judged by the way we treat our offenders, and it's extremely, important, that we have a rule of law that allows that type of access it. Was pretty clear to a lot of people and certainly, the the board, made it clear within, a short period of time that they weren't going to give parole. To, Bernardo, you've actually written, a textbook, on. Offenders. And how dangerous they are do. You think he'll ever get parole no his risk profiles, off the charts when you consider the multiple, homicides, the. Manner in which they occurred as well as the sexual assault cases. In which he pled guilty and, was convicted of his, profile, is so off the charts that there is virtually. No way that I could imagine he could be managed in the community safely and so the parole board will be very cognizant, of that going forward this, is an individual, who will behind bars for the rest of his life he's, gonna get another hearing he. Will and that's appropriate and it's challenging to the victims and their families, but it's appropriate, in a democratic, society like ours I think it's very good and what do you say to the families who have talked about how how, wrenching. This whole process has been well. It's challenging, and everybody, feels their pain but. They also have to understand that the system will work and it will work up appropriately, especially, in this case we've seen that the parole was denied but, we we as a society it's, important, to maintain the principles of a democracy, and the rule of law and the ability for people to access parole, if it is justified, in some circumstances. So we feel their pain but.

It's Necessary, for the greater good in my opinion all right there was a new burger really nice having your perspective, thank you thank you for having me. Some. Other stories, were following tonight, on the National including, a mass school, shooting, in Crimea, which is unusual for Russia at least 19. People most of them teenagers, were, killed. So. It seems an eighteen-year-old student, ran through a Technical College shooting in room after room and, II detonated, an explosive filled. With metal in the cafeteria. Another, device was, found in his bag the gunman was described, by schoolmates, as an angry, isolated. Person, he, then killed himself. Group. Of Bologna, pages, there. Were many bodies children's. Bodies, this woman is saying other witnesses, described total panic as no one seemed, to know what was happening at first initial, reports wrongly, suggested. It was a natural, gas explosion and. There have been attacks, at schools and Russia over the past few years but most, of them have been knife attacks, in part because, firearm, laws are, strict. And. The man behind the the, man behind the deadly Quebec City mosque shooting, will, now be sentenced, next year Alexander, Looby Senate was, supposed, to have his sentence, handed down later, this month but CBC. News has learned that sentencing, has been postponed. A new, date will be chosen Friday. B, Senate opened, fire on a roomful of men just after evening prayers in, 2016. Six people were killed 19. Others hurt he. Pleaded, guilty during. His trial earlier this year. Still. Ahead on the national the u.s. is just weeks away now from the midterm elections, in tonight's dispatch, Stephen, D'Souza asked, are these elections, safe from trolls and hackers, Plus. Jamal, khashoggi Gees final, op-ed, written just before he disappeared, his, rallying, cry for a free press in the Middle East and. In our moment, well a moment, plenty of Canadians, shared today we follow some Hal Ogoni ins as they buy up roll, up and, light, up legally, for the first time feels. Really, really good, knowing. That you're supporting a market that's legal and not illegal, how, did you choose your selection, I went, for one of everything. Literally. I got one of everything so. Pretty excited about it and there's still more. It's. Been 15, days since Saudi dissident. And columnist, Jamal Khashoggi mysteriously. Disappeared. And is in Istanbul, and while there is plenty of speculation, that he's been killed tonight. Hauntingly. The Washington Post is, publishing, more of his work a column. Written likely, just days before he, disappeared, in which he calls for more free expression, across the Arab world keshavjee. Writes Arab, governments, have been given free rein to continue, silencing. The media at an increasing. Rate these, actions, no longer carry the consequence, of a backlash, from the international, community instead. These actions may trigger condemnation. Quickly. Followed, by silence.

Now. The new op-ed isn't the only shocker chilling, audio, has reportedly, surfaced, of Khashoggi, g's alleged torture and assassination. By a Saudi hit squad the claim was, made in the state-controlled Turkish. Media which likely means the government wants, that information, out there and, as, Alan Mauro explains, that information. Comes as Donald, Trump's top diplomat, returns home from a whirlwind. Supposedly. Fact-finding. Mission, a. New. Front, in the investigation. Turkish, police searching the residence of the Saudi Consul, in Istanbul, Jamal, khashoggi entered the nearby consulate. Itself more than two weeks ago never, to be seen again and now, a Turkish, newspaper claims, there's grim audio, of khashoggi skilling reportedly. Revealing, that the journalist, was beaten, and his fingers cut off before, he was decapitated and, dismembered. But. After days of highlighting, their denials, President Trump is still holding back on blaming the Saudis they're, an important, ally but I want to find out what happened, where. Is the fault and we, will probably know that by the end of the week but Mike Pompeo is coming back we're gonna have a long talk as difficult, questions, swirl over Saudi involvement. Pompeyo Secretary, of State was, all smiles yesterday, with Saudi Prince Mohammed, bin Salman, MBS. As he's known has, been accused of ordering the killing. Today. Pompeo met with Turkish officials and like, his boss highlighted. The importance, of the Saudi relationship. We, have many. Overlapping, interest places we work together. Places. Where Saudi. Arabian the United States are trying to achieve important, things around the world but, Trump's fellow Republicans. Want the administration, to be tougher I have lots of confidence, in the US intelligence community and I think that they're they're building, information, that's very useful for the president to understand, and I hope he's listening to all that information not, just the the arguments, that are coming from Saudi officials. Meanwhile. The investigation continues. As real answers, remain elusive and Khashoggi geez loved ones wait to know for sure what. Happened to him Ellen. Morrow CBC, News Washington. Next. On the National Bye, Bye Birdie the man behind the towering. Yellow, Muppet, is leaving, Sesame Street we, bid farewell to the puppeteer, behind your favorite Big Bird in case you missed it. Plus. Strolls, BOTS and Russian, hackers hallmarks, at the 2016, presidential, election and, guess what they're back just, in time for the midterm the. Russians, other actors, have refined. Their game they've, updated their, playbook, and this, time it, will be much more of a micro targeting effort. They're gonna look at specific, district. Despite. All the talk about fake, news all of the hearings and investigations on. How to stop it and all of the promises, made by social, media companies, to crack down the. Problem, persist in fact, a new report by the knight foundation found more than 80 percent of Twitter accounts that spread misinformation during. The 2016, US election, campaign, are still, active, so active, in fact that they're still tweeting more than a million times a day and.

With. The u.s. midterms now just three weeks away Facebook. And Twitter are ramping, up their fight against foreign influence, and misinformation, but. Will it be enough. The. CPC Stephen D'Souza shines a light on what's real and what's bought in tonight's dispatch, from wilkes-barre. Pennsylvania. Erin. Gallagher is a hunter, of sorts from, a laptop in Northeast Pennsylvania the. Freelance graphic designer spends. Her free time sifting. Through social, media she's. Looking for nefarious activity. Analyzing. The chatter to, try and figure out who's. Really shouting, I see, my own family and friends struggling with. What's. A belief her, main targets, are bots their automated accounts, controlled by people or, sometimes operating, independently, on their own BOTS aren't bad it, comes down to how they're used, take. The story of Kate Steinle the. 32 year old was shot on a pier in San Francisco, in 2015. An, undocumented. Immigrant, was charged in her murder and her, name became a flashpoint for border and immigration protests. Passions. Had only inflamed, when the alleged shooter was acquitted, so, right, here I can see there's something unusual, happening, but, while the passion, and anger was obvious, in the online conversation. Gallagher. Saw more she. Pulled thousands, of tweets together, then, ran them through sophisticated, graphic software, she. Created a visualization. Of the social media conversation. What. Emerges, is this, a complex. Multicolored. Web, here's. What a normal conversation. On Twitter looks like around the me to movement now. Compare, that to what happened around the Kate Steinle hashtag. Outside. Influences, pulling the conversation. In different directions as she. Filters out regular traffic she, starts to see thicker lines showing. Accounts, spouting, a massive amount of messages often amplifying. And exaggerating. Parts of the debate this. Is an account that frequently. Amplifies. Anti-immigration. Hashtags, anti-muslim. Hashtags, when. When you can, see that there are accounts, that are tweeting, more than humanly possible, then that is. A good indication that the conversation, is not entirely organic. Hijacking. Regular debate online was, page one of Russia's playbook in the 2016, election campaign, their. Operatives, created hundreds of Facebook pages seen. By, 126. Million Americans, on Twitter. 50,000. Russian linked BOTS tweeted about the election their. Goal inflamed. And exaggerated, turning. Conversation. Into. Confrontation. In. Some cases the manipulation. Left off the screen, and onto the street take. These dueling rallies in Houston in 2016. In front of an Islamic Center neither. Group knew at the time that, the Russians organized. Both protests. The. Extremes, are much much louder, than, the, middle of the map Camille. Francois is a cybersecurity researcher. An analyst who tracks political, and foreign manipulation, on social media the, end goal of those foreign interference campaigns. Is to, divide, voters, and to, create mistrust. In. The system. She. Says the 2016, election, was a wake-up call for America, a realization. That what's happening around the world was, happening here. We're. Identifying and, challenging, 8 to 10 million suspicious, accounts every week social. Media companies, have since been put under the microscope called, to account for what happened, and how, they'll stop fake accounts, and BOTS ahead, of the upcoming midterm elections. We. Are more, determined, than our opponents, and we will keep fighting this is just an ongoing battle isn't it cat-and-mouse. It's. Gonna be cat and mouse for a little while yeah but. Francois says we're still a long way from stopping, the manipulation, so, there's good in ban the good is that platforms, have gotten much better at detecting these types of manipulation, the bad is that there's more and more actors, that, are using, these types of manipulations. At. This security conference, in Washington, experts. From around the world are trying to figure out how to stay ahead of bots and fake news, Brett, Brune was a communication, specialist, in Barack, Obama's, State Department, the, Russians, other actors, have refined. Their game they've, updated their, playbook and this, time it, will be much more of a micro targeting effort. They're gonna look at specific, districts, he, says the next step for the Russians is on the streets of America funding. Unsuspecting. Third party groups to sow discord, that. Combined. With tried-and-true tactics, like dumping, hacked emails, to hijack, the headlines before November's, election, I have little doubt that we are going to see an October, Surprise drop. Camille. Francois says while Russia is still a threat the, biggest challenge now is domestic. Campaigns. Back. In July Facebook shut down 32, accounts, for what it called coordinated.

Inauthentic. Behavior, it, couldn't, tell who is behind the pages but, they used many of the same tactics, that the Russians used then. Last week Facebook, shut down more than 200. Accounts and removed, more than 500, pages all for, spreading homegrown. Disinformation. Using. Multiple fake accounts, to, exaggerate, issues across, the political spectrum, also. Like I think a moment. We're gonna have to realize that this is our new normal right. We, live in an information, space when there is manipulation, we. Need to know overreact, to it either we need to make sure we focus. On the parts that matter. Meanwhile. Back in Pennsylvania, Erin, Gallagher has some simple advice for those who don't spend all their free time hunting BOTS it's. So easy to hit that share button. But. Really. We all I think needs to sort, of slow. Down an, important, reminder from, someone who sees, every day the, power of disinformation, to change the course of conversations. And elections. Steven, D'Souza CBC, News wilkes-barre. Pennsylvania. Next. On the national Canada's, first high driving, ticket, today's surprising. Drop in pot stocks and how Canada's. Newest, cash crop is, taxing, the resources, of one small Ontario. Community, we, have provided as you can see that the hydro now we've addressed that need we've. Addressed the water need and. We have addressed the. The natural gas need, but. First a beloved performer from one of televisions most, popular. Children's show is hanging, up his Felton, feathers, in, case you missed it. It. Is hard to overstate how big a deal Big Bird has been two generations. Of kids and their parents allow. Myself to deduce me to you my. Name is Big Bird and I guess you can see why. And. Maybe it seems counterintuitive that, Sesame, Street's most positive. Optimistic. Personality. And its grumpiest, are played by the same puppeteer, I'm a grouch by, trade and nature, but that says a lot about Carol's, spinnies range and decades-long. Devotion. To the characters, I felt it was my child I don't feel like I'm Big Bird I feel, I got, to bring my child to life in, fact spinny has been doing this for so long when. He started out Oscar was orange which would suggest there may, be some radioactive, sludge down, there. But. As fun as Oscar was to play it was the giant, yellow canary, that really took spinning places, Big. Bird went with Bob Hope to China in 1979. He. Got his own movie, even. A star on Hollywood's, Walk of Fame and now. After almost 50, years spinny, is turning, his creative, yin and yang over, to two longtime, colleagues, but, he says Sesame, Street will, always be in his heart he, is my best friend. I hope he hasn't gone. I. Think. Everybody has the right to smoke marijuana medicinally, or, real. Tonight. On the national, there was a party on the steps of the BC legislature, for day one of cannabis, legalization, just, one, pot, shop has been given, the official go-ahead, to, open today so most legal sales have, been made online but, by this afternoon many. Products, on the BC cannabis store website had, sold out this sold out sign also, appeared in Yellowknife, one, liquor store assuring, customers, they will have stocked tomorrow, they promised. While. Pot sales may be up that is not necessarily, true of cannabis, shares by the time the toronto stock exchange closed, today canopy. Growth had fallen more than 4% to just over 65, bucks aurora, cannabis, down almost 3%, but, at least one, firm áfreeá, had a pretty good day up almost 4%. Analysts. Just can't seem to agree on an explanation for, these mixed results, some say the hype around legalization. Is dying down others. Say the market is taking a bit of a breather after. Its meteoric, rise. And. This. Did not take long one. Hour after legalization. Winnipeg, police issued, a cannabis, related driving. Ticket around 1:00 a.m. officers. Served this notice to a driver for, consuming, pot in a car that is a six hundred and seventy, two dollar, fine, and it, prompted police to tweet out a reminder saying just like alcohol consuming. Cannabis is, legal. And like alcohol, consuming, it in your vehicle is not. So. Day one of legal, pot looked different, across the country lots of long lines in front of stores in some cities no, lines at all and others may, be interest, is low or maybe people are buying on the net so how interested. Are canadians, really, we. Checked in with four reporters, across canada, starting, with Breyer Stewart in Kamloops. BC. If. You're looking to pick up pot in BC today this is the only store, in the province, where you can do it legally it's called the BC cannabis, store and it's run by the government we got a quick tour of the store this morning while the crowd of about 100.

Stood In line until the doors opened and they could go in and make their first legal, purchases. Now. It's worth noting that some of the very first people who were in line work for cannabis, companies so they were only too happy to show off the products, they bought. Lemon. Stock but. There were plenty of other customers and reviews. Were mixed now. That I can purchase it legally, my money will go to, the government instead of going somewhere, else it was really expensive and. Its really unorganized in there um it's. It's. Ironic in a province with the plethora of pot shops that there's only one legal, store open today a few that we're operating have, closed up because they were worried about being shut down but, most are still selling waiting, to be licensed, in the future there will be public, and private, stores but right now anyone, who wants to do their shopping legally, will have to stand in this queue or go online to a government-run, website, but one province over there's, much more choice here. In Alberta the private sector is handling, the legalization. Of pot, and across the province at 17. Stores, people, got in long lines like this one trying, to be some of the first to, score weed legally, here, in Alberta we're the second, country in the world to legalize marijuana countrywide. So it, felt I'm. A part of history anyway it's not every day you can say that the liquor stores in Alberta, were privatized, decades, ago and this pot shop is actually part of a chain that includes both weed, and alcohol, retailers. Now, several Nova, cannabis, stores opened in Alberta today and the company's CEO hopes, that is just, the beginning there's four today that. Are opening and we, anticipate 32. More within. A year the key to that expansion low prices, aimed at taking market share from traditional, illegal. Dealers very. Early days but so far at least it seems to be working the, lines inside, are still long and filled, with satisfied.

Customers, Dozens, of private, stores, like this one are also to open their doors they should get the green light for that by the end of the month but some provincial governments, across the country have often take full control instead. I'm. In Halifax, where they have been lined up down the street and around the corner now here in Nova Scotia the retail cannabis experience, is a little bit unique the government, which owns all of the stores has this standalone, store where people can buy cannabis, but. Most customers, in this province will buy their marijuana in the same building where they buy their alcohol, albeit, in an adjacent room if anyone, thought there was a stigma, around being seen, buying pot well that is apparently, not expected, to be an issue here, in a province where it turns out people apparently, really like to smoke marijuana I went, for one of everything. Fact. Is Nova Scotia has the highest rate of cannabis consumption of any province in Canada 23 percent of residents have reported using, cannabis in this province in the previous three months according. To Statistics, Canada of, course that begs the question how much pent-up demand will there be for cannabis here in this province no, one really knows that but consider, this the Nova Scotia liquor corporation. Wanted, to have about 300, products for sale today it, only has about a third of that we're, working really hard we're honestly doing our best to get as much product here as we can as are the licensed producers, it's a process the, armored trucks carrying cameras have been unloading, here over the last few days but get this NSL sees current, supply is only, expected to last them about, three weeks, here. In Regina the supply put, a bit of a damper, on the day if you, were hoping to take pur in the excitement, of buying legal cannabis one of the provinces major centres, this. Is what you came across locked. Doors that's. Because some of the provinces, private, retailer, is simply didn't have enough pot or weren't ready for day one and those, that did open are upping their prices, it's, supply and demand right and and I think that with. It's. Just like any market, the market is the market and when there's not. A lot of you know a lot a lot of product the, price goes up too expensive, we'll, wait see, if the price comes down it's, just a matter, of time before everything. Gets up and rolling. And going that, will be up to each retailer, to decide once they think they have enough supply to meet demand. So. As you heard there there are obviously, some concerns about whether the supply for cannabis can meet the demand in this first year so, while this brand new industry does everything it can to ramp up production and. Try and get product on the shelves, Diane, Buckner explains that it's putting tremendous pressure, on the agricultural. Sector and the small towns that support it. This. Is our corridor, we've basically. Fixated. On saying this is where we want the greenhouse industry, to locate, Mayor. John Patterson is driving up highway 77. In Essex, County Ontario. Easy, to see why this is called the greenhouse capital. Of Canada. Greenhouse. Peppers End and tomatoes. And they're, developing into strawberries, eggplant.

That, Number of other products, including. Cannabis. In quelle yes this so that's the Nuvi happen the town has been struggling, to keep up with how much water and electricity all these greenhouses need now, suddenly cannabis. Is adding, to that demand. We. Have provided, as you can see that the hydro now we've addressed that need we've. Addressed the water need and. We have addressed, the. The natural, gas need. Now. Another, eighty million dollars is needed for a new sewer line. Leamington. To small we're, going to need provincial, and federal help, on this. Agriculture. Has grown gradually. Over decades, around this town of 32,000. People. Now. With the booming pot industry suddenly. The pressure is on we're, putting, up our phase 1 of a very large cannabis, cultivation, facility, so just. Off highway 77. This, CEO is in a hurry to break ground on Leamington, newest, cannabis, greenhouse, you, really can't build you, know over, a million square feet of warehouse in the amount of time you need but you can put up glass in greenhouses very quickly. His. New facility, will open next year and there. Are more coming. At this, greenhouse convention, everyone, is talking about pot, there's, a buzz I mean I think everybody is kind of looking at that opportunity. In, there to, maybe change their, business and, thinking hey is that's something that I could get into and and profit. At so today, I'm gonna be talking about managing cannabis, odor a seminar. On how to keep the strong smell of cannabis. From annoying, neighbors draws, a big crowd we. Are running the sewer line from our PCC plant all. The way up and that means mayor Patterson, and his team need to keep lobbying, the government to help little Leamington pay for that eighty million dollar sewer line. Still. Keeping our fingers crossed that the government will come and, and, realize what. A good investment this is going to be he. Believes the province will come around, as soon, as tax payments, from the cannabis industry start, to roll in, Dianne. Buckner CBC, News Leamington. It. Was a day full of firsts, for many Canadians, many of which also, happened to take place on camera, just like this one. So. What's it like to light up legally for the first time don't ask me but our colleague Jones followed that guy to find out that's next in our moment. But. First a reminder about, my favorite, night of the week at issue is tomorrow and no we will not be getting high unlike, what some of you suggested on Twitter but we will be talking pot, pardons, and politics, should the government have gone further it's, a whole new era and our panelists, have lots of opinions that's, tomorrow on the national.

As. A homicide, investigator you're not very often delivering, good moves I have, carried, the scars of this case my, whole life I will, never forget one. Of the hardest things I've had to do in 33, years on the job it's. Traumatic for anybody to, come home to find a loved one that's murdered, we can't write the role all, we can do is find the truth this is the most I've ever talked about it anybody I will. Never ever be the same. On. The. Next and with an e you received a letter today from, Gilbert, Blythe. Trinidad. I wonder. What he said and with, an e new. Episodes, Sunday at 7:00 on CBC. So. Lots of talk about cannabis, today and for some Canadians, this, was, a deeply, personal day, as they tried to shed the stigma, around, pot. That. Meant lighting up legally for the first time our calling Jones was there for that moment in Halifax, and that is our, moment. How. Did you choose your selection, I went, for one of everything you've got a bag full of dope. Here so I yeah Wow you're just gonna be stoned oh no no no no this is for like I want to help people understand. The, importance, of like knowing, what you're doing doing, before you get into it don't go flying blind if you're gonna like, you get involved and, you're. Gonna start to consume cannabis I think it's really important, that you, at. Least have a conversation about, it you're, in law school yes you. Are also planning. Yeah from, a dip not from a commercial type of standpoint more of policy. Analysis regulatory. Environment, academia. Perspectives, what, will bath be that, well. I think it includes Canada's being a leader and looking. Across our country and analyzing, the laws after they happen so. Tracking, its, youth legalization, going, on for people consuming, certain products over others and what does that mean for a public, health perspective on the market just tuck it in there I'll. Turn first. This. Stigma, yeah. Yeah, it's, important. I. Have. To say it is still weird. For me to see people just, doing, it and buying it and and that will take some time for me to prospect, the foot get also, you know I feel like this week is a bit like the Stanley Cup Finals where. Some people really really really care and other people say when's. Football season gonna start.

So. You know that tape that sometimes gets pulled out of the archives, of Peter referring, to is there's a new thing called Internet. I have a feeling in 20 years time someone's gonna yank this and go you know look how cute they were talking, about weed, you know as if it's a big thing which it's, not anyway that. Is a national, for. 1017. You.

2018-10-22 03:05

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