The National for Sunday December 31, 2017

The National for Sunday December 31, 2017

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It. Is Sunday December 31st, and this is the National tonight. Police. Are calling it an ambush, a gunman targeting, five deputies, responding. To a routine, call in Colorado. Protests. Turned deadly in Iran as the government, threatens to crack down and, shuts. Down social, media, we, begin here in Canada, where in most places in the country the, new year is coming in, freezing. Cold and, so. In many cities celebrations. Have been shortened, brought indoors or, canceled altogether but, even, in the coldest, spots that is not dampening, spirits, they told us it would be cold and you know what it's called yeah, they didn't disappoint it's cold but it's nice to come out and see all the fun. Not. At all even. Make it's better. There. In Winnipeg, where the annual New Year's event, is still on despite temperatures of minus 37. And that, cold snap is hitting much of the country the expected low in Edmonton. -. 38 warmer, in Toronto or perhaps the better description, is less frigid, -, 30 -. 36, is the forecast, in Ottawa, - 37, in Montreal, where New Year's celebrations. Are still ago and -. 27. In Charlottetown. This. Is a big country and we disagree, on many things how, to deal with extreme cold is one, of them apparently Greg. Ross has more on that a. New. Year bringing with it new record, low temperatures, across the country, as a petty, this, man was preparing for a big celebration in Charlotte towns victoria park, instead. He'll have to settle for a scaled-back indoor, celebration. Hosted, by the island, storm a local basketball team, you, can understand, with it being so cold to take. The risk and, of. People, maybe. Get an end up to the coldness they, weren't taking any risks in Edmonton, either where with the windchill it's going to feel close to minus 40, tonight they can expect a very modified, program there will be a fireworks, display in Edmonton, but the city says there's no need to come and watch in person, instead, we're encouraging, people to please. Watch the fireworks display at 9:00 p.m., tonight using, the Theoden Facebook, feed some, Winnipeggers, were willing to venture outside despite. The frigid temperatures it's not super. Cold tonight so the, kids wanted to do some skating and, that's. What we're doing. But. In Toronto, indoor, activities, were much more popular not, much do outside no one wants to be outside so. Yeah, everyone, seems to be off the streets today that's for sure. Well. Not, quite everyone it's, pretty warm in there it's. Really warm and I'm homeless problem 30 years this, woman seeking refuge, at Toronto's newest winter respite, site. It's. Added 110, beds to the city's overcrowded. Shelter system and organizers. Say it's, imperative, they use them and get, out of the cold when the temperatures, get down to minus. 20-25, at night that. Can be very very serious for people who don't have shelter he, says those who stay out on the streets are at risk of frostbite, hypothermia, and, in, extreme cases even death which, is why even if the other shelters, around the city are full tonight they won't be turning anyone, away here. We won't be saying no, to anybody anybody, who comes here the. Doors will be open, tonight well. They're facing the possibility of having to expand, their program, the, city has scaled back its New Year's celebrations, an evening of live bands and DJs at, City Hall was canceled but the fireworks, will go on, Greg, Ross CBC, News Toronto. Here. In Vancouver, has been a nice weekend, sunny above zero but about, an hour's drive east, of the city in the Fraser Valley a few, thousand homes are in the dark tonight after back-to-back, storms covered. Power lines and equipment with, ice a lot. Of progress has been made power, has been restored well over a hundred thousand, households and workers. Were added today trying, to brighten New Year's Eve briar. Stewart went to the community of mission to see how people are coping. As. All, of these trees came crashing, down on James Samson's, property, the noise alone, rattled, everyone, inside, the home it, was a nightmare. Like. It was like, with the idea right it was so bad I didn't. Want to go my dogs were terrified my. Kids were hiding, in the basement. And. In, the daylight the damage, is clear one, tree fell on top of his RV as for, his truck it's barely visible beneath.

A Mass of branches, power, is still out here. As. It is for thousands, across species Fraser, Valley storms. Have left the landscape, and infrastructure, encased, in ice and crews, working around, the clock not, only are crews dealing, with downed power lines and trees but, they're also concerned, about the ones still standing that's, because all of that ice is heavy and they're at risk of falling to. Residents. Not only have to be worried about what's hanging above them but all that ice has made it tough to get around walking, is difficult. So. Was driving, it is if you can get to your car. This. Is the second attempt the first attempt didn't go so well because it was raining. So hard and, we. Just gave up so. I just took literally, I measured, it an inch and a half off the front windshield, it's. Taken worn Kobo belt two hours to scrape off half of his car chunks. Of ice fall, off in blocks. We. Had it bad last year but nothing like this this is just something, I have never seen neither, has pulled a loop which, is why he grabbed his camera now, with his power back on he's, concentrating on, getting some good shots. The. Camera full, of stuff at, all yeah, you'll never see again or, so most hope as those, left without power wait, for the lights to come on what, everyone here really wants is a big melt Breyer, Stewart CBC, News mission. BC. What. Began as a routine police, call in a Denver suburb, this morning ended, with five officers, shot and what's, being described, as an ambush. It, all began before dawn with a 911. Reporting. A domestic, disturbance police. Say the first officers, on the scene were led into the apartment, and spent, about a half hour speaking, to a man with a gun why, he suddenly opened fire, he's, not clear it, was clearly, definitely, was like an exchange of gunfire in you know pop, up and then pop up a pop and then return, fire, one. Officer was killed another four were wounded, I do know that all of them were shot. Very. Very quickly and they. All went down, almost. Within seconds of each other so was, saying it, was more. Of an. Ambush. Type of an attack on our officers, to. Civilians. Outside the apartment, were also shot and wounded by the gunman before, police, shot and killed him the. Dead officer, had been a member of the Douglas County Sheriff's Office for just seven months a motorcade. Accompanying, his body as it, was moved from a hospital he was doing his job he. Was doing his job well and, his. Life was taken from. Us this, morning to the, latest in Iran now where the government cut access to social media networks, that, are being used to organize anti-government. Protests. It. Is the biggest show of anger in the country in eight years yet. Despite more than 200 arrests, and that, online gag. Order, the, president, Hassan rouhani today. Insisted people remain, free, to voice their dissent. Unrest. Is so far broken out in at least 13, cities nationwide, it. Erupted on Thursday, in the Northeast city of Mashhad, then, quickly spread to the capital Tehran and beyond. At times, it's been violent, with the deaths of at least two protesters, in durood. Middle. East correspondent Derek, Stoffel brings us the latest developments. More. Protests. And more, defiance. The, Iranian took to the streets once again despite, warnings, that the authorities, would respond, with. Iron, fist today. This was how police tried to control the crowd in Tehran. Well, what sounded, like gunshots rang. Out in a city in western, Iran the. Government has moved to stop the world from seeing, what's happening in Iran to, popular, digital platforms. Are now blocked, the, messaging, app telegram. Which protesters. Were using, to organize, rallies, and the, photo sharing service, Instagram, home, to many videos, documenting. The unrest, the. Iranian, security, authorities they say they take notice and they're worried, that these, platforms can be used, to.

To, Bring more people on the streets, there. Is now confirmation. That two protesters. Were killed overnight. The, Western Iranian city of darude daddy and daddy Neha dad this provincial official, denied that the police fired any shots instead. Blaming, the deaths on foreign, powers. This. All began last Thursday. With Iranians. Demonstrating. Against poor economic conditions. And high prices but. It spread, to cities across the, country in, protests. That turned political, and saw, some call for the death of Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah, Khamenei. II tonight. Iran's president, went on television, in his first statement since the protests, began. We. Are a free, nation Hassan, rouhani says people, are completely, free, to protest, but. He urged them to do so without violence. While. Rouhani, admitted, there are worries, over the economy and corruption. The President's, speech is, unlikely, to quell, the protest movement, now, the most significant, threat to Iran's government in, nearly a decade, Derik. Stoffel cbc news tel-aviv. Today. Iran lashed out a global affairs Canada, for a comment it made yesterday, calling, on Tehran to uphold and respect people's, basic, right, to protest, peacefully a, foreign. Ministry spokesman accused Ottawa of quote a meddlesome, stance, suggesting. It was repeating, the wrong illogical. And ineffective. Language. Of former, Canadian governments. To. The US now and an explosive, claim, related, to that special, investigation. To the ties between the Donald Trump election team and Russia the, New York Times says the probe can be traced back to a boozy, night in a, London pub Karen. Paul's explains. President. Trump is still in Florida for the holidays, but, the news about the Russia investigation. Continues, with, new revelations in, The New York Times about how the whole scandal may have begun why, did the FBI get, so concerned, about Trump. And potential, Russian contacts, that caused them to launch this investigation. This was a key piece that, key piece was George papadopolis. A foreign, policy, aide to Donald Trump during the presidential election. The, New York Times says he was drinking with the top Australian. Diplomat, in 2016. And mentioned. That Moscow, had damaging, emails about Hillary Clinton. Soon, after, WikiLeaks, began, publishing, them Australia. Took note and after. That it became clear, that this, was what Papadopoulos, was talking about and they, put two and two together and urgently. Went to the United States Papadopoulos. Has since pleaded guilty to, lying to the FBI, he's, now cooperating, with the investigation. Trump's, allies say the president, is not worried, about it when, you really uncover, the data and the information you'll, find that the president was nowhere near the Russians, as it, related to the campaign the, election or, anything they're AUB's but some say Trump's lawyers, are telling him what he wants to hear so he doesn't fire Special Counsel Robert, Muller in a rage the President of the United States in their view is out, of control, a good deal of the time especially when it comes to this investigation. This analyst, says the timing, of today's bombshell. Is no coincidence the, Trump administration and. Even the President himself have, been for a, great number of weeks trying to undermine. Robert, Mahler undermine. The credibility of, this investigation. This. Blows all of that out of the water a White House lawyer has put out a statement saying they have no comment on Papadopoulos, and they are fully, cooperating with, the FBI investigation.

To Help complete, their inquiry, expeditiously. Trump. Said earlier, this week he thought everything would be wrapped up soon he. May be disappointed. Karen. Paul's CBC, News Washington. Trump's. Optimism, aside many experts agree with the prediction, that the Russia investigation. Will, go well into next year some believe right, through and beyond November's, midterm elections. Mahler's team and federal prosecutors, are seeking, information from, Dutch lender, Deutsche Bank on trumps son-in-law Jared, Kushner and the former national security adviser, Michael, Flynn a process, that could take several months there, are reports, Muller is also pursuing an obstruction, of justice investigation. Related, to Trump's firing, of the former FBI director, James Comey it. Is not unusual for, Special, Counsel investigations. To take several, years. Still. Ahead tonight on the national, new, year new rules, 2018. Rings in new laws and regulations, across the country we'll look at how they may affect you, and from. The meat to movement to the NFL protests this is the year pop culture got very political, our panel breaks it down later in the hour plus. More in our reporters, notebook series, why, this summer's North American, indigenous, games were so important, to our Duncan, McCue and to, the athletes there's. Such a stigma around natives, like all, they're about is you. Know but the bad stuff, there's not enough positive around Youth, neighbors. As. You. Know the first place in Canada, to ring in the new year will be Newfoundland, where right now it is 1045, we are looking live at a Reilly's pub on George Street in st. John's we'll be counting. Down with them live next. Hour on the national. Margins. On car sales have become so, slim, that many dealerships, now make more, money on service, and repairs, than, on new and used car sales combined. What. You may not know is that service, advisors, don't have to be mechanics, and the more they sell you the, more they can often make Lucas. Lung learned, at first hand in his years as a service, advisor I would say 90%, of, these dealerships, do work by commission when. You're a service adviser you are a salesperson this is how you make, your living right so you have to upsell, them they, come in for an all change your upselling, somebody, holy cow 1,200, bucks marketplace, heard many complaints from across the country so we ran a series, of tests, an expert. Pre. Inspected, this woman's car then we asked a dealership, for their, diagnosis. It, came by phone get. The brakes done. Wow. Is, that something that I can think, about but, our expert, rejected. That when, I had the drums off everything looked perfectly, normal for, that age of brake not only did the dealership, recommend, service that wasn't needed they, also failed to mention something that was. The. Largest recall, in automotive, history the, cars potentially. Defective, airbag what does the law say about, a repair, shop telling. You you need to do something before, you need to do it or you don't even need to do it at all repair. Shops cannot, offer services, that aren't needed, Harry Malley is with Ontario's, government, watchdog, but they can't mislead you if if it's the service that's not needed they, can't be like this is needed to fix your car. Head. To the dealership any 4 months 7 years and you're likely to hear this pitch. By. Vicki at 80 comments most. Of the 10 we visited, only mentioned, seven-year loans only, rarely, did we hear about what used to be the norm four, or five years that to me is is. Short-sighted. Just, a recipe for four, problems, Ontario's. Auto regulator, doesn't, much like that thinking. More options, should be presented, upfront but, this auto expert, cautions, against using a long term loan at all long, term loans with the low monthly payments, often encourage, consumers. To buy a more expensive car just, watch a twenty thousand, dollar car, on a five-year, loan costs a hundred and fifty four dollars bi-weekly.

But. A $30,000. Car, it's just eleven bucks more as long, as you pay for two more years, but, beyond spending, more there, are big risks, with long loans the, last thing you want to do is be in a situation where, you're making payments on your vehicle, at, the, sixth year or seventh, year. On. The National tonight a small plane has crashed in, Costa Rica killing, at least 10 foreign, tourists, believed to be American as well, as two crew members the, nature air flight went, down on Costa, Rica's Pacific, coast popular, with North American and, European tourists. South. Korea has seized a second, ship suspected, of supplying oil to its communist, northern, neighbor in violation. Of international sanctions the, Panama, flagged tanker, is being held at a Western port on Friday, Seoul revealed, it hadn't counted this Hong Kong registered, ship for transferring. 600, tons of oil at sea to, a North Korean vessel. The. Opening ceremonies, of the 2017. Indigenous. Games look to the past and to the future, last. Summer 5,000. Athletes from across North America descended. On Toronto, for a remarkable. Event billed, as the largest indigenous. Gathering. In the world, athletes. Were here to paint a picture of youth determination. And hope in tonight's. Reporter's notebook Duncan, McCue gives us an inspiring. Look at the, indigenous games. Welcome. To the Toronto 2017. North American Indigenous Games opening ceremony, I'm Duncan, McCue. But. I got a chance to to. Emcee, the Old Sarum Wars the first night. When. There. Are teams from across. Turtle. Island right. Across North America from the United States and from Canada almost. 140, athletes will compete with the Yukon this and to see, thousands. I mean there were five six seven thousand, people. In the stadium, all. Gathered. In the name of sport. And, indigenous. Culture. It. Can be dark and gloomy, to cut to cover news there can be an awful lot of death and destruction and, particularly, when it comes to covering indigenous. News stories. There's. An awful lot of tragedy. To. Watch the, indigenous games was. An entirely different. Side. Of the indigenous life in this country and and and that's what I think was so memorable, for, me I mean the idea, behind the, game the original idea why the indigenous games were created was. To, give youth, indigenous, youth something. Positive, that they could look forward to something positive that they could aspire to. They. Were a really sweet team like off the court and they were really good on the court like skill wise my favorite moment my buddies dunk number five he got a poster, yesterday. I. Think, when. You're done. You. Did well and that, you tried the, best that you can, I feel, so good inside of you. Every. Event that I got a chance to be part of whether it was the, unveiling of the mascot, who was named. Waylon, he's a turtle who carried a lacrosse, stick are you excited to be here I. Mean. Is fantastic, to see this there's, a jib way turtle, you know walking. Around and shaking hands with the little kids and stuff like that and the boy one means. Truth in a jib way. That. To. Me was. Was just a wonderful moment you. Know these young indigenous, athletes, are just like athletes, everywhere, they have. Worked. Hard to get, to the level that of, achievement, that they've they've, reached, they. Have dreams of, winning. They. And. And, some for some of them just. Being, able to compete, is. A success. Just meeting new people. Getting. Just getting know people it's just kind of great right, Jordan we landed, in Toronto I, loved, it seeing, the view. Down. Off, the plane. Give. It a high five that's my favorite thing. If, I was to say to the average Canadian, you know what what's your impression based, on the news of indigenous, youth, you. Would I mean, I think many people would immediately say, suicide and that's true I mean indigenous, youth have a much they're. The the, rates, of suicide amongst.

Indigenous Youth, are much. Much higher than they are for non-indigenous they, might think about the young indigenous, girls that we see over and over and over again who go missing or who, end up murdered, though. Those are the kinds of stories that I think Canadians. Have. Gotten unfortunately. Accustomed, to hearing about indigenous youth I feel, like there's such a stigma around natives, like all, they're about is you. Know but the bad stuff there's not enough positive around youth, natives so, it's like something, for kids to look forward to and instead of like feeling sad. About. Stuff or just get into bad habits. So, by like making, the names, they, say wow if I like go into my practices, and I trained really hard instead, of doing other, things and, I can be rewarded, in a big way. The. Thing about the games is. That. In. The indigenous games, highlighted. And profiled. But, there are indigenous youth out there who are succeed who, are working. To. To, make. Not. Only their own lives better, but. The lives of their community, better through, sport through culture, through, through arts and entertainment, and. The indigenous, games wrapped. All that up they remember all of this for sure so amazing experience. Keep forever. I like, how everybody's, like, is the group as a family, and everybody supporting, each other and a. Lot. Of love, there's. Something pretty special. About. About, indigenous, athletes, gathering, to compete against ourselves. It's, it's, a it's a good feeling of, nationhood. Well. We've been showing you some of the most noteworthy pictures. And video taken by our colleagues this year the series were calling behind the lens CBC, photographers, have told us about what it takes to get the perfect shot and tonight we. Take a look at the work of Edie Middleton. He's. One of CDC's licensed, drone operators, and to get this video well he had to go above, and beyond it took him six weeks to get permission to fly over the restricted, airspace the. Result was worth every, phone call. The. Shot that I chose is a shot of Parliament Hill taken, with a drone and it's. Powerful, to me because it's a view that people have never seen before. In. The past to get aerial shots we have to hire a helicopter and, it would be very expensive but. Now you can, get your own aerial, shots anywhere. From two feet off the ground to, four hundred feet in the air and it's, totally opened up a whole canvas. Of extra. Angles. That you can get, the. Peace Tower at Parliament, Hill it's a stationary, building so, in order to make that more interesting, you kind of had to add some motion and in. Switching, lenses, we, were able to get. Different looks. My. Favorite shot the Peace Tower was coming across the water from. The gatineau side and that, was a view that I'm just, not used to seeing of Parliament Hill and at. A height that I've, never seen before either. It's. Actually made the job that much more interesting, because, shots. That you kind of dreamed it in wish that you could have gotten you can now actually do. In, 2017. Canada aimed to accept, 300,000. New permanent residents, to the country but, who are these new permanent residents and how do they come in, so. Here's how immigrants, and refugees are, admitted. Into Canada. First. It's important to note that immigrants, and refugees are, not the same an immigrant. Is someone who chooses to settle permanently in another country, for, Canada it's mostly economic immigrants, like skilled foreign workers then, its family class applicants, who are sponsored, by spouses, or relatives, who are already here, now a refugee. On the other hand is someone seeking protection outside. Their home country, some, may be escaping, war zones others, might be in danger because of their religious, or political beliefs, or because of their sexual orientation so, how. Does Canada, screen all these new permanent residents, well. Canada's, Immigration, and Refugee Protection. Act says all foreign, nationals must be screened to protect the health safety and security of Canadian, society for immigrants. That starts, with a visa application to, Canadian, consular, officials, abroad officers. Will scrutinize their documents, histories and personal, relationships. And police, checks make sure that the applicants, haven't committed any serious, crimes or violated, international laws and, if at any point someone, seems like they might pose a security threat but you have to go through interviews, with either CSIS, or the CBSA, and they even undergo, health screening, to make sure they won't pose a burden, on the health care system by, the time it all checks out it could be years before they're offered a permanent resident visa.

For. Refugees, the process is similar but, more complicated. Canada's refugee, screening process, is divided into two categories, resettle. Refugees and, asylum-seekers, resettle, refugees start. Their applications, abroad asylum. Seekers like people who walk across the border from the United States into Canada usually. Start their process, here either, at a CBSA, office or at a screening station, all resettled. Refugees must, be referred to Canada by a designated, organization. Like the UN's refugee agency. Before, that can happen applicants, are scrutinized, during in-depth, face-to-face, interviews, all refugees, to Canada go, through at least two of these interviews, identities. Are confirmed using biometrics, like fingerprinting, and facial, recognition travel. Histories are cross-checked, with international, partners and the names are run against databases, of known or, suspected terrorist. Spies and war criminals then, CSIS. The CBSA, and the RCMP can screen even further only, after, all of that can a person be granted, refugee status to come to Canada and remember. Many applicants, won't find a permanent home in Canada even if they are granted temporary asylum, of, the 15,000. In-country, refugee, applications, processed, in 2016, about a third were rejected, and that's not counting the hundreds, of applications that were already terminated because, the applicants, either had criminal records or they abandoned their claims whether, someone comes here as an immigrant or a refugee, the process, is thorough one, security source tells us if there are any remaining concerns, about an applicant they'd sooner reject them or turn them aside then, take a risk. Let's. Take a look at some of the stories we'll be following on the national this week on Tuesday, Team Canada, will play in the quarterfinals of. The World Juniors, here, they are from last night shutting out Denmark eight nothing that earned them top spot in their group the, gold medal game is Friday. On. Wednesday. The Toronto Maple Leafs will celebrate the life of legendary, goaltender, Johnny Bower it is a public event at Air Canada center the, hall of famer played 11 seasons with, the team and led, them to four Stanley Cups Bauer, died this past Tuesday, he was 93 and had, pneumonia. And. Tomorrow, Canada, assumes the presidency of, the g7 for 2018 so, you'll see some of these world leaders in Quebec for some at this June prime. Minister has said Canada, will be guided, by themes, such as investing. In growth that works for everyone, preparing. For jobs of the future and, advancing. Gender equality. Every. January first there are new laws new regulations. New taxes, that take effect we asked Evan Dyer to take us through some of the changes from an additional, holiday for some of you to higher wages to. A new way to calculate, taxes, as. You. Know I spent, the last few weeks. Traveling, the country listening. To people the, biggest federal change, this year was brought forward to call him an angry storm. A storm provoked by Bill Morneau's plan to end some tax privileges enjoyed, by small business owners such, as the ability to sprinkle, income to family members a watered. Down version of those controversial, changes, will go ahead but, affect only a small number of businesses, Justin. Trudeau offered, another change that will affect all beginning. January, 1st we, intend to lower the small business tax rate from, the current 10.5%. To. 10%, we. Intend to bring it down even further to, the 9%, we promised during the election campaign starting. January 1st 2019. How. Much bigger change is coming for minimum-wage workers, in Ontario, their, hourly, wages will jump more than 20, percent from 1160, on New Year's Eve to $14. An hour on New Year's Day that will be the highest minimum wage in Canada, beating Alberta at $13, 60, but, not for long Alberta leaps ahead to $15. An hour in the fall together. Those two provinces have half of Canada's workforce, I also a lot of people who rely on these jobs to pay their bills and, this. Is just gonna make it a lot easier some. Provinces are also making health care cheaper, Ontario. Will make all prescriptions. Free for anyone under 25 that's, a life changer, for 22, year old student, Meghan Fitzgerald, recently, diagnosed, with epilepsy and prescribed meds that cost, $500. A month these, meds were just gonna wait a black hole just like sucking like. The, life out of me and sucking the money out of me British, Columbia is moving to reduce health taxes, to cutting, its medical services, premium in half fish. Frogs, and humans can all celebrate the next change plastic. Microbeads, long, used in beauty products are being banned the, beads are so small they passed through most filters, like, all plastic, they build up in the environment, and this, is where they often end up and last, some good news for people in New Brunswick a new stat holiday, Family Day is coming this year from.

Now On the third Monday in February will, be a paid day off Evan. Dyer CBC, News on. 20:17. Brought a new perspective on politics, as so, many important issues reviewed, through the lens of pop culture, before, the holidays I sat down with a special, panel to consider moments, like, this I don't. Know what you I've had enough of this I don't know what could be more disgusting, than putting a tax cut that mostly goes to rich people ahead, of the lives of children, why, has it chipped in fund already if these were potato chips they were taking away from us we, would be marching on Washington with, pitchforks, and spears right now. And the. Juno goes to. Jann. Arden. After. 18 years of penning lyrics and humming melodies suddenly, Jann Arden seems, an overnight, success, Jana. Five. Nominations, turned into three Awards at this year's Juno's including, female vocalist, of the year. The. Recognition, comes after a busy year for Jam she's been touring at home and in Europe she released her second album living under Jun and hits, like could I be your girl have been striking a chord with audiences forever. Schools. Everything. Changes, just your whole life. Changes how. You think of yourself and trying, to keep your feet on the ground and try not to try. Not to change but part of being a human being is changing, but. Just try not to change too fast and too much. No. Baptism. At. Spring Bank Community, High School just, outside Calgary, John was known as class clown, and star athlete, her, musical, success came, as a big surprise I was. Just amazed, when I saw, her on TV the first time I didn't know she was singing I saw her on Canada Day and one morning could have knocked me over with a feather really she. Was just an athlete as, she was never in our drama productions, that I can remember mind. You this a long time ago but. I'm sure she didn't. Have anything like that on. Her mind when, she was at school. But. What most at the school didn't know was that Jan had been writing songs since she was 14 years old I just, did it secretly because, I'd found a serious outlet and, a lot of people have asked me why humour doesn't you, know go into my songs you seem like a really easygoing, person, and dah dah dah and I just decided. That my music was off limits to that that. I finally, had a way to express. Myself seriously. And to. Be taken seriously, not not, to have anyone else take me seriously but to have myself take, myself seriously, it. Might be hard to believe Jan, ever lacked self-confidence but. The fact is her transformation, from lounge singer, to Juno Award winner had its rough spots I didn't. Really know what I wanted to do and. Or. What I was doing with my life and, you. Know when you're working in bars all the time you. Know I was not, a very very, good drinker I just wasn't good at drinking now, whether or not I had a I mean to me it was a problem because it affected the quality in my life you, know I was doing stupid things and cracking, up cars and but, just being young being in my 20s and truly, thinking, that, I was immortal. You. As. We begin a new year we're taking a moment tonight to look back because, pop culture didn't just mimic politics, in 2017. This was the year pop culture was full, of politics, and now, there. Is no looking back. It. Began with the power of pink women. By the millions, marching, in protests the day after.

President, Trump's inauguration. Sexual. Misconduct would, evolve from a secret to a movement, feminism. Becoming the word of the year, in. The age of President, Trump late-night television became, more political, more pointed, more. Politics. Merged with sports patriotism. Mattered, and so. Did black lives a. Bombing. At an ariana grande a concert in Manchester, a mass, shooting in Las Vegas, suddenly. And sadly, concerts, or just above music but, also about, fear and. In. Canada, the cultural, landscape became, a little more barren, with, the death of one of our greatest artists. So. We have this pop-culture panel to talk about those and many more topics Stephen Marcia writes for Esquire, magazine, in The New York Times Lincoln, Anthony, blades is a digital. Columnist, for Teen Vogue and, Jelena. Adds an entertainment, reporter here, at CBC, welcome to all of you sure. This seems to be the year where. Politics, and pop culture merged. Over and over again overlapped. It got messy I've got tragic, at times and we, could begin anywhere, but why don't we begin with late night television in, the United States Stephen and and host who seemed to take, on politics, every night what, did you have no choice I mean pop this was the year that politics went into pop and pop went into politics there's a you, know there's a late-night talk show host basically, running the government at this point there's a there's a media personality, who. Does very, little other than media running, the government I mean it's a it's a horrible fact that politics is now inseparable. From. Our lives. It's one of the terrible things about this year and, they were just reflecting, it you're, too young to remember this both of you I guess but the used to be a guy named Johnny Carson, whose humor was so, gentle, and, certainly, not subversive, when you turn on late-night TV do you want politics with your comedy I don't, think that my humanoids are political I don't think that like you know that's. An issue of politics, so when you have a candidate. Like Trump who, runs on certain things that can be considered from, especially from people for marginalized, communities, can be considered inhumane, when, you have like Jimmy, Fallon.

And He's, up there kind of massaging, his head it's like you. Don't realize, that you're massaging, the head of someone who's indirectly. Endangering. My life and directly endangering, my kids and that, to us is like okay I can't watch you now you, know and that's that's what it became it's not about politics. It is about humanity, I think. A huge shift has been when you talk about Jimmy Fallon right, he, is there to sell what, the celebrities, are selling right it's a movie it's a book and they all started, out that way and eventually. Now when we see just you know pretty recently you. Ask someone like a Jimmy. Kimmel holding, his baby and, during, a monologue from bowling, and talking. About how Congress needs to change the laws real, in relation, to health and saying that quote is disgusting. How they're putting the the needs of the rich ahead, of a little baby that is powerful. Stuff in America politics, has kind of always been entertainment. I mean Norman Mailer said that you know the presidency, is the lead actor, in the soap opera of the country that's what he said in the 70s, and of course that's never been truer than now let's continue, this theme about politics, and pop culture and talk about sports again. For the longest while people would say for athletes play, on the field skate on the ice we don't care what your politics, are now, you have Colin Kaepernick who has taken a very very public stand who wants to jump in it yeah I mean, listen Colin. Kaepernick is set to become the first major, star, athlete, to, lose his career over his beliefs so it is very fitting that, you know within the month of December he received, the Muhammad, Ali legacy, award by Beyonce, no less and. Scene star. After star come, to his aid these are popular culture figures influential. You know jay-z, who, people like Shonda Rimes Suzhou aduba Stevie, Wonder they all put out whether it was social media posts or said something at their concerts and that's just scratching the surface there were many more so contrast.

That With something like the Olympics of 1968. Where you saw the famous Black, Power salute and and, who supported, them then and how different. The time was at that particular time especially for John Carlos and Tommie Smith and you, know Tommie Smith was asked he they people said you're protesting. At the wrong place this isn't the venue obviously, people say that de comprar neck too and he, said listen, I could have gone to Central Park I could have done it over there but no one would care and, that's the point here's the tough question, though and I don't mean to throw cold water on that and maybe this doesn't but sure. Kaepernick's. Gotten a lot of support across, the United States but isn't. It just a. Kind, of illustration. Of how divided, the United States is has he changed any minds, do you think in the United States I don't think so and, because. At the end of the day we still call this anthem, protests and it's not an anthem, protest didn't know I I've been covering this story from the exact second it bulk and there has not been there. Has not been one single anthem, protest, in this past. Twelve. Thirteen, months so what is it it's been a protest, about against. Police brutality, and inequality. Against marginalized, groups and they've used the anthem, as a way to demonstrate what, it is that's a lot a lot of people yes so and but, there's people who I think it's willfully, lost against, so this is the the discussion when you're talking about black. Athletes, unfortunately. For black athletes, from the second, that they start to integrate sports, our, existence. Has been political. So our existence, in sports has been political because our existence in society, is political, and that's, something that we're seeing with Colin Kaepernick and also, when you're talking about the divide especially, here in Canada, that's what you're seeing on the opposite, end with the Pittsburgh, Penguins where, they don't have the. Same diverse. Makeup, so they don't have the same diverse. Stances. To. These sorts of issues that's why they can say let's put politics aside because. Working there just focus on going to see Donald Trump we've, gone this many minutes yeah, talking about politics in pop culture and, we haven't even mentioned me. Too so. Stephen. So. Much has been said about that so much should be said about it yeah what can we say about that tonight well, I mean I think you, know sometimes the changes that happen these things are so invisible they're not like you think because they're spectacles, because we're watching sports spectacles, because we're watching film spectacles, that's how we process, them I think with me too like that is a real, structural. Change, to, the nature of Hollywood. Like, if you're going to have a, and. The consequences, of that will be play out over, a decade, or more like, if you're not like the point, of Hollywood is that it is a group of very powerful men in control, of a, group of very beautiful women's bodies that. Has been how it has worked for a hundred, years and, when. That changes, I don't like. I don't know what will, replace it and I don't think anyone does there's a critical mass of people who are now saying with, our eyeballs, we're not going, to watch something and it's not profitable, anymore for, them or at least beneficial, to put a certain star in almost all of the cases of the big wigs. The men who have fallen from grace who've lost their jobs they in many cases have been doing it for decades or at least are accused of doing it for decades and so, why, now why, now not.

Because The, silence breakers, thank, God for all the women and some men two years ago who broke the silence no right now their profit breakers and they, are changing, the game but, here's the problem in a woman, working in a factory or in a grocery store somewhere where their boss is doing this to them are they ever going to be shamed or outed in the way that can we as media cover all of the different accusations. Out there knowing because I don't see significant. Change at least not for a very long time in, a grand way we've, been talking up until now about how individuals. Have taken political, or human, rights issues, and put, them in areas, that we don't normally hear, or see them let's. Talk about where politics. If that's what we want to call it has intruded on pop culture, in. In maybe, the the, the most grotesque way, and that, is terrorism, Manchester. Victoria day here in Canada a member driving back from from, a long weekend and hearing in, the, news of all the people, all the young. Women. Who who, had been killed in there is there, anything other than sadness that we can take from what happened in Manchester, when the producer, mentioned it to me I'd actually forgotten about Manchester and it just was like how bad, how. Bad, has, 2017. Been that, the mass, murder, of children at a ariana, grande concert, I don't, have room in my brain for, it anymore I mean, what. What could be worse than blowing up a pop. Music concert, that's horrible what people can do I mean I do think it is amazing the terrorism has taken these targets from from. You. Know military targets, to then civilians, are part of military then they just go straight to art they just go straight to the human dimension, but, you know the truth is like they're, just hitting they're. Hitting. Where. The symbolism, is and the symbolism is in these concerts, these are the these, are the best parts, of living. In free cities we're talking about a year that has had a lot, of low points in it and maybe a lot more sadness than then high points but if I were to ask you to look back at, 2017. From a pop culture perspective, and, and, tell, me about something that you celebrate don't, look so sad. Let's. Turn, the corner for a bit as we get towards the end of this and is there anything, think, of the the opening, scene of lala land if you have to get happy for a moment do. It so my big takeaway from 2017. Was I loved, the fact that not. Only did we see a great movie like get out come out and actually, break barriers not only did we see our girls night we saw hidden figures movies. With black female leads get such big responses, but also the fact that we saw moonlight, win. An award and we, win Best Picture and. That, I. Mean. Despite the mix-up it was it, was amazing that this story, about. A young black, gay. Boy, growing, up in, Miami. Like the fact that that could resonate with people. To. Me it was amazing, Stevens celebrate, 2017. In part I mean the reason I was looking sad when you said it is pious mutt. Lake it was like what was the best thing that happened in pop culture this year it was the, death of court Downey it's like oh what a happy story some guy dying of brain, you know brain cancer but so a sad moment would happy because it of the power of art in, the. Face of degradation, and, death, and in. The fit and how important, it is to make art even, in, an honest way even. When you're facing. You, know devastation. And I just felt I live. The, last concert in Toronto and it was absolutely one, of the most powerful. Concerts. I'd ever I've ever seen and I. Think it was I think it was just kind, of unique you, know it was a unique way of confronting. You. Know the we're, just so perfectly 2017. You know like so, confronting. The darkness, with like let's just light another candle so, from her first concert to the last concert I mean what a what. An impact they've had in Canada for sure and are, you feeling good about anything. No. I I'm feeling, good you know I think of when you're talking I think of the the poet killer's khalil gibran because, when you think of the your greatest sorrow is also your greatest joy man that is gordoni, but what, I think the key is is, that what Gord Downey would want us all to be talking about is not him at all and that's what he did to.

Fight Against, the injustice is for indigenous. Peoples and I think that this year with, Canada 150, and really. It's been pushed forward these deep conversations. About how, much pride should we have and maybe what should we not be so proud about and I think that it's been so vital and so important to listen to those indigenous, voices and it's been gored Downey that's push that through so I say, 2017. Is the year of deep. Deep sorrow and, really. Some, some incredible, joy as well let's celebrate. -. Or at least toast to, a much better 2018. I. Wish, I could oh yeah, you know what let's. Do it let's do it yeah to a better twenty, eight someone's inviting any of you to a heart. Next. On the national the British man determined, to bring Canadian, art to the world stage. It's. Like an immersion, course from. What, what being Canadian. Is what, the Canadian spirit, is and. As. I say the world is looking at the Canadian spirit at the moment it really is. Big. Ben playing its usual starring, role as Londoners, rang, in the New Year fireworks, were, set off next to the illuminated. London, Eye. The. Scene in Paris is they welcomed, 2018. Of the Arc de Triomphe spectators. Crowding, the, streets by the thousands. And this. Year dubai decided, to use the world's tallest building as, the focal point for its New, Year celebrations. Okay, here's Pete now to tell you what he's gonna be talking about in a couple of seconds a real doll in other fruit. Clementines. Coming up next when mid-day returns welcome, back as Pete just mentioned the clementines are back on the shelves in the grocery stores and he's here now with a word of warning about imposters. Hello. Everybody, gonna tell you about all the tasty, little mandarins. Called clementines. Today a fruit, which is imported, from North, Africa Morocco, and. Spain at this time of year it's absolutely, delicious tasty. Their kids love it and you can't go wrong now they've got a lovely pebbly, orange skin the way you can tell the moroccan. Ones over, the Spanish is most, of the Moroccan clementines. Have a little black diamond, brand, mark called maroc just, like Sunkist, only they put a maroc, on there and I think they're Moroccan ones have got the edge over the Spanish so if you have the choice, plump, for the maracas for the same price a little bit better flavor on a bit. On the sweeter side as. You can see they've got a lovely pebbly, orange skin which is in fact clementines, have got the zipper skin which the kids just love because it can get a hold of them and they can peel them in about six seconds flat and there, you've got segments. Which break away very. Easy. And. They're, just great to nibble on another, nice thing about the clementines, is they're. Seedless they, are full of juice flavor. Absolutely. Terrific the. Other thing. To. Watch for at this time of year there's, a lot of different mandarins, available, on the market quite a lot of them all look very similar and for example here we've got the Robinson. Tangerine, which is another variety of Mandarin it comes out of Florida. Looks. Very similar to a Clementine, the, only thing is, as. You can see this one's got seeds in the, flavours not quite as good and it doesn't peel like a Clementine, so providing, you know what you get in that's fine and dandy but don't get the two confused the. Robinson, tangerine, or what, I call the fabulous, Clementine. This, is Pete from Pete's fruit ich from midday, toodly-doo. Okay. I was gonna bring you some burnt Bannock. Could. I buy you something else Oh, what is this a little. Clementine, for you my little Clementine, little. Darling we. Can't leave anything else to say thanks for watching bye. Seizures. All. Vaccinations. Will be on the bargaining table open, for litigation. I. Know what it's like. Did. You ever think it was weird how fast he left here dad got an offer he couldn't pass up in the middle of the night.

Dad. What happened here I hope you have been listening to malicious rumors there's, something you're not telling me the truth, new series begins, January 10th, on CBC. The. McMichael, Canadian art collection in Ontario, is home to some of the most iconic, Canadian. Artwork now, it has a new boss who's come all the way from the UK with, a plan to change the fortunes of the struggling, gallery and make. The world fall in love with Canadian, art Stephanie van Campen has more on that I, think. This is probably my favorite room it's, it's full of things that I was, unfamiliar, with discoveries. To me out of. 6500. Pieces, of art the, biggest challenge facing the McMichaels, new curator was, picking just a hundred and fifty for his first exhibition, Ian. De chardin fell in love with Canadian, art years, ago in his, last job heading the famed Dulwich, picture gallery in, London he introduced, Tom Thompson the group of seven and Emily, Carr to the British public artists. Who were virtually, unknown there, the, rest of the world needs Canadian, art I'm. Gonna give it to them, now. He's pouring, that passion, into the McMichael, Canadian art collection, my ambition. Is to make this the. Place. To come and find, out about the art of Canada in, the, whole of Canada and indeed. The world we should be the premier. Gallery. For that in the world the. 51, year old gallery, is nestled, in the tiny village of Kleinberg, an hour outside, of Toronto, it's, been plagued by recent, turnovers, in leadership and battles, between curators. And the board the, largest, publicly, funded distinctly. Canadian, collection, the McMichael, is home to work by Lauren Harris Franklin. Carmichael, and Alex, Colville, in addition, to a wide range of indigenous, art it's. All here, it's, like it's like an immersion, course for. What, what being a Canadian, is what, the Canadian spirit, is and. As. I say the world is looking at the Canadian spirit at the moment it really is, for. His debut exhibition. De Chardin dug deep into the gallery's vast collection. Dusted. Off and cleaned up some Canadian, classics, that haven't been displayed, in years, oh heavens, he. Wants to boost visitor, numbers, which have already gone up since he arrived it's, time Canada, started, saying what great art it's got. I'm. Gonna. Try. Canadian. Arts cheerleader, in chief hoping. To paint for, the world a new, picture of Canada, Stephanie van kampen CBC News Kleinberg, Ontario.

And. Just before we go when we were out gathering reaction. To this cold, New Year's Eve in Winnipeg we met long fan he's, been in Canada for just four months and bits stunned by the deep freeze but he sure has the right attitude about, it actually. In Vietnam third that lowest temperature, is just seven degree so, is it a big shock to me when it came here so. Why are you outside when. You hear it so much colder than in Vietnam, why do you come outside. Because. I want you discover, the world especially. Canada, where as diversity, is awesome. No. This is my first time. First. Of all I feel really lucky because I'm about to go with my friends skating with my friend and we. Got a kowtow to your new gym and. Just. Say Happy New Year's my first new year in Canada when, they say to Canada they say coal ray so, what it let us come through the first Newser in Canada it should be cold for sure right. For. Sure that is the national for December 31st, good night and happy, new year.

2018-01-03 16:20

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