The National For Sunday December 17th

The National For Sunday December 17th

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It's, Sunday December, 17th, and this is the National tonight. Flights. Grounded, tens of thousands, of passengers stranded, after, the power goes out at the world's, busiest airport. Ottawa. Rallies, around the home team after the owner threatens, to move the Sens and then blames the fans for it but, we begin tonight with new details in, the deaths of a Toronto, billionaire, couple. Barry. And honey Sherman were two of Canada's richest. People but, ever since their bodies were found on, Friday they've, also been at the heart of a mystery very short on details until now, tonight. Police are releasing information, on, how they died the, render etta cop has tonight's developments. Grief. And heartbreak in front, of the mansion where the bodies of Barry and honey Sherman, were discovered, on Friday among. Those paying their respects, Apotex. Employees. I don't know what to say it's just. It's. Just really tragic. Since. Friday only, questions, but finally, late today new, information, police, released, the autopsy results, the cause of death for both Sherman's, ligature. Neck compression and homicide. Detectives, are now leading the investigation, over. The weekend some news outlets quoted, police sources saying, the deaths were being investigated as, a murder-suicide. Yesterday. The Sherman family issued a statement strongly. Criticizing. Police and the media for that today, a source close to the family called. It unfathomable. That the couple could have died that way Paul. Godfrey, the CEO of post media was, the couple's friend for almost 30 years he, planned to see them over Christmas in Florida, Hall it was almost, a denial thing that the thing happened you said that couldn't be why. Would they both be gone in, their own home he, remembers, honey for her dedication to philanthropy she. Was warm she was outgoing she, was bombastic, in some ways Connie always, got her way she, pushed and pushed especially. His charity causes, and see in the coffee shop. Dancing. In the shoe store one, example taking, part in a Dancing, with the Stars style, fundraiser, for, the Baycrest, Foundation raising. Money for a Jewish seniors, home thought maybe she was joking because of. Her arthritis she's had such difficulties. In recent years even walking, oh I decide, to think that she could take this on as. It was amazing to me I didn't. Think she'd be up to it he, remembers Barry as a workaholic, passionate. About bringing cheaper, generic drugs, to, countries, around the world, Barry worked all the time he was not he, did not show off he did not have. The most expensive clothes, in fact he had an old jalopy as, a car until Annie bought him something something, new previously. Police, called the death suspicious, but. There was no sign of forced entry into, the home and said, they weren't searching for any suspects, it's, not clear whether that's still the case today. Lorraine, Doretta cop CBC News Toronto. Adrienne, you're watching a developing situation tonight, in Atlanta. Indeed, rosy this is this, one's all about power or, the absence, of it at the most inconvenient time, just ahead of the busy holiday travel, season just. Chaos, and misery at the world's biggest passenger, airport. A massive. Power failure was, reported, at about 1:00, p.m. after, a fire damaged. An underground electrical, facility, and the airport has been a giant, parking lot ever since for both planes and people.

Officials. Say the grid is partially. Restored, but it's still a massive, mess. Thousands. Of people in the dark inside, the Atlanta Airport or sitting, on grounded. Planes out on the tarmac a week, before, Christmas not fun, Atlanta's. Hartsfield-jackson, is, the world's, busiest, airport. That's because the weather is usually moderate. It's within a two-hour flight of, 80% of the u.s. population about. A quarter million passengers. 2,500. Planes move, through that Airport, every day so when, Atlanta, goes down that, affects airlines and airports across, North America seems. Whenever you buy a ticket, from example. Orlando, to Milwaukee. It's, likely, that you're going to have to connect in Atlanta, and there's, so many flights, that well they're not destined, to Atalaya. I mean the flights are destined to Atlanta but the passengers, aren't they're going somewhere else but they make the connection, through. Atlanta, so, when, this is disrupted, it, really, becomes a mess they've got a serious, problem. But. To those stuck, on the ground with no food no water that's just academic, this is a mess, for the last three hours I mean, things. Happen if the power went out understandable. But not to have a back-up plan nobody, coming, out telling us what's going on we, get to the airport and we arrive to darkness, and a million people and, we're. Like oh no not again, but. It's not all doom and gloom some, are unsurprisingly. Taking, to social media to vent, through humor like, Elena Cristina, who went on a bit of a tweet storm. The. Plane no longer has water good thing I hate survival. And being alive, going. Into our three of sitting on a plane at the powerless, Atlanta Airport the, discussion, about feminism, did not go well next controversial, topic, religion. Climate, change taking, suggestions and. The. Maybe that was previously, crying is now giving orders he is a harsh, dictator. And. Here's. Another look at today's nightmare, this is the so-called misery. Map have a look at this it comes from travel monitoring, website FlightAware. It tracks, airports, with the biggest, number of reported, problems. So. Check this out this is what happens when it gets close to 1:00 p.m. Eastern time today that red line at the top that's Atlanta, it just takes, over the misery map like a spiking. Stock market, of despair, and. While. The Atlanta Airport was, ground zero for, air travelling headaches today there's some pain in this country too over. WestJet and where, they will and will not fly, without telling, their customers why. Simon. Nakanishi explains. WestJet. Prides, itself on being generous. During the Christmas season but. Jill Lawson feels like the airline's stuffed his holiday stockings full of coal it, certainly appears it's quite strong that I was lied to by. An airline Lawson. Booked a December, flight from Toronto to Santa Clara Cuba but, on September 26th. WestJet, canceled, it the reason the, Santa Clara Airport, was closed until January, because of Hurricane Irma turns. Out that, wasn't true a couple, of weeks ago end of November I looked at the, airport, and you, and I saw 12 flights are actually operating out of that Airport in fact, the Santa Clara Airport, had reopened, even before WestJet, canceled the flight now. The airline has apologized. For giving erroneous. Information to passengers, like Lawson, the company, declined, an interview but, in a statement said the flights were cancelled, due to a business, decision, this. Is now the third time WestJet, has had to say sorry for improperly, using the closed airport excuse it's. An embarrassment to WestJet or WestJet basically. Had to ante up and basically, come, out publicly and make the apology, now whether there's any compensation, you. Know coming out of that apology, up to WestJet to decide, WestJet. Did, end up covering Lawson's fare difference, for a more expensive flight to another cuban destination, but. He says airlines need stronger, government oversight to, keep tabs. Whether they're being naughty or nice you know the situation, I don't think is gonna change people, start unless, people start to get a little more militant, and start, to demand a little more of their elected representatives, that, people feel that they've had enough of, this sort of misrepresentation. Simonec. Initially CBC News Montreal. Lawyers. For Donald Trump's presidential transition. Teams say thousands, of emails from the Trump team were obtained, improperly as part, of the investigation, into Russian. Meddling in the 2016, election the uproar, had many thinking, that this was going to be ammunition, for Trump to fire the man leading, the investigation Robert.

Mueller Here's, Paul hunter with the president's, response. Back. At the White House after a weekend, trip to the Camp David retreat. The question, for Donald Trump is he, thinking, the unthinkable, is he, considering, firing, special. Counsel Robert Muller short. Answer no. Muller. Was hired, to investigate possible, collusion. Between the Trump campaign, and Russia, in Russian, efforts to meddle in last year's election but, as that investigation, digs deeper, and deeper talk from Trump has some, believing, his growing, public, frustration. By it signals. He's about to get rid of Muller, here's Trump on Friday, I didn't make a phone call to Russia I have nothing to do with Russia then, a new, flashpoint, came this weekend, with reports, Muller's team has tens, of thousands, of emails, by senior, Trump insiders. From, the weeks after last year's election lawyers. For, Trump's transition, team wrote, Congress. Calling the emails, private. But, investigators, say it's all on the up-and-up they, got them from a government, agency that collects, such stuff and the emails, were on government devices. Where, there's no real privacy. Tonight. On a government. Agency handing, over those emails, not, looking good. Looking good. Quite. Sad to see that so my people were very upset about it I can't. Imagine there's, anything on him frankly because as, we said there's no collusion. There's no collusion whatsoever. And though he suggested. Muller's job is safe for, now Democrats. Today defended. Muller's integrity, seemingly, just, in case I think that he is the person the right person, that when he finishes, his investigation. That, we're going to have confidence it was done in a fair and balanced. Way still, all, the questions, from Trump and others, have left countless, in this country, wondering, what's. Next, Paul. Hunter CBC News Washington a. British. Columbia woman who has lived in canada, for nearly all of her 67, years has just discovered she's, not actually Canadian, in fact she has no citizenship. At all and trying, to get it after all this time has been an ordeal it's. Consumed, me it's consumed, me. Huh. 3,000. Words a minute going through my head day and night insomnia. Not. Sleeping, at all, it's. Been tiring and she says she feels isolated. But as the CBC's Breyer Stewart reports, her, experience, is not as unusual as it may sound. Brings. Back memories for. Irene geese link Canada, is the only home she's ever known her family, emigrated, from Germany when. She was just a baby she, arrived by ship in Halifax in 1951. I. Always. Assumed I was a Canadian, mum led, us to believe that. Her. And dad became citizens. Shortly. After we arrived that's why it came as a shock when, she was stopped at the u.s. border in 2012. She, didn't have a passport she, later found out that not only was she not a Canadian, citizen but, she didn't have the paperwork, to prove she, was a permanent resident, on top, of that she, doesn't qualify for. German citizenship, I'm a stateless, person. This. Card, is the, one I'm missing she, tried to sort out her paperwork, but kept hitting, roadblocks when. Her husband, died she couldn't, apply. Survivors, benefits, and she, worried she would lose access to health care but I felt like. I didn't count I didn't matter I didn't. Have a voice for, sure and. That. Really, really upset. Me. Because. I. Was. In this alone, but experts say her case isn't, unique how, uncommon, is it to hear of a case like this well, this kind of case is not uncommon, at all this, immigration, lawyer says others have found themselves in, this situation, adults. Without citizenship. Who've spent most of their lives in Canada, and applying, for it later in life can, take years the person has to confirm, permanent, residents, that takes a year or two then.

They Have to formally apply for Canadian citizenship, a multi-year, process what. Do they do during the 3-4 years how do they get Medicare. Drivers, permits travel, as Fergus link officials, have recently, assured, her that her health card will stay valid, and a, caseworker from, Immigration, Canada has. Recently been assigned to her file, to help her obtain the citizenship. She thought she, already had Breyer. Stewart CBC News Vancouver. Still. Ahead on the National Abortion, same-sex. Marriage, assisted, dying the, former Supreme Court Chief Justice Beverly. McLaughlin, has presided over some. Major changes, in this country my. Interview with her ahead. On. Thursday. Catalans, vote again, in an election being billed as a new referendum, on independence Margaret. Evans takes us through the complicated often, violent, history, that brought us here and, sends. Fans are fuming. After the owner threatens, moving, the team so. Who's to blame for those empty, seats fans. Are pretty upset about his comments, I mean I, think. There was there, could've been another way for him to go about it. The. Cradle of Canadian, aviation, looks pretty much as it did in 1909, when. The silver dart flew over Baddeck Bay the first heavier-than-air flight, in the British Empire a small. Group who made it happen included. The inventive, Alexander, Graham Bell and a daring pilot, named jad, mccurdy. I need, this sort of flight Oh 60. Feet high because. Of my across the bold as mccurdy. Flew Alexander. Graham Bell watched. An. Exact. Replica, of the silver dart 95, years later it's, incredible, Jane. Shapley, McCurdy's, niece and a pilot herself says, her uncle knew he was part of something special, remember, he was a protege, of Alexander. Graham Bell so he I'm. Sure he picked up the big understood. The big picture from the very beginning and. Understood. That this was a breakthrough that. First flight was the liftoff for Canada's own aviation. Industry, an expansive. Undeveloped. Country needed air travel, and so, began the era of the bush pilots, who opened up Canada's, North. The. Second World War accelerated. Aviation, technology, Canada. Developed a fledgling airline, industry, and by, the 1950s. This country was on the cutting edge with such aircraft as the C f100, we had a huge. Pool of engineering, talent, in this country and a. Truly, can-do. Attitude. The. Canada, of the 1950s. In the aeronautical. World didn't. Take a backseat to anybody at. All in, the history of aviation in, Canada there, is one development, one achievement, that falls in the category of, what might have been the Avro, Arrow. Canada. Was on the verge of being a global power and fighter aircraft but. The arrow was expensive and it was scrapped by Prime Minister Diefenbaker, in, 1959. It. Would have been. Still. Canada's, aviation, industry, has never looked back, Bombardier. Is a global giant in regional aircraft CAE. Is number one in flight simulators, Canada's. First astronaut, Marc Garneau is the first non-american flight, engineer, on a space shuttle and the Canada arm is an orbiting, billboard, for Canada's aerospace, technology, today. A multi-billion. Dollar industry that, owes a small debt to a few dreamers, in Baddeck, Nova Scotia, nearly. A century ago, Eric. Sorenson CBC, News Ottawa. After. A two-hour wait, the rains finally, subsided, and, the replica flyer trembled, down its runway, tantalizingly. Close to, taking off before, splashing, into a mud puddle. On. The National tonight, these are Christians, protesting. In southwestern, Pakistan, demanding. Government protection, after. Two suicide, bombers, stormed, a crowded church this morning and killed at least nine, people another. 56, were injured in the attack just, eight days before Christmas Isis. Claimed responsibility but. Provided, no evidence an. Australian. Police have charged a man with brokering. Sales, of weapons, of mass destruction. That's, the first time someone has been charged under this law he. Is accused of trying to sell North Korean, missile, components, on the black market, to buyers in Indonesia, Vietnam and, other unnamed, countries, the suspect, is of South Korean descent and has lived in Australia, for 30 years. And. U.s. Senator, John McCain is putting, his health before politics. And that means he will likely miss a crucial, vote this week on Donald, Trump's tax plan the 81 year old has returned home to, Arizona his, doctor, says he has a viral, infection, McCain. As you recall was diagnosed, with an aggressive brain, tumor back in July. Hopes. To be going into that game with, a much needed win if it becomes a disaster yes if you started seeing crowds showing up yes I think it's kind of annoying because I think it's kind of his it's, kind of his fault he's done a bad job of, kind of promoting the team I. Support. And take the shot to fines if it's. Just going to get worse it's a downward spiral from there so. Yeah, I think he needs to think I woke up himself.

We'd, Love to see them stay but, it's. Not up to us I guess. Ottawa. Senators fans should be riding high on last night's big win but in fact they're, angry, at the team's owner Eugene Melnick, for threatening to move the hockey team out of the nation's capital, while blaming the city for, not filling seats take a look at attendance numbers, for the Canadian Tire Center for, the start of the season over the last five years it's gone from a high of more. Than 18,000. To only about 15,000. This year and that's one of the worst in two, decades still. As Hannah Thibodeau found out Melnick's, veiled threat, isn't really, sitting well with Sens fans. The. Spotlight, was on hockey in the nation's capitol this weekend from, Senators alumni. To. Saturday, night's NHL. 100, classic, outdoor game between Ottawa, and Montreal. And. Even. Young kids having, a pickup game on the lawn of parliament, hill. But. Ottawa Senators, owner Eugene Melnick, put a damper, on those festivities, even, before they began late. Friday night threatening, to relocate, the team if. It doesn't look good here, it could look very very nice somewhere else then. Taking, a direct shot at the fans here. We're, fighting every day to sell a ticket honest to god, and when you get to the third round of the playoffs in here you're begging people to buy a ticket something's. Wrong with that picture, Melnik. Blames low attendance, evidence. As seen during last year's playoffs, when the team was ridiculed, for having hundreds, of empty seats, prompting. It to remove, 1500. Of them this season because. The team didn't, want to face the demoralizing. Site. Hockey. Night in canada commentator. Don Cherry says he, doesn't blame Melnick if you people don't show up and they don't pack the place all the time they catch Survivor 13,000. He's gone Ottawa's. Gone for sure, but, fans are not impressed. It's like he's throwing a big party and, then he threw cools cold water all over it I don't like that I like, the. Fans. Are pretty upset about his comments, I mean I, think. There was there could have been another way for him to go about it from one owner to another Pittsburgh. Penguins, co-owner Mario, Lemieux had this advice eventually. I think he's going to get it his way but it, needs to be a little bit more patient many. Simply, hope Melnick, is bluffing if, the team leaves more, than 100. Million dollars per year would also leave, the local economy, it's not just the games themselves it's, the facility, that hosts other events, there's so many ways, that the Senators are integrated, into this community even though off I, smell, Nick put a chill on the NHL, 100, celebrations, his, team's on ice performance. Improved. The. Senators, beat the Canadiens, at the outdoor classic. Hannity. Vidoes CBC, News Ottawa. Ottawa. Senators, fan attendance. Ranks, near the bottom in the NHL, last, season, Ottawa was twenty-fourth, out of 30 teams in terms of arena capacity, only places like Carolina, Arizona, Florida have, worse numbers, in home attendance, and the, Sens ranked lowest, of the seven Canadian, teams in. Canada Montreal, Toronto, and, Winnipeg on average sold, out their home games. Beverly. McLaughlin, has officially, hung up her robe as Canada's, chief justice, I sat, down with her recently to talk about the legacy of the McLaughlin Court, and how some of its major decisions, changed, this country have. We been to activists, I don't, think on the whole the courts have been I think they're trying to do their job of. Upholding. The Constitution. They're not holding the law. Joining. Us now from her chambers at the British Columbia Supreme, Court in Vancouver, as Madame justice Beverly, McLaughlin good afternoon. Good. Afternoon, congratulations. Thank you very much you. Are very young to be appointed. To the Supreme Court I guess that's a occasion, for double congratulations. You. Probably, be sitting on the bench for a long time at that level what is it that you'd like to be remembered for at the end of it all if you can look that far ahead now well. I suppose. I'd like to be remembered as. Being. A. Good. Judge I tried to understood. The problems, that were, put, before, her. Who dealt. With them in a clear. And, hopefully. Correct. Manner and, a judge who also. Showed an understanding, of the sort. Of problems ordinary, people faced and and. Let. Me. Is. It true that the Supreme Court hears cases, usually that have to do with ordinary, people my impression, as an ordinary person is that the, Supreme Court deals with things that are very legal. Technical, arcane. Even, well. The. Concepts. May seem legal and technical in arcane but I think the sorts of things the Supreme Court deals with are very.

Much. Of. Great importance, to ordinary, people. Look. At some of the recent decisions, on, abortion. Signs. In. Stores. In, Quebec. Language. Rights charter. Rights I think a lot of these things impact very, strongly. On ordinary, people and very. Often the suits themselves are brought by ordinary, people but, they have an impact. That reaches, far beyond, the, particular litigants, in a particular case so. I I do think that the the court is very much concerned, with, the. Rights and liberties. Of ordinary. People let. Me ask you if there's something, on the. Agenda, pending. A social, issue a legal, problem that's likely to come before the Supreme Court that you. Hope does. Something. That you're dying to tackle, at that one. Well. I don't know if judges usually think in terms of issues they're written dying, to tackle, or of agendas, that they set, out very, much what we do and what we decide, is determined, by the issues, the litigants, bring the forests we're just there to, decide. The legal questions, that are brought before us so, we can't determine our own agenda but it is obvious, having said that that, charter. Issues remain, important, well. There. Has been a great deal of work done by the Supreme, Court to date in defining, rights, and freedoms under the Charter there. Doubtless will be other issues which will come forward in the next few years and, those. Are very, important. Kids. Now sometimes. Come up and ask me when. Did you decide, to. Be a judge. The. Answer, is never I. Never. Dreamed. Growing. Up, that. I would become a lawyer. Much. Less a judge. Much. Less the Chief Justice, of the. Country's, highest court. Beverly. McLaughlin, has now officially left, the role of Chief, Justice of the Supreme Court but, she still has about 6 months of work ahead to finish off some major decisions we, sat down in the justices, reading room recently to talk about how Canada's, top court has evolved, and what, mcLaughlin, leaves behind. For. 28 years Beverly, McLaughlin, has served on the Supreme Court of Canada. For. 17, of them she was chief justice the first woman to do so. Today. Is, a testament, to the justice of Canadian, Society. McLaughlin. Has been a legal giant, unafraid, to take a stand. Pick an issue that made headlines, prostitution.

Laws I would, like to thank the Supreme, Court of Canada for, declaring. Sex workers, to be persons. Assisted, dying they won't be forced to suffer. In bodies that have failed them McLaughlin. Was key to all of them it's, hard to just. Overlook, that suffering, she also famously, stood her ground in, a public dispute with former Prime Minister Stephen Harper I did what was the appropriate thing. Last. Week the Chief Justice, did farewell, whatever. Lies ahead I, know. That. My time here. Will. Always be the, centerpiece, of my life. Now. Upon her retirement we, were granted a rare interview where, I focused, on her legacy leadership. And how the Supreme Court has changed, under her direction. How. Do you feel, you've changed the court well, I I'm, not sure that I would actually claim, to have changed, it a great deal but I've tried to encourage. Consensus. I've tried to encourage, collegiality. One. Of the things that I mean you don't seem to want to take credit for anything but. One. Of the things that, you have tried to do and you've certainly spoken a lot about is access to the courts yeah because you believe that if people aren't given access, yea throughout, society that accountability fails, right, how have you worked, to try and make sure that that is happening, and what is sort of left to do on that we. Have a wonderful, justice, system but the problem, is that it's often. Inaccessible. For, one, reason or another to ordinary. Men. Women ordinary, Canadians. And, I. Believe. That, a justice system has, to serve the people everyone. And not just the rich and the corporation's. And so on so, this became a concern, and, I decided to talk about it in a speech in Toronto, and it. Was amazing how it resonated, we, got so, much response, so, many people saying this, is true this is my experience. The justice system isn't there for us when, we need it or it costs too much or, I can't get a lawyer or I don't know where to go and. So. We really I really realized, that that, this. Was a major. Thing for Canadians, that we'd really touched on something so, we. Started. Making efforts. To. See, what we could get going, in a way of conversations. About how we can improve the situation to talk about this court a little bit there. Was some hope that, with. You leaving that there might be an indigenous person, named to the court and, I know you've talked as well about. Seeing. Indigenous, people in these kinds of positions, why. Do you think that would matter what. Message would that send well, it, would send, a message of. Inclusiveness. It's. Very important I think that Canadians. Be able to see themselves reflected. In, the, judges. Who. Are on the bench and, used to be for example there were no women on that yes so there is a message, to, be sent to people. This. Courtroom, reflects, you and, that's important, for confidence, in justice I want to go back to some comments made in in May of 2015 these were in, a speech she made about you, talked about the cultural genocide on, indigenous, people, and and you were there were some people that came out and we're critical not, necessarily, because of the, language but the fact that you said anything at all in, the buzzword of the day.

Assimilation. In the, language of the 21st, century, cultural. Genocide. Why. Did you use that language, why did you feel it was so important I was talking about the history and I think it's important, to understand, the law for example to. Understand. The history to, which it applies and, from where it comes, and. Thought. Topic was diversity, and, respect. For, difference, and so, in the context, of that I spoke. About. Laws. That, were, on the books in the 19th century in the early 20th century, that. Undermined. And actually, denied. Indigenous. Cultural, practices, things like laws that eradicated, the Sundancer said you couldn't do the potlatch, that, took, children away, from their. Cultures. And homes, and put them in residential. Schools where they were not, allowed to speak, their language, see their parents and see their parents, I mean this, is a cultural, deprivation, which, has led to a lot of problems. Problems. That show themselves in, the legal system, but we. Need to understand. Where. We were and, the. Progress, we're making in, our journey of reconciliation. And. Toward. Where we hope to be were you surprised at the reaction to those comments well. A little I mean I didn't. Think I was saying anything very remarkable, because everyone agrees that these things happened, in history that we did on your mind culture. Try to, but. So, I was a bit surprised by the reaction yes. I'm. Gonna move through a few topics if that's ok would, you agree that there is a problem with, judges not understanding. Or properly. Applying sexual, assault law and jurisprudence and, and and if so how. On earth do we fix that I want. To think and and, I do believe that. 99%. Of the judges, are, very. Very, cognizant. Of the issues involved. But, occasionally. We've, had, instances. Where particular. Judge, has. Shown. In. That, he, is influenced. By the stereotypes. And myths. Of the past we've, been working in the law for decades to eradicate, this both Parliament, and the judges we, know it's wrong so, the key I believe, is in judicial. Education. And early. Traditional, education. What, we mean by that is. Sensitizing. Judges, to the issues, that come up in sexual, assault trials how to handle, them how victims. Are complainants. Feel how difficult. It is for them, to come forward with their story. And. We. Are working very, very hard to, ensure that every. Judge who goes on the bench and hears this sort. Of a trial will, be totally. Sensitized, and appreciative, of all these difficulties. When you hear the last couple of cases where this has happened it's, fairly shocking to me I don't know about you how you yeah, yeah I mean, it. Is one, or two cases to, lead, the public to think that all, the judges are like that that would be a terrible mistake that is not the way the justice system is operating. But. One. Such. Case is one too many and it. Has to be dealt with I'm, gonna go back to some of your time with the former prime minister if I can when, did you realize that you were involved in some sort of extraordinary, disagreement. Or dispute, with, Prime Minister Harper before, I am in the morning I, had. Been in New Brunswick the night before giving. A speech and I. Had to get back to Ottawa for 8 o'clock so, as, I recall I got up I went, down to the desk and there was The Globe and Mail with, with, the accusations. On the front page the, accusations, that you have behaved differently. The press release and so, obviously. I was shocked I was astounded, because, I knew I hadn't done anything wrong and, I. Spent, rather, miserable, to our two, and a half hours on the flight figuring, out how this could have happened and, and what, was going on and, then when I got back to the office I thought, about it and I said well you know I'm, not going to get into a new fight judges can't get. Into fights with politicians, we have to just be, quiet if we're accused, normally, but I do believe the public is entitled to the facts so. I send. Out a press release said. There I have done nothing wrong and, these, are the facts, and I numbered, them 1 2 3 4 5 or whatever it was and I sent it out and that was all I ever did never gave an interview never, went. To the press what, do you think was the the consequence, of it though because.

What You know you sent out your fax they sent out whatever they were going to say but, the impression, it left with, the public was that you were fighting, yeah. Well as I say I declined, to fight but I did think the public should know the facts but the, consequence. I think was fine I was worried, that any such allegation, could tarnish the. Administration. Of justice could tarnish, the. Office, of Chief Justice, could tarnish the, court, that, was my main concern and. The, reason I put out the facts. But. It. Turned out I think quite well conservatives. Though believe that you became. An activist, chief. Justice you know that and that the court became activists that it got involved, even in, developing, social policy, whether, it be through prostitution. Injection. Sites. Assisted. Dying they believe, that that was you. Taking, that role on which. When the Charter was adopted in. 1982. We. Changed, the, role of the judiciary, judges. Were. Not. Through their own desire, but. They were the ones who are called upon to decide. Whether government's, laws. And, actions. Conform. To the Charter so the judges were thrust into this role at the, time there was a lot of debate, this is in the 80s in the 90s and that's when I think these charges, of judicial, activism reached their heights and I understand, perfectly the. Concerns, there. Was a sea change and for. A lot of people they didn't agree with that change, have, we been to activists, I don't, think on the whole the courts have been I think they're trying to do their job of. Upholding. The Constitution. And upholding, the law and the fact that but Stephen Harper's government came up against, the courts so often and was. Smackdown. Might be too casual, a language but but you pushed back on things, that they had. Put. Out there I wonder if if there, wasn't some overreach, on the part of the government and. And. Whether you, went, back and forth with them saying not. Not well no we, take what we get. If. You send us a certain, law we have to judge it objectively. And in. Accordance with the principles, that have been laid down and. So. That's. All we do but we definitely don't get partisan, or anything like that and, we. Simply have to call it as we see it I. Want to talk to you about assisted, dying only, because. We. Were ahead of your time on this I mean you really were back in the see Rodriguez, case you had a dissenting, opinion in 93. Where you believe that people should, have this ability, it took an awfully, long time for the rest of the country to catch up with you so, what. Why do you think that you were so ahead on that well there were several other judges who agreed with me I have to point out even in the Vegas case and it was a difficult case for us then and it, is a difficult issue but, I think if you look at the judgment you'll see that what had happened the. Principle change was that there was a lot more evidence, on, how. Assisted. Dying could. Be, made to work in a respectful. And civilized, way and the, world view was changing, there were many, countries, in the world that had grappled, with this issue so. The. Perspectives, and the facts on the ground changed. Perhaps social attitudes, a little but though those were the major changes. Is. It too big a question to ask you what your crowd of well. I just it, is. I'm. I'm very proud, of the work we've done on indigenous. Rights I'm. Proud, of the, work, we've done on, the, Charter I think the, court has done. Good. Work and, work, that's, recognized. Throughout the world, and. I'm very proud of that what. We miss the most about it oh I'll. Miss the, miss. A lot of things but I'll miss the the judging. The, ability, to. Grapple. With new. Difficult. Issues, that, are coming down the track and I'll have to stand there in the sidelines, and watch others do it and that will be something. That will be hard okay. Chief Justice thank you very much making do it I do appreciate it lovely thank you very much. The. New chief justice, Oh pshaw Wagner will be sworn in tomorrow morning, at Rideau Hall by governor-general Julie, Payette the, Prime Minister will also be there vac now is from Quebec and so, respects, their tradition, of alternating, between jurists, trained in common law and those, in Quebec civil, law.

Before. We go to break meet, Christina. Scooped links from Kitchener, Waterloo and, her, Christmas celebration. With a perfectly, Canadian. Twist. Every. Year. This. Was my first time joining it so I wanted to make something special an, iconic, landmark I was, born and raised in Ottawa, the. Canadian Parliament. Here. We have the Centennial, flame made. Out of a fuzzy peach ring and. Here we have every green candy that we had on, the roof the. Clock hands are made of licorice and my, favorite part is that we just happened, to have a Canadian, flag on a toothpick, it. Took about six hours to make it, was a lot of fun. Pathology's. Well. We're essentially, very excited, to be out here in Canada it's been a while since we've been, able to come and this. Album emotion the album, that were performing, is been. The passion project, of my life so it feels really cool to be with a band like Headley and get. To finally come in and see everyone, and, speaking, of Headley will you be, performing any songs together, it's. So far not in the plan we have, known each other for years though, just. Because of different award shows and different ceremonies where you kind of meet up and become casual friends and we have definitely followed, each other's career and and they're great supporters of one another so I do, my set and they do their set and we kind of just celebrate. Them and watch each other you've, mentioned you'll be showcasing, songs. From your album emotion but a lot of fans will want to hear what's. Considered really, in a lot of places around the world as the, summer, song of, 2012. You. Know it's, not as intimidating as, it once was I think the making of emotion kind of fixed that for me at least it. Feels like it's, a great moment in the set and it's a celebration of sorts but it, doesn't feel like the highlight anymore which is really. Relieving from here to be honest so. You're gonna be seeing a lot of the country on this tour from. Moncton to Toronto. From Dawson, Creek to Vancouver. Are all. Of the stops places, you've been to before, yeah. Well, actually I did a fair, amount of touring in Canada before anything kind of took off for me with different bands where there was Marianas Trench or the new cities are even. Hansen so, I have, actually done the runs a few times but this, will be a different kind of tour just because like, I said the material something that I'm proud of in a different way than I've ever been proud of anything and I feel a little bit more like I've kind of come into my own as an artist so getting, to see people and greet them with that confidence, is something, that I'm really excited and kind of dying to do so. Of course you and, and the lead singer of Hedley, jacob hoggard were on Canadian, Idol I'm. Curious did did you get a chance to watch the the finale of American. Idol last night I didn't. We, just flew in from Japan and then we had our show here. For the first time in st. John's and I, was, so, jet-lagged that I barely got through it but I found. The energy for that but not much else I'm not gonna lie so. A lot of people are talking this week about the the impact of the, idol programs, on on, pop music what, about on you what, what impact did your experience on, Canadian, Idol have you, know it was a really great stepping stone for me I look, back at that show with fondness, and still a little bit of nerves because it was both things. It. Was really wonderful and really terrifying, but I'm. Glad I did it all in all I think that every sort of random. Adventure, along the way helps to to, build your confidence and, kind, of change the way you think about the whole game and for me it was a blessing, and a. Kind. Of a blessing that I saw later on that I had gotten as far as I had. Today. In Catalonia, the noisy, art of persuasion in, advance, of Thursday's, election, that, vote will steer, the fate of the Spanish region where some people yearn, for independence. In October, the semi-autonomous Catalan. Parliament voted, to leave Spain, that, led the Spanish prime minister to just throw out the regional, government, and call, this week's election. So. The tensions, there are fresh and very much in flux but, they also have, roots in a long-ago conflict. The. Spanish Civil War and its fascist, aftermath, were brutal, for the Catalans their language, and culture were, suppressed, and, they were among the tens of thousands, of people put to death to quell dissent, tonight. Margaret Evans shows us how the ghosts, of that war may, guide the living. Silent. Testimonials. From the past emerging. From earthen layers in the hills of Catalonia, long, buried but. Not forgotten.

These. Are the bones of men and at least one woman who. Died near the town of Solaris, during the Spanish Civil War in the 1930s. It's. One of an estimated, 2,000. Mass graves, across, Spain dating back to that era and, the fascist, dictatorship of, general Franco, that, followed, is, the biggest one that we have intervened, here in Catalonia and, that. Also. We have we find. Soldiers. From, both sides site, anthropologist. Diego Lopez, believes there are about 100. Skeletons, buried here in four, rows of trenches, that's. A drop in the bucket when looking at an estimated. 150,000. People believed. To have been disappeared. During and after the war, there's. No political will you can do it and. When there is political will you can do it like in, big. The, excavation, was approved, by Catalonia. Earlier, this year that, Madrid. Has done so little to, retrieve, and identify, bodies, despite. The 2007. Law on the preservation of, memory is a source of great distress, to many Spaniards, and in, Catalonia, of suspicion. Barbara. Deborah, about fifty kilometers, from Solaris, it, was destroyed in 1938, in one of the bloodiest and, most decisive. Chapters. Of the war. Volunteer. International. Brigades including. One from Canada fought. With the Republicans, against, Franco. Today. It is a preserved, sight. Ramon. Durrani's father fought, against, the fascists, for, him the, past seems close, millions. Of dollars came on in a buii most. Of the people in the Spanish government, come from the families that were supporting, Franco, he says they've. Never liked Catalonia, much. Many. Catalonians. Share, that view a. Christmas. Market in Barcelona, the Catalonian, capital. All. The colors of the festive season are on display with. A new addition yellow, a ribbon. Worn for separatist, leaders jailed, or in exile after. Staging a referendum, deemed, illegal by Madrid, in, October. Catalonia's. Autonomy. Was revoked separatist. Leaders, arrested, and new, elections called for December 21st. Merry. Christmas. Jail. Bonet hangs a flag bearing, a picture of men known here as the two, Jordi's Jordi Sanchez and Benes, husband, Jordi coup chart the. Pro-independence, activists. Were charged with sedition after, the referendum and could, face ten years in, prison and, we tried to be as strong every day and every little day is like a little battle, that, we win but. I don't want to sing in ten years, leaders, of the now-defunct, Catalonian. Government, were also, arrested some, are campaigning, from jail others. By Skype from, exile. It. Is surreal. Bananas, to deny a legal, referendum is, to, deny democracy. If. The. Referendum the razzle is no okay, but the most important, is the possibility, and the right to, vote like, a Scotland, like avec. Opinion. Polls suggest the vote will be extremely close, perhaps, simply, re entrenching.

Existing, Divisions, support. For union with spain is, stronger, in barcelona, than it is in the catalan countryside. People, comfortable, with more than one identity the. Problem say analysts, is that madrid is not I think that Spain has to come, with. Its, own diversity. Because. It's, it's, one of the sources of the unrest in Catalonia. Constitutional. Law expert Xavi. Are both marine admits. The government's, reluctance to, deal with the past hasn't. Helped, in the current climate it's. True that, politically. The Popular, Party has been reluctant to. To. Accept that. Franco. Regime was a dictatorship, the. Catalan language and, culture, were suppressed, by Franco, for decades. The. Current government's, heavy-handed. Tactics against. Voters trying, to cast ballots in the referendum. Arresting. Leaders, considered, political. Prisoners, by many has. Made it easy for Madrid's, opponents. To make comparisons. Even. The yellow ribbons, to remember the jailed leaders, have, been banned in public spaces by Madrid if, they go up there, quickly taken down again. In. The cold winter months the pace in the countryside, slows, to a crawl, but. Opinions, do not especially. In the local bar and not. Everyone, wants to look to the past. I. Don't want to go back 30 to 50 years to justify, Independence. Says, Francisco, Guerrero it's, not reasonable. He's. More interested in how an independent. Catalonia would. Pay to protect, its borders or, patrol, them and. Even those who do have independence, in their hearts like Ramon Jimenez say. They fear what it might cost. Little, men the. Current situation is, very difficult, he says there, are hardly any countries, that have gained their independence without. Blood. Independence. Or not the, dead still, wait lost. And nameless in their unmarked, graves, many. Of those who died fighting for, Franco, were already accounted, for because their side was, the victor not. So for his victims, those. Who would see them find their way home at last say. Sometimes you need to reopen the past in. Order to close him, Margaret. Evans CBC News Catalonia. Go. Deeper on the stories of the day earlier, in the day subscribe, to our newsletter, at CBC news dot CA slashed, the national to, national, today takes you inside our journalism every, afternoon. It's, Christmas, again which as far as I can tell from reading the newspapers and watching TV is the season people the world over celebrate. The birth of Jim. Carrey. Judging. By the box-office receipts the Grinch has not only stolen Christmas, we're paying, him immense, sums of money to do it you. Know it's Christmas in Toronto, because the, malls are full the. Downtown is paralytic. With credit card overload, and the, great plastic, and styrofoam mastodons. Known as melds, moose are. Undergoing, gender, surgery, and trying, to pass themselves off as reindeer. Where. I come from loose, have a purpose they're, alive and they're, edible, and they're, rarely if ever encountered, in front of the downtown bank machine and never to my knowledge next. To the check-in counter of any local hotel, Toronto. At Christmas is a zoo. Thanks, to mr. lastin well literally, and figuratively. It's. Better than Ottawa I suppose I don't think it'll ever be Christmas in Ottawa, again the Liberals are back with. More seats than ever for a third term and, the need for mr. Ketcham to play Santa Claus or Jane Stewart head elf are, lost, and gone forever, the. Prime Minister mr. question will be sending out a few presents an, autographed, copy of Redbook 3 will, be hand-delivered by Governor General Adrienne Clarkson and consort. John Ralston Saul, to, everyone, who voted liberal, in Ontario, which is everyone, in Ontario. Simultaneously. They will enter it for the Giller Prize the, prestigious, fiction, award which, very surprisingly, has, overlooked, - even more stunning fantasies. By the same author read, book 1 and read, book 2. Stockwell. Day will not be in Ottawa this Christmas the, Stockwell days planned, to spend a quiet Christmas moaning. At home and viewing. Outtakes, from some of the summer's more buff Alliance. Commercials, mr.. Day may or may not eventually, repeal, his way to 24, Sussex Drive but. Should he ever decide, politics, is not his game there'll. Always be a home for him in Mountain, Dew commercials. Joe. Clarke is having a merry old Christmas he's been whole whole home as only, Joe Clarke can hole. Since, November. He, didn't win more seats but to yoke class the competition, there.

Are As, few fitness, commercials, in Joe Clark's future as there, are rap videos, but. In campaign mm, okay Ark was the guy who went up to the bar and ordered. Sarsaparilla, and then, cleaned out the saloon I think. Joe should be in the next Jackie Chan movie the. NDP blessed, their recycled, hearts may, have a bleak Christmas all. Is not happy in the NDP, major Saint, Nick person will, not skip them altogether but I fear buz Hargrove. May have put out the word that as far as Alexa, McDonough is concerned, the, elves, are strictly, worked to rules this year but. Enough, about politics, Christmas, if it has any cheer is an escape from, politics, despite. What I said at the beginning Toronto. Is a good place to celebrate Christmas, it, gets more peaceful, here each year for, example driven at least two snowfalls, already, in this city and no, one yet, has called in the army, Christmas. In Toronto, without the military, throw. In a couple of styrofoam, moose, munching. On the astroturf, at the Dome and. You've got the perfect UNICEF. Card be. Cheerful, for. The national, I'm Rex. Murphy. On. The season finale. Kim's. Convenience, when did you start riding when didn't I ride very recently how fast you see you've all. Probably. Too fast very, dangerous maybe, after you give to me right Tuesday at 9:00 on CBC. Our. Communication. Communication, channels remain open. North. Korea knows they're open, they. Know where the door is they. Know where to walk through that door when they want to talk, well. That is US Secretary, of State Rex Tillerson speaking. About the North Korea crisis, at the UN this weekend, a topic, that will figure prominently in his diplomatic, visit to Ottawa, this Tuesday Tillerson. And foreign affairs minister, Chrissie Freeland, will discuss security, and economic. Issues and Tillerson, isn't. The only one in the Trump administration, traveling. This week. US, President Frank pence will almost certainly get a warmer, welcome than this when he visits Israel, on his Middle East trip, it's his first since the Trump administration, announced. It would officially recognize, Jerusalem, as Israel's capital pence. Will meet with Prime Minister Benjamin, Netanyahu. On Wednesday, after. A stop in Cairo Palestinian. Leaders said, no to a meeting. And. Later. This week a gift, to fernie bc the, town was hit by a tragedy, in October when, an ammonia leak in the local arena killed, three, people the. Rink has been shut down ever, since but in a few days they, will have an NHL, sized outdoor, rink to skate on that's courtesy, of the Calgary Flames foundation, we'll, have that story for, you this week on the, national.

Okay. So tonight's, newscast, has had plenty of airport, horror stories, in it and no doubt delays and cancellations, it, can be maddening but we've found two little girls who definitely found a way to entertain, themselves as, little, girls do hope waiting for their flight check, it out in our moment of the day. The. Little sister joined in this is Tinley and Bryn LaVon and they were waiting for a connecting, flight in Dallas, after a week at Disney World and it looks safe at light they found one more magical, moment on the way home that airport, worker Chris, Anderson, taught, them, plenty. Of pretty clutch dance moves like the Funky Chicken they'll. Be a hit at the next wedding they go to. And. Obviously this is one of these things Adriene that has taken off and, the little girls have no idea that, they've become a viral sensation all they're talking about are the princesses they met at Disney World yeah of course and we, we reached out to Chris by the way his. Girlfriend, found the Vaughn family on Facebook so they're all talking it's all very nice and all, the comments on Facebook suggest, he deserves a raise so you know heads up Dallas Airport I have, to travel later this week and if there is a delay I commit, to doing the chicken dance in front of people as well that okay that's. The national for December 17th good night everybody.

2017-12-20 17:41

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